Escaype Live (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


Hey, Raju?
Yes, dad?
That room is always closed.
What is he doing there?
Yes, dad! Nobody goes there.
What now?
Should I tell dad?
I'll go check, dad.
Wait! I'll come too.
Today's the best day.
Office in the morning,
now home, tomorrow whole India.
Go Meena, go.
Live your life!
But if I could not tell them,
you do it, please.
You definitely can tell them,
Come on! Quickly change now.
Come here. Quick!
Take this.
Take it off.
Just see this first, dad.
That, please give me the water.
One second! Here.
Do you know what is happening here?
Give it to me.
What is all this?
This is your wedding's stuff.
Did you call Raju?
I tried but it's not connecting.
Did we hear his voice here?
It's possible.
I'll go and check,
Let's go.
Oh shit!
What am I hearing, son?
You got fired?
No, dad! I am not fired.
It's a thing with the bank.
I'll manage.
Why are you lying? Uncle,
he has a termination letter too.
I am not talking with you.
Get out from here.
I'll see you at the bank.
What is this?
I was coming to tell you.
The girl here
is you?
Yes, I was about to tell you.
Take this.
You can leave.
Out of my way.
There is nothing inside, dad.
Are you doing this for money?
Not for money, dad.
Then why?
What does being a girl do for you?
Have you got some
sort of western diseases?
Do you like boys?
Why don't you speak?
Answer me!
Is this why we educated you?
I did not earn a
lot of money in my life.
But I did earn respect.
And I will not let
you ruin my respect.
What are you doing here?
Sir, you need to know something.
What are you doing here,
I want to know!
Are you both in this, this mockery?
Sir, Rajkumar is a trans woman.
She is a girl.
She is not your son, but daughter.
Have you lost your mind?
How can he be a daughter?
He is born in my hands.
He is a boy. He is my son.
Sir, please try to understand her.
She has been trapped for years,
and she is dealing with it all alone.
Please, sir!
Sir, your support
will make it much easier for her.
Is this girl mad?
What rubbish!
Sunaina, you leave!
-Rajkumar, tell them!
-Please, Sunaina.
-Rajkumar, tell them that you are Meena!
-Please, I asked you to go!
Please, go.
-But why are you scared?
-This is our family matter.
How is he?
He is fine.
He'll need some time to heal.
How is your son?
He is better now.
He'll need some time to heal.
I'll get turmeric milk for you.
Take this.
It's recharged for a year.
Unlimited plan.
Did you rob a mobile shop?
Are you mad?
Your father got it.
I am Baldev Sanghal from Escaype Life!
How are you?
All good?
You were to do
something big yesterday.
No stunt, nor did you come live?
Are you okay?
Brother, the victory
is just a few steps ahead.
Not a few, sir.
It's too far.
I cannot win now, sir.
I can't even take part.
I met with an accident
while practicing.
I hope you are okay.
we've been getting a lot of messages.
Everybody is asking about you.
That's why we called.
Aamcha, your fans also want
to know about your well-being.
Why don't you go live?
What will I tell them?
That everything is over?
I am not in a situation
to do stunts now.
Tell them what happened.
Why couldn't you do the stunt?
Seeing you, that you are fine,
they will be relieved.
Your fans love you so much.
And who knows
maybe they let you win.
Move quickly, man!
Can we play 'sitoriya'?
No, no, we will play 'daadimaar'.
No, it hurts a lot.
We will play 'sitoriya' with a ball.
And you will lose today.
I only lost as Mukesh wasn't there,
I am surely winning with Mukesh around.
Please make me win!
Hey, Rani!
Your mother said to keep you along,
because you aren't well.
And where are you going?
Should I tell your mother?
You want to play?
Play 'sitoriya'?
Get ready quickly, girl!
If you reach home late,
your father will get mad.
Are you so rich?
Did we start making the video yet?
Pick it up.
Why did dad get mad at you yesterday?
Why does bull get mad at red cloth?
Does anybody know?
Listen to me carefully, girl!
Your father is the biggest
enemy for your bright future.
Who will pick up this umbrella?
Hey Changu, Mangu,
Just keep on with your blah, blah.
Idiot paupers!
Come quickly!
Take it.
It was so hard to reach this point.
you have to win this
competition at all costs.
Once you win 30 million,
for the rest of the life, your
father, will be as docile as a cow.
What are you wondering?
I am wondering,
tomorrow's the finals.
Why don't we go to some new place?
Let's go, to the bigger well.
'Bada Baag Chatri.'
I have heard it's a nice place.
We'll get more diamonds
if we go there.
Wow, girl!
Just because you performed
in front of a foreigner,
you are thinking on the same lines?
Tomorrow at 5, okay?
Not at 5.
Dad comes home early.
We'll have to go before 4.
Let's go at 2 PM,
we will make a lot of videos.
And post one by one.
Come here.
Come on, get ready. Good girl!
Stop. Stop.
Two bags.
Hey, Andy Boy.
Hello Fetish girl.
It's a presidential suite.
Thank you Andy boy.
Hello, boys!
See, where am I?
Fetish Girl.
Please take care of it.
Take a good look at it.
And distribute the picture
among your people.
Whoever can tell me the address,
will get a reward of Rs. 25,000
-What happened, Rani?
-Shut your mouth and walk quietly.
It was so much fun, right?
We will play daily.
-Did you play?
-A lot, a lot.
I will just get water.
If you do this,
will you get what you want?
There's nothing left in my life.
What is the point in saving myself?
You don't tell me
how to live my life.
And how did this
miracle happen today?
You are standing on your feet,
at this hour,
without trembling?
Seeing my son in this condition,
I couldn't go to the bar.
It's all bullshit.
Truth is, there was no one
to get you out from the gutter.
That's why you did not go to the bar.
I shouldn't have brought
you back in the first place
It's my fault.
You are right.
Go, die!
Absolutely correct.
One should die when dreams shatter.
I too had a dream.
I used to act in dramas.
As the curtain would rise,
people would applaud,
but it wasn't enough to feed me.
It took a toll on me.
I tried a lot to live my dream.
It did not work.
One day, I thought,
I will end my life.
I tried as well,
but then,
your mother and
your face flashed before my eyes.
In that moment, I understood
that there are enough reasons to die,
but there's one
perfect reason to live.
You two.
I came back home,
hid my misery in alcohol,
and lived.
I love you both a lot.
I have no money in my pocket.
But I have a lot of love for you.
My earning
is my family.
Come what may,
but, never leave your family.
I gave up my dream,
but you don't have to.
I failed.
But you must win.
Sorry, Neelya.
From your childhood,
everybody called you
a drunkard's son, because of me.
I'll never do this from today.
You must quit drinking too, please.
Please quit it, dad.
I really need your support, dad!
Are you both drunk or
am I high without alcohol?
You don't believe me?
In this huge hotel,
your fetish has fallen very sick.
See, I am feeling cold.
Oh my God!
Even he knows,
that your fetish
is hot.
Hello, boys!
Oh, goodness!
She's heating up things.
Today I will do
your annual check-up.
Where is the problem, boys?
Thump, thump.
I just want to know
where you are, bitch!
Don't you want me to win?
Then, where are my diamonds?
Where are all my fans today?
Dharmu baby! Where are you?
Andy baby!
I want to hear your voice.
They won't let you win, Mala.
Yeah, Andy!
There is some problem.
Diamonds are not getting accepted.
I don't know, minor technical
glitch. Let me check.
You keep trying. Let me know, okay?
Fuck! Fuck!
Do you all believe in God?
I trust my God completely.
I don't know if
he is seeing me now.
But I really wish that
he is listening to me.
Will you help me, My God?
Only you can make me win.
Help me, God!
Just help me.
Where are you going?
Washroom. Want to join?
You want to see my face?
Alright, then!
Kunal sir,
please come and see this.
Sir, some unknown IP is
trying to access our system.
Today, Fetish Girl will show
her real face to her fans.
Check the network log.
I'll take off my mask.
Trace the geo-location
database, now!
Spread this news to
your Facebook and Instagram.
Get ready, boys!
It's showtime!
He is using
Afghanistan's server now.
Come on. Come on,
we need to get him.
Sir, he is jumping
from one server to another.
Now he is in Philippines.
What the hell he
is trying to access?
Our User database.
I need a favour.
Someone is trying to hack
our system using your network.
I am sending you the IP,
I need the details, please.
Thank you, my God.
I knew it.
You are always there for me.
Thank you! Thank you!
I am waiting to meet you tomorrow.
So boys,
the idea of revealing my face,
I've dropped it.
We don't have a minute, Balaji.
Hurry up!
Srini, I
Sorry Srini!
I did you wrong.
I slapped you.
I shouldn't have done it.
Hello Mr. Rangaswami.
Yes, ma'am?
You are awake?
I thought after what you did,
you'd be fast asleep now.
No ma'am.
Is everything fine?
Not yet.
But I will make it okay, today.
3 pm.
In my office.
Good morning.
It's the last day of
Escaype Live's contest today.
The debate over the ban on this
Chinese app is still hot story.
People from every corner of the
country are posting their videos.
Let's watch how far people are
willing to go to win 30 million.
Hey Chandu!
Pack up and get on
with the new set up, fast!
-Oh, what are you doing?
-What should I say?
-Nothing boss!
-We need to move it like this.
We need not shake our bottoms,
Nora Fatehi.
Wanna be star with a camel face?
Pick it up.
Hey dear, get ready quickly and
we'll shoot the video right here.
Uncle, Bada Bagh Chatri?
We did talk about this?
Look dear, we have a lead of 2000,
we can't lose it.
We'll shoot the video right here,
go and get changed.
Bada Bagh Chatri!
You are a star now?
I just want to visit
Bada Bagh Chatri and that's it!
Tomorrow you will ask
your uncle for vanity?
No worries, your uncle will go
through this for 3 crore as well.
What are you laughing at?
Madam said she wants to
visit Bada Bagh Chatri, hurry up!
-Pick it up fast.
-I'll do it right away, brother.
Here you go, hurry up!
I am coming.
Just see what is he doing here?
[indistinct chatter]
Please don't do it.
What will be do now?
You need to do it, girl!
[indistinct chatter]
Take the girl home.
I asked you not
to come near my house.
So you brought the girl here?
You brought the girl here!
You brought the girl here?
I will kill you.
Everyone is saying right, rascal!
Rascal. You brought her here!
You brought the girl here!
I will kill you.
Leave him, Janardhan.
-I will kill him.
-Leave him.
You will be in problem if he dies.
And Nandu,
we are sparing you today.
If we ever see you with this girl,
then we'll break your limbs.
Did you understand?
Making the girl dance?
Recording videos of your nephew?
Just cause you lived
in a city for a while,
you forgot how
to live in a village?
Sita, take her away.
Yes, come with me, kid.
I won't go.
-Come with me, girl.
-I won't go.
-Come home with us.
-I won't.
Have you lost your mind?
Okay, as long as I live according
to you guys, its all right?
And when I don't listen to you,
I have lost my mind?
You guys are just using me.
What are you rambling on?
What did I say wrong?
This dress you are wearing,
where did this come from?
All of this is from my money.
Shut up!
Look at him, chief.
This rascal has brain
washed my daughter.
I will get you back in line.
The root cause of all problems
is that phone, give it to me!
-I won't give it to you.
-Give me my phone.
-I'll not give.
-Give me my phone.
-I will not.
-Give me my phone.
-Give me!
-My phone.
-Pick her up, come on. Move back.
Your money?
Do we eat off your money?
-Am I eating off your money?
-I will show you, keep it in mind.
-Look at him.
Come. Get back.
-Get back!
-Look at him.
-Just come home, I will show you.
Pick this up.
-Uncle, I don't want to.
-I will keep you locked up
in the room.
Uncle, save me!
So Chief?
You were here to
break the legs, right?
Break it. Why did you stop?
You are here to beat me after
listening to my brother-in-law.
And what the kid said,
that silenced you?
You used to talk
a lot about culture.
What happened now?
What girl would want to leave
her parents and come to her uncle?
I am her uncle.
Because I see her future.
I've a bad reputation,
I am a hustler,
I let a foreigner stay in my house,
But I have never
cheated anyone, ever.
I am warning you, chief.
I am ashamed to even
tell you all this.
This Janardhan,
he pimps his own daughter.
But nobody is aware
of this in our locality?
The girl was saying the
same thing at the store as well.
That the household
is run by her earnings.
Even I saw the girl
stealing a phone.
Janardhan will do such a thing?
Why won't he do it?
I know him very well.
He is my brother-in-law.
He might look innocent,
but he is one cunning fellow.
This will be the headline
tomorrow across all newspapers.
We have worked out an extensive
marketing campaign and we feel
What about the second option,
Mr. Gupta?
I heard he's dropped?
Yes Mr. Woo,
he had an unfortunate accident.
But be rest assured,
she will win today.
I won't let anyone else
Please keep all your system clean.
And ensure,
it's equal for all.
What if something goes
wrong like the previous boy?
You must have a backup option,
Mr. Gupta.
Please tell me who you think it is.
You know the problem in India.
You follow all your rules.
And I don't want to get
surprised with the results.
Mr. Woo
It is your job Mr. Gupta.
Please don't ask me.
Get down.
You have humiliated us
in front of the entire village.
What did you sat?
We live off your money?
Hey girl, have you lost your mind?
Get inside!
One day, just one day.
You could keep all the money.
Money, money.
All you think about is just money.
Let me fix you.
-I don't want to go.
-I won't go.
Sit here.
When you'd be left hungry
and thirsty for two days,
you'll come to your senses and
understand everything.
Listen dear Why is Nandu
and the Chief coming to our house?
Stay here.
Call Rani out.
I need to talk to her.
What happened Chief?
Tell me whatever you need to
talk about.
The girl won't come out.
I have to go.
He has kept her locked in.
-Why have locked the girl inside?
Get her out.
This can't be done, Chief.
How dare you say no to the chief?
Rasiya, don't interfere
with my family.
Go clean your own
dirty laundry. Go.
Comply to what the Chief is saying.
Brother-in-law, chuck him. You
tell us what have you been hiding?
Don't speak in between.
I will speak in between.
Who has brought me in between?
Neither Chief is an infant,
nor is Rani.
If you take my daughter's
Name from your dirty mouth,
I'll pull your tongue out.
You are solely responsible
for all the troubles.
We don't want to listen to you.
-We want to talk to Rani.
-Yes, let's get in.
-Come come
-What are you doing?
Get the girl out.
Chief, I respect you a lot.
But, this is my family matter.
Don't interfere in this.
Why did you bring your
family matter to the water well?
You shut up.
Otherwise, you'll be made a water
well at one corner of the village.
Got it? I have asked you several
times to stay away from my daughter.
But he never complied. Ask him!
I have returned
his mobile phone or not?
He gave my daughter a mobile
phone again, he shot her videos
and what else has he done
-What could I say Chief.
-Say it!
What all have I done?
Say it. Tell him.
He won't be able to
tell you anything.
I haven't done anything
wrong at all.
Don't make me reveal
your secrets in front of everyone.
Then do it, brother-in-law.
What black-magic
have I done to her?
Nandu, go away brother.
Take everyone away with you.
Did you only have your
sister's family to ruin?
I am the one ruining things?
Who's dream was it to
make your daughter a star?
Who used to take
her for the competitions?
Chief, I got in this for
the relationship.
I thought it's my sister's dream.
I should help her.
I am your elder sister.
Atleast, fear God. You're lying.
I urge you with folded hands.
Please leave from here.
You are folding hands,
he is hitting me.
And both of you are spending
the girl's income with both hands.
This shameless man is lying.
Chief, he is lying.
It was all his brainwave,
the apps,
getting into competitions and all.
I don't know a thing.
What are you saying?
When my sister was shopping,
you didn't know then?
When the whole village was
talking behind your back,
nothing happened then?
Shut up. I'll pull your tongue out.
Go ahead.
What are you shushing him?
The girl herself said that,
you used her.
And why have you kept
her inside? Bring her out.
-Get her out!
-Bring her out!
-Bring her out.
-Get away.
-Get her out!
-Bring her out!
The Chief won't go away.
He won't get her out. Let me do it.
Get away.
Don't stop me brother-in-law,
step aside.
Step aside,
brother-in-law, I'm telling you.
Are you a demon?
-Fall back. Step aside.
-Step aside.
Rani is here. Hey, Rani.
Tell them.
Tell them the truth. Ask her Chief.
Go ahead, dear Rani.
Who is using you? Tell the truth!
Daughter, tell them the truth.
Your uncle got you the phone?
Didn't he?
Your uncle took you to the
competition. Didn't he?
Tell the truth.
daughter, tell them the truth.
He took you there. Your
uncle took you there. Didn't he?
Speak out dear.
Speak out. Don't get scared.
-Speak out.
-Speak out!
-Speak out Rani.
-Speak out Rani.
Speak out dear.
We all are with you. Speak out.
Look girl, don't get scared.
Who is responsible
for all this, tell us.
This is your last chance.
Tell us, who is your biggest enemy?
Tell them.
It's all dad's fault.
Nandu Uncle has done nothing wrong.
[indistinct chatter]
Are you all satisfied now?
She's a child.
She's just a child.
You make her do wrong things.
You do wrong things.
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