Eva Lasting (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Tess d Urbervilles

- He was kissing her?
- [Camilo] Mm-hm.
- Are you sure they were kissing, Granados?
- [Camilo] Yeah, bro.
That dumbass declared war on us.
Look, I know I said before
that we should leave him alone,
but this changes everything.
My dad says it's better to do something
than to do nothing and regret it.
What's the plan?
We gotta beat up Guzmán. I think he needs
us to teach him a lesson in manners.
[chuckles] Let's do it! Yeah!
We gotta find Guzmán and beat
the shit out of that motherfucker.
What happened to all that shit you said?
About humanity trying to solve our
conflicts with dialogue and understanding?
[Salcedo chuckles]
I thought you'd grown up.
Bro, it's cool if you don't want
to get involved. That's fine by me.
But I, for one,
I'm not gonna let him walk all over us.
It's cold.
Hey, Guzmáncito. Studying hard?
- Watch it, buddy.
- Where do you think you're going?
- Hey!
- Wait, wait. Hey, stop it. Hey, hey, hey.
Hey. What is this?
Nothing. It's groovy.
Just been a while since we talked, bro.
[Guzmán grunts]
- [Guzmán] Ow!
- Shut up, there's neighbors.
What are you doing to me? Let me go!
Please, let me go.
Let's just say we woke up
feeling like punching someone in the face
and guess what? You've got a face.
Stop. We scared him. That's good enough.
No way. We have to punch him.
- Right?
- Yeah, yeah.
Hold on a second. Is this about Eva?
- Eva?
- Huh?
- Who's that?
- I don't know an Eva.
You guys are all cowards.
A bunch of cowards
that will only fight in a group.
- Did you guys hear this little asshole?
- But it's the truth.
You're five guys against only one.
- It seems too easy.
- So what are you saying?
Give you a chance to call your gang?
A gang of ass-lickers? [laughs]
Why don't you pick one guy
and I will kick his ass?
Yeah. Any one, but only one.
That's fair, right?
[adult Camilo] I must admit that
the class weenie didn't take us for fools.
And since his request was totally fair,
I volunteered myself to punish Guzmán
for making a move on Eva.
Come on! Bro, hit him!
- Come on! Get him!
- [Salcedo] Shit!
- Get up, Granados.
- Give him everything you've got!
In the face! Hit him in the face!
[Álvaro] No, man. Stand up!
Let's go! Stand up!
Don't be an idiot, Granados.
She'll never give a fuck about you.
- Get up!
- Yeah, there you go!
[Camilo grunts]
- Yeah! Yeah!
- What now, bitch?
[funky music plays]
[adult Camilo] It was an even fight.
We beat one another to exhaustion.
Once neither of us could stand,
we called it a draw.
We had to accept the harsh reality
that the biggest twot in class
was as good at throwing a punch
as acing a test.
And in the end,
Guzmán had won the best prize of all.
Eva's heart.
Yes, I got in another fight.
With Milton Guzmán.
With who? Who's Guzmán?
Uh Oh, the one with, uh
Oh, that fool?
Yes, Dad, that fool.
But why with Guzmán?
That boy doesn't cause trouble for anyone.
This time he caused trouble.
He messed with Eva.
No, sorry, I don't get it.
Explain yourself, please.
- Last night, you went over there
- You want to know what happened?
I couldn't declare myself
because Eva's dating Guzmán.
So I blew up, picked a fight with him,
and that's the end of the story.
So then you let him steal your girlfriend
and punch you in the face?
Guzmán, the fool?
Dad, you know what?
I think that maybe I'm the fool.
[emotional music plays]
[adult Camilo] It was the first time
in a while
that I'd felt the need to unburden myself
by resorting to an exercise
I found quite relieving.
That inner confrontation with oneself
that is the core of all literature
and, in that moment of so much confusion,
gave me an outlet
and probably kept me from losing my mind.
[emotional music continues]
[adult Camilo] Guzmán's victory was
not only physical, but it was also moral.
Because he didn't mention what happened
that night at the train station to anyone,
much less Eva.
There was no doubt that I was spiraling.
Man, algebra.
That was the one class
I hadn't been able to concentrate in
or take decent notes,
because of that fateful day
Eva asked to change desks.
- [teacher] Salcedo.
- [Salcedo] Here.
[teacher] 3.0, young man.
Are you serious? I passed?!
Barely passed,
but it's nice to see some consistency.
[Eva and Guzmán whisper]
[teacher] Granados. What happened, sir?
Did you forget to study?
For your sake, I hope you can demonstrate
on your next exam
that you just hit a rough patch.
Yes, sir.
[teacher] Eva Samper.
You are the living proof that God exists,
with a 4.8 score. What terrific work.
You have to share
your strategy for improvement.
We'll patent it and get filthy rich.
- Thanks, so much.
- [teacher] Castro.
I did it.
[teacher] Jiménez, here.
Let's check the ones you missed
right after, okay?
So I've been thinking and, uh,
what's the point
of knowing the periodic table?
And what about algebra?
The way I see it,
all those X and Y variables are good for
is to shove up Mr. Baldor's ass, you know?
Why are you complaining? You passed.
Yeah, but only because
of the almighty cheat sheet.
The salvation of every slacker
at José María.
You made another cheat sheet?
[tense music plays]
Yeah, bro. I have a philosophy.
A philosophy
that he who studies hard succeeds.
And he who copies will pass with an A.
[Salcedo laughs]
For the serve.
[Salcedo] Why the long face, Granados?
There's half a year to bounce back.
You've always been the smartest of us.
[Álvaro] Or is it
because of something else?
- No, man.
- Come on, man.
Bro, you have to recognize
that Eva worked this all out.
Milton broke up with me.
[dramatic music plays]
He just said
that he didn't want to be with me anymore.
[adult Camilo] Her sudden appearance
in the club, dejected with heartbreak,
was an epiphany.
She gave us no time to air grievances
we had been gathering
during this long period of abandonment.
It's just that I wanted us to celebrate
because I passed the chemistry exam.
That's when he told me
he wanted to break up.
M-Milton, b-but why?
Because we've already
reached the objective, Eva.
You are now passing the classes
that you were failing, no?
Well, yeah, Milton.
But I don't understand where you're
Isn't that why you changed your desk?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
But I thought that we're
Look, we're in love with each other,
aren't we?
- No, Eva.
- I mean, I I thought that
Do you love me, Milton?
Come here.
Pretty girl.
You and I had a great time. It was fun.
- Yes. Milton, that's why I'm asking you
- Hey, hey.
But it's really not in my plans
to have a girlfriend right now. Hm?
Good luck.
Can you believe it, guys?
That it wasn't in his plans?
What are you gonna do?
Hell if I know.
I'm sure that was just an excuse
because he must really think
I'm superficial, or boring, or silly.
No. How embarrassing. For you
to see me crying like this over a man.
I'm sure I look like María
by Jorge Isaacs.
[Camilo] Of course,
none of these guys have read it.
I just don't know what's wrong with me.
What is my problem? Why am I always
falling for guys like this?
Why? Do you guys know why? Tell me.
[adult Camilo] We all sipped our beers
and suppressed the intense desire
to tell her that,
even though we were jackasses,
we were the right ones for her.
The same thing happened
with my last boyfriend.
It must be because I'm too complicated.
Because I don't ever know when to shut up.
Do you think I'm complicated?
- Well
- Now that you say it
No way. No.
You're just saying that
because you're my friends.
Don't worry. I already know
that I'm a headache to any man. Fine.
I'm sure I'm going to die alone
and I will end up in a convent
and live my life as a spinster.
If you just try to relax
- Want to switch to something stronger?
- No.
[gulps] I'll get us a bottle. It's on me.
I'm sure Milton broke up with me
because I said something he didn't like.
Come here. You know him better.
What do you think?
The truth is
that we don't actually know him very well.
It's just I think maybe I was too forward.
He's like more of a traditionalist.
No, no, no, no.
The truth is that he's two-faced
and shady and a total fucking idiot.
- [Eva] Right?
- Yeah, totally.
- That's what I think!
- Let me get you some water.
No. All men are the same.
All of them. Look at them.
- What a stupid, immature waste of time.
- No!
- Come on, leave it.
- [Eva] You weren't gonna score.
Eva, please, don't get in trouble.
[Eva] Come on. Every man is the same.
But I love him,
and without him, I'll just die!
Get a handle on yourself, Eva. Calm down.
Hey, man. Want some of this?
No, enough.
No man deserves a woman's tears!
- [Salcedo] That's right.
- Get another bottle!
- Gimme. Let's order another bottle.
- Wait.
No, let's go. Let's get another.
Enough, Eva. No more, no more.
You don't love me either.
Are you all tired of hanging out with me?
You know what? You can leave.
Because it's not like
I'm going to slit my wrists now.
[sniffs] Even though I really want to.
- I'll be right back.
- Wait. I'll go with you.
You've had too much to drink already.
I've not had too much to drink.
I want to get drunk, so maybe I can forget
the horrible, stupid guy.
I'm fine, thank you.
Just going to the bathroom by myself.
- [Camilo] Are you sure?
- [Eva] Yes. Bye.
What the hell is going on?
I don't know. I I still can't believe it.
What's up with Guzmán?
I don't know, bro. I bet he just swings
the other way, if you know what I mean?
No, I don't think so. But even if he was,
he disguises it very well.
Remember that time
I saw them on Eva's doorstep?
That guy was really going for it.
So then?
It's simple. I'd bet you anything that
this was his way of getting back at us
after all these years we bullied him
for just being a nerd.
[adult Camilo] Nothing hurts more
than to see someone you love suffering.
And by breaking Eva's heart,
Guzmán carried out the final blow.
I need a favor from you.
Sure. Of course.
Would you please
beat the shit out of Milton for me?
- [Gustavo] Sit down.
- [Eva] Why not?
- Well
- Well, because
Because we have to think about it.
Please, Castro.
It's always the same with you.
- "I have to think about it."
- [Rodrigo] Relax.
- Eva.
- [Eva] "Think so hard."
- [Rodrigo] Eva.
- What?
It's taken humanity a long time
to learn to resolve conflict
with dialogue and understanding.
So you guys, who solve your problems
by throwing punches without any reason,
right when I need a favor,
you suddenly decide to act all civilized?
- For real?
- Yes.
Pretty much.
Otherwise it'd be a leap backwards
in evolution for us.
- Those were your words.
- So what? I regret telling you that.
Do you think us hitting Guzmán
is gonna solve anything? It won't.
I don't know,
but something has to give, you know?
He's breaking up with me 'cause it's not
in his plans to have a girlfriend.
Do you get it, or do you not get it?
Yes, we get it.
- That was just some excuse.
- Yeah.
- That's not any better.
- Shit.
- All righty then. All right, guys.
- Hold on.
It's very clear to me
that I can't rely on you,
because everything you say is a lie, and
when I need you, you don't do anything.
- So then, you're a bunch of phonies.
- Eva, where are you going? Come on.
- [Eva] Bye.
- [Camilo] You can't go alone and drunk.
Eva. Eva, wait!
Eva, be careful. Hold on.
Move over. Are you okay?
- Yeah?
- No.
Do you want me to take you to your place?
[Eva] No. No, no, no.
Don't take me to that house, please.
- [Camilo] So where?
- How about your house?
- Uh, my house?
- Yes.
- Uh, yeah.
- Hey.
- Has somebody punched you?
- Ow, ow, ow! It was an accident.
It was just an accident. Yeah.
- What an act.
- [Eva groans]
Nobody could get
that worked up over Guzmán.
Who knows what her deal is,
but those are crocodile tears.
[Álvaro sighs]
Let's go.
Let's go!
- [Camilo] Need help?
- [Eva] Why would I?
Let's go grab a taxi outside.
- A taxi?
- Yeah.
I'm I'll be
- I'm fine.
- Yeah.
I'm fine.
- You're fine.
- Yeah, just fine.
[gentle music plays]
I'm fine.
You're my best friend.
Yeah. The bestest, bestest, bestest
in the whole wide world.
[gentle music continues]
Will you love me forever and ever?
Yes, I will.
[gentle music continues]
- [Camilo] Hello.
- [Eva] Hi.
Eva. Eva.
Those are my parents.
She got drunk and didn't want to go home.
Why was she getting drunk?
What's the occasion, or?
No, nothing, Mom.
She's just sad because of Guzmán. Sh.
Guzmán broke up with her.
- Ah.
- Oh no. The poor girl.
The cab that drove us is outside
and he's waiting for his fare.
Go pay the taxi. Help the boy, José.
Eva, come, honey, I'll get you some soup.
- So you can sober up.
- [Eva] Okay.
- [Ana] You need to eat.
- Not bad.
Not bad at all. Congrats.
You became her best friend.
The shoulder to cry on
for the woman you love
that you allowed to go out with the fool.
Even better, now I'm paying the cab fare.
No. You're a genius, son.
[Eva] Before you start imagining things,
I know how to play.
I know this place and the people who work
here because I was a waitress here.
[Salcedo] What's she hiding?
She paid for everything we drank,
invited you to the movies,
then went home in a taxi.
Where did she get the money?
- [Eva] Why is it weird?
- [Camilo] You speak English so well.
I learned on a correspondence course.
[Eva sighs] Those are things
that I can't tell you.
[Camilo] Is your dad not coming?
He's with an engineer in Medellin.
[Camillo] Is he an engineer
or an architect?
[Eva] Engineer.
[Camillo] On Mother's Day and at my house,
you said architect.
[brakes squeal]
[Camilo] Nothing happened?
Then who were those guys?
I don't know, but they got
the wrong person and they let me go.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
- I want to change desks.
- [Camilo] Hm?
[Eva] My dad never came back.
What if he makes me leave here?
I don't want to.
I don't wanna hide.
[Camilo] Hey. This is from my mom.
- Mm, thanks.
- [Camilo] You're welcome.
How do you feel?
I'm hungover.
- About last night.
- [Camilo] Hm?
- Did I screw up?
- [Camilo] No.
You cried, you got drunk.
You did throw a tantrum.
You asked us to beat up Guzmán
and because we didn't want to do it,
you got really mad at us.
Then you started crying again,
and you fell asleep in the taxi.
That's great. [chuckles]
At least you got
Guzmán off your chest, right?
Yeah, can I ask you a favor?
Please don't mention that fool ever again.
From this moment on, I have eliminated
Guzmán from every area of my life.
Also, I really want to thank you
for not allowing
a total betrayal of all my principles.
I've always been insistent
about using techniques of non-violence.
Oh, it's fine. It was the alcohol.
[Eva] That isn't any justification.
I definitely have to work on myself.
On my anger, as well as my impulses.
Truly, I thank you
for preventing me from taking
that leap backwards in human evolution.
You also mentioned
something about your father.
- I didn't understand
- What?
I didn't know what you were trying to say,
because I didn't understand you.
It was something like, if he came back,
you wouldn't wanna go.
Like you said, I had too much to drink.
What did your parents say?
Hm. Not much.
My mom brought you up here
and then you completely passed out.
- That's embarrassing.
- [Camilo] Don't worry about it.
Well, um
- I need to get ready.
- Okay.
- Oh yeah, sorry. Take your time.
- [Eva chuckles awkwardly]
- Mm.
- [door opens]
Ass backward.
- What?
- Oh, yeah. That fits.
You're doing fine. Just fine.
Taking her breakfast to bed.
You're a great friend.
You're definitely the best.
Good job, and
the school called.
You're failing four classes.
- [Camilo] Uh
- Why is that?
Because you're playing best friend
to this girl.
So then what? You lose the year?
That's not an option.
Focus on school and do yourself a favor.
That's it. No more hanging out
with someone else's girlfriend.
Come on.
From this moment on, you'll go from home
to school, and from school to home,
and you will have to tell her
to find another shoulder to cry on.
- I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.
- Yes, sir, understood.
[Dr. Alicia] Last, but not least,
I have some wonderful news.
Today, a dear student of ours
will leave the halls of José María Root.
Mr. Guzmán
[class murmurs]
[Dr. Alicia] After making the time
to complete an official application
with all the relevant formalities,
Guzmán was accepted
to the Bavarian International Institute
in the city of Munich, Germany.
In addition, he has the opportunity
to get a scholarship
and continue his studies
at the University of Bonn.
So that, one day, he will be able
to read his favorite German authors
in their original language.
I want to tell you
that I admire you so deeply.
Not only for your grades, but for
your discipline, your dedication,
your amazing determination,
and your persistence
to turn your dreams into a reality.
You deserve this great accomplishment.
So, everybody, please, a round of applause
for your classmate, Milton.
[scattered applause]
Thank you.
Milton, um, if you would like,
say some final words to your classmates
if you're so inspired?
- Okay.
- [Dr. Alicia] Please.
Thank you, Dr. Alicia. And
thank you, everyone.
Mm. But instead of saying a few words,
I want to read you something
from Friedrich Nietzsche.
[speaks German]
[adult Camilo] Translation.
"Believe it or not, I am grateful
for all these years of mistreatment."
"You have taught me the true depths
of human stupidity."
"Thank you."
So what?
Are you happy about college, or what?
Yeah, I'm happy.
That's why you broke up with Eva?
What do you think?
Don't get your hopes up.
Like I told you at the fight,
you do not stand even a remote possibility
with her, Granados.
Why are you so sure?
I'm sure you'll figure it out
in your own time.
Go ahead. It'll be good for you.
Good luck, Granados.
This was the very last thing I had to do
before I left this fucking shithole.
[quiet funky music plays]
[music fades]
I agree. Eva's hiding something.
Hey, I came up with a plan
to find out what it is.
- And I need your help.
- How?
Do you think you'll be able to stay out
late, or will your parents get mad?
They barely know I exist.
I wish mine were like that.
But since I'm failing, I can't go anywhere
but from home to school, and back.
Well, what do you need?
- [man] I appreciate this.
- Thank you.
[tense music plays]
[tense music fades]
[José] Wait.
From now on, in this house, before eating,
we are going to thank God
for the food received.
We have to do it. It is precisely
by losing those good habits
that many in this house
are losing their way.
Relax. I don't wanna be
a Buddhist anymore.
- It doesn't matter. Let's pray.
- [Ana] You're obligating us?
Religious beliefs are a part of one's
personal choice and inner life, José.
Let's see, Mrs. Ana. You are so well-read.
Let me remind you that the constitution
this country is founded on
recognizes Colombia as Catholic,
Apostolic, and Roman. Hm?
Our Father, who art in heaven
[adult Camilo] My dad was right.
It wasn't until
the Constituent Assembly of 1991
that Colombia had freedom of religion
and freedom of worship.
Before that, we were consecrated
to the apostolic Roman Catholic Church.
[Eva clears throat]
- Hi.
- How are you? Better?
Um, yeah. More or less.
Well, I have moved on
to apologizing for my actions.
At least no one's ever died of a hangover.
And as for Guzmán,
I guess he's off to Germany.
Doesn't that seem crazy?
Well, at least
it's a decent reason, um, for
For what?
Tell me straight out.
For dumping me?
I don't care.
It doesn't matter anymore.
I have to accept it and move on.
Oh, by the way, I brought you something.
- For me?
- Mm-hm.
Thomas Hardy?
Tess d'Urbervilles?
Yes. He's an English author
from the 19th century,
and he's one of my favorites.
I want you to have it.
It's my personal way of thanking you
for taking care of me
when I almost made a mistake.
[gentle music plays]
I don't know what to say.
Say you'll read it.
Yeah, of course.
Of course. Yeah, I'll read it.
Thank you.
[Camilo] "Experience had taught him
how much less was the intrinsic difference
between the good and wise woman
of a social stratum
and the good and wise woman
of another social stratum,
than between the good and the bad,
the wise and the foolish,
of the same stratum or class."
[teacher] Eva Samper?
Rodrigo Arbeláez?
Rodrigo Arbeláez?
- I watched Eva's house like you asked.
- Mm-hm.
Her dad arrived around 8:00.
After that, there was nothing else.
And this morning?
Yes. In the morning, after he left early,
I rang the doorbell and no one responded.
So Eva wasn't there?
No. And she came to school,
so she spent the night somewhere else.
Let's see. Ah.
- Something else, Granados.
- Hm?
When I was waiting at the door,
a neighbor came out and said
The man who lives there,
his name is Chacón.
Not Samper.
And he lives alone with no daughter.
Thanks, but you didn't
have to come with me.
Yeah, it's no big deal.
It doesn't matter
if it's me that drops you off
or if it's you that walks me to my house.
Well, read the book.
I've started the book. I like it.
That's your bus.
- I'll see you. Bye.
- [Eva] See you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- [Eva] Bye.
Hey, follow that fucking bus!
Don't lose it.
Don't worry.
I'm the Moonlight Mask of Colombia.
[rock music plays]
Jackie is a punk ♪
Judy is a runt ♪
They both went down to Berlin
Joined the Ice Capades ♪
And, oh, I don't know why ♪
Oh, I don't know why ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Second verse, same as the first ♪
Jackie is a punk ♪
Judy is a runt ♪
They both went down to Berlin
Joined the Ice Capades ♪
And, oh, I don't know why ♪
Oh, I don't know why ♪
Perhaps they'll die
Oh, yeah ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Perhaps they'll die ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
- [Eva] Thank you, Miguel.
- [Miguel] Have a nice evening.
What's up with this chick?
You know as much as I do.
Oh, yeah? So why are you chasing her then?
[Camilo] Bro,
I can't explain it right now.
I need you to keep this a secret
just between you and me, all right?
- Hey.
- [Eva] Hi.
- How was your day?
- [Eva] Fine, thank you.
What are you gonna do?
- How may I help you?
- Uh, hi.
Uh, um, may I speak with Eva?
- And who are you?
- I go to school with her.
Hey. Hey!
What are you doing here?
That's just strange.
I have the same exact question for you.
[adult Camilo] Eva insisted
that we all be present
to hear what she had to tell us.
The truth of her life.
[Eva] Guys, thank you for coming.
You live here?
Yes, and
I'm not the daughter of the engineer's
driver, but of the engineer.
He's also an investing partner in
the newspaper and some other businesses.
But it's true
he spends most of his time traveling
and I spend most of my time
alone in this house.
And the house where we ran the newspaper?
That's where Miguel lives.
He's my dad's driver.
The reason I didn't tell you was because
I didn't want you to treat me differently
for the neighborhood I live in
or who my father is.
Why'd you come to José María?
I told you the truth about that.
It was to punish me.
[teacher] Samper, Eva?
Love you, baby ♪
[teacher] Samper, Eva?
Oh, love to love you, baby ♪
- [Miguel] Be careful.
- Just relax.
Oh, love to love you, baby ♪
Oh, love to love you, baby ♪
Oh, love to love you, baby ♪
When you're laying so close to me ♪
There's no place I'd rather you be
Than with me ♪
Me, oh ♪
Oh, love to love you, baby ♪
Oh, love to love you, baby ♪
Hi, Dad. When'd you get here?
- I want a chance
- The problem is all you. It's all you!
So my dad decided to come back from a trip
earlier than usual.
Of course, he was furious,
because the school decided
to cancel my enrollment with them,
and it was actually the third school
that kicked me out.
So then, finally, he decided to carry out
the threat he made me a year ago.
If I had one more expulsion,
he would enrol me in public school.
[clears throat] So, for you,
we're just a consequence?
That's what he thinks,
but you guys are the best thing that's
ever happened to me. That's the truth.
So, well, I really hope you can forgive me
sooner rather than later.
And I also hope, now that you know,
that things won't change between us.
[rock music plays]
I don't wanna brag,
but was I right, or was I right?
I knew she was hiding something.
Yes, and?
Just a little reminder for you all.
If Papa Salcedo says something,
you'd better believe it.
So now she's explained it.
Hm. Do I really believe that whole
explanation she gave? I'm not sure.
I have to think about it, but this story
is missing something else, bro.
[Gustavo] But what a house, bro.
The bathroom is bigger
than my parents' bedroom,
and that's a decent size.
You're just stinking up
a bigger room, right?
- Right?
- Yeah.
It stinks less when you're rich, bro.
Hey. Envy.
It's better to know it than to feel it.
Oh, come on. Shut up.
How long is he gonna take in there?
All night?
I know this is no consolation,
but I was planning on telling you.
The thing about your mother was the truth?
Yes, it's true.
They say, sometimes
this can happen in the best families.
And the other day
those armed men tried to kidnap you?
Um, yeah, it was an attempted kidnapping.
But the police had been closing in
on those delinquents for some time.
It just so happened that the day
they captured them, they let me go.
When you put it like that,
it sounds so easy.
Well, I won't say everything,
but to pass the time,
I was assisting the police a little bit.
But the police told me
I should not be telling anyone
anything about the details
of the operation.
And, no, for sure, it wasn't easy.
Also, the day you got drunk, you said
something like leaving, going somewhere.
- What did that mean?
- Hm?
To the boarding school.
The threat he made to send me to a nuns'
school if I flunked out of public school.
Yes, that was true.
But it wasn't going to be in Colombia,
but in France.
If that happened,
my dad wanted it kept secret.
And Guzmán knew it all?
Why'd you tell him and not me?
I didn't tell him anything.
He figured it out.
[adult Camilo] Yet further proof that,
if there had been a fool in the class,
it had not been Guzmán.
We returned to our homes in silence,
trying to organize our thoughts,
to figure out
what Eva's revelation really meant
and what attitude
we should take regarding it.
For me in particular, there were
two things I couldn't stop thinking about.
If Guzmán had been able
to uncover the truth about Eva,
why couldn't I solve the mystery
of the armed men who kidnapped her?
The other thing had to do with something
more intimate and personal.
[pensive music plays]
[Camilo] "Experience had taught him
how much less was the intrinsic difference
between the good and wise woman
of one social stratum
and the good and wise woman
of another social stratum,
than between the good and the bad,
the wise and the foolish
of the same stratum or class."
[adult Camilo] The next day, I was ready
to resolve the two issues
that had kept me awake the night before.
But something happened
that changed everything once again.
What was the sin
of our very first ancestors
that had them expelled
from the Garden of Eden?
Eve's curiosity, of course.
Go ahead, Miss Samper.
I think the expulsion from paradise
happened differently.
We're all paying attention, Eva.
What my namesake had
was a unique intellectualism.
Something Adam didn't demonstrate.
Because of this, it was Eve that was drawn
to the tree of the knowledge.
But there were consequences, no?
It was inevitable.
Or are you suggesting that God
doesn't know everything that's going on?
- Look, Miss Samper
- [knocking]
Professor Tello, I'm sorry to barge in.
- [Tello] Head mistress, please.
- May I have your attention?
I would like to take a second
to introduce you to Luisa Salcedo.
She will be the second woman
at José María Root,
and will be attending your classes now.
Yes, in case you're wondering,
she is this sister of Martín Salcedo.
- Salcedo!
- Shut your face!
Gentlemen, I must ask you
to welcome Miss Salcedo
as kindly and as warmly
as you did Miss Samper.
Welcome, Miss Salcedo.
[adult Camilo] We knew Salcedo had
a sister, but we had never met her,
and he hadn't said
she would be attending our school,
because he knew
it would make him vulnerable.
And so the second woman
appeared in our lives,
and with her, the balance of power
in our small universe changed forever.
[intriguing music plays]
[music fades]
[funky music plays]
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