Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


Wake up, sleepyhead!
Daniele, are you there?
- Daniele!
- Mario.
[Mario] Daniele, are you there?
Daniele! Daddy's boy. Finally!
I went out to throw away the garbage,
and I forgot the keys to the gate.
Could you help Daddy out?
Throw me the keys.
Danie, it's not your dad.
It's Gianluca. I'm leaving now.
You're leaving? [exhales]
Bye, Gianlu, take care.
- I'll see you outside, okay?
- [chuckles]
Come on, let's not start
with the usual clichés, if you don't mind.
When you get out,
you'll only wanna forget
about everything and everyone.
Especially this jerk right here,
who because of her jealousy,
sentenced you to another week
in this madhouse.
- [sighs]
- Shall we go now?
[exhales] Okay, Dad, I'm coming.
Crossing my fingers for Mario. Yeah?
- Excuse me! I just need one second.
- No. No! You can't go.
- You can't go. Stay here.
- Look, I'm just gonna be here outside.
Excuse me.
I just wanted to say one thing. [panting]
I wanna tell you that your son
is an incredible person.
I've never known someone
so good and full of life.
And if he hadn't been there
to bring a little joy in here,
well, we would all have died of boredom.
Or from depression.
There, I said it.
Thank you. [chuckles]
Enough! Stop it right now!
Well done.
You always have to put on a show.
[chuckles] Dad, what was I supposed to do?
He kissed me.
- [chuckling]
- Just stop it.
[nurse] Come back in, please.
Come on. The doctor is waiting for you.
Come in, Daniele, take a seat.
I have some bad news to give you.
Mario didn't make it.
He passed away this morning at dawn.
- [inhales]
- [Cimaroli] I'm terribly sorry.
I know he was really important to you.
He was for us too.
And Giorgio?
[Cimaroli] Giorgio has been admitted
to the psychiatric ward
of the Velletri prison.
We had no other choice.
Without counting this
[gasps] he broke Pino's rib,
and one of our nurses, Luigi,
has a concussion.
Right now he's a danger to himself
and to others.
But I decided to discharge you.
Today. I informed the director,
and he said he agrees.
Together with Dr. Mancino,
we have decided to discharge you
with a diagnosis of major depression.
You will undergo psychotherapy.
We're sure that will help you a lot.
What's the long face for?
Did you hear what I just told you?
[gulps] It's just that for me,
this whole week
[sniffles] has lasted a lifetime
because of Mario and Nina.
And to put all the pieces together,
I just need some more time.
Now go and get ready.
They'll come
and pick you up in about an hour.
[Cimaroli] If you wanna pop in
to say goodbye to Nina,
it's not gonna be a problem for me.
I'll get a nurse to accompany you.
I don't think I should
after what happened.
[Cimaroli] Well, she certainly wasn't
on her best behavior with you.
But breaking up on bad terms is pointless.
You might not even see each other again
once you're out.
[sighs] Then
[groans] Consider this thoroughly.
I'm not supposed to tell you, okay?
But lately,
all hell broke loose here, you know.
- [inhales]
- [taps table]
She's in a lot worse shape than you are.
[nurse] Wait here.
[children singing
upbeat Italian tune on TV]
Hi, there.
[singing continues]
[Nina sighs]
[rooster crowing on TV]
[man speaking Italian]
- [sighs]
- [shouting]
No, no, this is unbearable.
Could you take her away?
Come on!
- [woman whimpers]
- Let's go, come
- She's afraid of you.
- [Nina] Yeah, and she should be.
So, what's up?
[inhales] Not much.
I'm just being discharged
and wanted to say bye.
Oh. They changed their mind.
They must have realized it's better
not to have you around after all.
What's with the long face?
Aren't you happy to get out?
Mario's gone.
He was in intensive care,
but he didn't make it.
I'm sorry, Daniele.
- Really, I'm sorry.
- Yes, I believe you.
It's just that, I told you,
in these situations I never know
what to say or what
It's not important. [clears throat]
I know I know I really messed up.
But all the things you said
to me yesterday, like I took advantage of,
you know, of
Yesterday, I said a lot of things
I didn't mean at all, 'cause I was hurt.
[Nina] Yes, I know.
That's why it was very nice of you
to come by anyway.
Yeah, the thing is [exhales]
Gianluca also left today,
and he told me that we probably won't
wanna see each other once we get out, so
Yeah, I understand.
But the truth is, I really care about you.
I mean,
perhaps because you're the only one
with whom
I don't always have to be perfect.
On the contrary,
um, I can even try
to show off with you, right?
But it doesn't work.
I figured it out by now.
It's just that when I'm with you,
I don't give a damn about anything.
Not even when you're pissed off,
like yesterday.
And I've never experienced this
with anyone else.
I I mean,
I I feel good when I'm with you.
Well, then let's keep in touch.
Call me. Hmm?
How? I don't have your number.
[sighs] Hmm.
You're a smart-ass, as usual.
What's that face? You don't think
I gave you a wrong number, do you?
Usually, I'm the one who does that.
Hmm. [chuckles]
You know what? [sighs]
[inhales] I'm a little bit afraid
of going back out there.
Yeah, it's just that
I figured out that there's only a
a small sample of madness in here.
But then the real stuff is out there,
and there's something for every season.
Wow. Another one
of your famous deep thoughts.
But this time you won't fool me,
because I have a little something
for you too.
Just be patient.
[sighs] I've hidden it here.
I got it when I, uh, ran away, you know.
[sighs] Thanks.
[inhales] I have to get going now,
because I have to pack my stuff.
- Yes, okay. Anyway I have your number.
- [clears throat]
I'll just
I mean, we we'll keep in touch.
Yes, we definitely will.
- Okay. Go.
- Yeah.
Come on. I hate goodbyes.
[door opens]
[Ale] Daniele.
I heard about Mario.
I'm so sorry.
Yesterday was a terrible day for everyone.
This is a gift from Mario.
He had asked me
to get it for you the other day.
He wanted
to write you a few words too, but
I'll leave you alone.
- But you have to get ready now.
- Yeah. [exhales]
Bye, Alessandro.
Please, my friend,
make sure you come back to this earth
as a free man.
- Virgin Mary.
- [Daniele] What is it?
- Virgin Mary, help me! Help me, Mary.
- What have you done, Madonni?
- Help me, Mary. I lost my soul!
- Hey, calm down, calm down.
- I lost my soul. Help me!
- Look what I have for you.
- Look. Hmm?
- Help me, Virgin Mary!
- Check this out. Ah!
- [groans]
Let me have one though, for when I'm out
- [groans]
- Damn it, you are so stingy, dude.
- [groans]
- It's all right. Bye, Madonni.
I took nothing from the minibar, okay?
- We'll check.
- [Daniele chuckles]
We know where to find you anyway.
[Madonnina] Mary!
Mary, I lost my soul.
Bye, Madonni.
- Thanks. Bye, Ale.
- Bye.
[insects buzzing]
Mom! [chuckles]
What are you doing here?
I came to pick you up.
I still have my driver's license.
- Why, I shouldn't have?
- [both sigh]
Mom, you could have told me
you were coming.
I would have introduced you.
No, I wanted to surprise you.
I prefer to wait for you down here.
[both chuckle and sigh]
So, who did you want me to meet?
That girl over there?
No, not her. The other guys.
- Well, let's go then. Yeah?
- Yes.
- Wanna drive?
- [Daniele] No, I'd rather not.
["Vent'anni" by Måneskin playing]
Let's get out of this place. [sighs]
[engine turns over]
- [sobbing]
- [singing in Italian]
[sobbing] Why?
[sniffles] Why?
Why do I always ruin everything?
Why? [sobbing]
Can I smoke, Ma?
Yeah, sure.
- Daniele, what are you doing?
- I'm getting the lighter.
[groans] Uh, I prefer
that you open the window though.
[Daniele] Mm-hmm.
Later, you'll find the poem.
You'll be moved,
but you'll pretend nothing happened.
And I'll know that you've read it,
but I'll also pretend
that nothing happened.
And you'll know that I know,
but we'll both pretend nothing happened.
But at least for once,
I'll be able to say thanks to you.
- [chuckles] What is it?
- Nothing!
- It feels nice.
- Hmm.
[song continues]
- [chattering]
- [laughing]
[woman] A toast to uncle.
- Uncle, will you come play with us later?
- Yeah, sure.
- We'll shoot penalties. You're goalkeeper.
- Okay.
Fabio and Giuseppe,
will you leave your uncle alone?
No, it's okay.
Come on, help yourself
to another piece of watermelon.
They're all the same size.
- Come on. Get some more.
- Thanks.
- Oh, God!
- [Roberto] Hey!
Are we going to have a toast or what?
- Come on. Let's have a toast. Come on.
- Yeah, let's have a toast.
[Roberto chuckles]
To our Daniele,
always a source of concern
Oh, sorry.
I meant, a source of satisfaction.
- [chuckles] Thank you, uncle.
- [chuckles] Cheers.
[Roberto] Hey, Danie. Jokes aside,
we're really happy
that you're here with us,
amongst people who love you a lot
and who will always love you.
Look at me. [chuckles]
- I'm getting emotional. Look.
- [Daniele] Forget it. Never mind.
[all] Go, Roma!
- [cheering, laughing]
- Go, Roma. Long live, Roma
Go, Lazio!
- [Giovanni] What did I tell you?
- It's okay, guys. We're democratic people.
- We accept disagreement.
- [cell phone chimes]
- [father] Whose son is he?
- Well, guess, Dad.
- [Anna] Why are you yelling?
- [man] How would I know?
- It comes out like that.
- [father] Why are you so shocked?
- Your brother has always been like this.
- [cell phone chiming]
Mom, I'm gonna go home for a second. Hmm?
I'm leaving.
Not for long, okay? See you later.
- Thanks, uncle. Thanks. Bye, auntie.
- [Roberto] Bye, kiddo.
- [aunt] Bye, dear.
- Is everything okay, Mom?
Yeah, yeah, I think he just went to write.
- [Roberto] Oh?
- Write what?
[chuckles] Poetry.
- Poetry?
- [Roberto chuckles] Did you all hear that?
My nephew writes poetry, okay?
And how are his poems, huh?
- How are they? Oh, they're beautiful.
- [Roberto] We have an artist among us.
- Really beautiful.
- Oh, yeah, beautiful, it figures.
Even his poop was the most beautiful.
- Do you remember?
- [Giovanni] Of course I do.
When he'd show up
with his potty in the living room.
"What a beautiful poop you did, Daniele.
Well done."
- Come on, Giovanni, stop it.
- [laughing]
- Come on. Funny.
- It's not funny. It's not funny.
- [Antonella] No, it's funny, Mom.
- No.
- [Antonella] You used to do this.
- Come on. [laughs]
[man] It was quite funny.
[insects buzzing]
[Nina sighs]
- Are you texting with Ludovico?
- [Nina] Over my dead body.
But why are you so obnoxious with him?
He loves you so much.
Of course he loves me, Mom.
We've been screwing for three months.
And I get the feeling
he kind of likes that.
Come on,
why are you making that face, huh?
You want me
to believe you didn't know already?
Look, these things can happen
in our environment.
You and I know that.
All right, okay, Mom. Please, can you go?
And by the way,
you're luckier than the others,
because he's so so fascinating.
And you don't have to feel guilty,
because he's the one who's married.
In fact, he should be very careful
about what he does.
I can't believe it.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- Fine.
We'll talk about it later.
When you calm down.
What are you doing?
I'm coming. I'll go over what I wrote,
and I'll be right there.
You lock the door then.
[somber organ music playing]
I know someone wants
to say something. Please.
Hello, everyone. [sniffles]
Mario really liked a poem I'd written,
so I decided to,
uh, honor him a few verses.
Mario was a true brother,
offered by life.
And initially, he was only supposed
to be one of the five lunatics
I was going to share a room with
and a week of my life.
Then I discovered the same blood in him.
My brothers,
they call them crazy.
Mentally ill.
They cry their eyes out when they love
and cry laughing when they suffer.
But the real madness,
in my opinion, is not that.
Madness is
to never give up
and to never kneel down.
This is my poem.
From high up
From the extreme edges of the universe
Passing through our skulls and down
All the way to our heels
Traveling at the speed of light
And beyond through every atom of matter
Everything asks me for salvation.
Here is the word I was looking for
For the living and the dead, salvation
Salvation for Mario
- And Madonnina
- [exhales]
For the madmen of all times
Swallowed by the asylums of history
Thank you.
[priest] We thank Daniele
for these touching words.
- [Mancino panting]
- Does anyone else want to say something?
Let us pray.
[Mancino] Daniele.
Your poem was wonderful.
You said what I've always thought,
but I've never been able
to express it so well.
- [hearse doors close]
- You and us.
- [engine turns over]
- What difference does it make after all?
Everyone has their story,
and inside every story, there is pain.
- So thanks.
- Thank you.
- Let's talk soon.
- Absolutely.
- Thank you, Daniele. See you.
- Thank you.
Mancino is right, you know. [chuckles]
Your poem was really wonderful.
It gave me chills.
Thanks a lot, Gianlu.
It was really nice to see you again.
[sniffles] Likewise.
Sorry if I bothered you.
Have a nice evening.
- Let's go.
- Yes, just one second.
I'll be right back. Gianlu.
Do you have any plans tonight?
[chuckles] Plans tonight?
I'll just be home with Mom and Dad.
No, because I was thinking
we could do something together, maybe.
Like what? A movie and an ice cream?
What'd you say you wanted to do
when we were locked in?
I said that I wanted to go clubbing.
- Ah.
- Yeah, and find the man of my life.
But a movie and ice cream will do fine.
No, no, no, look, I have an idea.
Do you know the Seashell?
- No, what's that?
- It's a super cool club on the beach.
And tonight,
there's a DJ called Black Mamba.
Yeah, who's really cool.
We could go there.
Yes! [laughing]
- [both laugh]
- [Daniele] Huh?
Mom, I can't find my blue linen jacket.
Do you know what happened to it?
- Which one? You mean the blue one I liked?
- Yeah.
Wait here.
[door opens, closes]
- You mean this one?
- Yes.
I put it in our wardrobe
since you stopped wearing it, you know.
Thank you.
Well, why are you so elegant tonight?
Are you going out with that girl
who was at the window at the clinic?
No, I'm going out with my friend Gianluca.
You met him today.
Hmm. And aren't
you seeing that girl anymore?
Mom, I don't know. I don't know.
I barely even know her.
Well, isn't she the girl you ran up
to the terrace with?
Give it a rest. Don't meddle.
She's beautiful though.
- Mom, get out, thanks.
- Yes, yes, I'm going.
- Hey.
- Listen. Come back when you want tonight.
But don't drink. Hmm?
No, I don't even think I'll be home late.
Let me look at you. [sighs]
You look fabulous with that jacket.
You'll impress everyone.
- Go now, okay? Go! Come on.
- Yes, yes, yes, I'm going. I'm going!
[inhales, sniffles]
["Physical Domination" playing]
This game is a game ♪
Of physical domination ♪
This game is a game of ♪
This game is a game
Of physical domination ♪
This game is a game of, let's go ♪
[Daniele] I mean,
70 fucking euros to go out clubbing!
Shit, if I'd known,
I'd just have taken you somewhere else.
Gianlu, I promise I'll
I'll reimburse you. I had 50 euros
in my pocket, and I felt like a king.
[laughs] Don't worry about it.
Just tell me how I look, okay?
[chuckles] I stole this from my mom.
This time, she didn't notice.
- You look wonderful. What can I say?
- [laughs] Okay, then time to go dancing.
- I can't believe I'm here.
- Yes!
[Gianluca chuckles] Look at that!
- [crowd chattering, laughing]
- [music continues]
This game is a game of ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination
Let's go! Let's go ♪
Gianlu, I'm taking a rest.
Let's go! Let's go! ♪
Let's go! Let's go! ♪
Come, come, let's go, let's go! ♪
Let's go! ♪
This game is a game
Of physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Physical domination ♪
Let's go! Let's go ♪
[Gianluca] Oh!
- [crowd cheering, laughing]
- Let's go! Let's go! ♪
["We Are One" by Randall Jones
and Sarah Whittaker playing]
Where are we going? ♪
Who has the answer to my prayers ♪
- You! Wow!
- [Daniele] Whoa.
What are you doing here? You following me?
- No, what are you talking about?
- Yeah. [chuckles]
- No, I'm with Gianluca, look!
- Yeah, yeah, with Gianluca.
You're full of it and a real stalker.
My mom was right.
- I'm with Gianluca.
- [Nina] Yeah, yeah.
Just ask him if you don't believe me!
Okay. Um
Who are you with?
With, uh, a couple of friends.
We came to celebrate my,
uh, "return from Paris."
- Awesome.
- [laughs]
Listen, I'm sorry if I didn't reply today
when you texted me.
Uh, we were at a show reel.
A showroom because
Don't worry about it. Doesn't matter.
Well, by the way, you look great.
- Yes!
- You do.
Yes, yes, I feel great.
You too though. You look amazing!
With this, uh,
unbuttoned shirt of yours, huh?
- Yeah, well, it's hot in here.
- Mm, yes, it's really hot.
- Yeah.
- Listen, Daniele, I was wondering.
Um, do you happen to have,
you know, by any chance,
um, a little something to give me?
I, unfortunately, kind of ran out.
Who did you come here with, Nina?
Who is that friend of yours?
Is he a close friend?
What do you mean
by "close friend"? [laughs]
I'm with some people
that I didn't know before,
and now, they're friends.
So, do you have anything?
Yeah, I do, but I don't know
if that's such a good idea.
You're totally wasted.
Hey, what the fuck do you want, huh?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
I'm doing great!
If you have something to give me, perfect.
Otherwise, mind your fucking business!
- [woman] Nina! Nina, can we take a selfie?
- Yes.
You rock!
- [camera shutter clicks]
- [chuckles]
[gasps] Well then?
- I don't have time to waste.
- Come with me. Come.
[Nina] Daniele!
[laughs] Hey! Easy!
[laughs] Easy, Daniele.
You're going to make me fall.
- Nina.
- [Nina] Yes.
- A selfie?
- Oh, look. Yes, later. He's a bit crazy.
[laughs] Whoa-oh!
- Hey, that's Nina.
- What the hell?
- That's Nina.
- Nina?
- [panting]
- Sorry, I've only got this.
- Huh?
- [panting]
I wanna screw you again, you know.
- Yeah. One thing at a time though, huh?
- Okay.
[Daniele] What do you say? Hmm?
[Nina panting]
[Daniele spits]
- [exhales] Yeah.
- Do you have a card, huh?
- [Nina exhales]
- Do you have a card?
- Yes.
- Huh?
- [panting] Yes.
- It'll be nicer this time. You'll see.
- Last time we weren't high.
- Yeah.
Go! It's all yours.
- How about you?
- No, no, it's all yours. Go on.
- But hold on a
- Hey, I told you to go ahead!
- What are you waiting for?
- What are you doing? How dare you, man!
[Daniele] Why? Isn't this what you want?
Isn't this what others expect from you?
Huh? Look how fucking wasted you are!
You're shaking!
You're like a zombie, Nina!
- I'm going to fucking kill you!
- Huh?
You useless asshole!
You're a nobody.
You hear me? You're just a loser!
Yeah, I'm a nobody.
I don't know shit, but I know this!
- What's that?
- I know one thing!
That if you carry on like this,
they'll find you dead
in a shithole exactly like this one!
Bravo! Bravo! Give me a lecture!
But who brought the cocaine, huh, Daniele?
Huh? You brought it! You!
And why did you bring it?
Because you knew I'd be here tonight,
right? You fucking stalker!
But I don't give a damn
about whatever you say!
- Because your words disgust me.
- Nina, go fuck yourself!
[Nina and Daniele] Go fuck yourself!
You keep complaining.
You keep complaining
that this is not your world, huh?
But then what? You always act
like you're on a fucking red carpet!
- Do you know why, huh?
- Tell me why! Tell me!
- Tell me why!
- Because you're doing a lot worse than me!
- [panting]
- Go away!
- Go away!
- I'll go, yeah.
- [women gasp]
- Oh, my God.
["Feeling Electric" by Melanie Taylor
and Stefan Adam Litrownik playing]
[exclaims, gasps]
We are electric ♪
They're gonna love it ♪
You're going to love it ♪
- [sniffles]
- [clicks]
[muffled shout]
[cell phone chimes]
[exhales, sniffles]
[Nina] Hi, guys, how are you?
I'm on the beach in front of the club
where I celebrated my return.
But not from Paris, as I told you.
From a psychiatric hospital,
where I was hospitalized
and spent the last seven days.
And in case you're wondering
how your baby doll ended up undergoing CT,
the reason is simple.
Because I tried to kill myself.
[chuckles] Just as many
of you have asked me to do.
Unfortunately for you, I did not succeed.
I'm not even good at that either.
[inhales] But why did I do it?
Because [sighs]
Because my life really sucks,
to be honest with you.
Yeah, I know it's hard to believe,
but that's the way it is.
But now, I think I'll just say goodbye,
because you know,
it's a beautiful night here,
and I really wanna take
a walk on the beach.
[inhales] I think you won't hear
from me for a while.
Kisses. [kisses]
[laughing] Son of a bitch.
I can't believe it.
Another 10,000 fucking followers.
- Are you sure about this?
- I'm positive.
I don't know why I brought you here,
but if we have to do this thing,
let's just do it, okay?
[Nina sighs] Right.
You ready?
Oh, I am more than ready.
Okay, so, one.
[both] Two!
[Daniele gasps]
- You stopped.
- Of course. This is not just crazy.
This is total bullshit.
Yeah, look, that's what
I've been saying the whole time. Yeah.
I don't know.
Your friends are just a bunch of idiots.
They're my friends, okay? I love them.
You shouldn't talk like that
about them, okay?
But yeah, this thing about having to dive
never really convinced me.
Let's be clear.
I'll guarantee for you,
and you'll guarantee for me.
You're still thinking
about other people's judgment?
Wait, are you kidding?
A dive like that?
That's a thousand followers.
- Yeah, a thousand demented followers.
- [Nina chuckles]
And about 20 cripples covered
by public health.
You really believe anything I say.
I'm dating a crazy girl.
I'm dating a crazy girl. I swear to God.
Of course I'm crazy.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be here with you!
[both chuckling]
Plus, I think that I
I think I'm pregnant.
- Wait. What now?
- You heard me. Come on.
No, no. Say that again.
I said that I think I'm pregnant.
Well, maybe.
What what do you mean "maybe"?
I haven't taken a test yet,
but I'm 20 days late,
and that never happened to me, so
- Twenty days, so it means it happened
- It happened there, yeah.
Well, I mean, if if it's the case, uh,
it it's a nice thing, right? It's good.
You think so?
I do, yeah.
[man] Give me your hand.
["Tutto Chiede Salvezza"
by Side Baby - Mace playing]
[rapping in Italian]
Excuse me.
- [woman] Are we jumping?
- Of course.
- [woman shouts]
- [splashing]
Hey, are you crying?
[song continues]
[rapping continues]
- [song ends]
- [theme music playing]
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