Everything Will Be Fine (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

The Night

[upbeat music plays]
[phone ringing]
[woman] Good evening.
I'm calling to inquire
about the house that's for sale.
Is it available for rent?
[Idalia] No, it's not.
The owners wanna sell,
preferably a cash sale.
- [woman 1] Well, thank you. Good bye.
- [phone rings]
[Ruy] The price is negotiable,
but we'd need a cash down payment.
[man 1] Oh well, thanks anyway.
[Ruy] Hello? Hello?
[phone ringing]
[man] Good afternoon. How are ya?
I was wondering
if the price is negotiable.
[Idalia] Please!
It's already priced for a fast sale.
- [phone rings]
- [woman] Hi. How many closets are there?
[Idalia] You didn't hear it from me,
but not enough.
[Idalia] This used to be the garage,
but now it's an indoor garden.
The man of the house sold his sports car,
because the neighborhood
has had so many car thefts.
Come in. You'll love the house. This way.
Be careful not to step on the toys.
The little girl always leaves a mess.
In here you have the kitchen.
It's small, but functional.
We keep this door closed at all times.
There are huge roaches in that drain,
and we wanna keep them out.
Let's keep going.
This is the living room.
At night, you might see the ghost of a boy
who used to live here.
Poor little guy, they say
he drowned in the water tank.
We've sprinkled holy water,
but he won't go away.
[theme music plays]
Hey, man.
She's not out yet.
Still? Damn!
Listen dude, it's really late.
I should, um
- I guess I should get going.
- Why don't you have a seat?
She'll be out soon.
The others have left.
All right, I guess.
So, she's still in there.
She's probably trying to fix
someone else's life, right?
[both chuckling]
No, thanks, I just got one
from this nice lady.
[laughing] Sweet and spicy!
Sweet and spicy?
That's what my mom drinks.
Do you vote libertarian, dude?
- Hell no.
- [both chuckling]
What are you doing here?
- Hi, baby.
- Hi.
- [kisses]
- How are you?
Wonderful! I just finished paying
for your drunken stupidity.
Let's go, Fau.
Need a ride anywhere?
No, thanks, I'm good.
I'll see ya.
[phone buzzing]
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
I am so fucked.
[groans] Okay.
Oh my God.
Hi, Andrea.
Some streets were blocked
I'm sorry.
Aw, Andrea,
don't give me the cold shoulder.
[teacher] Dad?
May I see you for a second, please?
Ms. Moni. What's up?
[Ms. Moni] Can we have a quick chat?
Of course, yes.
[Ms. Moni] Andrea has been fighting
a lot with her friends lately.
She hides in the bathroom
to avoid gym class.
She's been rude to her teachers.
And guess what she did last month?
She brought a bunch of her toys to school,
which is against the rules,
and ran a business
renting them out to her classmates.
Really? Are you sure?
I think she's acting out
to get her mother's attention.
The poor thing.
What do you mean? Poor who?
Andrea or her mother?
Look, I don't wanna sound like
a big gossip or anything like that,
but rumors spread
really quickly around here,
- and I've heard other mothers say things
- They should keep their mouths shut,
and you should tell them
mind their own business.
[melodic indie music playing]
[Andrea] Is Mommy in jail?
[Ruy] Of course not.
She's in the drunk tank.
Like when my cousins go to time-out?
Sort of. Your mom is fine.
She didn't behave badly.
So, what's up with you?
The teacher said you seem a little blue.
- Mm?
- Tomorrow,
a doctor will be coming to the house.
All you have to do is talk to her.
[Andrea grunts]
[Andrea] When can we take that sign down?
I don't know, love.
Nobody knows.
- [Idalia] Hello, Cachito.
- Hello.
- Did the couple come for the visit?
- Yes.
- Wash your hands, come have lunch.
- [Andrea] Mm-hmm.
They seemed interested.
They asked if we would accept
a government housing loan.
Does this house look
like a housing project?
You can talk to them.
Is this ready yet?
- [water bubbling]
- Mm-mm.
Needs a couple more minutes.
We'll eat at the counter.
[Julia] Hi, baby. I'll sit over here.
Sit wherever you want.
He's high as a kite right now. [chuckling]
[Julia] Oh my God.
Is that an emo teenager? How original.
He should be in a museum.
I brought a couple of salads for lunch.
Do you wanna eat here?
Oh, Julia
You came and you brought me some lettuce
[Julia] Dude, focus.
So, what did you and Ruy
talk about earlier?
About you, obviously. What else?
What about me?
We said only good things. Don't worry.
The court-appointed psychiatrist
is coming tomorrow.
At Ruy's place?
She'll talk privately with Andrea,
but I have to be there.
I have no choice.
Is there any way you can cancel?
You'll be fine.
Why don't the two of you
work something out together?
- I'll be back in three minutes, okay?
- [music escapes headphones]
Look, all I'm saying is that
you're both responsible adults.
Why not deescalate this
and find some sort of compromise?
And Ruy's a reasonable guy.
I like him a lot.
That's great. Would you like his number?
- Don't let me stand in your way.
- Was that a homophobic remark?
- Of course not! Shut your mouth!
- I think you could
My girlfriend and I think
it's unhealthy to discuss our exes.
You should try not to.
[Ruy] Andrea, please, come on.
It's your favorite.
Come on, please.
It looks gross.
It isn't gross. I made it for you.
Now eat it.
- Come on.
- It's getting cold.
Why don't you make me?
Andrea, please don't use
that tone with me again.
I don't wanna move, so I won't.
We've talked about this.
We have to sell the house.
Your mom has a room for you
in her apartment.
You and I will find another place.
Besides, maybe we can finally get a dog.
[glass shatters]
I like chickens, Daddy! Chickens!
I want a divorce too!
[door slams]
- Should I take down the ad for the bike?
- [woman] No, leave it up.
[knocking on door]
[Ruy] Andrea?
I'm sorry, hun.
Where are you?
Sweetie, come on, here's your plate.
[door shuts]
I wanna go to Salazar.
Did you see a girl, this high?
Let's divide, then. Go to Don Chucho's,
ask everyone if they've seen her.
You go to the market and do the same.
If anything comes up, call us.
Knock on doors, tell the neighbors.
Hurry, please! Every second counts.
Excuse me, have you seen this girl?
No. No.
[reporter] During the press conference,
it was explained
that the virus has now spread widely
throughout 18 countries.
It is being recommended
that all non-essential travel
[TV chatter]
[phone ringing]
It's Ruy. Could you mute that, please?
[Fausto] Okay.
What's up?
Oh, fuck!
Wait, Jules! I'll drive, I'll drive!
- Hey, guys. What's going on?
- Xico, please stay here, okay?
Sure, of course I'll stay.
[music playing on radio]
What do you mean "wait 24 hours"?
My kid is missing!
Fine! I'll call you in 24 hours.
Call me if there's any news.
What happened?
We don't know.
- Do the neighbors know?
- Yes.
- Did you call her friend?
- I'll go do it right now.
How'd you let her run away, asshole?
Ruy! My uncle is on the Security Council.
I can call him
and ask him to help us out.
Sure, thank you.
Yes, she's seven years old.
- Yes?
- What was she wearing?
Her uniform. But she might have changed.
I'll check her closet.
Okay, go. We're checking on the uniform.
Please thank your father for me.
Really, thank you.
Julia. Did you find her uniform?
[Julia grunts]
[hangers clattering]
[man] So you said four people live here?
[Ruy] Yeah, for the past nine years.
So that means, that's my wife, Idalia,
myself, and my daughter, obviously.
[man] Does she have any distinctive marks?
[Julia] We told you on the phone,
she has a mole on her neck.
- Okay, which side?
- [Ruy] It's
The right
- Definitely on the right.
- Right, yeah.
- The right side?
- [both] Yes.
- Any other marks?
- [Idalia] Can I offer you anything?
- Scar or anything?
- Coffee, if you don't mind.
She has Look, you guys have her picture.
- Sir, just looking for information
- Why are you still here?
[officer] Ma'am.
This is a pretty big house, right?
How long have you
been working for these people?
Ever since I was 15.
I first started working
for Julia's mother.
I noticed you call them
by their first names.
What's your last name, Idalia?
- It won't take long.
- Just for routine questions.
- [Ruy] What's going on?
- [Julia] What's this?
- They want to question me.
- We're taking her to the station.
- [Julia] Why?
- Question her here.
Idalia's a friend.
You don't have to do this.
- She has to come.
- Why?
Idalia is
Generally it's someone
close to the family.
What are you saying?
That's ridiculous. Idalia!
- Julia, I don't want to go.
- You're not going anywhere. Don't worry.
- Okay.
- You're not taking her. She lives here!
The girl is missing
Why don't you arrest the thieves
and pick-pockets on the subway?
- Don't push her. Be gentle.
- Stop pushing me.
- Get in, please.
- [Julia] I can't believe this.
[Ruy] I'm not moving.
Don't arrest this lady.
Please, look for my girl.
- She's been missing for hours.
- [Julia] Idalia, stay calm.
- Let her go, please, officer.
- Find someone who can actually help us.
- Okay.
- Idalia, it's gonna be okay.
- [officer 2] You got your cell?
- Yes.
- [Ruy] This is ridiculous.
- [officer] You can call me.
- Ruy, don't let them take her.
- I won't.
- Where are you going?
- To find my daughter.
Have you seen this little girl?
- She may have walked past here.
- No.
[Julia] Are you sure?
[man] No, I don't believe so.
- I'll keep an eye out.
- [Julia] Thank you.
[boy] Hurry up. I want a turn too.
[video game noises]
Yeah, that's it.
[indistinct chattering]
[boy] Come on, let me have my turn, man.
[Andrea] Hi.
It's Andrea.
[whispering] Thank you for hiding me.
I don't want my parents to find me.
Okay. There's a bed over there.
Thank you.
We know her husband is in prison.
- What does that have to do with anything?
- Sir, move back, please. That way.
Come on, officer. This is absurd.
Isn't it? Be honest. Is this about money?
No, of course not, sir.
Then why aren't you
out there looking for her?
I don't know what you mean.
Our men are out looking.
- [phone ringing]
- [woman] Hello?
- Concha.
- [woman] Jefa?
A girl ran away,
and they think I'm a suspect.
- They're taking me.
- [officer] Who are you talking to?
Roll up the window.
[car door slams]
[Concha] Mary, Mary!
Tell Pancho to call a taxi.
Mom has been taken in by the police.
[Mary] By the police?
What did they say?
[Concha] They're trying to accuse her
of kidnapping a girl!
- [Mary] Andrea?
- [Concha] Yes! Who else could it be?
- [Mary] Why would they suspect her?
- [Concha] I don't know.
[infant crying]
[gate clatters]
Hi, Andrea has gone missing.
They're trying to blame Idalia.
Will you text me Julia's number?
Julia must be worried to death.
Keep an eye on things here.
I'll go see if we can help.
What are you doing here?
I ran away.
Are you okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- [exhales]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Julia, it's Concha.
- Concha, what?
- Andrea's safe and here with us.
You what? Hang on
She's right here.
She's with you?
- Is she all right?
- Yes, Julia, she's fine.
She's just a little scared
because of what's going on,
but she's calm.
She's here with me,
we're on our way to you now.
[Julia] How'd she get there?
[Concha] She took a bus all by herself.
[Julia] Concha, please, tell her
that everything will be all right.
Tell her that we love her very much,
and and we can't wait to see her.
Tell her not to worry.
Please tell her I love her.
Thank goodness they found her.
[Julia] Oh, my love! Come here!
I love you, baby.
- Let me take her inside.
- Yes.
Let's get her inside.
- She is such a character. Unbelievable!
- Oh my God.
[chuckling] Jesus
I'm not sleeping.
- [Julia chuckling]
- Really?
Try to get some sleep, sweetie.
You've had a long day.
I'll go to sleep,
but only if you stop crying.
Can I have some milk and cookies?
[both chuckling]
[Julia] I don't know what to say to her.
[Ruy] There have gotta be consequences.
[Julia] We can't tell her
she can't go out.
[Ruy] No, no, no.
We have to handle it carefully.
[Julia groans] Who the hell knows.
- How are you, Fau?
- I'm okay. Is she finally asleep?
No, and she wants cookies and milk.
I'll bring them to her.
- Really?
- Sure. You guys need a break.
I'll get her to fall asleep.
Okay, thank you.
If you don't watch it,
this kid will get diabetes.
[both laugh]
Can I bum one?
[sighs] It's my last one. Here.
Thank you.
[Fausto] Is it this one, Andy?
No, that one is way too sad.
Not a bedtime story.
Okay. Which one then?
The one with the witch,
even if it gives me bad dreams.
[chuckles] You sure?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right then.
Mean Old Lady.
Here it is. Oh, yeah,
she does look like a witch.
Let's see.
Look at you! You got crumbs all over.
Scooch over.
Don't tell Idalia about the crumbs.
There we go, nice and cozy.
[soothing music plays]
All right.
Do you wanna hear about the wolf or not?
No, just about the Mean Lady.
Okay, ready? Here we go.
"In the morning, the mean old lady yelled,
- 'Help! My feet hurt"
- Not so loud.
Okay, sorry.
"'Help me. My feet hurt.
My feet hurt because of all of you.
I have huge bunions
and I'm angry about it.
It makes me scream and holler.'
And in the afternoon, the old lady said,
'What can I do? I dislike them so much.
It's their fault my feet hurt.'
And then, at night, the old lady grumbled
'If I walk near the sea,
will the sand soothe my soles
and calm my anger?
I will go and see for myself.'"
[theme music plays]
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