Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

It Knows We're Here

Narrator: Previously
on "expedition bigfoot"
- What's that?
- Oh, holy .
Looks like a print to me.
Look at this thing.
I mean, it looks like
it's all taking place
In this corridor
below this ridgeline.
It's the perfect
bigfoot hunting zone.
Russell: Whoa, hey.
Whoa, hey.
I'll be darned.
I'd say that there was
a bigfoot in the area.
I sent some of this information
to an artist.
See, stepping over,
and the arm followed.
I mean, we're looking
at a thermal image
Taken in central oregon.
What does that mean to you?
I'm seeing two, three
Oh, my god.
Did you see that?
Bigfoot, sasquatch --
In the past 50 years,
There have been more than
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature
In the continental
united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert,
From the new jersey pine barrens
To the pacific northwest,
every year,
Hundreds of eyewitnesses
log their encounters.
But where or when this legendary
cryptid will be seen next
Has been a mystery until now.
For the first time in history,
A team of investigators is using
an advanced data algorithm
To analyze five decades
of bigfoot sightings
To pinpoint when and where
to encounter this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest bigfoot hunt
ever is on.
[ roaring ]
What's that light?
There's lights coming
from that direction.
Not sure exactly
what I'm looking at.
There seems to be some weird
light directly above
Where russell
had his thermal hit.
Narrator: With only three days
left in their investigation,
The team has narrowed down
Their data-driven target zone
from 90,000 acres to the area
Surrounding a 2-mile-long
Where mysterious circumstances
have been occurring.
What is that?
After seeing glowing eyes
And capturing a thermal video
of a large bipedal creature
The team has now witnessed
strange balls of light
Hovering above the clearing.
Ronny: Now they're gone.
What the hell?
Mireya to ronny.
Go for ronny.
I can't believe I'm saying this,
But I saw a bright,
white light in the forest.
As I'm walking through the
forest in just complete darkness
And what felt like uncomfortably
quiet silence out here,
I see this light
suddenly appear.
I thought it was coming
from my cameraman,
But he was right beside me.
When I turned around,
it was gone.
I don't know how
to explain that.
Whereabouts in my direction?
I'm on the other side
of the clearing.
Mireya: So, no.
Ronny: I saw one.
Then it looked like two.
Then it looked like three
small, white balls of light.
You saw a white light, too?
Three different ones that seemed
to be hovering in the tree line.
Oh, wow.
Ronny: As soon as these orbs
My mind starts racing.
This wasn't a star.
This wasn't a flashlight.
Mireya was in a different
Russell was in
a different location,
And when I see orbs
in these situations
In the same vicinity of bigfoot,
I know we're on to something.
Russell: There's something
really weird about this area.
Freaked out yet?
Not yet.
Okay, a little.
I don't creep-out easily, and
there's a very eerie feeling.
Like, if I believed in ghosts,
I'd say this place was haunted.
Russell: All right.
Let's regroup.
Ronny: Okay.
Well, I'm gonna start
making my way towards you.
I felt watched.
I felt uneasy, and, yeah,
I'm in complete darkness.
Mireya: Hey, guys.
Ronny: Yo.
But it was something
more than that.
I feel like that there is
something out there.
Directly out in front of me,
we had thermal imaging,
And it just disappeared.
Tonight, you guys
saw the light, right?
I saw lights in the trees.
That's -- I saw the light
in the trees.
And then they
were gone.
What is going on here?
Mireya: It's frustrating
because every night,
We've come back
to this clearing,
And our evidence was mounting.
It was getting better
and better,
But now, tonight,
we've come back to this clearing
And just come up empty.
All right.
All right.
Let's load it up.
Yeah, we saw some strange lights
that I can't explain right now,
But it doesn't really
give me any answers.
If it's not in a clearing,
we have a lot of ground
To cover here
and not a lot of time.
Narrator: Russell will return to
his camp near the clearing
While ronny and mireya have made
their way back to base camp.
What's your thoughts
on the orbs?
That sounds a little crazy.
[ laughs ]
I thought so, too,
But, you know,
all our lights are off.
There's no roads
anywhere near.
There's no real source.
I mean, I've thought about this.
What could be creating these?
I have yet to find where these
lights could be coming from.
There's so many stories
going back hundreds of years
About the orbs.
They seem to go hand in hand
with bigfoot encounters.
I think we have to look at
all these things
To help figure out
the truth.
For centuries, native american
lore has referred to
Floating orbs of light as
spirits from beyond our world.
The lakota believe
that ste si tanka,
Their word for bigfoot,
has traveled across dimensions,
And with reports of orbs
appearing in locations
That sasquatch has been sighted,
Many believe
that the two are linked.
And there's so many of these
stories that you just --
You know,
is this really an animal,
Or is this, you know,
something else?
A lot of the things that ronny
says can seem really out-there,
But I know that
a lot of his theories
Are based on
native american stories.
Sometimes, there is
a lot of truth
That breeds
these sort of legends,
And this particular legend
has been around
For thousands
and thousands of years.
There's probably good reason
for that.
I hope that this expedition
leads to answers,
No matter
what those answers are.
I just --
I hope we get an answer.
Mireya: One of the hardest
things for me
When I go on expedition is being
away from my family, my kids.
You know, I miss them horribly
when I'm out here,
And there are times
when I wonder,
You know, is it worth it?
And then when I think
about the possibility
Of finding this myth,
this legend,
This potential apelike, or
hominid, species, I'd say yeah.
I'd say yes, and if it's out
here, I want to find it.
[ animal whistles ]
I'm in my tent,
and I'm nearly falling asleep,
And I suddenly hear
this whistle.
So I call out to ronny
in his tent
[ animal whistles ]
Because it sounded a lot like
The one that we heard
the other night
When we actually saw
the eyeshine.
[ rustling ]
Ronny: It's about, what,
1:00 in the morning?
Mireya: I think it's later
than that, but, yeah.
We just heard
a weird whistle.
And it came from
And maybe it was a bird, but
That direction.
And we heard a very similar
When we were out
in the forest.
[ animal whistles ]
Did you hear that?
Straight ahead.
[ animal whistles ]
There was another
And I've got
my infrared goggles.
Not picking up
anything at all.
Mireya: We're gonna stay up
a little bit
And see if we
hear anything else.
[ grunts ]
[ animal whistles ]
Did you hear that?
[ animal whistles ]
[ animal whistles ]
Narrator: Coming up
Russell: All we've done so far
is look at everything
On top of the surface,
But we've never
looked underneath.
Russell: Holy crap!
I woke up hearing this loud
giggle of children.
It was straight out
of a horror movie.
What's this here?
Are you sure it was
a dream?
Oh, my god.
[ animal whistles ]
Narrator: With just days left
in their investigation
[ animal whistles ]
Ronny and mireya
have been awakened
By a strange whistling
near their camp.
It's about 2:00 a.M.,
and we heard
What sounded like
a whistling sound,
And I'm saying
that it was a bird
Because it sounded like a bird.
These were whistles that did not
sound like a bird at this hour.
It's in the middle of the night.
I had shivers running
through my whole body.
Just when you think that we are
at his front door
And we're in his domain,
now he's in our area.
We've been hunting him,
but now the tables have turned.
He's now knocking on our door.
I'm gonna say it was a bird
'cause I'm tired
And I want to go to sleep.
Narrator: 30 miles outside
of the hot zone
So, there's three videos
he sent.
Narrator:Bryce johnson is
getting his first look
At the strange video
ronny recorded.
Oh, yeah. That's strange.
I want to rule out any possible
explanation of what it could be.
There are sights online
that track
The flight path of airlines
At any given time or place,
but here's the thing,
There was no plane
flying over this target zone.
So these balls of light,
And while I can't explain
what they are,
They really just leave me with
more questions than answers,
And at this point
in our investigation,
You know, that's not
a good place to be.
Bryce: We have just three days
left and thousands of acres
To search in our target zone,
And last night,
besides these orbs,
We didn't see anything
to help our investigation.
There is something strange
happening here.
We've spotted eyeshine
that just disappeared.
We captured that incredible
thermal video
Where it actually vanished.
Russell: Gone.
Bigfoot seems to be operating
outside the realms of normalcy.
Bigfoot is everywhere and
nowhere all at the same time.
And so we really need to
step up our game
And think outside of the box
of normal investigative tools.
We need to go to the next level.
Narrator: 37 miles northwest,
russell acord is on a mission
To find where bigfoot
may be hiding
During the daylight hours.
Russell: Oh, yeah.
Narrator: He's investigating
a swamp in what has become
An epicenter of bigfoot activity
over the past few days.
Russell: My thermal image
It's still beyond me a how
a thermal image
That hot can disappear,
But it would make sense
if something
That puts out a heat trace
settled down in the water.
I would lose that heat trace
All we've done so far is look
at everything
On top of the surface,
But we've never
looked underneath.
All over the northwest,
there's volcanoes,
Which means there's lava tubes,
caves that go for miles.
Formed after volcanic eruptions,
Lava tubes are
subsurface chambers
That range in size
from small complex tunnels
To massive interconnected
cave systems.
Many bigfoot researchers believe
that sasquatch
Uses these pathways to stay
hidden and travel underground.
It's not out of the question
For something
to submerse itself in water
And get into an underwater cave
where maybe there's oxygen.
Narrator: In 1985,
professional diver henri cosquer
Discovered an underwater
entrance to one such cave,
Now known as the cosquer cave.
120 feet below sea level,
a tunnel led to a chamber
Close to the size
of two football fields.
Its 100-foot wall strewn with
prehistoric paintings proved
That an ancient people utilized
this subterranean shelter,
A perfect hideaway for
an elusive beast like bigfoot.
It's a long shot,
but it's worth investigating.
Might get some answers
out of this.
We have the remote-control
underwater camera
That actually films everything
that it sees.
Narrator: The submersible drone
will provide russell
With a live-video feed
at a depth of up to 500 feet.
Russell: Any kind of evidence,
this should pick it up.
[ drone engine revs ]
Let go to work.
[ drone whirring ]
It's cloudy right now.
Come on.
I know that water is a lot
deeper than it looks, too.
Come up a little bit.
8 miles away at base camp,
Mireya and ronny
are just beginning their day
After a strange whistling sound
Kept them up
for much of the night.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How'd you sleep?
I had a really weird,
very vivid dream.
Oh, yeah?
[ exhales sharply ]
What happened
in the dream?
I just
I woke up almost hearing
this loud giggle of children.
I mean, I even looked out
my window, it was that vivid,
And I sort of looked around,
And it was straight out
of a horror movie.
It was just really high-pitched,
intense giggling, and
[chuckles] it was just
a bizarre dream.
Are you sure it was a dream?
Are you sure --
I'm sure it was a dream.
I did this whole video journal
on how the toughest thing for me
On these expeditions
is how much I miss my kids.
So the thing I had on my mind,
of course, were my kids.
Call me crazy,
but it reminds me
Of native american tribes
in the northwest that talk about
Sasquatch being able
to mimic children laughing.
It was a dream.
[ chuckles ]
Let me just --
hold on.
Ronny thinks that it was
bigfoot playing a trick on me,
And obviously,
I have a very hard time
Believing that that's true.
It's trying to communicate
with us.
So you're fairly certain
that that was bigfoot?
I'm confident that we now
have their attention.
They know we're here.
They're communicating with us.
They're whistling.
They're giggling.
And now we don't have to
go out and look.
It's coming to us.
We've been here for
a long while,
And that was the first time
that we've ever
Had anything happen
right here.
Mireya: There are times during
my research that primates,
Because they're very intelligent
and curious in nature,
Have actually tried
to go into camp
To learn more about us,
in a sense.
So do I believe it's possible
That if we're dealing
with an apelike creature,
It might be curious
about these two people
Walking around
and staying in its forest?
But, you know,
do I think that bigfoot was
Outside my tent,
mimicking children laughing?
it knows we're here now.
I've covered so much ground
underneath this swamp.
Narrator: Russell continues to
search for any underwater caves
That could help explain how an
animal the size of bigfoot
May be eluding them.
There's nothing that indicates
any sort of opening.
And I'm not seeing anything
that would give me any
There's no holes.
There's no voids.
Look at that.
Oh, whoa.
What am I seeing here?
Holy crap!
Narrator: Coming up
We're down to the finish line
of our research,
And this could be
exactly what we've needed.
I have a massive heat signature
that I'm looking at right now.
I feel like we're so close
to getting our answers.
There's nothing that indicates
any sort of opening.
And I'm not seeing anything
that would give me any
There's no holes.
There's no voids.
With only days left to find
bigfoot in their target zone,
Russell acord is in search
of underwater caves,
A perfect hideout for a creature
the size of bigfoot.
Oh, whoa.
There's something on the bottom.
There's a cow skull down there.
Holy crap!
I don't know what the reason
is that it would be there,
But it's definitely not natural.
In a swamp, a cow skull
is way out of place.
Seeing an image like that
on the screen reminded me of
The famous cattle mutilation
and dismemberment cases.
Narrator: In the early 1970s,
mysterious cattle mutilations
Across the western united states
prompted the fbi to investigate.
Declassified documents reveal
that mysterious evidence
Was present at the crime scenes,
Including toppled trees
as well as heavy footprints
And patches of hair
around the carcasses.
While the fbi offered
no official explanation,
Locals at the scene claim
that paranormal elements
Were involved,
such as ufos and bigfoot.
Don't know what and why
it's there,
But it's a lot of odd things
that are not adding up.
There's some creepy
going on up here.
[ cellphone rings ]
Mireya: Hello.
Hey, mireya. It's bryce.
Hey, bryce.
So, I know we came up empty
in the clearing
And that we're all feeling like
time is running out
With a lot of areas
still to search.
I found a piece of tech
that I think will help.
I'm sending you the coordinates.
You and ronny pick up russell
and go there.
I figured out a way to search
the rest of the target zone
Before we're out of time.
It's gonna be waiting
for you at this location.
Write this down.
All right.
What are the coordinates?
Got it.
[ engine rumbling ]
Narrator: Ronny and mireya
pick up russell,
And the team travels
4 miles northwest
To the location of the new tech
that bryce has called in.
Mireya: Right here?
This has got to be it.
Oh, my god.
What are we looking at?
We're looking at a fully
autonomous airship.
It's so cool.
Narrator: With time running out
on the expedition,
Bryce has enlisted the help
Of a state-of-the-art
unmanned airship to cover
The last 20 square miles
of the search area.
Equipped with
a gps-guidance system,
The airship is able
to float silently as it moves
Over a pre-programmed
grid pattern,
Utilizing an array
of infrared cameras
To reveal any potential targets
on the ground below.
Do you know how much this will
save in ground time?
Oh, yeah. I do.
Holy smokes.
This is a game changer.
To avoid detection, the team
will fly the airship
Under the cover of night.
I'm excited.
Thank you.
Russell: We're down to the
finish line of our research.
This thing is perfect to find
what we're looking for.
Narrator: 50 miles outside
the target zone,
Bryce johnson is traveling
to meet up with a member
Of the warm springs tribe
of native americans,
A group that has occupied
the area for thousands of years.
A part-time forester,
this bigfoot witness has had
Many strange experiences
in the area
And has been reluctant to
share them in public until now.
Bryce: This isn't a guy
who's gonna with us.
I'm really interested to hear
what he has to say.
[ bell chimes ]
So, william, I understand
that you have an experience
That you're willing
to share with us.
Can you tell me
what you saw?
It was a, you know,
stormy, windy day.
I got a part-time job working
for the forest service.
We were spraying
for the spruce budworm.
And I was hired as
the bug monitor
[ chuckles ]
Fancy thing
for just trapping bugs.
We had eight traps set up in
and out of the spray zones,
And I was taking pictures
at each site,
Trying to make sure they weren't
killing anything else off.
I probably got 200-300 yards
up the trail.
Wind was blowing.
It was hard to hear.
And I was going up
the drainage,
And then there was
a little plateau
Just over this little ridge.
And about then my radio
And everything
went totally quiet.
- Really?
- Yeah.
The crickets stopped.
The wind had stopped, and I got
this feeling of being watched.
I kind of stopped
and looked up,
And I couldn't believe
what I was seeing.
Something big and brown
and hairy was in front of me.
Of course, my legs
were thinking, "run."
How big was this thing?
How tall?
71/2 or 8 feet.
At first, I thought
it was a bear,
But I've had other experiences
where I've had a bear
That messed
with one of the traps.
This was different.
It's not a bear.
It turned and was
walking away from me.
And when I say, "walking,"
it was on two feet.
Once you knew
it wasn't a bear,
What's the first thing
that popped into your mind?
Cannot be real.
As a kid,
I grew up in the woods.
I've never seen something
like that.
Did you have any apprehension
about telling anybody
About what you saw?
No, because I had
the camera.
I took a picture.
Oh, you're kidding me.
Bryce: Did you have any
apprehension about
Telling anybody
about what you saw?
No, because I had
the camera.
I took a picture.
I would love to see them.
Bryce: So, william's story
really resonates with me.
People who have spent a lot
of time in the woods,
They know the difference
between looking at a black bear
And looking at something
that's hairy, tall,
And walking on two feet.
The fact that william was
able to see this creature
And provide photographic
It's compelling,
to say the least.
Oh, you're kidding me.
You can see the arm.
You can see the head.
You can see
the upper torso.
This is clear as day.
As someone who's seen
one of these things,
There's something
I want to ask you.
We've seen floating white orbs
that we just can't explain.
Have you ever heard of
any stories or instances
Where these things
have been seen
In and around this area
in oregon that we're at?
Some of the other
indian cultures
Talk about flying lights
And things like that moving
through the trees at night.
There's bad spirits
in the dark
And pretty much
all over the reservation.
Might be the same thing.
Is there any correlation
or connection
Between bigfoot
and these things?
Could be related,
How many hundreds of thousands
of years has that been here?
Compared to us, you know,
our history is very, very short.
In the past, what,
10 years or so,
How many different species
have been discovered?
Even a lot in the oceans.
They haven't made it
to the bottom of some places,
And they're finding new things
all the time.
You know there's
something there,
But you can't
communicate with it.
You can't talk to it.
You can't really see it.
It's more like a feeling.
I think if they want to be seen,
you know, they'll come out.
Initiating liftoff.
[ airship whirring ]
Mireya and ronny: Wow.
This is sick.
We would need 10-20 more people
To cover the ground
that we have.
Now we have something that can
take this search to the air,
Gliding through
the night silently.
You can hardly hear it.
This is amazing.
Game changer.
Narrator: The airship has begun
searching the remaining
20 square miles
of their target area.
It will take approximately
10 hours
To navigate the entire grid.
The team can monitor the
live feed from the airship,
And if an anomaly is found,
The airship will lock onto its
location with exact coordinates.
What do you suppose
that is?
Holy .
What is that?
It's emanating a lot of heat,
whatever it is.
Right away, we had a pretty
good-size heat signature on it.
Only an animal would give
a heat signature like that,
But it's not moving.
Not sure what it is,
but there's a possibility
This could be a bigfoot
laying down in its nest.
Bears have been known to lay
for quite awhile,
Especially after
they've eaten.
Could it be
a really big bear?
Mireya: We had no idea
what we were looking at,
But we went through all of
the different possibilities
Of the animals that are here,
and nothing matched that size.
I'd like to find out
what it is.
we have to go out there.
You want to grab
the gear
And you and I actually
head out that way?
All right.
Can you stay above us?
Absolutely, yeah.
Keep an eye?
- Absolutely.
- Okay.
All right, you guys.
Let's do it.
The team is splitting up.
Ronny will be monitoring
the anomaly
On the airship's video feed,
While mireya and russell
will venture into the wilderness
To attempt
a first-person encounter.
There was a lot of adrenaline,
And we were eager
to get to this spot,
But there's also this hesitation
because you know
That whatever it is that you're
looking for is an unknown.
I mean, we have no idea
what we're gonna find,
If it's an animal,
how it would react.
At the end of the day,
we don't know
What we're dealing
with out here.
Ronny: Guys, it should be about
200 yards from your location.
It's north-northwest from there.
Guys, it should be about
200 yards from your location.
You guys have a visual?
It should be
right in front of you.
It's right there.
Guys, do you have eyes on it?
Guys, do you have eyes on it?
Narrator: While closing in
on what could be
A large,
possibly humanoid animal,
Mireya and russell
are unable to see
What is producing
the massive heat signature.
Guys, what are you seeing?
It should be right
in front of you.
Narrator: Mireya and russell
will switch to more powerful,
Long-reaching flashlights.
It's right in front of you,
right in front of you.
I repeat, right in front of you.
What in
I lost it.
I'm not seeing it anymore.
I had it clearly,
and now it's gone.
Narrator: The airship will
continue scanning
The remaining 12 square miles
of the target zone.
What the hell is that?
I have something
that's really weird.
I have a massive -- I repeat,
I have a massive heat signature
That I'm looking at right now.
What the hell?
This is really, really weird.
This heat signature
is way bigger
Than the one we saw before.
I'm out of answers.
I have no idea.
I have no idea what it is,
But it's definitely worth
Guys, this is big.
We should all look at this
Come pick me up.
Russell: Stand by, ronny.
Standing by.
Narrator: The massive anomaly is
sitting on a ridge
3 miles north of the clearing.
After picking up ronny
in the utility vehicle,
The team has decided to approach
the mysterious heat signature
From opposite sides.
Russell will take
the eastern route
While mireya and ronny
will approach from the west.
This looks like
a really old logging road.
It hasn't been used
for years.
Looks like the trees and the
branches are closing in on it.
Russell: I feel like we're
right on the edge of it.
I feel like we're so close
to getting our answers.
Ronny: Heat signature that big,
we shouldn't be able to miss it.
Ronny: I'm going through a bunch
of different emotions now --
Anxiety, apprehension,
a little bit of fear.
This is it.
We're gonna find the truth.
Look at this.
What's this here?
Old abandoned vehicle.
[ grunts ]
This has been here
a really long time.
So weird -- just in
the middle of nowhere.
"beans, grains,
feeds, and seeds."
Why would this be
out here?
Here, I'm thinking we
are ways from civilization,
And we stumble upon
a delivery truck.
And I'm trying to to make sense.
What is all of this?
[ bed frame creaks ]
Oh, wow.
It had the vibe
of a horror film.
The frogs stopped.
It just went silent.
It's absolutely
silent here.
It's just quiet.
Nothing's moving at all.
It seems a bit odd.
[ rustling ]
I thought I heard something out
this way, a slight
[ rustling ]
Look at this.
Why is this structure
just scattered everywhere here?
What's that in the center?
Since we started this,
it has always felt strange.
But this --
this is a feeling of dread
Like we shouldn't be here.
What's this here?
Look at this.
On their way to tracking down
an enormous heat signature,
Mireya and ronny
have stumbled upon
A series of mysterious,
dilapidated structures.
Russell: Fresh tree-branch break
right here.
Where did that come from?
Narrator: 1 mile away,
russell is approaching
The heat signature
from the east.
Russell: Look at that little
branch right there.
That's kind of weird-looking.
Look at this.
Cemetery in
the middle of nowhere.
Seems odd, doesn't it?
This feels really
There's an energy here
unlike I've felt anywhere else.
It's going
right through me.
Do you smell that?
That is a
strong gamy smell.
[ breathes deeply ]
It's moments like this
when you realize
You're sharing the darkness
with something.
What is this doing
in the middle of nowhere?
I don't know.
Looks like maybe
an old homestead.
Oh, my god.
The other night, I dreamt
that there were children
Giggling outside my tent
[ children giggling ]
And now I'm at a graveyard
with children's tombstones.
And I could say it's
a coincidence, right?
Oh, my god.
But it's a really
big coincidence.
What the hell happened out here?
Narrator: On the season finale
of "expedition bigfoot"
Mireya: From the very start,
this has been treated
As a scientific expedition.
Russell: Whoa!
What is that?
Quite frankly,
I've seen things
This is wild, man.
That I can't explain away
with logic and science.
Holy .
And that's how we know
we're close.
We're right on the edge of it.
We're so close to getting
our answers.
Bryce: So, you're not gonna
believe this,
But russell just found
another cave entrance.
You guys, this is huge,
really huge.
Everything has pointed us
in this direction.
It's almost pushed us
to this point.
That's a game trail.
You've got food, water, shelter.
It's all right here.
We finally found something that
I think is gonna provide
The evidence we've been looking
for all this time.
I want to go in there
so bad.
How do we do that, safely?
They are meant to go places
Where you wouldn't normally
send a human being.
Bryce: All the signs are
pointing to this cave system.
100 feet.
Bryce: It all comes down
to this moment.
Oh, my god.
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