Extinct (2017) s01e07 Episode Script

Of Two Minds

1 [ominous music.]
[tugging rope.]
Everyone keeps tying me up.
I'm beginning to think that nobody likes me.
- Don't hurt him.
- He's not Duncan, Feena.
Not anymore.
Duncan is still in there.
We should help him.
Duncan: Yeah, Abram.
You should help me.
[metallic banging.]
Knock knock.
[rhythmic grunting.]
Will that door hold? This place withstood the invasion.
No one's knocked it down yet.
Well, there's a first time for everything.
[banging continues.]
What do we do? I talk to Silas.
Lynn: You're not going out there.
I'll talk to him through the door.
[As Silas.]
Why not speak with me right here, brother? Silas? My Companion can speak through Duncan's and he acts as voice.
One of the many advantages of being us.
- What do you want? - The Sparks.
The weapon, this facility, your allegiance.
It's a growing list.
- Where's Kylie? - Kylie, yes.
We all want something.
Open the doors and let's discuss it.
You lost Kylie once already, Ezra.
It nearly ripped you and Lynn apart.
No need to lose her again.
You okay? Fine.
Six months ago today.
I watch the calendar too, Lynn.
We don't have to talk about it, but I wish we would.
And say what? How everything's going to be okay? How you and I will get through this together? How Kylie is happier now? [sniffs.]
We said that already.
We both know it isn't true.
Why should we believe you? That Kylie's alive? Think, Ezra.
A lethal virus.
Skin Riders.
Do you really think that Lynn would stay here with Kylie at the Settlement with those kinds of threats? Lynn left the Settlement? Lots of people did.
Fight or flight.
That's the human way.
And those that flee live to see another day.
So those graves Those aren't the only settlers.
There are survivors.
Right you are, brother.
[theme music.]
Lynn: Why should we believe anything he says? He lied to get in here.
He wasn't lying.
The Skin Rider let Duncan take control.
So he says.
Yellow showed me who was buried in some of the graves outside.
I didn't see one for you or Kylie.
That doesn't prove anything.
Maybe we were never reborn or maybe we were in graves that you didn't see.
Or maybe Duncan was telling the truth.
I want Kylie to be alive.
I want to believe that, but that's why I'm wary.
He's playing with our emotions.
At least they're not beating the door down anymore.
They'll start up again as soon as they think we're not cooperating.
Are we cooperating? Obviously we're not letting them in.
And we are not giving them what they want.
Then we need to focus on healing Duncan.
If we want answers Like if there are survivors and where they're located We need the real Duncan.
Abram: She's right.
He was one of the settlers.
He was here when the Settlement divided.
- If it divided.
- Some died.
Some became Skin Riders, and some fled.
The only people who can clarify that are the ones who were here.
Silas nearly became himself when his parasite fell asleep.
Maybe we find some way to incapacitate Duncan's.
How? I'll leave that to Lynn.
I don't know anything about these parasites.
Then you know as much as we do.
You're a trauma nurse, And this is a medical issue.
Yeah, involving an alien species with a completely different biology and evolutionary history.
I wouldn't know where to begin.
If it means finding Kylie? Feena: Duncan would want you to try.
And so would I.
Of course.
Feena, will you stay with her? Abram and I have to go deal with them.
You really think this door will hold? If it doesn't, our little barricade here won't do much.
Maybe buy us some Tim.
How long can we last in here? [bang.]
Well, the Sparks can keep making plants if we feed them organics.
The problem is, the organics are outside.
Well, we have water and heat at least.
The forcefield kept us from exploring all these tunnels.
I say we look for a back door in case they get through.
The Skin Riders all lived here in the Settlement.
If there's a back door, they would know it.
[fire crackling.]
Jax: You'll never break that open.
That door was built to withstand the Karik.
Back from the Ancestor.
And optimistic as always.
What happened to the forcefield? Duncan and I took the initiative in your absence.
I had him infiltrate their ranks.
He shuts off the forcefield, but he doesn't open the doors? He met some resistance.
Then I hope he's finally dead.
If he's captured, they will extract information.
We've penetrated their defenses, Jax.
We have the upper hand.
You've penetrated half of their defenses.
Now you're just locked out in the cold.
We manage the cold every day.
Yes, from inside the ship, out of the elements.
We'll freeze out here before we break in there.
Are you questioning me? I'm reminding you.
The way to beat them is to strengthen ourselves.
The Ancestor thought your plan reckless, but they showed me what thy knew of the drones nonetheless.
You've reprogrammed it? I've started.
But it's a complex system far more advanced than when our Ancestors studied the drones.
Will it work? Can we block our human's neural pathways and give ourselves greater control? Possibly.
I won't know for certain until we have a test subject.
Once we get inside, we'll have plenty of those.
Come with me.
[metallic clanging.]
I used to come here to get away from everyone.
You mean your human did.
Yes, of course.
You'll work here.
How long will it take? With the right tools, I can finish by morning, but Silas, our people are half-frozen.
Listen to them.
They're ready to mutiny.
They know that door is indestructible.
My people obey me.
As long as you show good judgment, yes, but they won't follow a human.
Say again? Ever since that one named Ezra was reborn again, you've been acting differently.
Twice you've had him in your possession.
It would have been easy to give him a Companion, and yet You didn't.
I don't have to justify my actions to you.
It wasn't Duncan who let him go that night, was it? It was you.
I'll forgive your insolence this time, Jax.
Never again.
Get to work.
Lynn: I want to talk to Duncan's companion, not to Silas.
I'm flattered.
Do you attached yourself to the human brainstem? Is that why you're on the back of the neck? [chuckles.]
I know what you're thinking, Lynn.
If we can just turn off the parasite, sweet Duncan will come back to us.
Maybe I'm asking out of medical curiosity Don't patronize me.
You want to take what's mine.
I'd argue that Duncan belongs to himself.
If you touch me, I will inflict pain on him so severe that he will want to die.
You'd hurt your own host? [intense music.]
Stay back.
You try that again, and it'll be so much worse.
If there are survivors, that answers the question we've been asking since we got here.
Who buried the dead? Right.
Yellow said the bodies were laid with respect.
The Skin Riders wouldn't do that.
The Settlement lasted for at least a decade.
They buried their friends.
There's something else about the graves.
One of them didn't have a corpse.
It's empty? Not empty.
A drone's buried there.
A drone? Smashed into multiple pieces, according to Yellow's scans.
If it was here during the Settlement, it would have loads of information.
It might even know where the survivors went.
See if you can find Yellow.
We need to know everything that she knows about that drone.
Lynn: Ezra.
This parasite might be worse than we thought.
How so? It can inflict excrutiating pain on the host.
They can also shut off the pain.
They can burn themselves and not feel it.
The problem is, there's no single pain center in the brain.
There's no one place for the parasite to go to control it.
Pain travels on neural pathways throughout the body.
What are you saying? I think this parasite is bigger than we think.
More than just on the back of the neck? When I was infected, tendrils grew in every direction, not just towards my head.
You think it might be throughout the body? Possibly.
I've no way of knowing without doing an MRI.
Once Abram finds Yellow, she can scan Duncan and tell us what she sees.
Don't say anything to Feena until we know for sure.
You all right? Do you think it's possible? That Kylie's alive? The drones claim to have her genome and brain state, so yeah, I think it's possible.
If people left, Skin Riders would have hunted them.
Maybe the people got away.
Or maybe not.
He said that Kylie went with me.
So if there are survivors, then there's another version of me out there.
Kylie already has a mother.
She wouldn't need me.
She says they were attacked at least two hours ago.
Her five-year-old daughter was taken.
Taken how? Transport? On foot.
Heading west.
Lynn: The shipyard.
How many Karik? At least ten.
Maybe more.
We'll never catch them with that kind of lead.
I can run.
These people here need help.
Lynn and I will go alone.
Don't make us come looking for you.
Lynn: You're going to let me come? I know that look.
And I know better than to defy it.
This won't bring our daughter back, Lynn.
No, but we might be able to help bring back someone else's.
I'm losing my patience, Ezra! [banging.]
Any damage? Not on this side.
But all they need is a crack to get a wedge in.
We need to stop them from hitting this thing.
How? What are you thinking? Ezra: This facility has power.
Yeah, so? Ezra: The label's disintegrated.
They're 400 years old.
Should you be doing that? You're going to blow a fuse.
It's a miracle any of these work at all.
I wouldn't press our luck.
[powering down.]
That's the one.
[powering up.]
You want to fill us in here? We need Feena.
If they're going to hit that door, we're going to hit them back.
[music swells dramatically.]
That's the best I can do.
Will this work? Yeah, assuming it doesn't fry the fuses or overload the generator and start a fire that traps us all in the burning inferno.
[rhythmic grunting.]
You think they would've given up by now.
They're about to.
- [clicking.]
- [sparking.]
[electricity zaps.]
Help him! [coughing.]
Bring him inside.
I've got him.
I've got him.
[hum of electricity.]
It worked? For the moment.
- You found Yellow.
- Inside a charging bay.
At least, that's what I think it was.
She's not responding.
Duncan: You didn't say the magic word.
What did you do to her? I sang to her a siren song and put her gently to sleep.
Shall I sing it to you? Untie him, Abram.
Feena: What are you doing? Moving him.
Everything he hears us say is being relayed outside.
Oh, busted.
But what if What if I promise not to do it again? [grunts.]
Duncan: Is there any chance that I could get a mint on my pillow? I'm not going to tell you where your daughter is.
And you're not going to torture me to find out.
Ezra: We'll Se.
Is there any message I should give your brother? Perhaps a menacing threat of bodily harm if he doesn't stop banging on your door? Tell him this: I love him, and I still believe in him.
What about the Obelisk? Duncan turned it off somehow.
The forcefield wouldn't do us much good right now.
It would only trap the Skin Riders in the courtyard.
The Obelisk might at least have some answers.
The Obelisk conceals more than it shares, as far as I'm concerned.
But if anyone can get it to talk, it's you.
I'll try.
Any luck? Duncan must have incapacitated it somehow.
Otherwise Yellow would have defended itself.
[powering up.]
Feena: Yellow.
You good? Feena.
I was put on lockdown.
By Duncan.
I don't remember.
Checking brain states.
Duncan was given drone access codes.
I've changed mine as a precaution, considering his current state.
What do you mean, access codes? And why would Duncan know them? I am programmed not to answer.
I need a full-body scan of Duncan, identifying the extent of the parasite.
Can you do that? Where is he? Oh, I hope you're carolers.
I get no entertainment here.
Show us the parasite, Yellow.
This can't be right.
I'm sorry, Feena.
But you can help him, right? The Sparks, they can cure him.
It's systemic, Feena.
It encircles vital organs.
Even if there was a way to remove it Duncan wouldn't likely survive the procedure.
We tried, Lynn.
Lynn: Their tracks lead to that warship.
And they're inside it, beyond our reach.
They hold them for 24 hours in containment.
She's likely still alive.
That's not our daughter in there.
Does that matter? Of course it matters.
A rescue is suicide.
They would take us out before we get within a hundred yards.
Then we'll wait 'til dark.
You cannot be serious.
What are we doing out here, then? We're surviving.
We help where we can, where it's feasible.
And we pull back when there's too much risk.
That's why we're still alive.
We are not racing to our deaths because we can't handle our grief.
Am I wrong? They took her from us.
Our little girl.
No! This is not revenge, or or some death wish, or grief.
This is what's right.
And you don't have to come.
But if you love me, you will not stop me.
He's dead.
If his Companion grew too tightly around his heart, something like this was inevitable.
Something like this was avoidable.
[unsheathes knife.]
Someone should prepare him for the Ancestor.
At least there he'll be out of the cold.
I'm guessing by the general silence and absence of glyphs that you're not having much luck.
It won't respond to anything.
So Duncan can control the drones and the Obelisk.
If we hadn't stopped him, there's no telling what he would have done.
You stopped him.
I tried and failed.
How's Feena? About as low as someone can be.
I'd say the chances of eradicating the parasite without killing Duncan are nil.
That true for every Skin Rider? Lynn thinks so.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
I keep asking myself, where did Duncan learn to do all this? If he was one of the early Reborns, he had at least ten years in the Settlement.
That's plenty of time to learn this tech.
Yellow said Duncan was "given" drone access codes.
" That's an event.
One that must have happened in his original life, because if it had happened at the Settlement, Yellow wouldn't know about it.
She doesn't have a record of the Settlement.
If someone gave Duncan info on the drones, maybe they gave him info on the Obelisk too.
The question is, who? Remember that woman I told you about? Eleanor? The one I saw in deep recall? She had a drone and Sparks and a knowledge glyph on her bracelet, before the invasion.
She was in the Settlement too, which means there were at least two people here that knew everything.
You okay? You didn't say her name was Eleanor.
What was her last name? Yellow might have told me, but I don't remember.
You showed Abram a woman from the Settlement.
Eleanor? Show her to me.
I do not conjure holograms on command, Ezra.
- There are rules - I don't care about your rules.
Show her to me or you and I have got problems.
Very well.
Do you know her? That's what she looked like when she was younger.
Who is she? My mother.
[music swells dramatically.]
[fire crackling.]
What took so long? I was paying my respects to the dead, Jax.
Should I have rushed that for your convenience? Have someone take him to the Ancestor.
He won't be the only casualty if we stay here.
The facility is within reach.
The warmth we want is in there, not back at camp.
And what about the doors? Must I dictate everything? Have the men cut down a tree, something non-conductive for a ram.
This isn't difficult.
You think a tree will break what a missile can't? I think your lack of faith is far more problematic - than those doors.
- This isn't a matter of faith, Silas.
We're ill-prepared for a siege.
Then prepare! [footsteps.]
Ezra: Tell my brother I love him, and that I still believe in him.
Let me help you, Silas.
This isn't who you are.
Let me help you, Silas.
This isn't who you are.
Tell my brother I love him, and that I still believe in him.
Jax: Is that your mother's grave? No, my brother's.
Ezra is not your brother, Silas.
I am.
Aren't those the words you spoke to me? To assure me your human had little control? "You are my brother, Jax.
This Ezra, this human, is nothing but an organism.
" And yet, here you are, speaking as if.
you were human.
I have given you orders, Jax.
I suggest you follow them.
What was it? What emboldened your human, Silas? A brother's love? [thud.]
You were right about the drone.
Our humans need to be silenced.
Starting with yours.
There is too much human in this one, brothers.
This is rebellion! Yes.
A rebellion of your doing and not mine.
Your human grows in strength, clouds your judgment.
Judgment that leads to death.
You are removed from command, Jax.
And who will remove me? Who of you stands with our priest? The drone will silence your human.
And then we'll see how fit you are to lead.
Tie him up.
Stay in the courtyard.
Alert me if they try to leave.
My mother was in the Settlement, and you never thought to tell me? I just did.
Abram says she knew about the drones and Sparks before the invasion.
That true? Yellow: Abram is not one to lie.
Answer the question! Abram knows what you showed him.
Was it true or not? Your mother was more than you realize, Ezra.
If not for her, none of you would be here.
What are you talking about? Eleanor was part of an initiative to reinstate the human race should humans suffer extinction.
My mother was a humanitarian.
She worked for a non-profit.
What's more humanitarian than saving humanity? What initiative? Further details require greater clearance.
This was 400 years ago.
I think we're beyond that.
What can you tell me? This: Duncan isn't lying.
Kylie was here in the Settlement.
I thought you had no record of the Settlement.
I don't; I only know what I've found.
I scanned the graves and every hair follicle I found in the living quarters.
Kylie was here, but she's not buried outside.
Well, where is she? The only person here who can answer that question is Duncan.
Drones recorded our brain states.
Can you record Duncan's? Then you can dip into his memories and tell us what he knows.
Not possible.
The parasite is too deeply imbedded to acquire a clean brain scan.
Lynn? Anything? I think we should try something with Feena's permission.
Why me? Because you're closest to Duncan, and there's a chance that my idea will kill him.
This is as close as we're going to get.
We go with camo shields.
Hopefully that'll be enough.
What if they're watching heat? I'll go in first.
If I make it, you follow.
I have been distant.
I know that.
And I shut you out and that isn't fair.
- Lynn, it's - No, no.
Hear me out.
You want to talk, I'm talking.
It's just I look at you, and I see her.
And I see I see us with her.
And that hurts too much.
And I don't want to hurt anymore.
But I would rather hurt than lose you too.
That hurt won't go away, Lynn.
Neither will I.
[Lynn sobs.]
I made it.
Field is clear.
Lynn: Copy that.
On my way.
Remember, two to the head - Leaves Karik dead.
- Right.
Stay close.
Duncan: Hello, ladies.
Did you miss me? Take off your jacket.
Well, then.
I mean, that is a bit forward of you, but, uh, I'm curious to see where this goes.
You think a tranquilizer dart can take me down? [thud.]
Yellow, show me vitals.
Blood pressure dropping, heart rate slowing.
Is that normal? Injecting Sparks.
- Yellow, you sure about that tranq dose? - Affirmative.
- Likely non-lethal levels.
- Likely?! Yellow: The parasite disrupts his normal biochemistry.
I must make certain assumptions.
Watch his breathing.
This isn't going to work.
Yellow: The Sparks will stimulate neurons that will wake the human Duncan.
How long is that going to take? [gasping.]
Duncan: Hey.
[chuckles weakly.]
You all right? I am now.
You look great.
I'm, uh, guessing I could use a bath.
[Feena laugh.]
It wouldn't hurt.
Duncan: Feena.
I can't move.
We sedated the parasite.
- Good.
Kill it.
- Doing so might kill you as well.
I know.
- It's okay.
- No, it isn't.
We'll find a way.
There isn't a way, Feena.
And even if there was, he wouldn't let it happen.
- He'd kill me first.
- No.
We don't have much time.
You need information? The survivors.
Are they still alive? Duncan: I'll tell you what I know.
Yellow, project a map.
[Duncan groans.]
We need to move quickly.
I can feel him waking up.
- Lynn: That's all you know? - Duncan: That's the meeting place for the people that headed north.
Where they went from there, I can't tell you.
So we still don't have a location.
At least we know Kylie got away.
They left nearly two years ago.
What if they've been pushing north that whole time? We'll never find them.
Duncan: There may be someone who can help you.
There's a girl, a young girl in the forest, if you can find her, Raven.
The girl who helped me? She may know where the survivors are.
She hunts here and watches us, but she lives in the north.
It's waking.
We have to do something.
There's nothing to be done Human.
Oh, you are all so clever.
But I told you I told you that if you get close, I will hurt Duncan.
Lynn: You still have Sparks inside you.
We've given them very specific instructions.
If you hurt Duncan, there will be consequences.
The body naturally discards Sparks.
All I have to do is wait! Hey.
What, you're not even going to put down some newspaper? [chuckles.]
Feena: We can't keep him locked up indefinitely.
He'll keep hurting Duncan.
As much as I hate to say this, I think we should consider what Duncan wants us to do.
I can't.
Then our only hope is the Ancestor.
Which we can't destroy without the weapon.
And we're not sedating Duncan again to ask where he hid it.
That won't be necessary.
[whirring continues.]
[whirring continues.]
It's locked.
I'll go get the sledgehammer.
See if we can't break it open.
Or you could unlock it.
Abram: What now? We're not going after the Ancestor until Lynn and I go after Kylie.
What about the small army of Skin Riders outside? It's been awfully quiet.
We sure they're still out there? [grunting.]
If we don't make it back, destroy the Ancestor.
You'll be back.
It's nice having another woman around.
Don't stay away too long.
You're stronger than you think, Feena.
Thanks for helping us.
[intense music.]
[ships flying overhead.]
We're going to take you to your mommy, okay? - [engine starts.]
- What's happening? We're taking off.
Take the girl! [metallic door opens.]
[Karik growls.]
[continues growling.]
Behind you.
Ezra: I see him.
[Karik roars.]
These restraints are unnecessary, Jax.
The drone was my idea.
If it makes my Companion stronger, I'll gladly do it.
For your sake, this better work.
Red: Hello, Silas.
I will sever the human's influence in your mind without damaging normal brain function.
Get on with it.
Two Reborns have been spotted in the woods.
Send two brothers to find them.
Follow, don't kill.
I want continual reports.
She's not here.
How old did you say this girl was? Maybe ten? She probably wised up and took off.
We should do the same.
How are we going to find these people without a guide? Follow Duncan's directions and see where they lead us.
Where they lead us is nowhere.
If the Skin Riders couldn't find them, how will we? We'll do what the Skin Riders didn't: We'll keep looking.
What light through yon window breaks? 'Tis Feena, my sun, and I am her moon.
You're quoting it wrong.
Well, it's Duncan's memory, so I blame him.
Also, you cant feed me this soup.
All right? It's cruel and unusual punishment.
- You'd rather starve? - I might enjoy that more, yeah.
Well, it's your last meal anyway.
Well, that sounds grave.
What are you going to do? [imitates Feena's accent.]
Poke me with your stick? Duncan made me promise that if I ever got the chance, I would kill you.
To end your suffering and his enslavement to you.
Well, that is morbidly sentimental, but I think we both know that you don't have it in you.
I mean, you can't kill Duncan.
That's what I thought.
And then I realized you already have.
There is no Duncan anymore.
There's only his brain state, really.
And I have that anyway.
Now let's Let's hold on a minute.
[door clangs.]
Feena: Get out.
Move! You said you would inflict pain on Duncan.
If we kept you here, you'd make his life miserable.
And I can't let you do that.
I, um, I may have been speaking a little dramatically.
- You know, for effect.
- I love Duncan.
And when you love someone, you're willing to do difficult things to protect them.
- I know that now.
- You think about what you're doing here.
Oh, I have.
You took my husband.
The father of my child.
He was everything to me, and you stole him.
I won't hurt Duncan, okay? - Give you my word.
- What is the word of a Skin Rider? All right, wait! Wait, I know things, okay? I know things about the Settlement and I know things about the Obelisk.
Tell me where the Ancestor is.
- I'll die first.
- I thought you'd say that.
[winces and gasps in pain.]
I knew you didn't have it in you, woman.
He's gone.
You think he knows about the tracking device? No.
Yellow buried it deep.
What if he doesn't go to the Ancestor? He will.
And when he does, we'll know where it is.
Abram: It was smart thinking, Feena.
You did good.
No, I didn't.
I broke a promise to the man I love.
There's no good in that.
Lynn: Stacey.
Mommy! Stacey: Thank you.
[music intensifies.]
Come out of there! Wait, don't! That's her.
This is my husband, Ezra.
Nice to meet you.
Someone told us your name Raven.
We need your help, Raven.
We're trying to find our daughter, Kylie.
She was with me.
Do you know her? She doesn't understand.
She helped me and was kind to me because she knew me.
The previous me.
Can you take us to Kylie? My daughter? Our daughter? Do we follow her? Wherever she's leading us, it will help.
You escaped? They let me go.
It's because of love, Jax.
Every human's weakness.
[drone whirrs.]
What have you done to me? Jax foolishly believed that a drone could be reprogrammed to perform unauthorized functions.
You did the opposite? You cut off the parasite's neural pathways? The connections are still there.
The information simply can't be transferred.
You freed me of the parasite.
But it will alert the others.
The parasite can only transmit an injury response, which, after an operation, is what the Skin Riders will expect to hear.
- So I'm cured? - Hardly.
You have control of yourself, yes, but only for the moment.
The parasite will regain control? It will try by accelerating growth and extending its reach A move that your body will aggressively attack.
- That sounds painful.
- And fatal.
I give you 48 hours.
It's what you wanted, Silas.
I saw it in your mind.
Am I wrong? No, thank you.
I can't exactly waltz out of here, though.
I will help you.
I'll take it.
Wait! What did she see? We're being followed.
Run! [intense music.]
[screams in pain.]
Drop your bow, or we drop you.
[theme music.]

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