Extrapolations (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

2068: The Going-Away Party

- I'm Anna.
The server for your party tonight.
- I'm the help.
Happy New Year.
Anna, are you burdened by debt?
You're finally here. I've been
calling and calling the agency.
- Annie, is it?
- Anna, yeah.
Sorry, my bike's
busted, so I had to walk.
- [HOST] Put your stuff here.
- I trust you brought something to wear?
- Yeah.
[HOST] Alpha, centennial playlist.
We don't normally eat like this.
Mind you, it's only
because of New Year's Eve.
This food cost us six months of our
carbon credits, and we're not rich.
You'll get a tip, of course.
Just don't expect it to be
It's going to be disappointing.
What else? Champagne's there.
Hors d'oeuvres over there.
And we'll get you out in time
for your own party, I promise.
Oh, I don't have
[HOST] Auggie?
Tomorrow morning?
[CALLER] It's always
better to start fresh.
- To let you know, it will probably be on
- [HOST] Auggie?
- Did you say something?
- No. That's my wife.
- [HOST] August Bolo, where have you gone?
- Does that mean you're reconsidering?
No. No, no, no. Um
[HOST] Our guests will
be here any minute, dear.
No second thoughts.
- If you say so.
I need a real commitment here.
- [HOST] Auggie?
- I'll be ready.
I've been searching all over for you.
Playing Unicorn Capture again?
What? I don't even
like that game anymore.
What? A guy can't just sit on
the floor of his own closet?
- I'm not playing anything.
- Yeah, this time.
Imagine you spent our carbon
on something productive,
- instead of your virtual pets or games.
- Or investments.
500 shares in a company that was
going to invent self-walking socks.
Those socks were a good idea.
Sure, until the prototype
walked someone off a cliff. Oops.
It was a bridge, and it was poorly
marked, and it was badly lit.
Anyway, you're the one who's
using all of our carbon points
for this little soiree tonight.
Why are you so dressed up?
It's New Year's Eve, and
you're sitting in a closet.
At least I'm still trying to, for
you, for us, to make things festive.
I'm festive.
You are not festive.
You think you know me.
You don't know what I
What don't I know? [SIGHS]
- What?
- Just saying.
Ugh, forget it.
- They're here.
Oh, and Auggie, put on some pants.
- Yay!
- Yay!
You're here. You made it!
- Hi.
- Eloise.
- Elodie. [CHUCKLES]
- Right.
W-Was the last one an Eloise?
- Eleanor.
- [HOST] Oh.
Thank you so much for having us.
- This is
- Oh. Ah!
- We don't
- Elodie is trying to bring back hugging.
- It's so natural. [CHUCKLES]
- Ah. Yeah. No, we don't touch.
- Anybody?
- Anybody. [CHUCKLES]
- Oh. Okay. [CHUCKLES]
- I love your dress. I love vintage.
- Oh, thank you.
Uh, let me take your oxygen.
- I have a girl here.
- Oh, here you go.
She's a bit of a mess. Excuse me.
- Annie!
- Wow.
- Can I get some help with these?
- Yes.
- Ah.
- [ELODIE, NIC] Thank you.
- [ANNA] Yes.
Oh, what is that? Does
she have that thing?
The chip, yeah.
Sweetie, didn't we talk about this?
Your apartment just got 6,000 bangs.
7,000, 12,000.
- Is that an ad? I hate that.
Okay, drinks! Annie, please.
It's micro-engineered grapes from
the last decarbonized bubble in Napa.
- Mmm. What a treat.
It tastes like armpits.
[ANNA] I've heard that actually.
[HOST] That's the Napa terroir, darling.
You've probably never had
anything to eat or drink
that wasn't made out of kelp.
No disrespect to the
kelp farmers in our midst.
Oh, none taken. It's a good business.
[ELODIE] So, how did you two meet?
Did you know it was true love?
We did.
He was the most interesting
man I'd ever met.
I always believed August
was destined for greatness.
And she's been disappointed
ever since. [CHUCKLES]
What do you do?
- [HOST] Well, first, he tried wind.
- I
Of course, there's no more wind.
Then solar. Well, that went bust too.
It's not my fault that
there's no more wind or sun.
It's not my fault that we're
drowning in smoke and fog
on this desiccated planet.
It's not my fault,
Sylvie. It's not my fault.
Whoa. It's no one's fault
truly, is it? [CHUCKLES]
How did you two meet?
- [NIC] Auggie was my mentor.
- [ELODIE] Oh.
I idolized him. A visionary
who had all the skills.
Not to mention, a gorgeous young wife.
Taught me everything back when
I worked for the government.
Back when I still
believed in the government,
along with Santa Claus and
binary systems. [CHUCKLES]
When are you getting in
the private sector, Aug?
You're wasting away in municipal
filtration. A cog in the machine.
Time to get out.
You're right. I should get out.
[NIC] I have a friend. [CLEARS THROAT]
Guy's a tech trillionaire
in New Zealand.
He's bailing on the whole thing.
"Bailing"? What do you mean?
Well, planet's unlivable clearly.
So, he and his wife
signed up to digitize.
[SYLVIE] Oh, I've heard of it.
- You upload yourself or something.
- [ELODIE] Mm-hmm.
And they store you in the cloud
until the planet heals itself.
Whatever that means. Uh, blue
skies, clear lakes, breathable air.
At which point, they
magically reanimate you
into this decarbonized utopia
in a body of your choice.
Ugh. Are people really
signing up for this nonsense?
People will sign up for anything.
Moon colony, teleportation.
Nobody ever went broke betting
on humanity's misguided optimism.
I heard it worked in a dog.
More champagne.
- I think it's kinda cool.
- Yeah.
[ELODIE] The cloud
sounds more interesting
than what your generation calls reality.
Okay, I'm sold. What do we bring?
- Oh, how does one dress for the cloud?
- Is there room service? How's the view?
- [SYLVIE] Mm-hmm.
Come on. It's not a
hotel, it's a storage.
They just put you to sleep.
Well, then I hope
it's a very deep sleep,
and when I wake up, I wanna be
in a 22-year-old body
with 2.5% body fat.
You are fine as you are.
[ELODIE] Yeah. Joke all you want.
I, for once, would love to wake
up, magically, in a better world.
What makes you think the
world's going to get better?
I mean, obviously, the
sacrifice that everyone's making.
- The rations, everything
- Oh.
Human history is the story of one
terrible catastrophe after another.
Most created by our own hopelessly
incorrigible selfishness.
Well, the problem with beaming into
the future is that wherever we go,
we'll have to take us with us.
Would you go?
The technicians arrive in
the morning, first thing.
- Oh, dear! We'd better get packed.
Oh, I'm honored to be here for
your last night on Earth, guys.
How do we celebrate?
[AUGUST] We are celebrating.
In fact, perhaps that's
exactly what this is tonight.
Uh, a going-away party.
You see? I can be festive.
[NIC] Mmm, we're not
falling for it, old man.
Unless you're suddenly worth
in the trillions, and even then,
you can't get on a list.
Fifteen years ago, I invested
in a small tech company.
The last one up in Marin
before they all went bust.
But nothing you've ever invested
in has ever worked out, Auggie.
This did.
Alpha, play LifePause.
[SINGER] LifePause ♪
[AD ANNOUNCER 1] Meet Buster, the
world's first fully-uploaded being.
Just months ago, Buster was
suffering from arthritis,
obesity, depression,
and climate fatigue.
Using our groundbreaking
neuromapping technology,
scientists were able to map
Buster's entire consciousness
and bring the benefits to you.
For a long time, we thought
consciousness lived in the brain.
Now we know being alive
is a full-body experience.
Our exclusive nanotechnology
maps every neuron of the gut,
the heart, the reproductive
system, even the vocal cords
through a unique procedure
called nanoslicing
to achieve a level of detail
heretofore unimaginable.
[AD ANNOUNCER 1] After a
consciousness is encoded,
it can be uploaded, stored
in unconscious state,
even replicated infinite times,
and reactivated at any point
in a pristine physical
vessel of your choice.
[AD ANNOUNCER 2] Once this
technology becomes widely available,
anyone who cares about
our planet will digitize.
It's the only way to completely
erase your carbon consumption
and experience the full wonders
of our restored ecosystems
when you wake up.
[AD ANNOUNCER 1] Welcome to
the "Same you, better world."
[SINGER] LifePause ♪
See you tomorrow ♪
Stop! Stop this insanity.
- [SINGER] LifePause ♪
- Enough is enough. Please.
- See you tomorrow ♪
- [STAMMERS] Alpha, turn off.
Really, Auggie? It was funny at
first, but you've taken it too far.
I told you, this is not a joke.
The idea that we would give up our
entire lives at the drop of a hat
and beam into the unknown?
- Well, I knew you wouldn't go.
- [SYLVIE] I wouldn't. You're right.
That's why I'm going without you.
Right. Wait, what?
There's only one ticket. And there
was a lottery for the investors.
I didn't have a plus-one.
I'm sorry. I I
thought it was obvious.
- So you're
- I'm I'm
Yeah, I'm going I'm g I'm
I'm gonna I'm gonna go alone.
Drinks. I think I need more to drink.
[NIC] Can we get more
champagne out here, please?
Oh, no, something
stronger. Bottom cabinet.
Something stronger! Bottom cabinet!
- You're saying you want to leave me for
for for dogs and windsurfing?
I'll take one too.
Uh, me three. Thanks.
I think we should let you two talk.
Yes, we we should just
leave. Thank you so
No, don't go. Please.
It's time to eat.
- Sylvie, I think we should talk.
- No.
Auggie, I put this dinner
together for us for New Year's Eve.
You're going to enjoy it.
[CHUCKLING] Who knows?
It may be your last.
Foie gras. From cloned
geese in Palo Alto.
- Mmm.
- Perhaps you are not familiar.
What is it?
- It's liver.
- Probably best just to enjoy it.
Farmers force-feed male ducks
by ramming pipes of
grain down their throats.
The birds' livers swell to
ten times their normal size.
They're kept in cages covered in shit.
Some of them choke to
death on their own puke
or tear out their feathers
and attack one another.
Female ducklings are spared that.
Instead, they're tossed, still alive,
- into grinders and ground into cat food.
- Mmm.
Bon appétit.
- Mmm. [SIGHS] Mmm.
Wow. That's so inhumane.
Why think about it?
Funny how we call cruelty inhumane,
but really, what's
more human than cruelty?
Right, Auggie?
[ELODIE] But females
turned into cat food.
- I mean, that's
- Oh, buck up, Elodie.
It's hardly a shock to
see a female tossed aside.
- You're young
but someday you'll
find out what it feels like.
Okay, let's not
Sylvie, you just don't understand.
I'm not tossing you aside.
This is actually not about you.
Silly me.
My husband would rather be nanosliced
than spend one more day in my presence,
and I mistakenly gather it's about me.
Well, I think what
he's trying to say is
I miss sunsets. [BREATHES SHAKILY]
I wanna feel rain.
I wanna breathe real air without a mask.
I wanna eat something besides kelp
that doesn't cost me six
months' carbon rations.
It's not that bad. I mean, my God,
people have survived much, much worse.
Even in the worst of times,
people could still look
up and see the stars.
I want wilderness, Sylvie.
Everybody wants wilderness
but we also want love.
Wilderness vanished years ago, Auggie.
You chose love.
- You chose love, kids, a family.
- Oh, you guys have kids?
- Elodie, don't.
- [AUGUST] Yes, we do.
- Uh, no, we don't.
- Yes, we do.
We don't!
I'm I'm sorry. Did I say something?
- [NIC] It's
- [ELODIE] I shouldn't have, right?
I should go after her.
Let me.
Thank you.
[SIGHS] I don't think he's
really gonna go through with it.
- He adores you.
- [SCOFFS] Who cares either way?
You don't mean that.
Oh, no?
I was imagining how
fantastic it would be
if they accidentally woke
Auggie up in Buster's body.
Like, just trapped in there like
[BARKS, GROWLS] "I'm Auggie."
not a dog." [GROWLS]
It'd serve him right, honestly.
Listen, Sylvie. You have every
right to be angry [SIGHS]
but the truth is, I'd
kill for what you guys have.
[SCOFFS] Please.
I bounce from person to person.
Elodie, Eleanor, Eloise.
It's all the same.
Virtual, AI.
Even the real ones have the chip,
so when they're having sex with you,
they're actually having sex
with someone else in their mind.
They're searching
porn or ex-boyfriends,
or ex-girlfriends, or God knows what.
[SCOFFS] I used to
not mind it, you know.
Cuts down on the pesky
complications of intimacy.
But now I'm starting to feel like
I might as well not even exist.
[CHUCKLES] You wanna
talk about digitizing?
I feel like I already have.
Did he tell you he was going?
I imagine he'd want to impress you,
the protégé who
outshone him so completely.
No. No, I was as in the dark as you are.
Then I guess we're both sort
of in this together, aren't we?
Both of us left behind.
You're drunk.
Mmm. Are you
Are you flirting with me?
So, I've been trying to get my art
career off the ground for years now.
That's one of the
reasons why I came here,
'cause Sylvie's an art dealer and
- Ah.
- [ELODIE] And I
I personally like to work with
discarded or found material.
- Right.
- I I I love to work with dung
- because it just
- Dung?
[ELODIE] Yeah, because honestly,
if we don't find the beauty
in our waste these days,
I mean, where will we find it, right?
I don't know.
I have to say
I think what you're doing is very brave.
To just take a leap into the unknown.
To completely erase
your carbon footprint.
I don't know a lot of people
that would be courageous enough
to do something like this.
I just think you have one problem.
What's that?
Oh, well, you still love your wife.
I don't think we should make this night
any more complicated than it already is.
Oh, I'm not talking about
anything complicated.
- Huh. You're not? [CHUCKLES]
- Huh.
What I'm talking
about, it's very simple.
Bodies in space.
Physical attraction.
Two lonely people finding each other.
Comforting each other.
Oh, whoa. Whoa.
sorry. I thought [STAMMERS]
You know
I don't touch.
Ah, yes, you don't. I forgot.
What about with Auggie?
I can't remember when.
You say you want wilderness.
You're already in it. You both are.
Fucking lost in the wild
of human relationships.
The only way out of
it is together. Right?
Maybe you're just doing this
to see if she still cares.
Things haven't been good
between us for a very long time.
And I know that times
can always get better,
but, quite frankly,
I'm more optimistic that the
Earth will heal than that we will.
So, no skin on skin?
[AUGUST] So what are you proposing?
I want your spot on the lifeboat.
[LAUGHS] You wanna digitize?
From the four of us, I'm
the one who should go.
I'm I'm young. Sorry.
I'm strong enough to build
whatever needs to be built.
I'm a joiner. I'm open-minded.
I'm eco-conscious.
I'm I'm tech-savvy.
I I have three million followers,
and everything I post gets
two to three million bangs.
Yeah, but don't you have
people or or parents?
Or Nic? You got Nic.
It's no one that is worth passing
up an opportunity like this.
The truth is I'm just broke.
I'm a dasher for my day job
and I strip online for
black-market carbon, and I just
I'm doing all of this just so
that I can keep the lights on,
so I can do my art after work
hours, but I just can't keep up.
I am meant for the future.
- Eloise.
- Elodie.
Even if I wanted to give you this spot,
which I actually don't, I couldn't.
It's nontransferable.
- Everything is DNA verified.
- Okay.
Well, you can give me a
fingernail or a hair of your beard.
Also, there's a very in-depth
psychological evaluation,
which, no offense, but
I don't think you'd pass.
What's in the evaluation?
Alpha, turn on LifePause.
- It's actually just a series of questions.
- Okay.
How are you so beautiful?
You're so beautiful.
"Have you ever thought
about harming yourself?"
"How many sexual partners have
you had, and how were they?"
- [NIC] I wish I could touch you.
- [MOANS] But you can't.
"What is your favorite
flavor of ice cream and why?"
Well, that's easy.
- Mint chip. It's delicious.
- Mmm.
"Have you ever been in
love, and how did you know?"
"Are you spiritual?"
"If yes, what do you believe in?"
"What would you do if
you were suddenly faced
with an enormous brown bear?" [CHUCKLES]
Oh, yeah, that [CLEARS THROAT]
Some of the questions are simulations.
- [GASPS] Oh, my God!
It's holo. It's just a
exercise, it's not real.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- No! It's
- It's gonna kill me! [SCREAMS]
- It's fine! Don't run!
- It's It's [STAMMERS] Elodie!
- No! Leave me, please!
[SYLVIE] Auggie? What's going on?
Ah, it's nothing. It's a
psych eval for LifePause.
- Elodie wanted to see it.
- Alpha! Turn off LifePause!
What is it evaluating exactly?
I guess [SIGHS] basic
survival skills in the wild?
Or maybe a person's ability
to distinguish between
fantasy and what's real?
Obviously, you'd make a
good candidate. [CHUCKLES]
I wouldn't go.
I would never, ever go.
I wouldn't give up.
Sylvie, I
I didn't wanna hurt you.
You didn't.
Okay, but but listen
[STAMMERS] I It's I guess,
I didn't think you'd
care if I left or not.
How can you say that?
I didn't think there was
anything left between us anymore.
Don't try to justify it.
Really. Please! You gotta
understand, this is
This is as much of a shock to
me as it is to you, in a way.
I mean, I never imagined
that it would work
and that I'd be picked for the lottery.
And, certainly, I hoped I'd get a
chance to talk to you about it first.
But you never listen to me.
You barely even look at me anymore.
And I know I've disappointed you.
I know this is not the life that
either one of us envisioned it to be.
I mean, I'm disappointed too.
we could never communicate
without fighting.
- Where's Elodie?
- Nic, can you give us a minute?
Wait, don't go.
- What is it, buddy?
- What?
Are you
Did you
No, you didn't. Did you?
I [SCOFFS] What?
You couldn't even wait until I go?
- Auggie. It It's not what you think.
It It was, uh
She started, uh
"She started it"?
What are you, six?
So, it's true?
Okay, yes, but it was
completely contactless.
- Right.
- And, of course,
it's still stupid and awful.
- Well, I don't think it was
- Shut up, Nic!
But it was only because you were
I mean, we are both
y You're leaving us.
And And it happened!
Well, this is just perfect!
It's just really perfect!
You just had to have the
final victory, didn't you?
One last kick to the face and
then just send me on my way!
That's That's not what this was.
- [ANNA] Excuse me.
- What is it?
Oh, I am sorry. Just,
um, dinner is served.
Thank you.
Would you like some tomatoes, sir?
- [AUGUST] No.
- Okay.
- [SYLVIE] Alpha, off.
I'd like to make a toast.
Okay, I think I'll just be Okay, bye.
A toast of gratitude, really.
See, it's my last night on Earth,
in this particular era, anyway.
And honestly,
a part of me thought that it would
be sort of a a bland farewell.
Great meal, couple of funny stories.
[CHUCKLING] Like that time we
went on that karaoke bender,
until we sang every last song from
the Blue Ivy Carter Holiday Album.
You had the whole audience
transfixed by the sound of your voice.
You had me, anyway.
And so I thought, let's just
let be bygones be bygones.
Bury a couple of our many hatchets.
Find some resolution for my
time here, for our time here.
Because there were some good times.
But things have taken a a turn.
Some might wonder if I'm angry.
It's my last night on Earth.
My wife fucks my friend.
Someone whom I've worked with
- and mentored.
I've always looked up to
you. It was contactless.
The truth is, you both
have given me a great gift.
If ever I had any
doubt about digitizing,
you have utterly squashed them.
You leave me now with zero
regrets, no second thoughts,
nothing but excitement
about what's to come.
So, I wanna thank you, both of you,
for making my decision
to leave you forever
so absolutely and appallingly clear.
So, cheers.
To my darling Auggie,
I'd be lying if I said I hadn't,
at times, fantasized
about something like this.
What wife hasn't thought
about how lovely it would be
to slowly slice up her husband
like a giant, juicy melon?
So, thank you, Auggie, for
ending our time so seamlessly,
and for once in your life,
planning and organizing
something yourself.
I guess there's a lot to
celebrate tonight after all.
I-I also have something to to say.
- It's clearly not the time
You're all fucking crazy.
He's crazy, she's crazy, and
you're crazy for bringing me here.
We're over. That's all.
Well, I suppose if
we're all making toasts,
I'll say a few words.
I'm sorry I had contactless
sex with your wife
on your last night on Earth.
It wasn't my intention to
hurt you or ruin your evening.
[AUGUST] It's fine. It
was a drunken mistake.
No, that's the thing I
wanted to clarify actually.
[SIGHS] Yeah, I wanna say this.
This feels right.
This was no mistake for me.
I am I've always
been in love with you.
Jesus Christ.
I've been in love with her
for well over a decade now.
Since the first time
I saw her, actually.
We have come close to hooking up
a couple of times over the years.
Oh, no, we didn't.
At my dad's funeral.
Oh, come on! It w It was
just a hug. I felt bad for you.
And, of course, Sylvie's the reason
I could never be with anyone else.
Not really. Everyone
paled in comparison.
I don't think you're crazy for
wanting to get the hell out of here,
but I do think you're
crazy for leaving your wife.
An amazing, beautiful woman.
I hope that, um, when Auggie's gone
Ah, Jesus.
- [ELODIE] Oh! Get him! Yes!
- [SYLVIE] Auggie! No!
- The food! No!
- [ELODIE] Shut it! Don't even
- Cheating, wife-stealing
- Auggie!
- You stay away from my wife.
- I'll fucking kill you, you fuckface!
- Get off of him!
Leave him alone!
- [ELODIE] Get off of him! Get off of him!
- [SYLVIE] No!
- Enough!
Daddy? What's going on?
Go back to bed, Agnes.
What are you doing?
We're just playing a little
game, honey. Funny, right?
Can I play?
No, sweetheart, you should be in
bed. Let me take you back up, okay?
- They do have a child.
- It's complicated.
[AUGUST] No, sweetie.
- I'm gonna put her to sleep.
- No, please don't do that.
- I have to.
- Don't.
[SYLVIE] Agnes, go to sleep.
- I hate it when you do that.
- I know. I hate it too.
But maybe it's time we
all gave up our illusions.
I'll take her back upstairs.
- Is she a
- [NIC] Yep. Infertility-bot.
[ELODIE] I've never seen one so real.
I think you should go now.
- [NIC] Sure. Of course.
- [ELODIE] Yeah.
Um, Sylvie. Sylvie?
I was talking to Auggie about
maybe giving me his ticket.
I really wanna go.
You're young. You have time. One
day, everyone will be doing it.
We need our oxygen.
Sorry for the mess.
Not a problem.
A-And the food was delicious, really.
Oh, I didn't make it. I'm just the
server. Freelance. Maid. [CHUCKLES]
Do you have the chip?
No, I could never afford it.
Oh, I know a guy that
does it for very cheap.
If you're okay with ads, yeah?
[SIGHS] Here you go.
Uh, happy New Year's.
Tell him to have fun up there.
I will. If he remembers how.
He was a good friend. Tell
him I'm I'm sorry
I will. Bye, Nic.
- Sylvie, if there's a chance
- Bye.
It's okay, you can go up and turn in.
I'll finish this up and let myself out.
It's New Year's Eve. Didn't
you say you had somewhere to be?
No, nowhere.
The last heat wave wiped out my
family and most of my friends.
I was a massage therapist in Burbank.
When there was a Burbank.
[SIGHS] I'm so sorry.
Anyway, it's funny.
Your life looks pretty
good to me. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, yeah.
Let me give you that tip.
- No, you already said not to expect, so
- The least I can do.
I suppose you have to pack.
Or maybe you don't.
Do you have to pack?
Can I pack your voice?
I sing to her every night, Auggie.
I know you do.
I know it's ridiculous.
I know she can't hear me. [CHUCKLES]
[CHUCKLES] It is not ridiculous.
You're going tomorrow, but the
truth is, you left a long time ago.
And I don't blame you.
I've been cruel.
I get it.
You want wilderness.
You want to see stars.
Sylvie, I
- I don't want to go.
- Oh. Don't. [HUFFS]
Don't stay out of guilt
or because you're afraid.
That's not it.
I just don't wanna
I don't wanna
give up on us.
Or this whole miserable
planet. [CHUCKLES]
I love you.
I love you too, Auggie.
What's that?
It's midnight.
Come on, let's go. Come on.
Part of this Come, I'll show you.
Happy New Year, Auggie.
[AUGUST] Happy New Year.
[NEWS ANCHOR] A happy and healthy 2069
to all our friends in the Bay Area.
At this hour, prosecutors at the
International Criminal Court in The Hague
are preparing additional indictments
against individuals and corporations
accused of committing ecocide
and other crimes against nature.
- The tribunal on climate crimes
also reported that the
proposed financial settlement
on the matter of
environmental reparations
to first peoples in
the southern hemisphere
has been rejected by lawyers
from the Global North
This, as the price of carbon
is ticking up higher again
this morning in world markets,
with heavy trading in commercial
credit and individual offerings.
- August?
- Augustine.
It says ''male.''
I don't see how my gender
identity is any of your business.
DNA sample?
Here. Just
Okay. That works. You're good to go.
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