Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

All's Well That Ends Well

Fire Dragon King's
Demolishing Strike!
His body's still here.
I must burn all of it.
Burn all of it to ashes.
It's It's already over.
It's all right.
I'm here.
I will never fall into despair
in this world
Our real bond will open up
a path for tomorrow
At night, I even forget to notice
The continuation of dreams
I can't see
And the sounds of anxiety
that everyone holds
Let's accept it all
and make it come true
The time has passed at
an impossible speed
While I recall it,
the "present" is slipping away
I will never fall into despair
in this world
Our real bond will open up
a path for tomorrow
If you hold onto hope
after coming this far
I'll seek the meaning of
the promises we exchanged
For the "Story" of the future
(All Is Well)
Hey, Happy.
I don't really remember what
happened after I ate his flames.
You were so amazing.
Did I say anything weird?
You did, but it still sounded like
the usual you.
I see.
Don't act like you understand!
It hurts!
You need to be better at
controlling yourself,
or you might lose yourself
every time you eat flames!
Thanks to you,
I got seriously burned!
How could you burn a maiden's chest!
Looks fine to me.
It's because Wendy healed me!
Glad to hear.
Lucy was the one who stopped you
when you lost yourself.
I just
I'm sorry!
It's fine.
That's not good enough.
That's it!
I wanted to go to the bathroom earlier.
Happy and I can disinfect the burns with-
Don't. Quit it, please.
The sea breeze feels good.
This city is going to be okay.
I'm telling you,
you guys were human all along.
I can't blame you for getting confused.
It was the Water Dragon God's magic
that turned you all into fish.
But why would he do such a thing?
He was supposed to be
this city's guardian deity.
He was losing control of his power,
raising the water level around the city.
He turned you into fish
so you could survive.
I knew he cared about us!
The Water Dragon God really
was our guardian deity!
We are so grateful.
No way!
Like I said, he was also
the source of the problem.
Oh well
And you killed our guardian deity.
I guess there wasn't any choice.
He went berserk back then.
That was the Water Dragon God's wrath.
You're wrong.
He was a kind dragon,
and that wasn't his wrath.
You're from the temple.
It was his grief.
To do the opposite of what he wanted
He truly did love the people of this city.
He was grieving because he was manipulated
by a power beyond his control.
Sorry about that.
Water Dragon God?!
No way!
You better take a rest.
Don't worry, I'm fine.
He survived after the beating
we gave him.
He's really a monster.
I'm glad he's still alive.
Well, I'm about as good as dead.
I don't have magical energy left.
I've become a human now.
Water Dragon God!
How can this be?!
But I think this might be for the best.
I'm going to live the rest of my life as
Mercphobia, not as the Water Dragon God.
Together with this city
and everyone in it.
It'd be so bad if he died, huh?
Don't say it like that.
I guess, this is settled, then.
I think?
No one had managed to defeat
the Five Dragon Gods in 100 years.
And now, one has fallen.
Those people might actually
be able to complete it.
The 100 Years Quest, that is.
Fairy Tail?
Never heard of that guild.
They're from Ishgal, it seems.
And they're strong, cha.
I could've handled them myself,
but these two stopped me!
The best way to enjoy meat
is to squeeze and drink it
Though, there's no way to forget the flavor
of the dragon once you taste it.
Hurry and get me more
the dragon god's meat.
What is this?
When we finally come for a visit.
What is going on now?
No one is here.
Do you think they're all
on a trip or something?
Fro thinks so, too.
But to think that there
isn't a single person here
Not even Mirajane.
I smell something.
Now, then
I must dye the rest of
the fairies white, as well.
Wait for me
Sir Natsu and friends.
Ignia came here?!
I see, I thought it was your magic
that burned up the city.
Why do you make it that
I am at fault here?
Half of it was your fault.
I can't believe that everyone
is safe after he came.
That fire dragon, right?
What is he exactly?
One of the Five Dragon Gods,
Ignia, the Fire Dragon God.
In the past, there was a
Fire Dragon King called Igneel.
Ignia is the one who inherits his blood.
Wait, so he
Igneel's son?
I get it now!
So that's why he knew Natsu.
Natsu, were you raised by Igneel?
I see, that explains everything.
Ignia was here to see you.
If Igneel's son is causing trouble here,
I have to teach him some lessons.
It's hard for me to say this.
But there's no way you can beat him.
Not just Ignia,
but all of you don't stand a chance
against the other dragon gods as well.
Even so, we will do what
we decided to do.
That's how our guild works.
Can you tell us about
the other dragon gods?
They're the reason we came
to this continent.
It's been a long time since I've met them,
so I couldn't tell you where they are.
But I owe you a lot,
so I'll tell you what I know.
As we've already discussed before,
Ignia, the Fire Dragon God,
is a battle maniac.
He has brought ruin to
countless countries.
It's a miracle that Ermina still exists.
Next is Aldoron, the Wood Dragon God.
He is the largest dragon in the world.
He uses the power of nature
to read the people's hearts.
Selene, the Moon Dragon God.
She is a massive dragon who
uses the power of the stars.
Viernes, the Metal Dragon God.
He is the only one
I know nothing about.
I never met him.
Even though you're both dragon gods?
We don't really call ourselves
the Five Dragon Gods.
That's a name given to us as tales of
our misdeeds grew into legends.
Why did they call you gods
if you were bad?
It should be the Five Evil Dragons.
Indeed, it sounds so weird.
But in front of immense power,
humans often consider them divine
out of fear.
Whether they're good or not.
And we have never been in
the same place together.
So we don't really know that much
about each other.
Still, that was helpful.
Thank you.
Even though I don't know their location,
I have an idea about one of them.
As I told you, they're not an opponent
that you can beat.
Are you still going to go?
They're leaving.
Water Dragon God, milord.
I must apologize to you.
If I hadn't asked for help
from the White Wizard
It turns out all is well.
The Water Dragon God is dead.
The disaster that threatened
this city has gone as well.
This city will be reborn.
Together with everyone in this city,
I will live as a human.
I couldn't be happier than this.
Water Dragon God, milord
Call me Mercphobia.
No, that's way too long.
What? How about Mer, then?
Lord Mer, huh?
It sounds good.
Our next destination is the center
of the Guiltina Continent!
I'm fired up!
Surely we're not gonna walk
all the way there, are we?
It can't be helped.
There are no trains on this continent.
Huh? I was sure there were.
No, there's nothing like railroads
on the map we got yesterday.
Natsu! Wendy!
You erased the railroads, didn't you?!
Because we don't wanna ride it!
I didn't do anything!
Hold it right there!
I really didn't do it!
How did he erase it?
He rubbed it until the paper
started to fade.
There's a train to the Central
from a town just near here.
Let's start by heading there.
Tekka Town, right?
From Tekka, we can go to
the central metropolis.
It's Drasil, the largest city in Guiltina.
Will it be as lovely as Crocus in Ishgal?
There, we should find information
about Aldoron, the Wood Dragon God.
I heard that he is
the world's largest dragon.
I wonder if being a wood dragon
makes it weak to fire.
Maybe this time it would be easy
since we have Natsu's flames.
No way, right?
You called?
This is my room!
No, I mean, this is the girls' tent.
You can't just enter as you please!
Shoo shoo!
Erza's asleep already?
And I'm about to sleep too.
So go away!
She really scolded me this afternoon.
This is payback time.
Give me a marker!
I'm really sleepy, you know.
Good morning, everyone.
What happened to your face?
Damn you, Natsu!
Hold it right there!
I'm sure Natsu will be okay.
That's what I believe.
Why me, too?
I should've stayed awake.
Hold it there!
Thus, we headed for Drasil,
the largest city.
To get there, we need to take
the train from Tekka.
I don't want to take the train.
Let's run instead.
It would be good training too.
Are you kidding?
Look at my luggage!
You think we can run with this?
Why are you bringing this much
in the first place?
Give up.
It's just eight hours.
Eight hours
And three more hours
before the train leaves.
Plenty of free time.
I'm hungry.
Let's find a restaurant.
They've been staring at us
for a while now.
You're right.
Are Ishgal people that unusual?
Uhm You're Miss Elkis, aren't you?
Please sign this!
Mine, too!
Miss Elkis!
What?! I'm not Elkis!
You've got the wrong person!
Miss Elkis!
You're so cool!
Lady Elkis!
Please stop it!
What is happening?
Maybe Erza has someone who
looks like her in this town?
So her name is Erza?
There's another Erza here!
Just how?
Come with me.
Fairy Nail?
You and I are holding
the ends of the same rope
Pulling with a strong force
Creating a tense connection,
taut feeling
We've always helped each other out
no matter when
But leaning on each other
too much isn't good
It's time to let go
For both of us
Even if we part ways here
Our bond will never break,
it's an invisible belief
From this point on,
that will be something eternal
It's our story
O friend, this is where
we say goodbye
We can't keep supporting
each other forever
O friend, as if competing
against each other
We grow stronger by
standing on our own
(Next Episode)
(Aldoron, The Wood Dragon God)
Previous Episode