Familiar Wife (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

I need to check something.
I'm really sorry.
She had something in her hair.
Hold on.
Oh my.
Thank you.
What brings you to the bank?
I wanted to have dinner with you.
I waited, but you didn't call.
I see. This is
our new personal banking employee
from headquarters.
Nice to meet you. I'm Seo Woo-jin.
Seo Woo-jin?
What is this?
Seo Woo-jin?
I was going to call you
after I finished this.
Didn't you say you had to leave?
-Then go home.
-I'll wrap up here.
-I'll get going.
Have a good night.
Seo Woo-jin?
Wasn't that her name tag in your car?
Seo Woo-jin was a woman?
Yes. Did you think she was a man?
Yes, I did.
I see.
So it was a woman.
I guess her name is a bit androgynous.
It's nice to have a name
that's feminine like yours.
Lee Hye-won.
Wait here. I'll finish up.
All right.
Spicy fish roe soup is my specialty.
It's perfect with soju.
It smells amazing.
Have some with me.
-I will.
Didn't you say you had to use the grill?
-Did I?
Right, grilling.
I'll let you two talk.
You can grill me with any questions.
-Go away.
-Actually, please don't.
What's on your mind?
What's on my mind? Nothing.
If there's nothing,
why are you drinking soju
as soon as you get off work?
What is it? Tell me the whole story.
There is no whole story.
In short,
I'm caught
between a rock and a hard place.
Or something like that.
So Yoon Jong-hoo told you he likes you,
but someone else
gives you the butterflies?
I knew it.
I knew you'd understand right away.
Isn't that a big deal for you?
You've been wanting that feeling.
I'm just lonely.
So I must've been confused.
It's been a while since a guy
confessed his feelings for me.
So it shook me up.
That's why I can't come to my senses.
That feeling
wouldn't have come out of nowhere.
Who was it? Another coworker?
You'll get hurt if you know more.
I can't even remember
the last time I felt that way.
I'm sad that I have to
live like this forever.
It's so obvious
that you love your husband so much.
You have hearts shooting out of your eyes.
Is it that obvious?
That's not good.
I don't want him to get complacent.
You don't have to worry.
He looks at you lovingly too.
It's a match made in heaven.
I know that.
Don't worry.
You have a lot of time.
Just let your heart be.
You'll be able
to make up your mind eventually.
Or not.
Or I can just give up then.
Of course, you can.
This isn't a math problem.
In love, there are no right answers.
You're right.
There are no right answers in love.
-And no right answers in relationships.
-You're right.
So, how old is that Seo Woo-jin?
I think she's 30 or 31 years old.
She's pretty.
Isn't she pretty?
I'm not sure if she's pretty.
Keep stretching.
Where does she live?
Somewhere in Boeun-dong.
Keep going.
It's nearby.
Still, you shouldn't give
a female employee a ride.
What if people get the wrong idea?
No, that won't happen.
I just gave her a ride once.
It happened once, and it can happen again.
Men are so careless.
Hold onto me.
Don't worry about it.
Mom, I'm late!
When did you turn off the alarm?
Why didn't you wake me up?
I did. You said you'd sleep some more.
I said that in my sleep.
I'm going to lose it.
Eat. I made bean sprout soup.
I don't have time for breakfast!
Don't be ridiculous.
I woke up early to make it for you.
It's delicious.
This is my son-in-law's favorite too.
Mom, I didn't wash my hair. Can you tell?
-How is it?
-It stinks.
Should I wash it even if I'm late?
-Should I or not?
-You should.
It really stinks.
Whatever. No one will know.
No, I'm late.
What's taking her so long?
She'll be late.
-Ms. Seo.
-You startled me.
You're late.
I overslept.
I see.
I was stuck in traffic too.
I see.
You must've been flustered yesterday
when my wife showed up.
No. I wasn't that flustered.
I see. You weren't flustered.
I was just wondering.
It's nothing serious.
You wanted to check…
-Mr. Yoon.
-We're late.
-Watch your head.
That jerk.
We have an off-site request
for Maru Living at 2:00 p.m.
Who should go?
Jong-hoo, you go.
-You've met with the factory manager.
-I'm a bit--
And they're opening payroll accounts
for their new employees.
You can go with him, okay?
Yes, of course.
I know we have a lot to do,
but I'll be quick.
I'll have to work hard.
-What are you doing?
Get to work. We're so busy.
I am working.
This product is available
to all employees.
You can take out a loan
if you have employee insurance.
The maximum repayment period
is seven years.
I'll think about it.
I didn't have time to go to the bank.
I'm glad you came.
Right? We're glad too.
Call us anytime.
Please enter your passcode here.
Thank you.
It's registered.
Please fill out the checked sections.
Hyeon, come here for a second.
The boss is looking for you.
Right now?
Hold on. I'll be right back.
Take your time.
Only a few more people left.
How many did you do?
One, two, three…
Eleven? I think he's the last one.
We'll be done sooner than I thought.
Should we take a break before going back?
It'll be time to go home
when we get back anyway.
Skipping work is my specialty.
Excuse me.
Yes, Auntie.
I'll be right there.
I'm going to stop by my house
before heading back.
-It's my mom.
-Okay. You go ahead.
Thank you.
Could you give him the application form?
-We'll skip work next time.
I was told just to leave it here.
We're way too busy.
We don't have the time to bring this in.
Either bring it in or take it back.
It's up to you.
If you leave it here,
I won't accept your delivery.
Look at you go today.
I'm deducting this one.
No objections, right?
Hurry up and move them.
-Auntie, where's Mom?
-I don't know.
I looked everywhere,
but I couldn't find her.
I was in the kitchen making porridge
while she was napping,
but she was napping for such a long time.
But look at what she did.
Where did she go?
I can't watch her for 24 hours straight.
And you don't want me to lock the door.
Wouldn't it be better
to put her in a nursing home?
Let's find my mom first
and look around one more time.
-Okay, fine.
Mr. Byeon, here are the flyers,
hot off the press.
You checked for typos, right?
Of course. I'm not a newbie anymore.
Two hundred each.
Hand them out before dinner, okay?
It's not even 20, but 200.
I don't have time for this.
How can I help you?
Take a ticket over there.
I don't need help.
-I'm here to see my son-in-law.
Your son-in-law?
Customer number 289,
please come to counter five.
Mr. Cha!
You must be surprised.
It's my first time
at my son-in-law's workplace.
It's so nice here.
-It's clean inside too.
-This is my seat.
When I saw these
stir-fried anchovies this morning,
I thought of you.
You love them, especially
when you don't have an appetite.
Yes. But why did you come unannounced?
I didn't have your number.
But don't tell anyone that I'm here.
If she finds out I was looking for you,
-Woo-jin will--
Mother, you startled me.
We're working right now, so let's go.
No, go back to work.
I'm leaving after I give this to you.
-In the future, Woo-jin--
No, it's okay.
Even though it's not lunchtime,
I'll treat you to coffee.
You came all the way here.
Let's get some coffee.
You must be Mr. Cha's mother-in-law.
I'm Manager Byeon Seong-u
of KCU Bank's Gahyeon branch,
and I care deeply about Mr. Cha.
It's an honor to meet you.
What? Who's here?
-Mr. Cha's mother-in-law?
I'm Cha Bong-hee, the branch manager.
What brings you to this humble place?
I've heard a lot about you.
Mr. Cha has said
that you're such a great person.
He couldn't stop bragging
about his mother-in-law.
By the way,
why didn't you tell me she's so beautiful?
Why didn't you?
Since she's here, let's have some tea.
-I like tea.
-Let's go.
-No, it's okay.
Mother has a lot of urgent business
to attend to.
-But why…
-Anchovies sound so good.
-You can't send her away like this.
My mouth is watering.
You should get going,
so let's say goodbye and go.
-No, wait.
-Hold on.
-She came all the way here.
-Let's go.
It'd be nice to have some tea.
-Come on, Mr. Cha.
He's so stubborn.
Is she really the wife of JK Group's CEO?
How amazing.
How can she dress so modestly?
It's so unexpected.
I thought as the wife of a CEO,
she'd dress up in designer brands
and have a chauffeur.
That's prejudice.
I heard real wealthy people
don't flaunt it.
You're right.
She does have a different aura.
-Doesn't she have an elegance?
I guess you're right.
She's not picking up.
I'll take you home.
You can't just show up like this
without telling me next time.
Woo-jin will worry about you.
I know.
That girl is always out and about,
but she won't let me go out.
Thank you
for the anchovies.
Sure, let me know if you want more.
I'll make them for you 100 more times.
Thank you.
Living with Woo-jin isn't easy, is it?
I know.
She's quite proud.
She's never shown her feelings
since she was little.
And when pushed to her limits,
she throws tantrums
but suffers on the inside.
But you're her husband.
So she's showing her feelings to you.
One day,
she told me that you saved her life.
She was devastated
after losing her father,
but she held on because of you.
That's why I'm grateful to you.
You saved my daughter's life.
Why do you remember me?
I changed everything.
What do you mean by how?
I remember you
because you're my son-in-law.
You can't just simply
cut off relationships
at the flip of a switch.
You can't fully understand
the universe's intentions.
-Mother, what are you--
Did you want to eat it that badly?
Yes, I did.
Do you want some?
No, thanks. You go ahead.
I didn't know you liked vanilla ice cream.
Why didn't I know so many things?
Mr. Cha.
Mom, what's going on?
Why are you with Mr. Cha?
You look like you have a lot of free time.
When will you hand those out?
I just uploaded a review.
Let me take a break.
How long of a break?
You need to hand out
Mr. Cha and Mr. Yoon's flyers too.
Let's go.
-Hurry up.
-Come on.
How am I supposed to pass out 600 flyers?
Does my mom know
that this is how I'm making money?
Won't you help me?
I helped you last week.
I can't.
We're short-staffed without Woo-jin.
You don't even look busy.
-It's so unfair.
-Come on. Get going.
It's so hard to make a living.
Are we bankers or flyer distributors?
It's not like we get paid more for it.
I know.
I hope we get
some new customers with this.
Are these okay?
It'd be nice if they stood out…
Mr. Byeon.
Can you scratch my back, Ms. Jang?
There's no time for that.
I found a typo.
It's quite serious.
Gosh, what is it?
Can't you just ignore it?
It's not like people read…
Is he crazy?
"You jerks"?
What a lunatic.
Call Kim Hwan before he hands them out.
-Are they all like that?
-Yes, all of them.
I'm going to lose it.
That's why I told him to…
-Is he not picking up?
-No. What now?
-That lunatic.
Come on.
What do we do?
When will I finish this?
Every day…
Darn it.
Hey, Hwan!
Don't do that.
-Come here.
-We're KCU Bank.
I said stop!
-We're KCU Bank.
-Don't do that!
-Hello, we're KCU Bank!
I'm sorry.
I said stop! I'm sorry.
Stop it!
Excuse me!
Did you get one?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing, Mr. Byeon?
What does it look like
I'm doing?
I didn't know my mom would go to the bank.
Why is she so obsessed with you?
Older women have a thing for me.
Oh my.
I didn't know
you could make jokes like that.
It doesn't suit you at all.
I know.
Don't get discouraged.
It's charming
that you're slightly serious.
Charming, my foot.
And it's charming that you're nice.
I'm not nice.
So don't say that I am.
You're strange.
You're strangely comfortable
and strangely familiar.
And you're strangely good with my mom.
You looked so natural
at the convenience store earlier.
Maybe you really were
my mom's son-in-law in your past life.
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
I was distracted.
-I'm sorry.
That scared me.
I'm back.
You're back. How was the off-site work?
I'm glad you're here.
We needed help, thanks to someone.
I heard.
I heard you made a big mistake again.
Word spreads so fast at times like this.
Well, you did make a mistake.
It's not like we're making it up.
By any chance, is Mr. Yoon back yet?
No. Why did you come alone? Where is he?
I left early
because something urgent came up.
Mr. Byeon,
I need to go back to Maru Living.
There's an application form
I didn't bring.
Okay, go.
Thank you.
-Hi, Hyeon-su.
Long time no see. Going to class?
-I'll carry it for you.
What's up with him?
You can go now.
I'll do the rest on my own.
It's okay. I'm already sweating anyway.
Now I can show off about it.
Thank you so much.
I wouldn't have even made it
through half of this on my own.
Then you can buy me something
from the vending machine after.
-I'm so thirsty.
Give me a second.
Why did you come back?
I was going to bring the form.
I left you with my work,
but you didn't come back.
I felt guilty.
Why would you feel guilty?
Mr. Yoon.
Why are you walking so far away from me?
What? No, I'm not.
When did I do that?
I sweat so much earlier.
It's summer.
I thought I might smell bad.
It's okay.
I have chronic sinusitis,
so I can't smell well.
You can't smell me at all?
-How about now?
-No, not at all.
That's a relief.
I was worried for nothing.
I was concerned this whole time.
Ms. Seo,
your smile is beautiful.
I know.
I know this is sudden,
but please give me an answer.
I think I've waited long enough.
My eyes are about to pop out.
My eyes hurt
from looking at these small letters.
Our eyes are aging.
Wearing these will help.
Don't push my buttons.
I'm very sensitive right now.
When anything goes wrong, you blame me.
But now, you want my help?
You're so shameless.
I feel bad for Min-su.
I know.
But isn't this sort of fun?
It feels very retro, doesn't it?
I'll kill you.
-Pull your shirt down.
You're so careless.
So what? You see more skin
at the swimming pool.
This isn't a pool.
This is a bank.
Why are you getting angry?
Whose fault is it that I'm suffering?
Can't you read the room?
That's right.
-You're unbelievable.
-So unbelievable.
I wasn't getting angry…
-Hurry up.
When will we finish this?
Maybe you really were
my mom's son-in-law in your past life.
By the way, are Mr. Yoon and Ms. Seo
going straight home from the factory?
Yeah, I guess so.
That punk.
If he's going home,
he should at least let me know.
If I knew this would happen,
I should've gone too.
Ms. Seo was lucky.
Should I wait more?
How about ten minutes?
Five minutes.
Deal. Five minutes.
I can wait that long.
I've been waiting for days.
Why are you staring at me?
You're making me blush.
Why do you like…
No, what do you like about me?
I don't know.
What do you think I like about you?
I don't know.
Your smile.
How you say silly things.
And your wacky humor.
How you're a good daughter, and so on.
Okay, deal. Let's do it.
To be honest, my feelings aren't 100% yet.
That's why I thought about it.
I think you're a really good person.
We hit it off, and you're fun to be with.
That's enough.
No one can start with 100% confidence.
People date first and see where it goes.
If it doesn't feel right, they break up.
We can keep it light.
But if you're still unsure,
we can try it out for a month.
I'm confident.
A contract relationship?
It's not that grand.
We're just testing the waters.
No strings attached.
One month, no strings attached?
That's a good idea.
-What about at work?
-It's a secret, of course.
You don't have chronic sinusitis, do you?
What was that?
It's fine. I didn't wash my hair either.
Forget it.
Gosh, stop it.
What's wrong? Isn't that Hye-won?
It is.
Why aren't you answering?
Just because.
This rebellion of yours
is refreshing to me.
I came to eat your udon.
I'll have to go back if I answer her.
I crave your udon
more than steak sometimes.
-Can I have udon in five minutes?
-I'm starving. Hi Ju-eun.
She's so hungry
that she could eat a horse.
-You were here?
Why aren't you at home?
There you are.
Hey, you're here.
You two look like a pair now.
Are you dating or what?
This is big news.
Jong-hoo, congratulations!
Woo-jin… I mean, Mrs. Yoon!
Let me bow down to you. Thank you.
-What are you doing?
You two look really great together!
I know.
You know what a catch she is, right?
Good job. You made the right choice.
Aren't you going to congratulate us?
You've been quiet. Do you not approve?
Congratulate him. He's your friend.
I should congratulate him.
Of course.
I'm so happy for you.
I'm happy for you.
You mean it, right?
Help cover for us from now on.
We're keeping it a secret at work.
We're counting on you.
All right, then. What's the next step?
You're of marrying age.
You don't need to date for very long.
Why don't you just set a date?
How about this fall or next spring?
Or even this winter?
We'll see how it goes.
Don't get ahead of yourself
and make her uncomfortable.
He just got excited.
Nothing exciting
has happened lately, right?
Right. I got too excited, didn't I?
I can't help but be invested in this.
Our wedding anniversary is coming up,
and old memories…
Oh, our anniversary trip.
What about it?
It's our wedding anniversary next week.
My mom said she'd babysit Joon,
so I booked a guesthouse on Daebu Island.
Why don't we all go together?
It'll be like a college retreat.
It'll be so much fun!
What do you think? Isn't this awesome?
Hye-won too?
We can't do that. She'll ruin the mood.
Hey, don't be like that.
You need to be a bit more open-minded.
How can everyone get along with you?
People can be different from each other.
But she's just very different.
Do you think I'd go on a trip
with a princess?
Her butler will take care of her.
He's right here, you know.
-What about you, Woo-jin?
-She can't.
She can't go on an overnight trip.
Yes, I can.
My mom will be at her caregiver's house
this weekend, so I'm free.
-Then you can go?
This is why I like you.
-Yes, it sounds fun.
-Okay, bring the drinks.
-Where's my beer?
-Let's go and have fun.
-Anything you want to do?
This is crazy.
I can't believe
I'm taking the CSAT tomorrow.
It was so nice to study here with you.
-I felt like a real college student.
-And now you'll become one.
You have to do well tomorrow.
Don't pressure me like that.
Honestly, it wasn't easy for me to study.
I lost so much time because of my dad.
All the more reason for you to do well.
-You have your admission slip, right?
-Of course.
Mark your answers well.
Don't mark your answers
for the wrong question.
That might be better.
-And go to bed early today.
Don't do anything out of the ordinary
that'll make you late.
Have a light breakfast,
and bring a healthy lunch.
Okay. How many times
do I have to listen to this?
You need to relax. Come on.
Are you taking the test?
I wish I were the one taking it.
Me too.
Eat this and do a good job.
When did you prepare this?
But I think I'll be able to do better
if you feed me.
Do you really want
to joke around right now?
I'm just trying to get rid of my nerves.
Hurry up and check.
I'm ready.
Wait, I'm not ready.
I'm so nervous.
I'm going to click it.
-I'm clicking it.
It's okay.
This means I can see you for another year.
I give up.
I'm heading home. I don't feel well.
Are you sick? Do you have a fever?
I just have chills.
Nothing to worry about.
Are you faking it like last time?
You're retaking the exam.
Don't forget that.
I know that.
Should I put a sign on my forehead?
Try not to miss me too much.
-I'm cold.
It's Hyeong-jin's birthday today.
He's treating everyone to drinks.
I can't drink today.
How can you study all your life?
-Getting a job is great,
-but you need to relax.
-Stop it.
That's right.
This is how you're supposed to live.
Gosh, I'm so excited.
Where's Hyeong-jin?
Where is he?
Happy birthday to you
-Happy birthday to you
-Are you feeling okay?
I'll bring it right away.
I'm sorry.
It hurts. Let go of me.
What are you doing here?
You saw me.
I'm making a living with a part-time job.
So why…
You said you had a cold.
You said you weren't feeling well.
Yes, I lied. So what?
"So what"? You're retaking the exam.
You have to study day and night.
But a part-time job?
Do you think
you'll go to college like this?
What are you thinking?
What else can I do?
We don't have enough money.
We have no money!
But we can't sell our house.
How can I study in this situation?
I'm not even that smart.
And even if I get into college,
how will I pay for my tuition?
It's not like I like working at a pub.
what right do you have?
What right do you have to be mad at me?
You said I'm nothing to you.
You said I can't even be your girlfriend.
I can't be mad
if you're not my girlfriend?
Is that all our relationship is?
What is our relationship?
What are we?
See? You can't even answer me.
We're nothing.
I'm kind of excited right now.
I didn't go to any retreats in college.
I've also never been
to a guesthouse before.
Don't get your hopes up.
You might be disappointed.
I've seen them on TV,
and they looked nice.
There was even a hot tub.
Every guesthouse has different amenities.
To be honest,
I was surprised when Ju-eun called.
She wouldn't even go shopping with me,
but a trip?
But it turns out
we're not the main guests.
-Jong-hoo and Seo Woo-jin?
How long have they been dating?
Didn't she just transfer?
I'm not sure.
I think they just started dating.
Well, isn't she sly?
She's dating someone right away.
Is dating someone sly?
Well, not exactly, but…
But why are you taking her side?
It's upsetting.
I'm not taking her side.
I didn't take any sides.
It's been so long since we've done this.
I'm going to go all out today.
I'm going to eat, drink, and talk a lot.
So don't stop me, okay?
I got it. Just drive.
Keep your eyes on the road.
Hey, on a good day like today,
you can say anything to me.
Whatever you say, I can take it.
You poor thing.
You love it so much.
We should've done this sooner.
By the way,
how did you two become friends?
I heard that Sang-shik
was best friends with Mr. Cha in college.
It's all thanks to Ju-hyuk.
He brought Jong-hoo to our restaurant.
They became friends, then best friends.
They then became an inseparable trio.
I see. It's nice to see
that you guys are so close.
You must feel like family.
I feel like
they'll always be on my side,
no matter what.
No, I won't.
If you and Ju-eun fight,
I'll take Ju-eun's side no matter what.
But I won't.
If you and Ju-hyuk fight,
I'll take his side.
Hey, how can you do that to me?
Your husband should come first,
not your brother.
The weather is so nice.
-Isn't it?
Hey, is this enough beer?
The bag ripped.
-This is heavy.
Why is it so small here?
It's like a dollhouse.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't accommodate
Your Highness's needs.
I didn't complain. I'm just saying.
There's no shower stall.
How will I shower?
Just tough it out.
It's normal for guesthouses.
Can't we sleep at a hotel later?
The rooms are a bit smelly.
How can we do that?
Just bear with it for today, okay?
You know I'm sensitive.
I don't mind other things,
but I hate the smell.
It won't kill you to sleep here for a day.
We haven't hung out in a while,
so stop whining.
How can you talk to her like that?
We brought everything in.
How should we divide the rooms?
There are two rooms.
One for the girls, one for the boys.
There are three, counting the living room.
Can't we divide by couples?
What couple?
They're not even married yet.
That's outrageous.
How so? You're so old-fashioned.
Why are you overreacting?
I'm not overreacting.
I don't want them to feel uncomfortable.
And it's immoral.
Immoral? My goodness.
What's wrong with you today?
You've been fidgety and overreacting.
You're being strange.
No, I'm not.
You're the strangest one here, Hye-won.
I can never get used to you.
Either way, let's not do it by couple.
The girls and boys can split up.
-You scared me.
-I forgot my instant coffee.
Instant coffee is essential for trips.
Why didn't you bring it?
I saw a grocery store earlier,
so I'll go get some.
Do we need anything else?
How about ice cream?
Okay, Mom.
Have fun with Auntie.
Don't forget to eat.
-The store…
You go first.
No, it's nothing important.
I just blurted something out
to fill the silence.
Why isn't Jong-hoo with you?
Sang-shik cut in front of him,
so he's just washing up now.
I rarely wash up
when I come to places like this.
One time, I didn't wash for five days.
Mosquitoes didn't even want to bite me.
I know.
How would you know?
I mean…
I'm saying I know
how the mosquitoes would've felt.
How kind of you
to understand how a mosquito might feel.
about Jong-hoo…
Do you really like him?
I do.
That's why I'm seeing him.
What do you like about him?
He's handsome.
He's funny.
And when he's with me,
he makes sure I don't feel lonely.
He constantly talks to me
and is interested in me.
Why do you ask?
No reason.
-I was just curious about you two.
-I see.
The ice cream is melting.
-Let's hurry back.
What should we drink first? Soju bombs?
That sounds so good.
-I washed all the vegetables.
-Scissors and tongs. Two each.
The air conditioner must be too old.
It's still hot.
Hye-won, can you turn up the temperature?
Don't you think you'll catch a cold?
No, I won't catch a cold like this.
You know I get hot easily.
I need the charcoal.
Men, come out so we can light the fire.
This isn't easy,
but you know I'm good at it.
Coming through.
Your husband is so funny.
Hye-won, you can stop cooling down.
Come prepare this with us
if you have a conscience.
What should I do?
Wash the perilla leaves first.
Why would you buy these
when they sell pre-washed ones?
This is the man with common sense
from Boeun-dong, Oh Sang-shik.
Give it up!
I've always imagined us three couples
gathering like this.
But it has happened out of the blue.
So I'm deeply moved.
So let's have fun with common sense.
With common sense!
-Let's have fun!
-Let's have fun!
You too, Hye-won?
Let's have fun!
-Let's have fun!
-Let's have fun!
-Drink up!
-Ju-hyuk, eat first.
Bottoms up.
-Oh my. What's this?
-Huge news on Behind.
-What is it?
One of our vice presidents got caught
using the company card for personal use.
He booked hotels…
He can't even say this was for a client.
He's done for.
-What's "Behind"?
It's an app for office workers.
Like a secret bulletin board.
I see.
It's quite fun.
People talk about their bosses,
rude newbies,
and even the occasional affair.
Time flies when you're on it.
Does the company check it?
-I don't know.
Some say HR keeps an eye on it.
Others say people find out
when incidents go viral.
But some people have quit
because of Behind,
so it must have some influence.
That sure is something.
It must be fun for office workers.
Why do you keep coughing?
It's not common
to catch a cold in the summer.
No, it's just the smoke.
Why are you sending the smoke her way?
I'll get you.
-It's okay.
-What's he doing?
What are you doing?
Woo-jin, your glass is empty.
I'll mix beer and soju for you.
What's the ratio? 7:3 or 6:4?
I'll just have soju from now on.
I'm too full
and too lazy to keep switching.
You sure know how to drink.
You're definitely one of us.
don't just be friends with Ju-eun.
-Be my drinking buddy from time to time.
-I'd love that.
Why don't we form a drinking group?
-Shall we?
-That sounds good.
I'd like a glass of soju too.
-What's wrong with you?
You can only drink wine.
Who says I can't?
I just don't drink it often.
Give me some soju.
Of course, I will.
My dear sister-in-law.
Soju isn't so bad.
-Oh my.
Please, let me.
Woo-jin, drink with me.
Just a moment.
Take your time.
I can't believe her.
I thought she couldn't sleep
with other people.
She can't hold her liquor at all.
Can you pass out
from half a bottle of soju?
She just went for it.
She's being competitive.
With me?
With my beauty?
She's one of those people
who has to be the center of attention.
But I think she's kind of cute.
How sweet of you.
Come sit here.
This is nice.
So, how's Jong-hoo? Are you crazy in love?
I like him, but I'm not crazy about him.
You're very aware of your feelings.
Yes, that's the problem.
But that's ideal.
Marriage is real life.
You clash over trivial things
and see each other at your worst.
You shouldn't marry someone
you're crazy about.
You'll get hurt.
Everyone says that.
But I still want to marry someone I like.
Even if we break up and get hurt.
Come on.
You'll come to your senses
when your heart is broken.
At this point,
I want to have my heart broken.
Let's go to sleep.
Should I have one more drink?
-Then I'll have one too.
-Go to sleep.
Okay. Let's go to sleep.
Ms. Seo.
Mr. Cha.
Do you want some water? It's on the table.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
W… Woo-jin.
Shouldn't we take her
to the hospital or the ER?
It's okay.
I gave her a fever reducer, so let's wait.
It's because of her high fever.
Even if we go to the ER,
they'll give her the same thing.
If she passed out,
then she must've been sick all night.
Did you not notice?
I drank a lot.
I should've known when she was coughing.
-She's still burning up.
That's strange.
Her fever should be going down soon.
Oddly enough,
this is the only fever reducer that works.
Is anyone there?
Anyone there?
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there?
This is urgent. I need medicine!
What's going on? You're too loud.
I'm sorry.
I was wondering if someone was in there.
My wife has a high fever.
My wife has a high fever,
and there's a specific medicine she needs.
Gosh, look at Romeo over here.
Young people these days.
The owner of the pharmacy
lives in that gray building over there.
-You can check it out. It's apartment 102.
-Thank you!
I'm sorry.
This is it, right?
Priscillin from Samdong Pharmaceuticals.
That's right. How much?
It's 11,000 won.
-Where are you going?
-The ER.
-Her fever won't go down.
-I think this will help.
It won't. We already gave her medicine.
Shouldn't you drive?
-But this medicine…
-No, I'll go.
You can take Ju-hyuk's car.
-Drive safely!
I can't believe this.
I guess she's weaker than she looks.
Where were you?
I was just…
She'll be okay, right?
Let's go in.
She's going to be okay.
Her fever has dropped.
She can leave after the IV.
Thank you.
Thank you.
-Mr. Yoon.
Are you awake?
Your fever is going down. You'll be okay.
Go back to sleep.
I'm sorry.
I ruined the mood.
Not at all. I've been blaming myself.
I didn't know you were sick
and made you drink.
That's why I didn't show it.
You wouldn't have let me drink.
Are you laughing?
Does that mean you're okay?
Yes, I can make jokes now.
You're bleeding.
When did that happen?
You should put some ointment on it.
It must sting.
Forget it. You should get better yourself.
You're such a weakling.
I thought you were just saying that.
So you don't like it?
You want to end it?
I'll think about it.
Go to sleep.
I can't believe you'll think about it.
Go to sleep.
Shouldn't you call Jong-hoo?
Yeah, you should call him.
Okay. They've been gone for a while.
If she's okay,
he should call or something.
He seemed totally out of it.
Is this not freshly brewed?
It's instant coffee.
-He's not picking up.
-He's not?
Maybe she's okay now,
and they've gone somewhere else.
No way. We're still here right now.
Who knows what goes on
between a man and a woman?
I'm tired.
I'll call you after the massage.
-Go and rest.
What's wrong?
You haven't said a word on our way here.
I'm just a little tired.
You didn't get enough sleep.
She's such a nuisance.
Where's one from 2006?
This is Cha Ju-hyuk
of KCU Bank's Gahyeon branch.
I need something urgently.
My ID number is 16420.
You know, I'm not good at just hoping.
I'm going to try not to.
I'll just hope.
Is he crying?
My goodness. What's going on?
Can I…
go back to that day?
This time, it'll be different.
Then should I propose to you here?
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