Family Secrets (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Who was on the phone?
They've been lying. All of them.
Paweł had an accident.
Paweł? No.
[gasps] No!
- Kaśka! Kaśka!
- [Maciej] Kaśka, what's wrong?
- [Maciej] Kaśka!
- [panicked chatter]
[Małgosia] Kaśka! What did you do to her?
You little shit,
what'd you do to my daughter?
[Małgosia] Jesus!
[Alicja] God, Auntie, call a doctor!
[Teresa] Okay.
[Alicja] Is she breathing?
- Oh, Kaśka! Is she breathing?
- Yes, she is.
[Alicja] Auntie!
Where is that ambulance? Auntie!
- [Teresa] They say it's coming!
- How much longer?
I don't know, they didn't say
exactly when. They'll be here soon.
[Emil] Do you even hear
what you're saying?
[Dorota] We're in trouble,
haven't you noticed?
We've been in trouble
since we got married.
[Emil] Dorota, what are you doing?
You want to throw away our life together?
Dorota, he's just some punk kid,
for Christ's sake!
[Dorota] Not to me.
What do you see in him, Dorota?
I've always despised you, Emil.
That's great! Bravo, bravo!
[Jan] Mama?
Your mother's lost her mind.
[door closes]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
[rain lashing]
[Paweł ] Pull over. Pull over!
What do you mean? What are you saying?
What did you tell him we're doing?
[Dorota] That we're having an affair.
And that we love each other.
[ominous music playing]
[Paweł ] You're stalking
and molesting a student.
And I intend to report this
to the university.
[Dorota] Paweł
- [Dorota] Paweł!
- Leave me alone!
[Dorota] Paweł don't, come on now!
[Dorota] Paweł!
You're totally crazy, you bitch! Crazy!
Fuck. Fucking nuts!
[engine starts]
- [heavy thud]
- [tires screech]
[Dorota] Paweł?
Paweł, no.
Oh, Paweł
["Feel the Heat" by Thomas Didier playing]
[car approaches]
Damn! What the fuck, Mom?
[Emil] Are you okay?
[Dorota sobbing] My god, I killed him!
But are you okay? Answer me!
[Dorota] God, Emil, I killed him.
- [Dorota] I killed him.
- [Emil] Dorota, get out.
- I killed him!
- Come on, get out!
I can't believe I killed him!
[Emil] Take my car and go home.
I'll take care of everything, just go!
[Emil] Just go back home, okay? Just get
in and drive home! Calm down now!
[car door closes]
[Jan breathes heavily]
[heavy breathing]
[Jan] There we go.
[car door closes]
[Jan sniffs]
[deep sigh]
[Emil grunts]
[sobbing continues]
[Emil sniffles]
[Jan sighs] Good morning.
[Jan] Isn't this nice?
A beautiful day and delicious coffee.
Look at you two together.
Here at the breakfast table,
in good spirits.
Ah, well. So much for that.
[Jan] Maybe I can try with you.
[Emil sniffs]
So how is that that lover of yours?
[Jan] The one that's been
hanging around the clinic?
Everything good with her?
[Jan] Or is that topic forbidden as well?
Is all that cool with Mom?
- [bangs egg on plate]
- You little shit.
All right. I'll eat alone.
[indistinct chatter]
[muffled music in background]
- [knocking on door]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
[Jan] You know you shouldn't be up, right?
[Jan chuckles softly]
Here, I brought you
the pills you asked for.
I asked for them?
After the accident.
You remember the accident?
[Paweł groans]
There's a party downstairs if you want
[Paweł] No, thanks. I'm not in the mood.
[Paweł] Why didn't you take me
straight to a hospital?
[door closes]
You refused.
And I figured that's your business,
not mine.
I thought maybe
you didn't want any questions.
Police definitely would've got involved.
[Jan] If you want to report it,
I can take you right now.
[Paweł ] I'm gonna lie down,
if you don't mind.
Yeah, sure.
[Jan] I'll close the door,
so you can get some rest.
- [keys jangling]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Robert] What are you doing?
- I just needed to freshen up.
- Not in possession of anything, officer.
- May have to search you.
I need a drink before a cavity
search but then I'll even bend over.
[Robert] Pig.
I want to grab a sweater
for Alicja for the fireworks.
Nah, you can keep her warm
some other way
- But I
- Come with me, let's get a drink.
[pop music playing in background]
[Jan] Anka!
Anka, wait. Anka, Anka.
Anka, I'm sorry!
Wait, hey, wait. Don't take off!
[car drives off]
You're a bitch too.
[car accelerates in distance]
[Jan] Oh.
The doctor. [chuckles]
[Kaśka] Oh, the comedian.
Can I have a cigarette?
Specialty in surgery?
What are you, psychic?
Ah, a tragic love affair
will befall you, that much is for sure.
[sarcastic chuckle]
And besides that, from what I can see,
you're going to die in a week.
[Robert] Jaworowicz!
[Jan] What were you saying?
[Kaśka] That's it.
[ Kaśka] End of conversation.
[suspenseful music plays]
[Alicja] Kaśka! Kaśka!
[Alicja] I'm sorry.
I have to go help her move her stuff.
[knocks on window]
[Alicja sighs]
What a night. You okay?
[funky music playing]
- [Jan] Hey, whoa, Paweł, calm down.
- [Jan] But I
I saw her through the window.
I have to talk to her.
I'm your doctor and I know
what you can and can't do here.
But I have to! That was Kaśka!
You talking about Kaśka? My Kaśka?
- [whooping in background]
- [fireworks exploding]
Did you say "your Kaśka"?
I'm engaged to her.
[fireworks exploding]
You're weak. Come on,
let's get you back inside.
[banging, crackling]
[siren wailing]
[siren gets louder]
[Małgosia] Sweetheart!
[paramedic] Please move aside!
[Małgosia] The medics are here.
It's okay, sweetie.
How far along is she?
I'm not going to the hospital.
I don't want to go.
[paramedic] Can you sit up?
Karol, check vitals.
- Hey, go slow!
- [paramedic] Let us take her, sir.
- Alicja!
- [Alicja] Yes?
[Małgosia] What does she want?
[ Kaśka] Don't let them
take me to the hospital.
I won't, I promise.
- [Małgosia] What do you mean?
- If she doesn't want to
- Do you know your name?
- Yes.
- Do you know where you are?
- Yes.
- Any chronic illnesses?
- [Kaśka] No.
- Taking any meds now?
- No.
Can you feel the child moving?
I don't know, I don't think so.
But I'm not going to the hospital,
don't take me there.
- We'll have to see about that.
- [Kaśka] I don't consent.
Kaśka, everything will be all right soon.
Blood pressure ninety-four over
[Małgosia] Hold on, Kaśka
Oh, this is so stressful!
Sister, what is going on there?
I'm not sure
but I think she's giving birth!
[nun] Giving birth? A new life!
[priest groans]
[Jan] Fuck.
[line ringing]
[answerphone beeps]
You've vanished. What are you doing?
Please don't do something we'll, uh
- Baby, let me tell you ♪
- [deep breath]
- Every time I see you ♪
- [chopping]
Girl, you look so fine, yeah ♪
I wanna make you mine ♪
So I say ♪
Hey! So I say, hey! ♪
Yeah, come on! ♪
Keep on sayin' it, yeah ♪
Come on
Take a little ride ♪
[footsteps approach]
I'm not dating your father. Okay?
[ Kaśka] I had this boyfriend, Paweł.
He disappeared.
Before that,
I saw him kissing your mother.
- So you wanted revenge?
- Are you crazy?
Why don't you just go and ask him?
Go ask them about all this stuff!
They're your parents!
Ever since you appeared in our life
I can't talk to them like normal people.
Oh, so it's my fault?
I guess I'm supposed to apologize?
[ Kaśka] What do you want?
You keep following me,
appearing out of nowhere.
If you can't deal with your life
then kill yourself.
Do something,
I don't want to be part of it.
- [glass shatters]
- [ Kaśka gasps]
- [breathing heavily]
- [dogs barking in distance]
[glass scrunching underfoot]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Here, let me see.
I'm sorry.
No, no, I'm sorry.
[ Kaśka] Agh
[Jan laughs]
[ Kaśka laughs]
- Idiot.
- [Jan sniffles]
Such sympathy.
[both chuckle]
[indistinct chatter]
What if she gives birth here, Marek?
Don't worry, there's a doctor here.
- [Małgosia] Are you a gynecologist, sir?
- [Marek] Małgosia
There's a lot of other
doctors here though.
[Małgosia] But look at him walking around,
all calm and everything.
Looks like he's just going for a stroll.
Let's just focus on our daughter here.
- Oh, look out
- [Marek] Give them room.
- [Marek] Kaśka
- [[Małgosia] Kaśka
[Marek] Can I get you anything?
You should go be with her now. Go to her.
Jan, I agree with that.
But you two aren't involved?
- Why'd you say something like that, son?
- [Emil] Isn't that what you wanted?
You wanted us to have something
to do with this, or what? Jan!
Jan? Don't you think
you should be helping?
Gonna ask again who the father is?
You are, of course.
I'm waiting for someone.
Excuse me?
Go, she asked you for something sister.
[sighs] What a jerk.
[paramedic] One, two, three.
There we go.
[Alicja] Kaśka
- Don't worry, Kaśka.
- [Małgosia] Kaśka?
BP's dropping.
Let's get her into the ambulance.
- [Alicja] What's dropping?
- Clear the way, please.
[Alicja] What's dropping?
Uh the thing is, uh
The thing is my sister
Kaśka is her name, yeah?
[Robert] She's pregnant.
- No other way to say it.
- So?
You see.
[Alicja sighs]
[door opens, closes]
- [ Kaśka] All good?
- Super.
In that case, I think we should celebrate
and raise our glasses for a toast!
Well, except for you.
Is that so?
Here's to our new addition.
[glasses click]
Agh. So will you move in together?
Hm. What?
[Alicja] Dawid seems pretty cool so
you probably wouldn't have to
move stuff out right away.
We don't need to figure this out yet.
Don't worry, lover boy. I know I'll
have to forget about your past as well.
- [Robert] Alicja
- And, my, what a past!
Everyone has skeletons
in their closet, right?
But that's no reason to ruin the evening.
[Jan] True.
[Alicja] What's true?
Everyone has skeletons in the closet?
No. That it shouldn't ruin the evening.
[ Kaśka] Excuse me, but I have to go.
Be right back.
Kaśka! Kaśka!
[Jan sighs]
Jesus, Jan, I lied to you!
You see the kind of person I am?
To me, you're the
most intriguing person ever.
We don't have to explain
ourselves to anyone.
And you didn't lie to me.
Don't you know you can't lie to a doctor?
The child's not even yours.
And I still want it.
I want to raise it.
Can we try?
[both sighing]
The neighborhood is very good.
There's a kindergarten, a nursery,
and an elementary school.
[agent] It's a pretty little flat
with a lot of natural light
and, as you can see,
it's really pretty roomy.
And there's the kitchen.
The kitchen is pretty open.
Obviously, after a little renovation
it could be all closed in.
Um, you can see
the view of the city is beautiful.
We're in the very center of the city here.
And the bathroom.
[agent] The bathroom is very nice,
and with the two bedrooms
it should pretty much
cover the needs of an expanding family.
So, let's move on.
Do you like it?
Pretty little kitchen
for a pretty little renovation?
[ Kaśka] You tell me.
It's your apartment.
[Jan] No, it's ours.
Let's move on
to the pretty little bedroom.
- See if there's a a pretty little bed.
- [ Kaśka chuckles]
[Alicja] Kaśka?
- [Alicja] Kaśka?
- I'm in here!
[door opens]
- What's up?
- Hey.
Did you come to help me?
[Alicja sighs]
You know you could stay here.
- Mmm hm.
- You know Dawid wouldn't mind it one bit.
[ Kaśka] Mmm hm.
Oh That's mine.
Or you can move back at my place.
I'll get us a bigger apartment, yeah?
- [ Kaśka] No.
- [Alicja sighs]
Oh, come on, Kaśka,
what are you trying to do?
I'm trying to move in with Jan.
- Oh, stop.
- Yep.
Come on, why does it need to be him?
It makes no sense. Wait
Is he the father of your child?
I don't want to talk about it!
But you are aware, aren't you
that he is a rude irresponsible jerk?
Are you aware?
And are you aware
you're interfering in my life?
Are you aware that you ate with him
at a restaurant table
and drank the wine he bought,
and even laughed at his jokes?
[Alicja] Kaśka, please.
Alicja, people can change.
Yeah, maybe. Only for the worse.
- But Kaśka, we're just talking about you.
- About me?
Well, if we're talking about me
I'm moving in with Jan.
Mm So I heard.
And I'll marry him
- And you'll be my maid of honor.
- Marry him?
- Be my maid of honor?
- In a church?
[Jan] Here to do an inspection?
Nah, I trust you, loser.
If you locked it up, we're good.
I thought we'd stay and have a coffee.
[Robert] I'm in a rush.
[Jan] To see Alicja?
I'm not sure why, but she doesn't
seem to like you very much, buddy.
[Jan chuckles] Who? Alicja?
What? Do you like saying her name?
Yeah, who else?
Alicja doesn't like me
because I'm difficult. But intriguing.
You know, Kaśka had before another
guy named Paweł who suddenly vanished?
[clears throat] Maybe she scared him off.
Are you sure this is your baby?
I am.
I talked to Kaśka about her boyfriend,
so I do know about Paweł disappearing,
but it doesn't change the fact
we're getting married.
We will have a child together,
which means we'll be the parents that you
no longer have and that I never had.
And you, you hunk
will be the best man.
[both chuckle]
Your answer wore me out
- [engine starts]
- [Jan] See ya!
Where do you want me to go?
Who do you want me to meet?
Who's this new fiancé
you want to introduce?
Is that why you moved out, huh?
Mom, can't you be nicer to her?
[ Kaśka] I moved out, huh?
Is that how you remember it?
Because I remember it
a little differently.
You know perfectly well I didn't have
to come here and you know why I moved out.
You were the one who kicked me out.
Okay, Mom, aren't you curious?
Wouldn't you like to meet him?
I met that Szymon of yours
and what happened to him.
- Hey!
- Well? Okay, fine, I'm sorry, but
[ Kaśka groans]
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that.
It just slipped out.
[Alicja sighs]
All right.
Who is it?
Jan Jaworowicz.
Doctor Jaworowicz's son?
You know what, you are totally shameless.
How dare you?
- Why are you talking to her like that?
- Just stay out of this, Alicja.
It's completely immoral, not normal.
- Mmm hm.
- [Małgosia] You're despicable!
See I told you,
there's no point in talking to her.
[Alicja sighs]
You're unbelievable,
I don't understand you at all.
[door closes]
Kaśka, wait up a sec!
Kaśka, why did she freak out like that?
What's the big secret?
And how come you've been
keeping it secret from me?
Sis, I can't take it anymore,
you understand?
My entire life is one big mess
and it's getting worse all the time.
[sighs] Jesus!
[ Kaśka] Alicja
I really need you right now
with the changes I'm going through.
I'll respect your decision
if you can't accept this.
You know I'll stand by you!
But you have to explain
what's going on here or I can't help you!
I'm not sure you really wanna know.
Let's go Tell me.
Mom had an affair with Jaworowicz Senior.
With Emil.
[Alicja] Our mom?
[intake of breath] Oh, boy.
And then I also met with him.
- I'm
- Oh, Jesus, fuck no!
- [ Kaśka] But wait, it's not
- [Alicja] No
- I don't want to hear about that.
- [ Kaśka] Hold on
You can count on me though.
[Alicja] Okay?
Oh, what have you done, Kaśka,
you poor child?
[ Kaśka] I don't know!
- [Alicja] Are you hungry?
- Yes!
- [Alicja] Want some soup?
- Yes.
- Onion soup? Mm
- Yes.
With cheese.
- [Alicja] With cheese?
- Yeah.
[Alicja] Mmmmm.
- [Marek] Hi.
- Hi.
So what's up?
Marek, we've got a problem.
You wouldn't have called otherwise.
Oh, cut the crap.
Why are you always insulting me?
Your life's a disaster too.
And here I thought that you and I
were going to live happily ever after.
Marek, I am just overjoyed for you
now that you've decided
to become the head of the family
in fucking Bieszczady.
But let me remind you
that your family is here.
We cannot let this wedding happen.
If she loves him, why not?
Kaśka is a smart, responsible girl.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far.
So what am I supposed to do now?
Go to Kaśka and just tell her that
even though I've never met this guy,
you and I've decided
she's not allowed to marry him?
Marek, I promise you, you don't
even want to meet this family.
You can't believe
what awful people they are!
Małgosia, stop living
everyone's lives for them.
And let your daughter live hers.
Oh, sure. Just run away!
That's what you always do!
As soon as there's
the first sign of trouble,
it's just "poof," and you're gone!
You'll never change, huh?
Will you help me?
Chill out.
See ya.
I thought I was getting wrinkles
from freestyle swimming.
I haven't been swimming
in, like, seven years so it can't be that.
- Anyway, you know what I'd like to do
- [Emil] See you
- Nip something here, cut it out.
- Until then
Just screw off my head
and put on a different head.
Some other, I don't know,
definitely younger woman.
Excuse me, what are you doing here, ma'am?
Emil! I'm your patient,
don't you remember?
- Okay, let's have
- Listen! You and I have to talk.
I'll be waiting for you in two hours in
the spot where I saw you with my daughter.
Where the two of you
- were holding hands and got into a car
- Małgosia.
[Małgosia] and drove away.
Anyway, next to that salon,
there's a café.
You won't disappoint.
[Małgosia] Ah
And the professor
can only see
one more patient this afternoon.
- After that, he's mine.
- [Emil] Goodbye now, Ma'am.
You've got a procedure at 1 p.m.
I'm aware.
He's still so handsome,
I just can't believe it.
I thought in the last few months
he would've gotten ugly.
How strange!
[classical music playing on radio]
He couldn't have me
so he stuck his son on Kaśka.
What the fuck are you saying?
He could have you and he did, Małgosia.
A couple of times at least.
And from what you told me before,
it was him who turned you down.
- [Teresa] What?
- Go to hell.
The fact that your child and his met
and fell in love is just pure coincidence.
And I don't understand
why you need to meet him either.
What good is it?
My intuition tells me
this is not a coincidence.
- Your intuition is being an idiot.
- Teresa, I wanna get out.
If it wasn't for your dumb intuition
you'd be with Marek now, who loves you.
The girls would have the apartment for
themselves and everyone would be happy.
Let me remind you it was Marek who left.
But as far as I know,
he didn't ask for a divorce. Nor did you.
I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Of course not.
Because you haven't found
your Prince Charming yet, right?
You'd better believe
I'll do it soon enough.
But all that matters now is Kaśka.
What we all care about is Kaśka.
And she wants to get married.
Accept that and support her.
And stay out of the way.
My son?
I don't see what's so
funny about it, at all.
[Emil sighs]
- Ha! Unbelievable.
- Why unbelievable? It's a small world.
You're a doctor, your wife gives lectures
at the medical university,
my daughter is a student there
and your son used to be as well.
So, somehow, I don't know,
they must have hooked up there.
Unless this is some kind
of devilish plan of yours?
That would be crazy, yes.
You think?
I saw you with Kaśka.
So what?
So, you tell me
you're not interested in affairs
and moments later
you're hooking up with my daughter!
It's not like that.
You don't know the context.
What context?
I'm not going to explain myself to you,
you wouldn't understand anyway.
Is that so? Well, let me tell you,
I do understand.
I'm not about to let my daughter
become part of your screwed-up family.
- My what?
- [Małgosia] Insane, screwed-up family.
We're going to get married,
that's been decided.
For you two, it's just information.
Information is not enough.
We want to understand why.
[Jan] Understand, Dad?
You want to understand?
Why would you care now?
Pavel's accident?
[ominous music playing]
[Dorota sighs]
Is that what's different?
[Jan] You behaved like criminals.
And you're both lucky
I didn't report it to the police.
Aren't you?
- Jan, you have
- No, Mom.
[Jan] I'm suffocating in this house.
I never mattered to you.
I'm gonna marry Kaśka and that's that.
And we're pregnant.
Oh, I can't believe this!
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Emil groans] Pregnant?
[Małgosia] What are you doing?
[Teresa] Never mind. Give me a boost.
- What are you trying to do?
- Don't listen to her.
[Marek] Okay, fine.
- I will never understand your decision.
- I don't give a fuck.
You show me some respect!
I'm still your mother.
And you're behaving like a child.
Don't you think I know
what this is all for?
[Jan grunts]
You're taking your revenge
on your parents.
[Dorota] Right?
- You wanted to punish us.
- I did, but I failed, didn't you notice?
I'm a failure. Are you happy now?
- [Dorota] No. No!
- Is that what you wanted?
[Dorota] At least tell me if he's alive.
Tell me that.
- Just tell me if he's alive or not.
- This is not the place for that.
- Settle down. We can't talk about that!
- [Dorota] I need to know
- [Dorota] Tell me.
- Don't talk about it.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Emil] This is your fault!
You just couldn't help yourself.
[Dorota] I don't wanna
have this conversation.
"I don't want to have this conversation"!
Well maybe you don't but you have to!
- [Emil] I was the only one there for you!
- Yeah, so what?
[Emil] What do you mean "so what"?
Do you hear what you're saying?
[Dorota] We're in trouble,
haven't you noticed?
We've been in trouble
since we got married.
[Emil] Don't start that again.
[Jan] Your affairs,
your deceptions and excuses,
your moronic lies about
how you're not interested in my student.
You just wanted to find
out how much she knew.
If Paweł had contacted her.
Don't you say his name in this house,
Why don't you just admit out loud
that you want to screw her?
Because if I'd wanted to,
I'd have done that immediately.
I don't fool around
with children like you do!
- [Dorota] Bastard! Prick!
- [Emil] Whore!
- [Dorota] Agh!
- [scuffling]
[Dorota and Emil groaning]
- [Dorota] Stop it! Let go of me.
- [Jan] Leave her alone!
[Dorota] Jan, no!
[Emil groaning]
[Dorota] Stop it, Jan! you're choking him!
- [Dorota moaning]
- [Emil grunting]
[grunting, groaning]
[Dorota] Jan, stop it! Jan, don't!
- Jan, stop it! Jan, leave him alone!
- [Jan] I'll kill you.
- [groaning]
- [Dorota] Don't! [squeals]
Get out of here!
[heavy rock music playing]
[Dorota] Leave!
[Emil coughing]
[heavy rock music rises]
[music fades]
[heavy rock music begins again]
[music fades]
[loud roar]
- [Małgosia] Hello, in there!
- [knocking]
[Małgosia] Open up! Open up!
- [door opens]
- Calm down or I'll call the police.
My daughter is there! How can I calm down?
We're doing an examination
but you're getting in the way.
- But it's taking so long!
- The doctors know what they're doing.
- [Alicja] Don't interfere.
- [Marek] Calm down.
- [Jolanta] Małgosia!
- [Małgosia] I know
If anything was seriously wrong
they'd have already gone to the hospital.
- [Teresa] True.
- [Jolanta] Stay calm.
Excuse me, gents, I'm a doctor!
[door opens]
A doctor, or just the daddy?
Would-be husband.
Your daughter is stabilizing.
It's nothing serious, now step away.
- Karol, help me out.
- Okay.
- [Małgosia] Kaśka?
- [paramedic] Come in sir.
What do you mean, "come in, sir"?
I can't come in? I'm her mother!
Why can't I see my child? That's not fair!
- [Teresa] Just wait.
- [door closes]
Fuck! I told you we should
have hired someone to do this.
[sighs] Kaśka?
It's not gonna work.
[drilling continues]
[Jan] It will, it will.
Wait, what won't work?
We're a good couple.
We're gonna have our own home.
- And soon we'll have a child.
- No, the whole thing can never work.
You're just being dramatic.
Don't talk to me like that.
Okay, not everything
went according to your plan
That's not the issue, Jan!
At first, I really believed it could work
and it
[playfully drilling]
[Jan] Ah
Maybe now try believing in us.
I can't.
I want to be honest.
Where does that leave me?
- [ Kaśka sighs]
- Where does that leave me?
I don't know.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[water running]
[end credits music playing]
What's that written on your t-shirt? ♪
Plain for everybody to see ♪
I bet you're good at keeping secrets ♪
I bet you're keeping
Quite a few from me ♪
I see you' keeping up your front ♪
The stunts that you're pulling
Don't work for me ♪
Don't need your drama karma
Keep it ♪
Then we can get
Where we wanna be ♪
But I don't wanna
Be the last to know ♪
I wanna be there
When you steal the show ♪
I'll never find a better place to go ♪
Oh, no ♪
So won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
Oh, won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
Oh, won't you let me
Be the first ♪
Who's that creepin'
Through the back door? ♪
Undercover night
And full moon sky ♪
Better off
open up the trap door ♪
How you gonna know
If you never try? ♪
I see you putting up your front ♪
The stunts that you're pulling
Don't wash with me ♪
Don't need your drama karma
Keep it ♪
Then we can get where we wanna be ♪
But I don't wanna
Be the last to know ♪
I wanna be there
When you steal the show ♪
I'll never find a better place to go ♪
Oh, no ♪
So, won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
Won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
Oh, won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
Oh, won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
So, won't you let me
Be the first ♪
Well, I don't wanna
Be the last to know ♪
I wanna be there
When you steal the show ♪
I'll never find
A better place to go ♪
Oh, no ♪
So, won't you let me
Be the first ♪
I don't wanna be the last to know ♪
I wanna be there
When you steal the show ♪
I'll never find a better place to go ♪
Oh, no ♪
So, won't you let me
Be the first to know ♪
Well, I don't wanna
Be the last to know ♪
I wanna be there
When you steal the show ♪
I'll neber find a better place to go ♪
Oh, no
So won't you let me ♪
Subtitle translation by: Maja Konkolewska
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