Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e07 Episode Script

Super Skrull

Okay, okay. Hold it a second.
In case you missed the story
called Incursión Of The Skrulls
they're evil aliens
who seek to conquer our planet.
Would you back it up, please?
Because there may be some
viewers who don't speak Skrull
everything will be translated
for you into English
by the Mighty Marvel
Translingual Interpreter.
I, Amok-Krall,
Emperor of the Skrull
tricked by that despicable,
elastic-bodied Earth lout
Mr. Fantastic.
But he fooled us all, Your Highness
by showing us those fake movie
scenes we thought were real.
Seeing monsters such as these
you decided our invasión
would be doomed
even with the Fantastic Four
out of the way.
How could I know that Mr. Fantastic
had assumed the identity of Kok Nal
my own agent
who'd previously assumed the guise
of Mr. Fantastic to discredit him?
I would not even know
I'd been hoodwinked
if you had not intercepted
this Garbage
from some
loathsome Earth entity
known as "cable televisión".
But I shall be avenged.
And I shall succeed in
conquering the Earth
because I have created
the ultimate weapon.
I give you Super Skrull.
But will he be powerful,
cunning and resourceful enough
to defeat the Fantastic Four?
Show her.
These klaxon-beam fighters
have orders to defeat Super Skrull
starting now.
Flame on!
The flame of
Mr. Fantastic's youthful friend
The Human Torch,
will be no match for my champion.
His flames are hotter than
the laser lava of Mount Kling-Skreel-Ah.
Collisión course! Avert!
bring on the cannibal android robots.
And his strength makes that crude Thing
look as weak as a Ploverian toad-flea.
He is monumental,
Your Excellency.
I have graded his training report
A for Annihilation.
And this will be
his graduation examination.
The noxious slime slug
of Tyrruvial.
His acid secretions
can dissolve chromo-steel.
We must flee. Oh.
What is the meaning
of this outrage?
Be proud, Commander. You are
a part of history in the making.
Super Skrull can outdo
the Invisible Woman as well.
And he also has a keen flair
for the theatrical.
Are you all right, Commander?
One of my more
interesting rides.
And Super Skrull
has one other special ability.
I do, Your Highness, but in accordance
with your instructions
I shall not reveal its nature
until called upon to utilize it.
Well spoken, warrior.
Now, leave for Earth
And rain destruction upon all
who would block my conquest.
I hear.
And obey.
No, no, you can't weasel
out of this one, Dr. Richards.
You are responsible
for damages to my building.
And this court order
says you'll pay to fix them
or go directly to jail.
But Miss Forbes,
that's unreasonable.
The building was damaged when we
were saving Earth from Galactus.
Balderdash and poppycock!
I have no time for fairy-tales.
And extinguish your foot
before I call the fire marshal.
- Do it.
- Oh, Reed.
I'm sorry for you,
Mrs. Richards.
I think you may actually be a
normal person down deep inside.
But you owe me $150,000
to repair this building.
And if I don't have it
by Friday
you can sleep in the subway.
Come along, Foo Foo, darling.
Lighten up, guys,
Ben's got it worked out.
Since when is Ben a monetary expert?
His idea of investing is spending his
entire allowance on Wayne Newton CDs.
Well, he got it right this time.
He said this is our ticket
to financial independence.
Huh. High Visibility Productions.
Manny Friendly, Producer.
Ben sold our rights to MTV.
We're gonna be rock stars.
All right, Benny, man, ready
to rehearse your big number?
You got it, Manny, baby.
Silence on my set! I'm Manny Friendly!
Producer, director, everything.
A hairdresser, a decorator.
I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Put a sock in it, White Bread.
- What was that?
- This is unprofessional.
- I wanna see my agent.
- You don't have one.
Then get me one, ya dipstick.
- Look.
- Good grief!
A spaceship!
- I have to get a better look.
- Come back.
Nobody leaves a Friendly set
till I say so.
This is incredible.
A huge Skrull spaceship
landing in the middle
of Times Square.
I think we're in
for the fight of our lives.
Citizens of Planet Earth,
I am Super Skrull
emissary of the Imperial
Skrull Expedition Forces.
I have been appointed
by Emperor Amok
to be your new leader.
Here are your orders.
The yutz expects
New Yorkers to take orders!
He's out of his gourd.
You have 24 Earth hours
to surrender all military
personnel and weaponry to me.
That does it. It's time to give
him the old five-finger facial.
No, Ben. There's a crowd
and Super Skrull
is undoubtedly dangerous.
You will obey
or I shall destroy your city.
24 hours.
The Skrulls wouldn't have sent a single
warrior down to conquer this planet
unless he had some extremely
powerful capabilities.
We've gotta see
where he's going.
Better move it,
'cause we're gonna lose the bum.
Stop! My rehearsal!
You signed a contract.
Yeah, but so did
Roseanne Barr.
Stay well back.
We don't want him to know
we're on his tail.
The fools are
following you, Super Skrull.
Just as the Emperor planned.
What Earth beings lack in intelligence
they make up for in stupidity.
Now I shall let them fight,
on the ground of my choosing.
He's headed into the marsh.
He must've spotted us, darling.
Secure for individual
Flame on.
See you downstairs.
Johnny, be careful.
Yeah, and eat your vegetables
and don't talk
to strange Skrulls.
This could be a trap.
Reed, is my fireproof
collar mic working?
I read you loud and clear.
Me, too, hothead. Keep yapping.
It's tough to make out
but I think I see Super Skrull's
ship ahead in a fog bank.
Wait for us. We don't know
how powerful he is.
I guess I better find out then,
The young one shall be the first
to feel my might.
Look no further, Earthling.
Here I am!
I'm comin' for you,
you creature-feature reject.
- You drained my flames from me.
- How observant of you.
Johnny. He's been hurt.
He expects you
to rush to Johnny.
Wait till I distract him,
then do it.
Here comes Mr. Fantastic
Right on cue.
Soon it will be two down,
two to go.
Game is up, Super Skrull.
Surrender while you can
still Breathe.
Squeeze or be squeezed, eh,
Mr. Fantastic?
Unluckily for you,
this Skrull squeezes back.
Johnny, speak to me!
Sis, Super Skrull outflamed me.
And he's matching Reed
stretch for stretch.
What unbelievable strength
and elasticity.
His powers may be superior
to mine.
But not greater
than the four of us together.
Now that you have been defeated,
We're not through, Snake Eyes,
we're just warmin' up.
You're about to get even warmer.
You won't harm them while
I'm here. Now it's my turn.
Not there. I'm over here.
- He's got Sue's power too.
- And more!
With you beaten
I shall Huh?
Yo, Lizard Lips!
It's clobberin' time.
he's more powerful than Ben.
Fantastic. This action will make
my Thing video go platinum.
Now it's my turn, pally.
- Ben's winning.
- Go, Ben, go.
That orange-skinned compost heap
is demolishing my champion.
Let's get this footage
back to the film lab now.
Ah, the tide has turned,
You get the license number
of that truck?
You have served your purpose.
Now go and tell your people
that it is useless to resist me.
Nothing can defeat Super Skrull!
After a hurried consultation
the President of the U.S.A.
and the United Nations
launched an all-out strike
on Super Skrull
at his landing
site in the New Jersey marsh.
But the failure
of this operation
and unexpected lack of response
from the Fantastic Four
left worid leaders
with only one option:
to meet Super Skrull's demands
until another course of action
can be determined.
The march of captive military personnel
and their weapons has already begun
with less than one hour
remaining until the deadline
imposed by this strange
alien invader.
Great. Super Skrull's
getting away with murder
'cause nobody can take him.
And the Fantastic Four's
sittin' here
like the Four Feeble Fussy Guys.
We don't need "Hmming",
Big Brain
we need big-time clobberin'.
Reed knows that. If there's a
way out of this, he'll find it.
- You will, won't you, darling?
- I've got to.
But two things puzzle me.
First, if Super Skrull
can duplicate, even surpass
each of our abilities
why didn't he destroy us
when he had the chance?
And why was Ben able to whip
Super Skrull
when Manny Friendly flew by
but unable to continue doing so
when Friendly left?
It's Friendly time! You still got
a video to deliver, Benny, baby
so you don't come to me,
I come to you.
Super Skrull is about to destroy
How can you even think about
a stupid music video?
Hey, stupid music is my life.
Sing it, Benny. Come on, man.
It's arresting time.
They refuse to pay
for the damages they did
so book 'em, Danno.
Oh! What on earth
was that hideous screech?
Feedback, lady, when you just
walked between my artiste
and this sensitive microphone
you screwed up the flow
of melodic energy.
- What did you say?
- She messed up the music.
I'll give you music,
you horrible, hairy hippie.
And you're next,
you tone-deaf nincompoop.
Ah-ha! Now I know
how to defeat Super Skrull.
To the laboratory, quickly.
Hey, what about my future
in the show biz?
Oh, well. When he comes to, tell him
I'm available for feature films.
If I like the director.
They're escaping, you dolts.
Foo Foo, kill, darling, kill.
Just as Miss Forbes interrupted
the flow of sound
when she came between
Ben and Manny's microphone
Manny's helicopter interrupted
the flow of alien energy
which was making Super Skrull
Enormous energy, beaming down
to him from Planet Skrull.
So that's why
we couldn't take him.
He had a whole planet's
power source backing him up.
Oh, that's a brilliant analysis,
Yeah. But what good does it do?
It enabled me to build
this jammer device.
Once it's been placed
on Super Skrull's head
it may interrupt the flow
of energy from his planet.
Great. You ain't sure
that doohickey works
and all we gotta do is get him
to wear it for a hat?
Well, it's the only chance
we have.
Do we go for it, or not?
Yes. They will make excellent
slaves at the Murakium mines.
Proceed, Super Skrull.
Yo, Jolly Green Goofball.
We didn't want you
to get lonesome.
We challenge you
to a final confrontation.
On Crater Island.
If you dare.
You have just signed
your death warrant.
- I don't like this, Majesty.
- Nonsense.
The generator which allows Super Skrull
to tap into the full power of this
planet is functioning brilliantly.
Nothing can possibly go wrong.
Hey, Turkey Neck, over here.
It's over, boy.
- Now, Sue.
- Super Skrull
use your final power.
Gotta Let Go.
He has hypnotic powers.
Sue, remember how we threw it
at the beach.
One Frisbee coming up.
They've blocked the energy flow.
It's it's backfiring.
Hurry, his disorientation
won't last long.
Once Johnny fuses molten
rock over the crater mouth
no Skrull planet energy rays
will be able to penetrate.
And so, the menace
of Super Skrull is ended.
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
- Yo, what time is it?
- Don't watch, Precious.
Don't you dare.
It will rot your brain.
It's clobberin' time
Fightin' crud
takes all of my time
I'm so pretty
with a funky rhyme
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
Gettin' down all over town
Can't go wrong
with a funky rap song
Got pretty blue eyes,
but I'm twice your size
No stupid creep
had better get wise
Yo, what time is it?
It's clobberin' time
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