Fartblinda (2019) s01e07 Episode Script


We have the weekend to work this out.
We're selling the company in its entirety.
The FSA is trying
You did not hear this from me.
because of one of our employees
I'm filing for sole custody!
to tear it all down.
She took Olle.
I bought convertibles
for your money, too.
If it's true, they'll be calling
every bank in Sweden.
You told me the convertibles were
a sure thing, but you didn't buy any!
All deals don't pan out.
Klingspor is going to Norbank.
He's taking his whole department with him.
Do you know what this reminds me of?
Have you seen Adam?
Like when they turn on the lights
in the club and tell people to leave.
-He's in here.
It was fun while it lasted.
Oh, fuck!
ST Bank bankrupt
- staff in turmoil
Hey! You fucking Dane!
-What the hell are you doing?
-You fuck!
Are you bringing weed
into my kids' home?!
What are you doing? Stop it!
Stop it?! He's got weed!
My kids live here!
Stop it, Peder!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's mine. Peder, it's mine!
-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
The Stockholm District Court
has appointed the lawyer Sten Svegborn
as liquidator of ST Bank.
At a press conference today, he urged
clients and creditors to be patient,
saying it will take a long time
to unravel the bank's complicated
ST Bank bankrupt
- staff in turmoil
You must've pissed her off royally.
You want to go first, or should I?
I've been having an affair with Bea Farkas.
But you already knew that.
Are you in love with her?
I was.
The trip was for her, wasn't it?
You really don't deserve any of this.
No. I don't.
What about the kids?
Do we stick it out, or do we?
-What should we do?
-I don't know.
My mind's all over the place right now.
I love you.
You're a great dad.
-Peder Rooth?
-That's me.
We're from the Economic Crime Authority.
Can we come in?
Please do.
You're a suspect in a criminal matter.
We're here to bring you in for questioning.
It wasn't your fault.
It's our jobto report the facts,
how things really are.
What happens after that
isn't a consequence of what we've written.
It's a consequence of real life.
I'm not saying it doesn't hurt.
It hurts sometimes.
It can hurt like hell.
Sometimes, it helps to distract yourself.
I remember when my wife, my ex-wife
-For fuck's sake!
-filed for divorce
Leave her alone!
Let her mourn in peace,
you fucking vultures!
-Oh, my God! What's gotten into him?
-No, he's right.
I'm sorry.
Nina, how's the Business Executive
of the Year story coming along?
Great! He thought it was
a real treat and an honor.
You do understand why you're here?
The penalty for accounting violations
and fraud is prison.
But I'm sure Birgitta
has already filled you in on this.
That Henrik Beijer acted
without the Board's knowledge
seems almost absurd.
But you're standing by that claim?
Henrik is pretty absurd.
Henrik was never a team player.
Why would the Board have authorized
suchreckless behavior?
Had we known, I can guarantee you that
we would have put an end to it immediately.
So, the Board was unaware
of billions in trades?
If that's the case, ST Bank has bigger
problems than what has transpired so far.
That woman will try to prove that
Henrik Beijer acted on orders from you.
Nah, didn't she say
the whole Board knew?
Well, you were in charge of day-to-day
operations, there's no getting around that.
-She'll be coming after you.
-Oh, we're talking accountability now?
No need to get all worked up.
Henrik Beijer was coincidental,
and now we have to separate
the coincidental from the constant.
We'll do fine,
as long as we stick together.
I haven't seen any obituary.
Leo didn't want one.
People will turn up in droves anyway.
Where is the service being held?
Rocksta Chapel.
-Leo is still in shock.
-What do you mean?
His entire world has just collapsed.
I'm sure he'll be okay eventually,
but if you show up now
Do you really think it's a good idea
for you to attend?
Adam was my friend
long before he met Leo.
Four cheers for Bea. Hip hip
Hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray!
Huge congrats, Bea!
I think we're all feeling
a bit emotional today.
At the moment,
we're Sweden's most-clicked news site.
Stories like this one are the reason
why we became journalists.
To examine those in power,
and to expose those who abuse it.
It's no coincidence
that The Daily Post pulled this off.
Nor that it was achieved by a young woman
supported by an experienced staff.
It's how we operate.
We allow our young to soar.
We light the stars.
I'm sorry. I just had to say it.
Let's toast!
Cheers, Bea!
Cheers, everyone!
Hooray for us!
Was management aware
of what you were up to in the trading?
-Are they claiming otherwise?
-Just answer my question.
Sure! Sure. Of course they knew.
Do you have anything to substantiate that?
Are you kidding me?
You've looked at the reports, haven't you?
You mean you haven't?
You haven't checked
my weekly reports to Peder Rooth?
It's all there.
Profits, losses, positions – all of it!
You do know how to read?
Thank you. We're done here.
-Nice car!
Robin Lesse
-I need to ask you a favor.
You know those weekly reports
that Beijer sends to Clearing?
Yeah, what about them?
-What's this?
-Your weekly reports.
Is this a joke?
You need to confirm
that they're authentic.
You mean, you want me to lie?
We need to demonstrate
that we've handled things professionally.
Damn, Root Man.
You're getting desperate.
I'm trying to work this out
in a way that benefits us both.
Fuck, Henrik, you're toast.
Don't you get that?
I want you to cooperate, or you'll walk away
with nothing. I want to compensate
I know which reports I sent in.
Those are the documents
that Otto and I got.
No. Clearing keeps records of them,
and they clearly state exactly what I did.
We never checked with them.
You came to us with your documents,
and we trusted you.
You were that convincing.
That's what we'll tell the Economic Crime
Authority. Do you get what I'm saying?
So, that's why you wouldn't let me
email you anything about the trades?
All that talk about security. You were just
covering your own ass, weren't you?
How much money?
How many millions did I make you,
Peder Rooth?
-Fine, Henrik
-Come on! Buddy. Buddy
Sit down.
-Let's talk!
You know what's so sad about all this?
You're one of the few people
I've ever really respected.
You saved my life, remember? In Ibiza.
You're fucking insane!
-After we got our first bonus.
You and that American guy
You wanted to buy that bull. And you did.
I didn't know what the fuck was going on,
and then the cops arrived.
I could've died. I really could've.
Fuck, Henrik. Help me out here.
This is insane.
These are forgeries.
You really think
you'll get away with this?
I saw Peder this morning.
He wanted to talk about you.
Always a good topic of conversation.
He showed me some weekly reports,
claiming you sent them. Totally fake!
-He's trying to frame you.
-How much did he offer you?
-To certify that they're real.
-It doesn't matter.
-Come on. How much?
-Two years' salary.
If I'd known that during our salary
negotiations, you'd've been much better off.
What'd you tell him?
Come on! Did you sell me out?
Henrik, I'm in deep shit.
I bought convertibles for 17 million.
In that case, you should take them
for every cent you can.
Let them think they're winning.
They're in for a surprise.
-A surprise?
-I don't want to spoil the fun.
Come on. What surprise? Tell me!
I have a recording where Rooth Man
confirms what was going on in the trading.
Can't wait to see the look on his face
when he hears it.
Hold on! If I back up the reports,
and you show up with this recording?
It won't look good. But you're toast anyway.
So, milk them for all they're worth.
-I'll never work in this industry again!
-Go abroad. That's what I'm doing.
-I'm starting at Goldman in two weeks.
-You're going to New York?
I am.
This kick in the ass was a good thing.
-Did you tell them about me?
-We always talked about New York.
-I'm not a job center.
Henrik, come on!
You know I'm in deep shit.
You sold me out,
and now you're begging?
Show some fucking self-respect!
Hey, is there any way we can delay
the delivery for a month or two?
The car is almost ready.
It's in the final production stage.
-Eric, you're selling Ferraris to just anyone?
-Hey, man! How's it going?
-Nice seeing you.
-You, too.
-Always a pleasure.
-Can I get you a coffee?
I'm fine. But I would like to borrow
your customer for a minute.
-No problem! Have a seat.
I want more.
-We've already agreed on a sum.
-Fine! In that case, the deal's off.
-I'll testify on Henrik's behalf.
-Are you sure that's wise?
Four years' salary, and I'll back up
your story. If not, you're on your own.
On my own?
Sweet little Nico,
you're the one who's on your own.
You've got Henrik Beijer in your corner.
A cokehead who's not liked by anyone.
You don't have
all that much credibility, Nico.
Beijer can prove that your reports
have been tampered with.
-I can tell you, but not for free.
If I back you up, and he presents
his evidence, I'm finished in this industry.
Two years' salary just isn't enough.
Sure, he might be bluffing,
but I've known Henrik a long time,
and I think he's sitting on something.
I don't doubt that for a second.
Otto, this is getting out of hand.
There are too many holes to plug.
-Wouldn't it be better to?
-Better to do what?
Please, tell me! What would be better?
Nico is asking for four years' salary
to reveal what kind of proof Henrik has.
-This is getting fucking expensive!
-More expensive than your freedom?
Call Adam!
Next stop: Enskede Gård.
Mind the gap
-You're a fucking angel!
-You're welcome.
So, how's Eszti doing?
Same old.
It wasn't your fault, Bea.
He was probably super depressed.
The business world is fucked up.
This is so delicious!
This is my favorite meal.
-What's that?
-Never mind.
Have you been admitted to the hospital?
Yeah, I need to get back tonight.
What's wrong?
-I have some fucking cancer, they say.
But we all have to die some time.
There are worse things.
Bea, I really need to get going.
I fucking appreciate this.
Give Eszti my best!
He gave me hope
that allowed me to dream
To believe
Adam wanted life to be bigger,
to be more beautiful
and grander.
Maybe Adam was blinded
by that desire.
Maybe we all are,
without us even noticing it.
And then, one day, it's too late.
Despite all our differences
despitethe age gap
and the despite the fact that Adam
was embarrassed by my taste in music
we became lovers.
Thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Adam and I had our differences.
We really did.
He was a very talented young man.
That's why I'd personally
like to offer my
and on behalf of the bank.
I still dream about us
So do I, every day.
Animals don't just fuck for the survival
of the species. That's bullshit!
They fuck for the same reasons
as humans!
This scientist had been studying
masturbating dolphins.
That sounds insane!
I would've loved to see that.
-Or not
-I've had a great time.
What do you think?
About what?
I was just thinking I wouldn't mind
seeing you again. If you want to, that is.
I'd love to.
I just want us to be open and honest
with each other. I'm
I am seeing other people.
You're free to do the same, of course.
-Just so we're on the same page.
Twoness can get really claustrophobic.
I'm afraid I have to get going
But I've got your number.
So Thanks for dinner.
-Bye, bye!
-So, how did it go?
-Don't breathe a fucking word to anyone!
-Mind if I join you?
-Have a seat.
Can I buy you a beer?
A glass of wine?
What time is it?
Okay. One for the road.
In that case, I'll join you.
Two beers, please.
I've I've made up my mind.
I'm leaving.
What the fuck, Bea!
I know this is really rough on you, but
Please, just hang in there. Just
How would you define your relationship
with the truth as a journalist?
-It's absolutely central.
-So, you've never withheld information?
You've never feigned ignorance
or manipulated a source?
It's happened
Have you ever taken numbers
out of context
to make them seem larger or smaller
in order to make them more newsworthy?
Bea, I never said or claimed
this is easy.
And yet you're so confident
that your way of looking at a situation
is closer to the truth
than someone else's take on reality.
I wouldn't be able
to do my job otherwise.
But how can you be so sure
that what you and I are doing
isn't just adding to a bigger problem?
That discussion requires
at least two shots of tequila – each.
I want to tell my version now. Beijer
-Did you get any offers yet?
-For the building?
-No, not that I know of.
Some fucking hamburger chain
will probably buy it.
That building has housed a bank
for a hundred years.
A hundred years!
I can't even bear to think about it.
Carl! Glad you could make it.
-How was it?
-Just let me finish my dinner, and we'll talk.
What did you want?
-About what?
I know you've been going through
a rough time. This business with Adam
D-d-did Ronja blab to you?
-I can tell that you're angry.
-I kicked her out.
People say it's hard being poor.
But my God!
It's even harder being rich.
I want you to know
that your mother and I did our best.
The Rehnskiöld signet ring.
It's been passed down from father to son
for ten generations.
Now it's time for me to pass it on
to number eleven.
Father was right.
"The average rodent" failed.
-Did you know that's what he called me?
Sigvard was supposed
to take over the business.
The talented one.
But the car accident put an end to that,
and so it fell to me.
He never thought I would manage.
Turns out, I didn't.
Growing up in the shadow
of someone who doesn't even exist
Do you have any idea what that's like?
You're trying to outrun a memory.
I don't want it.
-Anything else?
Can you ex Can you explain it to me
in a way that I understand?
I've just been to afuneral.
What don't you get?
-I get that this friend meant a lot to you.
-Oh, drop it.
You just sit here and talk about yourself!
Do you even hear yourself?
I'm only trying to help.
Idon'tneed your help!
I'm used to struggling.
I struggleevery day.
-You shouldn't have to.
-Dad, I have fucking cerebral palsy!
Look at me.
Look at me!
It's a struggle, but
But I'm still living my life.
And it's worth something.
I have a dignified life.
I don't want your money!
And I can make my own friends.
Being called "the average rodent"
must've been absolutely awful for you.
Tell your husband to come inside.
It's weird having him wait in the car.
-I was just We're leaving now.
I get it.
What are you two up to?
-Just talking.
-Talking about what?
Hampus? Would you mind going upstairs
and get Hedda ready for bed? Please?
-I'm doing my homework.
-Just tell him to come inside.
Seeing him sit in that fucking car is just
weird. Ask him to come inside. Please!
That you might be sent to prison
and haven't said a word!
To prison? What kind of stories
has your husband been feeding you?
-That fucking blabbermouth!
-You're fucking perfect for each other!
-It wasn't easy for him.
Oh, it wasn't easy? In what way?
He couldn't know that you
were involved with First Gulf.
-He saved 28 employees. Okay?
-Are you serious?
He didn't give a fuck about 170 people!
He saved his own sweet ass.
He knew exactly what was going on!
He wanted to see me crash and burn.
-No way!
-Wait. Should we feel sorry for you?
-A bit.
-Go fuck your reporter at her place.
This is my house now!
So that's what you've been discussing?
Who owns what?
-Why the fuck are you laughing?
-Hey. Call me if you need to talk.
Oh, God!
-Actually, I want to talk.
-Go ahead.
I want to talk to her.
You and I will talk later.
-Hey! Rebecka!
-I have nothing to say to you!
You think it's okay to come here
and spread nasty rumors in my house?!
-Do I spread rumors in your house?!
-Take care of your family instead!
Get in the car.
And you should try to control yourself.
Shame on you!
Did you enjoy it? I hope so.
Screwing around like that.
You're going to end up fucking alone!
What the hell do you think you're doing?
-Peder, what the fuck!
-Cut it out!
-Get the fuck off my dad!
-Hampus, no! Stop it!
-Hampus, calm down!
-Hampus, come here.
-I hate you!
-Hampus, calm down.
Go to hell!
Get inside!
Thanks for coming.
I'm sorry about the last time we met.
I was a bitunhinged.
But I'm glad you came.
Peder Rooth and Otto Rehnskiöld knew
exactly what was going on in the trading.
The entire time.
Yeah, so I've heard. Can you prove it?
-I can.
I'd rather talk to the police
about that part.
-So, what are we doing here?
-I have a proposition.
If I promise you that I won't talk
to any reporter other than you,
you have to promise not to write anything
about the trades without running it by me.
I don't make those kinds of deals.
Oh, you're a woman of principle?
Wow, that's beautiful!
I thought you were willing to do anything
to get your story.
And no violence.
Just ask him for the recording,
and be convincing about it. That's it.
And where would he keep it?
Well, he probably used his cell phone,
so start there.
-And if he wants to get paid?
-Not a dime!
That man has already cost me enough.
And what if he doesn't want to
give up the recording?
I guess you'll just
have to ask him nicely.
This is Karin
with the Economic Crime Authority.
I just spoke with the prosecutor.
We're bringing in Henrik Beijer tomorrow.
He's got some explaining to do.
ST Bank sent me the weekly reports,
and he's definitely been flying solo.
Watch connoisseurs will recognize it.
It will make a splash.
-Then that's what I want. Excuse me.
-No problem.
Hey, baby! I can't go to Miami.
I look like a marble table.
People will place their drinks on me.
-That's why we're flying off to the sun.
-I'm just kidding.
-But seriously, I need a spray tan.
-Save it for New York.
-The weather there is crap in April.
-New York? Who cares about New York?
Hold on a sec.
Hi! Tore Kettner. I'm Calle's brother.
Oh, yeah?
There's water dripping
from the bathroom ceiling.
-Maybe it's coming from up here.
Okay, I see.
-Come on in.
-Hold on. I'll call you back.
-Wrap it up! I want it.
-Are we talking lots of water?
-Not really. It's just dripping.
Have the pipes here been replaced?
Honestly, I don't know.
-Let's have a look.
-This way.
-I used to be a plumber.
Your place looks great!
You know this stuff better
What's your cell phone PIN?
-Your PIN.
Your PIN? Your PIN?
So, what's the plan, then?
You were talking about realizing losses.
-No, we're not doing that.
-No losses?
I'm concerned that it might damage
customer trust in the bank.
We haven't communicated
this situation before.
If we have to do it, going forward,
we need to proceed with caution.
-So we just keep rolling the positions?
-And hope for the market to turn around?
In other words, exactly like before?
This stays between us.
Did Peder Rooth send you?
Is Otto involved?
Otto Rehnskiöld.
By the way
I need your copy as well.
I don't have a copy.
Of course you have a copy!
You're a smart guy.
No, I didn't make a copy. Fine!
Fine. I'll just
Will you join us later?
Hampus, I need to find a place to stay.
It'll be great! You can stay with me,
and you can stay with your mom
-You'll have two homes!
-Why don't you just talk to her?
Tell her you fucked up.
I can talk to her, and
-Say that everything
This will be great!
Get in!
Don't forget your seat belt!
See you later.
-Call me when you get there.
Our most-clicked story:
Oil billionaire Alf Johansson
is considering a lawsuit against ST Bank.
The bankruptcy has cost him a lot of money,
and he's – quote – "hopping mad."
-Who even uses that expression?
-Well, Alf did.
Great work, Nina. Well done.
Bea, you don't have anything for us?
Do you have anything for us today?
I'll go.
I can't take it. Not if people will
lose their jobs, be indebted for life
Because a bank was cooking the books!
You were just doing your job,
and you did a fine job.
-Yeah, but it's not worth it.
-Dammit, Farkas!
This is only the beginning!
Take a week off. Take two!
Go away, clear your mind.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Did you hear the news?
Henrik Beijer's killed himself!
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