Fast Layne (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Mile 7: On the Run

Previously on Fast Layne
- Layne!
- Are you OK?
I've been trying to get a hold of you,
but the 'rents blocked my outgoing calls!
You were never supposed
to find Project VIN in the first place.
Well, guess what? I did.
Hey! You're Mel!
Layne's annoying cousin!
Listen, you're in danger,
but I'm gonna help you.
There's some bad people after VIN.
- They're trying to take VIN!
- I have to leave!
Vote Layne Reed! Woo!
Oh, man! I'm worried
this is the end for us!
I think I have an idea.
the orange car careened
over this guardrail where I'm standing.
Charred remains are below.
This steering device,
is the only thing that survived.
We're continuing
our special report
on the vehicle that crashed
on this dangerous curve
behind me off Highway 13.
The owner is still unknown,
as is the cause of this horrific crash.
Now, we did have a chance
All that work and now he's gone.
I just don't understand
how he got out, we powered him off.
Mom. Dad. Hi.
You're heading to school early.
Uh, I'm
heading to the library!
- Uh, to return some books.
- Honey,
don't take this the
w wrong way.
But do you
Is there something about
Project VIN's crash
- you're not telling us?
- Yeah.
Yeah ♪
It's like that, y'all ♪
Woo! It's like that ♪
'Ey, ey, come on! Yeah! ♪
Hey! ♪
Hey! ♪
n no.
I mean
it's just so
- It's Layne.
- Oh, I know.
I just thought maybe Project VIN
might've reached out.
Yeah, well
really should be getting to that library.
Oh, ha-ha!
Glad you think it's funny!
"VIN, go hide in the woods," Layne says,
"no one will find you." "Oh, yeah,
it'll be great," Zora says.
"Like camping."
Well, I am not a happy camper!
Let's go! ♪
Jump in it's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just want to go ♪
My life's feeling unreal ♪
Both hands are taking the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine and feel ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
That was too close.
I wish I could just tell my parents
the truth.
But you can't!
If your parents find out
VIN's still alive,
they'd have to hand him
over to the government!
I know!
He'll be melted down
and turned into orange goo.
You have everything?
Battery pack,
tire pump, lubricant
I brought a squeegee.
Sheesh, man!
Were you trying to get pooped on?
I'm trying to get pooped on.
It's my new hobby.
I'm built for the road, not the woods.
It's cold, there's bugs,
all sorts of noises
You know, some people
are just afraid of the woods.
Pshh, I'm not afraid.
What was that?
It's a bird, VIN, just a bird.
You're OK, we're here now.
But you're gonna leave again!
Ohh, that is good lube.
Seriously! Do I have to stay here, Layne?
I'm sorry, VIN, but
you're gonna have to make the best of it.
Oh, man! Why?
Those bad guys want you and
the government wants my parents
to scrap you.
they all have to think you're gone.
But Layne's got a plan!
Oh, great!
What's the plan?
You do have a plan, right?
Of course I have a plan!
I mean
I'm not gonna try and hide
a bright orange car here in the middle
of the woods forever.
That'd be crazy!
Yeah! That'd be nuts!
OK, I don't have a plan.
- What?
- Don't worry.
I'm gonna figure this out.
I'm not gonna let anything happen
to you, VIN.
- OK.
- Schedule alert.
Election results today.
They're announcing
the new school president?
This is huge!
Yeah, Jasper Marr is goin' down!
I I don't know about that.
I mean
I walked out on my own speech.
Who does that?
We gotta get going.
I can't be late for school.
My parents are already suspicious enough.
We'll come back for you tonight,
Be brave.
All right, I'll be fine,
just bring back that squeegee!
Hey, sis? Win or lose,
I'm proud of ya.
We just received clearance
from the state Highway Patrol
for you two to go down
and inspect the crash site.
Get down there.
Thank you, Sir, we'll find out exactly
how it happened.
I don't care what happened!
Honey, he doesn't care.
There is top-secret data
on Project VIN's computer,
and right now
it's just sitting in a ditch.
I want that vehicle's intel on my desk
before the end of the day.
Are we clear?
Crystal, Sir.
We'll find it.
- Hardy's such a grump!
- No, no
- Don't say that.
- I'm still here.
I It sounded like grump,
he said chump champ.
It was champ.
- All right I am hitting the button!
- Press the button.
VIN's my responsibility now.
And I can't let anyone take him, I mean
I have to keep him safe.
So, I'll see you after school?
Actually, I'm coming with you.
I've got a meeting with Maurice.
My Principal?
Yeah, I got a meeting with "the man."
Not sure what it's about.
we're walking to school together.
This is fun!
The walking part, not the school part.
That wigs me out.
Oh, hey, there's Cody!
Hey, Cody!
I can't speak to him right now.
I don't know, I get all weird around him!
That's 'cause you like him.
I know and I hate it.
He's coming right now!
Layne? Zora?
What are you guys doin' in the bushes?
biology assignment.
Smelling leaves
It's chlorophyll.
I'm gonna go now.
Hello, Cody.
OK, kickin' it in the great outdoors,
this isn't so bad.
What was that?
And that?
And that?
Oh, there's something out there!
Now I think it's behind me!
Ah! VIN, just turn on your rear camera.
You'll see, everything is fine.
It's a giant, hairy monster!
I gotta get out of here!
Ah! Oh, man! I'm stuck!
I feel like the meat in a tree taco.
Just play cool.
That's not something you see every day.
It's Ranger Mike to base,
I'm reporting a
Actually I don't know what I'm reporting.
Yes, those are my feet.
So, what's this about?
You wanna make sure
I'm doin' my homeschool work?
Brushin' my teeth?
Doin' my push-ups? 'Cause I have.
Zora, I know
you're used to going unchecked.
But those days are over.
Let me introduce you to my little friend.
The "State Achievement Test."
A test?
100 questions, you don't pass,
and I'll recommend you don't move on
to seventh grade.
Oh, hey, Anna!
Any news on the polls?
Officially? No.
Unofficially? They just counted
the eighth-grade vote.
And you're getting slaughtered.
I knew it.
As a close observer of Cedarville Middle's
political scene,
your campaign went from super-organized,
- to super
- Layne! Help!
Distracted. Layne?
Are you listening to me?
I mean, yeah, I
I gotta go.
Zora, most students use a desk.
Shh. Maurice, I'm in the zone.
- Done!
- Already?
This is a three-hour test.
I have a short attention span!
Zora Morris, if you fail,
you're gonna regret it!
I just saw VIN being towed away
on a truck.
Hold up!
Where are they taking him?
No idea.
If only we knew someone
who knows about towing
What about Cody?
And where they take cars
What about Cody?
And who we can trust.
What about Cody?
I guess there's no choice,
we're gonna have to ask Cody.
Good idea.
Ju lemme get this straight.
You faked VIN's crash,
then tried to hide him in the woods?
I gotta say, that's pretty
Crazy, I know.
I was gonna say sweet of you.
Ugh! Come on, man! A2!
That one sticks
Well, I've gotta figure out a way
to save VIN.
As soon as I find him.
Well, if they towed him,
he'd be on the impound lot on Willow.
Cool! Thanks!
They're not just gonna give you VIN.
You're kids.
They'll have a million questions.
He's right.
I know everybody down there like family.
I could probably get you VIN
if we go together.
"- Together" together?
- Like well, technically,
it would be together like friends
because Zora's coming, too.
So it wouldn't be "together" together.
Just to clarify.
I'll catch you after class then.
I'm being weird again.
Oh no, no, I I didn't notice.
Layne said she wouldn't
let anything happen to me.
But it did! I'm in car jail!
I gotta call her.
Pick up, pick up, pick up!
Call blocked.
This number is currently
under parental lock.
Oh, man! Who can I call?
There's gotta be someone!
OK, it's not my first choice, but
Mel, it's me, VIN. I need help!
VIN? VIN the car?
I thought you were dead.
I saw it on TV.
Nope! It was all fake.
Fake news. I've heard about this.
Look, it doesn't matter.
I'm trapped! Can you help?
Well, I'm grounded for flushing
Mom's cheese balls down the toilet,
I can't go anywhere.
Oh, um
well maybe we can just talk?
I'm kinda lonely.
You talk, I'm gonna punch stuff.
I've been workin' on a new triple combo.
Mel? You alive?
I'm good!
This is definitely Project VIN parts.
But something's bothering me.
- You think this crash site is hooey.
- I think it's straight-up hooey.
OK, so, what do we tell Colonel Hardy?
Nothing for now.
Someone went to a lot of trouble
to make us believe he was destroyed.
She's about 4'11
and running for school president.
There he is.
Ronnie works security.
He's cool.
I'll talk to him, and he'll help us out.
Wait that's not Ronnie.
Man, that's Gladys!
She hates me. She hates everyone.
What're we gonna do?
Maybe if you distracted her,
we could sneak past.
- Mm, I guess I could distract her
- Great!
Go get 'em!
- Champ!
- Ow!
I know, I'm being so weird!
Ugh! What's wrong with this fan?
Hey, there, Gladys!
What do you want, Castillo?
Uh, just came by to say "hi."
- Hi!
- Hi.
Uh, Gladys?
I could fix that fan for you.
You're still here.
Uh, it's it's the model.
The rotor always gets stuck.
That should do it.
My chair also needs fixing.
What am I gonna do?
I can't go home,
I can't go back to the woods.
Layne is trying everything
to keep us together.
But it's not working.
Well, maybe you're just
not supposed to be together.
What? She's family!
Layne means the world to me.
I don't get it.
It just sounds like the whole thing's
a pain in the butt.
You should leave.
Like go away?
I mean
I guess I have been putting Layne
through a lot of trouble.
Maybe I should hit the road.
I was thinking you could
come live with me.
We could rescue stuff.
I could be your sidekick.
Sidekick, huh. Lemme get back to ya.
Layne! Zora!
VIN! We're here!
Mel, gotta go.
Thanks for the advice.
Wait! Wait! I'll get some
real manly tights, and a cape!
Oh, man, am I glad to see you guys!
We are, too.
Now, can we get out of here, please?
Don't worry
we got you.
You know
I think it's time
we actually use this one.
Oh, yeah! Hit it!
My big feet! They're back!
Oh 'scuse me, pardon me.
Oh, that's gotta hurt.
Hey, beef brain, it's not swiveling.
Uh it it should swivel right about
Oh, yeah!
We're crushin' it!
It's been real.
Oh, sweet freedom!
Feels so good!
The crash
on this dangerous curve behind me,
off Highway 13
I'm not buying this crash.
She faked it.
Wow, she's smarter than I thought.
Not smart enough.
Now that we've got
her DNA from her hairbrush,
once we get the car,
it'll be under my control.
Time to make our next move.
Keep going and stop.
- Your new home!
- Really?
An abandoned pretzel factory?
What's wrong with it?
It's right by the street!
If somebody spotted him in the woods,
he'll definitely be found here.
Well, I'm out of ideas.
What else do you expect me to do?
I have an idea.
- I should leave.
- What?
I'm a wanted car! I'm too dangerous
to be around!
Layne, I don't want anything
bad to happen to you.
So it's best that I go away.
that's a really mature
thing of you to say.
But, VIN, we're family.
And families protect each other
no matter what.
- I care about you, sis.
- You can't go!
I've made up my mind.
This is the right thing to do.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you too.
Mom, Dad.
- VIN's alive!
- Hey, guys!
So, uh
how exactly did you find us?
Right, you tracked me using Alonzo.
I'm sorry.
I was just trying to protect VIN.
And the whole crash was all my idea.
It wasn't all her fault, I helped.
And my fingerprints were all over it.
It's OK.
We heard everything.
Layne, you didn't tell us
because you didn't trust us.
Honey, I think we owe you an apology.
Layne, I don't know your parents
very well, but are they messing with us?
you're not mad at me?
Well, faking a crash
and then lying about it is not OK.
- Not OK.
- But
you were trying to do the right thing.
And that's the daughter we raised.
Uh, VIN? Where you going?
Uh just getting ice cream?
Pump the brakes,
we're not gonna let anyone
turn you into scrap metal.
Promise. We'll figure out
what to tell Colonel Hardy.
Well, your mom will.
And, VIN, from now on,
you are in the Reed family nest.
Where everybody's safe.
Really? Thanks, Mom! Dadster!
That means a lot.
Oh! Hey! I think somebody better get
on down to the school
and check out those election results!
Layne! We have to get down there.
- You're right.
- Yeah! The election!
Wish me good luck, I'm gonna need it.
- Good luck!
- We'll drop you off.
And now
what we've all been waiting for.
I am pleased to announce
our new school president
with a near sweep of the sixth
and seventh grade vote
the winner is
Layne Reed!
Layne Reed.
Brave, honest.
The kind of leader we need.
I can't believe it!
Ms. Morris, your test results.
Ugh, man! Only 96%?
Only? That's one of the best scores
in our district.
I can't believe I'm saying this but
if you ever want to enroll here,
we'd be honored to have a student
of your caliber.
if you change the dress code,
start classes at 12:30,
and have the cafeteria
serve breakfast all day
I'd think about it.
Nice tie, by the way.
Congrats. I didn't really want
to be president, anyway.
You know, Jasper?
You were a really tough opponent.
I know a lot of kids voted for you, so
if you'd ever consider
being my Vice President,
I think we could really unite this school.
The Jaz?
As your number 2? Ha! Come on.
You know, Layne?
I'll think about it.
- Hey!
- Cody!
- Yeah, he's safe.
- Cool.
Thanks for helping. I
I couldn't have done it without you.
No problemo.
Look, can I talk to you about something?
Sure, but me first.
I've been acting really weird around you.
I guess it's because
I like you.
I just I don't want it
to be awkward because
I really like being your friend.
I like being your friend, too.
So, I'm just gonna
get over it and be normal.
What did you want to talk about?
Just wanted to say felicitaciones.
You're gonna be a great president.
Thanks, Cody.
How did it go?
Did you tell her you like her?
she just wants to be friends.
Ay, mijo
Our little girl won!
I know! All those weekends
making buttons was so worth it!
I know!
Hey, Dr. Kwon.
I didn't know you lived in Cedarville.
Your attention, please!
Introducing the president
of the entire world
Layne Reed!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
VIN, have you seen Mom and Dad?
No, they said they were just heading
to the store, but it's been forever.
I'm gettin' worried.
Maybe there's just a long line
at the checkout?
Incoming call,
Mom and Dad.
Hey, Mom!
Bring us the car,
and we'll give you your parents.
Next time on Fast Layne
It's decision time,
Project VIN, or your parents?
Something I've learned about Layne Reed,
when you say everything's fine,
it's usually not.
"Wheel Boy"?
Mel, you gotta get out of here!
I advise you to get your head in the game.
I'm not the same girl I was
- two weeks ago.
- This is true.
You've changed.
I gotta get to that airport.
- Whoa!
- Layne?
They left the nest!
- We're hooked!
- Well, unhook us!
Time to get my parents back.
Hold on.
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