Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Round Seven: Jekyll Island

That's Chicken Man!
- Freeze!
My client was apprehended
along with three other
white men.
Yet, Mr. Williams
was the only one charged!
CHICKEN MAN: They shot
at my goddamn back.
What if my family
was out there? My kids?
- HUDSON: Where are they now?
- Faye left me last night.
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Jenkins took my badge.
You just gonna have to
trust me on this one.
The police came to my job.
And he was tryin' to help you.
HUDSON: We gon'
follow McKinley.
Wait till we can get the drop.
I could use
a sharp motherfucker
like you up in the city.
McKINLEY: I don't like you
getting chummy with Willie.
Well, at least
he stand up for hisself.
- Yeah, it's Emerson.
I need y'all to meet me
in Jekyll Island.
The Dolphin Club.
- CHICKEN MAN: So what now?
- Now we follow 'em.
EMERSON: They all lookin'
to up their stake.
to be retired permanently.
You know,
when I planned the robbery
Come on, Sweets.
She'd lick you like candy.
and the Firm would
finally see that
Frank wasn't
that all powerful.
FRANK: They can do
what your daddy would've done,
and that's do
what the fuck I say!
You know, there's been
some utterance.
People questioning
your leadership qualities
right now.
Funky bi [GROANS]
No gal made has got a shade
on sweet Georgia Brown ♪
Mmm. These ribs,
they good,
They ain't got nothin'
on that Rib Shack,
remember that?
Nah, I don't remember.
Come on, man.
You don't remember Rib Shack?
You used to beg me
to take you there
all the time.
[CHUCKLING] We'd get you
the super-size ribs
with the chocolate shake.
- You could barely finish it.
- Oh, yeah, the Shack.
[CHUCKLES] You used to
love that place, man.
You know, it closed
after you left.
You think they about to leave?
Hmm. Maybe.
My hunch,
they're finna take this loot
to whoever's crazy enough
to try to move it.
We're gonna know in a minute.
They're havin'
a goddamn picnic.
I don't know why
we can't just go over there
and take 'em now?
'Cause we ain't got nothin'.
We gotta follow 'em.
Let this whole thing
play out till the end.
we should've moved on there
and got some ribs with 'em.
- Hungry as a billy goat.
- Yeah.
MAN: Man, come on, man.
BABY RAY: So, what is it?
Freckles? [CHUCKLES]
Nah, negro. Jekyll.
Jekyll Island, man.
BABY RAY: Jekyll. Man,
The fuck is Jekyll?
WILLIE: I don't know.
I didn't name this shit.
Hey! Hey, I saw that.
Who you talkin' to, Jack?
Empty your damn pockets.
Right now.
Or you can meet my friends,
Smith & Wesson.
You understand me, boy?
Oh, no.
I don't see
no boys up in here.
What about you, Ray?
- All's I see is a cracker
with a death wish.
- Mmm-hmm.
Your funeral.
Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Ray, grab his gun.
Oh, shit!
Get up. Get up!
You know what, Ray?
I think it's time
that we pop your cherry.
What you think?
What you talking 'bout, Black.
I ain't no virgin.
Nah, but you is
with that gun now, ain't you?
Get your ass down.
When you rocking with me,
you gotta be ready to get down
at any time.
Go on, put that bitch to use.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Just take
Just take what you want.
WILLIE: Oh, your tone done
changed now, huh?
What the hell is goin' on?
Ray, put the gun down.
Hey, man. What's goin' on?
Ray, put the gun down.
After we teach
Billy Bob a lesson.
Please. [WHIMPERS]
You can keep the candy.
- Just go.
- What, I ain't "boy," now?
I ain't mean nothin' by it.
HUDSON: Shit. They got
their guns out, man.
Ray, put the gun down,
all right?
No, he ain't putting
shit down until this
white devil here apologize.
[WHISPERING] I'm sorry.
- Huh?
- Say it again. Huh?
[WHIMPERS] I'm sorry.
- [YELLING] Apologize,
white devil! Apologize!
- I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
He apologized!
He apologized, all right?
Now put the fucking gun down!
Wait Wait, now.
Hold on, hold on.
Let it play out.
No, no, look, you can't
go in there
playing hero right now,
you just gonna
blow the whole thing up!
- Just stay in the car.
- Just hold on!
Ray, put the gun down.
Put the fucking gun down, man.
Come on, now.
I can't see the cashier.
Just wait. Hold on.
Hey, hey, you said it
we gotta play the whole thing
through, right?
Chicken, the man
could be hurt in there.
Hey, look,
and they leavin'.
So, we gotta follow them
or else we're gonna lose 'em.
Follow the van! Come on!
Atlanta PD.
- CASHIER: Here.
- Hello?
Oh, oh, no, no, no, no.
I'm a cop. I'm a cop.
I'm a cop. It's all right.
- Here, let me help.
- You hurt?
- No.
- I thought they were
gonna kill me,
then that last one came in
and stopped them.
Oh, God! He came back!
- Wh No, no, no.
He's with me.
- What? He said they're back.
- It's all right. Come on.
- What you mean,
"It's all right"?
'Cause you in a good
goddamn mood now, huh?
'Cause you get to save whitey,
while our only hope
for justice for me
- just rolled off, and went
to God knows where.
- Will you calm down, Chicken?
"Calm down."
That's all you've been
sayin' to me
all goddamn day
is "Calm down."
- You better pay for those!
You wanna kiss my ass,
toilet-faced cracker?
- I don't want nobody
to need me ♪
Vivian, what you doin' here?
Uh, look, I'm sorry
to bother you at this hour,
Ulysses, but, uh,
somebody needs your help
crossing to the other side.
Oh, well, my condolences,
but, baby, we closed
right now.
This can't wait.
- Really?
- Mmm-mmm.
I got his goon
in the back seat
under a tarp.
This ain't really my thing.
Come on, I wouldn't be here
if there was any other way.
- Somebody I know?
- Nah.
But believe you me,
world's much better off, Jack.
They hurt you?
They tried.
[SIGHS] You gonna
help me or not?
That's fair.
How long you've been
doin' this, Ulysses?
Shit. All my life.
My daddy run it
till I buried him.
It's the family business.
You ever thought
about expandin'?
This world ♪
This world ♪
My mind holds this world ♪
In its hand ♪
Damn, Mac, why are we even
on this side of town?
'Cause there ain't
nobody else over here.
Come on, let's go.
Holds this world ♪
My mind holds this world ♪
In its hands ♪
WILLIE: Home sweet home.
The Dolphin Club
was legendary.
Black folks used to come
from all over just to see
these people play.
Yeah, they did.
All them niggas
dead now, though.
Or throw it all away ♪
Throw it away ♪
I can throw it away ♪
Are you sure
they didn't mention anything
about where they was goin'?
I tell you how
we could've found out
where they was goin'.
And we would've followed
their asses the way we
- Do you mind?
- Do I mind?
- Please.
- All right.
All right. All right.
- Any detail that you
could remember
Ain't you hear me?
Goddamn, you know,
I have had enough of
you people for today.
I want you out of my store,
off my property!
You know what
I've had enough of?
- You say that again, you
- Chicken, hold on.
Wait a minute
CHICKEN MAN: No, no, no, no!
I'mma deal with this hick.
I want you to listen.
I want you to listen
good, okay?
I smell somethin'.
You know what that smell is?
It's rotten apples.
Funny thing is I don't see
a lick a' fruit in here,
do you?
No, you don't, do you?
But I see a bunch of sugar,
and I swear the Lord knows
sugar is for yeast.
See, I know
how these dry counties work.
And I know that you got
a still in the back.
So, what I wanna do
is let my detective
friend here
take a little walk around
then come out here
and bust your ass
for moonshine.
How does that sound,
you fuckin' hayseed?
Hmm. How'd that sound,
you fucking hayseed?
When they were walkin' in,
they was yappin' about
taking a trip.
Hmm. A trip? Where?
Jekyll Island.
Jekyll Island.
- That good enough for you?
- Yeah.
Detective Sambo. Hmm?
Savin' white lives
all over the place.
Kissin' all types
of white ass.
Come on!
McKINLEY: I saw Sledge
play right here on that stage.
Took Charmaine here
for our honeymoon.
She must have had
your balls in a bind
for real, my brother.
You wouldn't understand.
You damn right.
Bitch be lucky to get
water from me. [CHUCKLES]
Nobody wants shit from you.
WILLIE: Aw, now
you'd be surprised.
You'd be surprised.
Hey, Mac. What happened here?
to the Black spot
when you can have
uppity white folks
starin' at you
while you eatin'?
Ain't that sound fun?
- Not to me.
Mac. It's me.
I've been trying you
for over an hour.
we just got here.
Aight, yeah, listen.
I'm, uh I'm on my way,
all right.
I'll be there
in a few hours.
McKINLEY: All right,
well, we'll be here.
WILLIE: I'll tell
you somethin',
it's been way too long
since I had me
a good piece of trim.
How 'bout you, youngsta?
Way too long. [CHUCKLES]
You funny, negro.
How 'bout
we call up a titty bar
and get us some gals?
Have us a time.
How that sound?
Sounds good.
It's just you and Willie?
Me, Willie, and the kid,
it's the three of us.
[SNIFFLES] Hey, put Willie on.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, look, I'm
I'm comin' down with a fence
willing to pay top dollar.
All right, we gon'
take care of you, soldier.
Willie, phone for you.
What's the word?
Willie, I got orders.
Get rid of the kid.
That really necessary?
Kill the kid.
I'll handle Mac.
Let's get this party started.
Down these city streets
I walk tall ♪
EMERSON: One day,
we was pinned down,
gettin' fired at
from all sides.
I remember thinking,
"I'm tired.
"Tired on waitin'
for death to find me."
So, I hopped up out that hole,
saw all them Viet Congs
starin' at me.
Next thing I know,
[CHUCKLES] Mac's next to me.
Pullin' me back down
in that hole.
He He saved me that day.
I owe him.
- Hey!
You ain't welcome here.
Oh, shit, Emerson,
you done done it again.
Oh, Emerson
tellin' war stories.
[SIGHS] Apologize, gentlemen.
Finish my drink,
I'll be on my way.
My man.
Sorry, you know
with all of them bombs
over there,
I don't hear so good.
You wanna
repeat that, asshole?
Not in here, soldier.
Hey, I tell you what,
good thing we gassed up, huh?
'Cause we ain't got a clue
where we goin' right now.
Wouldn't even be
in this goddamn position
if you weren't so keen
on kissin' massa's ass
back there.
You know it don't
rub off, right?
It's gon' stick.
Oh, that's funny to you,
that make Hudson laugh?
No words, you ain't got
nothin' to say?
What'd you used to call me?
You used to call me a hoodlum.
Tell you what,
when I made my bread,
I put it right back
into my community.
- Mmm.
- Gave my people hope.
- Yeah.
- Give 'em reason to live.
I'd rather be a hoodlum
than a house nigga any day.
That house part, maybe we,
uh, find a pay phone,
call your wife,
see what she gotta say
about it.
Oh, wait a minute,
you ain't got one of them.
A house or a wife.
Pull over.
All right, look,
that was too far.
- Hudson, pull over right now.
- All right, now, look
- Pull the goddamn car
over right now.
- I'm apologizing.
Pull the car over right now!
C'mon, Chicken
Don' ''Chicken" me
Get your ass out this car
and get this ass whoopin'.
Man, we ain't got time
for this bullshit, man.
- Come on! Ain't no Chicken.
- Chicken, this is crazy.
- Man, we're supposed
to be followin'
Knock it off!
- Knock this shit off, man!
- That's it. No. We ain't done.
- Quit. Come on, man.
Hey, my man.
Stop, stop. Stop it.
Hey, knock it off!
Stop. Stop fighting.
All right!
- Knock it off! We good?
We good.
I told you. [GRUNTS]
A nut punch?
I can't breathe. I can't br
- Shit.
No, no. Come on.
You got me, didn't ya?
Damn it. [SIGHS]
You know,
my first date with Faye
was a walk in a park.
She thought I was romantic,
but, uh, I was just broke-ass.
I told her, "Don't worry,
'cause it's only up
from here, baby."
Look, I'm sorry about
what I said in the car, okay?
That was uncalled for,
I didn't mean it.
Oh, yeah, you did.
And it's okay, it ain't like
I didn't deserve it, so
Look, Chicken.
Back when I arrested you,
I had to let them
other boys go.
That stuck in my craw, man.
To this day.
I mean, you broke the law,
and I was in my rights
arrestin' you, but
If I had to do it
all over again,
I don't know.
I don't know.
You wanna know what
the biggest con
I ever pulled was?
Biggest con I ever pulled
was convincin' myself
that all this shit
that I'm doin'
is for my damn family.
It's for me.
Tryin' to be somebody I'm not.
Excuse me, sugar.
We a bit lost.
Y'all know how to get
to the Shark Club?
To the Shark Club?
I ain't never heard of it.
Hmm, see, we got this gig
down at this, uh, Shark Club
on Jekyll Island.
Oh, wait,
you talkin' about The
The Dolphin Club?
- BOTH: Yeah.
Sounds about right.
Okay, well, The Dolphin Club's
'bout a mile up that way.
Just keep goin' straight.
Thank you, baby!
Right on.
Dolphin Club's been closed
for a while now.
Hey, three girls in the car.
BOTH: One girl
for each robber.
- You know the nighttime ♪
- Night and day ♪
- Oh, is the right time ♪
- Night and day ♪
WILLIE: You know
what I'm sayin', brother.
Come on, ladies.
Get some of this candy here.
You first, mama.
WOMAN: I got two nostrils.
WILLIE: C'mon I'm sorry for
being stingy baby, I'm sorry.
- WOMAN: Mmm, thank you, baby.
- WILLIE: Mmm-hmm.
WOMAN: Your turn, sugar.
Don't worry about him.
WILLIE: Damn, boy,
you can't be wastin'
all that candy like that.
- Sorry.
- WILLIE: Come on, now.
Come on, kid.
It ain't that bad.
Man, you got
a little bit of
- Aight.
No, but, Black, for real, man,
I'm really excited to be goin'
up north with you, man.
It's gon' be you and me
runnin' things out there, man.
Ray and Black,
I can see it now, man.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Which one of them you like?
- Honey.
You think she sweet on me?
You want her to be?
[CHUCKLES] Watch this.
HONEY: Stop.
Listen, Honey baby. I want you
to take care of him, okay?
Show him a good time.
Be gentle now.
How 'bout we go get us a room?
Come on. [CHUCKLES]
WILLIE: Don't be scared
of it now, Ray.
Ain't nothin' but
a little bit of water.
I'mma come back for you, baby.
I'mma come back for you.
Yeah, all right.
This ain't smart, Black.
Emerson said he's on his way.
We got time, man,
we got time.
- The hell you think you doin'?
We all got bags to hold on.
Little man left his,
I'm gon' take it to him.
Loosen up, Mac.
Go get you some of that ass
on your lap, nigga.
Say, girl.
Let me show you somethin'.
You ever seen
heaven before, mama, hmm?
As long as you can
make these legs open
like heaven's gates.
they gon' open, baby.
And you gon' sing for me.
Were you drafted or volunteer?
How'd you know
I was in the military?
It ain't hard to tell.
You ever save a life?
You know, most folks just ask
if I ever took one.
I ain't most folks.
I see.
Yeah, I saved
a brother's life before.
Pulled that man
out the line of fire.
Did you get some kinda medal?
This is America, darlin'.
There ain't no medals
for savin' niggas.
I could tell you was a hero
the minute I saw you.
Yeah, well, I ain't no hero.
Yes, you is.
You look out for people.
So, why don't you let me
look out for you, huh?
KIKI: Take me to heaven.
Ooh! Yes!
So was I any good?
- Yeah.
Is this supposed
to be like them?
You were sweet.
Uh, have you
ever been up north?
Oh, I ain't never been.
Movin' out that way.
Gots this job lined up
with Willie.
Been doin'
some big things together.
You know, if you ever
find yourself out that way,
I could take you around.
You wanna take me on a date?
[CHUCKLES] I don't know.
Do you have, like,
a telephone number
I could hold onto?
That's cute.
HUDSON: McKinley Rogers.
Me and you need to have
a little confab.
VIVIAN: All those lights, hmm.
All those people.
And all that potential.
But I'm sure you know that.
I'm sorry, I hope
I'm not interruptin'.
Uh, no worries.
- Hmm.
- I could use the company.
Join me.
Ma'am, can I get you
a cocktail?
You know, I usually go
for somethin' sweet,
but after the day I had,
I think I'mma
switch my groove up,
you dig? [CHUCKLES]
Cognac? Cognac,
please. Thanks.
So, what kinda day
did you have?
Uh, runnin' around
cleanin' up messes
I didn't make.
Some I did.
I wanna thank you
for what you did for me
back at the salon.
I don't have
many men lookin' out for me.
And I also wanna
apologize to you
for what happened
at the party.
Even though
I had nothin' to do
with that shit,
it still happened.
I appreciate that.
But I'm sure you didn't come
all the way down here to
shower me with apologies.
No, I didn't.
The cornerstone
of a community,
is it churches? Barbershops?
It's funeral homes.
Cash business there, Jack.
That's a market
that ain't goin' nowhere,
- cause niggas gon' die.
- Hmm.
Great space
for a smart businessman
to diversify.
And besides, those caskets,
you know,
you can move some things
that you don't
exactly want being detected.
Oh, like conk-head niggas
with bullets in their heads?
Oh, thank you.
The, uh,
proprietor of this
funeral home enterprise,
- is he local?
- Mmm-hmm.
Entrenched in the community?
Better than that.
He was grandfathered in
last decade's zoning laws,
which means
any property that he buys,
he don't have to
tell the state.
Get the fuck outta here.
I got my fingers
in all kinds of pies.
You know, I heard
that exact same line
from some little hustler
around here.
No. See,
what you heard was talk.
I got the fuckin' recipe.
So, you the pig
that threatened my ex?
No, you the threat
to Charmaine
and that little girl.
You leave my
fuckin' family out of this.
Hey, easy!
But they ain't yours
to protect no more.
Charmaine remarried,
got that good job.
But she can't seem to get
the stink of you off of her.
But you help us out
with this thing,
and I'll make sure
none of this touches them.
You done already
dug yourself a deep hole.
Ain't no sense
in makin' it any deeper.
How you feelin', killer?
[SIGHS] Great!
So you are.
Where's your man?
He's outside,
seein' the girls off.
Look it's too late for me,
but Ray, he just a kid.
All he needs
is a second chance.
You let him go,
I'll give you what you want.
No, ain't no way
I'm letting him go.
He can't just
walk away from that.
You can take your chances
with them killers
that's comin' in.
Listen, listen,
the boy is a minor, right?
- That's right.
- I'mma do everything
in my power
to make sure that
he's tried as a juvenile.
He'll get out when he's 18.
He can still make
something of his life.
Look, I give you
my word on it.
Yeah, I can dig it.
All right.
So, come clean. Who hired ya?
Emerson Dorsey.
Emerson? The man
from the photo?
That's who I took
the party from.
But he just the middle man.
- A middle man for who?
- I don't know.
You can ask him yourself.
He on his way.
Uh, look, you're gonna need
my help with Emerson.
'Cause he mean with a pistol.
And the third man
Willie Black,
that motherfucker's
a walkin' virus.
All right.
You get that boy on our side,
we'll apprehend Willie Black.
Then we wait
and get Emerson, too.
Now, why in hell
would we trust him?
'Cause we in
the shit, Chicken.
We ain't got no other choice.
Ain't that right, soldier?
- That's right.
Shit, he's here.
WILLIE: Why don't you
go over there
and get a fire goin'?
Get some warmth
up in here, hmm?
- Get in my van.
- Shit!
EMERSON: Get rid of the kid.
Aw, shit!
Where you goin', kid?
I left my bag
of loot upstairs.
Come on, man, you gotta
keep that shit with you
at all times. Go get it.
Payday, soldier.
Passed a car full of broads
on my way in.
How's your man, Willie Black?
McKINLEY: You got
a problem with it,
you can take it up with him.
Oh, that motherfucker would.
Oh, shit!
You know a lot about
that motherfucker, don't you?
All of you ain't been
tellin' me shit.
Still keepin' me in the dark.
Soon as I robbed them killers,
I was a dead man.
Mac, they don't even
know about you, brother.
All of my people is dead.
You think we should
make our move now?
McKINLEY: Frank Moten
ain't gonna just
let me get away.
Well, see that's the thing.
You ain't got to worry
about Frank.
- That's being handled,
you dig?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- By who?
The same motherfucker
you been takin' orders from?
Come on, man [SCOFFS]
You still gonna
keep me in the dark?
I asked you
a question, soldier.
Name is Cadillac Richie.
- [MOUTHING] Cadillac?
- EMERSON: He movin' on Frank.
It's been a long time comin'.
Listen, I saved you, man.
Pulled you out that jungle.
Kept you from getting your
fuckin' head blown off, man.
This is how you repay me?
Hey, brother, I know
you don't expect me
to apologize
for putting 20 large
in your pocket.
Fuck that shit, man!
Mmm, come on, man,
this is me tryin' to
square things with you.
Make it right.
We're cursed, man.
We cursed for what we done.
[SIGHS] Any trouble
come our way, we earned it.
Fence will be here soon.
You got my money, soldier?
I asked you a question.
Yeah. Yeah, I got your money.
Let's all bring it out here
and count it,
put it in your trunk.
Brother, I'm tired of
takin' care of your shit.
Well, all right then,
lead the way.
Heard you had a good time.
Don't nothing pass the time
like some ass
and a little bit of sugar.
Well, that's
quite the haul, soldier.
I see why y'all
wanted more bread.
Yeah, it's not nearly enough
for what we lost.
Yeah. Well, you know
how it go, Mac.
Times, a few soldiers
gotta get sacrificed
for the greater victory.
What'd you say?
Fuck wrong with you?
Take care of them loose ends?
Yeah, about that
Shit went left.
Fuck you mean?
Uh, loose ends?
Fuck y'all talkin' about
with these loose ends?
Nothin' for you to
worry about, Mac.
Is Baby Ray a loose end?
Am I a loose end?
What the hell you
talkin' about, Mac?
Whoa, whoa!
What the fuck, Mac?
Y'all motherfuckers
been thick as thieves
this whole goddamn time.
- Mac
- Shut the fuck up, nigga!
Hey, Mac,
listen to me, all right.
Yeah, we took
a couple of casualties,
but there's a whole
shitload of cash for us
to split over there.
So, why don't we all
just calm the fuck down!
All right, McKinley,
stand down.
I knew you was a snake
from the first time I laid
my eyes on you.
Says the baby killer
with the medals to prove it.
Fuck you, man.
Prison ain't
good enough for you.
Prison? Ain't nobody
going to fuckin' prison, man.
Both of y'all,
put them guns down.
Goddamn it!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
- Fuck. Mac.
I thought he was
gonna shoot you.
What's that sayin' about
honor amongst thieves?
How the fuck should I know?
Atlanta PD. Drop the weapon.
Do it.
Oh, shit!
Anything happens
to me, call it in.
Where you goin? Hudson.
Goddamn it! Shit!
Fuck! [GRUNTS]
Fuck it! Fuck it!
Fuck it! Fuck it!
You wanna keep
doin' this shit?
You're the one shot.
It's not even your money.
It ain't yours either.
Give it up.
Fuck that.
Stop! Stop!
- Oh, fuck!
[PANTS] Man,
who the fuck are y'all?
We the police, nigga!
Ain't no Bitch,
show me your fuckin' badge!
Oh! Shit!
- All right,
all right, all right.
- That's for Vivian.
Who the fuck is Vivian?
So, what do we do now?
We stick to the plan.
You know how much
I love Nonna's baked ziti.
Tell her to save me a plate
and I'll see y'all
when I'm done with this
Harlem problem.
Hey, Goose, you got
somethin' for me?
Yes, sir, boss.
LEOLA: I hear my beautiful boy
is headed South again.
in that godforsaken,
country-ass, backward town
is an eternity, Mama.
Hey, Ruck.
Let my mama see
what you got there.
You see anything you like?
The white one.
El blanco, por favor.
Don't nobody touch my mama.
This is beautiful. Mmm!
When I get back
from the South,
I'm gonna bring you
a nice, big, four-carat
diamond necklace.
You just do
what needs to be done
and get your ass
back to civilization.
Oh, it's gettin' done.
I got Frank in a whirlpool
of craziness right now,
and by the time I'm done,
he ain't gonna know
that I had a hand in it.
Humiliation ain't enough.
Your daddy, Big Richie,
used to stay awake nights,
plottin', plannin',
dreamin' of givin' Frank
what he had comin'.
That day never came.
So, I had to
stand by and watch
that stripe-headed snake
undermine your father,
bring him down
from a king to a middleman,
just like
what he doing to you.
Your daddy
wasn't strong enough
to make the right decision,
but you, my boy,
this is your time.
I want that.
I want all of that,
for you, for us,
for Big Richie.
At the appropriate time,
I shall crush that snake.
That's my boy!
You honor
your father's legacy.
And put that two-faced,
licorice-chewin' motherfucker
where he belong.
Yes, ma'am.
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