Firebuds (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Cliffhanger/The Very First Fire

[alarm rings]
-[both] Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a
Helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are
Here for you ♪
Just listen to
Our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door
On the town ♪
There's nothing
We won't do ♪
To all our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through
our rescue crew
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets
Into a fix ♪
That's when we get
Into the mix ♪
Let's roll
Let's roll Firebuds ♪
Firebuds let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash ♪
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet and Axl
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best
Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
Let's roll around the bend ♪
Or else you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
[Piston] "Cliffhanger"
The new Fire Tower on
Hatchback Hill is finally open!
Wanna check it out?
You know it.
I just hope Piston's done
with his safety checks.
He's had all morning to do them.
Of course, he'll be done.
I'm not done with my safety checks.
How many do you have left?
Man, too many.
I just have to check that my
turn signals are working,
and my windshield wipers,
tires, brakes, horn
But it's the Fire Tower's
grand opening today
and they're letting people go
up and look out for fires.
Can't you do your
safety checks later?
Bo. Safety should always come first
and second and third.
You all know that keeping
Safe is my number one rule ♪
My safety list
I check, check, check ♪
To make sure
Things are cool ♪
But as we hit the open road
And take off in a burst ♪
Just remember we must
Always put safety first ♪
Safety first ♪
Hey there Zip
Before you turn ♪
There's something you must do ♪
Look left, look right,
Look left again ♪
No cars should be in view ♪
Then flip on your turn signal ♪
Just like you and I rehearsed ♪
And remember we must
Always put safety first ♪
Safety first ♪
Safety first ♪
And second and third ♪
Showing kids to pay attention ♪
Is my favorite skill ♪
Like teaching them to stay away ♪
From a hot picnic grill ♪
By following the safety rules ♪
We help prevent the worst ♪
So let's remember we must
Always put safety first ♪
Safety first ♪
Safety first ♪
Always put safety first ♪
Ooh, I can see
the Fire Tower.
We're almost there.
Whoa! That was unsafe.
Hold on, I'll be right back.
Iggy! Rod! Pull over!
Whaddaya want, Piston?
We're kinda in a hurry.
That's the problem.
You're driving way too fast.
[scoffs] You're too young to
give out speeding tickets.
It's not a ticket.
It's a list of driving safety rules.
Like "obey traffic signs."
That one means "be careful,
the road ahead is very curvy."
We know what it means.
-We just don't care.
-"Safety rules."
Yeah, who needs safety rules!
-[tires screeching]
[all gasp]
You guys okay?
We're stuck on a ledge.
What do you think?
You could've warned us
about the curvy road.
I did!
Yeah, but we weren't listening.
So are you gonna
rescue us or what?
What's the magic word?
We're on it!
Huddle up, Firebuds!
So how do we get 'em
off that ledge?
We can use my winch
and towline.
I'll toss it down to them
and Axl can pull 'em up.
Wait! The cliff edge
looks crumbly.
You should back up, Axl.
Remember, safety first.
But we don't know how long
the ledge will hold up
under all that weight.
We gotta pull them up fast.
Bo's right. Let's do this.
Rod! Attach the hook to your bumper!
[both] Whoa!
-[all gasp]
Jayden, be careful!
Whew! They're okay.
They landed on the ledge
with Iggy and Rod.
That doesn't sound too okay to me.
I told you the edge
was crumbly.
Here's your towline back.
Okay, Firebuds.
We need a new plan.
Ooh, Bo! I can use
my hose to pull 'em up.
Great idea, Flash.
I'll extend my ladder
and you lower the hose.
Yeah, we're gonna have you
rescued in no-time
[Piston] Wait!
[both] Whoa!
[sighs] What now?
All those kids
and cars will be heavy.
Flash, you should brace your
wheels with wheel blocks.
What're wheel blocks?
Heavy blocks you put
in front of your tires
to keep from sliding.
I'm a big, heavy firetruck.
I don't need 'em.
You do today. Hold on,
I've got some in my trunk.
I know they're in here somewhere.
Ooh, are those sandwiches?
Emergency sandwiches.
Uh, the ledge is cracking!
We can't wait anymore.
I'm with ya.
Here they are
[gasps] What are you doing?
You need the wheel blocks!
Grab onto Flash's hose
and we'll pull you up.
Okay, Flash. Retract the hose.
Uh, try backing up!
[grunts] They're too heavy!
They're okay.
They landed on the ledge.
I still don't see how
that makes them okay.
-Hey, watch the fender!
Buds! I don't think the ledge
can hold all of us much longer!
We gotta get 'em off that ledge, P.
But how? All I have is
safety equipment
and sandwiches Jayden!
I'm just fueling up so we can use
my grappling hook to rescue them.
-Whaddaya think, P?
-That should work
as long as I use
my wheel blocks
and they come up one vehicle at a time.
-Safety first.
-I hear ya.
Operation J-Hook is a go.
All right! We're gonna
tow you up but
you have to do it
one vehicle at a time.
Here comes the hook!
Got it!
Here, you go first, Axl.
Then you can help Piston
pull the rest of us up.
No way. We've been stuck down
here the longest.
We should go first.
Here we go
Feels heavier than one
vehicle at a time
The ledge is looking worse.
We better jump on, too, Flash.
-But Piston said
-He'll be fine. We gotta go!
Too much weight!
You okay, Piston?
Well, I've been trying to get
you to do things
the safe way all day
but you didn't listen
and now we're all in danger
and I'm out of emergency sandwiches.
So no, I'm not okay.
-He's got a point.
-Yeah, worst rescue ever.
[sighs] I'm sorry, Piston.
I was in such a rush
to rescue everybody,
I didn't put safety first.
Glad you agree. Finally.
But I can't hold onto this rock forever.
So if anyone has any
safe rescue ideas,
I could really use one.
Right. How can we help Piston back up
when we're all down here?
Hmm. Well, I can extend my
ladder to get Bo up to Piston,
who can lift Bo back to the clifftop.
But what do I do
once I'm up there?
Ooh. You can take Axl's towline
and wrap it around something sturdy
so she can pull herself up.
And then I'll pull up everyone else!
Wham, bam, perfect plan. Let's roll
Wait! Piston, does that plan
sound safe enough to you?
Thanks for asking.
Make sure your safety belt
is securely fastened.
You got it.
Okay, Flash. Lift me up.
We gotta wrap this around
something sturdy.
Okay, uh what about that tree?
Let's use one further
away from the edge.
This time we're putting safety first.
[Bo] Now let's get Piston!
We gotta use wheel blocks
to keep you from sliding.
Now pull!
Remember, only one car at a time!
You guys go first.
Took ya long enough.
You could say "Thank you."
-We could.
-Thanks, I guess.
See ya at the Fire Tower.
You're welcome!
I'll pull Flash up.
Violet, toss the hook.
No, wait. Flash is
a big heavy firetruck.
What are you doing?
We're running out of time.
Weaving these two cables together
will make them stronger
And safer.
I'm ready.
-[both strain]
Good thing you took the time
to wind those two wires together, Bo.
Well, as a friend of mine
likes to say, safety first.
-And second.
-And third.
Now let's go check out that Fire Tower.
But don't forget
to use your turn signals!
Always go safety first ♪
"The Very First Fire"
Fire! Help!
Flaames. Safe, pretend flaaames.
Oh, no! Someone save my baby!
I'll save her, Ma'am.
I've got it all under control.
I'm a fire fighter ♪
Big blaze? Make way
I'm on the job with no delay ♪
Huge flames go away ♪
When I show up to save the day ♪
I never get tired ♪
When it comes to
Putting out fires ♪
I've got the skills
I know the drills ♪
Those flames won't
go no higher 'cause ♪
I'm a fire fighter ♪
Oh, yeah,
Uh huh ♪
I'm a fire fighter ♪
That's right, he is ♪
I've practiced
I've trained ♪
My trusty hose will make it rain ♪
There is no doubt ♪
I see a fire
I put it out ♪
If you're stuck up
Way up high ♪
I will be the first to swing by ♪
To get ya down safe
On the ground ♪
Yeah I'm your rescue guy ♪
'Cause I'm a fire fighter ♪
Oh yeah, uh huh ♪
I'm a fire fighter ♪
All day, all night ♪
Yeah, I'm a fire fighter ♪
Oh yeah, that's right ♪
-I'm savin' ♪
-Savin' ♪
-Racin' ♪
-Racin' ♪
On the move ♪
With sirens blazin' ♪
I'm a fire fighter ♪
Wow, Bo. That was some rescue.
Thanks, Dad.
But for me and Flash,
fighting fires is easy peasy
-[both] Wee-oo.
[Chief Faye]
I don't know about that
an extrication from a structure fire
with multiple hotspots is never easy.
-Say what now?
What Chief Faye means is
that real fire fighting
isn't as simple as you think, Bo.
Sure it is.
You see a fire
and you blast it with water.
[chuckles] Not always.
Faye, remember the Crankshaft Fire?
Oh, yeah. How could I forget?
That was our very first forest fire
And it was a doozy.
There was
a wall of flames a mile long.
[all] Whoa
It must've taken
a lot of water to put it out.
That's the thing. No matter
how much water we threw on it,
the flames kept spreading.
So what did you do?
We tried smothering it.
See, if the flame is small,
you can cover it with a special blanket
that won't burn.
A "fire-retardant" blanket.
As noted on page 154
of the Gearbox Grove
Fire Department manual.
But this fire was so huge,
there wasn't a blanket big
enough to smother it.
So we tried using sand instead.
But the fire kept spreading.
It seemed like there was
no way to stop it.
-[all gasp]
-But then I remembered
the most important thing a
fire fighter needs to know:
"Magtiyaga ka."
What does that mean?
Your Lolo, my father,
learned it in the Philippines,
before he moved here.
It's Tagalog for
"Always keep trying."
Magtiyaga ka. Always keep trying.
And how did that
help you stop the fire?
Because we kept trying
until we finally found
the way to stop it.
We dug a trench
and cleared everything
in the fire's path
that could burn.
It's called a fire break.
That stopped
the blaze from spreading
and made it easier to put out.
That's a cool story, Dad.
But if there's
a fire in the city,
with Flash's hose
and my skills,
we'd put it out in no time.
-[chuckles] Well
-[alarm beeps]
-Oh, my gears!
-What was that?
Oh, we got a fire. A big one.
And it's right
across the street.
Sorry, kids. We gotta roll.
Yeah, us fire fighters
gotta roll.
Bo, you know you can't go with us.
All you kids need to
stay here where it's safe.
[Bo] Aww
[siren wails]
We better put this fire out
before those embers
start new ones.
[groans] Can ya believe
there's a fire across the street
and we're stuck here in the park?
You all saw how
I saved that toy truck.
From cardboard flames.
[Piston] Chief Faye is right.
Page 65 of the safety manual
clearly states
that kids should
stay away from real
But I feel so ready.
No! A real fire!
Yes, ready to fight a real fire.
No, behind you!
[all gasp]
I'll get your parents.
A real fire
The police closed off the street
because of the other fire.
I couldn't reach them.
So what do we do?
We put out the fire ourselves.
I don't know, Bo
This is our chance to show
that we can handle a real fire.
I mean, we are
the Firebuds after all.
I guess we can try.
Great. Now I need you all of
you to block off the fire scene
while Flash and I put out this fire.
Let's roll.
Easy peasy, anti-freezy
Flash, what happened to the water?
-I ran out.
-But you never run out!
We were using so much earlier
when we were practicing.
I guess that's why Mom tells me
to drink a hundred gallons for breakfast.
The fire's flaring up again.
Great gaskets!
It's okay, we can still do this.
My dad told us all those
other ways to fight fires.
We just need to pick one.
Right. We can smother it.
With the picnic blanket.
But it has to be
fire-retardant, remember?
Gotcha covered, Buds.
I always carry
fire-retardant spray.
All right! Spray it down.
Okay. Axl, Piston.
Each of you grab a corner
and cover the flame.
We're on it.
We made it worse!
Three fires worse!
What do we do now?
What do we do?
Think, think. What was
the other thing my Dad said?
Sand! Your dad said
sand can put out fires.
Right. The plan is sand.
Flash and I will take
the fire on the ramp.
We'll take the one
on the platform.
And we got the slide. Axl?
[gasps] No!
We'll show this flame who's boss, P
with our J-merangs!
Looks like
the flame is the boss.
[Flash] All right, Bo.
I'm ready to spray some sand.
Here we go
The sand didn't work.d
-The fire's spreading!
-What now?
Uh, I think we should
I don't know!
What do you mean
you don't know?
Nothing's working and
I don't know what else to do.
I thought I was ready
to fight real fires.
But [sighs] I guess I'm
not a firefighter after all.
Piston. Show these pictures of the fire
to the police blocking the street.
When they see what's goin' on,
they'll let you through to
get Bo and Flash's parents.
Affirmative. Operation
"Get Mom and Dad
Because We Couldn't
Put Out the Fire" is underway!
[Wee-hicle] Help!
I didn't know there was
a wee-hicle up there
It's okay, come on down.
Uh-uh. There's a fire.
I'm scared.
Uh, okay hang tight.
We'll come get you.
Bo. He's too scared
to come down
and the fire's
getting close.
We can't wait for your parents.
We have to stop the fire now.
You're right.
But what do we do?
We already tried and failed.
Bo, remember
what your Dad said
about being a fire fighter?
Magtiyaga ka.
Always keep trying.
Exactly. So we just gotta keep trying
until we find a way to stop that fire.
[gasps] There is one thing
we could try
Okay, Firebuds. Here's the plan.
We're going to make
a fire break
just like in my dad's story!
You mean the trench?
How will digging a trench help?
The trench stopped
the forest fire from spreading.
We can do the same thing
by taking down that bridge.
[gasps] Then the fire will have
nowhere to go
And the wee-hicle will be safe.
-Awesome sauce.
All right then. Let's roll, Firebuds.
Don't worry. We're coming up to getcha.
It's okay, little guy.
We can go down the slide together.
Whew. You're safe now.
Thanks, Firebuds.
-[sirens wail]
Hold on, kids!
Help is on the way!
Hey, kids. Everyone all right?
Everyone is safe and accounted for.
They saved me!
So what happened here?
Looks to me like
a fire break, Chief Bill.
Good thinking, kids.
Thanks, Dad.
But being a firefighter was
harder than I thought.
For a minute there,
I almost gave up.
But then Flash reminded me
of the most important thing
about fighting fires.
[both] Magtiyaga ka.
I'm so proud of you.
Bo, one day you're gonna make
a great fire fighter.
Does that mean I can help you
put out the rest of the building fire?
It's like you said magtiyaga ka.
Always keep trying.
Let's roll out, Chief Faye.
I'm proud of you, Firebuds.
We faced our first
real fire today
-You know it.
-Firebuds forever.
Firebuds forever.
[closing theme plays]
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