Follow Kar Lo Yaar (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Let's get it
Let's get it
I am the queen
All eyes on me
Ruslaan, was it not conveyed
to them about the food?
-Why didn't you convey it then?!
-I missed it.
-You missed it?!
What do you mean you missed it?!
How will I handle this situation now?!
Why do you have to
lie all the time, Ruslaan?
You don't need to lie!
I am trying to explain to him.
What are you going to explain, Ruslaan?
Are you a moron?!
Shraddha, I am putting the food.
It's okay. It's our fault.
It's the management's fault.
I am screwed.
-What happened?
-I missed one point
about putting the food in the bowl.
I thought the brand would be here.
They would see for themselves
that the food wouldn't stay.
It will fall.
So I can then talk to the brand.
-You got it, right?
Don't cry. It's okay.
Just put the food, guys.
-It's fine.
Put whatever needs to go in the bowl.
Hurry up and put it. Don't cry.
I just burst out.
I had a breakdown because
I didn't know what to do.
Honestly, for those few seconds,
I wanted to like
shut my eyes and just vanish.
This is our fault.
Ruslaan's fault.
How does it need to be put?
Can anybody help us?
-What needs to be done?
-We'll need stuffing for it.
That's not my job.
-But the stuffing
-And who is going to do the stuffing bit?
We spoke to Ruslaan
over the phone last night.
-You spoke to Ruslaan?
What did you guys speak about?
Ruslaan, Pooja, and I decided
that the stuffing would be till here.
-And only one layer of food on top.
-And you spoke to him about this?
-110 percent?
-Yes, 110 percent.
What time did you speak
to him about this?
Around 9:30 p.m.
Why didn't you say anything until now?
Because I didn't know it wasn't
conveyed to you.
-I thought
-Because we thought we were clear
We didn't know
there was a snake in our midst.
Does anyone ever listen? No.
Everyone's saying something.
No one ever listens.
Brand and talent
-will both send their demands.
-I know.
-Being managers, we have to consume that.
I know, bro. This is not the first time
-I know.
We have bad days, I know.
Don't get stressed like this.
You have to be a bit tough
to be a manager.
This is worthy of him being fired,
you know that, right?
I know that.
I intentionally fucked this up
because if we didn't keep the food,
we would never get the deal.
And without the deal,
none of this was possible.
We are obviously working for talent,
but we are also working for our agency.
In the end,
we cannot give our agency a bad name.
The brands shouldn't go back.
So, I thought this could be
easily resolved on the day of the shoot,
about carrying the food.
And we'll manage it.
But that didn't happen.
After this incident, we're looking so bad.
He cannot make us look bad
on the day of the shoot
in front of the brand!
They are representing me.
It seems like Uorfi is throwing tantrums.
Uorfi is doing wrong.
Uorfi, as an artist,
is very difficult to work with.
And the brands will never
come to work with me again.
It's alright, remember this next time.
And keep this clarity with Uorfi.
If she doesn't want
to do a specific thing,
then let's not push her for that.
The situation now is that they
were like, "Let's cancel the shoot."
He's saying the brand is okay
Look at the brand's perspective,
we actually did not meet that.
I was hurt. I was shocked.
All I could think of
was months of hard work,
logistics, permissions, etc.
-All of that went to waste.
-Let it tear. We'll put it in the car.
Now, I've to do everything again.
I've to make the dress again.
I've to reshoot. My day was wasted.
The money I spent on the dress was wasted.
But we'll have to do it
because my reputation is at stake.
Because we are at fault.
And to rectify one's own mistake,
you have to go at any cost.
I am taking unnecessary stress.
Please don't.
After thinking about it,
after sleeping on it,
I thought I'd call the agency boss
to ask what's going on.
What's the point of joining
such a reputed agency
if these little errors are happening?
This is insulting.
I think, for the brand
I don't know, but I know at least,
-I looked terrible.
-We sounded very
-We sounded very stupid.
Like, "She only charges money
but doesn't know what she's doing."
I mean, why would brands
want to work with me again?
It's highly unethical.
You are my agency.
You can explain it to me.
You can guide me.
But the final decision is mine.
It's possible there would
be a few things that I don't like,
but I don't want to do them.
So why are you making
decisions on my behalf?
And you thought you could
convince them on the last day
or on the day of the shoot. Why?
This is not acceptable.
This will be their last one.
One more mistake, and I'll clearly
tell the agency I don't want it.
What's done is done.
How long can we keep discussing it?
So I thought I should call
Ruslaan and make them speak.
Come in.
See, I'm not going
to beat around the bush.
I'll be very clear, Ruslaan.
This was a mistake on your part.
This is not a healthy thing, Ruslaan.
You have to understand that
-you're putting her at stake.
I know where I messed up, actually.
Actually, the brand wasn't agreeing
You could have told us at least!
Let's just all of us
be honest with each other.
Even if we lose a deal,
at least the person or the
agency's reputation won't be spoiled.
-Ruslaan, tell me something.
-The brand didn't know about the option.
Yes, the brand didn't know at all.
Tell them this.
They are humans. They will understand.
Why won't they understand?
Sort it out. What else can I say?
I will talk to the brand,
-and I'll figure it out.
-Can you speak to the stylist also,
-like along with their brand
-I will speak to everybody
-and get everything Yeah.
-No, I want to be on the call now.
I will be on the call as well.
Shraddha said that let
me take this ball in my court.
Somebody made me feel
I was not worthy at all.
You know Yeah.
Genuinely, sorry.
I have managed bigger things
than this before, but this
And this one just spun
out of control, and I
I learned my lesson actually.
No need to push too many things
at the last moment
or to convince anyone.
So it's just to say sorry over there
and be a thousand times more careful.
A little bit of happiness
that touched my heart was
when Ruslaan
actually owned up to his mistake.
That, "Yes, I made a mistake,
and I am sorry for it."
If all of us are managing this,
then it can't be one person's fault.
There's nothing.
But we need to expand now.
As in, making outfits is okay.
I know we make the outfits,
but that can be the only job we do.
People think of me only
when they want their outfits made.
No brand will come to us, honestly,
to get Uorfi to stand
-and just hold a cream as an ad.
Brands don't look at you like that.
Whenever a brand comes to you,
they think that Uorfi alone
can turn our brand into an outfit.
you cannot stop this completely.
-Because this is what you
-I am not saying that I am stopping
Why will I stop it?
I am talking from a financial point.
So we can get all types of work.
And there is no limit.
Like, I'm working now but then
not working for the next ten months.
Options are anyway very limited.
And they are getting even more limited.
I'm not even getting enough work.
I keep talking about money all the time,
but I am not making enough money.
I am barely able to make ends meet,
and that is not how I want to live.
Asfi, prepare for your audition.
I don't want to make it with you.
The budget is good.
We'll split it halfway.
Prepare for your audition,
and I'll make it a hit.
Not interested.
Okay, it's done.
What is Uorfi telling you?
Do some work.
And being her manager,
she has given me this responsibility.
You are not my manager.
If you do good work,
I can also be your manager.
So, work hard.
Asfi has an interest in acting,
but she will only become serious about it
once she starts working
and sees how it progresses.
One, two, three, action!
Can you lend me your jacket?
I really love it.
What will I get in exchange?
Guys, you are not serious.
First, blush, then look at him,
then act slightly shy.
Don't you use Floral Fresh scent?
-Oh, my God. No
Detergent! It's not a scent,
it's detergent.
-Floral Fresh detergent.
-The actor inside you is dead.
They were like,
"Asfi just can't do it, she can't do it."
Then Dolly was like,
"I'll show you how it's done."
Yuck, it smells damp.
-What happened?
-Don't you use Floral Fresh detergent?
Oh, shit!
-And that's the way it's done.
-It's done.
Don't you use Floral Fresh detergent?
After my acting tips, you did better.
Dolly, you do one.
Let's shoot your introduction.
Hi, everyone. This is Dolly Javed.
I am 18 years old
-and I currently live in Mumbai.
-You can smile a little more.
-Smile? I see.
-You look a bit conscious.
I mean
If you both could console each other
so well, then why make me so nervous?
You guys took me down so bad.
"She can't do it! Asfi just can't do it!
-She can't do it."
-Actually, we were saying it in a fun way,
-but you took it seriously.
-Yes, it was in fun.
"No, Asfi, I think
I'm doing it really well, but you can't."
Why are you taking it so personally?
Are you crazy or what?
We were just having some fun.
Don't be so defensive.
It's actually putting
anyone's morale down, guys.
-No. If this is putting
-I am not putting your morale down.
We are sisters.
We are siblings. This is how we have fun.
-What are you talking about?
How can this get your morale down?
If this is getting your morale down,
then you need to work on your confidence.
You and Uorfi feel
that you have a free pass
to joke about anything you want to.
But you guys cannot take even
this much shit from anyone else. Now, if
You never know what will start
a fight with these people.
I don't know why Asfi felt so offended.
I later realized that it was a build-up,
and she thinks she's being compared again.
If she feels that way,
then that shows her ideology.
But I don't think this
ever comes to my mind
that I am comparing or
-competing with anyone.
-If I
You are not successful yet.
Come to Mumbai. Work hard.
Watch how much effort it takes.
No one's sitting idle here.
Even we work hard, okay?
Even as kids, when we used to have fun,
Dolly used to maintain a certain
respectful distance between us, okay?
-Because she was very young.
-Okay, fine.
But now Dolly says anything she wants.
This is why I don't want to talk to you.
-That is why we don't talk anymore.
-Yeah, then don't talk to me.
-Yeah, we should not talk.
-Because you take things personally.
You are so immature!
You want to bring that up,
-how you abused me at Uorfi's house!
-Why did you abuse me?
-You called me a slut!
-You slammed the door, and you went away.
-I did not call you a slut!
These Gen Z kids are very savage
and oh, my God, etc.
But enough already.
Don't forget to maintain that respect.
Talking to this person is useless.
I don't want to talk to her
because she will keep piling up lies.
It was like, "I need to go away,
and I need to walk out." I've had enough.
You guys are grown-ups,
around 20 to 25 years old.
Learn to be mature.
A situation like this among boys would
lead to a fistfight. Are you serious?
Don't fight. You fight a lot.
-You guys fight a lot.
-We've been fighting a lot. A lot.
I've never seen siblings
who fight so much.
We were only recording an audition,
-but look what it led to.
-So, it's done. The audition is done.
Whichever you like better,
send that across.
At what cost?
This bond between Asfi
and me has broken slowly.
And this bond can be rebuilt only when
I feel Asfi is putting in an effort.
Welcome, Uorfi ji.
Uorfi ji, to the left.
Uorfi ji, you're getting
more beautiful by the day.
-What is the secret?
-There is no secret.
-Orry is coming today.
-Okay, Orry is also coming?
Look, he's here.
Orry is here.
Orry arrives in his blue G-Wagon.
And the paps go crazy seeing him.
-Come, sir. Come.
-What's up?
Don't ignore my friend.
-Orry ji.
-Orry baba.
-Orry baba!
-Orry baba!
I showed Uorfi that
she doesn't own the monopoly
in the market of being a pap favorite.
Did I steal the crown? I don't know.
But did I shake her up? I did.
-Favorite pose.
-There's no place to put my hand!
Thank you.
You are going to drink at my party also.
What is this party about?
-It's an Orry party.
-What are you doing?
From all over India,
I've invited all the Orrys.
For a common purpose. To support
I want to connect with the people.
I have invited the
people who have made me famous.
-There are people coming from Surat.
There are people coming
from someplace called Faridabad.
I thought Faridabad was the person's name.
But it's the location
from where she's from.
Someone's coming from
Japinder also by train.
They sent me their train ticket,
and I was like
There are good people coming.
I don't have confidence
like Orry to throw a fan party.
I don't feel I have fans.
I have haters.
I could throw a hater party.
Honestly, I think that's a good idea.
I should throw a Uorfi hate party.
The life that we live,
from the outside, it's amazing.
They want to live this life.
And somehow they feel
we snatched it away from them
because we don't have any talent.
If it's talentless and
famous, then you also do it.
If it's so easy, do it. Take it on.
But one thing I appreciate about you
is that you've always
been amazingly sweet to me.
You have not shown me
even zero percent attitude.
If you are good to Papa,
Papa is good to you.
Call me Daddy.
Call me Daddy!
I didn't believe it when I met
you for the first time at that party.
But you came to me.
First, I didn't believe
that Orry was coming to me.
And then you just said,
"You don't follow me back."
-"Why didn't you follow me back?"
-That's not what I said.
I said, "Uorfi,
I keep following and unfollowing you.
-Yeah, that's what you said.
-Following and unfollowing,
and I am waiting for you to see!"
And I am like, "When did you follow me?"
Every day of that week
and the month before!
I was like
-Why didn't you DM me?
-That would have been a bit creepy.
-No, I would have liked that.
-That would have been a bit creepy.
I was like, she'll see. At some point,
my name will be on the top.
It will say "Orry." She will notice.
She will add me. That never happened.
-But why did you follow me? And what
-I absolutely loved your Instagram!
Are you serious?
Till today, random people who post on your
outfits, I'll comment, "I liked it."
I didn't see it. Really?
-You did that? You are amazing.
-Thank you.
And in person, you are very different
from your Instagram persona.
Like what?
You were very nonchalant.
Very calm.
-What is nonchalant? Meaning
-Like you were very relaxed.
Very serene.
Otherwise, just off Instagram,
you seem so like
Something screaming here, yelling there.
Running here, jumping there.
Doing this. Doing that.
But that day, you were just chilling.
You were living your best life,
and I was like, okay.
-That was one of the rare days maybe.
-Then good I caught you on that day.
Because if it was another day,
I wouldn't have gotten my follow-back.
No, I would have followed you back.
From the outer perspective,
I feel there is no
hardship in Orry's life.
-I have lots of hardships.
I can tell you the biggest hardship
I'm dealing with right now is gas.
I came late today.
I told you it was traffic.
But actually, I have IBS.
-What is IBS, sorry?
Irritable bowel syndrome.
-You can't poop?
-I just had gas.
-Meaning you can't poop.
-No, I had to fart.
No, but I want to know
the real hardship.
That's a hardship with me.
That's what I am saying.
You don't know the struggle.
You don't know the panic,
-Your struggle is
-the anxiety attack I had
before coming here.
I want to know about that.
-I want to know about the anxiety attack.
-Yes. Because I had gas!
Cheers to gas.
-I want to kill you right now,
but it's okay.
Can you tell me the secret of your
confidence, and how are you this awesome?
I want to know it for myself.
Because all my confidence that you see
is pretend.
I just have to go in front of the paps
and act like
Then I am confident, I'm nice.
But I am not.
Do you feel after the paps
you take off your mask?
I do.
See, I don't put on a mask.
I guess that's the difference between us.
That is the difference.
The difference is also that you
are not scared, and I am very scared.
Scared of what?
What if this goes away? The fame.
You have family money.
I don't have family money.
In my first job, I was a waiter
and I was an usher.
But you still come from privilege.
-I mean, you could say that. But
-Would you accept that?
I mean, everyone comes from
a certain amount of privilege.
-I don't.
-That's the worst attitude
I was living on the streets.
Uorfi, that's the worst attitude to have.
Anything that you have in your inventory,
be it your looks,
your attitude, your confidence,
your gray cells, your matter
Whatever you have.
Your backing, your family
It's all a privilege.
Put yourself at zero. Whatever
you have beyond zero is a privilege.
Don't be a pity seeker.
Be a solution finder.
There's a problem.
Get ahead of the problem.
"How do I solve that problem?"
Once you figure that out,
there are no problems, babe.
Well, everyone has some privilege,
I accept.
My privilege was that I am a female.
Honestly speaking.
Maybe, as a boy,
I would still be struggling.
So, I took advantage of being a girl.
That was my privilege.
Is Orry scared of anything right now?
Because what is there to scare you?
Are you going to be
so attached to your fame
that one day, when it's milking away,
you'll go crazy?
I might.
Then listen to what I am saying now.
Don't be so attached to it.
-Uorfi, there is more to you than just
-Of course, there is more to me,
-but fame is a big, important part of it.
-Okay, what if the media stops clicking
-your pictures? Can you control them?
-I will you go mad.
Are you going to pull your t-shirt off
and say, "Click my pictures"?
Will you pee on the red carpet
so they can click your pictures?
-I might. Thank you for the idea.
-No, you cannot I take that
I took it back.
-But I am just saying, don't be married to
-Thank you for the idea.
anything external.
He doesn't know what hunger is, honestly.
He hasn't seen that struggle.
He comes from privilege. But
Of course, Orry has all the access,
whether it's Bollywood or anywhere else.
I don't have that access right now,
and maybe I never will.
I have to find my own way.
Every time I spend with you
or every time I've chilled with you
is just so much fun.
Same as today.
-I love it.
-You know my middle name.
Fun, yeah!
We should do this more often.
Uorfi, I message you very often,
but you don't reply to my DMs.
-I will hit you. I reply, but you
-No, you don't reply to my DMs.
-No, Uorfi, you don't.
-You never call me to your parties.
Open your
Open it. Take it out now!
Every message is,
"Hi Uorfi, let's go here!"
"Hi Uorfi, come to my party."
"Oh, Orry, I don't drink. I am sleeping."
-"I am busy."
-I never said I don't drink!
You never invite me to your cool parties.
I haven't had a cool party
Wait. All my parties are cool.
What are you saying?!
But now you have to invite me
to all your parties.
-Then I am coming to all your parties.
-You're on my guest list.
-Each and every one of them.
-You're on the Orry Member's Club.
Cheers! Thank you. Cheers.
-To being young and relevant.
-And a liver!
-And living. Yeah.
-And liver!
-How am I looking?
Those are my heels.
So what? They match my outfit.
Look. Just look at this.
I get a message saying,
"Unfortunately, we will
have to revoke your invite."
"I am so sorry,
but we reached out to you by mistake."
"Hope you understand.
We will collaborate again very soon."
I didn't go to them, okay?
They sent me an invite themselves.
And the event is tomorrow.
And now, when I've arranged the outfit
and everything, what message do I get?
-Has the outfit been arranged?
-Of course!
The outfit has been in the
works for the past two months.
It wasn't even complete,
but I told them to finish it quickly.
It's okay. Don't cry.
They intentionally treat me like this.
They shouldn't have invited me at all.
Yo. What's up?
Why is Dolly sulking?
What happened?
Uorfi was invited to an event and
And she is crying?
They uninvited her at the last minute.
Can't they see this is wrong?
It's okay. You should not cry.
-You should confirm whether
-Fuck them!
they want to invite her or not.
I thought their event would have gotten
extra coverage with your presence.
Exactly. I think it's
going to be a flop event.
This is so disrespectful.
Why doesn't it happen with anyone else?
Why do they do it only to you?
Because they are jealous of her.
-They do this to me because they can.
Because I don't have any backup.
-These cheap events
-And anyway
I wouldn't even know about these events.
-They are such unimportant events.
-Yes, exactly.
-We would never know.
-These events won't even make my feed.
-Exactly, we look at the celebrities
-They have double standards.
and not the event.
Exactly. Half the time,
we don't even know.
Let me call Aakanksha.
-Hi, Uorfi.
The event that I was
telling you about, remember?
Oh yes, the red carpet one.
Yeah, just check your WhatsApp.
What are you saying?
Let me try calling them
and call you back.
You will not convince them to get me in!
-No, this is not
-I will not convince them.
-This is not why I called you!
-Uorfi, I want to know what happened.
What happened
I don't even want an explanation.
This is not why I called you.
I called you to tell you
I have decided something.
Their event is tomorrow, right?
Yes, it's tomorrow.
Their event is tomorrow,
but Uorfi Javed is going to organize
the mother of all spotting tomorrow.
We will have a red carpet!
And where is this going to happen?
It's going to happen on the streets.
They call me street-urchin,
don't they? Fine.
Now, I'll show them
my mettle on the streets.
I will wear my dress
and show up at the time of that event.
First thing, Uorfi, are you okay?
-Are you okay?
-I am very much okay.
They will not be okay tomorrow.
And I want tomorrow's event
all over the news.
I don't want to see any other news.
I want the news of that event
completely suppressed.
I don't want anyone
asking about that event.
No one should give it any visibility.
Nothing is more than your self-respect.
As an actor, as a human being, as a woman.
So we decided to stand by her.
We'll do or die but do it together.
We fight with each other,
but we also fight for each other.
Okay, Uorfi. If it's your gut,
then I'll make it happen.
Tomorrow is my red carpet.
Okay, Uorfi. With you.
And in Uruusa's language, "beep" them.
"Beep" them!
I wanted to do something so grand
that it would break the internet.
People look at it and say,
"What is this"
And it should be like, "What is this!"
And also like, "What is this?"
And also like, "What is this?!"
Every emotion at once.
-Rajendra, where have you reached?
Uorfi wanted to hold
the biggest spotting of her life.
She wanted to do a red carpet
event on the street.
On the streets of Mumbai,
in the middle of the crowd.
Okay, fine. But hurry up.
I'm coming.
I'll be there in five minutes.
Okay. See you.
There's a carpet laid out here.
Back up. Go back.
You already inaugurated the red carpet.
-Will she be changing inside this?
-Yes, she will change inside that.
-Does the shutter close?
Is that the van?
Yes, it's here.
What is this now?
That's the dress.
-Is that the dress?
-Yes, that's the dress.
How big is the dress?
The dress is huge.
It's approximately 90 kilos.
Are you serious?
90 kilos!
It's a big day today.
Ask me.
Your dress weighs 90 kilos,
and my weight dropped two kilos.
Hello. How are you?
-I am good. How are you?
-Everyone has arrived on time.
-Ready? Set?
All set.
Shweta, the cushion will
be set up first near the podium.
-The outfit goes up to here?
No, the outfit is the main event.
This is just the base.
The outfit is going to be just as big.
-Then you can set up the base.
-Let's set up the base first?
-Yeah, that's what he wants.
Pappu bhai, can you come here
for two minutes?
Get the cushion out
because it will be set up here.
Set it up around this. Don't move it much.
-Please come. Set the cushion up here.
-Just keep it around this thing.
-Oh, yes. Paps are there.
-Oh, God.
-Look at all the people.
-Oh, my God.
-All the sisters are here.
-Uorfi is here.
Javed sisters.
There are so many people here.
This way, madam. This way.
Be right back.
I've never ever worn the dress,
-so I don't know how it's going to fit.
-It will.
You're going in front
of the paps for the first time
and haven't tried the dress even once.
And it's an important dress.
If anything happens, then what?
Wait a second.
-No! Tilt it this way, so I can Yes.
-Over here.
-Only then will it be possible.
My leg. Yes
-My leg Did you find it?
-Yes, got it.
-Now, the other one.
-I got it.
I got it.
-It's done.
-You are in
-I can't move.
-I am holding you.
We got you.
Paps are waiting, come on.
Let's go. Come on, it's done.
Just tie the thread.
Tight. Make it tight.
-Tighter. Make it tighter.
-It will break.
Make it tight. Really tight.
So that it doesn't fall off my body.
It was a lot of chaos.
So I kept saying
to make it tighter and tighter
because I knew if the dress came loose,
it would fall.
Because there was no strap on it.
-Did it snap?
-It did.
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
Something happened.
So, the thread at the back snapped.
Shit. What now?
Everyone's waiting outside.
I can't go without a dress,
so I was just like, "Shit."
The rope came out.
Just make it as tight as you can.
Don't listen to me.
-It shouldn't break.
Outside, everyone was cheering her on.
The paps were going crazy,
saying, "Come out!"
I could feel the excitement.
Even I was getting excited,
like, "Come out already.
Even I want to see it."
I mean, what's the fuss about?
Put the strap inside.
-Is it done?
You ready?
I am ready.
You look like a doll,
like a trophy doll.
No, rename it
as something like "revenge trophy."
-Revenge trophy.
Amazing, Uorfi ji. Incredible!
You're on the red carpet.
Stand here like this.
-One second.
-Uorfi ji, look this way. At the center.
You are looking amazing, Uorfi ji!
Like an angel descended from heaven.
No one calls me to red carpets.
And those who do eventually
uninvite me, saying, "Please don't come."
So, I thought I'd set up
my own red carpet.
Very nice.
Uorfi ji, you're looking so beautiful.
Tell us something about the outfit.
How much does it weigh?
It weighs around 90 to 100 kilos.
Wherever Uorfi ji goes,
the red carpet will be laid there.
I think the universe
was in our favor that day.
The impact was so far-reaching.
In 15 minutes, she was everywhere.
We trended on the internet that day.
Oh, my God.
It's just like being star-struck,
awestruck. Everything.
This feels like
Wow, she's my sister.
Uorfi had her own red carpet,
which she never got.
She got her revenge.
It was a Met Gala moment for her.
The event was a hit.
It was amazing.
At that moment,
all our fights seemed very small
because it was us against the world.
As soon as I see those flashing lights,
I automatically break into a smile.
This is something I extremely love.
I love being papped,
and I love creating drama.
So the outfit was a lot of drama.
So when they were papping me,
the dress went right,
the chaos and everything
I was just happy.
I felt like victory was achieved,
like finally!
I look like an ugly pig.
That's your face!
You please have fun.
You don't have fun
with your public reputation.
I don't have fans.
-I have haters.
-Of course, you do.
Are you guys ready for the next track?
Oh, my God. I think I am going to leave.
I can't perform.
I broke my tooth!
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