Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 7]
Since you knew
my identity and motive,
why didn't you expose me earlier?
It wasn't time yet.
What's going on?
Since Her Ladyship doesn't want to talk,
why don't
I start this off?
General Nan.
I once asked you why
the three clans left you alone even when
the job they paid you for
was undone.
The real reason is
your wife acted on your behalf.
It's you
who relayed all my deployment plans
to the three clans?
You also leaked the identities and whereabouts
of the five men
I assigned as spies,
such that they
never came back?
Because I want you to live!
What did I do to deserve this?
Jiang Xinbai.
When did you notice
Gaya's off?
That night,
Lieutenant General Li
noticed I've been
to your study's secret room
and tried to kill me.
He failed
and I brought Mr. Li back
to confront him.
Her Ladyship
and Lieutenant General Li
came up with a sympathy ploy.
Hubby, watch out!
I guess
your original plan
was to let Mr. Li
assassinate General Nan.
When you take the stab for him,
he can be
cleared of
But you didn't expect
General Nan to take the stab for you.
For a period after that,
I really
didn't quite doubt you.
Until the three clans were taken down.
I always felt
they were taken down too fast.
But Heman's cartel
isn't that simple.
So I guess
there must be
a mastermind behind them.
When they were taken down,
General Nan enacted a nationwide lockdown.
No boats were allowed to enter or leave.
But at that very moment,
you claimed Nanxing and I are fated
to have three marriages
and suggested
to hold a wedding for us.
You wanted to leave Heman
on the wedding night.
You wanted to transport
Zornia out
with the wedding ship.
That's when I knew
were the mastermind.
At this point,
punish me however you want.
Stop being stubborn,
Lady Gaya.
I let that boat and that man go
on purpose.
Because that boat of Zornia
can help me
find its owner.
Don't waste your energy.
I won't say anything.
There's no turning back for you.
I know
you love General Nan very much.
only by helping the Inspection Office
solve this case
and find the mastermind
So he works for the Inspection Office.
He never trusted me.
He has been lying to me.
I'm so stupid.
Apprehend Gaya!
Nan Jifeng.
I don't expect you to punish your family.
But if you try to
obstruct our investigation,
I won’t go easy on you.
I'm not trying to stop you.
I want you to detain me too.
The crime
my wife committed
started because of me.
I deserve the same punishment.
Your involvement is separate.
It's not the same crime.
Detain me!
Let the Ministry of Justice
and His Majesty convict me!
No, Hubby.
I won't forgive you either.
But I'll accompany you.
Nan Jifeng.
Don't be impulsive.
I understand
your devotion.
But it's your duty
to not let down His Majesty
and the Heman people.
After we've clarified things,
we’ll give you an explanation.
Take her away!
Don't you dare move!
Why are you so silly?
Why are you so silly?
Dr. Yan.
Dr. Yan, please save her.
Dr. Yan.
I shouldn’t live.
I can't live either.
Who said that?
You can live.
Who said so?
You can live, you know?
You can live, you know?
I can't be interrogated.
They won't let you go.
I want you to live.
Only when I die
can you live.
Why did you do that?
Maybe one day,
you'd face the same dilemma.
When the person you love the most
is pitted against your conscience
and faith
and you must give one up
you'd understand me.
That feeling
like you're in purgatory.
Yan Nanxing.
Yan Nanxing!
Where are you going?
It's none of your business.
Zornia killed many people.
If it continues to spread,
more people will die.
I didn't come to Heman
as a lone, brave man.
My most trusted brothers
are all outside the city
waiting for my order.
We have the most thorough arrangements
and plans
So you lied to me!
You told me
you trust me,
that we're friends.
But you're using me!
You've never experienced my hardship.
You don't know
I nearly died once.
I fought for my life
against the Heavens!
I still have
many people I've yet to see
and many things I've yet to do!
♫Branches bare as flowers fall off♫
I'm not as great as you.
I don't have your righteousness and sense of duty.
♫Akin to how I can't stay in your heart♫
But my life is mine!
No one has the right to take it away!
♫When will I dare♫
♫To get closer♫
♫Hold onto your sleeves tightly and resolutely♫
You can have
your thing back!
♫Same dream and person in front of me♫
♫Abrupt ending on the cusp of fruition♫
♫I'm left behind♫
♫No traces of you♫
♫Where are you?♫
My lord, go after her!
Let her go like this
♫I can't find you amidst my yearning♫
and you'd feel guilty for life!
♫Missing you day and night♫
♫My heart has become cold♫
♫Without rest♫
♫Tears keep flowing♫
♫Missing you left and right♫
♫Our past is eternal♫
♫I just want to devote all my time♫
♫To you♫
♫Past, present, and future♫
You want to save everyone you see
♫In the dark chamber♫
and I want to save more people.
Our goals have
♫When I'm alone♫
always been the same.
I trust you too.
♫A sliver of you will light up♫
♫A spot in my heart♫
I'm returning to the capital.
♫Everything was so sudden♫
♫You caught a glimpse of his first bloom♫
♫Please allow me♫
♫To feel this way about you♫
♫Every feeling has a reason♫
♫It took you long to discover it♫
♫But you're too shy to bring it up♫
♫I aspired to explore the world♫
♫But now I want to settle down for you♫
♫If there is a chance to return♫
♫Can we just follow our hearts?♫
♫If you could be generous♫
♫And give me a bit of warmth♫
♫I wouldn't have♫
♫Hopelessly anticipated day and night♫
♫Without rest♫
♫I yearn♫
♫I hide♫
♫I panic♫
♫I wish♫
[Spirit tablet of beloved wife, Gaya]
My lord.
You don't have to
I know you're not the real
who killed my wife.
She must've killed herself
to protect this major secret,
in which
she couldn't
fathom anyone who could
protect me,
so she refused the interrogation
in the capital.
You also think
the culprit is in the capital?
the capital
can control all channels.
For the Zornia epidemic,
Heman's just for importing
and not the center.
Zornia was
on the verge of being totally banned.
But recently,
it's gaining momentum again.
I came to Heman
to figure this clue out from the root.
But I didn't expect
Lanna Village no longer grows Zornia.
Please make arrangements
for the villagers' livelihood.
You didn't come here
for nothing.
It was risky for that batch of Zornia
to enter the capital.
A storm must be waiting for you there.
My lord.
Stay alert.
I've taken care of Lanna Village.
Please rest assured.
Young lady!
Who are you?
Don't come over.
Don't be afraid.
I am
a good person.
Seeing how you're
all alone on an arduous trip,
I felt sorry for you.
I found you
a good husband.
It's him?
I guarantee
you'll live a comfortable life.
Just go get married,
so I can earn this money.
Or you'll lose
your life.
Foxes may grow grey but never good.
Please be kind
and let me go.
My mother is sick.
I'm on my way to my maiden home.
I don't have money with me.
I brought
an antique fragrance bottle.
It's quite valuable.
Hurry up.
Take it out.
Let me help you
if it's more valuable than you.
Where is it?
It's in this pouch.
Yes, that's it.
It does look like an antique.
The spices inside
are costly.
Don't open it.
The smell will fade.
If I don't open it,
how'd I verify its value?
It smells quite
What's this for?
Let's talk it out.
Enemies can't be avoided indeed.
To think you'd
fall into my hands one day.
Please spare me.
Have I ever offended you?
I'll let you know why you've to die.
15 years ago,
you abducted
a girl and a boy
in Yazhou.
That girl
let him go secretly,
so you got angry
sold her to a family.
Do you remember this?
Did you get the wrong person?
You don't remember?
Let me help you
jog your memory.
I remember.
I think something like this did happen.
How did you know about it?
Because I'm that girl.
Cut the crap.
Just answer my questions.
Let me ask you.
On the day of the incident,
the boy came back
and saved me.
What happened next?
It's been so long.
Who can remember that?
I need to use the toilet.
Why don't you let me down?
You don't remember?
Yet you still
want to use the toilet.
-I remember!
-Remember now?
Y-Y-Yes, I do.
Here's what happened.
After finding out you ran away,
I chased you down.
Stop there!
After them!
-You stole my stuff!
Don't look back!
Watch out.
When we arrived,
you and him
had already collapsed.
One of them fed you
a bottle of medicine.
Young Sir.
Young Sir!
You blacked out from the medicine.
Those people
also drugged him.
Then another group of people came
and chased away the previous group.
The second group in official boots
took him away.
I thought you were dead,
so I ran away to save myself.
You're really lucky.
Did you just say
they wore official boots?
In my line of business,
we're always chased by officials.
I still remember
the boots' pattern.
The pattern's quite special.
It looks like a dragon
also not.
They seem to be capital officials.
Local officials wouldn't dare wear these.
Capital officials?
Young Sir.
I've been seeking
your whereabouts,
praying you're still alive.
Could you've also been infected
with such a weird disease like me?
Why did all this happen?
Only by finding you can it be solved.
Your burger.
Thank you.
Take care.
My lord.
Come again!
He left so quickly.
This is the taste of home.
Mr. Yao.
Why haven't you been coming for drinks?
Ma San.
Any good wine?
Yes, we've plenty!
I'll visit soon!
My lord.
I knew you'd eat here first
back in the capital.
Have a burger too.
Freshly made.
My lord.
Since Princess sent me to be
your personal attendant,
this has been
the longest work trip.
It's been 3 years,
1,095 days,
since I've rested.
On my way back,
I did the calculations.
For the 159 off days
over the last three years,
I've been working overtime with you.
Those who've been
on this Heman work trip
will get triple the salary.
You know
that's not what I mean.
I'm honored to be able
to suffer with you.
I'm not doing this for myself,
but requesting for leave
for my comrades.
Three years
means 159 off days.
Let's compromise.
How's nine days?
Are you bargaining with me?
This case
has just begun.
Before the case is solved,
all off days
will be canceled.
On behalf of my comrades,
I'll thank you for the tripled salary.
If you know of more great deals like this,
please think of us.
We'd love to do it.
We'd love to do it.
Yao Qianshu.
Do you think I can't tell
you're being sarcastic?
How dare I?
Catch the thief!
Catch the thief!
Over there! Catch him!
Get him!
What's wrong with you?
Watch it!
A thief!
Nice arrest!
My lord.
Constable Yao.
Chief Constable Jiang.
Stealing credit again?
Mr. Yao.
Catching petty thieves
is Jinwu Guards' duty.
I don't dare trouble the Inspection Office.
Are you blind?
He stole other's things
and caused a ruckus.
The official punishment for theft is 50 flogs;
60 flogs for every penny stolen;
crime grade increases per note.
Daqi's Theft Act includes
being exiled beyond 1,000 miles
and three years of hard labor.
Isn't a sentence beyond three years
under our jurisdiction?
Rather than stealing credit,
why don't you check what was stolen
and comfort the people?
What are you waiting for?
What if he has an accomplice
who makes use of this chaos to rob the street?
You want Commander-in-chief Shang
to be fired?
Go on!
Let's go.
My lord.
Jinwu Guards
are as inept as their leader.
Lock this man up
in the Inspection Office.
Convict him
after verifying
the victim's losses.
It's been a long day.
Go back and rest early.
When can I rest?
Take him away.
If you want to rest, eat your burger first.
It's still warm.
Messing with me again.
[Princess of Yuejiang, Jiang Zhiyi]
You're so boring.
Take it back.
Don't wear a veil next time.
That's true.
My son is immensely smart.
He doesn't need his vision
to recognize people.
Your son's clearly face-blind
and can't
recognize people.
How's that smart?
Who said that?
My son is the chief constable
who's solved countless cases.
Face blindness
is no big deal.
What happened to you
in just two months?
You're much thinner
and darker.
Where have you been?
You know His Majesty's
most wary of non-blood related royals
going to the border,
in fear of treachery.
I know.
I went to Heman to investigate a case.
What case?
There's been a surge in the Zornia epidemic.
So I went to check the source.
I know
what's been
weighing your heart down.
But you have to understand
you're not just your father's son
but also my son.
For my sake,
prioritize your safety.
Got it?
Enough about this.
I came to you
for something.
Your grandfather’s 70th birthday
is in a few days.
guests will come.
Since you're back,
please entertain the guests for your mother
and grandfather.
Mother, you know I'm bad at
socializing with guests.
If I go,
I might ruin the atmosphere.
But we are
a family after all.
If you don’t go,
as the eldest grandson,
your absence
will incite gossip
about our family.
Promise me.
You win.
That's right.
[Inspection Office]
[Commander-in-chief of Jinwu Guards, Shang Bieli]
Chief Constable Jiang.
Commander-in-chief Shang.
What's all this
first thing in the morning?
I heard
the petty thief
we wanted to catch yesterday
spent the night
in the Inspection Office.
I don't want to bother you,
so I came to pick him up this morning.
Such a ruckus
to pick up a thief?
You've been on leave
for two long months.
I was afraid your men's skills
might be rusty.
So I thought
to help them warm up.
In that case,
I should thank
the Jinwu Guards.
You're welcome.
Now that
your men have warmed up,
I'll personally
help you warm up.
Where have you been
the past two months?
The Inspection Office
works upon orders
and report to His Majesty directly.
We need not report to others.
I'm just concerned
if you had a good break.
Can't I?
Even His Majesty isn't concerned,
so don't you worry about it.
Don’t pressure me with His Majesty.
Does His Majesty know where you went
and what you did?
What do you mean?
You tried to frame
my sworn brother, Nan Jifeng.
When you failed,
you forced my sister-in-law to death!
Mr. Jiang.
Is this the so-called
acting upon orders?
Sworn brother?
Commander Shang.
Although our departments
have always been on bad terms,
we've implicitly agreed
not to fight with weapons.
If you
attack us with weapons,
then we
will be irreconcilable.
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