Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Ozone Warning

You want to live together with me?
I want to be with you.
Move in with me.
Can I ask you…
The cancellation fee for the wedding hall,
invitations, and return gifts
will be paid with the honeymoon fund.
We dated for ten years,
but I still don't know you.
I just feel empty.
Ten years is never a short time.
What was I to you?
And what were you to me?
We weren't right for each other.
I'm relieved to have
at least found out now.
it took us ten years to realize that.
So I don't want to waste time with you.
I want to get to know you,
and I want to see
if we're right for each other.
That way I can decide whether
to continue this relationship or not.
That's why you want to live with me?
We need to keep it a secret,
so we have to be careful at work.
Wouldn't it be more efficient
to get to know each other
if we lived together?
If that's the reason,
I don't recommend it.
What do you not recommend?
Living together.
Why not?
First of all, it doesn't make sense
to consider efficiency while dating.
And living together doesn't mean
you get to know each other better.
You have to make an effort to get along.
So if that's your reason,
I don't want to live with you.
Hey, how do you know--
I know because I've done it before.
There must be a reason.
Why do you want to break up with me?
-I'm tired.
-Of what?
Of living like this.
You wanted to live like this.
-That's why we started to live together.
-Right, we did.
But I don't think this is right.
If this is the extent
of the happiness we can dream of,
I can't be with you anymore.
I'm sorry.
What do you mean?
You want to push back
registering our marriage?
What for?
I'm confused.
I thought I'd be happy if I married you.
But now I'm not sure.
We fight and get angry
with each other too often.
You aren't the person I knew
before we got married.
What was I like before?
You were mature.
You were smart, but not cocky.
You were kind and thoughtful.
Above all, you had
a strong sense of responsibility.
Am I not like that anymore?
You have no plan.
Is this
because of applying
for a housing lease loan?
It is, isn't it?
Let's say
we register our marriage
and get a loan like you said.
What next?
House prices will go up
while we pay for the loan.
Then we'll have to get
another loan to lease a house.
Do we have to keep living like that?
We're still young.
What's there to worry about?
We won't be young forever.
It'll take us ten years to repay the loan.
Even if we win the housing lottery,
it'll take us about 20 years
to pay for it and make it ours.
By then, we'll be looking at retirement.
I don't want to work nine to six
until I'm that old.
That's how everyone lives, Yu-jin.
I thought we'd be different.
We had a hard time getting married,
so we have to be different.
We should be stable at least.
Why are we so insecure?
What did you think marriage was?
I don't know.
So until I find out,
let's postpone our marriage registration.
I wanted us to be close.
I may have wanted to make up
for my failed past relationship
by being close to each other
as soon as possible.
You said you didn't want to get hurt.
I don't want to.
I feel the same way.
But he says that
the closer we are,
the more disappointed we'll be.
And that the wounds
we'll inflict on each other
will be deeper and more painful.
We want to be close,
but we're afraid of getting hurt.
What is the optimal distance between us?
It's very small.
With your budget,
it's hard to find even a room like this.
There are people lined up
for this room too.
Can I see a few more places?
Why don't you spend
a little more on monthly rent?
Then you'll be able to find
a much better place.
Please call me
if a new room becomes available.
Thank you.
Stay here. I'll be right back.
Did you buy mine too?
Enjoy your ice cream.
-Keep it at 50,000.
-It's too early in the game.
-Hurry up.
Okay. I got it.
-All right.
Then 50,000 more.
Two packs of cigarettes? Okay.
-All right.
-Show your hands.
-Who's the winner?
-All right.
-What do you have?
-Show it.
-Here it is.
-Your five is worthless. I have nine!
-Come on.
-Hey, I have 38!
-I got it!
-That's weird.
-Why do you keep getting 38?
-Be quiet and deal.
-Okay. Let me have a drink.
-Come on.
-Hurry up. What are you doing?
Come on.
I'm sorry, but may I use your shampoo?
Thank you.
Does he think this is his house or what?
The scorching sun proves
that it is summer indeed.
The UV index
in most areas today will be very high.
The concentration of ozone
will be high as well.
Don't forget to apply sunscreen thoroughly
-when going out.
-This is nice.
Is this one not taken?
What do you mean?
Why do you want to stay here?
What about you, Senior Forecaster Um?
I have my reasons.
I have my reasons too.
Gosh, this is nice.
I'm leaving.
I'm coming.
Hurry up. I'm really busy today.
I have to go to the office
for training in the morning.
Plus, I have to make three visits.
Will you be home late?
You can have dinner alone, right?
-Rice is in the rice cooker.
-Side dishes are in the fridge.
I can just eat them.
You're all grown up.
Is that Dad's?
Why did he leave it here?
He always does as he pleases.
Why did he even come back
if he was going to leave?
Your dad doesn't like to throw things out.
He keeps all the old stuff like this,
so it's hard to tidy up.
Do it if you want to.
Don't worry about me.
How can you say that?
Um Bo-mi.
-You're here early.
-Why are you coming out of there?
Well, I had to do something.
What did you do yesterday?
I had some stuff to do.
Why do you ask?
You didn't call,
so I thought something happened.
Did you wait for my call?
-You did.
No, I didn't.
We're at work.
You waited.
I can tell.
Forecaster Lee, you may not know this,
but I'm famous in the KMA
for my poker face.
-I'm born-to-be-impregnable.
-Who says?
Your subjective
objectification is fantastic.
You're being cheeky.
That's a sign of intimacy.
Why do a director and a forecaster
need to be intimate?
-Because we're a little special.
Good morning.
-Good morning!
-Hello, Assistant Director Shin.
Shall we?
Good morning.
-Doors closing.
-Wait for me. Please.
Thank you.
Doors closing.
I saw that Assistant Director Yun took
a leave of absence.
When I was with
the Disaster Prevention Department,
he was my predecessor.
I see.
He isn't unwell or anything, is he?
No, he isn't.
I said he could take a break
for a year to study.
How will your family get by?
I'll continue to make a living.
Didn't your younger kid
enter grade school this year?
It'll be hard to make a living alone.
How can you be married
if you can't rely on each other
through tough times?
Doors opening.
Not getting off?
Doors closing.
Thank you.
Here you go.
What's going on?
a friend of mine got married recently.
I see.
He thought she was the one,
so he pushed ahead with the marriage
despite people telling him not to.
-They had their wedding
but they won't register the marriage.
He won't or she won't?
The wife won't.
What's going through her mind?
it's understandable.
It's understandable?
Maybe she got married on an impulse.
She may have come to her senses later
when she had to register the marriage.
I see.
Do you think she regrets getting married?
maybe she's scared.
The moment it becomes legal,
it feels like the game is over.
It feels like you're crossing
the point of no return.
I can't be sure,
but I think the wife feels insecure
about the marriage.
Have him instill some faith into her.
They say the moment you have faith,
you gain courage.
The courage that helps you
walk through even a thorny path
with your loved one.
-How is the atmosphere?
-As the upper level trough
slowly recedes toward the East Sea,
the anticyclone
that dominates Korea will slow down.
The solar radiation will increase.
The ozone concentration will go up too.
By noon,
it may reach the warning stage.
Gosh, we'll be getting
a lot of calls today.
-Notify the Air Quality Forecast Center.
-Yes, ma'am.
Isn't it ironic?
What? What is?
The ozone.
When it's far away in the stratosphere,
it's so beneficial,
but it's harmful when it's close
to the surface of the Earth.
Because there's always
an optimal distance for everything.
At least you can calculate
the optimal distance
between ozone and humans.
Some distances
are impossible to calculate.
Like what? For example?
The optimal distance between people.
You can't know it
until you've dealt with the person.
Hedgehogs are like that.
They get pricked countless times
to find a suitable distance
to stay together.
It's a relationship
where you can only get close
by getting hurt.
There are people who haven't found
an optimal distance for over ten years.
Like me.
So did you go home?
Maybe I've been away for too long.
Now I'm confused.
What's the most comfortable distance
between me and my family?
Sometimes I wonder
if it's best to see each other
only once in a while.
That sounds like a cowardly excuse.
Does it?
The chance of heavy rain
is low today, right?
Yes. Because it's less than 20 percent.
Okay. Got it.
Today's atmospheric ozone concentration
is expected to be over 0,3ppm per hour.
Please cooperate with
the Air Quality Forecast Center
when they ask you
to check solar radiation and cloud cover.
If you receive an outside inquiry
regarding ozone,
please respond kindly. That's all.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
I can't do it.
During summer disaster prevention period,
responding to the media alone
is a lot of work.
I'm already writing monthly columns.
How can I write a feature too?
I know. So I told him it'd be difficult.
It looks like
he'll pester Reporter Chae,
your wife.
The editor-in-chief asked me directly
if you were Reporter Chae's husband.
Don't you get it?
A feature?
Isn't your husband KMA's spokesperson?
The one who's on TV
every time there's severe weather.
He's a great writer.
I read his column in the KMA monthly.
"The Two Faces of Ozone."
Your husband wrote it, right?
Then why don't you ask him
to write a feature article on weather?
Hi, Ki-jun. What's up?
-Are you busy?
What is it? Why did you call?
Do I need a reason to call you?
I just wanted to hear your voice.
Is everything all right?
Of course. Everything's fine.
Is it?
Go back to work. See you at home.
Okay. Bye.
This is Kim Soo-jin of Chief Team.
Is this the KMA?
How can you issue
an ozone warning all of a sudden?
My kid is going on a picnic today.
So I took a day off from work
and prepared a packed lunch.
You should have issued it a day before.
Ozone increases suddenly
due to exhaust emissions
or harmful substances in the air.
So a warning can only
be issued in real-time.
For your information, ozone warnings
aren't issued by the KMA.
Stop kidding me. Hey!
The weather is perfectly fine.
What's with the ozone warning?
They won't let trucks and vans
enter the metropolitan area because of it.
You better make it up for us!
Excuse me, sir. Please calm down.
Contact the Ministry of Environment
or the Road Traffic Authority
because ozone warnings
aren't issued by the KMA.
Isn't ozone a good thing?
I heard it was good to have it.
That's when it's in the stratosphere.
If the amount of ozone
in the atmosphere increases, it's harmful.
Oh, I see.
By the way, how old are you?
Are you married?
I'm hanging up.
I'll answer it. Go and have lunch.
No, I'll take the call.
You should eat first.
I don't have an appetite.
Yes, this is Kim Soo-jin of Chief Team.
Ozone warnings aren't issued by the KMA.
Hello, sir.
Where is Director Jin?
She went to the Policy Division
for post-analysis.
I see.
-Go back to work.
Get back to work.
-Senior Forecaster Um.
-Yes, sir.
Let's grab some coffee. Come.
Please don't yell at me.
What? Yell?
Who's yelling at you?
You are.
You've been yelling at me all this time.
What? Hey.
Do you want to get fired?
Do you want to submit a written apology?
How dare you talk back to me?
Hey, my son is a high-ranking official.
I can make him sack you right now.
Do you understand?
Listen, sir.
Why don't you complain directly
to your high-ranking official son?
Don't call us.
How many times do I have to tell you
that ozone warnings are issued
by the Ministry of Environment
and not the KMA?
Call them and swear at them, okay?
Can we do that?
Of course not.
we're people too.
We have the right to defend ourselves
from rude people like that.
It's okay.
Don't worry, Ms. Kim.
I'll handle the consequences.
Forecaster Lee, where are you going?
I have something to do.
The rent is 600,000 won?
Maintenance fee is extra?
How about 500,000 a month
including the maintenance fee?
I told you no.
The room you saw yesterday
is what you can get with that.
Could you please talk
to the landlord one more time?
I'll keep the room clean,
and I'm only going to sleep there.
I know the landlord won't say yes.
Please ask just one more time, ma'am.
Thank you.
Why do you act like
a widower at Headquarters?
I'm not a widower.
I have a wife and a daughter.
You have a home and a family.
Why have you been sleeping here for days?
Because it's an extreme weather period.
I used to live in the KMA
during summer disaster prevention period.
Why are you nagging at me?
That's because we didn't have
the central server back then.
Now we can monitor the conditions
in China and Japan live at home.
kids these days don't like you doing this.
Who are these kids you're talking about?
A lot of people use the night-duty room.
I've been getting so many complaints
because you made
the night-duty room your home.
Pack up and go home.
Isn't that why you came here
despite the lower position?
Why did you come here then?
You should have just stayed
in Gangneung and bossed everyone around.
People in Seoul are so unkind.
Does your wife know
that you're living like a bum?
She told me to do as I please.
Okay. Do as you please.
What's the point of being able
to smell the east wind
when you can't even read your wife's mind?
Throw this out.
Who handled the complaint calls
that came to the Chief Team today?
I did.
What's going on?
The Forecast Bureau received a warning.
Did you tell someone not to call the KMA
because the ozone warning
wasn't under our jurisdiction?
I know it's difficult
to deal with complaint calls,
but you can't yell at them and hang up.
Did you do that, Ms. Kim?
It was me.
You shouldn't cover up for her.
I'm not covering up for her.
I'm the one who took the call.
This is what happens
when you don't do your job right.
Why does a senior member
have to cover up for you?
I said I took the call,
Deputy Director Han.
I took the call. I yelled at him,
and I hung up on him. Okay?
You should have been patient with him.
How could I?
He said he'd get us all fired.
I couldn't stand it.
That wasn't a complaint. It was a threat.
We aren't their emotional trash can.
Why do we have to listen to that garbage?
All right.
In any case,
please do your job right, Ms. Kim.
Why did you have
Assistant Director Oh take the call?
This is all because you didn't
do your job properly.
Am I wrong?
Excuse me, Deputy Director Han.
He crossed the line.
As soon as I picked up the phone,
he asked me if I knew who his son was.
Do you know what else?
He talked down to me,
and asked me how old I was
and if I was married.
He said I was a rude cow.
You know,
I came to the KMA to forecast the weather.
I didn't struggle to pass
the civil service exam
to handle trivial calls like that.
Don't cry…
I'll submit an answer
to the Audit and Inspection Division
according to the procedure.
You can go now.
Yes. Okay.
Let's do that.
Ms. Kim.
We are here to do that kind of work.
What do you mean, Director Jin?
Listening to the complaints
is uncomfortable.
But did you know
that there are so many people
affected by an ozone warning?
Truck drivers whose livelihoods are
at stake, kids who can't go out to play,
and those who don't even know
what an ozone warning is.
If we didn't receive complaint calls,
would we have known…
how our weather forecasts
would affect whom, when,
and to what extent?
The reason why we're here after
passing the difficult civil service exam
is to serve the people and the citizens.
So there isn't any work
that's trivial to us like you said.
Do you understand?
Are you okay?
It's all right.
I didn't struggle
to pass the civil service exam
to take nasty complaint calls.
Why do I have to
put up with people like these?
Then what do you think we're here for?
We're here to serve
the citizens, the people.
Take responsibility
and do your best at work.
That's why the taxpayers pay us.
Do you think this is just
a secure source of income?
It isn't.
Look for another job
if that's what you want.
Without a sense of responsibility or duty,
you can never work here.
Got it?
She's come a long way.
Cheer up.
You got scolded because of me.
I'm so sorry.
I don't consider it a scolding.
it made me come to my senses.
I've been answering
complaint calls all day,
and that made me question
what I was doing here.
But after listening to Director Jin,
it became clear to me.
Did it?
You're all grown up, Soo-jin.
That's how you make progress.
Ha-kyung wasn't born like that.
Anyway, bye.
-See you tomorrow.
-Take care.
Is he going to sleep
in the night-duty room again?
He's been away for too long.
Being home could be uncomfortable for him.
Doors opening.
Aren't you coming?
You go first. I'll take the next one.
-See you tomorrow, Forecaster Lee.
Doors closing.
Doors opening.
You can go first.
Doors closing.
Doors opening.
You can go first.
-Doors closing.
What are you doing here?
The elevator was full.
I was waiting for the next one.
I'm hungry. Do you want to grab dinner?
Frozen pork belly?
Is this the one you're looking for?
Yes, it is.
Where was it?
I couldn't find it.
It was in the storage.
In the storage?
You can pay for it over there.
-Would you like to see it?
-No. Go ahead.
Aren't you…
You recognized me.
Yes, I'm the…
The side dishes, right?
The side dishes?
You left your side dishes with me,
apartment number 1201.
Apartment number 1302?
I told her about the side dishes ages ago.
Why won't she pick up?
Please tell your sister
to pick it up by tomorrow
or I'll throw them all out.
You can't just leave.
Why not?
The book you were reading, City Crocodile.
Please tell me which part made you laugh.
I didn't laugh because it was funny.
Why did you laugh then?
Crocodiles have no choice
but to become handbags
to come to the city.
Crocodiles are reptiles
that live in the water,
so they can't live in the city.
But it's titled City Crocodile.
Can't that be considered artistic license?
I bet
the author of that book
has never even googled crocodiles
let alone done any research on them.
I'm sure she has.
If so, she should know that
a crocodile's front toes
and hind toes are different.
Hind toes?
Crocodile's forefeet have five toes
and the hind feet have four.
But that book…
I know anyone can become
a writer these days,
but this one has no basics down.
I laughed because it was pathetic.
I'm sorry I don't have the basics down.
Hold on. Are you the…
-This one's ready.
Who was it?
It's nothing.
Is it good?
Was I too forward?
About what?
Was it too much
to ask you to live with me?
No. I was happy
because you were honest with me.
So I was able to tell you
how I felt candidly.
Ever since we talked about that,
you've been awkward.
I feel like you're keeping
a distance from me.
I thought you wanted that distance.
You wanted this to be a secret.
I don't want any secrets
between us though.
Is it because
I didn't tell you who texted me?
That too.
Yes, it's the realtor.
There's a room available.
Why the realtor?
I can't stay
at the training center forever.
I knew it was hard
to find a room in Seoul,
but it's harder than I thought.
I went around all day yesterday,
but I couldn't find one.
Is that why you said
you had stuff to do yesterday?
Si-woo, I'm really curious.
Why would you refuse to live with me
and look for a room to rent?
It's because
I want to keep my relationship
separate from my living conditions.
It isn't because of your pride, is it?
If this is how you react,
I can't be honest with you.
I'm not proud of my current situation,
but I'm not ashamed of it either.
Why are you looking at me like that?
It's nothing.
-Thank you.
Can I have a bottle of soju, please?
-What are you up to?
Damn it.
What's all this?
You didn't have dinner yet, right? Sit.
What's this?
Our key money deposit
can be settled with that.
It's still a loan,
but the interest rate is lower
than the one for newlyweds.
So it's much better.
I heard your editor-in-chief
wanted me to write a feature.
How did you know?
Why didn't you tell me about it?
I know you're busy,
so I didn't want to bother you
with more work.
Tell him that I'll do it.
If I don't do it,
your editor will harass you, won't he?
They'll talk behind your back too.
Will you have time for it?
I'll make time to do it.
Because it's for my wife.
I'll tell him tomorrow that you'll do it.
Go ahead. Tell him.
How did you find out about this?
You're really amazing.
Have him instill some faith into her.
They say the moment you have faith,
you gain courage.
The courage that helps you
walk through even a thorny path
with your loved one.
-Did you finish your homework?
Let's look at exponent additions today.
-Solve this one and this one first.
What did you mean
by what you said earlier?
You said I could divorce your dad.
Why did you say that?
Just because.
You look more tired now than before.
You don't have to live with him for me.
I'd like to live with Dad too,
but I prefer you to be happy.
I don't hate living with your dad.
Well, it's just that
your dad and I need some time.
Because we've been apart for a long time,
we need time
to be close to each other again.
Ma'am, I'm done.
-Can you take a look at this?
Yes. Let's see.
-Here you go.
Did you already have a drink?
Yes, I had a drink with my girlfriend.
Why did you come here
instead of going to her place?
Just because.
Actually, I was a little embarrassed.
I don't have a penny to my name.
I held on to my pride
and barely survived until now.
But my cover was blown today.
To tell the truth…
after my dad passed away,
my family was kicked out of our house.
My mom, my sister, and I
suddenly had no place to go.
I was hungry and the night was cold.
I didn't want to stay out all night,
so I wanted to knock on every door
and ask people to let me in.
So what did you do that night?
We slept on the street.
The next day,
my sister was sent to my uncle's,
and I went to my aunt's house.
My mom…
worked at a restaurant.
So we lived apart for a few years.
That's why I know
what it's like to have no home.
And how weary you are.
I respect your desire to separate
your relationship from your private life.
I also understand
that you want to protect your pride.
But you know…
there's no need to go out of your way
to pretend you're okay.
Do you know what I mean?
So she called your bluff.
That's embarrassing.
Well, yes. She did.
But now
I feel at ease.
Because at least
I don't have to pretend
to be okay in front of her.
Even if I get closer to her,
I don't think it'll hurt.
That's how you adjust
the distance between each other.
"The distance between each other."
Gosh, I'm full.
Let's stop babbling and call it a night.
Aren't you going to sleep?
We have work tomorrow.
May I sleep here?
I have no right to tell you yes or no.
You know what? I snore.
That's no problem at all.
Damn it.
I submitted the report regarding Ms. Kim
to the Audit Division yesterday.
This is for you.
What's it for?
Well, do you know
the editor-in-chief of Munmin Daily?
I guess he liked my column,
so he asked me
to write a feature in his paper.
Regarding weather.
I was wondering if you had time.
Didn't I tell you it was the last time?
Please help me just one more time.
I already told him I'd do it.
So what?
Just read through it once.
It'll be the last time.
Please help me this one last time.
Does your wife know about this?
Come on. How could I tell her?
No, because it's embarrassing.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
We're friends.
We were together for ten years.
Our relationship failed,
but aren't we still friends?
We were together since college.
Except for our relationship,
I still have fond memories of us.
-Don't you?
-No, I don't.
I forgot the time I spent with you.
It's gone from my memory.
If you ask me for another favor,
I'll tell your wife.
Ha-kyung, how could you do this to me?
Director Jin!
What should I do?
Oh, no…
Darn it.
Good morning. Good work last night.
Director Jin, you're always energetic.
Thank you.
Don't just look after yourself.
Look after your team too.
My team?
Haven't you heard that they're living
in the night-duty room?
You're talking about Senior Forecaster Um.
Please be understanding.
He has his reasons.
Does your team own the night-duty room?
If two of your
team members claim the beds,
where will the night shifters sleep?
Did you just say two of them?
It's your job to manage your team.
Director Choi wouldn't have
let his team members be that way.
Lee Si-woo--
Why on earth are you two doing this?
You can go to a motel
or a sauna.
But I only need a few hours of sleep
before going to work.
It's too hot to sleep at a…
Why are you here?
Didn't you say
you'd stay at the training center?
He got kicked out.
It's been a few days.
It's been a few days?
Have you been living
in the night-duty room all this time?
He's been there for two nights.
He slept in his car before that.
Why would you tell her that?
Anyway, we're really okay.
We'll take care of ourselves,
so just ignore us.
How could I ignore you?
Everyone is complaining
to me about you two.
They should talk to us.
What did they say?
"Manage your team properly."
"How long will you leave them unattended?"
I see.
What should I do?
Hey, Ki-jun.
I heard you agreed
to write for Munmin Daily.
Well, yes.
I did.
I guess your wife talked you into it.
You told me you couldn't do it yesterday.
But you said yes to your wife right away.
Well, that's not exactly how it happened.
You're so devoted to your wife.
I hope you do a great job.
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
You're amazing.
-Good luck.
-You're the best.
Let's do it!
What should I do?
Do I have to do this?
Yes, I have to.
Yes. I'll do it.
Reporter Chae's writing improved
after she got married.
The title hits the point.
Her husband works at the KMA.
Rumor has it that
she lived with someone from the KMA.
Did she end up marrying that guy?
I guess so.
I heard her husband can write.
-I see.
-Reporter Chae has everything.
Living with someone
and getting married to him.
Forecaster Lee has no place to go,
but Senior Forecaster Um
can go back to his house.
I can't let him stay at my place.
Because you have two kids.
Now I have three.
My husband took a leave of absence.
I see.
Why don't you take him in?
I'll get going now.
Not a chance.
He has mysophobia, so he'll never say yes.
I feel bad about Director Jin.
Me too.
Gosh, this isn't dry yet.
How is sleeping in a car?
Apart from feeling stiff
and getting bit by mosquitoes,
it's not too bad.
Mosquito bites are itchy.
How can I sleep here?
Why aren't you coming in?
-Oh, right.
Senior Forecaster Um can use
the study over there.
Forecaster Lee can take the small room.
Can we really stay here?
It's not for free.
You have to pay a third
of the monthly maintenance fee.
A third of it?
If you don't want to do that,
you can go home,
and Forecaster Lee can find another place.
Si-woo, don't you think
a motel would be better?
What about a sauna nearby?
It'd be more comfortable than this place.
I know, right? We'll get going then.
Do you think of me as a woman?
What are you talking about?
No way.
Just stay then.
Let's say the three brains
of Chief Team Two are staying together
for the summer disaster prevention period.
A brain? Me?
I don't think he's a brain.
What are you saying? Did you forget?
I predicted hail
in the metropolitan area last March.
That was a fluke.
You were just lucky.
I also caught the heavy rain signal.
Hearing that makes me want to drink.
Should I go get some beer?
Can you buy some dried squid too?
Okay. I'll be right back.
Where's the bathroom?
It's over there.
There's a bathroom in my room,
so you can use that one.
Okay. Thanks.
I'm sorry to cause such an inconvenience.
I'll find a place to stay soon.
What will Senior Forecaster Um like?
Oh! The side dishes.
Did he forget the passcode?
You're back early.
What are you doing here?
You're here as I expected.
I came by just in case.
I don't care what you expected.
What are you doing here?
I just…
-thought of you.
Can I come in for a second?
Are you crazy?
How did you know
that I was going crazy?
I'm so tired. Can I please come in?
Tell your wife about how tired you are.
Get lost.
I have something to say to you.
Please let me in.
No, you can't come in.
Who's out there?
Is someone inside?
It's none of your business. Go home.
-I hear a man's voice.
-Who is it?
I think I'm really drunk.
Why are you here at this hour?
Hey, it really is Senior Forecaster Um.
Director Jin?
Assistant Director Shin?
Hey, Assistant Director Shin.
Why are you here, Senior Forecaster Um?
Because Director Jin
asked me to stay with…
-Why would she ask him to stay here?
Is apartment number 1201 your place?
Yes, it is.
Why are you here?
I'm apartment number 1302.
I live upstairs.
Are you neighbors?
Hold on. What's going on?
Wait a minute.
Doors opening.
Hey, Seok-ho.
What's going on?
That's what I want to ask.
Ha-kyung, what's going on?
Life is always
a series of unexpected events.
What's with all these people?
Be quiet. Come with me.
-How many more times
do we have to stab each other
to find the optimal distance between us?
How dare you come here at this hour
and cause a scene? Why?
I'm sorry, Ha-kyung.
My dear Ha-kyung was…
Get off me. Wake up.
I'm truly sorry, Ha-kyung.
I keep falling for Ha-kyung.
It's getting out of hand.
Are there still things
that haven't been sorted out with him?
How long will this last?
Who do you think
Reporter Chae's ex-boyfriend was?
This is all your fault!
Damn it!
Stop it, Lee Si-woo!
Subtitle translation by: Soo-hyun Yang
Ripped and synced by
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