Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Otogibanashi no yô na mono

The Great Mage Flamme's grimoire?
All books said to be written by Flamme
are known to be fake.
All of the grimoires they've discovered
have been counterfeits.
This might be
the best counterfeit I've ever seen.
It's not a bad reward
for a subjugation quest.
I have no idea what's good about that.
But when there are
so many fake ones out there,
you start to doubt
if a real one really exists.
The existence of Flamme,
the founder of humanity's magic,
is like a fairy tale in itself.
A fairy tale, huh?
I guess so
That goes to show
how much time has passed.
I'm probably the only one who remembers
what she looked like.
It's morning?
Mistress Frieren woke up early!
Is that a big deal?
Of course it is.
You have to commend her when this happens.
What's going on?
What a lifesaver.
With this road blocked,
I was completely out of options.
Do we have to do this?
Are you not happy with it?
The reward is not bad.
That's not what I mean.
Can't you magically move the wagon
to the other side?
That won't be helpful
for others who pass through.
That's what Fern said.
You're so selfish, Stark.
You're the last person who can say that.
- Thank you for your hard work.
- Oh, thanks.
By the way
why is there so much rubble here?
In the northern lands,
some areas are
still in a state of war with demons.
This must be the effects of that.
The aftermath of war, huh?
Master Stark,
can you leave that side for later
and help me with this please?
Master Stark?
Hey, can you stop
calling me "Master Stark"?
It makes me uncomfortable.
We're almost the same age, right?
I see All right.
Stark, hurry up and help me. Chop chop!
So bossy!
That's not what I meant.
There are other ways.
- Other honorifics that you can use.
- Right
Also, try to be a little more friendly.
I get hurt easily.
- This guy is such a pain.
- "This guy"?
Are you getting work done?
Let's hurry up, Master Stark.
Wow, thank you so much.
If you don't mind,
I can show you the way to town.
An elf, huh?
I've been alive for a long time,
but you're the first one I've ever met.
I guess we're pretty rare.
Now that you mention it, I have never met
an elf other than Mistress Frieren.
We're small in number.
I've only met a handful
of fellow elves myself.
Elves live for a long time,
but we've lost all things
like romantic feelings
and reproductive instincts.
We're slowly becoming extinct.
The last time I met a fellow elf
was more than 400 years ago.
Our end may be nearer than I thought.
We can see the town now.
There's a line of wagons.
Those are merchants.
Tonight is the Liberation Festival.
Today was the day Himmel the Hero
and his party
defeated the demon that had
control over this region.
Did we do something like that?
The Liberation Festival
is a commemoration of that day.
We decorate the statues of Master Himmel
and his party in the town square
and the entire town joins
in a grand celebration.
Humans are so over the top.
They turn everything into a festival.
The demon was defeated
more than 80 years ago.
That's enough time
for humans to forget about something.
Despite that,
even if it's just this one day,
everyone remembers what
Master Himmel and his party did.
Yes, splendid job.
Five retakes, huh?
It ended early this time.
Himmel, you're always
making statues of yourself.
I want everyone to remember.
Unlike you, we won't live very long.
I have to let the future generations know
how handsome I am.
Let's return to the inn.
But the biggest reason is
so that you're not left all alone
in the future.
It's not a fairy tale.
We existed in real life.
Like this, we commemorate the deeds
of Himmel the Hero
and his party each year.
Now that I look at it,
you look just like the statue
of Mistress Frieren
from the party of heroes.
Will this still be held
100 years from now?
As long as this town exists.
How about 1,000 years?
That I can't say for sure.
All right, let's go.
To the northernmost point we go.
Now that I think about it,
I never asked about
the destination of this journey.
Where is it?
That sounds fun.
There are so many guards.
Did something happen?
Anyway, let's just decide
who is going to buy what.
Mistress Frieren,
we're in the middle of the town.
It's a demon.
What are you doing!
Graf Granat,
did you plan this?
Lord Lügner,
it is true that I despise you
enough to want to kill you.
I am not foolish enough
to kill a messenger of peace
in broad daylight.
Messenger of peace?
She's most likely an adventurer
who doesn't know our situation.
I'll take your word for it.
You have calm, cold eyes filled with
murderous intent.
Even the citizens of this town
who despise us
look at me as a human,
albeit with fear.
But you look at me
as if you are looking at a beast.
And that's what you are.
You demons mimic human voices
but you're nothing but
beasts with whom we cannot communicate.
Put her in the dungeon.
Yes, sir.
I'm bored.
Mistress Frieren
They said to repent for
two to three years.
That's shorter than I thought.
Bring me a grimoire later.
Mistress Frieren, you really love to
waste time, don't you?
I'm not here because I want to be.
So, why are they calling demons
"messengers of peace"?
We did some research
while doing our shopping.
You know Aura the Guillotine, right?
The greater demon and one of
the Seven Sages of Destruction, right?
While fighting with us,
she lost most of her servants
and went missing.
Did something happen recently?
Aura regained power 28 years ago.
This town has
been fighting with her army
for a long time, apparently.
But Aura, who became tired
of meaningless massacres,
requested peace be made.
And so they accepted
her messengers of peace?
That was a bad move.
It's futile to talk to demons.
It can't be totally futile.
We have the ability to speak.
If we can settle things by negotiating,
that will be best.
We can't settle things,
that's why it's futile.
Demons are human-eating creatures.
Have you ever wondered why
they use the same language as mankind?
My Hero, kill it at once!
It's still a child.
So what if it is?
It ate our daughter alive!
It hurts
It hurts
That's enough. I will do it.
At this rate, we're the same as demons.
It's not like they cannot survive
without eating humans, right?
Why don't we give it a chance to atone?
Don't be ridiculous!
My daughter Give me back my daughter!
Let's treat your wounds.
I was just looking for someone
to help me in the field.
Himmel, if you don't kill it now,
you will regret it.
After all, it
Frieren, we have the ability to speak.
We'll be staying in this village anyway.
Let's see how it goes.
I see
Why did you kill the chief?
I knew it.
We should have killed it back then.
There you go again.
I could feel
your murderous intent every day.
I want to live peacefully.
That's why I prepared this.
This will replace
your daughter that I ate.
She is the chief's daughter.
The chief is gone now.
It seems as though
I made the wrong decision.
Oh well, I'll use her as a hostage
You won't stop me now, right?
"Mom" again, huh?
Like monsters, child-rearing is not
a part of demon culture.
After they are born, they spend
most of their time alone.
Solitude is part of your nature
and the concept of family
doesn't exist for you.
So why
do you use the word, "Mom"?
That way
you can't kill me.
It's a beautiful word
that works like magic.
To them, words are just tools
for deceiving mankind.
The Great Mage Flamme
defined demons as monsters who can speak.
They're descendants of monsters who would
hide in the shadows and say,
"help me" to lure in prey.
Bring me gifts.
Graf Granat is late.
It's a diplomatic strategy of mankind.
More than that,
I'm curious about that mage.
That face is so familiar
Beasts with whom
we cannot communicate, huh?
What a perfect way to put it.
She is the only one in this town
who understands
the true nature of us demons.
There is only one reason for predators
who prey on humans
to speak the human language.
They aren't words for mutual understanding
but words for deception.
This town won't last very long.
I'll escape once the chaos ensues.
And this is?
My son's room.
He was such a good kid.
He would always say
that he'd soon take over
as head of the family
and let me take it easy.
When he fought a match before the king,
he was bestowed with this sword.
Where is your son now?
He died ten years ago,
in the battle with Aura.
All that returned was this sword.
I only allowed you in
so I could avenge my son.
I will kill all of you messengers here.
Your peace negotiations can kiss my ass!
This room has been thoroughly cleaned.
I bet it hasn't changed at all
from ten years ago.
What about it?
I also keep my father's room
the way it was when he was
killed by you people.
Why don't we stop this, Graf Granat?
Or do you want to continue shedding blood
and bring more sadness upon people?
We have the ability to speak.
Please give us
an opportunity to talk it out.
Show them to the drawing room.
I need to think about it.
Master Lügner,
what is a "father"?
Who knows?
Graf Granat
seems to have a grudge against us,
but he also seems to be empathetic.
If we can get him on our side,
we can make him remove the defense barrier
as a sign of peace.
Then Mistress Aura's army
will destroy this town.
By the way, Linie,
I don't see Draht anywhere.
He said he'd get rid of a nuisance.
He got ahead of himself.
Young ones are so hot-blooded.
What can I do?
Lord Draht!
We cannot have you in a place like this.
Please return
Who are you?
It's outside of visiting hours.
I am Draht, a servant
and executioner of Aura the Guillotine.
I'm here to kill you.
I see.
You're done playing diplomat?
It's just beginning.
According to Lord Lügner,
this girl is our only obstacle.
If I get rid of her,
all we have to do is win over Graf Granat
and this town will easily fall.
Just to let you know, I'm strong.
Stronger than me?
Stronger than Aura the Guillotine.
Who is that mage?
Killing a guard is
worthy of capital punishment.
The mage who has killed
the most demons in history.
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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