Frikjent (2015) s01e07 Episode Script


If only I could remember.
You are not a killer.
Who else was in love with Karine? All.
Per-Olav was wellpersistent.
You had a crush on Karine.
Karine asked me to accompany her home.
You saw us.
And if we get together? No! I have to fire my best friend.
You are just doing your job.
We all wish we knew what happened that night? Send rescue 3.
Get inside! We have no reason to doubt Tonje's testimony.
She saw Aksel.
Do not leave me.
I saw you.
You are not a murderer.
Have you seen more of that girl? Is she cute? Are you together or not? Went for a walk.
Couldn't sleep last night.
- I have been for a long time.
- But it went well? She recognized you? Sure I need help.
Can I borrow some money? - How much? - Hundred.
-Hundred thousand? -Yes Not for me, but for my girlfriend.
We have to get away.
-Where? -We'll head to Chamonix.
Her ex, Per-Olav, beats all the time.
We can't stay here.
Please Just a loan I'll pay you back You probably shouldn't talk to her.
This is Ase.
She's a little shaky.
-Per-Olav did that? -I feel a little -Okay, bad idea.
-Carry her in.
-No, we're staying.
-She shouldn't sit like that.
-We can count on Aksel.
-Yes Sleep a little.
Everything's going to be fine.
LookI'll get a job.
-She thinks she shouldn't notify.
That msut be him who took the photo! It must be him! -You can forget about thiose photos? He was obsessed with Karine, you told me.
-What if it was him.
We could ask her.
-No! She doesn't want to.
Okay? -Did you know about that? -What then? -Photos? Did you know? -No -So why don't I ask her? -Look at her! He nearly killed her.
I try to do the right thing for once.
If you break it, it affects her.
She's something special.
Okay, I won't ask her.
I've made some lunch for you.
-Where you going? -Meeting.
I'll be gone for a couple of hours.
-How nice you look in that suit.
-You think? Remember the meeting with Langlo at three o'clock.
We have to do something with the coffee machine.
Even if we save, it's worth something to get coffee.
-Buy a new one.
-A new one? Okay.
Lars! One more thing.
Can you take Svein on the training run? He needs to move.
You run with me? We've examined every possiblity, but right now there's no choice.
Hell, who's fault -We're aware how important you've been -What do you know about it? -We'll get your job back as soon as we're on our legs.
-We? Don't you think I get it? You'll get a reliable severance package.
Full pay for 12 months.
-I must get back to my shift.
-Svein! You can to my home, Aksel.
You sat there and drank my fucking coffee.
You asked me for help.
Somewhere we ought to stop.
It's one year full on.
Yes, I get it.
-I'm afraid.
-Aksel will help us.
You just get better, so we can go.
-Lucky I'm an instructor, then.
-Yup What time is it? -How are you? -Where's Erik? Have you seen these photos before? Sure? -What did he hit you, Ase? -I thought maybe he had He can be a bit violent.
I didn't want to go to the police -For the photos? -No -He know nothing about it.
-About what? -I want to help.
It wouldn't be wrong.
-Help who? You, of course.
Aseit was you who found the photos.
You put them on my staircase.
I want to help you, but it's important that you tell me the truth.
Did you find the photos at Per-Olav's? You don't need to answer.
-Ase? -Yes Easy, everything will be fine.
-What the hell are you doing? -She must tell the police.
-It's her word against his.
-And then? He kills her? -You promised to let it be.
-Just for an hour, then it's over! What's the problem? Then you can stay.
I can handle this myself.
-Have you seen the project description? -Yes.
But I don't know how An apartment complex is so We should have the seafood restaurant on the pier, Inger! It's not realistic.
We have no way to finance it ourselves.
Two minutes.
-Good day.
Steiner Lavik.
-I know that! Inger Hansteen.
-Do you know each other? -Of course.
From ages ago.
-The killing team - the two of us.
-Have you worked together before? Yes.
What did we start with? Sea Fishing.
And the sports bar.
And Steinar was in the factory at the beginning.
IngerI've had my eye on you Is it you?! Hey! Hi! You're out and about? I just take some fresh air.
Should not you be in school? I have free period.
It feels like forever since we saw each other.
Sweetie All good? It's just You are so like her.
As beautiful.
Be careful who you allow into your life, do you understand that? Helene, forgive me.
It was so wrong that you saw the terrible pictures.
You should not stop feeling that you can come to me and talk.
I know.
Did Per-Olav say that he took them? -I've talked with Ase.
-It's not enough.
-I've seen what's capable of.
-You're not exactly objective.
-Ase can confirm it.
-You say that.
I can't pick up people on just that.
But we could do a reconstruction? Fly people here from the National Police.
There's another thing.
Because it's Eva that's asking? She's been beaten.
You have to do something.
Not until there's been a complaint.
-Where are the negatives? -I have them.
Send them over.
They're material evidence.
Do you know how long you'll be away? -Ring, so I know where you are.
-Yes, then.
Your coffee.
-Bye, mamma.
Will you plant in the suit? No, you can do it.
Little sunlight little new earthand with plants! I read your concept.
It is good.
You think?! We need a new project, we have two.
But Steinar Lavik should not be with.
Just empty words.
You can not trust him.
We need them.
We were a great team.
Do you remember? It's not true! Scissors?! -Can you stay? -Here? -It's not possible.
-Why? You know that.
How is Ase? -Well, I think.
-You need to talk with her.
-I promised Erik to leave her alone.
-Erik? You don't owe Erik anything.
You I left him with everything.
-I can't make things worse for people.
-All of this is not your fault.
You're talking as it was your fault.
What are you going to live on? What's the plan? What do you do now? We're going to Chamonix.
-Without money? -"Without money"? You make it madness? He's never been there, it's just talk.
He said you'd help us and lend us money.
Erik, wait! I'll help you.
But you have to help me first.
If you tell the polise what you said, I'll give you the money.
Not as a loan, but a gift.
Two hundred.
-You don't have to -Ja No I just wanted to say how happy I am that you're helping us with the project.
I'm worried about the economy, of course.
It will be alright.
We must scale down the plans a bit, of course.
William is always so grandiose.
I mean Apartment complex! I'll just take something with the coffee.
I think you have to think big.
A common mistake was to put themselves in the mainstream.
Inger I think it's amazing with that commitment.
But there are many considerations to take.
It is probably good if we pull together and think realistically.
That's how it goes.
What are you doing here? -Why didn't you answer my texts? You talking shit to my girl.
Answer! Hallo! Did you hear what I said? Stop.
-OkayAfterwards -I'm here, and then we'll go.
-Then we go.
You can do it.
-It'll be fine.
You been out of the country before? Alcohol is usually cheaper abroad.
You usually bring alcohol abroad and bring it into Norway, not vice versa.
-Is there any snow down there now? -Yeah.
Yeah, I don't know! She's not so good at skiing, so? -She? Better than you.
-It was I that taught you.
-You taught me Telemark.
-It's harder.
Telemark's corny.
Ase! -You asked Per-Olav to come here? -Yes.
As witness.
-You let him talk to her? -Can you calm down a bit? Ase said you offered her money to give false testimony.
-Erik, he offered you money? -That's not the point.
She says that he never touched her.
Stay away from her.
Come on.
Erik, I don't have time for this.
You never thought that it could someone other than me? I sleep well at nights.
Do you? -She's not answering? -No.
-Let's go there.
He's dangerous.
-No, that'll make it worse.
-Give me the keys.
-Stop! You've done enough damage.
Aksel, come on! PleaseAksel.
-What are you doing? -Don't you see? A mini greenhouse.
-I've made a five-year plan.
-It's my project.
-Hothouse? -Hotel.
-We'll talk with Steinar Lavik? -No, you can't take over.
I try to help.
I gladly join in a corner but when something is completely hopeless You want me backtrack.
But we're trying to accomplish something.
That's why you called him.
-You want me out of the game.
-No! This is about us.
Have you discussed it with Aksel? You're talking to each other.
Do what you want, I am not concerned.
Svein! Come on! I arranged 18 months for you.
Severance package! They accepted it.
-It applies to everyone? -It's different with you.
-How much did the others get? -Three.
-You know how it is.
-No, I don't! I did everything I could.
It was Aksel You knew as long as Aksel, but you didn't have the balls he did.
You're worse than Aksel! And she's a chef also! A man.
The reason you're here.
This isn't Lars' fault.
It's not Lars' fault that we'll lose the house, it's Aksel who He gave me a bad feeling from day one.
-Call Lars and say -No.
I'm just so damn disappointed.
-You lied.
-Come in.
-Coffee? Beer? -No.
Now you can say it.
It's okay.
-I messed up.
-Talk about the photos.
I can't.
Where did you find the photos? At Erik's.
-I don't believe that.
-Remember when you met me? At Erik's.
You stood outside the house.
We were at the end, right? And Erik went over to Mai-Britt.
They were in a box under his bed.
I recognized her right away.
Per-Olva has photos from that time, but these photos were amazingly lightdisgusting.
And? -Did you take them? -I panicked.
I thought about going to the police, but it would also be wrong.
I heard that the case would be reopened.
And I thought it would be unjust if you got the blame for I thought you should choose for your self what you would do with them.
-And Erik? -He said he was in love with her.
But he had to murder to make.
I don't know what to believe.
It's not true.
-But then he brought you to me.
-You didn't know I was there.
This is you.
It's you who's making her say this.
Show him the text message.
He sent it afterwards.
"I took them, but it wasn't me.
I was 14 and didn't understand shit.
" That's nice.
It is William I've thought of something.
Do you remember the skin under Karine's nails, which we thought was the perpetrator's? I can not talk about it right now.
We've made progress now.
We might pick up something from a full DNA profile.
-Would it be incriminating evidence? -No, but it proves that they fought.
I know a company that can look at it.
You know I do not know.
I can give you an answer.
You shouldn't be here.
Helene What is it? -It'sAll.
You don't know what it is.
I like you too much.
I've never felt like this before.
-I don't even know when you're leaving.
-Does it matter? Make up your mind.
Is it Aksel? Sadly.
This won't do.
It won't.
-Been lying there long? -Huh? -Been lying there long? -I don't know.
That's not possible.
I manage not to go around and feel sorry for myself.
-Do something! Why do you do nothing?
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