Geek Girl (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

["Losing My Mind"
by Some Velvet Morning plays]
My mind ♪
It feels like I'm losing my mind ♪
My mind ♪♪
Oh, I see you're travelling
comfort class, chickpea.
I thought I'd have time
to change on the plane.
But did you know if you fly
wearing tight clothes,
you can get deep vein thrombosis?
Oh, okay, yeah, sorry.
[clears throat]
How was the flight?
How do you look so
magnificent, luminous, transcendent?
So uh, rested?
Oh, I can sleep anywhere.
Like in the middle
of an Iman Hotel shoot.
Okay, you try laying in one of their beds
all day and staying conscious.
Wait! Oh my gosh!
Is that Nick Park?
Hi! Um, sorry, could you, um
You can take a picture, could you?
- Uh, sure.
- Thank you!
- [Hariet] Sugar cookies!
- Oh!
Wait, is that Museum girl?
Oh, well, I mean, I only go to museums
like once or twice a month,
it's not actually that much.
Harry Styles!
- Where?
- Grammy album of the year, Harry!
- Oh my gosh.
- Wilbur!
- Is that really Harry Styles?
- No.
I had a great time yesterday.
Yes, it was very pleasant,
thank you so much.
So unnecessarily formal.
So, I guess this is goodbye.
[Harriet] No!
[Richard] Wilbur, my man, quite some trip.
Come on, give me one up high!
- I think your taxi is wait
- Don't leave me hanging,
I know you want There it is!
- Come on.
- Take your child and go.
Thank you!
Wait, does she not know about
the pictures being everywhere?
- Do you think we should tell her?
- Give her a moment
to catch her breath.
She's gonna need it.
[theme music]
[rhythmic music]
Yeah, yeah. No, that event
really is the cherry on top.
Listen, let's get her booked,
and then you and I
can sit down and really hash out
those terms, yeah?
[Wilbur] Good morning, angels!
"Good morning, Wilbur."
Good morning, everybody.
It's glorious.
Oh, you all look divine.
Oh, that offer is an adorable
little starting point,
but um, Harriet is in high demand,
so why don't you get back to me
when you got time
to get a little more meaty, yeah? Yeah.
Ciao, ciao. Ciao.
Ugh. Wilbur!
- Hmm.
- Ah!
This Harriet situation is incroyable.
Telling you, she's gonna be huge.
As will I if
Betty, get these away from me.
Okay, look, look, look, we need
to prep her on the perfume shoot,
because that is a totally
different ball game.
I believe in her.
Well, you believe
in the Easter bunny, darling.
Betty! Betty!
Get me a list of all the stylists
that are working on set
with Poppy and Harriet,
I just want top talent, all right?
- Mmm.
- Okay?
- Sure, yeah.
you just booked them both.
Oh, controversial.
- You're welcome.
- [Wilbur] Hmm!
[Harriet chuckling]
It's always been,
"Hold me closer, Tony Danza".
- That's the lyric.
- It's not even close
- to being the lyrics, Dad.
- [Richard laughing]
[Richard clears throat]
[both] Annabel.
Morning, you two.
So how was modelling
in the Great White North?
The Great White what?
Yeah. I'm not sure I know what
Did you seriously think
I wouldn't find out?
- How did you know I was modelling?
- It's Annabel.
She pretty much knows everything.
Please, just
Before you ground me for a century,
- can I just explain why
- I'm sorry.
Harriet, I was wrong.
You absolutely smashed it out there,
and I'm so proud of you.
- You are?
- Ridiculously.
I underestimated
what you're capable of. I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Now, you must be exhausted.
Why don't you go upstairs
and I'll bring you up a cup of tea?
You're the best!
You really are, you know?
- You really are the best
- Not you.
- Wait, what?
- You, I'm mad at.
How could you lie
and run off like that?
But it turned alright in the end.
You just said it did.
There's supposed to be one
teenager in this house, Richard,
and it's not you.
What the hell were you thinking?
We're supposed to be a team!
- We are, but
- But what, Rich?
It's not my job to parent you too.
I need you to start growing up, or
I don't know.
I literally just don't know.
[upbeat pop music]
[Harriet] How do I break this news
gently to Nat?
I could make her a PowerPoint.
[phone chiming]
Oh my gosh, it was a date.
I went on my first real proper date,
and it was with Nick!
Oh my gosh, it was a date!
I went on a date with Nick!
[screams happily]
Okay, okay, calm down and reply.
"Yes, please. I would like that very"
Too keen, delete.
"I would love nothing more than to"
You are not a Jane Austen heroine.
Keep it chill!
So very chill.
[phone chiming]
[woman on video] On your cheeks.
Brush, brush.
Blend. Blend. Blend.
- Just a light wash.
- Blend.
So am I blending
or am I just smudging?
[woman on video] the hair is dry.
["Bodies" by Lucy Spraggan plays]
I wish I cared a lot less ♪
About my shape and how I dress ♪
No matter who I impress ♪
It will never change my view ♪
If I could only learn to see myself ♪
Hey, Harriet.
Morning. Uh, is Nat ready?
Pretty sure she's left already. Natalie?
Yeah. Sorry, love.
I think she went in early
to prep for her interview.
- You know, for the internship.
- Right.
- Bye, love.
- Bye.
[Harriet] What interview?
This is my house
and these are my rules ♪
Harriet! You look so pretty!
I love your bag! Is it real Yuji Lee?
Hey, Harriet. So, do you know Jiji?
The 1958 film?
I'm familiar with it, why?
- [horn honking]
- Ollie.
Good morning, Harriet. Do I curtsy,
is that how we're meant
to greet a famous person?
Maybe in the court of Henry VIII. Um
What is what is going on?
Harriet, wow!
Look at your hair!
It's so long! Really cute.
[Harriet] "Harriet".
Not "geek" or "Spanners".
Just "Harriet".
It's so brave to
debut a new look. Yes.
Very long, very smooth now. Yeah.
Anyways, Harriet, you need
to introduce me to Nick Park.
I'm sure he's got some
single model friends,
double date vibes? Yeah?
How did she know about Nick?
Seriously, what is going on?
Your big break in Canada?
It's all over the Internet, Harriet.
Everyone knows about
you and Mr. Cheekbones.
I thought you'd be one of them.
If everyone knows,
then that means
- Nat!
- I'm fine. It's fine.
- Is it?
- You lied and you took
the modelling job without telling me,
it's no big deal.
I really did want to tell you, I
You didn't, did you?
That's fine. That's fine.
Nat, I just
I really didn't want to hurt you.
Okay, so you left me
to find out about it
on the Deuxmoi
along with eight billion other people?
There are actually 5.1 billion
people in the world with Internet access,
and I really doubt they've all seen it.
Look, Miss Lord sorted out
this interview for me.
I really have to focus on that right now.
I do not have the time
to argue with you, okay?
Wait are we arguing?
[soft music]
Stop hovering around and bringing me
gift like a sad little stray cat, Richard.
I just want you to know that I'm sorry.
I can see that,
but it doesn't really help.
Did you even read Harriet's modelling
contract before you signed it?
Yes! Kind of.
Skimmed it.
We were in a rush.
Well, now not only is Harriet
trending on the Internet
with the bad boy of fashion,
but she's legally bound
to Infinity and Yuji Lee
for this perfume shoot tomorrow.
There's nothing you can do?
Well, aside from apologize
profusely to the school
so she can have another day off,
no, Richard, there isn't.
This is why you have a lawyer present
before you sign stuff.
Or an actual adult.
I need
- some space
- Oh.
- to think.
- Yeah.
["My Delirium" by Ladyhawke plays]
Late night, waiting by the phone ♪
Tonight waiting for ♪
Light. Great, great, great! Great.
That's it. Back to camera! Nice.
Hold there. Nice. Nice, mate.
Good, good, good, good.
Lean into that shutter.
I have some very difficult
news to share with you all.
But I'm not quite ready yet.
I'm still processing this change,
and while I do,
I am going to be taking
a 12-hour social media cleanse.
Until my return
all that I ask of you
is that you hold me in your thoughts,
send light my way.
[photographer speaking indistinctly]
♪Hey, you're playing
with my delirium ♪
And the longer I wait
the harder I'm gonna fall ♪
Hold that.
[speaking indistinctly]
Great, great. Got it.
Great. Lovely. Great. Eyes, to the light.
Tiny little smile. Got it.
Take a moment.
[Nick] Hey, Wilb?
Where did you and Mark go
on your second date?
Was it romantic?
Very. Mark fell over
in the underground in Shoreditch.
Spent seven hours in A&E,
in East London.
It was immediate love after that.
Okay, I I might try not that.
Well, ah
How did you know Mark
was the right person for you?
That's easy. Mark actually sees me.
Mark saw all the different parts of me.
He saw the fabulous parts,
of which there are many.
He sees the other parts too.
But Mark never tries to change
a single thing about me.
He doesn't want me to be any different.
He loves me for me.
Yeah, yeah. I think I understand.
And my mum and gran
were rooting for him, so that helps.
- [chuckling]
- Yeah
- This car.
- Mmm?
It's pretty impressive, right?
Sato! This wouldn't have anything
to do with Miss Manners, per chance?
- Can I?
- Nicky!
For a few hours!
Oh, the things I do
for my fave supermodels.
You better book five campaigns after this.
[upbeat music]
Can I get a selfie with you?
Uh, uh okay.
[Harriet] I'm now
in an alternate universe.
- A really weird one.
- [camera shutter clicking]
[phone chiming]
Ooh, is that from your boyfriend?
Um, Nick is not my boyfriend.
- It's only our second date, so
- [gasps]
Look at you! Second date! Pressure?
Well, second date
is make or break, isn't it?
But don't worry,
I'm sure you'll do super well.
Do you, uh want any help?
No, I don't need any help, thank you.
[indistinct mumbling]
I said, I think you do.
I'm starting to feel
like one of those dolls
people stick pins in when they're angry.
Fine. Help, don't help, whatever.
Okay Um
Where are the scissors? I
I dunno, maybe they're in my back,
along with the knife.
So you are mad. I knew it.
No. Harriet,
I don't have the time to be mad, okay?
Some of us have other dreams
to pursue now.
Pass me the thread, Harriet.
Do you want to help,
or do you want to just stand there
being super annoying?
I don't think I really want
to stand between two arguing girls
while they're holding sharp objects.
I'm just gonna
- No!
- [Harriet and Nat] We're not arguing!
[Harriet] For a not argument,
this feels a lot like an argument.
Oh, lovely work.
Don't wear yourself out
before your interview tonight.
Katherine from the summer intern program
is expecting you at six, okay?
- Such an exciting opportunity.
- [school bell ringing]
Alright, big day tomorrow.
If you haven't finished
your costumes, be here early
[Harriet] Say something!
You have to fix this.
Why don't I come with you?
I could help. Um, I
Maybe I could be your model.
I don't need a model, Harriet.
The college has already
arranged one for me.
Please, Nat. Look,
I know I messed up really badly, but
just let me do this for you
and I can show you how sorry I am.
Well it would make me
look more professional
if I brought my own model, so
- So you'll let me do it?
- I guess.
I promise I won't let you down, Nat.
I-I will be
I will be the best model ever.
And I will be there at ten to six,
on the dot.
["If You Were Here"
by Thompson Twins plays]
[crowd screaming excitedly]
[Harriet] Just a few Scotch eggs with
the most beautiful boy on the planet.
No big
Okay, massive deal.
The rain water drips
through a crack in the ceiling ♪
[excited screaming]
and i'll have to spend
my time on repair ♪
[Harriet] Not even a little bit.
No way!
[boy] Oh, wow.
Proper Chevy!
It looks like a 59?
Does it have the 265-cubic-inch
small block V8?
My dad used to tell me a lot
about vintage cars, that's all.
[engine starts]
But would you suspect
my emotion wandering, yeah ♪
Do not want a part of this anymore ♪♪
So, how were classes?
What did you study?
Brackets, indices, division.
Multiplication, addition,
and subtraction.
Ah, nice.
[Harriet] Congratulations, Harriet.
You just turned a date
with an actual supermodel
into the world's most boring
maths lesson.
Look, Harriet was it was it the car?
Okay I'm really sorry,
I just thought it was gonna be
this big gesture thing, you know,
and it's just really cringy.
No, no, no, it wasn't the car,
it's, um, um
It's just I
I've never been on a date before.
At least, not one that I knew was a date.
Okay, well then, um
we'll just turn this into a not date.
But is it still a date, though?
Because I do want it to be a date.
Just or a date with a capital D,
you know?
It's just me and you, hanging out,
with the small foods you can eat
without a knife and fork.
So I didn't really know what you liked,
so I kinda bought the whole store.
Um, alright, we have cheese,
crackers, sushi rolls
- [phone chiming]
- Mini quiches
[Harriet] Nothing compared to Poppy.
Maybe the Internet has a valid point.
Sausage rolls
Which I'm only realizing now
need to be cooked.
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music]
So you want her to go
from a Chanel shoot in the morning,
dodge London traffic on what,
a hoverboard,
to make it to Duo Cosmetic
shoot in the afternoon?
I've done crazier things
in my time, sugar.
Ah, yes, the good old days
of street racing and wire fraud.
We need to prioritize, Jude.
Harriet can't do everything.
She is the new It Girl, Wilbur.
We've got to cash in
while she's still a star.
Also make sure she doesn't burn out
like a supernova.
Well then, let's just make her
into a hologram, then.
She wouldn't have to do any work
at all. Would that be better?
- Better than this, yes.
- Just call her.
We need to get these opportunities
firmed up now.
You did not.
No, I did. I just
I got stuck in the revolving doors,
and I just kept going round and round
and round until I fell out on the street.
[soft music]
[Harriet] Make eye contact.
Make eye contact. Make eye contact.
You look really pretty today.
You too.
Oh my gosh, is he moving closer?
And this is really pretty too.
It is, yeah.
[Harriet] Is he going to kiss me?
This is it? My first kiss!
[phone ringing]
It's half five already!
Oh my God. I have I have to go.
I need to leave. Uh, now.
- Right now?
- Yeah, I
I have something really, really important
that I need to go to.
[upbeat music]
[phone chiming]
So, how fast does this thing go?
Don't worry.
This baby's known for its
[engine clicking]
Its completely silent engine?
So is this place within walking distance?
Not unless I'm a cheetah, no.
Just give me one second.
[phone ringing]
- Oh, any luck?
- She hung up on me.
Call her again!
- [phone ringing]
- Is that her?
Tell me, I need to know
her availability ASAP.
Oh, Nicky's calling.
Are you still with Miss Manners?
I can't get through to her,
and Jude is throwing a fit.
Yeah, it's, uh it's the car.
Do not tell me
you've broken that car already.
[indistinct angry chatter]
I will decimate you!
Oh, this cannot be happening.
Um yeah here, take a look.
- [phone chiming]
- [Wilbur] What happens when
you turn the key?
Nothing. It just made
a clicking noise.
[phone chiming]
[Wilbur] Sounds like it might be
the battery. You need to jumpstart it.
Wait, what? Jump what?
[rhythmic music]
What is going on?
[music stops]
Oh, wow.
No, no, no.
It's not finished,
I was gonna come and get you.
What is this?
This was the "room of boom,"
and now it's yours.
It's a quiet place where you can
come and think, chill,
or do yoga, you know, whatever.
We're a team.
And you need this, so
I'm pregnant.
I thought we couldn't.
I thought the doctor said
Well, I am, so
A nursery. Yeah?
We can call it the "room of womb".
- No!
- No? No.
- No!
- [laughing]
We're having a baby.
You know, at this rate,
we'll be able to start our own band.
- Also no.
- Okay.
["Mayhem" by Cassyette plays]
[Wilbur] Connect the other end
of the black negative cable
to the terminal in your car.
And is this the final stage
in this process?
Well, start the other car's engine,
wait a few minutes, then start yours.
- Oh, don't forget to take the cables off.
- [engine starts]
- Oh, is that an engine I hear?
- [Nick] Oh!
It worked! Wilbur, you did it!
Happy to help, sugar.
Uh, Harriet, poppet, would it be okay
to have a conversation
about your availability?
A lot of work has come in for you.
Not time for that, Wilbur.
I've got more important things
to be thinking about.
You call it growing pains ♪
Natalie Grey?
We really need to start now.
We're locked in a comedown ♪
Why can't you calm down ♪
Are you okay?
This is completely my fault,
I mean This was a mistake.
I shouldn't have come to this picnic.
I should've prioritized her.
I should've planned better.
- Right.
- Can we please just go?
[engine revving]
- Nat!
- You're too late.
Nat, I-I please.
No, you promised me.
I just I lost track of time,
and then the car broke down
- and Nick was trying really hard
- A boy.
You chose a boy over our friendship?
I gave you a chance
even after everything, and you blew it.
Gosh, you are being
so unbelievably selfish.
Are we arguing now?
Yes, Harriet. We are absolutely
arguing right now.
- But I
- No, Harriet. Leave me alone.
For how long?
[phone ringing]
♪It feels like mayhem ♪♪
[theme music]
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