Get Even (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Get Out of Hand

I watch you and your friends ♪
You stick out so sorely girl ♪
Did you grow up a poorly girl? ♪
Girls who don't go out and play ♪
Are you at your wits' end? ♪
I can't believe we're going back to
school on a Friday to clean up.
I guess I'm just bad
at saying no to people.
You're such a loser.
I'm going to drop you off
and then I'm going shopping.
Thank you.
She lives! She breathes! ♪
She's beautifully unconventional ♪
She seems to be ♪
From the best place in the world ♪
Must be the best place in the world. ♪
You're late.
I went to Am's to go and get changed.
Into that? For clearing rubbish?
What? It's cute!
Sure. Accessorise it with a broom.
Mika said Ronny had secrets
you wouldn't believe.
I can believe it.
We only saw
half of Ronny's hard drive.
What if Mika saw the rest?
This is what Misra meant about
the search warrant for my house.
She thinks that I have
Ronny's laptop
but Rex was in the house
the same time I was.
So, what if Rex stole the laptop
to make sure Ronny couldn't send out
any more pictures of Mika?
Yeah. Rex and Mika have the laptop!
Mika could have easily accessed
any of Ronny's dirty secrets.
I don't get why the police didn't
act on our tip and call Rex in!
Rich families have the best lawyers.
Can confirm.
Oh, I would go see Mika
but I have fencing practice
It's a big match tomorrow.
Well, I can do it.
I mean, are you sure
that's your department?
It's not just hair flicking.
Well, it's partly hair flicking.
Look. I can just go to Rex's,
pretend I'm looking for Amber,
find the laptop
and copy the rest of the hard drive.
Don't pull those faces at me.
I can do this.
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
Hey. Is Amber here?
Er No. Shopping.
Do you mind if I come in and wait?
Justcan't walk any further
in these shoes!
Is Mika home?
And OK after her mic drop
at the tribute?
Er, no. No, she's not back
from school yet
but she seemed fine this morning.
You know
Ah, well, don't let me stop you
doing whatever you're doing.
I'm not doing anything.
Just going to hang out by the pool.
-Do you want to hang out by the pool?
I'll just, er, get a glass of water,
or something.
You know. Got to stay hydrated!
Yeah. There's stuff in the fridge.
Whoa. You have five different
kinds of water!
Cos, you know, at my house
we only drink melted glacier ice.
Yay, climate change!
Um, I have a new inflatable.
Floats like a dream.
Bathroom's up here, right?
Um, yeah.
But there's one downstairs as well.
Yeah, yeah, but this one's nicer.
Remember to watch your footwork.
Yep, and focus on my balestras.
And don't push yourself too hard, though.
Keep some in the tank for tomorrow.
I will.
Actually, I feel like I've got this.
Fencing champion is a good look
for scholar, right?
Sure is.
Hi, Rex. I'm exhausted.
Babe, take my bags. I'm thirsty.
Er Olivia's here.
Finished early,
so I came to find you.
What's taking so long?
Trust me. We are worth the wait.
Hey, Mum. What's up?
This is so nice.
Yes. Yes.
How does it look?
I love it.
My, um My parents need me.
I'll be back.
Guess it's just you and me.
Bree, Bree, you're so lovely ♪
A girl I know's too good for me ♪
I don't believe in fantasy ♪
But, Bree ♪
-You and me, it's meant to be ♪
Oh, do you know? ♪
You wrote me a song?
I always ask girls out
through the medium of song.
That's cool, I guess.
Want to make out now?
Not yet.
Song hasn't finished.
What class are you in?
Oh, Bree, Bree ♪
You and me, it's meant to be ♪
Bree ♪
Thanks again for this.
Couldn't pick between the two
so I bought them both.
I gave you the less cute one.
Oh, how thoughtful of you.
Annoyingly, it still looks great.
Well, I can only apologise.
So, since the period
of official Ronny mourning is over
Stop it!
..and you and Donte and done-te
..I think it's time we find you
a new boyfriend.
Is it, though?
There must be someone you like?
You just want me to stop being
a third wheel for you and Rex.
You see right through me.
Hey, Rex.
Yeah, of course.
I'll I'll be here.
Is everything OK?
What's wrong?
Mika's dead.
No. How?
She fell the reservoir. Drowned.
But we were just with her!
I have to go.
I told Rex I'd be here and I can't.
What do I say to him?
What do I say to his parents?
-I don't know.
-"Sorry for your loss,
"she lives on in our hearts"?
I can't.
You can do this!
You're the strongest person I know.
..I can't imagine what Rex
must be feeling right now.
But if I was going through
something terrible
..I'd want you by my side.
Go. Before they come.
I can stay.
No. Cos if I look at you, I'll cry.
Just go. I'll be strong.
Kitty don't have to go.
Please! Don't. I'm OK.
Thank you for letting me stay.
Now, you listen to me,
Bree Deringer.
There was no way I was letting you
be alone last night.
I wasn't technically alone.
Shane doesn't count.
You need to be with people
who know you.
No matter how tough
you think you are
Thanks, Mrs B.
Yes, please!
It's important to eat
at a time like this.
Especially at a time like this.
Now, dig in before I have to leave
to go to school.
It's Saturday.
I said I'd open the gates.
There's a big fencing competition on.
Since when do you know
about sporting events?
I like to know what I'm avoiding
at school.
What's the opposite to fencing?
Ernot fencing?
Let's do that.
This is taking forever.
You know you were supposed to
only copy the hard drive, right?
Well, yes.
But then Amber just showed up
and I just panicked and
You know, then we
Then we heard about Mika.
One time in the library,
she had this pen,
with a little T-Rex on the end.
Out of nowhere, she pointed it at me
and went, "Rarr!"
And she laughed,
like it was the best thing ever.
Yeah. I remember that pen.
It's mine. Amber.
I'll just let it ring out.
I don't want her asking where I am.
Hoping it was Logan?
Is it that obvious?
Yeah. Kind of.
I'm the worst.
Mika's gone and yet all
I keep thinking is,
"Why hasn't Logan texted me?"
..feelings don't just go on hold.
No matter what else is going on.
I wish they would.
Have you tried texting him?
He might be sat by his phone
checking it every five seconds too.
I'm all for gender equality,
but the only thing worse
than waiting for him to text
would be waiting for him to text back.
Mine again.
I should really get going.
That's fine.
Ronny had, like, a billion files.
None of them labelled,
so it'll take me a while
to get through them.
OK. Wellgood luck?
Oh, it's not difficult. Just long.
I-I wasn't talking about the files.
New objective. Find you a girlfriend.
What are you looking for?
I don't know.
Just, like, aperson.
-You need to narrow that down.
-Well, I don't know what I like.
Yes, you do.
You need to try harder. Dig deep.
OK. Um Someone who's themselves.
Um Doesn't care what anyone thinks.
Smart but still into schlocky films.
That's too narrow.
But I will find you
your Princess Not-So-Charming.
Probably easier than I'll find a waiter.
Let me grab us some menus.
My post about Mika got 67 likes.
Save us seats.
We'll catch you guys later.
Hey. Sorry I missed your phone call.
I was running late, as usual.
Guess everyone really
just wanted to together.
Are you OK?
I'm fine.
What's with this school?
Does someone have
a stack of headshots ready
-for whenever a student dies?
-Yeah, but
..Mika is a light that will never go out.
I didn't expect you today.
You know you don't have to be here, right?
I know. But I am.
You're sure?
I'm sure.
It's fine.
Call me back. Please.
Can we not sit right next to Donte?
It's awkward.
Donte! Over here.
Thank you all for coming
at this difficult time.
Before we begin, please
..join me in a minute's silence honour the Bannerman students
who've been taken from us
far too soon.
Empty heavy eyes ♪
I drift away to my heaven ♪
Whatever waits inside ♪
I'm just a ghost
you think you know ♪
Was there something
that you wanted to say? ♪
Goodbye ♪
My time has come ♪
My head is falling off ♪
I can kill you all ♪
And finally be alone ♪
Have I done something?
I don't know. Have you?
What's wrong with you?
You mean, apart from
my boyfriend's sister dying?
And if I'm never forgiven ♪
En garde.
I needed you this morning
and you weren't there.
No, Amber.
I'm not going to sit around here
whilst you make this all about you.
I guess the dark
turned off the light ♪
Was there something
that you wanted to say? ♪
Goodbye ♪
My time has come ♪
My head is falling off ♪
I can kill you all ♪
And finally be alone ♪
Destroyer, destroyer ♪
Halt! Halt!
Miss Wei, you're disqualified.
What happened in there?
My head is falling off ♪
I can kill you all ♪
You're upset about Mika.
And finally be alone ♪
Your head's not right
and neither is mine.
I am alone, I am alone ♪
Destroyer, destroyer. ♪
Olivia, don't walk away from me.
-What do you want, Amber?
-I want you.
I want you to not disappear
every time I need you the most.
It was one missed phone call.
It's not about that.
It's just
Mika's dead and Rex is in bits
and that's not our thing.
I just wanted to be with someone
that might understand.
You didn't call.
You didn't even pick up the phone.
I'm sorry.
I just thought, after we talked
You talked.
"Amber, you're so strong."
It's what everyone says.
You're supposed to know better.
You're supposed to know me.
After everything I've done for you.
I never asked you for anything.
You never asked for my help
when you came in here
looking like an off-brand Cinderella?
Lying to everyone
about your tiny apartment.
With your single mum.
No money, no dad, no class.
You're nothing without me.
You've never worn anything
I haven't given you
and you've never been anywhere
I haven't taken you.
Even now
..those are my shoes.
This is the spot
where straight A student
Mika Kavanagh was found.
Initially considered an accident,
now police have launched
a second murder investigation linked
to Bannerman independent school.
Let me guess. Amber made you late?
No. I made me late.
Wait, where's Kitty?
Don't think she's coming.
So, do you think what happened to Mika
is linked with Ronny?
Maybe. It's hardly like Rex
is a suspect now.
But tell her what you told me.
Mika was right about Ronny.
He'd been catfishing Christopher
with a fake identity,
messing with him for weeks.
"I love you, Chris.
"I wish we could meet for real
but we can't yet."
He told Ronny everything.
Every secret. Every thought.
Look. "I cried myself to sleep
last night thinking about you."
It's like reading someone's diary.
Bannerman favourite.
And it gets worse.
Ronny started asking him for photos.
OK. So So what was Ronny going to do?
Blackmail him or just humiliate him?
Whatever it was, Christopher made sure
he never had the chance.
OK, so he had motive for killing Ronny.
But not Mika.
Maybe she knew too much.
Either way, you need to get
as much intel
on Christopher off Logan as you can.
Those two are tight.
What if? What if something's
happened to him too?
No! You stay being a tech geek.
We don't need a paranoid
conspiracy theorist.
Not everyone is being murdered.
Just text him!
He's messaged me!
"Have I waited long enough for it
not to be creepy to text you?
"I had a great time the other night."
OK, so, "Me too.
Want to meet later?"
He says, he can't meet
because he's out all day
..with Christopher.
You should've got a better bed
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red, you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red, dead sea
Promise it to me
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people with
big bellies banging bigger drums ♪
♪They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut eye. ♪
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