Ghost Force (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Mastaar / Arakgum

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
I need to find
Huh? Hey!
- Hey, come on! Start!
- We want it now!
OMG. Why is this taking forever?
- BOTH: Boo!
- We want the show! Guys!
Ha! Sounds like the crowd's
ready to "rock" as the kids say.
- Ha, ha! You're on!
- Yes!
Wait. What?
Drake was supposed to be first.
My guitar's outta tune.
No idea why.
This is our ticket to stardom,
And, this time, no superhero
masks to hide who we are!
I'm only playing for Charlie.
- Hurry up!
- Hop, hop!
Your fans can't wait.
Let's kick out the jams,
New York!
(Nervous sounds)
Liv, that's your cue!
- (Hits wrong notes)
- No!
- Lame.
- Heh, heh!
Just a little pre-show tuning.
So, as I was, er, saying,
are you ready to rock?
- It's no big, just breathe!
- I got this.
Except for the shaking hands,
which are real annoying.
(Terrible noise, twice)
Wow, her music's even lousier
than her personality.
- Boo!
- Come on!
So, uh
you guys like stand-up?
- Oh! Did they finish already?
- Humph! Basic Bakers.
- I found this!
- Are you kidding me?
That's all
that was left backstage!
(Sighs) Well, I can't be any
lousier than those Boo-Bozos.
Ha, ha!
BOYS: Mastaar!
So why'd the kid end up in jail
for not taking his nap?
For resisting a rest!
Get it? Arrest?
- Aaah!
- Aw, come on,
it's not that bad.
Mastaar! Mastaar! Mastaar!
Liv! Liv! Wait!
I don't get it, I couldn't
even play a single riff.
It's like my fingers
were sausages.
It's just stage fright,
that's all.
I've never had that before!
You've never played
in front of a big audience.
Just play
like no one's watching,
and you'll blow 'em away.
Liv, Mike, insert
these ghost-buds into your ears.
- What? Why?
- Miss Jones' orders.
Mastaar! Mastaar! Mastaar!
(Ghost laughs)
(Deeper laugh)
- Andy!
- Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Aw, man, you rock!
Yeah! Good timing, huh?
You'd already be
under Mastaar's spell
without my ghost-buds!
This ghost
is a level-7 mesmeriser.
The more fans it mesmerizes
with its screeching I mean,
the more powerful it becomes.
So let's can the music,
shall we?
- OK, but how?
- Um, no idea.
I mean, I did catch one once,
but I don't know what it can do
in booster mode.
So, good luck!
Well, that was helpful.
- (Guitar)
- (Gasps)
Mastaar! Mastaar!
(Evil laugh)
We gotta find Andy!
Considering Andy's proximity
to the ghost,
the probability that he was
mesmerised is 95.3%.
But still not a 100!
You guys handle the ghost,
I'll go check on my bro.
We must stop it playing
before it gets too strong!
let us end this noise pollution.
Eyes up!
Oh, great! That's all we need!
- (Evil laugh)
- Fractal Power!
- Hurry, Glowboo!
- Affirmative.
- Mastaar!
- Hands off our hero!
Oh, no!
Even when he's not playing,
people are still
under its spell!
- No!
- Mastaar! Mastaar!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
(Evil laugh)
Mastaar! Mastaar! Mastaar!
- Mastaar! Mastaar!
- Andy!
(Chanting continues)
Andy, quick, put these in,
we gotta
Mastaar! Mastaar!
- Oh, no!
- Mastaar! Mastaar!
Don't worry, bro,
I'll snap you out of it somehow.
Oh, no!
Did you find Andy?
Glowboo was right. Mastaar
turned him into a total fanboy.
This just got personal.
We tried stopping its big solo,
but it's too strong.
The louder it plays, the more
people it mesmerises with music.
That's it! The ghost gets
its power from its audience.
So what if we play even louder
and better than Mastaar?
You mean, steal his audience!
Only you can do it!
Krush! Oh, no!
- Miss Jones? Do you read me?
- Clear as day, kiddo.
You wouldn't have a
spectral-sound amplifier handy?
I'm sure I can dig something up!
Initiating transfer!
Oh! I was hoping
for something a little bigger.
Nnn-nnn. Don't judge
an amplifier by its cover.
Trust me, that thing is da bomb!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
OK, time for Booshow!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
- Huh? What?
- Andy!
- Myst?
- Mastaar! Mastaar!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
Mastaar! Mastaar!
Myst! Myst! Myst! Myst!
Myst! Myst! Myst! Myst!
And that's how it's done!
Yeah, Myst!
Myst! Myst! Myst! Myst!
Nice work, kids! And who
knew you were such a rock star?
I'm good on the triangle. Hey,
we should go on tour one day!
You mean when I'm not busy
saving New York?
- Boo-ya!
- Boo-ya!
I wholeheartedly concur.
- (Laughter)
- (Cheering)
Shame that ghost
stole my thunder.
It was lamer than Liv!
Hello, New York!
After some minor
spectral difficulties,
the Boo Fighters are back!
- So who's ready to rock?
- (Cheering)
(Muttering to himself)
- Woof!
- Ah, there!
- Everything's ready for class.
- Woof! Woof!
The students are going to love
today's workshop, eh, Asta?
Today's subject is one
I've wanted to cover for ages.
- Spiders are fascinating
- Coochie-coochie-coo!
..would love a pet spider,
but Asta strongly disagrees.
They trap their prey
in ultra-strong silk webs.
Some species
even collect several prey,
before devouring them.
- Let's get more
- Aaah!
..hands on!
Er, excuse me.
Gotta go to the restroom.
It's kinda urgent.
(Door slams)
Me too. Must be a stomach bug.
(Murmurs of anxiety)
- What's up, dude?
- Aaah!
I just needed some air.
I can think of better places
than bathrooms for air quality.
(Nervous laugh)
So, if you're all good,
can we go back to class?
Uh I mean, sure!
Those textbooks
will help you and your partner
identify the species
of the spider in your vivariums.
- I'll go find ours.
- Wait. I'll go!
- No, no, I'll go!
- I insist!
Just let me go already!
- Huh?
- (Gasps)
- Ha!
- (Screaming)
- A ghost!
- I'm so scared!
Let's go, it's not safe in here!
Mike! Mike!
- Andy!
- It's cool, we'll save him.
Everyone OK?
I was baking a cheesecake
when I detected
ghost activity at your school.
It's beetroot flavoured.
The cheesecake, not the ghost.
That would be weird.
The ghost is called Arak.
- A level fiver resembling
- A spider! Yeah, we know.
Oh, so you saw it then?
Beware, this ghost collects its
prey according to their colours.
It's already merged with
a wad of gum and captured Andy!
(Gasps) Captured?
It's dragging Andy towards
the Empire State Building!
- Let's move!
- I'll send Glowboo,
after I've recharged him.
Baking eats up
a lot of his battery.
- Let's go, Ghost Force!
- Wait.
Shouldn't we come up
with a plan
- before we jump in and fight?
- There's no time.
- Andy needs us!
- Right, but it's just that
this ghost
has you way off your game.
It's just like any other ghost.
And we're the Ghost Force.
I've always got, er game.
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
They should be right here.
(Low growl)
Ha, ha!
See? You are off your game.
Does this have
anything to do with spiders?
What? No! More like we can't go
into battle without Fury, right?
Ew, this is almost
as gross as Andy's room.
Arak's clearly
got a thing for yellow.
And I'd steer clear of the webs.
Honestly! This is
even worse than that time
- I got gum stuck in my hair!
- I know, right?
How tragic. Stay put.
We'll be back to help ASAP!
It's not like
we're going anywhere!
At least we have a nice view,
and snacks!
I'm living the dream.
Took you long enough!
I was starting to get a cramp.
Dude, I'm so sorry!
This is all my fault!
- I should've
- Don't sweat it.
Let me out
and tell me what's bugging ya.
Ready for action!
Boo! (Evil laugh)
Nice. Way to keep things
on the DL, Glowboo.
Thank you, but Glowboo does
not compute. Please define DL.
Oh, no!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
It's OK, Krush.
You free Andy and Glowboo
while I handle the ghost.
Spectral Gate!
Ha, ha!
What's up? You've been
acting weird since this morning.
Have not! You think it's easy
getting you unstuck?
No, but I'm sure
you'll figure it out.
Chewing gum can't stop
a smartie-genius like you!
(Gasps) That's it! Chewing gum!
Yeah, we've established that.
Maybe you're not
so smart after all.
Don't you get it?
All we gotta do
is create an endothermic
reaction to freeze the gum!
- Yeah!
- Guys! A little help here?
All right! Time for a Boo fight!
So many legs!
Krush, use your powers
to neutralise its attacks!
It's our only chance!
- Ha, ha!
- MYST: Krush!
I can't!
Aw, man, not again!
Aaah! (Thud)
Krush, we really need you
to get over your arachnophobia!
Wait. What? So that's why
he's been acting so weird?
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
(Anxious squeals)
- Krush! Pull yourself together!
- I can't, Miss Jones.
I'm sorry.
I'm not cut out for this.
- I'm scared.
- I know the feeling.
I'm always scared when you guys
go out in the field.
Listen, Mike, being a superhero
doesn't make you fearless.
You just gotta
forget your fears.
- Ho, ho! Yeah! Nice!
- Yeah!
You can do this!
Thank you, bro!
ALL: Boo-ya!
Miss Jones? I think Glowboo's
gonna need another update.
Are you sure
you want to do this?
Sure. I mean,
now I overcame my fear, so
She moved her legs!
Professor, excuse me!
Can I use the restroom?
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