Goedam (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


Hurry, Ji-ho.
-Are you okay?
-What happened?
Did you fall?
Who did that to you?
Did the doorsill trip you?
I'll punish it.
Bad doorsill! Bad!
Feel better now?
-No more owie? Let's go.
-Be careful.
-Let's go.
-Off to see your grandma.
-Let's go.
-Have a good time with your mom.
You'd be so happy without me!
I'll feel lonely without you and Ji-ho.
You always say the right things.
Don't take the paper talisman
off the bedroom wall.
A boy and a cop went missing
from our neighborhood.
Everyone is fussing about it.
Don't remove it. It will bring bad luck.
Who believes in talismans these days?
Okay. I won't remove it.
Have a good time. Listen to your grandma.
Bye, Dad.
What's this?
Is this hair?
What was that?
Who hangs talismans these days?
You are the scarier thing. You know?
Oh, man. So sleepy.
What was that?
What's this?
What's that?
Don't kill me.
Please. Don't.
Subtitle translation by Yoona Moon
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