Gogol (2019) s01e07 Episode Script


Previously on GOGOL
The horseman turned out
to save you or something.
Yes, it's true.
These marks were found
on seven houses.
These girls have been chosen
as the horseman's victims.
Sniffing around, are you?
Don't you want to come inside?
- I have to run.
- Run along, my little witch.
Mr. Gogol, are you sure
that you did not imagine this killer?
What are you implying?
The horseman
marked not seven, but eight girls.
Perhaps he is right,
and I am indeed safe here?
I need Gogol, and I need him alive.
I need your help.
I must complete the rite.
He's not breathing.
Devised by
Screenplay by
Directed by
What grieves you, Papa?
Remember this, Vasilina:
only what I tell you
is the truth.
Mr. Gogol was a godly man.
He had a great soul.
And should anyone have
a bad word to say about him,
ignore them.
Don't believe it.
Why are you talking about Mr. Gogol
as if he were dead?
He isn't dead.
You're right, my girl.
His soul is eternal.
He will live on in our hearts forever.
God rest his soul.
You're wrong!
He isn't dead!
So, did you find a place?
- I did.
- Splendid.
We'll carry out the funeral rites
tomorrow at dawn.
- Is there something else?
- Yes sir,
only please don't thrash me
for this, Mr. Binkh.
I just can't understand
why you have decided
to bury Mr. Investigator secretly.
Is he now a criminal,
to be buried like a dog, in the wild?
Then allow me to explain.
Those who died at the farm
shall be buried tomorrow.
They died
because of Mr. Investigator.
If we bury him
at the same time as them,
all hell will break loose
civil unrest,
or God forbid, a revolt.
And who wants that, I ask you?
But, why did you conclude
that the girls died at the farm
because of Mr. Gogol?
Well, who suggested they be taken
to that damned farm?
He suggested it
but you gave the orders.
Never mind.
I hope the doctor
has dissected the body.
I need the exact cause of death
for my report.
Mr. Binkh,
the doctor is refusing
to cut him open.
What do you mean "refusing"?
This is sabotage!
Why are you not dissecting?
I'm completely
unfit to, at the moment.
I can't carry out the dissection
in this state.
I'm afraid I'd
diagnose inaccurately.
You're in a perfectly fine state.
Drunkenness never stopped you before.
- Stop fooling around.
- I will not.
Are you mad?
You are disobeying a direct order.
I don't care.
Doctor Bomgart,
pull yourself together.
What is the matter with you?
He was my only friend.
I do not intend
to dig around inside him.
You are simply heartless.
Mr. Binkh, this is outrageous!
Your people will not allow
my master a funeral.
Splendid. No dissection,
a grand funeral
- What?
- Nothing. Where do you want it?
The church, of course.
I've arranged with
We mustn't attract attention.
Good God, this is almost sinful!
The funeral cannot be held
in the mortuary.
This is all very unchristian,
Mr. Binkh.
You keep out of it.
the priest can recite prayers
in the graveyard. That's all.
I see you hold a grudge
against my master.
One mustn't
be at war with the dead.
You are a godless man, sir.
How wonderful.
I am heartless, godless, and to blame
for the death of the girls.
Perhaps I'll be
struck by lightning next.
Where are you, my beloved falcon?
Rise and come to me!
Perhaps I do not cry bitterly enough,
to warm and awaken your soul.
Why are you neither
among the living nor the dead?
Where are you?
How can I find you?
A loving heart will hear all,
and will find you.
We shall be forever inseparable.
Have mercy on me, oh God,
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Give rest, oh Lord, to the soul
of Your late servant, Nikolai.
If he has sinned in his life
Oh God, who loves mankind,
forgive him and have mercy.
Spare him eternal torment.
Grant God's Kingdom to
We must hurry, the others
shall soon be brought here.
do something good.
I would like
to say a few final words.
Mr. Gogol was a man
of extraordinary mind.
- He was a man
- No time for speeches.
Lower the coffin.
Wicked souls!
You've made the coffin
of rotten wood.
- I'll rip your hands off
- We had to make lots, quickly.
The others are made of fresh wood.
This is enough for that monster.
Come on, hurry,
or we'll be here till Christmas.
Lower it.
Finish the job.
Stop! Why are you
burying him alive?
Little one
He isn't dead!
He's alive!
What does this mean?
I'm dead?
Forgive me, son.
For what?
For all the wrong I did you.
I am to blame.
What for, Father?
I don't understand.
I shouldn't have.
I shouldn't
It will take your father
an eternity to redeem himself.
He will never redeem himself!
It is not easy for him in the afterlife.
His soul is burning
in the flames
burning in the flames of Hell.
And while he burns,
you shall live.
You shall live
dark one!
1809 - 1829
Thank God that's done.
Forgive me, sir.
I couldn't protect you.
It should be an old fool like me
lying in this damp earth.
Holy Mother of God.
Lisa, don't!
Lisa, please,
you are in my way.
No, we don't need
any more compresses.
He can't have solid food,
make some porridge.
Yes, ma'am, at once.
How do you feel?
much better
thank you.
It's a true miracle
that you are alive.
Gentlemen, I do not wish
to disappoint you,
but there is
nothing miraculous about it.
It was simply a two-day lethargy.
- A lethargy?
- Correct.
A deep sleep, known to science,
often mistaken for death.
In fact, there was
a similar occurrence in 1785,
in Toulouse.
The Marquis de Messey
fell into a three-day lethargy,
waking up, believe it or not,
in the coffin at his own funeral.
His family were rather astonished.
One of them even passed away.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
I must go.
Yakim, don't let them
bother him, you hear?
Do not worry.
- The porridge is nearly ready, ma'am.
- What?
Ah, yes.
Thank you, Christina.
You look very pale.
Has something bad happened?
No, everything is fine.
My girl
tell me the truth.
How did you know?
About what, Papa?
That he was alive.
I just knew.
Gentlemen, I am most delighted
that it has all turned out so well.
- Get well soon.
- Thank you.
- Doctor
- Yes?
In your opinion,
can Mr. Gogol get up and move?
Well, overall
but I would advise complete rest.
I'm perfectly healthy.
fetch the two Cossacks.
Fetch the two Cossacks.
Yes sir, consider it done.
Get up and get dressed.
You are under arrest, Mr. Gogol.
Or how should I address you?
Mr. Horseman?
But what are you doing?
May a runaway cart knock you down!
This is madness,
putting an honest man on trial!
Move, lest I forget you're important,
and force you aside.
- Is that him?
- Yes.
He's a damned beast.
Do not be angry, Mr. Gogol.
I'm just doing my duty.
Leave my master alone,
you wretched lot.
- What got into you?
- Lock him away!
Yes, lock me away.
I will not leave my master.
What is going on here, Mr. Binkh?
How did you conclude
I am the horseman?
The investigation will show you're
the horseman, or his accomplice.
But if you need an explanation,
it would be my pleasure.
The fact that
every single one of the girls
we sent to the farm, at your suggestion,
all died along with the guards,
seems to be a sufficient answer, no?
They died?
What do you mean?
You're astonishingly good at pretending,
and feigning your ignorance.
A child could see
that you are involved in their deaths.
Only you, I, and the dead Cossacks
knew the girls would be at the farm.
And only you had a connection
with the horseman.
How else would he have known
where they were?
We are sending the village girls
to an abandoned farm near Dikanka,
- your wife should go too.
- I take a different view.
The count also knew.
Look, Mr. Binkh, I was just trying
to persuade Count Danishevsky
to send Lisa to the farm
with the rest of the girls.
You must detain him at once!
What kind of person are you?
Not a trace of conscience.
You blame him,
because you have your eye on his wife.
That has nothing to do with this.
You are making a big mistake.
I made a big mistake
when I chose to trust you.
Mr. Binkh, listen to me!
Count Danishevsky is the horseman!
He has murdered seven girls
and his last victim will be Lisa!
He will kill her!
Are we sad, water nymph?
Can you see me?
Well, I'm not blind.
But it's my choice
when people get to see me.
When people get to.
Don't be frightened,
I have a task for you.
I would like to offer you a deal.
I understand Mr. Gogol
does not return your love?
A nice young man, but he's been getting
in my way a little too much lately.
And I would hate to have to
kill him.
But you could save his life
and conquer his heart
How could I?
He is alive and I am dead.
I can bring you
back to life.
I can bring you back,
so that Gogol
falls in love with you,
and then leaves this place, forever.
It seems too good to be true.
Of course,
everything has its price.
Whoever chooses
to undergo the ritual of resurrection,
will indeed come to life,
and live like all others.
And when they die,
they will go straight to Hell
having lived their whole life
with the one they love.
Surely that's worth it?
And if
Gogol won't fall for me?
He loves your wife,
just as she does him.
Don't worry about Lisa,
she will not get in your way again.
Never again.
Well, then?
I'll do it.
Forgive me, Mr. Binkh,
but I cannot follow
your line of thinking by any means.
You've arrested Mr. Gogol.
But why?
Because Mr. Gogol
is a clever impostor
and a cunning killer.
Wait, you think that Mr. Gogol
is in fact the murderous warlock?
No, he's no warlock.
The lethargy incident has convinced me
that he has mastered magic trickery.
Like the tricks of circus folk,
the crowd-pleasers at a fair.
But the first girls were killed
before Mr. Gogol arrived.
- Isn't that so?
- How do we know where he'd been
before he graced us
with his presence?
But we do know.
He and Mr. Guro visited
Unfortunately, Mr. Guro is dead.
And therefore, I fear that he won't
shed any light on this incident.
Burn in hell, you sons of bitches!
Let us out, we're innocent!
shouting won't get you anywhere.
How can you stay so calm, sir?
There could be a miscarriage of justice,
it's always happening here.
Then they'll sentence,
or God forbid, hang you.
Think you can come back to life
a third time?
A third time?
Oh, you just misheard, sir.
No, I didn't.
You said "a third time".
What are you hiding from me?
Is it to do with my childhood?
With my birth?
You were chosen, not just born.
You shall live, dark one.
Forgive me, son.
Yakim, tell me the truth!
As you wish, sir.
I could scream bloody murder,
and you'd still insist.
I suppose you know
that your two older brothers
were born dead?
When your mother
became pregnant the third time,
your father was terribly worried
that you'd be born dead, too.
Around that time, a certain gentleman
appeared in our neighborhood.
Your father started
to do business with him.
This gentleman had
a very strange outward appearance.
In what way?
He had
I don't really know how to put it.
He didn't have a nose.
It was as if it had
simply fled his face.
No nose
When the time came
for you to be born,
and the midwife took you
from your mother's womb
you were
He's not breathing.
Even now, my blood freezes
at the recollection.
He stank as if he had come
from some damp, hellish cave.
You shall live, dark one!
That's what he said?
"You shall live, dark one!"
Exactly what he said.
Why haven't I heard this before?
Your father
forbade us to speak of it, saying:
"You must immediately forget
what you have just seen."
And this
- did he come back again?
- No, he didn't.
O Lord, protect me and save me.
That damned monster!
How come he never once let slip?
Even when drunk, he only ever
talked about finding the murderer,
and turns out - it's him?!
I just don't get it.
What's the easiest way
to mislead a hunt?
By leading it yourself.
The beast disguises itself
as it hunts its victims,
just as this murderer masquerades
as an officer of the law.
The more I think about it,
the more I have no idea what's going on.
There's still one thing
that doesn't make sense, Mr. Binkh.
How could Mr. Investigator
kill the girls at the farm,
if he was in the church
at the same time?
I was appointed by the Tsar
to bring about order here,
and I led seven girls
to the slaughter.
He's either the horseman, or his
accomplice. There's no other option.
- I see.
- defeat this evil, Cossack brothers!
- Vengeance!
- Now what's going on?
Just what we needed.
- How many guards do we have left?
- Two.
Let's go.
So, it looks like a revolt.
If they don't go quietly,
it'll end in shots.
There won't be any shooting.
- They all have lots of children.
- Right, then.
All of you,
go back to your homes.
- Not without that beast!
- That's right!
There is no beast here.
- Lies, brothers!
- Aye, lies!
I couldn't believe my eyes,
when they arrested
that murderous warlock!
There is no warlock here!
The detainee
will not be handed over.
He is under the protection
of the Russian Empire,
and will stand before a judge.
And we know what kind of judge!
- Vengeance for our girls!
- Hand him over, we're not leaving!
We'll burn this shack down!
Right, who said that?
Want a revolt, do we?
I'll send you off to Siberia!
Hand him over,
or we'll take him ourselves!
Mr. Binkh!
Woe is upon us!
The Cossacks are revolting!
They'll kill Mr. Gogol.
And the authorities?
They no longer exist.
Let my master go!
He's innocent!
Shut up, you turkey,
or we'll roast you too!
What are you doing?
You'll all be exiled to
Right then, Christian brothers,
- shall we burn this demon?
- Burn him!
Burn him!
Good riddance!
Burn! Burn!
What are you doing, you monsters?!
Go on, burn!
The rain will extinguish the fire!
What'll we do, Cossacks?
- By the neck!
- Hang him!
Let's do this!
Bring the rope!
- What's wrong with her?
- She's fine, Vakula, just unconscious.
Lift it up!
This is it, evil wretch!
Go to hell!
Stop this lynching at once.
Mr. Guro!
Let's do the greeting part later,
Mr. Gogol.
Gentlemen, I ask
that you all remain calm
and abstain from any actions
that you may regret later.
I have fired only one bullet,
and ten remain
in this wonderful weapon.
It takes 3 seconds to reload.
Should you ignore my request,
mark my words - ten of you
will find yourselves in the graveyard.
The rest of you,
as Mr. Binkh justly noted,
will be sent to Siberia as rebels.
And this is my request
Get out of here, you morons!
Well, then
Greetings, Mr. Gogol!
Tell me the truth,
did you miss me?
But how did you survive
the incident in Hanna's house?
One thing was bothering me:
that we had let something slip by us.
I went to Hanna's house
to find new evidence.
And there I came upon the horseman.
I entered into a fight with him.
Mr. Guro!
I was wounded, but alive.
And when the fire started,
the horseman vanished.
And then I had an idea:
since he obviously thinks I am dead,
I now have a chance to lie low and
observe from a new angle, as it were.
Mr. Gogol, I was touched
when you sent a coach
back to St. Petersburg
with my belongings.
But I stopped it half way there
and issued an order
to appoint you the investigator.
So you've been here
all this time?
Well, let's say, close by.
And it didn't occur to you to step in?
Do you know that while you,
"lay low", if you will,
nine girls died?
Not to mention
the number of Cossacks.
If it had been in my power,
I would have given my own life
to save every victim.
But I had no right to.
I have not been idle.
Only, there are certain things
which even you're not meant to know.
Papa, is Mr. Gogol alive?
Yes he is, thank God. Mr. Guro saved him.
Wasn't it my rain that saved him?
Did you see how I called the rain,
and it came?
I summoned it down.
If I believed in miracles,
I'd believe that Vasilina made it happen,
whispered some incantations and it rained.
My daughter
only whispered holy prayers
for Mr. Gogol's deliverance.
She's no witch, she is a pure soul.
So don't involve us in any devilry.
Marushka says that you are
falsely rebuking Mr. Doctor.
Enough! This bunch of straw
hasn't said a thing!
Dear God, Vakula what's
the matter with you? Don't upset her.
Vasilina's your daughter, she's no witch.
Let's go, brother, and drink
to Mr. Gogol's health. Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
However, gentlemen,
I have been following
your investigation very closely,
and I can confidently state
that you have done a very good job.
I am even certain
that you will be rewarded for this.
And I assume that now
you even have a main suspect!
I am completely convinced
that Count Danishevsky is
the horseman.
And, if we don't stop him,
then the final victim
may be Lisa.
Well, if he really only kills
on feast days,
the next is three days away,
Saints Cosmas and Damian.
As such, we have time to prevent
the murders, and punish the bastard.
I have studied the ancient feast days
in detail, you know.
Many have been forgotten.
But they still exist.
What are you saying?
The next forgotten feast day
is the night of Celestial Svarog,
when, as legend has it, the heavens
punish the evil of the world.
And when is it?
Alas, tonight.
Saddle up, gentlemen.
We ride for his estate.
My dear Mr. Gogol,
did you keep my chest?
Of course.
But it's empty.
We took everything out.
Don't worry, Mr. Gogol.
In rare cases, it is not
what is on the inside that counts.
And why do you need
a chest handle?
It is quite possible that tonight
you will have a chance to find out why.
Where's Vasilina?
Mr. Binkh,
any luck?
There's nobody here.
Where are they?
We've searched all over.
Maybe he's taken her
to a secret place?
No, this mansion was in my vision.
Then where are they?
You think they've
vanished into thin air?
Well, well.
Here, drink up.
Christina, can you believe why our
masters didn't take me with them?
They don't trust me.
Mr. Binkh told me so, just like that.
"Tesak", he says,
"you are a good worker, but
you tell a lot of lies."
When have I told a lie?
I only tell the truth!
Oh, it worries me sick.
And my heart aches.
Where have they galloped off to
on such a pitch-black night?
To arrest a criminal. Count Danishevsky.
He is the murderous horseman.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
That damned wretch has
killed so many people.
And now, he wants to kill his
own wife, Mrs. Danishevskaya.
Why Lisa?
Well, she'll be the 13th victim.
Only, I reckon jealousy
is the real reason.
Because she's romantically
interested in Mr. Gogol.
And Mr. Gogol has romantic
feelings for her, too.
But - shh, don't tell anyone.
Enough of the grog.
You're fuddled already.
You need to go home.
Who is this girl?
Do you see her too?
What do you mean?
What's going on?
Gentlemen, you shouldn't be here.
Leave, immediately.
- Count, in the name of the law
- I said, leave!
I never imagined it possible
to kill the horseman
with just one bullet.
I'm alive
I'm warm
I'm alive!
How very dramatic.
It is done.
Twelve girls,
and one who has been resurrected.
plus one.
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