Grotesquerie (2024) s01e07 Episode Script



We are so excited for the future.
- Our future.
- So, we're in
- "Love," you say? Hmm.
And you know this how?
Well, how did you know
you were in love with your husband?
Oh. Once upon a time.
Obviously, that things change shape.
I don't I don't know if
I ever did know for sure.
My head was so far up my
ass I would do anything
or say I felt anything
just to belong to somebody.
Well, I I just want
to let you know that
I got it, I got cast. [CHUCKLES]
I'm gonna be on Half-Ton Trauma.
- Half-Ton Trauma. Okay.
So, you're gonna be a star. Of sorts.
Eddie and I are gonna
move in together.
You know, when we're filming the show
it's just better to have
a support system, so
Yeah, we found a cute little house
- in a gated community.
- A gated community?
Wow. Fancy.
[MERRITT] Yeah, we just realized,
you know, with the killings,
that that's the disease, like
[SIGHS] nobody should be alone.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Mm. Mm-hmm.
Well, that is very,
very mature of you.
I commend your maturity.
And the fact that you
didn't hide this from me
'cause I-I can abide by
anything but a sneak.
Well, almost anything.
Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm.
Can we get another round
and something for my
daughter and her paramour?
Think he's drinking
a mocktail of sorts.
A little Shirley Temple thingie.
All virtue, no bite.
[WAITER] Another round. Coming up.
So, darling daughter
you do know
that Fast Eddie and
I had a little thing?
- Lo.
- A dirty thing.
A nasty little
with a special stress
on the "ass."
- Lois, please do not do this.
- I mean,
- I had him in my mouth.
- [ED] Lois.
That did not happen and
you know it didn't happen.
You're drunk. Please don't get messy
in front of your daughter.
You're gonna regret it.
Oh, Fast Eddie,
what about my daughter, hmm?
Do you enjoy lifting her folds
the acres of flesh
to find her welcoming, shiny pudendum?
I have always loved that word.
Uh, uh, uh, Latin for pudere,
which means "to be ashamed."
And there is so much
- here be ashamed of.
- Oh, stop.
The folds with the yeasty rashes,
the impossible to find pink holes.
- Lois.
- Mom.
Don't do this to yourself.
Don't do it to me. Don't do it to us.
If this is you having a breakdown,
w-we can support you. I
can get you some help.
The truth is
you're a lost cause.
Your heart is encased
in hardened fat,
and the sludge that
runs through your veins
is like syrup.
Ooh, ooh, ooh. And one more thing.
Your father is an
adultering fornicator
who fucked his students.
You get that from him.
See, now you're lying.
- No.
- That is not the truth.
Okay? And if it was,
you drove him to it.
- No.
- [MERRITT] You did.
- With your combative warring.
- No.
- No, no, no.
- Yes. It's you. It's you.
All I have ever tried to
do was to keep everybody
I wanted to push everybody
to be as strong as me.
As strong as me.
To be able to face this nightmare
that none of us can wake up from.
All I ever wanted was for you
to be strong so you
could be there for me
when I needed you, and you know what?
None of you
none of you are strong at all.
You are all
bathe your-your own fucking weakness
about everything.
You will never be able to survive
th this-this new
utter world cruelty,
the new rules of behavior.
None of it. Not a goddamn thing.
[ED] That is enough.
You remember those AA
meetings I took you to?
[LAUGHS] That was the worst
first fucking date
I have ever been on in my life.
- How could I forget it?
- That wasn't a date,
it was a nudge. A nudge
in the right direction.
An act of kindness.
And I see you don't
do well with kindness.
So it's nothing but tough love
from us now. Get the fuck up.
Where we going?
- To a motel?
- [ED] No.
We're going to rehab.
You don't tell me what the fuck to do.
I'm a grown woman.
You-you you-you-you
You gonna sit here
and deny that-that
you flirted with me?
That you came on to me?
The baddest bitch of all time.
So-so so-so I made it up,
so "Oh, everything is
all in Lois's head."
I didn't.
Tell you something.
One thing
you cannot do, pretty white boy,
is gaslight a Black woman.
We know too fucking much.
What you looking at?
Fuck this.

So you've thought about it.
You've reached this decision?
I mean
it's time to face the facts.
He's-he's only being kept
alive by your machinery.
May I ask why you've
changed your mind, Lois?
And have you discussed
this with your daughter?
Has she had a chance to say goodbye?
I believe I am the medical proxy.
Am I not? I am.
And as it turns out, my husband
has betrayed me almost constantly.
His mistress even works here.
She comes in and whispers
sweet nothings in his ear.
So, that makes this
decision easier for you?
- Well, I
Excuse me, sir.
May I ask what is transpiring here?
I was tipped off that this
deranged alcoholic was here
taking up precious
moments of your time,
- which I cannot allow.
- Bitch, you got a pen?
Write this down,
take a memo.
I am in a meeting with
your fucking boss,
and I am taking my
husband off life support.
Yes, it is happening.
I never gave up my legal right
despite your many manipulations,
which, quite frankly,
I have outsmarted.
I am large and in
motherfucking charge.
And I'm running this show.
Sir, this is an outrage.
- You simply cannot allow
- Shut your mouth!
Jesus, I
I have the floor.
So, Doc, it's hardly murder, right?
Me, I know murder.
I'm the lead homicide
detective in this town.
But it's what you wanted. You wanted
to "free up his bed,"
You didn't know she
said that, didn't you?
Uh, when you disconnect
the tubes, is it painful?
No, he's given meds.
He'll just, uh, slip away.
Stop breathing. It's
- peaceful.
- [LOIS] Hmm.
What a shame.
What do they say
"No justice, no peace"?
All you need for peace
and justice is
to unplug somebody.
Do you have a priest or
Yeah. He's Jewish.
Part. Not a believer.
He like pork chops, pussy
and lobster in cream sauce.
time the man ever fasted
was for a colonoscopy.
All right.
Thank you, Doc.
And thank you
for your attention and your care.
We're done here.

Mm, this is rich.
They sent you to unplug him?
What? If you got something to say,
say it. Speak. It's okay.
I-I don't
I just wanted to ask, um,
- how you were doing, Lois.
- Mm.
I'm relieved.
Is that crazy?
Well, um, uh, two days ago,
you held a gun to my head.
And now you you're asking me
to-to t-to end his life.
Why fight anymore?
You were the one he was in love with.
That is the only
grace I can offer you.
Wish I could do more.
I'm sad for you.
And I for you.
- Mm. Mm-mm-mm.
Lighten up, Redd.
I'm-a give this man the ritual
he would have appreciated:
his favorite poet and whiskey.
It'll be a party.
- Have some candy.
[LOIS] "Because I could
not stop for Death,
"He kindly stopped for me,
"A Carriage held but just Ourselves
"And Immortality.
"We slowly drove
"He knew no haste
"And I had put away
"My labor and my leisure, too,
For His Civility."
How long is this gonna take?
Lois, it's a process.
[LOIS] Oh.
"We passed the School,
where Children played,
"Their lessons scarcely done,
"We passed the Fields
of Grazing Grains,
We passed the Setting Sun."
That part is good.
"We paused before a House that seemed
"A Swelling of the Ground,
"The Roof was scarcely visible
The Cornice but a mound"
[LOIS] "Since then
'tis Centuries but each"
"Feels shorter than the Day
"When I first surmised
"the Horses' Heads
Were toward Eternity."
All right.
Who's ready for a toast?
Hmm? Doc?
To my late husband.
A sensitive man,
lover of poetry,
liar and cheat.
He is forgiven. See, kids?
It's that easy. I forgive you, pal.

Seriously, Cal? Fuck is that?
- The good shit.
- Uh-uh.
Stuff y'all smoking these
days is way too strong for me.
I got to keep my head on a swivel.
Put it out or take a
walk. There's cameras.
[CALVIN] You look different.
Kind of got this, like, glow going on.
Did you get it in last
night or something?
[LOIS] Or something.
I unplugged my husband
and got the best sleep of my life.


What is this?
A rehearsal space. An art studio.
Artist of fucking death.

I have the governor.
She wants to congratulate you
and thank you for solving the case.
If I solved the case, Jack,
I would still be at
home in bed right now.
[OLD PRIEST] It's about
finding a new story
with the right texture.
But also with long-term potential.
Now, there was a spate of
violent rapes in Saskatchewan
back in the 90's that
were never solved.
Fathers, do you remember when
I originally pitched my idea
for this column?
It was a study
of good and evil in the world.
Readership of The Catholic
Guardian right now
is up over 5,000%.
Your reporting of these crimes
has made the national news.
It's gone what I
believe they call viral.
People are coming back to the church.
All over the country.
So, all of this was a blessing?
Could Christ not have thwarted
those who aimed to crucify him?
Performed a miracle,
say, escaped the cross?
Yet he knew.
The gruesome act of his crucifixion
would let humanity see God.
And so he allowed it to happen.
- Are you comparing
- [BISHOP] Not at all.
Father Charlie was a disturbed man.
Yet he too knew
that the crux of faith
is terror.
People want to believe, they want God,
and thus, there is an appetite
for the grotesque.
- [OLD PRIEST] We simply ask
that you serve the meal
that satiates the hunger.
I take over as editor and publisher.
I get three new writers my hires
and final approval of
everything published.
You guys just hand me the keys.
[LOIS] I want to go back
and take a look and see
- if there's anything I missed.
- [CRANBURN] Yes. Of course, Lo.
- You know?
- Yeah. I just got some paperwork
for you to fill out
over here. [MUTTERS]
What is this?
[CRANBURN] They just
wanted a little toast.
[LOIS] You don't get balloons
for solving a case like this,
It-It's inappropriate.
Just give 'em a little
something, okay?
Thank you.
Here's to a quintuple homicide
not happening today, but,
then again, it's only noon, so
Can I have a word?
[LOIS] Yeah.
I was thinking about
retiring after this case.
But now, I mean, I want to go
back, look at all my old cases,
see if there's anything I missed.
I'm not asking you to retire.
I'm not asking.
I won't resign.
Fire me. I dare you.
It isn't my call. And they will.
They're cutting 65% of the force.
They flew me to St. Paul
last week for a presentation.
Presentation on what?
Emerging technologies in policing.
Bonkers stuff.
What are you talking about?
Artificial intelligence,
autonomous cruisers,
a whole network of cameras
with a centralized brain
that analyzes the footage,
those fucking animated
robot police dog things.
No, no. No, no, no.
I solved this case
I solved all my cases
because I have an actual brain.
And a heart.
Just like a perp.
Nothing understands a
human like another human.
Well, they disagree.
It's a full pension.
Plus an additional severance thing.
It's very generous.
It's a full salary for life.
$146,000 a year for life.
Plus Marshall's pension.
Life insurance.
You can do all the things
you always dreamed of.
It is what it is.
The world is changing.
Wake up, Lois.
Wake up.

Lois, my access, thanks to you,
gave us traction.
We got so many new readers.
New people coming to church.
And then this twist: our own editor
actually being the one
committing the crimes.
I mean, it's blown that
initial bump out of the water.
Sunday Mass: Standing room only.
And I know, many of them
are lookie-loos, but still.
- God works in mysterious ways.
- I mean,
here are people who have come
to listen and to witness.
As far as why they've come
Who are you to judge?
Think I'm more concerned
with my own role.
What I do for these souls
in need once they're there.
You know, I am surprised
at the quickness
and ease of your recovery.
It's almost
like the fiend that shot you
had a plan.
A purpose, you know?
Draw blood,
but avoid an artery that
could lead to catastrophe.
In hindsight, when I think about it,
it's kind of a theatrical act,
your your being shot.
Kind of showy.
And you know what I was
gonna ask you, Sister?
I was gonna ask you, um,
your editor, your priest,
our grotesquerie
was he into arsenal cosplay?
I mean, I'm asking you because
y'all seemed so close.
Tell me, how ♪
Can you stop ♪
That old sun ♪
From shining? ♪
Babe, how many drinks have you had?
Sit down, hand Mama the car keys.
You're drunk.
You must be if you're
accusing me of
Let me make myself clear.
Even two drinks in, in this moment,
I'm still sober as a nun.
Ever win? ♪
Somebody please ♪
Help ♪
Louboutins? Interesting choice.
Guilty. An impulse buy.
- Between us, they're murder.
- Mm.
You know the history of the red soles?
Prostitutes in New York City
worked the Meatpacking District,
and it was said you
could tell a sinner
by the blood on the
bottom of their shoes.
So let me ask you, you said
that you were concerned
about your role amongst
the parishioners.
What about your perceived role?
I think any serious person
can see that my reporting
is what led to this apprehension.
No. That was me,
with a bullet to the chest.
But let's test your theory.
Let's-let's kick the
ball down the field.
Maybe you are innocent.
No one, no one ♪
I just think
we all know a lot more than
we're willing to admit.
I mean, is anyone really innocent
of anything anymore?
2014 might be the last time
I believe anyone was
innocent of anything.
And mine is ♪
The world wasn't on fire, no COVID,
the election hadn't
cracked us in half,
the web was still a toy.
Tell me ♪
But now, we're like
standing, staring into the horizon,
and we we see an
erect, hairless man
coming towards us.
And we know
it's over.
We know, don't we?
But what else can we do
except pretend not to know?

You okay?
No, Sister, I'm not.
You know, I thought
it was interesting
charming, even
your involvement in this case.
I mean, you
were always in the know.
Always a step ahead.
Getting to crime scenes
first, sometimes.
Always so
full of theories.
And that murder wall of yours
in your office
where you had
photocopied real books
and-and drawings?
I said to myself,
"This woman is like me.
"She's a she's a dinosaur.
"She actually went
to the library."
It made me like you.
You know, we'd found books
with those same images
in Father Charlie's house.
You know, we'd always
said, from the beginning,
that whoever did this
had to have experience
- with-with death and killing.
he didn't actually have that, did he?
Hmm. I mean, he could
wield a carving knife,
but in order to pull this off,
he would need an accomplice.
He would need help.
And what he needed, he got.
A twisted sister.
Yes, this-this-this
this theorizing, this-this
There's something to this, let's
let's follow this thread, okay?
And let's just say
Uh, and I believe
that a very handsome Father Charlie
was a true lady-killer.
In every possible way.
And then
you showed up,
this whimsical hybrid
of Manson girl Squeaky Fromme
and a Disney sidekick
cartoon character.
And, Christ on a cracker
you wanted to lay down.
The sexual tension between
you two was unbearable.
- Shut up.
- But you couldn't.
You couldn't
because you took a vow,
and you're married to
the Lord or some shit.
So, the bond
the kink, the endless planning
the viciousness of these murders
in an effort to get people back
to your fading church
asses to masses
was the only consummation
you could get.
Holy shit, Sister.
I think I just cracked the case.
Help me mend my heart ♪
My broken ♪
- Heart ♪
- My broken heart ♪
- Just want to, I just want to ♪
- And let me live ♪
- I just want to, I just want to ♪
- Again ♪
I just want to ♪
Live again, baby ♪
How can you mend, oh, yeah ♪
This broken man ♪
Somebody tell me ♪
How can a loser ♪
Ever win? ♪
Fucking crazy bitch!
Help me mend my ♪
- No!
- Get off of me!
This old broken heart ♪
I think I ♪
I believe I ♪
- Stop it!
- Fucking crazy bitch!
You mend ♪
How can you stop the rain ♪
From falling down? ♪
I know my clothes ♪
Are all wet, tell me ♪
- Help me ♪
- How can you ♪
- Mend my ♪
- Mend my ♪
- My broken heart ♪
- Please help me mend ♪
My broken heart ♪
- I think I ♪
- And let me live ♪
Come here!
I just want to live ♪
[EDDIE] There is no future after this,
no coming back.
I don't think I deserve
it at this point.
Oh, you don't think? [SHORT CHUCKLE]
[MARSHALL] But divorce? Really?
I thought the therapy
was going so well. I
Infidelity is something
that a lot of couples
are dealing with these days.
It's not gonna be easy but,
you know, we'll push through.
Oh, the cheating I can handle.
I would love a hall pass.
My new lab assistant I would
suck him clean off tomorrow.
what is this about?
- I didn't grow up with a family.
Not like yours.
I grew up in the foster system
He's never gonna get to the point.
It's the Rolodex of excuses
that's coming right now.
You know, his trauma, his drinking,
his shame.
You know, the fact that he's a
minimum-wage earning alcoholic
who works at Cinnabon in the mall,
married to a woman who
has two doctorate degrees,
- And I'm proud.
- who's literally shut the fuck up
who's literally curing cancer.
You've asked me why I married him.
You've asked me several times,
and I'm ashamed to say
it was because he can fuck me good.
- Merritt.
- [MERRITT] That's the goddamn truth.
It's okay. It's fair.
- I don't mean to make excuses.
You can't imagine what it meant to me
when I met Merritt and she
introduced me to your family.
Everyone made me feel
so a part of everything.
You have to know how
grateful I am for that.
- How I'm still grateful.
To you, for being here.
Oh, I'm not here for you at all,
you sick, poor fuck.
It was something
like I'd never experienced
before in my life.
- A mother.
- Dad.
He has been fucking Mom
for the last two years.
I'm sorry I even brought
somebody like this home.
[EDDIE] I just wish you
would be understanding.
[MERRITT] You know what I wish?
I wish you didn't
have a fucking mullet.
you got up off your ass.
I wish you didn't work at Cinnabon.
- It's fucking embarrassing.
[MERRITT] With your
fucking onion rings.
Who the fuck orders onion rings?
You're a grown fucking man.
One is the loneliest number ♪
That you'll ever do ♪
Two can be as bad ♪
As one, it's the loneliest ♪
[MARSHALL] Hey, y'all. You good?
Number one ♪
- One, two, three, up.
- No is the saddest ♪
- Experience you'll ever know ♪
- And
Yes ♪
It's the saddest experience ♪
You'll ever know ♪
Because one is
the loneliest number ♪
That you'll ever do ♪
One is the loneliest number ♪
That you'll ever know ♪
You okay, Mr. Tryon?
I know.
It's just no good anymore ♪
I put the peonies
out that you brought.
They look nice.
Now I spend my time ♪
Just making rhymes ♪
Of yesterday ♪
Because one is
the loneliest number ♪
That you'll ever do ♪
One is the loneliest number ♪
That you'll ever know. ♪

You know, the doctor's been saying
you're not in there anymore.
But I always said, "No, she's there."
"I can feel her." [CHUCKLES]
It's like a live wire
running between us, buzzing,
and I can feel there's
someone on the other end.
It makes me
do things, this wire.
Brings me here day after day,
makes me massage your feet,
rub Vaseline under your
armpits, between your legs.
Makes me
hold your hand.
Makes me hope.
But that's not right, is it?
It's in my head, huh?
'Cause any love we had between us
died the day you wrapped your legs
around your son-in-law.
I hope to God
that the doctor's wrong,
that there's a ember
somewhere in there
still burning.
I hope
it can hear me
and feel fear.
Because it's time to go.
'Cause one is the loneliest number ♪
That you'll ever do ♪
Marshall. Please.
One is the loneliest ♪
- How can I help you?
It's time. I know it's time.
One is the loneliest ♪
These are very difficult decisions.
We're here to support you.
We, uh, have resources
if you want to talk with someone.
Do something about the body.
Donate it to science,
take pictures of her liver
for AA pamphlets,
whate-whatever. [LAUGHS]
Do whatever you want. I
I'm not gonna take her.
Have you spoken with the rest of
the family about their wishes?
Can we do this tomorrow, 10:00 a.m.?
One ♪
If it's what you want.
I am curious, Mr. Tryon,
how you arrived at this decision.
One ♪
Haven't you been saying
for weeks that it's time?
Not a decision we want
to make on the basis
of very temporary emotions.
I would encourage you
to sit with this choice
before we proceed.
Thank you, John. It's
very kind of you.
I'm out.
One is the loneliest number ♪
This is it.
Good night.
[WOMAN OVER P.A.] Paging Dr. Mayhew.
Dr. Mayhew
Hey, baby ♪
I remember now the night we met ♪
You treated me so sweetly ♪
Now, don't you go away
and leave me flat ♪
So, wait.
How long have we been
doing this six years?
Big man on campus,
freshman girls bouncing
in and out of your office.
- It's not the same thing.
- Oh, so, what
cheating's only okay when
you do it? [CHUCKLES]
The difference is
you they are not
my daughter-in-law.
Oh, so that's what you're mad about
the principle of the thing?
It's sick. He's family.
It's-it's incest.
They're not actually related.
You men are something else.
Would you turn that
thing off while I'm here?
I have over 600 people watching this.
My mic is off. Relax.
I don't go full
Hustler magazine, babe.
Since the club closed,
this is my office.
You're the one who barged
in without calling.
Technically, it is my apartment,
in that I-I am paying for it.
Let's set aside the hypocrisy
of you being mad about cheating.
Lois deserves to die?
And what about your offenses, hmm?
Remember when you took
me up to Agate Creek
for Valentine's Day?
No explanation to her.
Who knows what she
might have had planned?
Just up and disappeared for two days.
She didn't notice I was gone.
All that talk about calling her
and breaking it off
and never going home again.
Lie after lie.
You know people in comas are affected
by stuff around them?
You probably really messed her up,
going in there with
all that shit just now.
Gotta have your sweetness. ♪
- Wh
- Where you going?
- I can't be around you.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
I don't know.
It's your apartment.
Chief. Can I sit?
Did you know that for every
domestic abuse case we resolve,
another gets escalated to murder?
One and one.
- Then I'll be quick. Two things.
- Yeah.
First thing, the family
Andrea's they're suing.
On what grounds?
Andrea called six times
reporting domestic abuse.
Lois was the lead. They are alleging
that she was too hands-off,
that she could have done more
to extricate Andrea
from the situation,
lock up the boyfriend.
If she had, Andrea
would still be alive.
The department wants to settle.
No. Lois did what she
was legally able to do.
She gave her information
and resources.
Andrea never pressed charges.
She never filed a restraining order.
I know. Doesn't hold water.
If Lois were here, she wouldn't
roll over and take this.
Well, then it's good you're
the chief and she's not.
And that's the second thing.
I spoke to an administrator
at the hospital.
It's time.
Marshall realized.

I want to be there.
[MAN] Most people
doctors included
think that the worst thing
that can happen in a hospital
is the death of a patient.
They see death itself as
unethical. Excuse me.
But I disagree. I think that
when a patient is truly suffering
and here we have freedom from pain
to withhold that
treatment is unethical.
Sorry, Mommy.
done everything to
be who you wanted me to be.
You know?
Every therapist has told
me to let it go. [LAUGHS]
This, um,
striving to meet your expectations.
But I don't care.
Everything that I ever
do will be for your love.
My research, all of it.

What the hell's going on here?
Why-why is she getting a bath?
She ain't going on a fucking
date. Where-where this going?
- Sir, it's what we do here.
- Look No, out, out, out!
No. No. This is private.
- Just want to pay my respects.
- You didn't respect Lois.
You were after her fucking job.
And your reports over
and over for years
any minuscule infraction.
She loathed you.
She may have had her
issues with me, Marshall,
but that doesn't mean
I didn't admire her.
Please. I just want to say
goodbye. And thank you.
N Somebody get this man
You N No, no, out.
Someone stop this man. What No.
Get the fuck out of here!
- What are you doing here?
- I know, Marshall.
- Get the fuck out of here!
- I have to see her.
- No!
- I'm not going until I see Lois.
You ain't seeing her.
Get the fuck out of here!
- Dad. - Security!
- [EDDIE] Please.
Stupid fuck.
- Let's go. Let's do it.
- Daddy.
You're really not gonna
let them say goodbye?
Okay. I know what
you're feeling, okay?
- Mm.
- I'm feeling it, too.
Just let them come in,
say goodbye and go.
Look, I'm hurting
and I'm angry as hell, okay?
[MARSHALL] Mm-hmm.
But it's not just about us.
- Who the hell is it about then?
- Okay?
Her. Mommy.
No, it's not.
This is it. It's time.
- [MERRITT] This is not happening right now.
- No, no.
- We're not gonna do this right now.
- No, no, don't listen to her.
I have power of attorney. Keep going.
Do not touch her, okay?
Unless you want to be litigated
for negligent homicide.
You hear me? Do you understand that?
Back the fuck up.
Thank you.
Let them in. Now.
I said no. I say. I decide.
Pull the fucking plug. Pull it now.
Let her die the way she lived
with everyone and everything
around her in fucking turmoil
- and fucking chaos and dysfunction!
- Are you serious?
- Fuck!
- Ho Wait. Ho Wait a minute.
Now, you wait a minute.
If-if this is what you want to do
you lose her today
and me.
And me.
I'm-a go play her favorite song,
because that's what I
want to do, all right?
I'm gonna go play her song.
Stars, they come and go ♪
They come fast, they come slow ♪
They go like the
last light of the sun ♪
All in a blaze ♪
And all you see is glory ♪
[CHARLIE] You know, I
I see death merely
as a tool.
It's freedom from pain.
It's the sweet emancipation
of the soul.
People lust for fame ♪
Like athletes in a game ♪
They break their collarbones ♪
You know, I see death
merely as a tool.
- Freedom from pain.
- Sweet emancipation of the soul.
They live their lives ♪
In sad cafés and music halls ♪
- Fucking crazy bitch!
Before the world ♪
Has done its dirty job ♪
And later on someone will say ♪
"Now you must make way" ♪
You never saw the eyes ♪
Of young men at 25 ♪
Who followed as you walked ♪
And asked for autographs ♪
- Or kissed you ♪
On the cheek ♪
And you never really could ♪
Believe they really loved you ♪
[MERRITT] I love you.
Some make it ♪
When they're old ♪
I forgive you, Mommy.
Perhaps they have a soul ♪
- Just go, Mom.
- They aren't afraid to bare ♪
It's okay.
Or perhaps there's nothing there ♪
But anyway, that isn't ♪
What I meant to say ♪
I meant to tell a story ♪
- [MERRITT] Mommy.
From day to day ♪
Stars, they come and go ♪
- They come fast, they come slow ♪
They go like the
last light of the sun ♪
All in a blaze ♪
And you always ♪
- All you see is glory ♪
- Wh
- What's happening?
- I don't know. I'm-I'm
I'm trying to get it
figured out right now.
[MERRITT] What the hell is going on?
[CHARLIE] I think that
she might be experiencing
a little bit of drift right now.
I come up singing ♪
For you ♪
Even though I'm ♪
Down. ♪
- Is she breathing? Is she breathing right now?
- Her heart rate is taking longer
- to slow down than it should.
- [MARSHALL] What do you need to do?
[MERRITT] Is she breathing?
Is she breathing?
[MEGAN] No. No, no.
No, no.
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
Learn how to walk in
heels, you fucking cunt.
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