Heartless (2014) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

- Put me down! - Why didn't you tell me who you are? You're cursed.
You're an Ottman.
- I'm sorry about Pede.
- Well, he shouldn't drink and drive.
Something doesn't add up.
I miss you.
It's about Emilie.
- Did they kiss? - Yes.
And touched.
They're girlfriends.
Show her that it's serious.
That they're going to kill us.
We don't kill.
We think it's the janitors.
- Make sure it never happens again.
- No one will find any more out there.
- Where is the gold heart? - I think it's in my dad's office.
Is it there? - Shit - What happened? What happened? - Move.
- OK.
You attacked my sister, you psycho! You're so far out, Sofie.
Stay away from me.
- What's going on? - She thinks I attacked her sister! There was a break-in at Just's office last night.
- What were they after? - Someone else may want the heart.
Lie back down, Ida.
Dad - I think we should call the doctor.
- It's just a concussion.
Look at her! Emilie, we have a cursed one in the school.
We don't want doctors roaming around until we know who it is.
So you don't know who it is? No.
But luckily, they didn't find what they came for.
Sebastian, it's a group assignment.
Come on.
I can't handle it right now.
Can't you do it? What's in it for me? - You're such a drag.
- We're doing homework.
That's never been a problem before.
You're so strange.
You've been here longer than me.
Have you met others as strange as me? As you? - Yes.
- Who? Everybody.
Everybody's acting really strange.
I mean people who do the same as me.
No one is just like you.
That's why I like you so much.
Remember our agreement, Nadja.
We don't own each other.
I know.
Will you answer my question? Sure Maybe.
Gustav is always lurking about the hallways at night.
- Haven't you ever noticed? - No.
Well, he does.
So, there are no rumours about anyone having seen anything? No.
Were any of them away from their room or harbouring secrets? - No.
- We have to find out who was in here! Yes.
I'll do everything in my power to find out.
Right And one more thing.
I was thinking Emilie.
Yes, what about Emilie? Why don't you ask her out? - I didn't know I could.
- Of course you can.
I mean You're a boy and she's a girl, why would that be strange? It's not strange at all.
What's strange about a walk in the forest? I'd love to.
- We have a deal.
- You can trust me.
You can do better than that.
En garde.
What's going on? Why are you so slow? Did Pieter keep you up all night polishing his tool? Where were you last night? - No, I was at home.
- Why are you lying, Gustav? What do you mean? - We know you weren't in your room.
- Yes, I was.
- Tell the truth.
- What is this? An interrogation? What are you doing? - You're - What are we? Nothing.
Just stay away from me.
What's wrong? The two new ones, Sebastian and Sofie.
They know something.
Will you help me? One last time as a cursed one.
- Who are you? - We're like you.
- What are you talking about? - Drop it.
We saw you sucking Gustav.
When did it start for you? I don't know what As I was saying, I'm like you.
When did it start for you? Around 12 or 13.
You? The same.
And you don't know your parents either? No.
I was raised by my dad's aunt, and she doesn't know about this.
How did you manage to keep it hidden? When it first started, I had a girlfriend.
She helped me.
Until Something happened.
Do you think there are others like us? Alive? What do you know? "Everything your family touches wilts.
Everything you love dies.
"Heartless your family will wander.
Hungry without being filled.
" - That's what Ane said.
- Ane? The curse was put on us by a peasant girl named Ane.
She was burnt at the stake by our ancestors, the Ottmans.
She was pregnant.
The child survived the flames, and it is that child the Just family stems from.
And the break-in? Was it you? Yes.
But Just knew I was there somehow.
- So I never found it.
- What now? I know where he keeps the heart.
I've missed you.
How do you think I've felt? I don't know.
You can be hard to read.
No! I'm an open book.
I'll never get used to that.
I want to kiss you so much.
But I can't.
- But soon - Don't make promises you can't keep.
Sebastian speaking.
I'll be right there.
Off you go.
Didn't I tell you to stay away? It wasn't me or Sebastian who hit your sister.
Who was it then? I don't know.
- I can't trust you, Sofie.
- Of course you can trust me.
- Hi.
- We're talking.
Ready to go? I am totally ready.
Ready for what? What do you care? Come.
I'm right over here.
- What's she doing with that clown? - I have no idea.
- It's my dad's car.
- She's trying to make me jealous.
- Is it working? - No.
Get a grip.
You should be the one to talk.
- Isn't it pretty? - Yes.
- Do you come out here a lot? - It's a nice way to unwind.
Especially now that I'm head prefect.
What's that? Taste it.
What is it? It's 100-year-old cognac.
Dad bought a couple of barrels in France this summer.
I never had that on a date before.
There's a first time for everything.
Its age adds something special to it.
Honestly? It tastes like someone put a 100-year-old sock in it.
You think so? Perhaps it's an acquired taste.
Then it really unfolds.
That's what my parents said anyway.
- Shall we walk a bit more? - Yes, let's.
- Follow me.
- OK.
It's so wild that we're not alone.
But can we trust him? Do we have a choice? He knows stuff that we don't.
What's wrong? How can she be on a date with him? Jesus, give it a rest.
This is so much more important, Sofie.
Don't you see? We're this close.
I know! I hate it, too, but I think about her all the time! Think about how hard we've fought for this instead! Stop it! All right.
Do you hunt? Well, I have a game licence.
My dad said it's a family tradition.
- I love hunting.
- OK.
You just walk around by yourself with your rifle.
In the forest.
First, the silence.
And then suddenly The game stands in front of you.
And you have to be completely focused.
Nice and easy.
You put the rifle against your shoulder.
The game drops to the ground as it stares into your eyes.
You're the master of life and death.
It's beautiful in a very life-affirming way.
I love it.
Allow me.
Thank you.
I often think about you.
You're funny.
Thank you.
What are you doing? - Come here.
- Pieter, what are you doing? Stop it! - Didn't you say you think I'm funny? - And that means sex? We'll just make out a little - Stop it, Pieter! - Emilie? Emilie! Sick fuck! Stop! Emilie! Emilie! And you're sure this is the place? That's what he said.
Do you think he stood us up? Give him a chance, all right? What is this? That.
It's the Justs' old summer residence.
That's where he's hidden it.
- You must eat something, Ida.
- I know, but I have no appetite.
It'll come.
Eat something, Clara.
You know I don't like potatoes.
Emilie, how was your walk with Pieter? It was super cosy.
"Super cosy"? I don't know what you had in mind, Dad, but he's not exactly my type.
I didn't have anything in mind.
Stop playing with your food, please.
I told you I don't like potatoes! Stop that nonsense.
- Eat your food.
- I don't want to.
OK, come.
Jesus, what an old shack.
What's wrong, Ida? They're out there, Dad.
They're close.
What are you talking about? Ida, come with me.
Where are you going? - There you are.
- Did you find anything? - No.
Not a damn thing.
- It's gotta be here somewhere.
Keep looking.
Emilie Just Sebastian.
What? What the fuck? What do we do? I think I found something.
We have to get out of here! What the hell are you talking about? We just sense it.
Come give me a hand, damn it! Sebastian! Someone's coming! Fuck! Get out! Come on! Mikkel Enevold.
Welcome back.
It seems you have something that doesn't belong to you.
Stay here.
I'll check the house.
Fuck, man! Fuck.
How's your wound? It could be better.
How many years has it been since you were a student here? Five? Six years? It feels like 100.
You're not the first of your kind to stay here.
And I won't be the last.
But you're the first who got away before getting caught.
Who's here with you? Who are the other cursed ones in the school? I'll have to disappoint you.
I'm on my own.
I want names! Well? Who's helping you? Who's here with you? Would you really rather die than tell me who you're with? Am I not already dead? Who warned you when you fled? Hi.
- What about him? - I doubt he died of natural causes.
I think you know something.
Pede was drunk, he hit a tree, and his car went up in flames.
But who made sure his car went up in flames? Well? Get lost.
Who was it? You have one chance to tell me the truth.
One chance.
I am telling you the truth.
Who did you fool around with when you were with Pede? I didn't fool around with anyone.
We hadn't been dating for a long time.
Then tell me who it was.
- Stop it! - Tell me who it was! - Stop - Who was it? Who was it? - Stop.
- You'd better tell me who it was.
Let me go! Calm down.
- Stop! Let go! - There, there! Tell me who it was.
Nice and easy.
Well? - Who was it? - Sebastian.
I'll be damned.
We shouldn't have come here.
But then we'd never have found out why we are what we are.
Perhaps that would've been for the best.
Sebastian, this is the best thing you've ever done for me.
I used to just survive.
Now I live.
We're staying here no matter what.
You're killing him! - Emilie, sweetie, listen - Don't touch me! It's not what you think.
- Stop it.
- Stop what? - Stop it, I say! - What's going on? It's Dad.
He's killing him! Emilie, it's them or us.
Right, Ida? You shouldn't kill anyone.
- It's necessary, Emilie.
- Come with me.
I'll show you something.
And that goes for you, too.
That's just sick! Stop feeling sorry for them.
They're not human like us.
That looks like a tortured human.
It's not human.
It's a predator looking for its next meal.
Is that not so, Mikkel Enevold? And never forget that it was his kind that killed your mother.
You're sick if you think that's OK, Dad! - Emilie, what don't you understand? - Just! - Wait.
What don't you understand? - Just.
- I said wait! - Listen to me! I have important news.
Come with me.
We need to show the girls.
No, no, no Yes.
We'll do as usual.
I'll pull you away at the last second.
You need to understand how dangerous they are.
Will you do what needs to be done? Will you? I love you.
- I don't want to! - I do! - She betrayed us.
- Murderer! Josefine! - Emilie will help us find the heart.
- We can become normal.
When Sebastian kisses me, it almost feels like I'm going to catch fire.
Must the cursed ones die, or us?
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