Hotel Cocaine (2024) s01e07 Episode Script


Mi amor
This was just a warning.
If he wanted them dead, they'd be dead.
- Why are you so fucking calm?
- There'll be time for war,
but right now we need peace.
We lost Mom in Cuba.
I just wish she were here.
Marisol could never replace
your mother, but she loves you.
Both of you esteemed gentlemen
need to come to some terms,
stop the goddamn violence.
You know the banker Ray Dorado?
- Mm-hmm.
- I believe either he
or one of his clients
had my sister murdered.
We've got marked transfers
from your bank.
Smurfs coming from the Cayman Islands.
- Where's that money coming from?
- It's fucking coming from Cuba.
It's Castro's money.
[LANDON] One day we will free
the people of Cuba
from the stranglehold of Fidel Castro!
He lies to all these people
about taking Cuba back
when he's helping Fidel
get stronger.
But let's just say
he no longer gets my vote.

- Estela.
You screamed her name again.
It's just dreams. [IN SPANISH]
You have nightmares in your sleep.
Mine is when I wake up.
Roman, we should go to my
parents' house in New Jersey.
It's not safe for me or Valeria anymore.
But don't tell me what the fuck
to do with my daughter.
I'm over it.
Andrew, it's me.
I'm so sorry.
I don't even know what to say.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
[VALERIA] Is there anything
I can do?
I wish I could see you.
[ANDREW] You know, they said it
was a Cuban who killed my father.
Who knows? Maybe it was your uncle.
They said on the news that
it was a pro-Castro terrorist.
My padrino hates Castro.
Why was it my father?
'Cause he was trying
to help your stupid uncle
take his stupid homeland back.
What can I do?
What can I say?
You can stay away from me.
His car was blown up
in what authorities are saying
may have been an act
of political terrorism
as he left
a Republican fundraiser
at Miami's famous
Mutiny Club and Hotel.
Authorities are investigating
whether his unwavering
opposition to the Castro regime
may have played a role in
[NESTOR] No, it was
his partnership with Castro
[CHUCKLING] that caused his death.
If I'd known you were going to do this,
I never would have told you
Landon was in bed with Fidel.
Well, I'm glad you did.
That deal that was made to guarantee
our family's safety is fucked.
Are you even questioning this?
You crossed the fucking line!
I helped Byron Landon get elected
off the backs of Cubans
exiled and tortured by Castro.
And this motherfucker is helping
him and using me to do it?
No. Don't forget
where we come from, brother,
what we've been through.
I know where the fuck I come from.
And no one hates Castro more than me.
Well, then fucking act like it.
We had a plan
that would have ended war
con los colombianos.
That was first priority.
They can't land the fucking dope!
What's wrong with you?
That makes them weak.
And in this business,
the weak suffer and die.
And a fucking
cornered animal lashes out.
So, what if Henao finds out
you murdered Landon?
The next time
they machine gun our families,
they won't be aiming above their heads.
I make the fucking decisions
here, brother, okay?
I'm the boss. You don't like it,
you can fucking leave.
- Yeah ♪
- Hotel Cocaine ♪
- Yeah ♪
- You ready for more? ♪
- Whoo!
I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
- Exotic, you got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You ready for more? ♪
Curious, furious,
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪
Curious, furious ♪
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪

I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
Exotic ♪
- You got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You know where we at ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Might just maintain ♪
- Might just do the thing ♪
- Whoo!
You know where we at,
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Are you ready for more? ♪
Ready for more? ♪
- Henao
Our agents are all over Miami
looking for pro-Castro terrorists.
It's a waste of time.
That has nothing to do
with the congressman's death.
What are you talking about?
[ZULIO] This had nothing
to do with politics.
It had to do with cocaine.
Landon was arranging a drop spot
with the Colombians.
The guy was up to his ass in corruption.
[MAN] Can you prove that?
- Who is he?
- Uh, Dominic,
this is Peter Cunningham
from Washington.
Now, he's been sent
by the Department of Justice
to oversee our investigation.
So, you were suggesting
that the congressman
had something to do with cocaine?
Yes, sir.
But you have no evidence.
No hard evidence,
but he was involved for sure.
I have credible information
to that end through Ray Dorado,
the president of the Orange Grove Bank.
[PETER] This investigation is now run
by the Department of Justice.
The Landon case is no longer
under your jurisdiction.
Who the fuck is this pencil pusher?
I've been on this case for months.
You're gonna just let him take it?
Dom, it's above our heads.
A U.S. Congressman just got blown up
under your goddamn nose.
Washington is calling the shots
from here on in.
I get it.
A dirty congressman is
a bad look for you politicians.
I don't give a shit
what you have to say, Zulio.
It's above your pay grade.
Just stay the fuck away.
What about busting six tons of cocaine
that's about to hit Miami?
Do you know where
and when it is coming in?
Well, I'm gonna go talk
to my confidential informant
in an hour and get the skinny.
And if we play our cards right,
it might be the biggest bust
in U.S. history.
What is the name of this informant?
And what leverage have you got on him?
His name is Roman Compte,
and if he screws me,
he loses his daughter.
I'd say that's the best kind
of leverage there is.
[PETER] You got one day
to bust that coke.
[MARISOL] Mind if we talk for a sec?
About what?
I'm going home
to my home
with my parents in New Jersey.
What about Dad?
He's staying.
I want you to come with me but
your father refuses to even consider it.
Are you guys separating?
For now, yes.
Is Dad a drug dealer?
[MARISOL] Your father
is a good man, sweetheart.
But he's in a difficult situation.
He's working with law enforcement
to put your uncle in jail.
[MARISOL] The DEA forced him into it.
Put us in the middle of it.
It's dangerous.
I can't force you to come with me.
But if you want, I'll take you.
I could never leave Dad.
[ZULIO] Roman!
What the fuck is going on?
The coke deal's off
now that Landon's dead.
Yeah, well, who do you think did that?
Like the news says, Cuban agents.
That's horseshit, and you know it.
Landon was practically
sucking Castro's cock.
Which made him an open target in Miami.
Is that right?
I know about your past,
you and Nestor's.
Nestor found out
about the Cuban connection.
He's not stupid. Nestor hates Castro,
but he's a businessman.
He'd rather have the coke.
Well, that's good, 'cause I need
you to get this deal back on.
- It's impossible. Nestor's out.
- Then get him back in.
There's no way he's gonna
risk life in prison
without the protection
of that congressman.
Your brother's a hothead,
and I'm pretty sure he killed Landon,
- which means you told him.
- Fuck you.
Well, maybe you did it together.
You both lost a lot in Cuba.
Which makes everyone in Miami
a suspect, motherfucker.
I'm gonna need you
to get this deal back on,
or I'm gonna be forced to use
that incriminating tape
you made in his home.
I'll put him away for a decade.
Look, even if I could,
the Colombians are spooked.
How are you gonna get them
back to the table?
You worry about Nestor.
I'll handle the Colombians.
Got it?
[JANICE] The cops are here.
They're interviewing everyone.
No, I'd stay home.
I know. No, don't come in.
I'll call you. Okay?
- I'll let you know.
Closed, for the foreseeable future.
- But why?
- It's bullshit.
I have to wait until the fucking
fuzz finishes interviewing
every single person
that works here. Like what?
Uh, Manny the chef
blew up the congressman?
Hey, fuck face.
I'm calling in my loan.
All $2.7 million.
Ray, what happened to your forehead?
I fell.
What are you talking about?
If I had that kind of money,
I wouldn't have had to borrow it.
Well, that's not
my fucking problem, is it?
Look around, Ray.
I'm not exactly thriving.
You look at the contract.
I have a right of rescission,
under which club closure falls.
So, I want full repayment
today. I'll be in my room.
[BURTON] Oh, you'll be in your room?
Hey, while you're there,
how about you go fuck yourself?
Fine. I'll own this place.
And by the end of the month,
I'll put it up for auction.
So, either way, Burton,
you can go fuck yourself.
I have hatred. I am feeling genuine,
murderous hatred
for another human being.
I am so fucked.
Where am I gonna get that kind of money?
- Slow night, Señor Compte.
No shit.
Can Ray really do this to me, Roman?
According to the contract, yes.
No-good, two-faced,
shady banker, piece of shit.
You were right about him.
You're always right.
I should have listened.
Roman, something wrong?
I just had a thought.
Look, there may be a way
I can get you the $2.7 million.
[SCOFFS] That you can?
I remember you talking
about a few hundred acres
your family owns near the Everglades.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's mostly mangrove swamps
and a sugarcane field.
My dad has more real estate
than he does time to develop it.
I need to find a place
where there's no police,
no coast guard, no aerial surveillance,
that's secure and private.
I don't know
if I like the sound of this.
What do you need it for?
My brother is Nestor Cabal.
Nestor Cabal?
The Nestor Cabal,
the coke kingpin?
Are you fucking kidding me?
We were estranged for many years.
Uh, Janice, did you know this?
Wow. Okay, guys. [SCOFFS]
Roman, how could you not
have shared that with me?
I'm a little hurt. Not to mention
I've been paying retail
for my blow all these years.
Look, Burton,
it wasn't relevant till now.
Nestor needs a place
to drop six tons of product,
for which I'm sure
he will take care of all of your loans.
But listen, uh, I don't know.
I want you to think about it first.
This could help both of us,
but it's dangerous.
Is that you, Burton?
Fucking prick.
Oh, don't worry.
I'm not gonna bust you over half a gram
and, uh, this.
You going somewhere?
You're fucking right I am.
I'm getting out of town.
I didn't say you could do that.
I didn't ask.
[ZULIO] What happened to your forehead?
Those Colombian fucks
tried to carve me up.
They're gonna fucking kill me.
Calm down. You're their money, man.
- You're safe.
- Yeah, like fuck I am.
Look, I'm sorry, but I'm out.
Besides, there is no
coke deal anymore. It's off!
And I swear to fucking God,
if you touch me,
I am gonna sue your ass
for assault and battery, motherfucker.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, let me help strengthen your case.
What the fuck do you want from me?
Your Colombian pals
needed Congressman Landon
to get their coke.
I wanna know what they're doing
now that he's dead.
- I don't fucking know.
- Find out!
[GRUNTS] You don't get it.
You don't understand.
I mean, the only way I even
made it out of there alive
was because I managed
to convince those fucks
that I had someone to replace Landon.
I don't have anybody.
Tell the Colombians you found something
even better than a dirty politician.
And who is that?
A dirty cop.
You did what many thought
impossible [SPEAKS SPANISH]
What's that?
You shut down The Mutiny.
Ladies, please give us a minute.
- [WOMAN] Hi, Roman.
- Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
[NESTOR] I was surprised
to hear from you.
I think I found a new
landing spot for the shipment.
I told you I was not interested
in anything that would
enrich Fidel Castro.
Coño. Me neither. Do you really
wanna fuck Fidel?
I say we land the product,
steal it, and get rid of it.
Henao and Yolanda. [IN SPANISH]
What part of "Don't quit your day job"
- didn't you understand?
- Coño. You trusted my gut
when I warned you
about their plot to kill you.
Why can't you trust me now?
Or are you afraid
I'm as good at this as you?
What's your proposal?
I want you to meet my boss. He's a man
I've known for eight years,
who I trust like family.
It may be loco,
but please hear him out.
My father bought these acres years ago.
As I was explaining to Roman,
most of it remains
undeveloped swampland.
Swampland is useless to me.
Sí, yo sé, yo sé.
Alligators, uncertain terrain.
Possibility of water damage
to the product.
Yo sé. That's why I'm thinking
the sugarcane fields, right here.
About 700 acres.
What type of security do you have there?
I mean, basically none.
Private security, all of whom
I can call off at will.
And the stalks are still growing.
So no cane harvesters will be
near this property for months.
We're dropping tons.
My concern is law enforcement flyovers.
Yep, yep, yep.
Nobody owns public airspace.
But my father is a very secretive man.
I mean, paranoid, actually.
It was a problem growing up.
But he has used his contacts at the FAA
to direct air traffic
away from his property,
both commercial and military.
Señor Cabal, you could drop
a fucking nuclear bomb there,
and nobody would be the wiser.
I'm gonna think about it.
Okay, okay. And, sir,
may I just assure you
of the strictest confidentiality?
That's the unspoken code
with this type of endeavor,
and I accept those terms.
You have my word.
I am neither a squealer nor a rat.
Thank you, Burton.
Yep. Okay. Thank you, gentlemen.
You have to admit,
the Greenberg property
is even better than Landon's.
I suppose you're right.
I am, trust me.
Let's do it. Teach Castro a lesson.

[NESTOR] Are you a liar?
Or is my wife?
She says you're working
with the fucking cops.
You have three seconds, brother.
- Three, two, one.
- But they
They threatened to take Valeria away.
I had no choice.
- [NESTOR] Fuck you!
Fuck you!
You fucking betrayed me, brother.
I protected you.
I prevented you from being arrested.
I saved your fucking life.
Because of me, the DEA wants
los colombianos, not you.
I should shoot you
right between the fucking eyes.
But I sacrificed my safety
and that of my family to protect you.
Your own goddamn choices in life
brought this on you, not me.
So, fuck you. Go ahead and shoot.
Do it.
How could I ever
trust you again, brother?
I don't give a fuck
if you trust me or not.
Let's go through with the plan,
even if the DEA takes the coke.
We're still fucking Fidel.
[ZULIO] Yeah.
See, the key to our success
is the Colombians buying my identity.
That's insane.
They're gonna kill you and me
the minute they smell a rat.
Which is why I had
the geniuses at our lab
create these images
me doing blow with the congressman
and exchanging bribes, coded telegrams,
so that it looks like we're in cahoots.
Nah, fuck that.
I'm not gonna risk it.
[SCOFFS] Hey, fuckwit,
you don't have a choice.
I do, as a matter of fact,
I would much rather go to jail.
- Was that right?
- Yeah. Take me to fucking jail.
- I'm not doing this shit.
- Funny you should mention that.
I just got some intel
on the murder of Constance Greenberg.
You know, the the sister
of the owner of this hotel.
It turns out, the Colombians
they popped her,
which makes you an accessory to murder.
I can book you on that right now,
or you can have
one last shot at freedom.
Up to you, fuckhead.
How you doing?
Janice, look, I know this deal
is gonna save my hotel,
but can I trust this Nestor Cabal?
I'm not even sure you can trust Roman.
What are you talking about?
He's changing.
And not for the better.
I'm worried he is going
to get you both killed.
[ZULIO] I've provided protection
for at least a dozen cocaine shipments.
So, Congressman Landon paid you?
Twenty five percent
of everything he got.
Oof, that's a hefty price.
It was worth it.
I kept the cops off his ass.
It's what I do.
You must be a man of great influence.
[ZULIO] Well, Peter Cunningham
he's in the Department of Justice,
and he answers to the president.
Also happens to be
a close personal friend.
So, if I need something, I get it.
You know, back in my country,
I have a lot of cops on my payroll,
and they do all sorts of things for me.
But there is something about cops here
in the United States
that is different, right, love?
Yeah? What's that?
Well, for example, you know,
if a cop is undercover here,
there are certain crimes
that he cannot commit.
Like murder.
- Yep.
- No?
- So
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
There's no need for that.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I'm not gonna shoot you.
You're gonna shoot him.
What the fuck are you talking about?
He's your fucking banker.
Corrupt bankers are easier
to find than corrupt cops.
Uh You know what? Fuck this.
You don't want my help, I'm outta here.
Jesus. Really?
[RAY] Henao, you've got to listen to me.
I'm not gonna kill anyone.
All right, then you're both
going to die.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- [ZULIO] What? No.
You're not listening to me.
You can't kill me.
Without me here in this country,
you know very well you're nothing.
They see you as some other
immigrant coffee bean farmer.
You need me. I am the legitimate face
of all of your fucking enterprises.
What the fuck are you
gonna do without me?
Without me, how are you going to launder
all that money coming in?
Ray Dorado is not gonna die
from you, motherfucker.
If there's anybody here
that you gonna fucking kill,
it's not me. It's this fucking guy.
This fucking
- You satisfied?
[ANDREW] Val, it's me.
Hi, Andrew.
Look, I'm really sorry
about what I said.
Blaming your family,
blaming all Cubans
it was out of line.
I understand. You're upset.
I can't imagine
what you're going through.
Yeah, but that's not an excuse.
I want to see you.
You're, like, the one person
I want to be around right now.
Me, too.
Okay, uh can you meet me
at the restaurant
near the marina tonight?
I'll have my stupid guards with me.
[ANDREW] Yeah, I don't care.
I miss you.
[VALERIA] I'll be there.
[ANDREW] Thanks, Valeria.
I'll see you soon.
[ZULIO] What the fuck is this?
[SCOFFS] Well, you're just
full of surprises today.
Agent Zulio, I'd like you
to meet Nestor Cabal.
Yeah, I wish I could say
it's a pleasure.
Likewise. My brother tells me
you're the motherfucker
that blackmailed him to spy on me.
The fuck you trying to pull here, Roman?
- I should bring you both in.
- We have a new landing spot.
We can make a deal.
First, immunity for my brother
and me in writing by a judge.
- Then we'll tell you everything.
- Plus, a guarantee
that Henao and Yolanda
are tried in the U.S.
and incarcerated in a U.S. prison,
not extradited to Colombia,
where they can buy
their way out of a jail.
[CHUCKLES] Uh-huh.
You two are setting
the fucking terms now, huh?
Are you out of
your fucking mind? No way.
Then you get nothing.
Ah, stop.
Okay, fine.
- I'll work on his immunity.
- [ROMAN] In writing.
One problem, though.
My meeting with the Colombians
didn't exactly go as planned.
As a matter of fact,
it was a little fucked up.
Don't worry.
I can get 'em back to the table.
[ZULIO] Uh-huh,
how are you gonna do that?
I may have an in.
I'm sorry, ma'am, the club is closed.
I was invited by Roman Compte.
Drinking alone?
Not if you join me.
Marisol left me.
An argument?
She didn't have my back.
She's not like you.
No matter what happens,
I know I can trust you,
confide in you, but
Marisol's not like that.
Maybe she wanted something more
from the relationship.
The problem is,
I never stopped loving Estela,
but she's dead.
Well, maybe the truth is
I'll just never love again.
I know exactly how you feel.
Hello, Roman.
You wanted to see me?
Excuse us.
Oh. Ay.
the club's closed.
I guess you didn't
invite me here to dance.
We could still dance.
Without music?
We can make our own.
I like that.
And I like your office.
[ROMAN] No one's ever said that.
[ROMAN] Leave that.
Who's this pretty girl?
- Is she your daughter?
- Yes. Give me that.
- Let me have that.
[WHISPERS] Valeria.
Beautiful name.
[ROMAN] I have a new
landing spot for the product.
Oh. You're all business.
I was hoping this was
a different kind of meeting.
Well, business can wait till after.
After what, Roman?
What were you telling me?
We'll do business together again.
You tell me.
We're in.
I'll bring Henao here tonight.
Hey, hey, great news.
My CI is gonna give us the
location of the new drop spot.
All we got to do is give him
an immunity agreement.
That's impressive. Really,
really, really impressive.
Yeah, I can see you two are
jumping up and down for joy.
What the fuck is going on here?
just found him in a dumpster
the former owner
of the Orange Grove Bank,
Ray Dorado.
I believe he was your contact.
It's too bad. Want me to look into it?
No. I would like you to meet
Agents Warren and Lash.
They'll be taking over
your case. I'm sorry, Dom.
What are you talking about?
Did you not just hear me?
My CI knows the location of the drop.
[PETER] Mm-hmm.
Now, as far as your CI goes,
uh, Roman Compte?
I've been told that if we bring
in his daughter, he'll talk.
So, that's exactly what
Warren and Lash are gonna do.
[ZULIO] Those rookies
don't know this case.
You can't do this.
Watch me.
[VALERIA] You haven't
had your cheesecake.
Yeah, I haven't had
much of an appetite lately.
I can imagine. I just wanna say
I'm really sorry.
Yeah, me, too.
It's really good to see you.
No, it's really good to see you.
It sucks that you're leaving, though.
Yeah. I wish you were coming with me.
Me, too.
Do you want to?
Okay, then let's do it.
Let's get out of Florida,
go see the country.
And you know, go
go see the rest of the world,
just me and you.
I'd love to,
but my bodyguards are up front.
I'm under constant watch.
They'll never let me leave.
[NESTOR] What did you think
of the Greenberg property?
The sugarcane fields?
We checked 'em. Should be all right.
- So we have a deal?
- I think we have one.
Well, last time we made an agreement,
things didn't go very well.
So now it's going to be different.
No. The terms are the same,
or there's no deal.
No terms. We need insurance.
[LASH] Put your guns out!
Hands where I can see 'em!
What kind of insurance?
[LASH] We're here for Valeria Compte.
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