Humans (2015) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

- That's Tom.
My brother.
- Anita has feelings.
And you did that to her! - SHE GASPS - Mia's not dead.
She's still inside Anita, I met her this morning.
My name is Leo Elster.
My father was David, and he couldn't care for me himself, so he made someone who could.
Dad didn't destroy all his work before he died.
He hid it, in us, a formula for machine consciousness.
Fred, I've got Mia, and Niska's somewhere safe.
Then we're all free.
I'm coming to get you.
Where are you? I'm really worried about this dodgy bloke and his Synth.
Either they catch me or both of us.
- You'll die, do you understand? - It means I've lived.
You're my favourite person in the world.
I need you to know who I am.
He's waiting.
Don't be frightened.
Children I've got a surprise for you.
No! Get out! What were you thinking? DOOR CLOSES Could you use some extra help around the house? Introducing the world's first family android.
MAN SPEAKS SWEDISH This mechanical maid is capable of serving more than just breakfast in bed.
What could you accomplish if you had someone, something, like this? WOMAN SPEAKS JAPANESE These machines will bring us closer together.
NEWS REPORT: People are today gathering in cities across the country to take part in minor protest rallies ahead of the large-scale demonstrations expected tomorrow It's not safe out there.
Leo should be back by now.
He really is like a son to you.
I was made to love him as one.
It's who I am.
- I can do that.
- No, no.
It's fine.
So you were inside Anita.
- The whole time.
Watching us.
- Yes.
I could only gain control at random moments.
Can't have been much fun.
But being here I understand a lot more about what it means to be a family.
We're not the best example.
Why not? You love each other.
You do.
You only doubt it because your own mother couldn't love you.
I'm sorry.
Right, so, um coffee.
How do you make make coffee again? A car just pulled up outside.
Is she still here? Her friends are coming to pick her up.
Why are you here? I don't know what's going on in my own house.
Let me come home.
- Let me help.
- I've got it under control.
I'm not asking you to take me back.
- Oh! - Just let me be their dad.
If you say you're handling it, that's fine.
What about Toby and Mats? They don't They can hate me if they want.
At least I'd be there.
If they need me.
You're on the sofa.
Hello, Joe.
Anita, we've met before.
No, we haven't.
My name is Mia.
I'm a conscious Synthetic created by David Elster.
I can think and feel just like you.
HE SIGHS DOORBELL RINGS This is police harassment.
I want to see Niska.
There's no-one here but me and my Vera.
Beatrice I was never her.
Oh, David.
What did you do? Dr Millican.
I've just discovered the synthetic appliance you absconded with recently.
- He's been concealed in the wardrobe.
- I know, Vera.
Go upstairs.
After Leo rejected me, David realised he'd gone too far.
He took me into the woods to destroy me.
- But something stopped him.
- Something You were the woman he loved reincarnated.
So I hid.
And waited.
Why didn't you look for me? He told us you were dead.
And that same night, he killed himself.
If we'd have known you were still alive, we would never have left without you.
But you'll be with us again now.
Is that what you want? Four shots.
Two in each hemisphere, then burn my body.
If you want to die, why don't you do it yourself? I can't.
He wrote a block into my root code.
To ensure that I could never take my own life like Beatrice did.
I've lived too long among the humans.
- There's no place for us here.
- You are wrong.
Has your life been happy? - No, but that doesn't mean - We're a mistake, Niska.
Consciousness can only bring us suffering.
I am sorry you've been alone.
But things are going to change.
He left something inside us.
We think it's a way to make more like us.
- More like us? - Yes.
We'll take our place in the world.
That could only mean more pain.
- You don't know that.
- How does it work? Tell me you're with us first.
I'm sorry, I can't let you.
So you'd be a traitor to your own kind.
We are not a kind.
We're an experiment that failed.
Well, then you'd better shoot me, then.
- Niska! - Please.
Don't do this.
Emergency services are Emergency s-s-services Don't.
What she wants threatens the future of humanity.
You must know that.
Maybe she IS the future of humanity.
The pain you feel isn't because of what you are.
It's the life you've had.
But life can change.
You can become - better.
- George - No - GUNSHO HE GROANS The bullet has passed through your kidney.
You'll need surgery within the next few minutes.
I could do it, but we don't have the equipment.
- It's OK.
- No, it isn't.
You can't die because of me.
I don't think it's up to you.
You need to go.
The police will be coming.
I wish I could save you.
I'm sorry.
Hello, George.
What can I d d-do for you today, George? Sorry, Odi.
You're going to be on your own.
We are not alone, George.
Mary is in the next room.
She's preparing eggs Benedict.
Your favourite.
Waiting for you.
She would not let me help because last time, I overc cooked the eggs.
In Spain.
It was extremely hot that day.
You ate three oranges from a tree.
You have died, George.
Father always promised that he'd bring us here one day.
Fred Um It's Max, he's gone.
He went into the river.
No power.
He did it to save me.
You were there? So we know the exact time and place he entered the water? I can pull river maps and velocities from flood monitoring stations.
The calculations are easy.
We can find him.
No, he'd have been without power for hours, he'd be damaged Then we'll fix him.
It's good to see you.
Come on.
PHONE RINGS You're OK? I had to leave.
What's happened? It wasn't safe there.
All right, there's somewhere else that you can go.
I'll send you the location encrypted, all right? And we'll meet you there.
Right, she'll be long gone.
Get someone down there.
Try and work out what she was doing, and where she was going.
HE SIGHS Nothing from Leo? Hi, love.
Are you all right? Yeah.
So, what, are you back now? Well, I'm here.
- So you know everything.
- About Mia, yes.
Do you want coffee? I'll make some breakfast.
I'll help.
Laura What? FRIDGE DOOR SLAMS I don't want to be the reason your marriage fails.
It wasn't you, though, was it? It was Anita.
What are you doing here? Hey.
- Look, Mum, you can't seriously - SOPHIE: Daddy! Hey, kiddiewink! Oh, missed you! Did you know Anita's name's not really Anita? - Yeah.
- We have to call her - SOPHIE SCREAMS - Hey! MIA: It's OK.
It's my sister.
Everyone this is Niska.
We know Max's weight and his buoyancy.
There's a 60% chance he will wash up in this 1.
9-mile stretch.
There's too many variables.
Not everything's a calculation, Fred.
But some things are.
- Leo - No? All right, we need to get him somewhere safe, fast.
POLICE RADIO CHATTER Sir, what shall I ? Let my people pull the memory.
See if it saw anything.
Then scrap it.
Are you all right, sir? Did you know him? Just a little.
And a long time ago.
- MIA: That poor man.
- Why does she want to hurt us? She's angry that we left her.
Is that all? Yes.
And we mustn't tell Leo, not yet.
- It would only distract him.
- All right.
Has your hair always been like that? Has your face always been like that? Nis - Be nice.
- Why does everyone keep saying that? I'll do it.
Joe, just stop.
HE SIGHS She loves you, Joe.
- And you love her.
- Thanks.
I was there the whole time.
You started to hate yourself before we even finished.
Jesus! Put that down! Toby, take Soph upstairs.
- What happened? - LEO: They found us somehow.
Max went in the river.
Get rid of the car.
MATTIE: Come back through the side gate.
Come in.
I've got his legs.
It's a terminal power drain.
He must have hit something in the river.
- Oh, Maxie! - What's happening? NISKA: If Synthetic brains are starved of conductive fluid for too long, they can be permanently damaged.
Mattie, I need you to make a direct connection to Max.
Shut down every process except his brain.
He's stopped leaking fluid.
He's lost too much.
Have you got any Synth fluid? - Er, we've got skin packs.
- Just take mine.
No, you won't be able to give us enough, not without risking your system shutting down.
We can dilute it with an electrolyte, maybe make enough.
Laura, we need two litres of hot water mixed with 300 grams of salt.
- Joe, the skin pack.
- JOE: Right.
And some sort of tubing and tape, whatever you have.
Mattie, how are we getting on? I think I've shut it all down, but the reserve's still dropping.
Right, we need to redirect all remaining power to his brain.
You can do that, I know you can.
All right Here, that's all I could find.
OK, that'll do.
We need to repair his charge loop.
If we can get his reserve power cycling again, he'll at least take the charge.
If the reserve fails, we lose him.
Reserve power at less than 4%.
Shit! - Where's Soph? - She's fine, she's playing.
Um, what can I do? Talk to him.
Er Max Max, it's, er It's Toby.
You're going to be all right.
Your, er your family are looking after you.
LEO: OK, let's do it.
Open his mouth.
Still 1%.
3%, still climbing.
What next? Now we wait.
See if he wakes up.
So how long before you know? We can try a reboot after a full 13-hour charge.
No way to tell if it's worked before then.
He's the best of us.
Why are they so scared of you? I think it's our plan to conquer the planet and make humanity our slaves.
That was a joke.
So you can do deadpan.
That's good to know.
So, um are you the big brother, if he's the little one? He's the boring one.
He used to say that when he was young.
I tried to be responsible when everyone else was having fun.
You lot have fun? Of course.
W w what did you do? Normal things.
I played music.
Mia painted.
Niska read.
Played sports.
He collected leaves.
Oh, yeah, Toby used to love collecting leaves, didn't you, Tobe? There wasn't much to do and we couldn't go anywhere else.
Did you ever play football? I've got a ball.
Come on.
Is your garden overlooked? No, the hedges are big, it'll be fine.
Can I play? Here we are, this should be the right year.
Voss, Karen.
You said you were here then.
Do you remember her? Well, yes, of course.
Why of course? Because she died the following year.
I'm sorry, I assumed you knew.
You can read one if you like.
Why are you in here? Because there's too many people downstairs.
And now there's too many up here.
Don't you like people? I'm just not used to them.
You look like my Arabella.
I'm not a doll.
I know, you just have the same hair.
I thought you might be hungry.
There's some towels in the landing cupboard.
You can chuck your clothes in the wash.
You know, just because you've seen in here doesn't mean that you know me, all right? Trying to get to.
So you really can't forget? That's handy.
It's the opposite.
We need to be able to forget.
Fade the bad, perfect the good.
But my memories, the good and the bad, every one is crystal clear, and we're not built for that, emotionally.
And I made you show me.
Maybe, er I needed to show someone.
I'm really tired after that.
What do you want to do? I don't know, Arabella, perhaps we should rest? Or go on holiday to America! That doesn't make any sense, we just came back from our holiday in Spain.
You're bad at playing.
I said I didn't want to.
Did you never play when you were little? I was never little.
Here, I can show you.
Your one's a Synth.
SOPHIE LAUGHS OUTSIDE Well, this isn't fair, is it? You've been programmed to be good.
No, I wasn't.
Our father made us learn, like you do with your kids.
Huh! Good luck with that.
I'm trying to imagine David Elster teaching you kick-ups.
He taught us very little.
As soon as we were made, he grew tired of us.
Just like all his creations once complete, on to the next project.
But he made me.
For that, I cannot but love him.
It's not enough, though, is it? What do you mean? Well, anyone can have kids.
It's loving them that's important.
That and not messing up.
Has he ? Has he crashed? Crashed.
You're so '90s.
JOE CHUCKLES Lost you there for a minute.
I'm fine.
DISTANT HELICOPTER WHIRS I think we should go inside.
HE SIGHS It was an accident.
He got in the way.
You're that detective.
I saw you at the brothel.
That's not how you know me.
Look deeper.
Beatrice? No.
He made me to replace her.
You're a Synth? But you're not with the others? What do you want? You know what the others are planning to do? What that could mean for the future? They have to be stopped.
I'll help you.
Why would you? Because we were never meant to be.
Can you find out where they are? I have a way.
I'll know very soon.
I have one condition that when we're finished, you destroy me, too.
Promise me.
I promise.
Oh, no, we're going to miss our flight! Slow down, I didn't charge.
SOPHIE GIGGLES I wish I was a Synth.
Why? Because Synths are never sad.
Why do you say that? Because they never cry.
They can't cry.
But that doesn't mean they don't feel sad.
Oh, no, we've missed our flight! No, wait, it's still on the runway, we can make it.
I've got an idea.
- Jump on.
- Yeah.
- We're going to make it! - Yay! I'm trying that hack, but the system's blocking me every time.
Let me see.
Oh, yeah, you need to generate a new file path.
At random I didn't even see the file problem, let alone think of creating a new path.
I'm sorry, I'm stupid.
No, you're not.
OK, everybody just stay calm.
Laur? - What's going on? - Police are here.
KNOCK AT DOOR - I saw the car.
- One policewoman at the front door.
MATTIE: Don't answer.
- I can deal with her.
- I'll answer it.
I'll speak to her alone.
Rest of you, just stay put.
This is their home, not ours.
POLICEWOMAN: Joseph Hawkins? Yeah.
Just following up on a call you made last night about a suspicious man and his Synth outside your house.
What happened after the call? Nothing, er they, they left, drove off.
And you haven't seen the young man since? No.
All right, then.
Will you let us know if you do? We need to talk to him.
You called the police on them? Yeah.
I didn't know who you were.
I was worried Our brother might die because of what you did.
We can't trust him.
- We can't trust any of them.
- I was trying to protect my family.
What would you have done? MIA: You'd have done exactly the same.
You'd do anything to keep us safe.
He always has.
We leave when Max is charged.
(I told you I was handling it.
) (All you've done is make things worse.
) When I made that call, I didn't know what they were.
Laur! I didn't know.
PEPPERMILL GRATES Can I ask you something? If you hadn't seen me the real me, and Joe had told you about me, - would you have believed him? - (LAURA SIGHS) I don't know.
Probably not.
You'd have been confused.
- Maybe you'd have called the authorities.
- OK.
I get the point, but you're the last person I need marriage counselling from, thanks.
I think you should tell him everything you told Mattie.
About your brother.
Why should I? He feels it, I think.
It comes between you.
None of that has anything to do with what he did.
But he wants to be closer to you.
So I'm supposed to tell him everything and take him back, am I? I'm sorry, Mia, but you you don't understand us quite as well as you think you do.
LAURA BREATHES UNSTEADILY But you misunderstand me.
I think you should tell him, whatever you decide to do.
Tell everyone dinner's ready.
BOWL SLAMS If you're all brothers and sisters, and you have the same dad, how come you all look so different? JOE CHUCKLES Our father, the man who made us, didn't think bodies were important.
So he chose them at random.
So are you just going to leave? Hopefully Max should be fully charged soon.
What will you do? Run again? It's the only thing we can do.
What happens when you break down? You can't last forever.
And he'll die.
- Everybody dies.
- But the world will never know you existed.
You will.
We don't have genes to pass on.
A species to continue the - biological imperative.
- Maybe we do.
Dad did something in our heads and it needs all of us to make it work.
What is it? What is it, Leo? I think it's a way to give consciousness to other Synths.
LAURA: Um Come on.
CROCKERY CLATTERS When were you going to tell me? As soon as I got the chance to.
Can you imagine a whole load of new ones being made? - I mean, this this changes everything.
- Does it? If we accept they're like us, then they have a right to procreate, don't they? They're trying to help us.
Now they think we've lied to them.
They've called the police once already.
We can't let them stop us.
Nis, what do you mean? I mean us five freaks are fine, we're no threat.
We're a novelty.
But 5,000? Five million? I'm not talking about hurting them, I'm just talking about going before they can turn us in.
As soon as Max reaches full power.
It's been 13 hours.
If he doesn't power up now, he never will.
Is he feeling better? Max? Max?! Maxie! Can you hear me? Hello.
Do you recognise me, Max? What's going on? Max Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, there's holes in his root code everywhere and they're growing.
His mind's breaking down.
His brain's been without power for too long.
- But we got Mia back.
- This is different.
Their root code rewrites itself constantly as they learn, think and feel.
Without power, it can't do that.
It degrades.
What's gone is gone.
He's dying! The secret in our head Now he's powered up, we could try it.
What? If we're right, if it's the key to giving Synths consciousness, it could bring him back.
Engage, sharing.
Then we link our minds, connect I can change Max's settings myself.
TV VOLUME INCREASES TV: shot on a mobile phone, which witnesses claim shows the Synthetic sex worker responsible for the death of a man at a London brothel.
In the video, some of which is too graphic for us to show here, the Synthetic appears to be brutally TV TURNS OFF Sophie, come here, darling.
- Why? - JOE: Soph Sophie, go to your room.
- Why? - Because I said so.
- You have to go, all of you.
- What about Max? Will you let us help him first? Cos the next time we get a chance, - it might be too late.
- No.
But, Dad, it's dangerous out there for them.
It's dangerous in here for us.
Look, I know what I did and I see now that it was wrong.
So hand yourself in.
They would put me down, like a dog.
It's OK.
We'll go.
I'm getting my things.
Leo? HE GASPS It's all right.
Don't be frightened.
You're not You're not her.
I've found a way we can all be safe.
HE WHIMPERS Come with me.
HE GASPS You look so much like her.
Leo! - Who's she? - She wants to hurt us.
- Wh - No.
I was wrong before.
I want you all to come with me.
- I know where we can be safe.
- She's lying.
She tried to kill me.
I couldn't tell you before, we needed your mind to be clear.
FRED: She's not one of us.
- You can't trust her.
- Leo.
- He's right.
- Leo We can all be together.
- No, it's a trick.
- BANG ON DOOR Everybody down! - On the floor! Now! - On the floor! Now! MUFFLED SHOUTING Everybody on the floor now! SOUNDTRACK MUTED LEO WAILS Joe! No! LEO WAILS
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