InSecurity (2011) s01e07 Episode Script

Spies on Ice

And if you keep applying the cream, you should be able to sit down comfortably in about three days.
Excuse me.
I told you not call me here.
Yes, I have them.
The centrifuge plans, the nuclear schematics, everything.
But you'll get them on my timetable.
Do you hear me? I said wait three days or you'll never go to the bathroom again! - This is our target, Dr.
Ho Lung.
- Copy that.
Former medical advisor to Pyongyang.
Copy that.
He may be passing nuclear intel to the North Koreans.
Please don't say "copy that.
" Roger that.
Listen to this call we intercepted.
HO LUNG: Yes, I have them.
The centrifuge plans, nuclear schematics, everything.
But you'll get them on my timetable.
Do you hear me? I said wait three days or you'll never go to the bathroom again! The man sounds like a butcher.
I like his style.
Direct, threatening, yet offbeat.
He's got a family, lives in Nepean, likes to fly kites, sleeps on his left side and has fungus under his right big toe.
Wow, good intel.
Thorough intel.
A little creepy intel towards the end.
It's what I do.
Alex, I'd like you to meet Sherry and Jay, CIA.
That rhymed by accident.
The CIA is interested in the Ho Lung file.
They think we'll screw it up, but I told them with you on it, - we might pull it off.
- Thanks.
Okay, who's up for beers and go-carts? Gotta show off the nation's capital.
- Well, it was nice to meet you.
- Don't mess this up.
Or we'll take you down, hard.
Mm, these guys.
Where are you going? Go-carts and beers.
- Sit down.
- Copy that.
Well now the sun ain't shinin' no more I don't know why but I've seen it before Ain't got no joy No man to lean on He leaves my soul on the floor like a doll Yeah, yeah, yeah! Ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo ALEX: Okay, let's go over this one more time.
The target is Ho Lung.
He's meticulous and carries his intel with him at all times.
He brings his kid here every week, for practice.
He leaves for about an hour, then comes back to pick him up.
Thursday he signed him up for rep team tryouts.
Spent about 10 minutes helping his kid get suited up.
Feels okay? During that time, he leaves his briefcase in the car.
That should give us just enough time to get into the car, open the briefcase, copy the intel, put it all back, undetected.
, Can't be done.
Back in Ligeria, we did something similar in less than 6 minutes.
That's why N'udu's been assigned to us, positive attitude.
- How many people were killed? - Four.
- And if we don't kill anyone? - Can't be done.
Well, let's try.
Claude, pick up a briefcase to match Ho Lung's so we can practice.
N'udu and I will talk to the rink staff.
And no killing.
Let's start there.
I'm Alex Cranston and we're with National Intelligence and Security.
That's funny.
Sorry, I just Thursday we need one of our intelligence officers to pose as your staff.
I don't know.
We're real busy with rep team tryouts.
Good day, sir.
My name is Benjamin N'udu, special officer with the N-I-S-A.
I understand little Sarah just became a Girl Guide.
How do you know my daughter's name.
It would be a shame if something bad happened at her first meeting.
You threatening my kid? I actually meant not getting her baking badge.
But now that you mention it Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to your daughter.
Slippery staircase, a small peanut finds its way into her cookie.
I'm assuming she still has the allergy? Okay, I'd be happy to help.
Do you hear that, Alex? He'd be happy to help.
That, my friend, is very encouraging.
Thank you.
N'udu will be posing as Arena staff.
JoJo, I need you outside keeping lookout while Burt checks out Ho Lung's car.
I'll be keeping Ho Lung occupied on the inside.
How are you going to do that? Well, I thought I'd pose as a puck bunny and flirt with him.
He's a dad, not a player.
You might want to try the hockey mom angle.
Less fun, but good point.
I should have a kid on the ice - Peter's son plays hockey.
Really? I knew he was divorced He's slow, his stick handling's so-so, but he's the right age.
Why would Peter not mention he has a son? - You'd think he'd have a picture.
- Scares women off.
What will you do about protection? I can handle Ho Lung.
I meant with Peter.
If you pose as his wife, he'll be all over you.
You get it bad enough in the office, right? Yeah.
I mean he's subtle, but yeah.
God, he'd be worse than Burt.
Burt hits on you? Why do you think I spend so much time in the lab? Oh.
Hey, Alex, what's the latest? We're gonna break into Ho Lung's car at the rink and copy the intel from his briefcase.
We'll need someone to keep him busy, a woman, to chat him up.
Oooo, a honey pot.
I like it.
JoJo? A little Asian-on-Asian action? No.
I'm going to be the honey pot.
- Oh, yeah, that makes sense.
- What? Oh, no, just some guys in accounting were saying that you were hot to trot.
Who even says that anymore? Guys in accounting.
Time moves slowly there.
I thought I'd pretend to be a parent with a kid on the ice.
Good idea.
Who's the kid? I recently learned you have a son - who plays hockey and - No.
We're not using my kid.
Besides, he wouldn't be trying out for the same level as some Korean kid.
- What level was it? - Bantam A.
- Really? A? - Is that good? My son tried out for B last year.
- I mean he made it.
- But his stick handling was weak.
- Who told you that? - Uh, guys in accounting.
Those gossipy bastards.
Sorry I brought it up.
We'll find someone else.
Ho Lung's kid better have a thick skin.
I mean A? Good luck.
Did you get the briefcase? Burt has to practice opening it.
Oh, well, uh, they were all sold out, everywhere.
But, you know, if we need to practice on something, we probably could use mine.
My beloved old briefcase.
- Is this made of cardboard? - Yes, yeah.
I usually carry it in a plastic bag.
But for the safety of the nation, I'm willing to give it up.
Oh, great, you got it.
Oh, yes, I-I forgot that I bought that one.
I- but Wow, soft handle, eh? - Ooo, it's like squeezing a baby's arm.
- Yeah.
Oh, but wait, wait.
My My lunch is in there.
JoJo, let's put 8 minutes on the clock and go.
- Where's Burt? - Shoulder roll! Same shoulder roll they use in the CIA.
Never seen you do a shoulder roll, N'udu.
That's because I wouldn't roll out of the way.
I would take a bullet like a man.
- You see this? - Mm? Assassination of President Mabulu in 1998.
This one.
Rescuing your ambassador from Ganzi rebels.
And this one.
Oh, you wanna talk self-inflicted? This? This is from falling off a roof.
This is from when I ran into a coffee table.
Shirts on, focus.
Burt, you really should get some more sun.
What? I didn't say start.
You said "Go" which implies start.
6:14 remaining.
Okay, Burt, go, go, go.
Or start or whatever.
Okay, cracking the combination.
Okay so it's not 1, 2, 3, 4 and it's not 4, 3, 2, 1.
- I'm stumped.
- Here.
Ah, sacrifice.
Who put a sandwich in here? I think it came with the briefcase.
Hey, Alex, great news.
My son can do the tryouts.
- Oh, good.
- Oh, yeah.
Ho Lung's kid better watch his ass.
You ready to knock this outta the park? Where's my camera? You knocked it off the table when you tumbled into the room.
Not my lottery tickets.
And that's time.
We'll get it on the day.
ALEX: Ho Lung will be here in just a few minutes.
Everyone stay frosty.
We can't afford to screw this up.
Burt, you ready with the camera? B- Train is in the station.
That's not gonna catch on, is it? JoJo, update.
Based on practice, it'll take Burt 8 minutes to get in the car, open the briefcase, accidentally close the briefcase after flashing himself, open the briefcase again and photograph the documents.
Sounds about right.
Yeah, a deputy director in the field.
He must really like you.
This is a big operation.
He's here with his son.
Okay, let's do this.
I heard she was hot to trot.
Hey, you.
You must be coverin' for Dave.
Yes, of course.
Dave? Yeah, he called.
He's not coming in.
He wanted to take his daughter to a Girl Guide meeting.
- Sounded kinda freaked out.
- I see.
You're gonna clean the ice before the tryouts, right? Does a monkey scream when you bend its tail? I'm guessing, yes? Like a little girl.
I'll see you in a couple minutes, buddy.
You're gonna do great.
So, Skipper, how do you wanna work this? I thought I could pretend to be your ex.
You're too attractive to be my ex.
We could both be here to see our son try out.
When Ho Lung comes in, I'll keep him from leaving.
- Sounds good.
We have to nail this.
- Of course.
If my son doesn't make Bantam A, his friends will think he's a loser.
I thought you meant the mission.
That's a given.
If you don't get the schematics, there'll be lotsa pressure on me to fire you.
But, you know, don't think about that right now.
It'll just freak you out.
Hey, uh Almost there.
You'll use the Zamboni, right? Of course I'll use the Zamboni.
Do you think I'm an idiot? - No.
- Good.
Now, tell me where this damn Zamboni is.
CLAUDE: Here we go.
It's show time.
Can you, uh Eh? Oh, I'm sorry.
Thanks, man.
Okay, Ho Lung's going in to help his kid.
We've got about 10 minutes.
Go, go, go! Ha! Didn't even need a knife.
Lucky you.
All right, go put your stuff on yourself.
I've got some calls to make in the car.
Okay? Okay, not good.
Ho Lung is not going in with his kid.
Repeat, not going in with his kid.
Repeat, not going in with his kid.
Not going in.
But don't worry.
I'm on it.
Excuse me? Do you know if there's skate sharpening here? Ah, I think so.
I'll tell my husband, well, my ex-husband.
He's here with his son.
My son, our son.
We used to be married.
What position does your son play? Defenceman.
Yours? Oh, um, offenceman.
But his stick handling's weak.
His father doesn't see that.
Dad, can you help me do up my skates? - Ah, sure.
- Great.
Great to see another parent who has to do up his kid's skates, like my son.
He's right over there, who I'm here to see.
Okay, he's in the change room.
Let's do this.
Burt, you've got about More than enough time.
I'm hitting mute.
Ah, yeah, ba Mm, still annoying.
I usually don't have this much trouble talking to guys.
Oh, yeah, sure.
But maybe we should get JoJo in here.
She might be more his, um, type.
No, seriously.
Last week I was at this karaoke bar and I was on fire.
I can keep Ho Lung inside.
- It's okay.
I'm just gonna flirt with him some more.
- No.
I mean it's good to delegate and play to people's strengths.
You know what? We're good with the rink the way it is.
I apologize.
Where I come from, the Zamboni steering wheel is on the other side.
Only 3 minutes remaining.
Almost done.
Memory full? Okay, go to Menu, select Playback, select Thumbnails, then delete any photos that are taking up space.
What did you say after "Okay"? Get in! - Camera, now! - Here! This is unfortunate.
I'll get rid of those.
Why are you wearing a sports bra? It's a technical fabric tank top.
Claude! Claude, he's on the move! I'm on it.
Large coffee, black, please.
That's good.
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry.
Hot dog, please.
Well? How did you get his wallet? I didn't.
I have to pay for my hot dog.
- .
- Now, run after Ho Lung.
Tell him his kid has been hurt.
But his kid hasn't been hurt.
I'd hurry.
Come on.
Oh, uh, can I have a receipt, please? Burt, JoJo! Ho Lung's coming! Excuse me! Excuse me, sir! Your son's been hurt! Really? But I was just Yes, badly! Now Ho Lung's kid is hurt.
Claude, that's not Ho Lung's kid.
That's my kid.
Ah, bapteme! There he is, hurt.
You all right, buddy? - That's not my kid.
- Whose kid is it? Yours.
Our sons look alike.
I mean, yes, yours is Asian and mine isn't, but Ow, ow, ow, ow.
Then Delete, then All, then Okay, then not Okay because I didn't mean to delete everything.
You deleted the schematics too? We're fine.
There's plenty of space on the camera now.
Battery depleted? Oh, way to go.
Lucky for you my cell phone has a camera.
One second.
Hello? This is kind of a bad time.
Well, yes, I am unhappy with my service.
Burt! I gotta go.
Ah, somewhat satisfactory.
Very satisfactory.
Now I don't get a shot at the prize.
You okay? Good thing we have a doctor here.
- We do? - We might.
Is anybody a doctor, here? My dad is.
You are? That's great.
Do you mind taking a look? Yeah, okay.
Honey, I'll go get the car for our little guy.
Who is that? Wow.
He's in so much pain he doesn't even recognize his own mother.
Where are we at? JoJo deleted all the schematics.
- What? - Yes, and I feel terrible! No matter how much you tell Peter I screwed up or Burt got a new phone plan, it's your responsibility.
- New cell phone plan? - I was paying through the nose.
Give me gimme the briefcase! What's the point? We should just cut our losses.
Give me the briefcase now! I don't think she was listening to me.
- Bite down on this until we find you some bourbon.
- I've got some.
I've got painkillers in the car.
Wait! Let's work with the bourbon.
You know what? Son, we should probably go.
Go get changed.
Your son's gonna be fine.
Okay, copy! Copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy! - No copy.
- But I need to copy! - No copy.
- Please! - T-shirt? - No, I don't want a T-shirt! - Mug? - No! Oh.
T-shirt? Oh! I really don't think my son's okay.
- Let me get the first aid kit.
- If you know where it is.
- In the first aid room.
- And where is that? Wouldn't you like to know.
Put it back! We're outta here! Thank you so much.
Good job, everyone.
Except you, Burt.
Burt is in the car.
Repeat, Burt is in the car.
Suggestions? Guys, anything? Anything at all? So sorry! Just don't be so slow! You need a witness? I saw the whole thing.
No, we're fine.
You see? Shoulder roll.
Saves lives.
Well, my kid's out for the rest of the season with a torn ACL, but good news is Ho Lung's behind bars.
Great work, Alex.
You're definitely coming for beers and go-carts next time.
Now, for the weapons system that North Korea is currently testing, let's look at Item 22.
It should be on one of the mugs.
Uh Oh.
My bad.
Yep, that's the one.
Subtitle by: Kiasuseven
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