Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e07 Episode Script

Body and Soul

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
(piano playing gentle melody)

(song ends)
Remember me?
(high-pitched voice):
I'm Mad Marvin.
Look at this VCR.
It's the best.
(normal voice): More
features than I could remember.
It's so good, I'd sell
it to the Japanese.
And cheap? (laughing)
If it was any cheaper,
I'd be giving it away.
In fact, my wife Rosie
thinks I'm doing that now,
so don't tell her
that I told you.
(boxes falling)
What can I say?
I'm overstocked.
You'd better get down
to one of my outlets
before Rosie
finds out we talked.
And cut.
Well, was I intense enough?
You were terrific.
Okay, everybody, that's a wrap.
We'll show you the completed
spot on Monday, all right?
Good job.
Ah, Mr. Michaels.
Who are you?
I'm Bradford Long.
Oh, yeah. Who's he?
LONG: That's my
associate, Arthur.
Well, uh, didn't
my attorney tell you
that I don't want to sell?
Yes, he did.
Well, I don't know how
to make it any plainer.
Mr. Michaels, I'm
prepared to pay you
$3.5 million for your business.
I'm not interested.
If you're worried about
the IRS sharing in this,
we could set up two contracts,
put the money in any bank,
any country in the world.
You're pretty slick
but I'm not selling.
It's not easy turning
down $3 million.
Yeah, and you
said three and a half.
Oh, I did?
I'm sorry. I should
pay closer attention.
What I meant to say
was two and a half.
Take it or leave it.
What, are you crazy?
Is there any way that
I can convince you?
You're wasting your time.
Well, Mr. Michaels,
I'd like to thank you
for letting me give
you this opportunity.
No problem.
(door opens)
Who's there?
Is somebody here?

(phones ringing)
Hello, Derek.
Where's Max?
I left him at the vet's.
They want to keep
him overnight. What?!
But why?
He was just going to
have his shots, wasn't he?
The doctor said it
wasn't anything serious.
Oh, God.
Yeah, get me
Dr. Luger right away.
It's an emergency.
You know, it's my fault.
I haven't been
checking his nose lately.
Mr. McCabe, he said to
tell you just not to worry.
He just wants to check him over.
Well, did you tell
him who was calling?
Well, put him through
the moment he calls back.
Derek, come here.
I want you to get over
there and you tell that quack
that if I don't hear from
him within the next hour,
I'm going to put
him out of business.
But be diplomatic about it, huh?
Yeah. Yes, sir.
Hey. Jake.
What's, uh, what's the problem?
Oh, Luger is running a
whole series of tests on Max,
and I don't like it.
Max is in great shape.
As a matter of fact, a
shape very much like yours.
Listen, while I'm here,
do you want to deal with
some business with
me? Oh, I'm sorry, Jake,
but this whole business
about Max it was so sudden.
Yeah, well, I can
come back if you want.
Should I do that?
No, no.
No, no, no. I-I can keep
my mind on my work.
Really, I can.
But if Luger calls, I'm going
to have to interrupt you.
Max is going to be fine. Relax.
I'm relaxed.
Good. What have you
got on Bradford Long?
Well, it's hard to
believe we put him away
three years, four months,
and seven days ago,
but I checked him
out and he's clean.
Not possible.
I talked to Mad Marvin's widow.
Her grief over her
husband's tragic accident
was brief at best.
Took her no less than a week
to sell the electronics
business to Bradford Long.
So, it would appear that
for the last three months,
Long has been legit, if
you have a taste for fantasy.
Well, what the hell
is Long's angle?
I don't know yet.
(intercom buzzing)
Excuse me. Yeah.
Is it Dr. Luger?
Oh, well, send her in.
Hello, Jake.
It's all set.
I'm taking Long to lunch today.
Excuse me?
You're taking
Bradford Long to lunch?
That's right.
Karen's going undercover.
As an advertising account exec,
pitching him as
a potential client.
I'll be in touch.
Nice seeing you again, Jake.
You're not serious.
She's very good.
Why are you doing this?
Long was responsible for
her old man getting killed.
She's a good cop
and she asked
for the assignment.
I know she's a good cop.
I'm ten times better.
Let me go instead.
Ah, come on, Jake.
I thought it was over
between you two.
It is over.
I don't think I can stop her.
(intercom buzzing)
Is it Luger?
Well, put him on.
I would like for you to
level with me about my dog.
How is Max?
Max is fine
Well, if he's so healthy,
what's all this about
running tests on him?
Even the healthiest
dog might have worms.
What do you mean
he may have worms?!
It's not unusual
Well, if he's got them,
he picked up them up at that
flea-bitten operation of yours!
No, you listen to me!
I've got a man on his
way over there right now
and I want my dog
released to him,
or I'll see to it that you're shut
down by tomorrow morning!
Fine. You can pick
him up right now.
And I'd appreciate it if
you didn't bring him back.
Not that I don't
like Max Oh
good manners, a lot
better than yours. Well
The same to you!
Karen, we've got to talk.
Come on.
I'm running a little late.
I know, I know. You told me.
You've got a lunch date.
Jake Look
In here, in here.
Before you start, I
just want you to know
that I have given this
Karen, don't do this.
I have given this
a lot of thought.
You're too emotionally involved.
I know what I'm doing.
You know what you're doing?
Are you sure you know
what you're doing? Yes.
You're out of your mind.
This is too dangerous.
Don't do that now.
I'm arguing now.
Don't do that.
I miss you.
I wouldn't know.
If you were anything but a cop.
Civilians get killed, too.
I know.
How can I talk you out of this?
You can't.
Oh, good. I can't. Great.
Be careful, all right?
I promise.
A little more wine?
No, thank you.
May I show you our proposals?
LONG: Why spoil a
beautiful lunch over business?
KAREN: You haven't let me yet.
Well, I don't intend to.
Hmm, then when do we?
LONG: Ah, dinner
tonight at my place.
I'm breaking in a new cook.
I don't think I should.
You're damn right you shouldn't.
What if I insist?
No, no, no.
Meet him in his office tomorrow.
Why do I find it
so hard to refuse?
Mm-mm. (laughs)
(crickets chirping)
(piano playing gentle melody)

If he doesn't want
to play, that's fine.
They can trade the guy.
Let him go to Green Bay.
(song ends)
(birds chirping)
LONG: Hi. How you doing?
Completely set.
They can deliver it
by the end of the week.
How much can we handle?
You've got to be kidding.
As much as you've got.
How large are the denominations?
I prefer not to deal with
anything less than a hundred.
Good morning.
Where do you suppose a girl could
get some breakfast around here?
Well, hello.
I think I can arrange that.
Did you sleep well?
Never better.
That's good. That's
always nice to hear.
(doorbell ringing)
Hang on.
Is McCabe here yet?
Is he supposed to be?
He told me to meet him here.
Come on in.
I don't know why he
didn't say something to me.
Well, he didn't want me
to meet him at his office.
Oh, nice place.
Thanks. It's a friend's.
Want something to drink?
No. Thanks. Sure?
All right.
How's it going?
Oh, you know. Fine.
That's good.
How's it going with Long?
Any problems?
(water running)
Did he sign on as a client?
We're still discussing it.
Well, that's good.
This is, uh
definitely a step up from
the place you were in.
Yeah, I'd say so.
So your life is good?
About an eight.
Seeing anyone?
So far, the monster's at bay.
Hello. JAKE: Come on in.
You ought to take
a look at this dog.
I've seen the dog.
There's absolutely
nothing wrong with this dog.
He's never had a
sick day in his life.
Worms! (laughs)
Have you ever seen a
healthier dog than Max?
Well, come on, come on?
There, you see? I rest my case.
How did you do?
Well, you're here.
That's one good sign.
I overheard Long
making a phone call.
He's got some kind of
laundry operation set up.
It explains why he went
into the electronics business.
Could be he funnels money
through dummy
accounts receivable,
then deposits it
in offshore banks.
Good work.
Thanks, but we
still have to prove it.
How do we do that?
KAREN: Catch him in the act.
I think there's a big shipment
of money on its way in.
I don't know yet.
Uh, maybe end of the week.
Think you can get close
enough to him to find out?
I'll start looking tonight.
He's throwing a party.
I'm invited.
Good. That must
mean he likes you.
You still all right with this?
How bad can caviar
and champagne be?
Well, we wouldn't want
you to compromise yourself,
that's all. I can manage.
Oh, I bet you can.
Hey, boss, you've got company.
Are you a serious buyer?
Hello, Long.
How are you?
I see you've
learned your lesson.
Become a productive
member of society, huh?
Well, thanks to you.
You gave me time
to think things over.
Ah, if only more
felons had your attitude.
Actually, I'm interested
in one of these VCRs.
Thought maybe if I
came by the warehouse,
I could get one wholesale.
We don't sell them
here, but I'll tell you what.
Take any one you want a gift.
Oh, well, no, I (laughs)
No, I couldn't accept that.
I'll drop by one of your
stores and pick one up.
Say, isn't this where
Marvin Michaels
had that terrible accident?
Happened right over there.
How's business?
It's up 15%?
Well, that's remarkable.
And I'll bet there are
some critics around
who will think that
this is all just a front.
Well, I try not to
let that bother me.
That's the spirit.
You know, I was
never totally satisfied
that Marvin Michaels'
death was an accident.
But we'll probably never
get his killer or killers.
Too much time has gone by.
If you don't solve murders
in the first 48 hours,
you can pretty
much kiss them off.
That must be frustrating.
It is. It is.
But the older I get,
the more I notice
that life has a (chuckles)
funny way of evening things off.
If we don't get the killer
or killers for murder,
we'll get them for
something else.
Al Capone, for example,
spent his last year
in prison on a tax rap.
Isn't that funny?
Yes, it is.
Yeah. Well, it's nice
to see you again.
Good to see you. Good-bye.
(whistling tune)
(humming tune)
How did you do?
I got the job. Good.
(whistling tune)
(people talking indistinctly,
piano playing in distance)
MAN: It should be pretty quiet.
MAN 2: Good evening, ma'am.
(women speaking indistinctly)
Brad Long really knows how
to throw a party, doesn't he?
So great.
I'm really looking
forward to this.
Hi. Good evening.
(mellow jazz music playing)
Karen, this is Jim and Bob.
Hello, Jim. How
do you do? Karen.
Bob Gillette
That's good.
How you doing?
Some of your best
champagne, okay?
Are you okay?
Uh, I have some
out of town business
I have to take care of.
Will you excuse me? Of course.
Take good care of her, huh?
(talking quietly)
What the hell are
you doing here?
Thought I'd stop by before
you two kids turned in.
You've been spying on me?
I thought you might
need a backup.
Guess I was wrong.
I don't have to
explain anything to you.
No kidding.
You have no right.
You're right, I don't.
You look very nice in blue.
Where's your friend?
He said he was meeting
with some out of town buyers.
I think they're part of
his upcoming score.
Where does he do his business?
In the library, but
he's in there now.
Come on.
Look, you go on back
to the party now, okay?
Go on.
Jake What?
I'm sorry.
Jake, he's coming back.
What are you doing in there?
Hi. How are you?
Listen, before I go, I wanted
to give you something.
Get him.
We've got trouble.
A man in a blue suit, heading
for the south wing. Stop him.
We've got him.
He's down at the
service entrance.
(blows landing)
Look what we found.
He's a cop.
(labored breathing)
Good night, Officer.
How you doing?
Having a good time?
How are you tonight?
What's up?
(talking quietly)
(talking quietly)
Hi, there. Having a good time?
Great party. All right.
I was just about to
get myself one of these.
(crickets chirping)
(dog barking in distance)
(dog barking in distance)
What's the matter?
You can't sleep?
Well, honey, I was
just thinking, um,
I've never slept
with a cop before.
What a waste.
What did she say?
That she's a cop. That's it.
How much does she know?
She wouldn't say.
LONG: Eh, she's tough.
Another shot of this, her lungs
collapse and nobody knows.
No, I'm not
through with her yet.
We'll take the
delivery as planned.
As long as they think
she's okay, it can
buy us some time.
(moans softly)
Sober her up.
Welcome. Welcome, my friend.
Come to the right place.
As we speak, plans
are being drawn up
that'll turn Four Corners
into the Inland Empire's
largest industrial park.
You can make me an offer today
that'll make you rich tomorrow.
Now, at the top end, we
have our three-acre site
Well, actually, I'm
And if that's too
big for your needs,
we go all the way down
to hundred foot lots.
Why don't you let
me show you around?
Actually, I'm looking for
Desert Valley Distributors.
Our first tenant.
You're not from around here.
How could you tell?
No one's from around here.
Anyone here?!
Just me.
How can I help you?
I'm Derek Mitchell from
Michaels' Electronics.
I came out to check your stock.
What stock?
You're one of our
biggest customers.
Then you're in a lot of trouble.
Maybe I ought to talk
to one of the owners.
Could you tell me who it is?
I don't know the owner.
His name must be
on all your checks?
Can't read the handwriting.
Well, I guess I came
out here for nothing.
Beautiful view.
(door closes)
You feel better?
You look better.
I don't know, Arthur.
What's this world coming to?
Cops that look like her,
that do what she does.
Such determination
and dedication.
Guys like us
don't stand a chance.
You know, Karen,
I honestly believed
that you and I could've
been something.
Now it's just strictly
business, huh?
So do you mind if I get dressed?
What I want you to do
is to make a phone call.
do yourself a little favor.
Call your cop boyfriend.
(phone rings)
Hey, Jake.
Where the hell have you been?
I've been waiting for your call.
Relax, Jake. Everything's cool.
I've been worried
sick about you.
Where are you?
Uh, Long's.
I can only talk for a second.
after they threw you out,
uh, there-there
was a big argument.
They're going to
postpone everything
until things quiet down.
Are you okay?
All right, listen to
me, listen to me.
You've got to get out
of there. You hear me?
just tell McCabe
everything's cool, okay?
Karen, wait a minute.
Jake, I got to go.
Talk to you soon.
Good girl.
DEREK: If Desert Valley
Distributors doesn't sell TV sets
or anything else,
whoever owns it is
running a lot of money
through Long's electronics firm.
Well, who owns it?
That's not so easy.
That's what I
have you for, right?
Find out, okay?
Yes, sir.
And soon, right? Yes,
sir, I'll get on it right away.
Jake, what happened to you?
It got a little rough
out last night.
Could you bring me a
cup of coffee, please?
You didn't answer the question.
I crashed the party and
the party crashed me.
You okay?
Oh, I'm peachy.
How's Karen?
She says Long and his
people are delaying their plans.
Thank you.
Maybe they think we're
getting a little close.
Is Karen all right?
Eh, she can handle herself.
What the hell does that mean?
I guess it means she's fine.
Why? What's the problem?
I'm worried about
her, that's the problem.
Well, don't worry about her.
I just got off the
phone with her
and she said to tell you
that everything's cool.
She said that?
She said everything's fine.
No, no, no, no. What
did she say exactly?
She said for me to tell
you that everything's cool.
That's what she said, all right?
That's what her father used
to say when he was in trouble.
Like when maybe someone
had a gun in his back?
Just like that.

(distant, indistinct
(footfalls) LONG:
I'll take care of it.
MAN: We'll take care of it.

(muffled groans)
You okay?
All right. Be quiet.
We're going to get
out of here, baby.
There's a big shipment
of money coming in.
All right. Okay.
Forget about the shipment.
The location of the drop
is on a map in the library.
Karen, it's over, all right?
Maybe for you.
All right, you stay
here. I'll get it, okay? No.
You won't get ten feet in this
house. What, and you will?
They're going to kill
you. Now you stay here.
Hey, what the?
Karen, give me that rope.

You just never seem
to learn, do you, Karen?
Arthur, you
think the little girl
would like to go for a swim?
Huh, baby?
(gun cocking)
Get her out of
there or you're dead.
I said get her out of there.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Over here. Come on! Come on!
She better be alive.
(phone rings)
I see.
Karen Stetson died
a few minutes ago.
I want a statement from you.
You want an attorney present?
No. That, uh,
won't be necessary.
My associate and I
were working in the house
when we heard a
splash in the pool.
We went out back to investigate
and found Karen floating
facedown in the pool.
Maybe she was on
drugs or something.
I-I don't know.
I was just about
to jump in after her
when this police
officer, who obviously
broke into my house,
sticks a gun in my back.
You know the rest.
To say the least,
he was very upset.
He was in love with the girl.
What the hell are
you doing here?
You killed her. I don't have to
take this. I don't have to take this!
You drugged her and you
threw her in the pool, didn't you?
McCabe, get him off
me! I'm warning you!
You killed her, didn't you?
You've got nothing on me, man.
I'm going to put you
away, you hear me?
You've got nothing on me.
Jake, that's enough!
We'll see. We'll see.
(door closes)
Now, you get out.
That shipment is in two hours.
How do we call it off?
We go.
What, are you crazy?
It's $15 million coming in.
All we have to do is
be there to pick it up.
No one will ever see us again.
That's great. How do we do that?
Call Harry.
Headquarters says sit tight.
Hey, listen, we got to
check on air support,
'cause if we're not covered
(helicopter approaching)
I bet there's some very
unhappy people outside.
Yeah, I'll bet.
He's in the air.
All right, let's roll.
Move out. Move out. Let's go.
Over there. Right on time.

JAKE: Come on in.
I'm impressed.
We'll wait for your
friends together.
Drug money coming?
What's the difference?
The difference is I'm going to
put you away for a long time.
listen to me.
I got $15 million coming in.
15 mil.
You could be richer than
you've ever dreamed, man.
Putting you away makes
me feel like $15 million.
Maybe 20.
Then you leave me no choice.
I'm warning you.
You're warning me?
No, I am.
Why, you double cross me.
You set me up.
(Long groaning)
And I want you to know why
I'm so dedicated and determined.
You killed my father.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
(indistinct radio transmission)
I want to show you something.
$15 million cash money.
Nice work, Jake.
You okay?
I suppose.
Take her home.
(engine starting)
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