Kaala Paani (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Darwin's Bay

[insects trilling]
[gripping music playing]
[in Oraka] The city people [panting]
The city people They unleashed the curse.
[tense music playing]
We must intervene,
otherwise the infected water will reach
the city people and they'll die.
We must break the water pipe tonight.
-And then warn the city people.
-We cannot do that, Enmae.
Once they know about the illness,
they'll soon discover
that we're safe from it.
And that would put us in danger.
Then Then we move.
After breaking the water pipe,
we find a new shelter
where they can never find us.
And what if they do?
First they came for our trees,
then they came for our land
and soon they'll come for our bodies.
What will we do then?
[tense music builds up]
[music fades]
[in English] You mean all four of them?
Yes, sir.
After Mrs. Shaw, I used the AMP reserve
on four other critical patients.
And all four of them survived.
Sir, LK-37 is much more powerful
than we anticipated.
Even in trace amounts.
It is very effective against the bacteria.
With just this one sample,
we can end up saving dozens of lives.
[SP Shiva] What?
If that half-blood Oraka's sample
can save so many lives,
imagine how many can be saved
with the whole Oraka population?
[tense music playing]
[hesitates] Sir
Sir, the donor barely survived.
If we do this to the 400 Orakas,
you can't imagine
the number of people who will die.
They are already dying, Doctor.
Thousands have died.
Now, millions more may die.
That's why we are evacuating them, sir.
The first batch leaves Darwin's Bay
for Huxley today.
Evacuation cannot
help the infected, Doctor.
For that, we need a cure.
And we have one now. Sir
We should find their colony
and talk to the Orakas.
They're nature-loving, non-violent, sir.
I'm very confident that they will agree.
[Shashi] What if they don't?
If they don't want to
endanger their lives
and the lives of their children
for our sake, then?
-Then we leave them no choice.
-Careful! Careful, Shiva.
Before you say another word,
be very careful.
Well, sir, he is saying
exactly what we are thinking.
We can prevent the deaths
of thousands of people, sir.
But we have to
risk the lives of 400 people.
You have to decide, sir.
Will you
flip the switch?
[music intensifies]
[theme music playing]
Are you sure the Japanese doctor's journal
really mentioned Andamani Echinacea?
Uh, not sure of the name,
but those leaves are hard to miss.
There was a map where two islands on which
the plant is available were marked.
[intriguing music playing]
That means, this plant exists
not in Jenkins alone.
Jyotsna, if we find that plant,
then I'm sure, in a few weeks,
a risk-free, sustainable treatment
can be developed.
And we could even
End this epidemic.
I've got to go to that island soon.
How soon can you get me that journal?
Uh, I have to take a child
to the evacuation site first.
Once she's taken care of,
I'll bring the journal
to wherever you ask me to.
Okay. Come with me.
The nearest beach from here is Colinpur.
You go get the journal,
and we'll leave from there.
Sorry, but I think I need to stay back.
Years ago, I lost something precious,
and today
I'm finally going to get it back.
But don't worry.
I know someone who'll be of great help
to you to take off from there.
-I'll ask him to meet us there.
Just wait here.
Take this satellite radio.
If there's any problem,
you can reach me at any time.
Oh, and I know
that passengers will be screened
for evacuation at a nearby school.
Nirmala International. I know.
I know it very well.
[school bell ringing]
[teacher] Okay.
So what is Charles Darwin's theory
of biological evolution?
Who knows the answer?
-Survival of the fittest.
-Correct, Jyotsna.
The most fit. Who is the fittest?
Those, who through hardships,
pain, and sometimes even luck,
-are able to adapt to themselves
-Ma'am, may I come in?
But some lifeforms that never change,
their downfall definitely happens.
Just like in our class we have
[students] Vinayak Prabhu!
[teacher] How can you
be late every day, Vinayak?
Sorry, Ma'am.
-My cycle
-Okay, okay. Get in, quickly.
-Let us
-You're late again.
I had gone to the bakery
to get patties for you.
Fresh and hot.
You could've gone after school.
-Who likes cool patties?
-[driver] Vinayak bhai!
Oh, Vinayak bhai!
[knocks on vehicle]
We've reached.
I've got to go the other way from here.
-Thank you for the lift.
-Take this.
Will you be able to walk in this state?
There's a clinic on our way,
should I drop you there?
I have an important appointment.
And this time, I don't want to be late.
-Okay then. Let's go.
-[engine starts]
[tense music playing]
-[scanner beeps]
-[spray hisses]
[wind chimes tinkling]
[chuckles] Hey, Ketan sahib.
Today's your release from Kaala Paani.
You should be busy packing,
what the hell are you doing here?
I've come here to tell you
that my father was right.
It's really important to read newspapers.
During my Civil preparation,
I would read six newspapers a day.
In a little corner
in one of those newspapers,
I had read an article one day.
-Today, in a public library,
after eight hours of effort
with four officers,
I finally found it again.
[pensive music playing]
Atta-vous, Mr. Wani.
It's an Oraka term for graveyard.
For centuries, when anyone died of LHF,
the Orakas would bury their body
in one particular graveyard.
What the British once called Bogart Hill
has now become
Jenkins Bio Park today, right?
[tense music playing]
Lab reports confirm that the soil there
is teeming with this bacteria.
But after burying the bodies, the Orakas
did one more thing on their land.
They sowed the seeds of a plant which
they believed was nature's own antibiotic.
Andamani Echinacea.
[pensive music playing]
And centuries later,
some people chose that very same land
for their own project.
Not only did they
remove those plants from there,
but the also dug up the ground
and brought the monster to life.
The LHF bacteria.
That used the rain
to make its way to the lake
and then the pipeline to reach our homes.
But, Mr. Wani,
you had an idea about all this
right from the start. Didn't you?
So, you've come here to accuse us.
No, no, sir.
I'm only here to know the truth.
The truth, and you?
Really, Ketan sahib?
Incidentally, the responsibility
of informing you about the truth
is not mine.
Why would you inform me, huh?
Just pray that no one else asks you
this very same question in the future.
What were you all doing there?
What was the ATTAVUS Project?
[Wani] We wanted Brandon to inaugurate
the Jenkins pipeline himself.
But ATOM's CEO is a very busy man.
And the nearest airport to Jenkins
is hours away at Port Blair.
[drink pouring]
So we had to find a solution.
[bottle thuds]
And in Jenkins itself.
[pensive music playing]
A helipad?
A helipad on the banks of Jenkins Lake,
with the sun setting in the background.
When Brandon would alight the helicopter,
it would've made for a perfect photo op.
[chuckles softly]
We had planned to hold
the biggest publicity event till date.
But he never came.
He sent Swasti in his place, and then,
we had to abandon
the entire project midway.
All this nonsense
just to land a bloody helicopter?
Sorry to disappoint you, Ketan sahib,
but there is no sinister plan.
It was just a human error.
And we never thought
it'll lead to such a catastrophe.
But you very well knew that the land
was in an environmental buffer zone.
Despite having thousands of acres of land,
why the hell did you occupy
that one acre of land?
Because we could.
We could do it and we did it.
Every second day you get to hear
that the plastic in the ocean is killing
so many dolphins, so many turtles.
What exactly do you think?
That those who throw plastic on the beach
want to kill those creatures? No!
They do it because they can do it.
That's it!
And what environmental buffer zone
are you talking about, Ketan sahib?
The place you're standing in now
was a dense jungle some years ago.
Every major city of the world was built
by chopping forests, Ketan sahib.
And they were built by people like us.
But I could blame this whole damn thing
on you too, Ketan sahib.
Had you not proved Dr. Singh wrong,
then this disease
would never have reached our homes.
But, no, you worked
in your best interest like we did.
And none of that makes us evil,
it just makes us
Makes us human!
And I'm very sure, Ketan sahib,
that you'll continue
to work like this in your best interest.
[tense music playing]
The ATTAVUS Project details
will not leave this room because
your ticket to get
out of this place is in my hands.
And trust me, Ketan sahib,
I can cancel it whenever I want to.
[Rajbir] Sir, they are here.
-Show them to the office.
[Nandan] Chiru.
Look, who's come to see you.
[speaking Oraka]
[in English] He says, "Thank you."
Says, it's only because of you,
he'll be able
to meet his son again someday.
[inhales deeply]
Not someday, today itself.
[contemplative music playing]
I separated a father from his children.
Life has given me a second chance.
I will reunite him with his children
today itself.
[Shashi] With the recent developments,
our researchers
will not only need new resources,
but also a safe space to operate in.
And that's why we're proposing
to open a new research center for LHF
at Huxley Island.
[pensive music playing]
[Wani] Sir,
it'll be a great honor for us
to be working with you, but, uh,
if any antidote gets developed there,
then ATOM will need its patent rights,
for perpetuity.
Uh, I think it is
too early to be discussing
That can be arranged.
Then I have just one concern.
how do we procure that?
Sir, there's one plant
that contains this peptide.
Come on, Ketan sahib,
that plant is a myth.
No one has seen it in so many years.
Sir, the only place where this peptide
remains is inside the Orakas.
Listen to me. Uh
You need not worry about LK-37.
-We will arrange it for you.
Then all we need
is someone to head the research team.
And going by her recent achievements,
I think, uh, Dr. Gagra
is the best candidate, isn't she?
Ketan sahib, it'll be of great help to us
if you could escort the doctor on this.
We would want to make sure
that there is no inconvenience to her
in the journey to Huxley.
-[sirens wailing]
-[crowd clamoring]
[whistle blowing]
[man] Sir, please!
Sir, please. Listen to me, sir.
Let us Let us in. Let us in, please.
[pensive music playing]
-Ay, don't remove the mask. Put it on.
-Don't shout.
Come on. Keep moving.
[policeman] Stand in line. Slowly.
[scanner beeping]
-What's happening? Please tell me.
-I'll tell you.
What's going on?
-Bhai, please.
-Come. I'll explain.
Why can't you tell me? What are you doing?
[tense music playing]
-I'm looking for my daughter.
-Vidisha Savla is her name.
-[man 1] Unbutton.
-[man 1] Unbutton your shirt.
Turn around.
-Okay, clear.
-[man 2 over PA system] Come one by one.
-[man 1] That way.
-[man 3] Come.
-[man 1] Next!
-[man 2] Help us so that we can help you.
Show me your hand.
Don't take this off
until the boarding is completed.
You'll not be allowed
to go anywhere without this.
Sir, I have a six-year-old daughter.
Go and ask in the verification area.
Go on. Next.
-[man 2] 1086. 1086, token number.
-[whistle blowing]
This way. And please register
your token number here.
Please note,
only those with token numbers 1201
till 1300 will remain in the waiting area.
The school building
is not a part of the containment area.
So please do not go there.
Do not crowd around.
Everyone will get registered,
please do not worry.
-[man 4] Sir! I'll arrange for you.
-[man 5] What do you mean?
What is the meaning of this?
[man 6] Sir,
the ship has limited capacity.
Try to understand. Tourist families
get first preference. I can't.
-Please take him away!
-How can you do this to us?
-I've been waiting here.
-Sir, my token.
You've got time. Please wait outside.
Sir, my daughter is here somewhere.
-Let me meet her once.
-That's not allowed.
You'll have to go as per
the token number. Wait outside.
-Please cooperate. Go and wait outside.
-One minute.
[man 6] Queue up. Please.
Form a queue!
-[female officer] You handle him.
-Stop this guy!
[gripping music playing]
[people clamoring]
[policeman] Stop!
-Stop! Catch him!
-Excuse me. Excuse me.
[policeman] Stop! Stop!
What are you doing?
[Santosh over mic] Kaddu! Kaddu!
Papa is here, beta.
-Give me that. Who is this?
-Papa's here.
Kaddu. I'm here, beta.
I'm here, beta. Papa's here.
-What are you doing?
-Kaddu! Vidisha Vidisha Savla!
-Come with us! Calm down!
-A six-year-old girl!
-I'm her father!
-Calm down!
-Has anyone seen her?
-Calm down!
[crying] Has anyone seen her?
Has anyone seen my six-year-old daughter?
-[policeman grunts]
[melancholic music playing]
She's only six years old.
[man 6] Leave him alone.
He's lost his child.
Has anybody seen her? Kaddu
Has anybody seen my six-year-old baby?
She's just six Has anybody here
-Has anybody seen her?
-[Kaddu] Papa?
[gasps] Kaddu!
[emotional music playing]
[Santosh bawling]
Sorry, sorry, sorry, beta.
Papa left you and went away.
I will never leave you again.
Never again, never.
[crying] I was very brave, Papa.
I was very scared.
But I cried three times only.
Okay Okay, four times.
[whimpering and sobbing]
I have brought you something, beta.
[bag unzips]
Where is Mummy, Papa?
Bhaiya Bhaiya also came to you, na?
Uh, he had come, beta.
But both of them, you know,
they got transferred from here, beta.
You mean, that like the way Shekhar Uncle
was transferred from Bokaro?
Yes, beta. Like that.
But Mummy and Parth Bhaiya
have been a transferred very far away.
[melancholic music playing]
Now it's just us, beta.
It'll take us a very long time
to meet them.
It's just us now.
Papa, Jyotsna Miss.
-[Santosh] God bless you, madam.
-Please get up, sir. Please.
-[Santosh] You're an angel.
[crying] You're an angel.
Thank you so much for saving my child.
I'm sorry.
But Parth couldn't
[sobbing] I know, ma'am.
But you were there by my son's side
in his final moments.
[all crying]
Do you know what? I have to leave
for some important work now.
I don't know
when I'll be able to see you again,
but you must always remain
a brave girl, okay?
And when When you get scared,
you know what to do, right?
Well, you know what?
I used to think earlier
that Divya Miss is my favorite teacher.
But when anyone asks me again,
I will tell them
that Jyotsna Miss is my favorite.
[chuckles softly]
[engine whirring]
Have you travelled secretly before?
[Chiranjeevi clicks tongue]
Essential services vehicle, no?
No one will dare to touch it.
With the right contact, right price,
you can travel wherever you want.
[in Oraka] What is happening?
I told you before, right?
Don't you remember?
[in English] Hey.
What is this you are doing?
Orakas talk with not just words,
but also gestures.
While hunting in the jungle,
without making a sound,
they communicate with each other.
Look here
This means run away.
And this means keep waiting.
And this means blend in.
-Meaning, become one with nature.
Hide in the jungle in such a way
that even animals
with sharp vision cannot spot you.
-[brakes squealing]
-Uh, Chiru
-[Chiranjeevi] Shh.
-[engine idling]
-[engine stops]
-[flashlight clicks]
[door opens]
[tense music playing]
We received an alert from the hospital
that one Oraka patient is missing.
But look here now, there are two Orakas.
[Mister whimpering]
[Ritu sighs]
Thank you, sir.
Thank you for believing in me.
[mellow music playing]
And I was right, sir.
Not only was the peptide effective,
but I also located the plant.
But the information
in that journal is from the 1940s.
What if the plant is really extinct?
That we'll know
only once we reach the island, sir.
But, Ritu, what ATOM wants is for you
to go to Huxley Island with them.
Who cares what they want?
Sir, I should get going now. That girl
will be reaching Colinpur shortly.
And, uh,
for taking care of Mister, thank you.
[chuckles softly]
Hold on.
If you want, I
I could drop you off over there.
[Jyotsna] "Veenu, in a few weeks,
things might be okay here."
"And then,
I want to stay back here with you."
No, uh
[mellow music playing]
"I mean, let's have dinner."
Yeah, that's better.
"Let's have dinner and see where it goes."
I can't
[sighs] "Veenu"
"I have something to tell you, Veenu."
"Papa's been transferred to the mainland."
"I'm going, Veenu."
"Sorry, I couldn't tell you about"
"Really sorry, I couldn't tell you
about this earlier."
-[students] Good morning, ma'am.
-Sit down! How's everybody doing?
-[students] Good, ma'am!
-Good, okay.
So today's class,
we are going to be putting
Darwin's theory to test.
So what we'll do now is get into
groups of two and plant some seeds.
Then for the rest of our years in school,
two, three, four,
we will keep track as to which plant
remains "fittest to survive."
-Did you get it?
-Ma'am, may I come in?
[students laughing]
[mellow music playing]
[teacher sighs]
You're late again.
-[teacher] Today, we will learn
But hadn't I told you
I wanted to talk in the tiffin break?
I had forgotten to carry seeds for this.
I had to jump my house wall and go.
But I got these.
Look. Marigold seeds.
Everyone is planting marigold and rose.
How will we get to know
which one is our plant?
-So I got these.
-[young Jyotsna] What seeds are these?
[teacher] tiny ones, which we will place
at the bottom of the pot,
so that when we water
Um, Amma had said its some special plant.
But she didn't mention
what the plant's name is.
Tch. You fool, when you don't even know
what the name of the plant is,
how are we going to come to know
which plant is ours?
[teacher] you will throw them out.
Pointed stones you do not need.
So the naming is done,
neither will you forget nor I.
[mellow music playing]
[teacher] Come here. Show me.
[Jyotsna chuckling] And then
you had to convince Niyati ma'am
that in your thatha's village,
blue flowers of the Jyotsna plant bloom.
-[radio crackles]
Wow! So, now I'm being ridiculed
on the emergency broadcast.
[radio crackles]
Is that why the doctor
gave you the radio?
Sorry. You are right.
I better pick up pace.
Okay, listen, I'll reach there very soon.
Just please don't delay your return, okay?
Or this time,
you'll be the one waiting for 17 years.
This time, we won't wait, Veenu.
Actually, I want to
Nothing. I'll tell you when I meet you.
See you soon.
Sir, I think we missed
taking the turn to Colinpur back there.
[tense music playing]
We're not going to Colinpur, right?
I'm sorry, Ritu.
If you leave now, then along with you,
my chance
to leave this place goes with you.
But, sir
But this
-This is not who you are.
-This is exactly who I am!
The Ketan I've been portraying to you
is not who I am.
[somber music playing]
But, sir, today if you
don't become the one that I've seen, sir
[breath trembling]
then the people here
will have no hope left at all.
Sir, please.
Sir, we can save thousands of lives.
Please let me go.
Sir, please let me go.
[engine stops]
Sir, ATOM Paradise
is right around the corner.
If we go any further,
-we won't be able to turn around.
-[Ritu] Please, let me go.
I cannot turn around now.
Start the vehicle.
[pensive music playing]
[SP Shiva] Sir,
this is our last chance.
If we were to allow that Oraka to go back,
then we may
never end up finding their new settlement.
Shiva, he just wants to go home.
Now to stop or interrogate him,
we don't have any reason.
There are thousands of reasons,
whom we can stop
from reaching their graves.
But for that, I cannot harm
a peaceful community, okay?
Sir, uh, I am aware
that it's the Orakas themselves
that gave you a new lease of life.
Any good human like you
would not allow any harm to come to them.
But right now, you need to choose.
Either you can be a good human being,
or a true leader.
[engine stops]
[solemn music playing]
Good news, you guys can go.
It seems like the LG
really has a soft corner for you Orakas.
Thanks, brother.
Say thanks to the LG too, brother.
Hey. Come, let's go.
Ketan sahib, right on time.
We were just about to leave.
How come you're sitting alone out here?
You know what, Mr. Wani?
I never believed
in creating an impression.
It made absolutely no difference to me
what people thought about me.
Where is Dr. Gagra?
Then why the hell does it matter
so much to me what she thinks about me?
-I asked, where is Dr. Gagra?
-One sec.
That's exactly what I'm telling you.
One sec. Let me set the context first.
Why is it that I want her to like me?
[sentimental music playing]
As in, I was bringing her here with me
but she didn't want to come.
[car door closes]
So then I I let her go.
[taps on car]
Thank you.
What? We fought with the administration,
we insisted that your name
should be on the list of evacuees.
Uh, I know.
Trust me, if you don't go today,
then no one is going to
miss you on that ship.
I know, Mr. Wani, I know.
Don't you think I don't know?
I know. I know.
Then tell us, where is she?
We will go and get her.
Ketan sahib, you know
we need her with us at, uh at Huxley.
What's wrong with you?
Arey, I'm getting
so bloody pissed off at myself!
In spite In spite of causing
so much damage to myself
-[tissue holder clatters]
I I I want to protect her.
But I don't know why.
Mr. Wani, I know,
but I won't tell you and I don't know why.
And I don't know why. [breathing heavily]
I don't know why. I can't understand
Shit, shit, shit, shit!
Have I
Have I fallen in bloody love or something?
[Ketan breathing heavily]
[Ketan mumbles]
What are you
What are you doing, Ketan sahib?
The door to return home
is staring at you in the face,
and you and you are shutting it?
I don't know. I don't know, Mr. Wani.
But what I do know is that,
that Brazilian ant
must feeling exactly like how I feel now.
[sentimental music swells]
You know, Ketan sahib,
we don't take no for an answer.
If you don't speak,
then we will have to make you speak.
I do deserve this.
All right, my Kanchan.
[indistinct chatter]
-[Jyotsna] You're looking for this?
-Thank you, Jyotsna Miss.
Thank goodness I hadn't gone too far
or you would score
badly in your holiday homework.
Yeah, I would have lost my marks,
and then I would have failed.
Divya Miss would have scolded me.
Thank you, Jyotsna Miss.
Look, how many leaves
I have added to this.
[ominous music playing]
I still have a lot of to finish though.
Jyotsna Miss, you know what?
Please don't tell anyone, okay?
-[Jyotsna] Hmm.
-Ruby Rhino has told me so many secrets.
-Yeah? Really?
Madam, we're not allowed
to come to this side. Why have you come?
[tense music playing]
What secrets did Ruby tell you?
All of Ruby's friends
were left back at home.
And she's missing all her friends a lot.
She's very sad, and she was saying
that until she meets her friends,
she will neither eat,
not drink, nor play with me.
Okay, so, you cheer up Ruby,
-I'll be back soon, okay?
Don't be upset, Ruby.
-Why didn't the screening show this?
-Your friends will come.
Maybe because of her epilepsy medication,
her symptoms are delayed.
It's the rarest of rare cases,
but she's definitely infected.
[Kaddu] We'll go out somewhere.
But where will we go?
[Jyotsna] Santosh ji, we need
to inform the authorities about this.
Where do you want to go?
[Jyotsna] Kaddu
won't be able to leave from here.
Stay back here?
But, madam, there will be facilities
on the island, medical aid.
-There must be some camp, some doctor
-Sir, sir
That island is a safe space.
Only healthy,
non-infected people can go there.
In a few days, Kaddu will get infectious,
and if she goes there,
the disease will spread there as well.
That's why she will have to stay here.
But don't worry,
I will figure out what to do.
Kaddu, can I take this green band?
-I'll get you a pink Ruby Rhino one, okay?
[somber music playing]
[Nandan grunts]
[Chiranjeevi] I was advised bed rest,
why're you going slow?
[Nandan] Sorry, brother,
I'm not used to [groans]
What happened?
[Nandan groaning]
Ay, when did this happen? Huh?
You're hurt.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
[Nandan whimpers]
[speaking Oraka]
-[in English] Don't worry. I'm okay.
-What did he say?
He's asking me to go back.
Yeah, he's right. It's a deep wound.
You won't be able to walk the whole way.
-But I'm okay, Chiru dada.
-Listen to me, Nandan. Listen to me.
Already, you've done enough service
for strangers, haven't you?
-But I can walk, Chiru dada.
-How will you walk?
-And what about him?
-Don't worry about him. I'm here.
[in Oraka] I will miss you, Enmae brother.
[Chiranjeevi chuckles]
[in English] I'll miss you too, brother.
Saala, if you were a girl,
Raksha Bandhan would have driven you mad.
[Nandan chuckles]
Come. We
[foreboding music playing]
What happened?
[speaking Oraka]
[in English] Thank you.
I'm requesting you to leave
this place as soon as you're able to.
They could come after you at any time.
[intriguing music playing]
[radio whines, crackles]
Dr. Gagra.
Dr. Gagra, this is Jyotsna speaking.
-Are you there, Dr. Gagra?
-Yes, Jyotsna.
I have reached. Where are you?
Actually, there has been
a major problem here.
I won't be able to come, Doctor.
Yeah, but, Jyotsna,
how will I reach the island without you?
I know. That's exactly
why I've contacted you.
I can at least give you the name
and coordinates of the island.
Yeah, that
For now, even that's fine. One second.
Yeah, tell me.
Uh, the island is
-Dr. Gagra.
I'll call you right back.
What happened?
Have you informed them as yet?
Please let Kaddu leave with me, madam.
[emotional music playing]
I have lost everything
since I have come here. Lost everything.
[crying] Now I only have
my daughter left with me.
I can't lose her, madam.
Santosh ji, nothing will happen to Kaddu.
We won't let anything happen to her.
I will be with you all the way.
But Kaddu can't leave this place.
She will die here, madam.
Some miracle could happen there.
Who will save her here?
No one can save her.
Sir, in a few weeks,
a doctor here might find a cure
Weeks? Kaddu only has
ten days left, madam.
Do this for us. Please let us leave.
Santosh ji, your daughter
is very precious to me too.
I also don't want her to be sick.
But just because of her, we cannot
risk the lives of so many people.
Madam, please! Please.
-Santosh ji, no!
-I don't have anything left, madam!
Santosh ji, no, this is not done!
That is not going to happen.
[crying] Only my daughter.
If you're not going
to inform the authorities,
then I will have to do it.
[muffled grunt]
[Kaddu] Papa?
Jyotsna Miss?
[muffled grunting]
[Santosh grunts]
[in Tamil] What ♪
Can you hear ♪
The whispering tree? ♪
[Jyotsna grunting, muffled]
[Kaddu] Can you hear ♪
The whistling bee? ♪
-The words with wings ♪
-[both grunting]
The river that sings ♪
Are just a few things ♪
That I send for you ♪
Across space ♪
Across time ♪
-[Kaddu humming]
-[Jyotsna gasps]
[Santosh whimpers]
[Kaddu humming]
[young Parvathy] The cloud with rains ♪
The moon that shines ♪
Are just a few things ♪
That I send for you ♪
Across space ♪
Across time ♪
[young Parvathy humming]
[Vinayak over radio, in English]
Jyotsna. Jyotsna.
[radio crackling, whining]
Sindhu? Jyotsna, I'm here.
I told you
I won't be late this time, right?
I am here before time, Jyotsna. Jyot
[indistinct chatter]
[sirens blaring in distance]
You heard that?
[speaking Oraka]
[clock ticking]
[Shashi exhales]
[in English] Sir, all the information
you wanted regarding CSF extraction
and peptide sequencing,
is compiled in here, sir.
Pardon me for asking, sir,
but if we are not pursuing the Orakas,
then why are you reading up on this?
Do you know, Doctor,
what every Indian military soldier's
core value is?
Our civilization teaches us
that on the battlefield,
even if our opponents are our dear ones,
every soldier must do only
what his duty commands.
[pensive music playing]
I need this information because
I too have followed my duty.
A few hours ago, I made a decision.
[tense music playing]
A decision that would
change the fate of these islands
No, sir, this
This is a huge mistake, sir.
Whether the numbers are big or small,
we can't randomly play around
with human lives like this, sir.
And here we're talking about
an indigenous tribal community
that can't even defend itself.
An entire culture will perish, sir.
Of all the people, you
How can you do such a thing?
I could not do it.
But I had to do it. I had to change.
So that thousands of people could survive,
their leader had to evolve.
Because evolution is the price
paid by every species to survive.
Including we, the humans.
Humans are the result of change.
Had life not moved out of water
and reached the ground just in time,
there will be no humans today.
Mass extinction events
wiped out even the biggest of creatures.
But our ancestors persisted
even in such circumstances.
[Ketan groans]
[breathing heavily]
[LG Qadri] Had they given up,
humans would have been extinct today.
[Ketan breathing heavily]
[Ketan exclaims]
Masala Jazz.
Hey, Kanchan!
Why are you punching like a sissy?
[tense music playing]
[sighs contentedly]
[Ketan groaning]
[Ketan laughing maniacally]
Jyotsna, come in! Come in, Jyotsna!
-[radio crackles]
-[clicks tongue]
[LG Qadri] Our ancestors
were smaller and weaker than other beasts.
They could neither fly nor run fast.
[Basu] Stop!
-[LG Qadri] All they had was brains.
-[Basu] Don't move.
[LG Qadri] And each other's support.
Don't you touch the boat!
[gripping music playing]
Did Jyotsna send you?
[LG Qadri] Had they not learned
to unitedly fight the others,
humans would've been extinct today.
-[whistle blowing]
-[sirens wailing]
And when we needed hands to pick up tools,
had we not learned
to stand up on our feet,
humans would have been extinct today.
[sirens wailing]
[gripping music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[policeman] Please cooperate.
[Bhowmik] We did it, Shiva.
Five thousand healthy people.
Five thousand
who are untouched by the infection.
[man] Thank you.
Sir, your band?
And yours?
Thank you. Get in.
[indistinct chatter]
Hello, Captain.
[indistinct chatter]
[LG Qadri] Whether human or cockroach,
dinosaur or bacteria,
there's one thing common in all.
Nature did give all of them
one chance to change.
Those who couldn't change,
were labelled weak,
and got wiped out by nature.
Do you know where we have to go?
I don't know, but I have an idea.
But what I don't know is,
if the thing that
you're going there in search of
is still alive
or has disappeared forever.
[indistinct chatter]
Papa, I've finished my homework.
Hibiscus. Lemon.
[LG Qadri] And those
that could change with circumstances
were considered to be the fittest.
[solemn music playing]
And the fittest always survive.
[music swells]
[horn blows]
[gripping music playing]
[horn blows]
[horn blows]
[gripping music continues]
Probably, that's why
the Orakas are at risk today.
Because they could never evolve.
Maybe that's why
they are destined
to lose the battle of survival.
[police officer] Look over there.
Check every nook and corner.
[policeman 1] There's no one here.
-[police officer] Anything inside?
-[policeman 1] No, sir.
[police officer] Check over there.
Search thoroughly.
[policeman 1] Yes, sir.
There, there. That side.
[policeman 2] Sir, we looked everywhere,
there's no one.
[tense music playing]
-[policeman 1] Search every hut there.
-[policeman 2] Go that side.
[in Oraka] Where are your people?
Where is everyone?
[in English] Hey, look. There!
Get him!
-[policeman 1] Come on.
-Get him here!
[policeman 1] After him!
[policemen shouting]
[policeman 2] That side! Be quick!
-[policeman 3] Come on.
-[policeman 2] Hey!
-Come on. Quick!
-[policeman 4] Go, go!
[policeman 5] Hey! Stop!
[gripping music playing]
[policeman 1] Where is he?
[policeman 2] He ran into the jungle.
Check there.
[policeman 1] Can you see him anywhere?
-Where did he go?
-[policeman 3] Disappeared.
[police officer] Where is he?
Where did he go?
I'm sure, he disappeared into the jungle.
Let's go inside and look.
There's nowhere else he could have gone.
[policeman 1] How can he disappear?
[policemen shouting] Hey!
-Where are you going?
-Where are you going?
-Hey, stop!
[in Oraka] And what if they do?
First they came for our trees,
then they came for our land,
and soon they'll come for our bodies.
What will we do then?
[gripping tribal music playing]
[in English] Hey.
[in Oraka] Stay back!
[in English] Hey!
[in Oraka] Stay back!
Stay back or we'll shoot!
We would push them against the wall.
A wall they can never climb over.
[tribe member] And then?
Then we fight!
[dramatic music playing]
[theme music playing]
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