Kaalkoot (2023) s01e07 Episode Script


Ma'am, this is my fault.
She is not at fault.
Whenever she stops taking
her medicine
No, no!
No, no!
- Ma'am
- Absolutely not!
- Ma'am, at least hear me out.
- Uncle!
We aren't bargaining for
groceries for our kitchen.
We want a daughter-in-law
for our family.
Ma'am, there's
nothing wrong with her.
It was my fault.
I was about to tell you
Yes! You were waiting for
the nuptial night to tell me.
Enough, dad.
- Ravi, I beg of you
- Sister
You're here for a
couple of days, right?
- I'm here.
- Then I'll see you.
Uncle, that's enough.
Go! The train is about to depart!
Don’t you have any
shame or modesty left?
I lost shame and
modesty the very day
when I came to know
that I suffer from epilepsy.
I can’t be a burden to my dad
- all my life, right?
- I'm not even talking about that.
What you’ve done
with me is sheer fraud!
I know I shouldn't have hidden it.
But dad said you are Mr. Tripathi's
son, you'll surely understand.
Hold on, ma'am!
You thoroughly investigated me.
When I questioned the inquiry,
you gave a sarcastic response.
Do you remember?
Do you remember or not?
Why do you fear my refusal?
Your always lectured that
you always spoke the truth.
Do you remember?
Yes, I remember
saying it in the park.
Now your lies have been caught.
So what don’t I understand?
What’s there to not understand here?
Tell me!
It was you who
feared my refusal. You!
All these weeks I was troubled
I was a bad person
and a fraud, but you
Yes. It's the truth.
I did fear your refusal.
Just like you feared mine!
Though the truth is that
I hid the truth from you
and I shouldn’t have done that.
I'm truly sorry.
I made a mistake.
Now, tell me, what should I do?
Why don’t you just Have sex with me.
All your fears will disappear!
Go inside!
What is the matter?
It’s been a while you’ve
been late like this.
I ran out of petrol.
Where is it?
In this lane. Come on.
Hey! Take care of this.
Hey! Take care of this.
- Come on.
- Spit out the betel leaf.
Why should I spit?
I had it while sitting idle.
I'll spit it out later.
It's vintage
The lanes.
Are these lanes or a courtyard?
Sir, I present a couplet.
‘When the walls of my
decrepit house collapsed,
People built lanes
in my own patio!
It means
When a person becomes weak,
people take advantage
people take advantage
There hardly any
good left in this world.
What can we do?
- Listen! Is anyone there?
- Yes. Who is it?
- Where is Zakir Siddiqui?
- Why? What happened?
Where is Zakir Siddiqui?
Why? What do you want?
I want Zakir Siddiqui.
Where is he?
Where is the scooter?
He went to college
and didn't come back.
You go ask at the college.
- Why?
- What why?
Ma'am, at least talk to us.
Please talk!
Strange folks.
This is serious inquiry!
Listen, ma'am, your son has charges
of attempted murder against him.
He has committed a crime!
Peace be upon you.
- And peace be upon you too kid.
Hey Rickshaw!
Since when hasn't Zakir
been seen at college?
The police had come to catch him.
He was near the scooter.
As soon
as he saw the cops near the gate
he jumped over
the wall and fled.
Since then this scooter
has been here itself.
These guys keep riding it.
Was an elephant sitting here?
It's jammed and not opening.
Sir, if the boys
ride in two’s and three’s
What do you do
when they ride in two’s and three’s?
Why don't you stop them?
Where's the key?
- It's here.
- The key is always in the scooter.
You can ride it as well.
Sir, the boys ride it.
They have just
one rule.
Whoever takes the scooter
must fill petrol.
Do they put the petrol
through the silencer?
- Else how do they open it!
- Ravi sir.
You're here to investigate, right?
Don't spare him.
I considered Parul my sister.
I considered Parul my sister.
Alok, what is the story
with this scooter?
Sir, come with me once.
I need to show you something
about Mani sir.
I'll tell you the story as well.
Come on.
I'm coming. Open the trunk.
Darn this!
Sir, do you know?
The installation of
internet in the library
was forcibly pushed
by your father.
He couldn't even write an email.
No, sir! He had
learned everything.
Though he preferred using the pen.
He posted his own poetry on Google
and translated it for fun.
What was it?
It went like this.
The dark color of sorrow,
will become irritation satire.
I wonder if he was
exploring the features of Google
or it was Google that was testing him.
The internet did arrive
due to his perseverence,
but with heavy firewall.
So that
You can't watch porn.
- Yes, sir.
a boy had to open a site
for admission
in Sussex University.
But the site wouldn't open.
Hold on.
Yes, tell me.
Whatever you were saying earlier
When should we do it?
Look, I
I am busy now. Sorry.
My sorrow's dark hue shall serve
as the fodder for an astute satire.
Shall we go, sir?
Welcome, sir.
Sir, this lab is
dedicated to your dad.
Alok, what do you know
about Zakir Siddiqui?
He was in the second
year of an MSc program,
studying Biochemistry.
The cops came to catch him.
He fled.
Why were the cops here?
Sir, he had beaten his father badly.
His father is still
in the hospital.
His own uncles filed an FIR
against him.
The guard said that everyone
rode the scooter. Who all rode it?
Sir, the key is always there.
Anyone can drive it
and bring it back.
Did Zakir know Parul?
Sir, everyone knew Parul.
I mean
I have no idea
how Parul was with the rest.
how Parul was with the rest.
I'll leave.
Did you ride the scooter?
Only for campus purpose.
What did you just close?
Sir, it was nothing.
Open it again.
Open it!
Sir, it's allowed.
Sir, she talks to many boys.
It must be some boy pretending to be her.
Yes, sir. But
But what?
Sir, if you ask her
for a photograph,
she sends a new one daily.
Scroll down.
'How are you? 'I am good.'
'How will you be in my dreams?'
'I can't trust you like this.'
'You sent a picture
to my friend.'
'What friend?'
Who the fuck is Vineet?
Sir, there are many such boys.
Sir, there are many such boys.
Who is it?
What is this?
Do you know about this profile?
No, sir.
Did you chat as well?
N-No, sir. What are you saying?
I consider her my sister.
Close it.
Close it!
Come here.
The day I came for my dad's
belongings, you were crying, right?
Yes, sir.
You said your friend
met with an accident.
Yes, sir.
Were you talking about Parul?
Yes, sir. But
I consider her my sister.
I swear, I never
opened this website.
Are you afraid?
What have I done
to be afraid?
Then tell me,
when and where should I come?
I'll be there.
Ravi sir
His IP Address can be tracked.
The one who is chatting.
- How?
- Send him an image.
Once he clicks the image,
we'll find his IP Address.
Sir, I can send him that image.
I have chatted with
that profile a few times.
Thank you.
- Is the trunk open?
- Not yet. Sorry, sir.
- Is the trunk open?
- Not yet. Sorry, sir.
- We'll have to break it.
- Tow it
and take it to the station.
And tell Sunita
to get to Central Hospital
- Central?
- Yes!
Come on!
Ravi Tripathi.
There's a patient Jameel Siddiqui.
Yes. Bed number 312.
- I'll take you there.
- Okay.
Only two people.
Sunita, wait.
Too many patients here?
All patients with
phosphorus poisoning
have been transferred
here for testing.
But Jameel Siddiqui was beaten up.
How did it become a
poisoning case?
How did it become a
poisoning case?
Since the talk of government
compensation came up in poisoning cases,
everyone is coming
with the same.
- Okay.
- Jameel.
Good evening. How do you do?
Where is Zakir?
My husband is ill.
if you talk to me in English,
you'll be screaming in English too
when we break your bones.
If you mistreat a mother,
her young son
won't just stand idly.
Why did you leave him?
Sir, some people have
disrupted all my daily prayers.
One needs to listen to them.
Where are those people now
to tend to your wounds?
- Speak less.
- Where is Zakir?
Did he know any girl
by the name of Parul?
Has the name Parul ever
been mentioned in your house?
Tell me!
Come on.
Do not be hasty in getting married.
- Hmm.
- Okay.
Did you know what she said?
Did you know what she said?
'You are Mr. Tripathi's son.'
'You will surely understand.'
I don't understand anything.
What would Papa say
now if he were here?
He would say,
'Follow your own wisdom, not others.'
I'll be in a fix
if anything happens to you.
Take care of yourself.
Stop doing what you're doing.
- What?
- I heard everything this morning.
'Go, the train is about to depart!'
I was furious at the time.
I was furious at the time.
Don't do it.
I did it for you.
- She will take care of you
- Mom, he'll take care of himself.
You look after yourself.
Mom, I have just you
and nobody else.
Don't make plans to leave
me with a deceiver and a liar.
Look, son,
the poor girl
- wasn't deceiving you.
- Mom.
It's just you.
Nobody else matters to me.
No, son.
Don't cry, son.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Stop straining yourself
with chores all day.
- Veer Bahadur.
- Sir!
Say Al Maktub.
Relax, I'm not sending you
to Afghanistan.
Al Makhtub means
Destiny is already written.
- Say Al
- Al Maktub.
The officer-in-charge,
Shoaib Khan sent the FIR.
The officer-in-charge,
Shoaib Khan sent the FIR.
Zakir Siddiqui attacked his father
Jameel Siddiqui with the intention
of killing him
using a hot tongs.
And then
he tricked Constable
Raman Sharma and fled.
- When?
- On 31st May.
When was that?
A week before Parul's attack.
Al Maktub.
The trunk has opened!
Sir, ask Mr. Shoaib
to find out Zakir's whereabouts.
Shoaib already knows everything.
He wants our help to save Zakir.
- What?
- He's talking like a fool.
He said he has got two uncles,
Karim and Faraz.
They are out to kill him.
I feel the dad's case is a lie.
Zakir's family has plotted to
divert attention from Parul's case
exactly one week
before the acid attack.
What about your report?
Those four that we suspected
stealing Parul’s password
- but Parul doesn’t recognize anyone.
- Sir!
Sir, can I say something?
Parul doesn't recognize them
because they have no enmity
against Parul,
but her boyfriend.
Manav owns a hotel
at Charbagh.
These hoteliers
are involved in many
illegal activities.
Sir, I'm sure
they sought revenge against Manav
and attacked Parul.
I mean, his woman.
Mr. Yadav
It's possible.
- Sir!
- Yes?
Look at the contents
in the trunk.
How did you open it?
With this key.
Hold on.
How did you open it?
The key.
What is this powder?
Copper sulphate.
This is used to make sulfuric acid.
I tried using the key,
but in vain.
Zakir was learning Chemistry, right?
- Biochemistry.
- Yes.
- Al Maktub.
- Al Maktub.
Destiny is already written.
Mr. Yadav
What if it's not Zakir?
No worries, sir.
When men dare
God sends help.
Come on, keep playing.
Why did you stop?
Come on, keep playing.
- Mr. Hanif?
- Yes.
Mr. Shoaib sent me.
Okay. Tell me.
Zakir's uncles
have come to the
police station four times.
They'll get here soon as well.
Shoaib has made some other
arrangements for
Zakir for a few days.
Okay. These men been a pain.
He's inside. I'll call him.
- He's here?
- Yes.
I'll meet him. You carry on.
You commit a crime and flee!
Sir! Sir!
- You've got materials to make acid.
- Sir!
- Acid! I'll bury you here!
- Sir
Sir! Sir!
- Ravi!
- What were you doing?
- Ravi!
- What were you doing?
Do you know Parul?
Do you know Parul?
- You've seen her naked pictures?
- No, no.
You uploaded them, right?
- No, no.
- Did you upload them?
- No.
That's enough.
Mr Shoaib is our friend.
Let the friendship
remain intact.
Now, tell me your
story with Parul.
Sir, I didn't know Parul
in that way.
I'd seen her in college
a few times.
She was my senior.
Why did you beat your father?
His deeds were such.
Sir, my mother had signed a petition
for allowing all women
to pray at the mosque
located in the town square.
The petition has now
been submitted to the court.
Mom signed it too.
Sir, the Imam of the
same mosque
invited my father
and humiliated him.
And it was My mother who bore the brunt
of his anger once he returned home.
And it was My mother who bore the brunt
of his anger once he returned home.
Sir, he hit my mom
with a scalding hot tongs
that her skin turned black.
When I arrived home
mom was crying.
I don't say anything.
I took the same hot tongs,
ran outside, dragged
my father into the pond,
hit him with it, and then
threw it into the pond.
That's all.
I couldn't tolerate my mom's state.
Did you only thrash
your father or
- Sir
- What news?
It's not him, sir.
What should we do?
Yadav was saying he was
enemies with four boys
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Let's go. We've been invited.
Let's go. We've been invited.
'Kashmir Ki Kali' was a great film.
Shammi Kapoor, Sharmila Tagore.
The movie was about Kashmir.
You should keep up,
about your nation.
Sir, did this movie release
before 1994?
It was released in 1964. Why?
Then Sharmila wouldn't
have danced in a burqa.
Sharmila played Champa.
Why will she wear a burqa?
Are you a fool?
In 1994
JKLF had announced
that any woman who did not wear a
burqa would have acid thrown on her.
- Really?
- Burqas were sold for Rs. 2,000.
- Burqas sold for Rs. 2,000 in the 90s?
- Yes.
The burqa makers and
the JKLF had collaborated.
After 1994,
the trend of wearing a
burqa started in Kashmir.
Son, you've become famous
in the government proceedings.
- Now, face the consequences.
- Come on, sir.
You are Mani Shankar's son.
I have found out
that a video showing
Mr. PK Mishra was uploaded
and you guys got it deleted.
Sir, well
The Cyber Crime guys deal with it.
We have nothing to do with it.
Mr. Jagdish, if the
Cyber Crime worked so fast
then Parul Chaturvedi's case
would've been solved by now.
Who is the boy
who uploaded it?
Sir, we've never met him.
Ravi hurled a few abuses
at him on the internet,
Ravi hurled a few abuses
at him on the internet,
so he deleted the video.
Can we contact him again?
Sir, we shut that channel.
- Mr. Ravi
- Yes, sir?
I won't let Mr. Ravi Shankar Tripathi's
son do anything wrong.
Just arrange a meeting with him
and end the chapter.
Mr. Jagdish, if you
think about us
we will also think about you.
- I know, sir.
Thank you.
What should we do, sir?
On one side, there
is the Home Minister,
and on the other side, there is
the leader of the opposition party.
I don't understand
where to eat and where to fart.
In three years, there were
28 cases of acid attacks.
And just two people were caught.
Resolve Parul's case
and they'll give you a Bharat Ratna.
Listen, as Yadav was saying,
show the photos of all
four boys to the boyfriend.
Ask him if he knows any of them.
Is it possible that Manav's anger will
be directed towards his girlfriend?
Didn't you say
burqas were sold for Rs.
2,000 in the 1990s, in Kashmir.
burqas were sold for Rs.
2,000 in the 1990s, in Kashmir.
Then it was man venting his anger
towards a woman.
Only reading books doesn't
make one intelligent.
We wanted a room.
AC or Non-AC, sir?
Manav Gupta.
Tell him it's Sub-inspector
Ravi Shankar Tripathi.
Yes, sir.
Come in.
Sir, how are you?
Do you recognize
any one of these four people?
- No, sir.
- Look properly.
Please, sit.
No, sir. I have never seen them.
Do you have any enmity
or animosity with anyone?
No, sir. There's nothing like that.
Is this for Parul's case?
The case has not been solved yet.
The case has not been solved yet.
- What about Ashish?
- It's not him.
- What do you mean?
- It's not him, but someone else.
Tell me.
No, sir. I have good ties
with everyone.
There's nothing like that.
- Okay, fine.
- Sir!
Please sit for a couple of minutes.
- Will you have tea or coffee?
- No.
Sir, you are like family.
You know everything
about me and Parul.
I sat by her bedside for weeks,
even though my head
was Injured.
I cut her nails
and even cleaned her shit.
And I am not boasting
to you, I did it for myself.
She told me to forgive that guy once.
So, I withdrew the case.
Else I wouldn't have spared him.
But Sir
I give up now.
I need peace.
I need peace.
Sir, I assure you
Ashish uploaded that photo.
He had the photo with him.
How do you know?
Sir, the game they
played for a while
wherein dad is
telling her to marry
or her family is pressuring her,
- amidst all that she gave the photo.
- How do you know?
Rashmi told me.
The photo that she clicked for me
was the one she gave Ashish.
That photo was for me.
She was just mine!
I wonder what else they were up to!
I mean, am I a fucking fool?
Forget it.
Sir, I didn't want to tell you.
But I've endured a lot of pain.
I was cheated upon.
Fraud has been committed
in the name of love.
I understand.
I'll take your leave.
Can I get an AC room?
Can I get an AC room?
No, sir.
Manav sir said so.
Thank you, sir.
I've applied pink today.
Why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this?
Yes, Alok, tell me.
Sir, I was chatting
with the profile.
I got the IP Address.
- Is he still online?
- Yes, sir.
Keep chatting. I'm coming.
Don't let him leave.
- Now?
- Yes.
"I made this sweet pudding
To offer to you my Lord!
"I weaved these bracelets
with threads of gold"
Mr. Mishra, I'm pleading with you.
I'm sending an IP Address.
Please track its location.
- Sir, right now?
- Yes!
"I bowed a thousand
times at your temple door
"Proclaiming you as my Lord"
"I starved in hunger
sitting in my poverty"
"To assemble these
offerings for you My Lord"
"I thought you’ll rain
on me the holy waters"
"But you rained on
me the fire, the acid!"
"But you rained on me the fire, the acid!"
Ravi sir, that profile
has gone offline.
Is this the same IP address?
Absolutely sure, sir.
"You’re an authoritarian
You called me a bitch!"
"You scared of my power"
"You’re scared
I’ll flip the switch now?"
"The freedom of my ideas"
Hey! What are you doing?
We're closing, sir.
"You’re gonna rot in hell"
Just wait here.
Stay right there!
"You’re not a human
You’re a top notch filthy demon!"
"You’ve trusted my patience enough
Only to arrange for your perfect ending"
"Your time’s up! You loser Go away!
Don’t think I’ll be afraid now"
"Your reign is over man"
"Look, your apocolypse is here!"
"I thought you’ll rain
on me the holy waters"
"But you rained on me the fire, the acid!"
"But you rained on me the fire, the acid!"
Who was using that computer?
I just saw a student go downstairs.
"It burns like hell"
"The muder of my identity"
"It burns like hell"
"The burden of your misogyny"
"It burns like hell"
"The chronology of your
faults, your inabilities"
Hey! Did anyone leave right now?
Yes, that way.
"Its burning off now…"
"The indentity of my face"
"But can these burns
kill my real identity?"
"I thought you’ll rain
on me the holy waters"
"I thought you’ll rain
on me the holy waters"
"But you rained on
me the fire, the acid!"
"I made this sweet pudding
To offer to you my Lord!"
"And now I’ll start the end of your game!"
"The time has come. The bells have been hit!"
"My face burns
away, it rots away"
"But did you think that this
will set my future down?"
"A girl burns in this
world for being herself"
"And the mankind
still has no shame?"
"She still fights,
she will keep fighting"
"She is now an ocean
of acid personified"
"She will gulp down these
shackles of patriarchy!"
"I thought you’ll rain
on me the holy waters"
"But you rained on
me the fire, the acid!"
"But you rained on
me the fire, the acid!"
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