Karamora (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Bravo, you have just confirmed my words.
You had the power.
But you wanted more, to do things your way, to set people free.
Justice? No! It is self-justification.
The Will to Power.
You want to become a vampire yourself .
You You're a vampire!
How do you think I managed to get all the terrorist groups under my thumb?
How have I not yet been killed?
How did I survive the Social Revolutionaries?
I have to admit that when you told me about the vampires, I thought
you were digging on me personally, so I ordered you to be killed.
I don't give a damn about you, you're paranoid!
Ten years in hiding, you bet! But when you killed Stolypin, I believed you.
You pretend to fight the regime, but you're the same
Come on, Karamora, the titans will never defeat the gods.
To overthrow a god, you have to be a god yourself.
Go ahead, kill me, don't drag it out.
Why? I am convinced of your instinct, and I offer you power
with which we will move mountains and win.
Become a god. I'll make you the new vampire -
together we'll topple the old men into hell.
Well, that's your choice.
It works, Comrade Karamora!
You weren't in much of a hurry.
Sorry, we were dealing with people at the entrance.
You didn't forget to call my favorite colonel?
Here I am. What have you got there?
You didn't believe me?
Well, see for yourself. Knife.
Karazin, my dear, whoever this monster is, please kill him.
I'll kill him. And then, Simonov, our agreement will be over.
Give me the gun with the silver in it.
Don't kill me, Ivan-Tsarevich, you can still use me.
The request of Ivan the Tsarevich's companions from Russian fairy tales. In fairy tales Ivan-Tsarevich on his way to his goal often met magical beasts, whom he had to kill, but they asked to spare their lives in exchange for their service to him.
Don't you want to know how I became a vampire?
Hear me out, even if you kill me later.
You'll learn something important. It will save you all.
Mr. Yusupov, we are from the raid. And not empty-handed. We know
how you prefer them fresh.
So chubby, so quick! He was running away, dousing us with holy water.
And they also say that anarchists are atheists.
So, the last major anarchist cell has been crushed.
- The last one?
- Yes.
What are you idiots so happy about?
The revolution was suppressed,
the Social Revolutionaries were crushed by the police,
the Bolsheviks fled abroad, you ate up all the anarchists!
Against whom shall we be friends, gentlemen?
Or do you want this Lieber from Stolypin to dissolve us all for lack of use?
What did you think would happen next?
Are we going to lose our influence?
You finally got it.
We need an enemy to hold on to power.
An evil and cruel enemy, instilling terror, who rocks the boat
to ruin the country!
Who benefits from all this these days - England, Germany?
You were good at what you did, but you can't compete against our power.
We'll share a little, and you keep doing what you've been doing,
only more boldly and violently.
I became a pawn in a vampire feud.
Our friend Stolypin has grown quite insolent - he wants to cure us.
We need a terrorist attack.
We're already working on it. We'll get
some explosives and blow up the carriage.
The carriage is not big enough.
Blow his house down.
His whole goddamn house!
It won't do our own any harm, anyway.
But such an explosion is much more spectacular and scary.
It was Yusupov who ordered me to blow up Stolypin's house to scare him.
Stolypin was going to cure vampires.
He was supposed to be terrified to change his mind,
but you went ahead and killed him.
Congratulations, you're a pawn, too.
I would be so delighted to kill you! I thought
I was going to kill a colleague, and you were working for them the whole time!
You are a traitor!
Yes, yes, yes, and you'll take my place right away!
But just the other day everything changed -
there is a new ace in the deck.
So what are you going to do next?
Have you now realized how naive your small and limited world was?
I was at the bottom, and now I have risen.
And the fate of the world depends on me.
I shall overthrow evil.
What did you once advise me to do?
Run away, Simonov, run away.
To America or to the Pacific Ocean.
To the moon, Karamora, to the moon.
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
An aristocrat is supposed to sleep until lunchtime.
Yes, but not until after breakfast.
Sasha, if anything, I've worked with someone I was intimate with before, and I know how it's like.
So don't worry, I won't hold your hand in front the Retinue.
And I don't want to break up your wonderful duet with Svechnikov!
Yusupov is our superior now, and you'll get your orders from him personally.
He officially assumes his position today.
And there will be a big ceremony at the Winter Palace.
Are we invited?
Everyone is invited.
But I'll come a little later, I have some business to attend to.
You go to him. Maybe they'll even give you a partner.
Even like this? I hope you won't be jealous?
Silly, if you knew how happy I am for the first time in almost half a century!
I don't feel right hearing you say that. It's easier to think
you're a little over 30.
It's a strange place for a meeting.
He's a slick guy, believe me. They're looking for him all over the country,
and he's here - holed up near St. Petersburg.
If he pulls anything, we'll kill him right away.
I feel uneasy for some reason.
We have a gun, a vampire, silver and a dozen people.
We have nothing to fear.
What is that thing?
You need to take the sword out of its sheath.
A vampire degenerate that feeds only on vampire blood.
Stand back.
I see we've got some new faces.
This is Karamora, he killed Stolypin. He also hunts vampires.
Well, that means we're all in this together. The vampires want to take me out.
But we'll take them out ourselves.
With the help of these things? Do you have a lot of them?
No, for all these degenerates are placed
in the Peter and Paul Fortress as prisoners.
Unwanted children of vampires.
Are they intelligent?
Quite. If you show them where the food is, they will immediately follow.
Have you heard about Yusupov's inauguration?
The whole society will gather to congratulate him at the Winter Palace.
Why should I believe you? How did you get to Karl?
Why do you offer your help?
Well, let's just say I can bend people to my will.
I got to know the vampire Dashkov better, and he told me about Karl.
The slave of my enemy is my friend.
What do you want?
So we do the dirty work and you watch to see who wins in the end?
I can subdue one person.
And you revolutionaries can subdue the crowd.
I have told you the truth - it is a weighty contribution.
If you take over, I want a seat in the government.
Minister of Culture or Education, for example.
I get it, but we're anarchists, actually.
Must be tired.
Yusupov Palace
I know that Retinues work in the protection of important
persons and in foreign intelligence.
But I would like to catch terrorists.
I have experience. And I would like an assignment.
Oh my God, not today, I have so much to do before the ceremony!
I need to find a suit, to prepare a speech
I don't think the terrorists have the day off either. I'm ready to work.
Listen, do you have any sense of style?
Unlikely, though.
Although women should have it in their blood.
You're going to help me pick out a suit for the inauguration.
What? But I meant
Don't buzz. I'm in charge and that's your assignment.
Stay here, I'll try something on.
I told you to fake your death and disappear. What became of you?
Where is the young man who wanted the truth
and not a bloodbath in the capital?
You will drown the city in blood. And what will happen
to the whole country? How many people will die?
How cunning you old people are!
You spent the last century preaching about socialism, revolution, and freedom.
And now here we are, the younger generation, ready to make it happen.
And you're terrified! How could it be?
The blood, the victims
How is it done differently, Tkachev?
I'll stop Dracula.
You are an infantile whimp. Our country is sick with a tumor
that needs to be ripped out by the root.
And then people will find their freedom and will live as they want to live.
When a man begins to speak in slogans,
it means that there are no more normal words in his heart.
That's it, easy, easy, easy.
Morphine will help you to relax.
Hush, Tkachev, hush and rest now. And everything will work itself out for you.
Like a dream.
General Shcherbatov, I need information on "The Pale Riders".
I'm on vacation.
They killed the merchant Melnikov. And some of the corpses in the baths were identified
as members of the "The Riders". It is possible that they were behind the murder of Stolypin.
"The Riders" is my and Dashkov's business.
They attacked me, I have to eliminate them.
You want a medal? No, "The Riders" is our jurisdiction.
Any money. Speak up.
It's not about the money.
It's always about the money. This is the first time I've seen you say no.
Listen, speak to Dashkov.
Runevsky, don't. Runevsky, don't!
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
- Stop!
- I will destroy them today.
We've been dealing with them for two years, and you want to finish them in one day?
Any clue, Scherbatov, or I'll finish you off right here in these woods.
And no one will find you. And no one will remember your name.
They almost killed me. Speak up now.
"The Riders" have a coordinator.
Vienna restaurant
I haven't order anything!
- Karamora - where is he?
- Go to hell, you vampire!
I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything!
What is wrong with you today?
Dare I remind you, it' s the 20th century. And you don't have to get married at all.
I love her and I want to propose to her today.
Is that why you nearly burned the man's face off and have been on edge all day today?
As long as that bastard is alive, my heart is not in the right place!
And you should have told her. You will feel guilty.
I'm used to this agony. One minute and then we're off.
You go through the main entrance as usual, I go through the balcony.
This is my target!
Easy, easy, where are you going? You lost him,
but I got him. My agent turned him in.
I have been told that you know where Rasputin is.
Right now he's going to kill Prince Yusupov,
you brainless bloodsuckers
And I was just distracting you.
Put him in Petropavlovka.
Peter and Paul fortress.
And we're going to Yusupov's. Now.
And don't you dare lay a finger on him.
Sasha, please, we won. No matter who captured him, just don't make any big problems.
Yusupov Palace
Isn't that too old-fashioned?
That's how it should be. This is what it's all about -
the returning to our origins and keeping up with traditions.
Stopin spread liberalism here.
But we are not England, we are Eurasia.
Europe and Asia. On the surface we look like Europe,
but at our hearts we are Asia.
Prince, you pretend to be an idiot, but I see that you are far from being one!
Let's be clear. What am I doing here?
And why don't you want to assign me something worthwhile?
Well, if you want my honesty -
you were not born a vampire.
You became one by accident.
You are just a weak, young,
almost immortal girl. Runevsky's whim.
We don't need you.
The grown-up men can take care of everything themselves.
I'm going to be downstairs in the living room.
Lack of manners, as well.
Grown-up men my ass!
Peter and Paul Fortress
Exhale, Sasha, we still have to answer for threatening
Prince Scherbatov, don't make it worse.
I just want to understand what his fight is all about?
Why is there so much strength and tenacity in this bastard? Why do people follow him?
Don't, you won't be able to hold back,
and Dashkov will inform Yusupov.
You'll be kicked out of the Retinue,
and this time we won't be able to pay off.
I will be able to restrain myself, I promise you.
What do you want? Or rather, what did you want?
To kill you.
Me specifically?
You killed my group, you bloodsucker, do you remember that?
I remember. I feel sorry for them. You took those young boys
and put that nonsense about justice in their ears.
Like a drug. You led them to their deaths,
led them to commit terrorist attacks, and they revolted against you, right?
Yes, that's right.
They wanted even more terrorist attacks.
Well, let's say it was a personal vendetta.
But you declared war on all of us.
You led people against us.
If it wasn't me, someone else would have showed up.
You have driven the country to the point
where there is not a single satisfied person left.
You imagined yourself as the sanitarians of the forest, the superhumans.
And who chose you to do this? Who gave you the right?
Maybe I'm entitled, too?
The right to do what? To cause turmoil, chaos?
Chaos is the answer to dictatorship.
Dictatorship is a vice, chaos is also a vice.
Goodness is just the measure between the two vices.
I just want the Russian people to determine their own destiny.
Didn't we deserve it after all these years of suffering?
People like me drink blood by the liters,
but people like you spill tons of it.
The people themselves will ask us for protection from the likes of you.
They will want peace and security.
So let's find out. Share the power, and we'll see.
You don't give them any choice.
Order, safety You think we're little kids
who can get our asses whipped for misbehaving?
That we have no will, no mind, no soul?
If you're right, the vampires won't lose anything.
Step aside and the people themselves will come
begging you to come back on their knees.
But you won't step aside, because you know:
they won't come.
Well, it is impossible to argue with such a demagogue.
Just tell me one thing.
That girl in your group
Did you tell her the same nonsense?
Shut the fuck up, you bloodsucker!
What do you know about her, about us?
There are no "you" anymore.
You killed her with your delusions.
You are alone now.
It was you, you scum, who made me!
You took from me the only thing I cared about.
Then you didn't care for her that much.
You have superhuman strength.
And human weakness.
Your weakness is the weakness of the aristocracy. Arrogance.
Karamora Sasha!
Political prisoners in Petropavlovka confirm the presence of a basement
with strange noises coming from it.
Let's take a risk. For every monster there is a bigger monster.
Come on, come on.
Nobel, you will be our liaison, and after the explosion you will give the signal to the two groups.
One takes the Rostral, the other takes the telegraph.
Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange and Rostral Columns - a cape on the eastern tip of Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg.
Second group, explosion at Petropavlovka. Prepare to storm the telegraph office.
Don't start without a command.
Tanya, at the telegraph office, report to all the cities. The revolution has begun.
Let the "The Riders" all over the country rise up in rebellion.
To prevent them from recollecting themselves, we have to kill their leader. Karl, you're going to do it.
Mother of God, what's the matter with you?
Rasputin is here somewhere, we need to leave.
Are you out of your mind? I have an inauguration at the palace in an hour.
Golovin will cover you with a gun.
It's too dangerous!
After him, now!
I will infiltrate Petropavlovka.
I'll free the vampire degenerates and send them to the Winter Palace!
Let's give the vampires a Bloody Sunday.
Bloody Sunday is the series of events on Sunday, 22 January 1905 in St Petersburg, when unarmed demonstrators, led by Father Georgy Gapon, were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
If all the vampires perish in the Winter Palace,
no one will protect their rotten empire anymore.
Tomorrow all the bloodsuckers will die.
Go, go!
Do you realize it won't hold up for long?
We can't let them break through to the palace, we have to hold them back.
Until Yusupov sent reinforcements.
And what if he doesn't send it?
Let's hope he's not an idiot!
It is important to note: although Yusupov is not Genghis Khan's heir by blood, his ancestors did stand at the head of the Golden Horde and the Khanate of Kazan.
I have special instructions in case you wake up. You'd better be gone.
Mr. Nobel, these are not soldiers, they are living people.
Peter and Paul Fortress
Your food is on the other side of the river!
All you have to do is break out and satisfy your hunger!
Why the hell did we even save you, why?
You blew up the Tsar yourself 30 years ago, and now you deprive me of the feat?
I was an idiot!
It' s time. Waiting for the command.
Get ready!
If they break into town, we're finished, our families,
our loved ones, our close ones.
We'll die here, but we won't let our city be drowned in blood!
Waiting for the command.
Waiting for the command.
Waiting for the command.
Waiting for the command.
Copy, copy. Waiting for the command.
Abort. I repeat: abort for all groups.
Accepted. Abort for all groups.
Well, Prince, shall I put you in chains now?
It's been a while since I've played a games like that.
And the last will be first.
Matthew 19:30
Looks like the grown-up men can't make it without me.
How did you know that I needed help?
Intuition. Little girls have that.
Put me through to the wild division headquarters.
All forces - to the Peter and Paul Fortress.
What? What do you mean it's over?
You will never have my blood.
Were you waiting for a perfect moment to make a grand entrance?
Thank me later.
Easy death.
Even died like a viper!
Yes? Kokovtsev! What the hell is going at your place? Do you even know?
The rebellion is suppressed.
We will have to put a lot of effort
into hiding what happened from the public.
What happened there? I demand a report.
You can no longer demand.
The Sovereign has removed you from the leadership of the Retinue.
You nearly let the revolution to happen.
Kokovtsev, are you trying to scheme against me?
I almost gave my soul to God myself here.
I defended the empire with my own hands.
You've screwed us all up. Rasputin was appointed
as the new leader. He saved the situation
Yusupov Palace
you brought us into.
God Save the Tsar!
The national anthem of the Russian Empire.
Strong and majestic!
Reign for glory,
For our glory!
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
Sasha, what's the matter with you?
How was your day?
The usual boring Monday. What about you?
Mine was the same, dear!
I wanted to make it look nice, but who knows
what the new day has in store for us?
It's presumptuous to wait for better times,
so I'm happy here and now.
Peter and Paul Fortress
How much will you give for these corpses for the anatomy theater?
Not allowed. It's rebels.
We're ordered to burn the ungodly.
For the ungodly I pay triple the price.
So what kind of amateurish activity you organized here?
We've been watching Karazin lately and we don't interfere.
But we did not expect such an apotheosis.
Because you have to work wisely, in our Bolshevik way.
And where is Karazin?
Translation done by kapyushonchan. Special thanks to KTP.
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