Maamla Legal Hai (2024) s01e07 Episode Script


[horn honks]
[motor engine revving]
The president of the Delhi Bar Association
is none other than
the Honorable Shri VD Tyagi!
[all cheer]
-Long live!
-[all] VD Tyagi!
-Long live!
-[all] VD Tyagi!
-[Sujata] Long live! ♪
-[men] VD Tyagi! ♪
Long live! ♪
-[men] VD Tyagi! ♪
-Hey! One minute. Hold on, hold on.
[VD Tyagi] You two aren't
going to chant slogans.
Do you remember how Bagai fell down?
His big ass became even bigger that day.
-[VD Tyagi] Mintu, you will chant slogans.
-Oh, sorry, veere.
I'll be taking care of these.
[VD Tyagi] What is this?
[Mintu] Coins! They are brand new.
And when my bro wins tomorrow,
I'm gonna toss them around.
Come on, veere,
let's put on a big show tonight!
[Sujata] You're so right, Mintuji.
Look at this.
[Mintu] Oye, oye!
-Looks like a liquor bar sign.
-Shut up!
[VD Tyagi] Not bad, Sujata!
You not only made a nameplate
for your chamber.
But also got the number allotted? 718!
Well, the astrologer said
it would be lucky for me.
But if you don't like it,
I'll have it changed.
Arre, but why should you change it?
The guy in chamber 718 will change his.
As soon as we win the election tomorrow!
[Shambhu] VD Tyagi!
Sir, your suit.
[upbeat music playing]
[theme music playing]
[goat bleats]
[announcer] Arre, please don't crowd
around the food area.
First, listen to the instructions
then have your lunch.
Who brought these goats here?
Please make sure your goats
are not seated between people.
Arre, please stop your children
from running around.
-Sahab, does one get food over here?
You get justice.
[announcer] This is a free camp
which has been setup
by the Delhi Legal Services Center.
Experienced lawyers from Patparganj
have taken time out
from their busy schedules
to come here and help you
with any legal advice you may need.
Our panel includes esteemed members like
Mr. Joginder Singhji,
also Ms. Sujata Negiji.
[indistinct chatter]
-Hey, where is Sujata?
No, no. Sujata Negi isn't here.
She's actually busy with the vote count.
The lawyer who's come in her place
is Advocate Ananya Shroff.
Ananya Shroff.
You think she'll handle it?
Uh, yeah.
What legal issues can they have
in a village?
Cows, crops, carrots, buffaloes.
Child marriage!
If you get her married now,
it'll be considered as child marriage.
She's only 17 years old.
No, no. I'm not trying to get her married.
I already did that
when she was 14 years old.
How did you manage to do that?
Performed in front of everyone.
And now her in-laws
are trying to cancel the wedding.
Chacha almost fainted
when he heard the news.
I told him, "Come on, let's go."
"There's a camp set up.
Fight for your rights."
And you are?
To be mother of Mohan
and Guddo's classmate.
-It's called BFF.
You're going to be a mother
at the age of 17?
How could I be one before that?
I only got married at 16.
Madam, from next year,
she was going to live with them.
But now her father-in-law says
the marriage is canceled!
They are going to get
her married husband engaged
to some girl in Nangloi.
I saw him buying blueberries yesterday
for the girl's family.
And what did he give us?
Just a few tomatoes
saying they're actually fruits.
But they are fruits, Chacha.
They have seeds in them.
Then why did they get upset, huh?
When I put the same tomatoes
in the fruit salad
and served it to the guest.
It's because of these things,
they are looking for another girl!
-[announcer] Calm down, everybody.
Help me save my marriage.
Listen to me, child marriage is illegal.
And there is also a provision where
either side, the boy or the girl,
can cancel the marriage
if they want once they become adults.
It's his legal right.
Where does that leave me?
Forget about this marriage.
Focus on your education.
You should become independent.
And then you can marry.
Then you'll see the partner you'll find
will be the most compatible one.
How could he be any more compatible?
Susheel and her horoscope
was a perfect match!
Madam, you're not trying to help us
because this is a free camp.
A lawyer outside
would have charged us money,
but he would at least try
to suggest a solution.
Trust me, sir.
There is no other legal remedy.
These lawyers outside will take your money
and suggest all weird kinds of solutions.
What kind of weird solutions?
[upbeat tense music playing]
Look at that!
[Prince] The votes from Jhilmil are here!
Looks like a big turnout.
There it is! That's by Hauz Rani! Yeah!
[Mintu] Our Patparganj votes are here!
Just watch,
the winner is going to be Tyagiji.
You think it's so easy?
Daryaganj! Daryaganj!
[Ahmed] Mine! Daryaganj!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
[crowd laughing]
I thought you were getting
everyone to vote.
But I sent an email to everyone.
This is unacceptable! It's a scam!
-I was in a wave in Darya count
-I think that
-What happened? Yeah.
-Tyagiji, they've committed vote of fraud.
You please raise your voice about it.
Please do something.
Arre, Phorey saab is going to win. Go.
He'll raise the issue when he's president.
Go. Talk to him.
-What is going on?
-Arre, Ahmedji.
-The winner is going to be Tyagiji.
Come on, Tyagi. How can you let this
Arre, Guptaji.
The glow on his face clearly shows
that he is winning!
You should talk to him.
Arre, Ahmedji.
He's all dressed up for the win!
The victor will be Tyagiji.
-Tyagi, you have to do this.
-Who's the one dressed like a bridegroom?
-Him, right? Him.
When I say Tyagiji's going to win,
he's going to win! That's it!
Arre, the whole room is saying
you're going to win.
[Prince] Want to bet a 100?
[Mintu] Huh?
-Let's do it. Done.
[upbeat music playing]
Achi bloody shit.
Someone give him a pill or something!
Bloody asshole.
Here you go, madam.
[announcer] Nobody is allowed
-to bring their cycles inside.
-Here you go.
[man] Take some food for your family.
-What is this, madam?
-A police complaint.
Okay, great.
Go and submit it at the police station,
they'll file an FIR.
This states that Guddo
was married off as a child
which is completely illegal.
As soon as you file this,
the police will make an arrest.
Will Susheel go to jail?
No, no. [tuts]
Susheel was a minor himself
when he got married.
Only the parents will go to jail.
This is a good solution, madam.
If they don't do what we say,
then his father will go to jail.
Chacha, "parents". Plural.
The boy's and girl's parents.
-[goat bleats]
The girl's parents?
I'll go to jail?
Will this stop my marriage
from being canceled?
Wow, Guddo!
You don't care
that they might put me in jail?
Should I save my father or my marriage?
I'm not going to jail!
You have to bathe with men over there.
So it's not like you're bathing
with women now.
Just go to jail.
If this marriage breaks up,
you'll have a sitting on your head
till you die.
[quirky music playing]
[music ends]
Papa is at home.
Or I would have taken you for a spin.
Take your new girlfriend from Nangloi.
Why are you getting upset with me?
I'm not doing anything. It's Papa who's
Then talk to your papa!
[goat bleating]
In front of him,
-you never say anything.
-[Pawan] Hey!
What's going on?
-[cow bellows]
[Guddo's father] Arre, Pawanji,
I need to talk to you.
So, is this any place to talk?
Come inside.
Yes, yes. Coming.
[cooker whistles hisses]
Okay. Tell me.
[Ani] I'm Ananya Shroff.
She's the legal advisor for Ms. Guddo.
[Guddo clears throat]
Mrs. Guddo.
Mrs. Guddo. Yes.
[quirky music playing]
If you get Susheel
married to someone else,
Guddo will file an FIR against you,
and then you will be arrested
by the police
[Guddo gasps]
You're such a liar!
Why are you bringing my name into this?
This was her idea and that old man's,
you know?
My papaji knows I could never
think like that about him.
Uh, what do you mean "papaji"?
I am not anyone's papa.
Papa don't say that
she's your daughter-in-law.
-You little piece
-[Susheel whimpers]
[Pawan] Just go and do your work!
Madam, sit down.
I am telling you, please sit.
-Uh, yeah.
-[Vishwas] You okay?
Madam, since this is a child marriage,
I have the legal right to break it.
Pawanji, this is a marriage.
It's not someone's face
that you can break
whenever you feel like it.
This is hardly a marriage.
A marriage happens between equals.
[Pawan] When they got married,
he had failed the 11th grade.
Things were looking bad for him.
But now he has a government job.
This guy?
[quirky music playing]
So now he wants a fair bride.
-What nonsense is this?
-What nonsense is this?
Yeah! What nonsense is this?
It's not as if our Guddo isn't fair.
She may have tanned from the hot sun,
but she's still very fair inside.
Show him how fair!
Guddo, put that down. Put that down!
Sir, you're the head of the family.
These kinds of comments
don't set the right example.
You're absolutely right, madam.
The girl from Nangloi,
she doesn't sit like this on a bike.
Madam, she sits like this.
I don't care how she sits, you sit down.
Didi, will a girl who sits like this
make cow-dung cakes?
Papaji, I make great cow-dung cakes.
Why would she make cow-dung cakes?
They have 82 buffaloes
of the highest breed in their stable.
Your family doesn't even own
a washing machine.
But her family,
they have washing machines
that churn buttermilk.
So that's why you are buying blueberries
from the market.
Guddo, it seems your father-in-law
is looking for a big dowry.
So, Papaji, tell me,
what do you want as dowry?
-He'll take a loan.
-[Pawan] Hmm!
Hello! Dowry is illegal!
You people have turned the law
into a joke.
A loan to pay your dowry, huh?
Better say yes, Pawanji.
Because if an FIR is filed,
both of us will have to go to jail.
And we'll have to bathe
with other men in jail.
Arre, I'll bathe with men,
I'll go to jail,
and I will serve a two-year sentence.
But I'll get Susheel married
to someone else.
[Pawan] So, yes, madam.
I have the legal right
to get him married again.
But Susheel wants
Do not cancel the marriage.
[soft music playing]
Yes, he does.
-All right.
-[soft gasp]
Are you people done here?
You all can leave now.
[Kazmi] Ladies and gentlemen.
I would now like to announce
the final tally of the election results.
The results are as follows.
Ballot number 23.
Ahmed Gupta.
[Kazmi] Five votes.
[crowd laughing]
-Four of them must be your juniors.
-[Kazmi] Ballot number 38.
-Mind your own business.
-[Kazmi] Parimal Jha
For me?
That's amazing!
[Parimal] Yey!
-Arre, Ahmedji, congratulate me!
-[both] Well done, sir!
Come on, congratulate me!
Calm down, okay? You haven't won as yet.
Arre, Ahmedji,
I have a fake degree anyway.
And now, the last two candidates.
[tense music playing]
Ballot number 9.
Mr. VD Tyagi
2,063 votes!
[VD Tyagi's supporters cheering]
[crowd cheering, applauding]
And finally,
ballot number 13.
[tense music playing]
Mr. Mahinder Phorey.
-[Phorey's supporters cheering]
-[coins clinking]
[somber music playing]
[muffled cheering]
[cheering continues]
[cheering continues]
[somber music playing]
[Guddo] My father-in-law
was right about him.
He was totally useless
before we got married.
I am the one who got him to pass
those government exams.
I always used to tell him,
"I won't let you touch me
until you memorize this chapter."
I let him touch me everywhere
just to finish his syllabus.
[quirky music playing]
And now he has a government job,
what do I have?
My father-in-law's brother
is a fresh widower.
Should I fix you up with him?
He may be old,
but I'm sure he has very good stamina.
I would rather die than marry him.
You'd rather die than be of use to anyone.
Stop bickering like teenagers.
-[Guddo sniffles]
Guddo, listen to me.
First, focus on your education,
become independent.
And then get married.
Forget Susheel, you can have anyone.
Mark my words.
I won't find anyone! Who wants a joothan?
What's "joothan"?
Um, joothan joothan
Our Guddo may not have enjoyed
a wedding night,
but wedding mornings, wedding afternoons,
wedding evenings were wonderful.
[Pinky] His name Susheel
may mean good boy.
But he's the exact opposite of that.
He would call her
and she would go running to him.
"You're my baby! You're my cutie pie!
My sweetheart!"
Why shouldn't I have gone to him?
Everything I did, I did with my husband!
It's a good deed!
Did I get into a love marriage?
Or say "I love you" to some boyfriend?
I did what was right
according to my community.
And now they have dumped me!
And your precious lawyer
is also taking their side!
[Ani] Guddo.
[Guddo cries]
[Ani] Don't cry.
[all cheering]
Yes, Your Honor.
Mr. Phorey is the new president
of the association.
[DB Sikri] Okay. And how did Mr. Tyagi do?
[Kazmi] He's the first runner-up.
He lost by just 24 votes.
[DB Sikri] Twenty-four votes? Close call.
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Phorey's supporters cheering]
[tense music playing]
[spectacle crackling]
[Phorey] Arre.
I'm glad you did that.
You're finally free of it. [chuckles]
I swear, ever since I lost the bet
I've been looking for you.
I feel bad for you, Tyagiji.
I feel really bad. Bad luck.
But there is one thing.
In spite of losing the bet,
I didn't hide my face like this.
Huh? [chuckles]
Instead, I came looking for you.
Anyway [sniffs]
elections come and go all the time.
But you won the bet, right?
Here, a hundred. [laughs]
Take it.
Just take it.
Come on. Take it.
Take, take, take.
[Phorey gasps] No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Not over here!
I'll give it to you in public
one note at a time.
After all, we want
the whole world to know, right?
That Tyagiji lost! Tyagiji lost!
Tyagiji should share
the limelight too, right?
[breathes deeply]
You bastard! Motherfucker!
What did you call me?
-Fucking son of a bitch!
-What a fucker?
-He He called me a motherfucker!
-You motherfucker!
-You fucker!
-Phorey! Let go of him! Leave! Leave!
-He called me a motherfucker!
-Leave him, you bastard!
-You son of a bitch!
-You bastard!
-Hey! Hey, Mintu!
-[Phorey grunts]
[VD Tyagi] No! Not the belt! Not the belt!
Just grab his neck!
Oh, no! Just push him down on the floor.
Ah! My family jewels! My baby!
-You! You bastards! You son of a bitch!
-[Order shouting]
[VD Tyagi] Sujata!
[Mintu whimpering]
[coins clinking]
[VD Tyagi] Yes! Okay. Don't move!
Grab him! Grab him!
[Susheel] Sirji, you are hurting me!
Oh! Sirji!
Sirji, you are really hurting me! Oh!
Sirji, stop. [Susheel whimpers]
-Oh, please!
-[police] Shut up!
Sirji, you can take whatever you want!
Please don't hit me, sir.
Please let me go!
-Mommy! Mommy!
-[Pawan] Hey! Hello, hello!
-Why are you hurting him?
-[Susheel] Papa!
He's a government employee!
And, Papa, he was also swearing at me!
[Susheel cries]
What is all this nonsense?
Your son's been charged with POCSO.
[quirky music playing]
Then let's take him to the hospital.
Prevention of Children
from Sexual Offenses.
Your son Susheel
talked poor Guddo into turning
each morning,
each afternoon,
and each evening into her wedding night.
Yeah, so POCSO comes into it, huh?
She's a 17-year-old minor.
And he's a 20-year-old adult.
-[Ani] So an underaged girl has been
-[Pawan] Arre,
whatever Susheel may have done,
he did it with his wife, right?
So how is it illegal?
If you consider Guddo
to be Susheel's wife,
then you can't arrange
another marriage for him.
But if you don't accept her,
then you can arrange another marriage,
but then POCSO will apply.
[Ani] So you see if you go to jail,
it may not affect your plans.
But if your son goes to jail that means,
no second marriage.
And that government job
you keep boasting about,
he'll lose it, that's for sure.
And he'll be forced to bathe
with other men in jail.
For sure! [chuckles]
Papa, just just say yes, Papa.
I love Guddo a lot, Papa.
I'll be happy with her.
I bought you a mobile.
I got you a Wi-Fi connection
so you can keep it in your pants.
And you have been celebrating
your wedding night, wedding morning?
-Wedding evening? Wedding night?
-Aah! Papa! Papa! Papa!
-Wedding night! Wedding day!
-Oh, Papa, please don't beat me, Papa!
-No, Papa. Ah!
-Huh? Give that to me!
-[Susheel] Oh, you're hurting me.
-Wedding night!
-[Pawan] Wedding night!
-I just enjoyed a little!
-[Ani] Sir!
-Papa! I just enjoyed a little!
[Susheel] Just a little, Papa!
Just a little!
Papa, you're beating me up
in front of everybody!
I'm a grown-up now!
[Susheel panting]
[Susheel sniffles, cries]
Next year, she can move in here.
[soft music playing]
But this time remember,
not to put tomatoes in the fruit salad.
I'll put blueberries instead.
Oh! My sweetheart! My baby!
My poor baby!
They hit you?
-Poor baby got hurt!
-It's hurting a lot.
[Guddo] My baby!
[Munshi] You couldn't take one defeat?
It was your first election.
You lost by 24 votes.
You could have run again
in another two years.
Now you will never get
a chance to do that.
But why not, Munshiji?
Because you attacked the president
of the Delhi Bar Association!
If he wants, he can cancel your license.
Forget about elections,
you won't even be able to practice.
And if he files an FIR,
then all of you could be arrested
at any moment.
Phorey will never file an FIR.
[Mintu] He has quite a track record.
He always handles
his personal matters himself.
This will only remain a personal matter
while it is still hidden from the public.
Once it becomes public,
the council can issue a Suo Moto FIR.
This happened because of you, yaar!
You said, "Come, let's get him",
so I got him.
Arre, I saw Phorey
trying to throttle Mintuji.
What else could I do?
Arre, I saw him beating up Tyagi,
what else could I have done?
Don't worry.
This has happened because of me, not you.
Our statement will remain the same
for the court and the council.
It was I who pressured you
into doing this.
The blame lies only with me.
How can you say that, Tyagi?
[phone ringing]
[keypad clicks]
Hello. VD Tyagi here.
[liaison officer] This is Liaison Officer,
Delhi High Court.
Honorable Justice DB Sikri
would like to talk to you.
[Mintu] What the fuck!
Phorey went straight to the high court?
[tense music playing]
-Please connect.
-[phone beeps]
[DB Sikri] Mr. VD Tyagi.
[VD Tyagi] Your Honor?
After the day you've had today, Mr. Tyagi,
I was not sure that I would be able to
get you on a call so easily.
[DB Sikri] I wouldn't have called you
if the situation hadn't been so pressing.
But here we are.
You're a successful lawyer.
President of the Patparganj Bar.
And your winning ratio is very impressive.
And in spite of that,
you've always gone out of your way
to serve the entire legal fraternity.
Whether it's by writing
articles in newspapers
or if it's going against the wishes
of your fellow lawyers
by defending a police officer.
Or by resolving a strike peacefully.
It's no wonder that some
of the most respected lawyers
have recommended your nomination
and that the most reputed law firms
have campaigned for you in this election.
I can go on and on and on.
But the fact of the matter is
you could be a great asset
to our legal system.
And so, the collegium thinks
that you will be a worthy
addition to the judiciary.
We would like to offer you a judgeship.
[soft music playing]
Your Honor.
I know.
There's a lot going on
in your mind right now.
Don't rush it.
[DB Sikri] Mr. Tyagi, you have
a full 48 hours to decide and confirm.
Best of luck!
[call ends]
[soft music playing]
[closing theme music playing]
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