Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Mindless Beasts

[Rapton] Loyal!
Those are not only the words
that best describes me, Rapton.
But also my suborbinauts.
Sub subor
Uh, underlings!
The Claws of Imperium.
[crowd cheering]
The finest hunters
our kingdom has ever known,
guaranteeing clean, safe dragon energy
for the rest of all time.
Fighting for the Imperium way of life
is the very definition of heroism.
Rapton says so,
and my best buddy here agrees.
Imperium and Dragons,
building a better future,
-together as friends.
[Arin panting]
Stop that hideous dragon!
[Arin grunting]
We've gotta lose these guys, Riyu.
[guard 1] We've gotta get that thing caged
before it poisons our streets
with its repulsive dragon stench!
Hang on, buddy!
[Arin grunts]
[Arin groaning]
[guard 2] Where did they go?
[Arin screaming]
After them!
[Arin grunting]
Let go of me!
[grunting continues]
-[device powering down]
-Oh, nuts.
[Arin screaming]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[screaming, grunts]
[guard 1]
Where did Doctor Floortile go?
[guard 2]
What is he a doctor of?
"Vanishing without a trace"?
[guard 1] Doubtful.
There are very few certified
Vanish-ologists in Imperium.
[guard 2 sighs]
Come on.
Let's search for them
in the new shoulder pad store.
[guard 1] Wait.
Are you just trying to buy yourself
some new shoulder pads?
[guard 2] I'm serving
the security needs of Imperium.
If I happen to get dashing
shoulder-wear while I'm at it,
what's wrong with that?
Let's sit tight.
Once the heat dies down,
we'll go find the others.
Time to keep the city clean.
It's about respecting the community.
I love studying at school ♪
But protecting innocents
Is also cool! ♪
Sound off ♪
One, two ♪
I don't get it either.
Sound off ♪
Three, fo ♪
[both screaming]
Hold on!
Hang on!
Got you!
That was incredible!
Those were the coolest moves ever!
Who are you?
Uh, the name's Floortile.
Lampshade Floortile.
I like the cut
of your jib, Lampshade.
I'm Percival Tartigrade
and I'm leader of this troop.
The Imperium Teenage
Protection Force!
Are are you like
a music group or something?
Except instead of practicing music,
we practice obedience to law and order!
We take a solemn vow to do
what is right and good.
And what would be good right now
is to beg you to become
our newest member!
We need you to teach us
those sweet moves
so we can be cool like you!
Let me get this straight.
You all think I'm cool?
The coolest!
Please, teach us your skills.
Uh, okay.
I guess?
[all cheering]
Eat flame, bad guy!
Get wrecked by Wyldfyre!
"Bad guy"? No, wait.
This is just a disguise!
A disguise?
I can still see you, loser!
[Wyldfyre grunts]
If I were your enemy,
why would I let you
out of your cell?
If you don't know, how should I?
But you can't be
the Elemental Master of Fire.
There's only ever one at a time,
and you're not him.
What are you even talking about?
Answer, I don't care!
Just let my family go!
[Lloyd grunting]
They took your family?
Look, I have nothing to do
with Imperium.
You and I are on the same
[Wyldfyre screaming]
Sometimes I'm too incredibly
great at fighting.
[tense music]
Your fire's a weird color.
Are you sick?
It's not fire.
I'm the Green Ninja!
"Green Ninja"?
Sounds fake.
I'm not dumb! Don't try tricks on me.
I did every learning module
in my Caregiver-bot's
memory banks!
Your power level is off the charts,
but your attacks are all over the place.
I could help you to
Stop talking and fight!
[guard 1]
What? Escaped prisoner!
You saved me?
I told you. We're on the same side.
Maybe you're not lying, "Green Ninja."
Call me Lloyd.
[Dr. LaRow]
I've been waiting for you.
Rapton reported he used
your Photac device in the field.
I knew you wouldn't be able
to resist returning, Ana.
My name is Sora now.
Ugh. You named yourself
after that dragon?
She and I were the same.
Two pawns you used
for your own gain.
I thought you were
a scientist, Ana.
Science has no room
for sentiment.
After the Merge,
the Empress wanted to use
the Photac more than ever.
So many new dragons to hunt.
But we hadn't been able
to activate your device.
Until recently.
I'm surprised
you figured it out.
Exotic photovoltaic positrons
were never your thing.
You were more of an expert
at being an evil jerk.
Hmm, you've grown feisty.
Where's that sweet,
wide-eyed little girl
who was excited just to be
in a real science lab?
She grew up.
On the streets
of a strange city.
When she had to escape a family
poisoned against her
by her former hero.
[Dr. LaRow] Sorry, sweetie.
You're old enough now to know
that all heroes disappoint eventually.
Even Ninja.
I know about the company
you've been keeping.
You think the Claws' mission reports
wouldn't reach me?
Then why didn't you come for me?
I knew you'd come back
on your own.
And just in time.
-We need you.
-[Sora scoffs]
You're right that I couldn't get
the Photac operational
on my own.
I had the help
of an unconventional consultant.
He got
your original prototype working,
and even made copies.
-One problem.
We haven't been able
to initialize these new devices.
But I know someone who can.
Activate them for me.
I will never let you
use my invention
to hurt more innocent dragons.
I anticipated
you might feel that way.
So I arranged
a little motivation.
[Dr. LaRow] An old friend.
[Sora] Dorama?
You're supposed to be in prison!
Are you
the "unconventional consultant"
that got my original Photac to work?
My genius can be experienced
in many ways.
Now, if you don't do
as Dr. LaRow says,
the consequences will be
very entertaining.
Don't hurt her!
[Dr. LaRow sighs]
So, you're ready to help me,
your Empress,
and Imperium itself?
I don't have a choice, do I?
You always were a smart child.
So the device can manifest
a Photac beast now?
See for yourself.
[both grunt]
[tense music]
[alarm wailing]
We got to find a way
out of here, girl,
or we're toast.
"If the Coalescence returns"
the fifth source,
the temple
of the dragon course."
What is this nonsense?
With Master Wu's notes gone,
I can't make heads or tails
out of any of it!
Input search term?
Yeah, right!
Last time we trusted you to help find info
on stopping Mergequakes,
we got globbed
with a ton of sticky worm silk.
[Nya] Yeah, scoot away.
I don't want to get
stuck together again by
Stuck together?
There's no way.
[Nya] Looks like a map.
But to where?
I've never seen a place like this.
Like so,
smooth movements. See?
Good, everybody.
I I mean
pretty good. Kind of.
Now, check this out.
[all exclaim, cheering]
Oh, man. Sorry.
I landed all wrong.
I can do better.
Better than that?
You've got the best moves
we've ever seen!
I'm not all that good, actually.
Uh, I've got a master teaching me
all the things I'm doing wrong.
But the things you do
are amazing already!
You don't need to train.
[awkward chuckle]
You guys are the best.
Enough about me. What about you?
What's the ITPF all about?
We just look for ways
to help anywhere we can.
No biggie.
Love the sound of that.
Ever since my parents went missing,
I've wanted to help others, too.
You think just like we do, Lampshade.
To rise from any bad things
in our pasts,
and make the world a better place
in the here and now.
I feel so seen right now.
In fact,
we hope, if we work hard enough,
we can join the greatest group
to ever fight for good
against the forces of evil.
[all] The Claws of Imperium!
[action music]
Wait, what?
That's why we do all this!
We want to be Claws one day.
Heroic warriors
that keep Imperium safe
by hunting down dragons.
But but you said
you wanted to protect and help.
Protect Imperium from dragons
and help
by draining dragon power
to fuel the kingdom.
We want to make the world
a better place,
like the Claws of the Imperium always do.
[all] The Claws of Imperium!
The Claws hurt dragons!
Don't be silly, Lampshade.
You can't hurt a mindless beast.
Can you imagine what we'd do
if we could ever catch a dragon?
We'd turn it over
to Lord Ras himself.
That dragon would get drained
to dust!
-What's back there?
-[Arin gasps]
Definitely nothing.
Uh, let me show you
some more moves!
In a second.
Better check that out.
Follow me.
Waste tunnels are this way.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
Nope! Gotta save my family!
[Lloyd] Wait! Wait!
This is the one!
-[Wyldfyre groans angrily]
Let me give it a shot.
[Lloyd grunts]
Works every time.
[Lloyd gasps]
Get back!
[Wyldfyre snarling]
[dragon purrs]
Oh. It's good to see you, too, Heatwave!
You know this dragon?
Great. But we still need
to save your family.
My family is here.
Behind the dragon?
No. Heatwave is my family.
He raised me in the wildness.
You were raised by a dragon
in the wildness?
That explains a lot, actually.
I definitely totally remember
where to go now.
This way. Come on!
So maybe I don't totally remember.
I haven't been here since I was a kid.
Let's try the other way.
Just scoot back.
Okay. Now I totally, totally
remember my way around.
There's a big cafeteria
right through here.
Maybe we can find
some mashed potatoes and
Wait, why did they park
all these hover chariots
in the cafeteria?
Okay, maybe
it's not a cafeteria.
And I don't totally, totally
remember my way around.
[Rapton] Don't worry!
You'll have plenty of time
to learn the way out.
At least as much of it
as you can see
from your prison cell.
You really want a rematch?
Let's see. Hmm
A pack of highly skilled
Claws of the Imperium
and their weapon drones
against a little Ninja-wannabe
and an overgrown garden snake.
Yeah. I'll take those odds.
Then you are a fool!
How dare you?
No one calls Rapton a fool!
[claw 1] Uh, Lord Ras
calls you a fool all the time.
Okay One!
One person calls me that.
But definitely not
a scrawny kid like you!
I am the Elemental Master
of Technology.
Remember the mech
I created on the bridge?
And on the train?
Remember what I did
to your weapons?
Now look around.
You really want to face me
in a room full of technology?
What should I do with all these?
Reassemble their parts
into a swarm of stinging techno-bees?
[claw 2]
Uh, I I don't like bees.
But of course,
we can avoid all that
if you just get out of our way.
I don't know
how you did those things.
Maybe you do have
the powers you say.
Or maybe you just got lucky.
I'll make you a deal.
Use your powers to do something
to this drone.
Anything. Smash it,
make it a bee. Whatever.
You do that, we step aside.
You and the dragon
will be free to go. Huh?
You sure about that?
It's a nice drone.
Looks expensive.
I'm sure.
Fine! But I'm not paying for it.
[Sora] You can do this, Sora,
even without Riyu's spark.
Lloyd told you.
The true power is inside you.
[grunting continues]
-You got me.
I can't do that right now,
but I can do this!
There's more than one way
to be Ninja.
[Sora grunting]
[Rapton grunts]
[roaring continues]
Looks like you need
to pay more attention
to your training, little Ninja.
Dr. LaRow? We got 'em.
Let's try this again, Ana.
If I do this,
you won't drain her?
We will drain the dragon.
But when you finish your job,
we'll stop draining it.
And now, I present to you
what you've all
been waiting for!
A real show
Get on with it!
On with the show.
Want this to end?
Do your work!
More dragons?
This is where they hold
all the dragons they capture?
Yep. Before they drain them
to power their kingdom.
All right, new mission.
We aren't here
to just free your family.
We're here to free
all the dragons,
every last one.
Dragons cannot be kept in chains
or behind bars.
[loud roar]
[roaring continues]
[loud roaring]
Freedom for all dragon-kind!
[all roaring]
Look, there's something awesome
over there!
What? There's nothing.
Yes, there is.
The beautiful city of Imperium.
Our glorious home!
Wow. I see
what Lampshade is trying to say.
Imperium is awesome!
All hail the Good Empress!
No way!
A dragon?
Lampshade, were you trying
to distract us
from finding that evil thing?
You came back to destroy
the machine you created.
Now, instead, you're further
empowering Imperium.
How utterly satisfying, Ana.
You realize now,
you cannot stop us.
Once this is done, there will be
nothing to prevent Imperium
from hunting down every dragon
in merged lands.
Including the Source Dragons.
"Source Dragons"?
[Lord Ras growls]
Stop hurting her.
I finished.
Prove it.
Imperium is now
completely unstoppable.
What have I done?
[loud roar]
[closing theme music playing]
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