P.I. Meena (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Boat Called Ujaan

Don't hurt me.
Holy fuck, Nair!
Do you think I should be arrested?
I don't know about the law,
but I'm gonna kick your ass!
Earlier, the Giant Antarctic Virus
was in Littnong.
Now it's in Kolkata as well.
I've given you all I have.
Now you fulfill your promise.
Help me get my medical license restored.
I promise I'll do everything in my power.
But don't you dare do something
like this ever again, Nair!
You know…
there's something about that girl that…
makes you do things.
Well, Imay…
I mean Dr. Rakhaw…
I think he's in trouble.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have left me
at the hospital.
What kind of trouble?
Maybe somebody found out that he is…
Kedar Pokhral's son.
Can you tell me more about Kedar Pokhral?
There was absolutely nothing here
30 years ago.
And then, Kedar roped in
some people from the city…
and started building a godown.
He ensured the residents of Littnong
that they'd be opening warehouses here.
Imay and I saw the revamping
take place before our very eyes.
The people of Littnong had begun
looking upon Kedar as a messiah.
Littnong was about to witness a change…
for the worse.
Little did they know…
that the containers would
bring about their doom.
One night…
there was a sudden storm.
And it washed away…
the factory and everything else.
People started falling sick over time.
Later, it was found that
the containers had…
-radio… radio--
They contained radioactive waste.
Imay and his family got away.
They let Littnong go to rack and ruin.
And then?
One and a half years ago,
Dr. Andrew Rakhaw came here.
Where is the doctor?
We'll find a cure for the pain.
And that's when I knew…
who he really was.
I'll help you.
Imay would always do this.
Well, that's how Imay Pokhral is!
We need to find Dr. Rakhaw.
Either he's in danger,
or he himself is the danger.
It is becoming clear that
there is a virus outbreak in the city.
The first few cases were reported
from the Southern General Hospital.
And now at least six more hospitals
are reporting cases
of the same virus infection.
We have successfully managed
to contain it at the right time,
and we are adhering to
all the protocols of WHO
in order to treat this infection.
We will bring the outbreak
under control very soon.
But I request one and all
to get yourselves examined
at the hospital
if you come down with a fever.
Twenty-two deaths already.
And the secretary says the administration
has spotted this early.
The government has appointed a panel
of experts to control the out--
Hi, Annie.
Rakhaw is missing.
Lot of shit going on in Littnong.
Trying to figure.
I don't think
the third-world countries are at risk.
The PPE kits have been delivered.
They are being dispatched
to the hospitals as we speak.
Any new information on the virus?
Mr. Tridib Malhotra,
from the Intelligence.
Is there anything we need to know
about the virus?
Not as yet, sir.
We are waiting for Atlanta.
And their analysis report
should be here by the day after tomorrow.
Okay. Dr. Basu…
did you check the slides?
Yes, sir. I did.
Well, it's too big a virus.
Almost as big as bacteria.
Currently, there is no such virus
active in the whole world.
So, there's no other option.
We have to wait for Atlanta.
Till then we must follow
all the WHO protocols.
And, sir, the Help Center
is fully functional.
Yes. I would request
the communication team
to flash the toll-free number on all radio
and TV channels repeatedly.
should we not consider
a lockdown in the city?
-I would suggest, yes.
No. Not right now.
Anyway, thank you.
What's on your mind, Tridib?
Sir, I have a theory.
What theory?
Do you think it is a biological attack?
That should be our assumption.
Can I get a meal?
Why did you come back?
Why don't you understand, Meenakshi?
Littnong is a dangerous place for you.
You need to get out of there!
I want to meet you.
Do you not understand what I'm saying?
Are you okay?
Am I okay?
I'm obviously not okay, Meenakshi!
The number you're calling
is out of network coverage area.
Come on, buddy!
So, this is your part-time job!
A cup of tea for me.
-Two cups of tea, please.
-I have some news.
-What is it?
A new party is going
to fight the election.
Be it the ruling party or the opposition,
they won't give you a ticket.
Nor will the rebels.
So, what should I do? Join a new party?
Your wish to contest the election
has nothing to do with ideology.
All you care about is "economy".
So, I'm sure you're okay with rebels,
pacifists, or even terrorists.
Perhaps even a new party.
Sir, I'm here to see the OC.
He should be here any minute now.
Alright, I'll wait.
Good morning, sir.
-Excuse me, sir.
-I have to go.
-There's a lady waiting for you.
Sir, I came here to meet my friend,
Dr. Rakhaw, but…
Yes. Dr. Andrew Rakhaw.
Please wait here.
I need you to come with me.
-Mrs. Chopra wants to meet you.
Ma'am, this is Meenakshi Iyer.
She's looking for Andrew Rakhaw.
Are you a journalist?
He's a friend.
I've been trying to reach him,
but I couldn't.
I was worried, so I came here.
He hasn't been to the hospital
for days, and his house is empty.
I don't know but I have this feeling
he's in some kind of trouble.
How well do you know this friend of yours?
Quite well, but what does it matter?
It does matter.
If you really knew your friend that well,
you wouldn't be here inquiring about him.
What do you mean?
Dr. Andrew Rakhaw is a criminal.
He burnt the hospital path lab down.
He's a fugitive. He's on the run.
And the police want him.
Dr. Rakhaw?
Seems like you were misled
by the white lab coat.
I'm not one to be fooled easily.
Sure, I can see that.
But I need to find him now.
Meenakshi Iyer,
life is very difficult here.
We don't get a lot of help
from the authorities either.
we try our best to strike a balance…
between an increasingly angrier nature
and our habitat,
between crime and normal life,
between the past and the future.
It is hard.
Why are you beating around the bush?
Just cut to the chase.
Kedar Pokhral brought about
the ruination of Littnong.
And now, his son…
is hell-bent on destroying
whatever remains here.
There's nothing here for you, Meenakshi.
Ask the cab driver to leave.
I'll take you to the airport.
Your life could be in danger. Let's go.
You need not worry. I can drive.
I have always been an investigator.
But it's only lately
that I have understood my job.
I have learned that
the harder you try to solve a case,
the trickier it gets.
You'll have questions, the answers
to which will be hidden in the dark.
And one day there'll be light.
Where the fuck is Meenakshi?
-Who the hell are you?
-Where is Meenakshi?
How would I know?
I warned her
not to meddle in Partho's case.
Why have you been flogging a dead horse?
I'm just following Rini.
The bloody girlfriend. That's it.
I don't know anything else.
For whom?
-Because she has fucking balls!
-Oh, fuck!
I need some water.
Here's my number.
At least three times a day,
I want you to keep me updated on
what Meenakshi is up to.
Who the fuck are you?
Just do as I say.
Or else, you'll land in trouble.
You seem like a decent man.
You have a mom to take care of.
Welcome to Kolkata International Airport.
Please follow the government guidelines.
Please wear a mask at all times.
Please sanitize your hands.
For any health-related issues,
please reach out
to the nearest medical desk.
Welcome to Kolkata International Airport.
Please follow the government guidelines.
What are you doing here?
Waiting for you.
How did you know…
Let's go, madam.
The car is in the parking lot.
Come on.
I've cracked your case open.
It's in those 37 minutes.
That's exactly what I feel.
So, why Littnong again?
And Meenakshi,
I would really like to know…
why don't you ever tell me anything?
You know that's how I am.
How convenient is that!
Shall we go?
Just drop me at Rini's house, please.
The masks are out now.
-Hi, doctor. How's Dr. Biswas?
He's much better.
The fever hasn't subsided.
But his throat infection is under control.
I'm sure he won't slip into sepsis.
Oh, that's great. Thank you so much.
Any idea on the virus?
Not yet. I'm still working on it.
Well, I'll give you a call, okay?
-one more thing, Meenakshi.
Just be a little careful.
Where's Rini?
-Dad, it's okay.
Rini, it's not just
about Partho's death anymore.
Partho called me on the morning…
he met with an accident.
I know.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
He had come to see me as well.
This is expensive.
You know…
there's a statue of
Death in the Cathedral of Trier…
in Germany.
A human skeleton…
dressed in a shroud and…
carrying a scythe.
What about it?
It haunts me.
What do I do with this?
I bought it for you.
I'm sorry.
It's a Losange!
175,000 USD.
Did Partho sell the virus?
I think so too.
Oh, fuck.
There's a man named Tridib Malhotra
who has been perpetually following me.
I haven't told him anything,
nor do I ever want to.
All this while, I believed
Partho was ill-fated.
The rum will keep the virus away.
-Yes. Hey, repeat the order!
You know, Tridib Malhotra…
claims that I…
send dogs into people's bedrooms.
Do you believe it?
Kick that motherfucker's ass, Mr. Sen!
I've decided…
I'm going to take down everybody.
The day I gather my courage…
believe me…
I will finish off…
I'll murder him.
Why the fuck are you hiding here?
What hiding?
For a second, I thought
Madhu Jain was back!
Subho told me that you went to meet Rini.
Some more?
Don't take calls when you are eating.
Mom, I have to take this call.
-Where is Meenakshi?
She's at home.
Let me know if she steps out of the house.
What the fuck happened?
Looks like Partho sold the virus.
How do you think he got a bracelet
worth 1.5 crores for his girlfriend?
My investigation is over.
I don't want to know who killed the man
who is responsible for so many deaths!
I don't want to know who killed someone
-responsible for genocide!
-What the fuck, Meenakshi!
This is a major break
in the investigation.
Everybody needs to know what happened,
and this is a motherfucking turn!
I'm tired.
I've lost the will to carry on.
We can't give up now.
What do you want me to do?
We'll figure it out.
Get down.
Come on, hurry up.
Hurry! Hurry!
Get down!
Driver… Lake Market.
Tell us what you're thinking.
Partho and Arsian found
the Antarctic Giant Virus.
They knew that the virus would
come to life when the glaciers melt.
And this type of virus
can change the whole game.
Like, a business worth
billions of dollars.
And since the glaciers
would take many years to melt,
they activated the virus
in the lab itself. And…
I'm guessing that someone pays
top dollars to get hold of the virus.
So, Partho brought the virus to Kolkata.
It's logical to think that.
But… I don't know what the deal
with Littnong is.
I mean, why Littnong of all the places?
And why is the Intelligence involved?
I don't know.
Was it a bioterror attack,
or it was just the Big Pharma thing?
Is there a way we can contact Tridib?
And no luck with Rakhaw?
What am I doing here?
Subho, I have an idea.
Can we take our conspiracy theories
to the public domain?
Public domain?
Are you thinking about a newspaper story?
But the editor won't buy
conspiracy theories.
I know.
What you've been doing with the rebels
is what I want to do with the virus.
Wait! What is he doing with rebels?
Some other day.
-Yeah, I'm awake.
Please tell me.
Let's put our conspiracy theories
out on RotNet.
Great idea!
Great idea!
But first, let me just go
and splash some water on my face.
Wakey-wakey, my boy!
Mr. Malhotra, Andrew here.
Hello, Prince of Darkness!
I've arrived.
I'm reaching in 20.
Basically, this is the room
that I have created.
You can write whatever you want to.
I'll do some tagging in the meantime.
But how will anybody know that
filtercoffeestrong is me?
Nobody will know.
But what you put up there
will get you relevant people.
It needs to be a strong invitation
for people to join.
-Let's eat, people.
-Yes, please. Let's eat.
Add Littnong too.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
Listen to me carefully.
I don't have much time.
Dr. Arsian?
Tirakh has the Antarctic Giant Virus.
And they have recognized it.
And someone in Kolkata is helping Tirakh.
Who's Tirakh?
Let the Virology community know.
They need to find
a management system really quick.
Where are you?
I didn't realize what I was getting into.
I dragged Partho into this.
And now…
we are responsible for so many deaths.
Tell the world
that I am ashamed.
Hey! How come you're here
early in the morning?
What's up?
Sir, I need your help.
-Tell me.
-What's Tirakh?
-How do you know Tirakh?
-What is it?
It's a newly formed
global bioterror group.
I think we must go to the CM
and talk to him right away.
Please don't speak out of turn.
Sir, this is Meenakshi. She works with me.
Sir, this virus outbreak
is a bioterror attack.
Tirakh, the bioterror wing of IS
is behind it.
There's someone in Kolkata
working at Tirakh's behest.
And, sir, this is
the Antarctic Giant Virus.
I need Tridib Malhotra on this.
Tell him it's urgent.
Okay, sir.
Sir, his phone is switched off.
-Send for him.
Meenakshi, would you please stand by?
I will call you in as soon as
I get through to Tridib.
Certainly, sir.
-Get me the National Security Advisor.
-Sure, sir.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.
-Are you coming to the office?
-I'm actually really tired, sir.
So, can I take a few days off?
I've been thinking of closing the office
for a few days…
until the virus outbreak is contained.
-Yeah. I'll get off here, sir.
-Right here?
-I'll drop you home.
-No, thanks. This is good.
Alright. Ravi, pull over.
-Are you sure?
Just be careful.
Is this the moment of light?
Or more darkness, Joy?
Yes, I see a silver car here.
Is someone in there?
Yes. He's in there.
Excuse me!
Excuse me?
Opening door.
Hello? Sir?
Opening door, sir.
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