Paatal Lok (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


How far do we have to go, sir?
I need some water.
I am feeling suffocated, sir.
Can we take this blindfold
off for a minute?
We're almost there, doctor.
Just hang in there.
Master ji!
What have I not done for you?
You have left me at my wit's end.
Every time you have dragged me
into some shit or the other.
Listen I can't find my underwear.
I've always been there for you, haven't I?
Yes, you have.
When Dad threw you out of the house,
I took you in for six months.
-Well, it was for five months.
-Does that not count?
What have you ever done for me?
Ever thought of what
it means to be a brother?
I'm your younger sister.
Have you ever been there for me?
Please, sis, not in front of the kid.
He needs to know what kind
of a man his uncle is.
I'm done with it.
Can't take this any longer.
They were out on the clothesline.
I'm going mad here
keeping this house running.
I take care of everyone.
But do I ever hear one word
of appreciation from anyone?
Just take away this junk from my house!
Why the hell is Virk calling me?
He called me as well.
Said, ''If you aren't studying
during your study leave,
get your ass back to the station.''
-Yes, sir?
-Where are you, Chaudhary?
Did I not tell you?
Even a suspended officer has to mark his
attendance at the station every day.
Of course, sir.
Just that, I'm not feeling very well.
But doesn't sound like you're home.
I'm on my way to get a dengue test done.
Calling you right back, sir.
I should've come with you.
Study on your study leave
if you don't want to end up like me.
See you.
One moment.
Keep this.
Are you crazy?
You can lose your job for this.
It is not a very safe place, sir.
And you're on your own.
Keep it.
Just try not to use it.
-Take care.
-Thank you.
-Study hard.
Come, come!
Catch him!
Hey, he is running. Catch him!
Bravo, Tommy!
Don't let these fuckers get you!
Run fast!
Catch him!
-Cover it from there! Go there!
-Come on!
He's trying to act smart with us!
What happened there?
Fucking dogs!
They seem to love dying like this.
Hurry up!
It's not safe around here.
Sanjeev Mehra.
Let them pass.
There he is, the miracle man.
But for him
I wouldn't be lucky enough to be sitting
here with you tonight, Singh Saab.
Congratulations, sir.
If you think you'll get away
with blackmailing me
you don't know me well enough.
Actually I do know you well
enough, Singh Saab.
It's an old habit of yours
never to praise your employees.
For you think it'll get to their heads.
I know you're very pleased with this deal.
No one was offering you
even half of this price till a month back.
You held me responsible
for the channel's downfall.
Then, how about some credit
for reviving its fortunes?
I never liked you, Mehra.
Nothing personal.
I just don't like you
left-liberal fuckers
hiding your failures with your naive,
annoying righteousness.
But I must say in these last few weeks
you've surprised me a little.
I guess that's as close as anyone ever
came to getting a compliment from you.
Let me guess.
You're a journalist and you're
here to cover the rally.
Bang on.
Hop in then.
I know just the cheap place for you.
Come on, let's go.
The customer you're trying to call
is currently unavailable.
Please, try again later.
Here, hold it like this with a firm grip.
-What is it?
-The Principal wants to see you.
Sir, you called--
Rajbir, this man is from the Delhi Police.
Hathi Ram Chaudhary.
I've some questions related
to one of Vishal Tyagi's old cases.
If you don't mind, that is.
What's all this, sir?
I told you everything I know.
Well, you didn't tell me
you are Tyagi's "Master ji"
who trains school kids to become
Gwala Gujjar's and Bajpayee's hitmen.
Does the Principal know all this?
He will, if I get your arrest
warrant faxed here from Delhi.
The Fax machine is in his office, right?
What happened?
I was in the police before
I became a sports teacher.
I was posted in Bajpayee's
security detail in 2001.
Who's there?
It's Donullia.
And what are you peeping at,
I I heard Donullia is here.
So, you wish to see a man
no one has ever seen?
I'm a Gujjar, too.
We worship Donullia.
I want to join his army.
Let's go.
Where are you taking me?
To meet Donullia.
But isn't he inside?
He's everywhere and yet, nowhere.
The man with a thousand faces, that's him.
He's a Gujjar, Master ji.
Wants to join our army, it seems.
I can do it, Master ji.
I've played hockey at the state level.
This cop thing, it's not for me.
These sports quota type
never make good cops.
Take me in your army, Master ji.
My life will get a meaning.
You aren't cut out for it.
I can see it in your eyes.
Just give me one chance, Master ji!
Then, how about you give us your eye?
He sure isn't cut out for it.
There's a way though, to be one of us.
Work for the army from the outside.
Become our eyes and ears on the ground.
Mr. Bajpayee is dear to me.
Stick close to him.
Keep an eye on all his visitors.
Yes, Master ji.
Stay loyal, and you stay alive.
Betray us, and you're dead meat.
So, you were an informer?
Kept an eye on Bajpayee?
To be honest, Donullia doesn't
really need people like me.
He just likes helping his clan.
That's how you keep
a hold on your people.
There's hardly a Gujjar
family in Chitrakoot
that doesn't owe
Donullia or Gwala a debt.
How many do you owe?
When I quit the police force, Gwala
helped me get a job here at the school.
And second, when he gave my
student a new lease of life.
Out here in Bundelkhand, revenge is
not a crime, it's a karmic duty.
By killing his cousins and avenging his
sisters' rape, Tyagi fulfilled his duty.
And now his uncle was out
to fulfill his duty by killing Tyagi.
In all of Bundelkhand,
there was just one place
where Tyagi could have found refuge.
Tyagis are a different caste to us.
And you should know Rajbir,
Master ji doesn't meddle
with the affairs of other castes.
But sir, everyone has
a place in Master ji's army.
I've heard of a Muslim, a Dalit.
All kinds.
This boy is just right
for Master ji's army.
Like an Alsatian dog,
he'll be loyal to Master ji forever.
Just look at his hands.
Hard as rocks.
He has killed three with a hammer.
Just a hammer.
Well, the decision to make him a part
of the army can only be Master ji's.
But not before he tests this boy.
Sure. But for that,
the boy needs to remain alive.
Hail Lord Shiva!
Hail Lord Shiva!
Tyagi stayed at the farmhouse for months.
He got a roof over his head, food to eat.
And there were dogs for company.
People came and people went.
But there was no message from Master ji.
All Tyagi could think of
he was yet to meet the man
he owed his life to.
It's not that easy
to meet Donullia, kid.
For he'll meet you only when
he thinks you're ready.
And when the moment arrives, kid
you'd be bleeding from every
little orifice in your body.
A drop at a time.
Heard you were eager to meet me?
Master ji?
I've also heard of your
special bond with dogs.
Isn't that true, Rajbir?
Yes, Master ji.
In that case,
you've already passed the first test.
People who love dogs are good people.
If a man likes dogs, he is a good man.
If dogs like a man, he is a good man.
And now for the second test.
Are you ready for it?
Then, listen up.
The second test is the test
of Eklavya, the legendary marksman.
You'll have to worship
your guru from afar.
What good is worship?
This country worships all the time.
But look at the people.
Motherfuckers, all of them.
He'll have to carry the poison
in his throat for his guru.
The poison of selfless sacrifice.
Just like the mighty Shiva.
Anything for you, Master ji.
Order me, Master ji.
Then give to me what Eklavya
gave to his guru.
And if you can't
Rajbir Gujjar will.
I'll do anything for you.
I'll do anything for you.
I'll do anything for you.
Tyagi passed the test.
Now, he was a part of Master ji's army.
And very soon,
he got his first assignment.
That's him, alright.
I have a snake's memory.
I never forget a face I've seen.
Today, we just follow him.
Where does he go,
who does he meet.
Everyone has their own pattern.
You understand pattern, right?
Once you know it, then it's about
finding the right moment.
But if you're feeling a bit shaky,
don't worry.
You're about to lose your virginity.
No big deal if you're scared.
What the fuck are you doing?
Sit down!
Start the bike.
Relax, dude! I'm here.
Move it towards him.
Have you lost it?
I said, towards him.
How about a fucking warning first?
And who the fuck kills with a hammer!
Who the fuck are you, man?
I'd just got this fucking job!
A murder is not a big deal
here in Bundelkhand, sir.
Getting someone killed
is cheaper than buying a cow.
But what Tyagi had done,
was not just a murder. It was a scandal.
And so it began.
The photos kept on arriving
at the farmhouse.
And Tyagi kept on adding
to his death count.
And soon, the state shot put champion,
Vishal Tyagi
became the murder champion
of Bundelkhand, Hathoda Tyagi.
Donullia's most notorious
and trusted lieutenant.
So, Donullia sent Tyagi
to murder Sanjeev Mehra?
But why?
What's the connection?
I can only tell you about
things I've either seen or heard.
I swear that's all I know, sir.
It has been years since I've seen Tyagi.
All we get to hear now are his scandals.
I don't know who Sanjeev Mehra is.
Or why Tyagi was there in Delhi.
Where is Donullia?
No one knows, sir.
All I can tell you is that
I'm one of those few who've met him
and yet lived to tell the tale.
And Gwala Gujjar?
Where can I find him?
It's a Thursday today.
He meets Donullia's
followers every Thursday.
Their woes are heard, prayers are
granted and justice is meted out.
Is Gwala Gujjar here today?
Yes, he is.
But seems like he is
busy with some prayers.
And why wouldn't he be?
He's a great man, a saint.
That's what they do.
There were no rains last year.
I don't have the money
to repay the bank loan.
Master ji is my only hope now.
Didn't you all hear me?
There'll be no audience today.
Leave now.
Come next Thursday.
-This is not fair.
-Hey, brother!
My grandson needs Master ji's blessings.
Master ji is not here, Grandma.
Go home.
But his shoes are kept
for worshiping, right?
Let my grandson take blessings from them.
Long live Master ji!
Long live Master ji!
Long live Master ji!
What's going on?
You've been ignoring my calls.
I've been busy.
Come to my cabin.
I've got some news to share. It's big.
I said, come to my cabin.
Come, Rohan.
Let's go to Sanjeev's cabin.
Keerti has asked me
to tag him along everywhere.
Hope that's okay with you.
-Should we go?
-Just shut up and sit down.
Tell me, Mr. Hathi Ram.
You know that journalist Amitosh, right?
I do.
Do you know where his office is?
Note it down.
Bimaru Samachar
The hope of Dalits, the love of Dalits,
Jiji it is, Bajpayee it is!
Whoever comes in our way,
will surely have to pay!
Whoever comes in our way,
will surely have to pay!
Whoever comes in our way,
will surely have to pay!
-When is your birthday?
-15th July 1989.
-I do a marketing job.
-Oh, okay.
What are you doing here, sir?
There was some case related work.
What happened here?
When you spread rumors,
this is what you get!
Amitosh spread some lies about Bajpayee.
That angered the Dalits.
And you know what happens when
you provoke the otherwise calm Dalits.
Hope you aren't lying though.
Because last I heard,
the CBI was handling the case.
But now that you're here
go see the Ram Ghat,
visit Hanuman Dhara
or taste the delicious
offering at Sita Rasoi.
But please don't go around snooping.
It's not the safest of places, you see.
If something were to happen to you
I can lose my job, you know.
What the fuck!
How did she get in here?
Dolly, you know I'm allergic to dog hair.
She's a stray.
They shed much less.
Really? Get her out.
She's about to deliver.
And I've decided to keep her.
Oh, really?
And you decided for both of us?
Shouldn't we have discussed this first?
It has been a while since we
stopped discussing things.
Guess you haven't noticed.
I get it. She's pregnant.
I understand you want to take care of her.
Let's put her in a clinic.
She's a stray. She doesn't need you.
I know that.
It's me who needs her.
My pretty little girl.
My pretty little girl.
Have you reached?
Finally you cared to check.
You could've called, too.
Please, don't fight.
This headache is killing me.
Must've eaten something gassy.
You never listen.
Now, don't pop those migraine pills.
Just take that herbal medicine.
Nothing like your head massage.
Next time I'm at it, I'll pour some
sense into that stubborn head of yours.
Listen, I'll call you back.
Babua, let's go.
I hope you know who you're tailing.
Didn't I tell you to keep your
eyes and mouth shut?
Here, take this.
Rub your hands together
and take these flowers.
Pray to Lord Vishnu!
Yes, sir?
Where are you?
Virk got a call from the Chitrakoot SHO.
What's going on, Chaudhary?
Virk is going to charge
you with insubordination.
You're already suspended.
If some new inquiry comes up,
you might lose your job.
Even I won't be able to help you.
Sir, I spent half my life hearing
my father say I'm a fucking failure.
Don't want to spend the rest of it
hearing my son say the same thing.
Jai Hind, sir.
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