Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e07 Episode Script

Pablo Escobar tiene su primer encuentro con la política

- Thank you for trusting me, sir.
- Okay, son.
Don't worry,
everything's going to be okay.
What did he say?
He said no.
He's still determined not to pay anything
at all for your sister's ransom.
What now?
I don't know because he said
he doesn't give a damn if this conflict
is resolved through politics
or in any other way. In that case,
we'd have to come up
with a way to resolve it.
All he wants
is to have his daughter
back in this house.
I gave him my word
that I'd bring her back safe and sound.
So that's what we have to do, Gonzalo,
bring her back safe and sound.
- Okay.
- Go on, then.
All right, gentlemen.
I'll let you know how we'll go about it.
Say goodbye, Peluche.
Good luck, Pablo. Good luck, Peluche.
Good luck, Gonzalo.
And don't worry about the young lady.
Irma will be back no matter what.
So, how's the campaign going, Mr. Ortiz?
All right, Pablo.
Tell me, Famel,
how many did you bring?
I brought 16, they are ready.
You did fine, very good!
Two black coffees please, Ms. Emma.
Pablo, each time it's more difficult
to get resources for political campaigns,
- but we have to struggle to get it done.
- It has to be done.
If you need anything,
we're willing to collaborate.
Just tell us how.
But I understand
that now you're the one
who needs my help.
- Thank you, dear.
- Thanks, Ms. Emma.
First of all, I appreciate the time
you are taking to talk to me.
For God's sake, Pablo.
I'm a political leader in this area
and I know a leader when I see one.
Thank you, Ortiz.
And as I told you,
don't worry about the campaign
because I'll arrange something
with the people from the neighborhood
and contribute some money.
I appreciate it,
you're doing me a great favor.
The situation is like this, Javier.
The Motoas' younger sister,
Miss Irma Motoa,
was kidnapped by MR20 members
a few days ago.
That's incredible, Pablo!
They want to come to power
by kidnapping people.
By taking money from good people.
That's all!
The problem is that the Motoa brothers
aren't willing to give one cent.
So we'd like to know
if we could count on your help.
Considering your influence
and your contacts,
we'd appreciate it if we could
get your assistance in solving this
through a negotiation.
What if I refuse?
Well, we'll have to continue
with our war.
The Motoas are my partners now,
and I think of their sister as my own.
So all I'd have to do
is shoot all those criminals,
no matter who dies.
And that's it.
Don't worry, Pablo.
You don't have to go to such extremes.
I'll do my best to help you.
All right.
I know someone who can help us with this.
Hello. Put him on, please.
You can picture what's going on, can you?
The situation has gotten out of hand.
We have to end it now!
Irma, let's go.
Let's go!
get off!
I'm going to make a call, okay?
Pedro, is that you?
Pedro, I'm free!
The guy's name
is Manuel Antonio Noriega,
and as far as I know,
he contacted the MR20 chief of staff
to come to an agreement,
leading to Miss Irma's release.
So we can say that Mr. Noriega
is the saint who performed this miracle.
That's good.
So, Mr. Noriega
is tough, isn't he?
We have to find a way
to convince him to work for us.
That means, cousin,
that we're going to turn a General
into a drug dealer, right?
Listen, that guy has to be very powerful
if he could do what we couldn't
for who knows how long.
And the fact that he belongs
to the military
will be very beneficial for us.
As soon as you're sure
Miss Irma Motoa has been rescued
and she is safe and sound,
release the men immediately.
Release them?
Yes, and before they leave,
tell them I advise them
to abandon Medellin
and leave the capital of Antioquia.
Yes, sir.
Do it!
Don't undress them, asshole.
The party is over.
How are you, honey?
Thank you.
Thank you.
The party is great and all that
but it's like throwing your money
in the garbage.
Hey, you complain about everything, man.
Stop being so stingy!
Money was made to count it, to enjoy it,
not to keep it. Right, Mariachi?
Spend your money, we won't take
anything with us when we die.
Yeah! Learn from him!
But you know what?
No amount of money in the world
can compare
with having our sister back!
Cheers! Cheers!
But since we're saying that the party
Hey, this is what we're going to do,
we're going to bring yummy things.
Yes, let's bring a bunch of broads.
Watch it, man! You know Pablo doesn't like
to mix wives with whores. Watch it!
As soon as they get in,
the wives get out, you idiot!
Listen to this ass!
Isn't that the Venezuelan actor?
What's his name?
He is a singer!
What's his name, brother?
Tiger? Lion? No, Puma.
- His name is Panther. The Panther.
- The Panther?
Good evening.
It's my pleasure
to come from Venezuela
and share this night with you.
Before singing my first song,
I'd like to invite
the one who organized all this,
Mr. Pablo Escobar Gaviria.
I feel proud and happy
to have you all here in my house tonight.
I feel proud to share
with those I consider my second family,
the Motoa family.
Thank you, Pablo!
I'm very deeply moved
to have Miss Irma Motoa
back with us, safe and sound.
I feel proud to belong
to the community of Envigado
this is where I found
what I love most in my life,
my wife, my friends,
my work and my colleagues,
because they are people
who belong to the Envigado community.
Thank you.
Go, Pablo!
Hold me tight.
My legs are shaking because of him!
That was the surprise I had for you!
- Who?
- The Panther! Just pretend you know him.
I'll pretend all night.
Thank you very much, Pablo!
Thanks, Pablo!
What you did for Irma and the family
is a gesture I'm never going to forget.
I swear!
You can count on the Motoas
for whatever you need.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I'd like to invite Ms. Patricia
to come up on stage.
A round of applause!
Go! Go!
How stupid!
Stupid? He's a ladies' man!
She is not stupid!
Just look at her! She's head over heels
for that silly guy.
And why the name, "Panther"?
He devours all women.
Or he at least scratches them!
I've heard he's slept with several women.
And kisses women on TV.
I don't know.
Look at the way he greeted her, look!
Look at Paty's face, man.
Are you jealous?
- Jealous?
- No, I'm thinking.
Relax, Pablo.
That man doesn't even compare with you.
Oh, no!
Will you calm down?
For God's sake, Pablo. You're sick!
Yes, I'm very sick!
What was that jealous scene?
You made a scene on that stage!
Careful, I can run away
with the Panther!
Well, if you like him so much
you should both get yourselves a room.
Show some respect!
You show respect!
It's my house and my guests.
What was that scandal?
- What if I brought a singer tomorrow?
- Whom do you want me to bring?
What about Paloma?
I'm going to bring her
and you'll see how I behave.
- Okay, okay.
- You're overreacting!
You're shameless.
Do you remember the lyrics, man?
- Let me try.
- More or less
Pablo, where were you?
Are you playing dumb?
I was in the restroom.
The restroom?
Did the show make you sick?
Did you eat a bowl of clowns? Very funny!
Okay, don't get upset,
give me a hug.
Okay, all right.
Get rid of bad energies.
I have an idea that will relax us.
- That again, man?
- Let me talk, man!
What? What is it? What idea?
This guy wants us to bring whores
while wives are in here.
Just speak of the devil and he'll appear!
I'm so angry that
if our friends' wives weren't here,
I'd have filled this house
with teenage girls!
- Let's fill it with whores then!
- We can't!
How am I going to bring minors now?
We can go somewhere else.
No, no.
Besides, we can't mix work with pleasure.
Are you listening? Stop playing!
Fortunately, everything
in this world has a solution.
- What do you mean?
- We're going to do it, but in style!
Are your passports valid?
- Sure.
- Yes.
Then pack a change of clothes.
Just one?
Pedro! Excuse me, ma'am.
Pedro, come!
Tell me, Pablo. What's up?
What do you need? Tell me.
Is your passport valid?
It's not here but I can bring it.
Then do that,
because we're going to fuck!
- Did you listen to him?
- Did you hear?
What's up? How are you?
How are things going?
Mr. Ortiz, how are you?
How's everything?
Don't tell me that reputable politicians
are always late.
I'm sorry to interrupt
in the middle of the show,
but I brought a proposal you can't refuse.
Wait, let's watch the show first
and then we'll talk, okay?
And with Irma Motoa's release
No, what leadership are you talking about,
Mr. Ortiz? On the contrary,
you did absolutely everything.
You don't have to compliment or flatter me
because I'm a person who knows
how to acknowledge and thank
those who collaborate with me.
So just say how much you want,
and I'll immediately write you the check.
I'm not here to beg for money.
The proposal I have for you
is worth much more than money.
More than money, Mr. Ortiz?
What's worth more than money
if money is the god of this world?
Power, Pablo.
Political power.
No, sir.
You know all I can do in this life is make
money. I have no idea about politics.
I'll teach you.
I'll teach you, Pablo.
Come here, darling.
Are you still mad at me?
No, I'm not mad.
You're not? Look at your face.
Give me just a little smile, will you?
Come on!
Were you talking
to an important politician?
Really? And what were you talking about?
We were talking about
high heels, pantyhose,
ladies' hair products
Come on, Pablo!
What you were talking about?
Politics, Paty. What else
do politicians talk about? Politics.
Well yes. What a silly question.
don't wait up because I will be late.
Are you really leaving?
- Yes.
- Why?
We have to attend
an urgent business meeting.
Are you going out this late
to work, darling?
Don't you think it's impolite
to leave in the middle of a party
- with all the guests still here?
- Sorry, but there's nothing I can do.
So we can have these parties,
I have to work, I have to make money.
I've neglected my business
to play cops and robbers with the MR20.
I'm tired of listening
to the same old story.
I know, but what can we do?
So, please be a good girl and go to bed.
Don't stay up till the party is over.
Shame on you!
You know that when you leave
I always go to bed early
because I don't like being alone.
- I'm just saying.
- Jealous!
- It's not that.
- Silly!
Your jealous face.
- No, jealous?
- Yes.
It's not jealousy.
It simply means that if I can respect you
and respect our house
Here you go again!
We already talked about that,
Pablo Emilio.
Behave like
You know what? God bless you.
Go and work, keep yourself busy. Go!
I can slow it down, sir.
No, don't worry. I'm fine. Go!
Let's slow down, Luis Carlos. The roads
around these towns are dangerous.
No, Rodrigo, they are waiting for us!
I don't want to be late.
A 15-minute delay won't do any harm.
What this country needs most
is a healthy president.
What this country needs the most
is a president who heals the nation.
And the roads.
Precisely. Look,
in a good state, the budget for roads
and public works
won't end up
in the hands of corrupt politicians.
Or contracts. We wouldn't be here.
Let's go!
Attention please,
the whole town is invited
candidate for the Presidency
of the Republic.
we'll stand by you till the end!
we'll stand by you till the end!
Thank you
for coming to listen to us!
We are late but here we are!
Our country is facing
a historic dilemma
between holding on to a past
with engineering
pork barrel politics,
and opening a road
to a future
defined by honesty
and progress.
We at the New Liberalism
are willing to fight
against that dark past
that won't allow us
to fulfill our necessary role
within the Concert of Nations.
We can see, we can feel,
This is too much female flesh for one man.
Look how she moves. Look at her.
The one in the middle is Gonzalo's, right?
Turn around for my friends!
Yeah! Nice!
All right, girls!
Really nice!
We'll be seeing each other again.
Bye, darling.
She's quite a beauty, man.
Guys, remind me to write
in clear and large letters
that this is the life we deserve!
Come on, Pablo. Tell us!
What did you talk about
with that politician?
Yes, what did Ortiz ask of you in exchange
for his help in getting Irma released?
Mr. Javier Ortiz came
to make me a business proposal.
The proposal was
for me to be part of the Congress
of the Republic of Colombia.
I'm going to refresh myself.
That's ridiculous! Stop talking nonsense!
Are you serious?
Of course.
But tell me,
what do you think?
Say something!
I think that being
a Congressman is a bad idea.
to look for what we don't need?
We are doing fine without it!
The world of politics
is full of corrupt people.
Politicians are thieves!
They are the real thugs!
A politician will tear you to pieces.
What do I think?
Well, man,
Ortiz is liberal,
but I'd like him to be conservative
because that's what I am.
I'm joking, man.
But I think
that once you become a congressman,
high society people and the oligarchy
will start asking who Pablo Escobar is.
And that will really be a problem.
Quite a big problem, cousin.
I think
you don't understand the importance
or the magnitude of the opportunity
they are giving me.
We are not talking about
introducing 10 or 15 tons of cocaine
to the United States.
We're talking about getting inside
the Colombian Capitol Building,
the place where the laws
of this country are made!
What do you know about lawmaking?
They don't either, Pedro.
That's why they hire
university graduates as advisors.
What I do know is how far a person
with political power can go.
Just look at the case
of your sister, Irma.
No, man.
Irma's case is different!
Different? Tell me,
who solved your sister's problem?
How did you free her?
With politics!
Through the intercession of congressmen,
Venezuela's former president
and Panama's strongman.
That's real political power, Pedro!
Well, man,
I think money has the real power.
And we make plenty of money
with what we do.
And do you think money was enough
to rescue your sister?
We spent a lot on the operation
and couldn't corner the MR20 criminals,
while these politicians made
three phone calls and solved the problem.
Power is what matters in the end,
you get me?
Oh, what a lovely surprise.
Think about it.
Don't worry.
He'll forget about it after kissing Satan
a few more times.
You think so?
I want my demons too,
let's go get some!
Oh, God!
Well, he's the one who should've died,
right, German?
But what's this, for God's sake?
What do you mean, Dad?
That shit was the one who kidnapped Irma,
tied her up, chained her, made her suffer.
He made her life hell!
And the one who fed and looked after me.
If it hadn't been for him, who knows?
What? Don't defend him, Irma!
Did you fall in love with that jerk?
How can you say that?
I'm not defending him.
But I don't want him
or any of the MR20 members dead either.
How could you kill all those people,
for God's sake?
What's wrong with you, Irma?
Don't you realize that was the only way
we could make them release you?
The only way Pablo Escobar could think of.
Killing anyone who gets in his way.
Okay. Stop it, please!
We're not getting anywhere this way.
But I want to talk, Dad!
All right, talk! Go ahead!
I want to thank you
for everything you did to rescue me.
But I still think the Death to Kidnappers
group you created is dreadful.
Why did you?
You want to know why? Do you think
what the MR20 did to you
- was very pleasant, you snooty girl?
- Well, no.
But what was the sin
of all those who died?
To follow their boss' orders?
I definitively
don't understand this, Irma.
What's wrong with you?
Instead of criticizing us
you should be grateful.
- And I am, Julio.
- It doesn't look like it!
Don't you understand?
What you did was very dangerous!
You gave Pablo Escobar too much power!
The more power he gets,
the most dangerous he'll become, remember.
You know what? How are you having lunch
with your family?
How did you get to throw a party?
Thanks to Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria!
Instead of criticizing him,
you should thank him!
I'm only warning you.
Beware of the monster
you're helping to create.
The Congress of the Republic, Pablo?
I can't see why that surprises you.
You should be the first to admit
it runs in my veins, I inherited
political talent from you, the Gavirias.
Take Uncle Hernando
and his Civic Medellin movement.
And Cousin Jorge Tulio
with his communism.
Well, you know I'm interested
in leadership
and am very concerned with human rights.
All that's fine.
But I don't see how
you're going to do that in the Congress.
Because that's a viper's nest,
they're a pack of hounds.
They won't let you do anything, dear.
I know that, but what can I do?
That is the place.
I should be in the Congress
because that is where important decisions
regarding the country are made,
where real transformations
and changes take place.
And not only that.
You know that my priority
is guaranteeing a peaceful life
not only for me, but also for my family.
And the best way to achieve that
is through politics.
Pablo, dear, don't be naive, son!
What do you think then?
That I won't be able to do it?
- No, you are a competent man.
- All right.
You achieve your goals and I applaud that.
- Thank you.
- But you shouldn't make mistakes.
Forget it, Mom! You should support me
because I'm being sensible.
I'm just following the advice
you gave me when I was a kid,
to be poor neither in spirit
nor in the pocket.
So I don't understand why the hell
you don't agree with my desire
to progress as a person and a politician.
Don't misinterpret me.
I have no problem
with your desire to progress.
But I don't want you to become a victim
I won't be anyone's victim! Do you think
I'm scared? That I'm a coward?
Careful, Pablo. Fear and caution
are completely different things.
You know what, Mom?
I think this discussion makes no sense.
It is an absurd discussion
and we're not reaching any conclusion.
All I want to tell you is that the day
they make me a member of the Parliament
and appoint me as a Representative of
the Congress of the Republic of Colombia,
you're going to be the proudest woman
on earth, remember my words.
Do you like the picture?
It looks fine, right?
A clean, professional job.
I even look modern!
Well, yes.
I'm worried about Antioquia.
What about it?
I think the New Liberalism
isn't strong enough there.
We need someone strong in Medellin!
Someone who can get us votes!
No matter how recent our movement is,
we can't afford to lose the elections.
We have Javier Ortiz there.
What do we know about him?
Not as much as we'd like to.
Who is second on the list?
We still don't know.
We need one, and fast.
If we want to be sensible,
we should only have honest people
in our movement.
Yes. Yes, of course.
You hair looks messy, doesn't it?
You think?
One needs training
on taming these curls!
Really! Stupid!
I'm not interested in small towns.
You think I'm going to waste my time
looking for ten votes
No, with the same effort
I can get 100 votes here in the city.
We'll talk later. I'll call you.
Gentlemen, please excuse me.
How are you, sir?
How are you?
I'm really happy you're here, Pablo.
How are you, Mr. Ortiz?
- All right, man.
- That's good.
- How are you, sir?
- Fine, how are you?
- Good.
- All right, Pablo.
Have you thought about my proposal?
Do you have any answer?
I've been thinking about it, sir.
First of all, I'm very glad
that you are a member
because I think that he's a great man
and I admire, like and respect him,
most importantly because the people
love him, and that's essential to me.
Well, Pablo, guess who'll be our boss
if you accept my proposal?
Just the man you're talking about.
You'd go into politics hand in hand
with the master in the field.
Can you imagine, sir?
That would be a great honor for me.
Are you kidding, Pablo?
Is that a yes to my proposal?
That's really good news!
Yes, I accept.
I was thinking that
it's the right time
for the world to get to know who I am,
and the best way to do it is through
the Honorable Congress of the Republic.
Yes, Pablo, of course, that's a fact.
We're going to change this country.
Who's coming? Why the mystery?
I'll spoil the surprise if I tell you.
All I can say is that in a few minutes
you'll be the happiest man on earth.
- Do you want me to be happy?
- Every day.
- So stop the politics nonsense.
- Not again, Gonzalo!
Chili, put the chairs there.
Yes, like that.
Why are you dressed like that?
Just wait for the surprise.
You're a crook, you aren't a lawyer.
The only law you know is the jungle.
And you don't need to be a mayor,
a president or a congressman.
In the Congress, I have the power
to change cocaine
from being an illegal substance
to a legal one,
to being a socially accepted vice,
just like they did with alcohol
and tobacco in the United States.
Stop dreaming, brother.
Those people are cunning.
They'll eat you alive.
They are worse crooks than you. For sure.
Who said I'm joining the Congress
to steal from the government?
I don't have to do that
because I'm a wealthy man.
I'm not a corrupt man.
I'm a decent person
and that's why I sympathize
with the ideas of the New Liberalism
headed by my boss,
For God's sake, Pablo.
Do you really think
he'll keep a drug dealer in his party?
To remove me, he would have to prove it.
Everyone in Medellin knows you.
Even more reason
Who's going to think or believe
that such an ethical, good, decent party
like the one he represents
would welcome a drug dealer like me
into their group?
You'd better sit down
for the surprise I have for you.
Let me see who it is.
- Wait, wait.
- Let me see!
Let me see!
Welcome, dolls!
What a surprise! What a gift, cousin!
Let me hug you, brother!
Say hello to the girls!
Hi, darling!
Look how I brought you.
Come to the house. This way.
Yes, come with me.
I love that color.
I love it, kind of iridescent.
Pretty, isn't it?
- Are you dying to dance, honey?
- Chili, there are two more of them!
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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