Pact of Silence (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Odio mortal

[suspenseful music playing]
It's been one year
since you abandoned that little baby.
- We were going to
- You don't need to explain, Sofía.
Did you come all this way
'cause you thought we forgot?
Yeah. Tell us, Ramona. Why are we here?
The little girl's dead.
- Oh no.
- When?
Poor thing.
Tell us how you know.
[Ramona] Carmen only told me
so no one else
would know what we had done.
Sadly, the baby died of pneumonia.
Why didn't Carmen take her to a doctor?
[Ramona] Everything happened too fast.
By the time any help could be called for,
it was already too late.
Ah no, no. No, no.
No drama, no tears. No, no, no.
It's actually much better
for you all that she died.
That way, you can go on
with the rest of your lives.
The past has a way of coming back.
And you better make damn sure
that doesn't happen at all costs.
[somber music playing]
[Sofía sobs]
Is anyone gonna say anything?
There's nothing to say.
Even if we knew,
there's nothing we could've done.
- She died of pneumonia.
- She could've been taken to a hospital.
But even if she was,
it's not like Carmen has any money.
There was nothing to do.
Ramona said it happened too fast.
It's our fault she's dead, poor Lucia.
No! Please, please. We were just waiting
to go back and get her
But when, Fernanda?
Who do you think you're kidding?
We only said that
so we could live with ourselves!
The truth is, none of us
were going back for Lucia.
[tense music plays]
Martina, calm down.
Back off the gas pedal.
Stop bringing money into this, okay?
Rich or poor,
you abandoned her too, Sofía.
Stay calm. Be careful!
Martina! What are you doing?
Are you trying to kill us or what?
- Watch out!
- [screams]
[tires squeal]
[girls scream]
[all crying]
Martina, have you gone crazy?
You almost killed someone!
We don't need another dead person
on our conscience, Martina.
[woman whispers, echoing] Shh. Silence.
[suspenseful music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[suspenseful music continues]
[crow caws]
What happened? Are you hurt?
You poor thing!
Hurry, hurry! She's freezing!
You'll be okay.
Don't you worry. Everything will be fine.
We're here to help you.
[birds singing]
[doctor] I'll start the examination.
Let me know if anything hurts, okay?
Easy. We'll go slowly.
You're good?
[music fades]
[doctor] Great.
[tense music playing]
[doctor] Okay.
[doctor] Brenda, it won't take long
for your test results. I'll be right back.
[Brenda sniffles]
Brenda, there are no signs
of sexual abuse or residual semen,
so there's nothing to worry about.
You weren't raped.
But your blood tests
came back positive for GHB.
It's commonly known as "liquid X."
It's a powerful sedative.
Usually undetectable
when put in someone's beverage.
Did you have anything to drink there?
Who gave it to you?
Um Yes. I had champagne.
[doctor] Well, you may feel nauseated
and disoriented.
I'm gonna write you a prescription,
and then I'll work on the report.
[Alex] Thanks so much, Julián.
But we need a little favor.
No one can hear about this.
That's why we came to you.
[Julián] So you're not going
to report this?
No, Julián. The police can't know.
- [music fades]
- [doorbell rings]
[door opens]
- [man] Hey. What's up?
- How you doin'?
- Good. And you?
- Good.
- Can I help you?
- I was looking for Brenda.
Brenda She left early
in the morning and hasn't come back yet.
Ah, yeah. And you mind if I wait inside?
Yeah, look I don't wanna be a jerk,
but it's a security thing.
- Sure. No problem.
- Thanks.
Hey, love. It's me.
You okay?
You left, and no no reason why.
Don't know if something happened to you.
Uh, been waiting for a call from you.
To be honest
I'm a little worried.
Please call as soon as you can, okay?
Brenda, if you're not going
to report this,
and you're not willing
to go to the police
let me give you this, at least.
[tense music playing]
Do I have to protect myself
from my own mother?
Who would rather bury me alive
than acknowledge me?
- We don't even know if it was them.
- Oh, yes. It was!
Irene told them where I was going.
Then, they plotted together
to drug me and kill me.
If that's what they wanted,
then why are you still alive?
Don't ask me Alex. I can't
I don't know
They got scared or
or or they wanted more time.
I'm gonna be sick.
Brenda, are you okay?
[sobs] I can't take it anymore.
I never thought my mother
would hate me so much. [sobs]
[Adriano] Brenda.
- What happened?
- [Brenda crying]
What's wrong?
[Brenda] It's so good to see you.
[Adriano] It's okay. I'm here.
I want you to keep on making hate videos
against Brenda Rey.
C'mon. I'm not doing this for money, okay?
The truth is, I hate Brenda.
It's like she came out of nowhere.
She thinks she's so special
just because she has a ton of followers,
but it takes a lot more than that
to be an inspirational influencer.
- I mean, I'm a journalist.
- Not a word of this to anyone.
Remember, you wouldn't want
to ruin your reputation as a journalist.
[suspenseful music playing]
[door closes]
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[tense music playing]
- [gun cocks]
- [panting]
My love. You stayed the night.
[Adriano] How are you?
You feeling better this morning?
Yes. Much.
I told you.
You didn't have to stay the night.
No, but you were sleeping so beautifully.
I didn't wanna wake you.
Did you get some sedatives
from the doctor?
No. Just some medication
for my nausea. That's all.
You wouldn't be hiding anything
from me, would you?
God no, Adriano.
Like I already said
[chuckles]I left
because I wasn't feeling well
and didn't wanna bother you.
And when I got back to the house,
Alex insisted on taking me
to the hospital.
And your cell phone?
[chuckles] I don't know.
I left it somewhere.
It's okay. I have another cell.
You were crying when I got here.
[chuckles] Of course I was.
I was feeling bad.
I have a question.
Are you pregnant?
- No.
- No?
No, are you crazy? No, no.
The doctor made sure to check.
Okay. You know, I just wanted to say
that if you were,
you'd make me very happy.
[sighs] I'm not pregnant, Adriano.
Well, not yet anyway.
You're very sweet.
Samantha, if you won't wear the wig,
then will you, please at least
wear the hat for me?
What world do you live in, Mom?
Fernanda, can you please?
Do you know how hard it was
to convince her to go back to school?
Darling. Please, my love.
Everyone'll bully you.
Fernanda, stop. I'm serious.
Let's go, Dad, or I'm not going.
[Rodrigo] Of course you're going.
Because you have nothing to be ashamed of.
- Okay?
- [Fer] Babe, please.
Hey! Enough.
[energetic music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[girl] Sam!
- [Sam] Hey.
- Come.
- OMG. I totally love your new look.
- [Sam] Thank you.
- It's really cool. For real.
- [laughs] Thanks.
- You're super brave, Sam.
- Yeah.
But what is it you're tryin' to say?
He means are you gay
or lesbian, or do you identify as trans?
Well, I'm not really sure.
I mean, for now I prefer not to have
to label myself, you know?
- Ah. No, that's chill.
- That's super cool. Yeah.
- [girl] You look very handsome.
- [laughs]
- [cell phone chimes]
- My kings, my queens.
Well, as you can see, I'm preoccupied
with what La Chale
has been saying about me.
So, I decided to respond
from this beautiful place
that makes me happy.
Let me tell you, dearest La Chale,
I'm much more than fashion and makeup.
I believe in respect and not selling out
your image just to damage someone else's.
Don't you think everyone knows
you were paid to make that video?
Anyway, if my kiss
with Adriano bothered you so much
and you think that I am not sincere,
maybe I can introduce you
to someone who can explain.
[both laugh]
I just wanted everyone who supports
my relationship with Brenda to know
that it's perfect.
And for those who don't like it,
mind your own business.
Nothing personal.
Today I brought her here
so I could simply say to her that
"I love you."
[Brenda] Thank you all again
for your support.
We promise to keep uploading content.
And remember, the key to life is love.
Thank you, my kings and queens.
We love you.
[upbeat music playing on headphones]
Oh, they're so pretty.
[footsteps approaching]
[Fer] What are you doing?
What were you doing in my closet?
I was just cleaning.
[upbeat jazz music playing]
Hey there. You're early.
I wasn't expecting you.
I know. I needed some documents.
Wha What's this mess? Where's Milagros?
Ah, well it didn't work out.
What? But I thought you loved her.
Yes, but she was too slow,
and she didn't really clean
the house that well, so
But don't worry
because I called the agency,
and they're gonna send us someone else.
And besides,
I'd like to look after my own family
and maybe get things back to normal.
[Rodrigo] Mm.
No, no, no, I'm good.
Hey. I should head back to the office.
I just wanted
to pick up a few documents. Okay?
[Martina] I had to pull some strings
for them to lower the price, but they did.
[Sofía] This is amazing, Martina.
- Thank you so much.
- [Martina] Look. Look at the kitchen.
- And also, the size of this island.
- I see.
Hey, it's a good thing that I talked
Brenda into keeping me on the book.
Nice work.
And I'll also get a bonus for doing
the work and finding a publisher.
- What? Really?
- [Sofía] Mm-hmm.
Ah, Soph! I'm so happy for you.
It was wrong to corner Brenda
at that construction site.
Irene and Fernanda are freaking out.
[Martina] But you have to admit
that it is strange
that she searched out the four of us.
- [Manuel] Here they are, Camila.
- [Martina] Hey there! What do you think?
- You like it?
- It's nice, isn't it?
But I think we could probably find
something smaller.
It is only the three of us.
We have to think big
in order to live big, Manuel.
I just don't think we have to live
beyond our means, that's all.
But who cares what I think, right? Hmm?
[Martina] What about you, love?
You like it?
It's strange, right?
That Camila only wants to be with her dad?
Well, that's normal.
She's young, and she's
with him all the time.
Yes. And I work all the time.
I'd love to spend more time with her,
but I can't.
And if we're going to buy this place,
it's because of me.
Is something wrong?
It just feels like Manuel is upset
and there's something tense
between the two of you.
[sighs deeply]
Itzel? Are you there?
[upbeat music playing on radio]
- [Alex] Hey. Open up.
- [Itzel] What's up?
[Alex] Look. I brought you something.
- How are you?
- Good, thanks. But where's Brenda?
Uh she's resting.
She's resting? Who, Brenda?
Are you kidding me?
I gotta go, Itzel. We'll talk later, okay?
What do you mean, we'll talk later?
- No!
- Not now
No, no, no! You talk now!
I know about those women, Alex.
I know about the car crash.
Tell me, or I'll go looking
for her right now.
[sighs] Itzel.
- Let's go, Alex.
- Hey. Don't say my name.
[Itzel] Sorry.
Look, I brought you here
because you left me no choice.
But keep quiet, 'kay?
- [Alex] What?
- [man] I don't understand.
It's like someone edited the recording.
- Ah, can you rewind it a bit more?
- [typing]
[Brenda] Alex shouldn't have involved you.
No, he didn't want to, but I forced him.
I wanna help you, Brenda.
- But it's dangerous.
- [Itzel] Exactly. It is dangerous.
That's why I can't just sit around
and do nothing.
[Brenda] Itzel, are you high?
Brenda, I'm not on drugs.
Look, talk to Alex.
- Itzel, lower your voice. Shh.
- Tell her I'm not high.
But I feel so useless
when I can't do anything for you.
I understand.
But please promise me
that you'll be extremely careful.
If anything happened to you
I'd never forgive myself.
No, don't you worry.
That's her.
We'll talk later, okay?
[cell phone beeps]
- Hurry.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[woman] Hello.
[woman] Are you new?
I haven't seen you around.
But I don't think
I like this job very much.
Ah, no? Why?
- [screams] No!
- Shut the fuck up!
Tell me who drugged my friend,
or I will cut you.
I I don't know.
But but everything was done
by text message,
so I never saw a real person.
I swear. I swear
- Tell me where your cell is!
- In my purse! In my purse!
It's all there, you can check.
I'm telling the truth.
- Shut up!
- No, please! [screams]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Alex] Hey there, beautiful!
What would you say
if I asked you to go for a for a coffee?
No, I'm sorry. I'm a lady.
I'm not some kind of floozie
you can just fool with your charm.
Ah. It's no big deal.
It's just an innocent coffee.
- Oh, you're full of sass. I like that.
- Who are you? What are you doing here?
- Me? Looking for the bathroom.
- Let's go. Let's get out.
Thank you. Run, run, run!
[music fades]
Irene, thanks for seeing me.
Even though you kept me waiting forever.
[Irene] The elections are coming.
I have priorities.
I was once a priority.
When you made time
to scare away all my sponsors.
What did you think?
That scaring my clients
would put me out of work?
Well, let me assure you
that I spoke with each one,
and they're all staying with me
thanks to the video I made with Adriano.
They know the public loves
that we're together.
[Irene] Yes.
The public also loves clowns,
but they don't all run away
with the circus.
Like you.
What you did today,
with Adriano, that video was ridiculous.
[laughs] He's a grown boy.
In fact, it was his idea
to express his love in a video.
But if you want, we could give him a call.
He'll tell you himself.
Are you competing with me
for the love of my own son?
Do you believe that a man I raised
and taught to be the great man
that he is today
would ever choose you over me?
Do you think you're so important, child?
You're not.
I just wanna be clear.
Where did you go after the tournament?
Why aren't you responding?
I only wanna know where you were.
That is none of your business.
You wanna get rid of me.
It's either for Adriano
or some other motive.
You're so full of allegations.
Let's just say that this is a warning.
Just to remind you that it won't be
that easy to get rid of me.
[Irene] Not only did she accuse me
of sabotaging her work,
she said I was trying to get rid of her.
Can you believe it?
[Fer] I can't believe
she confronted you like that.
I know. And she has no idea
why I hate her so much.
Whether it's because of Adriano
or anything else.
[Fer] It's strange, isn't it?
If Brenda and the gardener aren't related,
then I don't know what she wants from us.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Alex] This is the phone
of the waitress who drugged you.
Could you find out who paid her?
[Alex] No.
The message is from a secure number,
and we couldn't trace it.
[Brenda] Okay.
[cell phone ringing]
[Brenda] Sam, everything okay?
My mom went crazy.
Today she fired Milagros, our housekeeper.
She's been with us forever.
[Sam] She had to call the agency
to get another one.
I also overheard her talking
to Irene about you.
And what did they say?
Something about a gardener,
and if you were related.
- [Sam] What were they talking about?
- Uh I don't have a clue, Sam.
But please don't mention this
to anyone, okay?
Things are still pretty tense
with your mother.
No, of course.
My mom doesn't even want me
to talk to you.
[Brenda] I know. Take care, Sam.
Thanks for calling.
[Sam] Bye.
[cell phone beeps]
[birds singing]
What happened with that fake journalist?
You hear from her again?
No. I guess she gave up.
Look. I already gave it to my editor.
But I'm still allowed to make corrections.
"We are all queens."
That's a little naive, don't you think?
Did you remind her
that every queen has a king?
Well, it's her life. Not mine.
What's the matter?
The beginning is missing a bit of
passion. Engagement.
Any suggestions?
I don't know what to do to fix it.
Of course.
This is not a thing
you can really share with Manuel.
Your creativity.
Your talent.
Try to keep him out of this, will you?
You don't love him.
You're with him because you have to be.
It's more of a duty.
A relationship built
on obligation, not love.
It's not fair for you
to tell me how I feel, Enrique.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset ya.
I know you better than anyone, Sofía.
Why are you still awake?
Can we talk?
I promise the sessions
with Brenda are almost finished.
No, no, no. It's not about that, Sofi.
I wanna know why you feel like this.
[Sofía] Feel like what?
that my opinion on things
doesn't seem to matter at all.
I know that you bring in most of the money
for the house, but
[Sofía] No, don't say that. We're a team.
We're a couple, Sofía.
And sometimes I feel that all we're doing
is growing further
and further from each other.
[sighs] We don't even make any time
for us anymore, hmm?
- I'm still
- [Sofía] No Manuel.
Oh, no.
Stop, please.
Been a long day. I'm very tired.
I love this place. It's so yummy, right?
- [Omar] I love the company.
- [laughs]
I could never get tired of being
with you, Martina.
- Only in the beginning, though.
- [Omar] No, I'm serious.
No. Hear me out.
Wanna hear my theory on relationships?
I have a friend,
one of my closest friends,
is having a major issue with her marriage.
And I think the problem is routine.
As long as they love each other,
everything can be resolved.
- Hey. [laughs]
- [Omar] I'm serious. Of course.
- Are you living in a fairy tale?
- [Omar] No.
So, you really believe
that love is the answer?
Of course. Love can accomplish anything.
All you need is faith.
- Among other things.
- [woman] Help me, please!
[loud thud]
- Wait here.
- Is there a medic?
[Omar] Yes. I'll help you ma'am.
Call an ambulance. Hurry!
Can you hear me?
[sultry music playing]
No, come on. It's not a big deal.
Are you kidding?
Imagine if you hadn't been there.
That man might've died.
You were like a superhero, huh?
Dr. Amazing.
All you're missing is the cape.
I think anyone would've done
the same thing in my shoes.
- I have a confession.
- All right.
Watching you save that man's life
turned me on like crazy.
- Oh yeah?
- Yes.
So maybe you should let me come
to your office.
If I get a chance to see you work again
who knows?
Well, just say the word. I'd be glad to.
Whenever you're ready, I can help you find
the office of your dreams.
You only have to think about
what area you want it in.
[Omar] Kiss me.
[sultry Spanish pop music continues]
[Brenda] We already knew
about the gardener
because he disappeared
around the same time.
[Alex] We know that he has
a connection to these women.
But how?
Tomorrow morning,
let's go back to the town.
[Alex] Okay.
What about me?
I wanna help.
Come on, Brenda.
You always do stuff for me.
Let me help out.
[Brenda] Uh
I have an idea of what she can do.
[Itzel] No, Alex,
I don't know what you're doing.
[Alex] I went through Fernanda's emails.
I found the message she sent
to the domestic employment agency.
They recommend a Liliana Ortiz.
But I'm going to send a response
that she's no longer needed.
- After that, we just delete the email.
- [Itzel] Mm-hmm.
[Alex] So Fernanda doesn't see it.
- Presto! [laughs]
- [Itzel] What?
- You are the new Liliana Ortiz.
- [laughs]
[imitates explosion]
[cell phones chime]
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
[unsettling music playing]
[bells tolling]
Hey. How are you?
By any chance, do you happen to remember
a man named Pedro Silva?
He lived here many years ago.
He was a gardener
at the La Victoria Boarding School.
[man] Pedro Silva?
- No, I'm sorry.
- [dial tone buzzes]
[cell phone rings]
[Brenda] So?
No. Nothing. No one seems
to know the gardener.
[Brenda] Pedro disappeared 25 years ago.
You have to ask people who are older.
I'm actually related to the Silva Family.
That's why it's important
for me to find them.
To help them if they need it.
We all know times have been hard.
You don't have to tell us.
People don't wanna buy flowers anymore.
No one's buying except me!
I'm gonna give you some business
and buy these and these.
But now you have to help me.
You really have to help me
find my family because these are for them.
The only thing I remember was
that Pedro had a little brother.
You know what?
I'm gonna buy another bouquet.
Yes. They're gonna love these.
I think the brother
is still living in the old place.
And what place would that be?
Not far up the road. Cantera 12.
If you pay attention, you won't miss it.
- Thank you.
- [woman] What about your flowers?
Consider it a gift, ladies. [kisses]
- Thank you.
- [women] Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brenda knocks]
[Brenda] Hello?
[Alex] I guess there's no one home.
Hey, no. Brenda, you can't do that!
[Brenda] Too late.
Come on. We have to have limits.
Well, my past had to come
in handy one day, so
Definitely lived in.
Brenda! Come here.
Pedro's in this one.
But not in this one.
- [Alex] They look very sad.
- [Brenda] They had no one to help them.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Alex clears throat]
[inhales] Ah.
Who keeps all this stuff
for so long anyway?
[Brenda] A family
still mourning their son.
I don't think they ever gave up looking.
He was never dead to them.
Alex. Go search the rest of the house,
and take as many pictures as you can.
I'll search here.
[suspenseful music continues]
[music intensifies]
- [tense music swells]
- [muffled scream]
- [Brenda breathing shakily]
- [man] Who are you?
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rescioni
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