Panic (2021) s01e07 Episode Script



[van rattling]
[brakes screeching]
[Diggins] Welcome, players,
to the elimination round.
If it's true that what you
don't know can never hurt you,
then what you do know
must come at a cost.
Blind Man's Bluff
challenges you to face
three fears at once.
Fear of darkness,
fear of falling,
- and fear of the unknown.
- [train whistle blowing]
Is that a train?
[Diggins] The winners
of this challenge will move on
to the individuals.
The challenge tonight
is to make it off the bridge
and back to the van.
You can choose to walk blind
or you can ask for a hand and
we get to ask you a question.
What kind of questions?
Quid pro quo.
We help you and you help us.
[metal creaking]
You can answer up to five
questions, but you only have
one chance to do it
before the timer starts.
Points will be rewarded
based on time.
Anyone who takes longer
than 20 minutes
is automatically out.
Shawna Kenny, you're up first.
[birds chirping]
[Heather] Panic is
a game about fear.
But it's also a trick.
- [gunshot]
- [gasps]
[wings fluttering]
[Lily groans]
Win as many challenges
as you want.
[Lily groans]
But real fear happens
when it's not a game anymore.
Good morning to you, too.
[toilet flushing]
[water running]
[woman] Hmm.
Well, because, man, he didn't
skip town on a magic carpet.
Thank you.
- Oh, Lord.
- Nothing on Hunt?
No. He could be in Cleveland
for all we know.
- Yeah, something spooked him.
- Okay, the last time
his mom saw him,
he was heading off to the derby.
Oh. Found this in his bedroom,
next to half a dozen
empty pill bottles.
[Williams] Hmm.
"You said you found your queen.
I found what I was looking for.
Forever yours, Leela."
Natalie graduated
with a girl named Leela.
- Hmm.
- [Cortez] Langley.
Williams. I just got
a call from the Agerwals.
They say their daughter Leela
has gone missing.
- [Langley] Okay.
- There you go.
[door opens]
Okay. Have a lot of fun at camp,
and I will make sure to pick you
up this afternoon, okay?
[sighs] I don't have my markers,
and we're making leaves
for Jimmy and Abby today.
Why are you making leaves?
For a memorial tree.
Oh. Well, you know what?
I am sure that the library
will have some
you can borrow, okay?
- What?
- [sighs]
Are we gonna have to sleep
on the street like Little Bill?
[sighs] Come here.
Think about it
like an adventure, okay?
Like in one of our books.
But why can't we stay
at Bishop's?
I already told you. Okay?
The law says that I can't take
care of you until my birthday.
- But you do take care of me.
- It doesn't matter, Bug.
Okay? I could get
in a lot of trouble.
So could Mom, so make sure
not to say anything, okay?
You're gonna have
lots of fun today.
- Gonna read lots of books?
- Yeah, I mean,
look at all these good ones.
- Make lots of friends?
- Yeah.
Get out of here. Go crush it.
Have fun.
Come on. We missed you.
[indistinct chatter]

[Sherri] [sighs] I swear to God,
if Riley doesn't stay
out of my shit,
I'm gonna get a gun
I got a monster headache
for brains today.
It's okay.
I'm thinking we take
a few inches off these ends.
Were you thinking layers or?
I don't care.
So, uh, a Mohawk, then?
James thought it'd be good
for me to get my hair done
before the dedication
at the library.
He thought it would
make me feel better.
Yeah, not too many layers.
- [Sherri] Speak of the devil.
- [door closes]
Thought I'd come in
and check up on the
prettiest girl in all of Texas.
Hmm, you should say hi
to your wife, too.
Nill the Thrill.
Be careful with those
scissors on this one,
'cause she's under special--
mwah-- police protection.
So, we were thinking bangs.
What do you think?
No way.
Her forehead's too pretty.
[Cortez] Mm-hmm.
Well, I got to get back
to my desk.
You'll send me a picture
before you leave here?
All right, I'll see you at home.
Always nice to see you, Sherri.
Stay out of trouble, now.
Whatever keeps you
out of my hair.
I heard that.
[door closes]
- Whoa!
- [chuckles]
[Cortez speaking indistinctly]
Who's that woman?
[Sherri] You've really got
your ears plugged up, huh?
Moved here with her family
about a year or so ago.
When she started
working down at Dot's,
business doubled
within a few days.
Now, to get a cup of coffee,
you got to fight
20 ranch hands for it.
You know how men are
with friendly women
who have no husbands.
No husbands of their own,
that is.
I tried calling you
a million times.
Yeah, I know. I know. Um
Lily needed me.
My mom and Bo were fighting.
Yeah, I know.
I know. I'm out of the game.
What happened last night?
The challenge was different
this year.
They put us in blindfolds
and loaded us into a van
and they took us
to an old train bridge.
One by one we had
to find our way back.
We could ask for help,
ten steps
in the right direction,
but only if we answered
their questions.
What were the questions?
They wanted secrets.
But not ours.
They were playing us
against each other.
You want me to rat on Shawna?
And you still owe us an answer.
Look, it's just something
she has with pills.
- [metal creaking]
- Okay?
She blames herself
for getting Hunt hooked on oxy.
She was given
a 30-day prescription
when she blew her knee out
playing soccer,
and she said
they made her feel nauseous,
so she gave the rest to Hunt,
you know, to deal
with what happened last year.
Look, you can't
You're not gonna
say anything, right?
[exhales] No.
I don't get this fucking game.
[metal creaking]
Friends, huh? Don't.
I'm so fucking done
with this game.
[Tyler] Claustrophobic?
What is that, like,
some-some S&M shit?
Or no, no, no, no.
I know what it is.
Uh, it's when you're afraid
of Santa Claus, right?
Look, whatever it is,
I don't know who told you
Ray's down, but
How much time do you think
that he's going to waste
protecting you?
Ticktock, Tyler.
All right, fine, um,
Ray doesn't really like closets
or-or crawl spaces
or-or any shit where
you could get locked in.
'Cause I-I think
his grandpa used to lock him
in the basement whenever
he'd get really fucked up.
- Where's my help?
- [phone chimes]
[Diggins] Sorry. Time's up.
What the f
Are you fucking serious?
That's fucking entrapment,
you little piece of shit.
I wouldn't go that way
if I were you.
Thanks for the tip.
Sure do like living life
on the edge,
- huh?
- Ah. That was a very good one.
You know, Diggins,
here's the thing.
This whole setup
you got going on,
the, uh, van, blindfolds.
I'm not buying it.
You want to know what I think?
I think that this whole thing
is a test.
I think that we are all standing
very nice and safe
at about a-a scraped-knee
distance away.
Careful, Dodge.
Not everything is a game.
You know what?
Could've fooled me.
- Ah
- [metal creaking]
Are you sure that
you wouldn't like any help?
I already told you. I'm fine.
You see
if you cut a deal
with the judges
[water splashes]
then you're already
in trouble.
[Natalie] Somehow
Dodge got through.
I was so scared, I could
hardly stand up straight.
But you made it, right?
I can't answer
the stupid question
if I don't know the answer.
He must be afraid of something.
Oh, God, he spends half his time
saddling up
to get bucked off a horse
that nearly tramples him,
for fun.
- Five-minute warning.
- Okay. Okay.
I, um I don't know
if this still counts,
but he worries a lot
about his sister.
[Diggins] Dodge has a sister?
She was paralyzed
in an accident.
But the only time
I asked him about it, he lied.
He said it happened
during Hurricane Harvey.
But there's a trophy
from her last big rodeo
displayed in the living room
that proves
she was competing
after the hurricane.
I Either he doesn't want
anyone to know when it happened,
or he doesn't want them
to know how it happened.
I'm the only one
who knows about Dayna.
If Dodge finds out
He won't find out.
He won't, you know?
What happens at a challenge
stays at a challenge. Remember?
What is it?
You didn't tell the judges
something else, did you?
I-I didn't. I didn't.
Ray was the first one back.
How do you think he did that?
If he answered
all five questions.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What if he said something?
Bishop can't find out
I hooked up with Ray.
They wouldn't care
about me, though, right?
Like-like, the judges
wouldn't ask about me
if I'm out of the game, right?
- I don't know.
- I have to go talk to Ray.
It's okay.
It's just not fair.
You should be in the final four,
not Shawna.
At least we're still
in second place.
Maybe you can ask the judges
for an exception.
You still have your immunity.
Yeah, but you have to use it
before the challenge starts.
Just talk to Diggins.
We've come this far as a team.
We can do this.
Heather, you and me.
We can win this together.
Diggins, all you have to do
is ask.
Heather, I'm not gonna ask
the judges
when I already know
what the answer is.
You have to claim immunity
between the announcement
of the challenge
and the time it begins.
- It's in the bylaws.
- What bylaws?
Heather, all I can say
is the judges
are going through
some tension right now.
Some tension?
What does that mean?
I'm running out of money.
I really need back in the game.
Look, just try not
to think about it, okay?
It's just a game.
You're room 107.
Um, Heather.
Wait, um,
I actually just realized
that I am completely
overcharging you for this week.
We got a promotion going.
It's buy one, get one free.
That's all you're
gonna charge me?
Just don't expect to see
those rates at high season.
[horse neighs]
So, what are we talking about?
Well, I was wondering if maybe
I could get some more hours
in the fall?
You know? Just do, like,
housework or laundry
or something.
You want to be my housekeeper?
What about school?
Um, yeah, I well, I worked,
like, 20 hours a week
in high school
and I babysat on the weekends,
so I think I,
- I think I'd be okay.
- Huh.
Well, I could, I could
bring you up to 30 hours,
starting next month.
- That work?
- Yeah.
Yeah. Thank you.
Okay, well, now that
you're staying on
think it's about time
that, uh,
you met Tom.
What am I looking for again?
Oh, you'll know
when you see him.
They're usually crepuscular.
- Late risers.
- Hmm.
[alarm buzzes]
It's around sunset
that he starts getting frisky.
[bell rings]
[Heather] This should
be interesting.
I still don't see anything.
[laughs softly]
Trust me, you won't miss him.
- [low growl]
- Here he comes.
- [roars]
- [gasps]
Oh, my God.
[Tom growling]
- The tiger?
- [chuckles]
Mr. Tom Fool.
Anne, that's a tiger.
Yes. Beautiful, isn't he?
He was only 20 pounds
when I took him in.
You could see his ribs.
Some creep had a whole zoo
full of exotics
he kept locked in cages.
But isn't he, like,
really dangerous?
- [Tom growls]
- [scoffs]
Yeah. Extremely.
I raised him from a cub,
so he knows me.
He likes me.
But he's still a tiger.
I swear I won't say anything.
Isn't that why you didn't
want me coming up here?
You don't want
to get in trouble.
Oh, no, I-I have all my permits.
No, it was you I was worried
could get in trouble.
[alarm buzzes]
What do you mean?
Well, look, just because
I have him in the yard,
it doesn't make him a pet.
These gates have to stay closed
at all times.
- Understand that?
- Yes. Okay.
- Okay.
- [Tom growls]
There he goes.
[branches rustling]
There's one thing you
should know about tigers.
You can't outrun them.
Running only signals prey.
[laughs softly]
Besides, by the time
you're running from a tiger,
it's too late anyway.
- [chuckles]
- Good to know.
- [Lily giggling]
- [bed squeaking]
[Lily] Does Diggins
really live here?
Time for bed, little Bug.
- Are we gonna live here, too?
- Bed, now.
How's this mattress?
Soft, hard? Scrambled?
Just right.
Good report, Goldilocks.
All right. Time for bed.
How long are we gonna stay here?
Mom's gonna be mad
if we don't come home.
You know, Mom was 16
when she left home.
- Sixteen?
- Mm-hmm.
That's why she dropped
out of school
and went to work at the salon.
Do you, do you think
Mom loves us?
Yeah, of course she does.
That's why she'll understand.
Time to sleep.
[both] Good night.
Oh, jinx.
- [Lily laughs]
- [phone blipping]

One of the volunteers says
that they saw you and Leela
having an argument at the derby.
- Oh, we weren't arguing
- No?
She was just, um
she was upset.
Leela was getting money
from him.
Apparently she needed more
than she could steal
- from her parents.
- She would've paid me back.
She told me that her boyfriend
Hunt had been blowing
through hundreds of dollars
of pills every week.
I guess he'd been fucked up
ever since last
Last summer?
Guess we're a club now.
Keep going, Bishop.
Well, she told him that she
found a rehab clinic up north.
And she'd asked me
for some money.
But when I told her that
I couldn't help this time,
she got upset.
I only saw Hunt one time
and that was
in the parking lot
when I was leaving.
He was talking to, like,
Luke Hall and the photographer.
- What photographer?
- You know, the guy that takes
all the pictures
for the county website.
I mean, I thought
they were gonna fight.
About what?
he has a reputation.
Leela told me that
Jimmy decked him
at the county fair last year.
I guess he had tried
to scam on Abby when she was
in there getting her headshots.
[Moore] I think we can all agree
my son's been more
than cooperative.
And I understand you fellas
are just doing your jobs.
But it's about that time
that you did it somewhere else.
I'll show you boys out.
- I trust you won't be
bothering my son again.
- Your Honor.
[dog barking]
Dodge said you were out in
the middle of nowhere, brother.
- But goddamn!
- What'd I say on the phone,
a week?
Two hundred?
- Two hundred.
- [chuckles]
- It's a deal.
- A friend of Dodge's.
[horn honks]
See you in a week.
- Yep.
- [engine starts]
$700, huh?
With that kind of money,
you could buy an iPhone,
take all the photos you want.
Well, you need to have an eye.
Oh, is that what it's called?
This one looks cold.
[Max clears throat]
[pop music playing faintly]
[Max] Is there anywhere else
you guys need to be?
[Williams] I don't know,
that depends. Do you know
where Hunt Kenny is? Ooh.
Probably with his girlfriend.
What were Luke and Hunt
talking about
in the parking lot at the derby?
What is this about?
Were you and Abby Clark close?
- Abby Clark?
- [Langley] Yeah.
You mean the girl
who died last summer?
Please don't touch that.
- What?
- That's funny,
I figured you would've
known her better-- her mother
said that she came in three
separate times for headshots.
[Max] I don't know
what she's talking about, man.
[Williams] You sure about that?
[Max] Yeah, I'm sure.
- John?
- Hmm?
So I stopped by to see Dayna
the other day.
Seems like the move's
been good for her.
Funny thing is,
she says she's worried
about you.
What would you do
if it was your sister?
Best place for the container is
behind the wheel.
I'll put in the timer.
After that,
you just have to connect
the switch to the battery.
Otherwise it's as harmful
as a thermometer.
[thunder rolling]
[Mai Kino: "Swim"]
Close your eyes ♪
You just got here ♪
It took you by surprise ♪
[both chuckle]
I'm out of the game.
Just like that?
That's how it works.
You know
I'm kind of upset Cortez
was wrong about me.
if I was a judge,
you'd totally be winning.
Mm, just think about it.
A few days ago,
I was a contender
and you were a secret judge.
Look. [sighs]
I know how much
the game meant to you.
Nat told me about
what happened with your mom.
- And money.
- My God.
Why did she tell you?
Why didn't you?
I don't know, I don't know.
I just
I didn't want you
to feel sorry for me.
I don't feel sorry for you.
I I just
I don't know.
I just feel sorry, period.
So what are you gonna do
about school?
- My dad could help
- No.
- What?
- Your dad hates me.
Okay, look, my dad hates me
and he's still paying
for my education.
- Mm-hmm.
- Besides,
if he hates you,
he hates everybody.
Honestly, have you
ever seen him smile?
It doesn't matter. I
I dropped out of school.
Some stuff was going on at home
with my mom and
I really need
the money for Lily.
It's like you said.
I don't even like math.
Well, accounting isn't
just math.
Oh, yeah, it's also
boring paperwork.
So, um, what are
you gonna do now?
You know what?
I promise that you will be
the first person I tell
when I figure it out.
All right?
Good night ♪
You're alive, you're alive ♪
You're alive, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪♪
[phone vibrates]
[door creaks open]
[Anne] Oh,
I completely forgot.
Andy was coming over today
to help break the new colt.
[Heather] Dodge?
Well, I guess
y'all know each other?
Turn, turn, turn
[Anne] You've never seen
someone break a horse before?
[Heather] Is that
what they're doing?
Kind of just looks like they're
playing tag or something.
[Dodge] Come on, walk, walk.
[Heather] How do you know him?
Well, the first time
I saw him compete
was at this little horse show
outside San Antonio.
There were at least
half a dozen riders
that got thrown
from the back of this
monster Appaloosa.
Mean horse.
And, uh, out comes
this spit of a rider.
Thighs like twigs.
Spurs barely reaching
the flanks.
He rides tall for ten seconds
with a smile on his face,
hat in his hand.
It was impressive.
[Heather] I had no idea.
[Anne] And you know his sister
was even better on a horse,
if you can believe it.
That's Dayna, right?
[horse neighs]
Yeah, terrible thing.
My friend Nat hangs out
with her sometimes.
Says she just really doesn't
like to talk about the accident.
Well, you can hardly blame her.
Happened Halloween
three years ago,
and she's still waiting
for justice.
Meanwhile, the driver's been
walking free all this time.
Do they know the-the guy
who did it?
He took home the grand prize
in one of these
demolition whatevers and
his photo got around and
finally a witness came forward.
after what he did, still
bashing cars into people.
Sheriff's been trying
to lock him up for years.
I guess better late than never.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Word travels fast, huh?
- Yeah.
- Heather tell you that
I was over at Anne's place?
And she also told me
that Dayna was
actually paralyzed
in a hit-and-run.
Why couldn't you
just tell me that?
Because it's Dayna's story
to tell.
Well, Heather also said
that the driver
won the derby a while back?
It was Luke Hall, wasn't it?
You can't tell anyone
about that, okay?
- You can't talk, okay?
- He should be in prison.
And Cortez has been
trying to bring
charges against him
to the D.A. for some time.
So Cortez knows.
Yes. Yes, he's the one
who told us that it was Luke.
Look can we,
can we talk about this inside?
Sure. Mm-hmm.
Hey, Max, this is
Sheriff Cortez.
He's gonna join us
for a couple questions we have.
How much did Luke offer you
for, uh, those pics of Abby?
- For what?
- The pics of Abby Clark.
You took these pictures, right?
Are there any more of 'em?
- No.
- Well, whose idea was it
to blackmail her out
of the game with them?
Was it Hunt?
I'm Excus Blackmail?
No, I just took fucking
How many times do I have
to say that?
Until we believe you.
No, this is, this is
the first year that
- I've ever heard about Panic.
- Mm.
- [sighs]
- I'm serious.
Okay, when Abby said that
she was entering a competition,
I thought she was
talking about cheerleading.
I didn't even know
what the game was called
until Hunt told me
that he played.
What else did he tell you?
Um nothing.
Just that the game
fucked him up bad.
Luke was the one who
explained how it worked.
- Yeah? When was that?
- After Memorial Day.
That's when he offered
to cut me in.
Ray, we need to talk.
[door creaks]

[floor creaking]
Can I help you?
I'm sorry, I was looking
for Ray.
Girl like you,
you should stay clear of here.
Luke turned up,
and he-he said he heard that
I'd gotten into some trouble.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
You were arrested for a DUI.
- That was a setup.
- Mm-hmm.
Seriously, I didn't do anything.
Luke said that he could
help me out.
- Luke had a friend
in the court system.
- Ray?
[Max] You know, someone who
could make sure
the charges got dropped.
[rock music playing]

[wind whooshing]
[Max] He said you bet 10K,
your problems go away.
He said it depended
on the buy-in.
The-the buy-in?
That's when he told me
about Panic,
and about the book that
he was putting together,
and all the different bets
we could make.
So he wanted you to gamble
on Panic?
[Max] Mm-hmm.
The way he sold it,
I could either wager it
on the game
or piss it away in legal fees.
And plenty of people
agreed with him.
I mean, his sheet had over
200,000 on it.
Mm-hmm. And this, uh,
this insider?
You know who he is?
You got a name, anything?
Well, I didn't ask.
Seriously, I didn't need to.
I told you,
the charges were bullshit,
and they dropped them.
So, I mean, I told him
I wasn't interested.
- [chuckles]
- Look, I know you guys
ain't got nothing on me.
Can I go?
- Have a good day.
- You, too.
Thank you for your help.
[Luke] Ray, where you at?
You should be more, uh
Shoes like those
will get you in trouble
on a boat,
second you step
on something wet.
- Sorry, I was looking for Ray.
- Mm-mm.
He'll be down in just a minute,
you want to wait for him.
I can't. I'm running late
to something, actually.
You come back and visit me
anytime you want, huh?
Thought that was your car.
What are you doing here?
Nothing. I made a mistake.
Another one, huh?
I'm really starting
to rub off on you.
Be careful.
You keep fucking up,
then you and I start to make
a whole lot more sense.
[engine starts]
[kicks bumper]

Luke Hall is taking bets
on Panic.
That's why he's back in town.
To track the game?
Or to fix it.
- Fix it?
- Natalie, think about it.
He was at the Jump last year.
You know?
He graduated years ago.
Isn't it a little bit weird
that he comes back
the same summer that
two of the leading players die
in, like, freak accidents?
That really seems like
a hell of a coincidence.
Yeah. Both Jimmy
and Abby's deaths
are connected
to the game, but
if Luke is taking bets
Then maybe he's connected
to them, too.
[Ray] And then
I had to tell him,
"Autoerotic asphyxiation isn't
when you fuck cars, you idiot."
[laughs] You're shitting me.
Hot damn, sticking around
for family movie night?
Well, the fun just ended.
stay out of trouble, okay?
Even dipshits need a holiday.
Fuck is her problem?
She's worried about you.
You let me do the worrying,
all right?
Can see why you like
that Heather Nill, by the way.
[can pops]
Kind of has those
stray dog sort of eyes.
Fuck off.
Any idea what she
was doing over here?
She was trying to sell us
some Thin Mints.
I told her we only
like it thick. [chuckles]
I'm not fucking around, Ray.
What the fuck
are you doing, Luke?
How deep in the shit are you
with these guys, huh?
Sarah says the cops
are looking at you?
Sarah doesn't know what the fuck
she's talking about.
Neither do you, and there's
a goddamn good reason for that.
Heather needs to
be careful, Ray.
[mouse clicking]
All right, yeah,
Sarah is Ray's half sister.
Her mom got fired from prison
for getting caught
with Ray's dad.
She got hung up on the one man
everybody hates, so
would you want anyone to know?
[mouse clicking]
prove she was competing
after the hurricane, so

[Diggins] Natalie,
the judges suspect
that you have a special interest
in seeing another person win.
[takes deep breath]
[stammers softly]
I I made
I made a deal.
Wait, you're not
recording this, are you?
[mouse clicking]
Ten steps per answer?
Seems legit.
[Diggins] Why don't you tell us
about Heather.
What do you want to know
about Heather?
[mouse clicks]

Hey, hey ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Stay with me ♪
with me ♪
[phone vibrating]
Stay with me ♪
Stay with me ♪
With me ♪
With me ♪
[Lily moans softly]
With me ♪
With me ♪♪

Hey, hey ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Stay with me ♪
Stay with me ♪
Stay with me ♪
Stay with me ♪
With me ♪
With me ♪
With me ♪
With me ♪

Stay with ♪
Stay with me ♪
Stay with ♪
Stay with me ♪
Stay with ♪
Stay with me ♪♪
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