Paradise (2025) s01e07 Episode Script
The Day
cannot divulge specifics,
but what we can tell you
is that we are preparing
for a massive catastrophe
that could cause an
extinction-level event for humanity
in the very near, very real future.
Listen, I know this all
sounds pretty far-fetched.
But you know when it
won't seem far-fetched?
In less than a decade, when a tsunami
plunges the entire eastern seaboard
of the United States underwater.
Marsha, you wanna come in here?
Xavier's gonna take me on a little walk.
minute Versailles is called,
you record the speech,
we're escorted down,
wait for confirmation
of the safest route to Joint
Base Andrews, then we're out.
Collins, I think it's time you
put your foot down with your wife.
Trips to Atlanta are not as
risk-free as they used to be.
My wife hasn't listened
to me for 20 years, sir.
I guess we'll just have to
go pick her up from there.
Don't go.
I love you, baby.
See you in 10 days.
Your wife is alive out there, Xavier.
And if you stop all this nonsense
I can help you find her.
[ANNOUNCER] And now, Bill Roberts
reporting from the United Nations.
[BILL ROBERTS] The curtain goes up
in what is hoped to be the final act
of the nearly two-week-long drama
that is the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Today, Ambassador Adlai Stevenson
addressed the United
Nations Security Council.
[ADLAI STEVENSON] This resolution
calls as an interim measure
under Article 40 of the charter
for the immediate dismantling
and withdrawal from Cuba of all
missile and other offensive weapons.
[BILL] Leaders around the world
rejoiced as a peaceful solution
I didn't know you'd come home.
We got intelligence an hour ago.
The Soviet sub that
was loaded with nukes
was out of contact with Moscow.
The one that turned around?
Apparently, its last orders were
to launch all missiles if cornered.
The captain made the
decision not to, on his own.
It's gonna happen again,
Miriam. It's goddamn inevitable.
What if the wrong person's
at the controls next time?
What if the wrong person
decides not to turn around?
[MIRIAM] You're tired.
Come to bed.
You can't save the world tonight.
[SOFTLY] Okay. Okay.
Didn't you hear what I said?
- Your wife is alive.
- Bullshit.
I'm not playing your games.
- It's not bullshit, Agent Collins.
- Everything was destroyed.
It's a nuclear winter out there.
Which is exactly what
we thought, initially.
The expedition, the
four that didn't return.
They didn't die because
of the environment.
They died because they were bringing
a survivor back to the bunker.
Which I ordered them
not to do, by the way.
And it was gonna open
a whole can of worms,
and so I had to take care of them.
My God, could I sound any
more like a Bond villain?
I swear I'm not a monster.
Interesting how people who swear
they aren't monsters usually are.
The expedition set up
shortwave transmitters
so that we could communicate
while they were outside.
Transmitters are still active,
and I've been listening.
- My name is Cameron Middleton
of Zanesville, Ohio.
If Carla or Joseph
Middleton are listening,
please tell them I'm headed
for the Colorado Bunker Com
for safe passages to Colorado.
- Western Kansas is irradiated.
[SURVIVOR 2] Forming a
community south of Paso Robles.
If you're listening, several
members plan to set up camp there.
[SINATRA] People are alive.
And they're looking for us, and I
believe your wife is one of them.
Don't Don't you fucking dare.
She was in Atlanta, it was a
direct hit. It was unsurvivable.
The president did something
that day, Agent Collins.
- Something you don't know about.
- Not true, I was with him.
I was with him that whole
fucking horrible day.
- You don't know everything that happened.
- I was there!
I was there.
[BOB WOODRUFF] [ON TV] This is our
continuing coverage of the situation
that started in Antarctica and is
causing unprecedented destruction
and chaos around the globe.
Here's what we do know right
now. Just over three hours ago,
what scientists are calling
a massive mega-caldera,
or super volcano, erupted
under the Antarctic ice sheet,
expelling millions of tons
of ash into the atmosphere.
The force of the explosion
shattered large portions
of the ice shelf, instantly melting
trillions of gallons of water
and triggering a tsunami
that is hurdling northward
at nearly 600 miles an hour.
- Most disturbingly, some reports
indicate the wave may
be as high as 300 feet.
In an unprecedented move,
the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
has put all coastal areas of the
United States on a tsunami watch
with estimated landfall
at Key West in two hours,
and the nation's capital in five.
- [BOB] [ON TV] Adding to the chaos
and the confusion is a
stock market in freefall
Xavier, did you hear
that? D.C. in five hours.
[BOB] Nationwide cell phone
and internet outages
- Xavier.
- Hm?
- [BOB] as networks are overrun
- Are you guys here because of this?
Why are you two stationed
outside the cabinet room door?
Don't ask me, ma'am.
This is my third day here.
- Uh, is this not normal, sir?
Marsha, we're just
doing what we're told.
I have no additional information.
- [STAFFER] That's Melbourne?
- [BOB] The death toll
- is expected to be in the hundreds
- Nancy's family lives there.
- [ON PHONE] Ashbridge Preparatory.
Can you give me 20 seconds?
Hi, Denise, this is Xavier Collins
again. I'm just calling to reiterate
- [DENISE] We're a little busy, Xavier.
- No, I know. I know.
But how important it is that James
and Presley stay near Jeremy Bradford.
- [DENISE] You told me this before.
- I know. I'm sorry.
But someone will be coming to get them.
You know, actually, if you could just
give them their phones so I could talk.
- Calls keep dropping.
- [DENISE] Goodbye, Mr. Collins.
[REPORTER] [ON TV] And what
is especially alarming
- Xavier, talk to me.
- Hm.
What do you know? The cabinet gathered
like there's some
kind of plan in motion,
and I heard the word "Versailles."
Marsha, I swear I would tell you.
I mean, do I need to pick
Edward up from daycare?
- He's got health issues.
Talk to him.
The the president, I have been
with him since his Senate campaign.
- Edward can't be left alone, okay?
- I will talk to him.
I will tell you
everything that I find out.
Out of the way. VP coming through.
- Classified!
- Sorry, sir.
Mr. Vice President, I need
a moment with the president
- if you don't
- You're kidding me.
[SPEAKER] communication with our
Russia's gone dark. Completely dark.
Thank you, Henry, we know.
Why don't you have a seat?
Take a breather, and maybe a Valium.
Joint Chiefs were just
walking us through it.
- General Curtleigh.
- Yes, sir.
As the vice president noted, Russia
isn't picking up the red line.
We're still trying to confirm
if the Svoboda Group coup
d'etat was successful.
- Indications are that it was.
- CIA can confirm that.
We also have confirmations
of troop mobilization
to the Chinese border along
the Argun and Amur Rivers
and Western Mongolia.
It feels like they're setting
up for a land grab, sir.
And since we don't know all the players
except for the Svoboda Group leader
Cherkin. Unpredictable.
- Ruthless.
- Which I was about to say.
It is the recommendation
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
that we move to DEFCON 3.
This will set the Air Force
readiness envelope to 15 minutes.
Christ. Okay, anything else?
The UN Security Council
is convening in two hours.
NATO countries have been reaching out.
Two hours. We lose Florida in two hours!
I've said that before, but it
was about the electoral college.
I mean, how bad is it?
I wanna know. I mean, I know it's bad.
But honestly, is this it? Is it?
Half the world leaders we're talking to
say it's the end of the
world, the others don't.
The Tories in England say
the volcano's too far away
for them to be affected by it,
and they live on a fucking island.
It will most certainly affect them, sir.
This appears to be it, Mr. President.
It's what we've been preparing for.
[HENRY BAINES] What about Australia?
Anyone on the horn with Melbourne?
I can't get anything.
Melbourne is gone. Sorry, Henry.
Nancy's entire family.
As is Sydney. All coastal cities.
New Zealand, gone.
Argentina, apart from the
mountain regions, effectively gone.
Chile, South Africa. Need I go on?
- We need to make the call.
- Okay, where are my nerds?
Scientists, come on, step to.
You said we'd have warning!
Days or weeks, if this
was the real thing.
What the fuck happened?
Mr. President, we
thought we'd have warning,
but this happened faster
than the worst-case scenario
- in all of our modeling.
- [CAL BRADFORD] Bunch of bullshit.
- Come on.
- We calculated that there'd be 10 days
from first seismic activity to eruption,
- but we had minutes.
- We are not making the wrong call here.
Move us to DEFCON 3.
Around the horn, go or
no go for Versailles.
- [CHIEF OF STAFF] Joint Chiefs.
- [CHIEF OF STAFF] Homeland Security.
Jesus Christ, we know our fucking
titles, just give me your answers.
I'm calling Versailles.
So, right now, a a large wave
is is approaching Ind-Indonesia.
Soon, it'll head to the
southern coast of India.
So, Dr. Louge, when do
you think this will stop?
When it's done.
After rolling up to the North Pole
and echoing back down to Antarctica,
maybe a dozen more times.
Anything under 300 feet above sea level
- will be inundated.
- You're not thinking about this correctly.
- Oh, my God.
- [DR. LOUGE] [ON TV] It's not a wave.
- The Antarctic ice sheet accounts
- [CAL] Marsha.
My family's gonna be calling,
make sure you put them through.
- [MARSHA] Yes, Mr. President.
- Sir, can I have a minute?
It's a go for Versailles.
Ryan, on me.
[DR. LOUGE] So, when it's
done, that's when it will end.
of the billionaire bunker complex
- in Colorado continue to rise
- [CURATOR] Priority list only.
Are they taking down paintings?
Boss, what the hell is Versailles?
Is there anything I need to do?
[XAVIER] Your job as briefed.
I'm on Wildcat, you're on me.
- Mr. President.
- Gotta get this tie off me.
- It's too fucking cheerful.
- [VOICEMAIL] Hi, this is Dr. Teri
- You know, I once read that neckties
date back to Serbian mercenaries
in the 1600s or some shit.
[ASSISTANT] Just do your job.
Alright? See if you can find
Okay, let's go blue. It's
a little more calming.
Alright, steps, what's
next? Walk me through it.
You record the speech,
uh, we move down to PEOC.
And when it's time, board
Marine One to Joint Base Andrews.
- After that, I don't know.
- Are we going somewhere?
- Sir, if I may, I just need a word.
- Okay.
[BOB] We now take it to
our colleague Rebecca
in Jakarta right now, where the
wave is due to hit at any moment.
- Is that correct?
- That is correct, Bob.
- What you can't see is the water line,
which is just beyond the city lights,
has receded well over
three miles out to sea.
You think that's a safe
place for you to be?
We're on top of a 20-story building
on the north shore of the
island, so we should
- [BOB] Oh, my God.
- [REBECCA] Oh, wow.
- [BOB] You okay?
I don't know if you can hear that.
We just got hit with a massive
high-pressure sound wave
that has been preceding the tsunami
and wreaking havoc with air traffic
- throughout the southern hemisphere.
- It's quite painful, and
[SPEAKER] What's going on?
- [REBECCA] What is that?
Oh, my God! Get away from the edge!
- Get away from
Did we just did we just lose her?
- [CAL] My God.
- [BOB] We lost Rebecca.
Can we get back to her?
- Can we get back to her?
- What's happening?
- [PRESLEY COLLINS] Daddy, what's going on?
They're moving a few
of us to another room.
I think the president's kid.
Good. Is James with you?
- [PRESLEY] Yeah.
- Good.
He is not to leave your
sight, do you understand me?
- This is not a game.
- [PRESLEY] Okay.
You do not let go of his hand,
and you do not lose sight of
Jeremy Bradford, promise me.
[PRESLEY] I promise. Where's Mom?
- I'm working on that.
- [PRESLEY] Daddy, people are freaking out.
Mrs. Johnson fell in the stairs,
and I don't think she's okay.
Hey, listen to me. There's a plan.
You're gonna be fine, they're
gonna take you to an airport,
I'll see you there. So will Mom, okay?
- Shit.
[MARSHA] A plan?
What airport? What do you know?
- Have you talked to Cal?
- A little.
- More soon, okay? Ryan!
- Xavier.
- [MARSHA] Xavier?
- Head in the game, man.
Guard the door.
[BOB] [ON TV] The scale of
this case is much greater
[CAL] "Remain calm, 'cause
the tsunami moves fast,
but fear moves faster."
I mean, isn't this a little optimistic?
It's important to keep the calm.
This reads like we're prepping
people for a goddamn snowstorm.
- When does this go out?
- Recording won't air
until after we evacuate to Andrews.
I'll lead the press corps to
believe it's broadcasting live
- when we play it back.
- Yeah, I don't know, guys.
It's important we keep to
the plan. Keep people calm.
Lose the "strength and
resilience," repeat to the end.
- That pays off the whole structure.
- Riley, really? Today?
- Fine.
- Okay. Come on.
How fast can you turn
around the changes?
Did you see that fucking wave?
My family?
About to load up to Andrews as we speak.
Yeah. Okay.
- People!
- I'd like the room, please.
Sir, we're on a timetable.
I'll be ready to record in two.
Alright, folks, that's
a real two minutes.
"Remain calm, top priority at this time,
ensure public safety
Shoes off, please.
- Sir.
- That's the first thing I ever said to you
when we met right here in
this office, and you did it.
It was so cute. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]
It's like a reenactment of that day.
Sir, Teri is still in Atlanta.
- They had her on the first flight out
- Jesus.
but the FAA grounded
everything, which I just found out
because the cell phone
towers are overrun.
Calls are dropping, not getting through,
so I didn't know for
like the last 10 minutes.
- Xavier, calm down.
- And now, she's stuck there.
And, um, you said that you
were gonna get her a plane.
[CAL] Agent Collins, calm down.
Where are your kids?
[XAVIER] At school.
I think with your son.
Okay, then they're right
where they need to be.
They're gonna get picked up
with the other Versailles kids.
- You're gonna see 'em on the plane, okay?
- Okay.
- And Teri?
let's get this done!
Just like magic.
Talk to General Curtleigh.
He'll get her here.
[XAVIER] Thank you, sir.
Oh shit.
[CURTLEIGH] just picked
up over Chinese airspace?
Dr. Teri Rogers-Collins
- And that's smoke in the air, for sure?
- We're working on it.
- We need confirmation now.
- General Curtleigh, sir.
- A little busy.
- The president said I should talk to you.
- Make it fast.
- My wife was on a plane that was grounded.
The president said that
you could get her here,
- and I'm certainly hoping it's possible
- Facts only. Where?
[SIGHS] Atlanta airport.
- She's on the list for Versailles?
- Yes, sir.
Dobbins ARB.
- Go with him.
- Yes, sir, thank you.
She needs to get to
Dobbins Air Reserve Base.
It's 25 miles from Hartsfield-Jackson.
- She have a car?
- I don't know.
- Her name?
- Teri Rogers-Collins.
- She'll have gate clearance.
The last transport is
wheels-up, one hour 15.
- Get her there.
- Thank you, sir.
I need you push a clearance
through at Dobbins.
[PRODUCER] Settle.
[XAVIER] That's too long.
Have Tompkins cover me
at the Oval door, now.
- What do you need?
- You're on point, kid's on you.
POTUS is recording. I'm back in five.
[PRODUCER] And recording.
My fellow Americans, as
you are undoubtedly aware,
a catastrophe has befallen
the southern hemisphere.
And while the images from that
part of the world are unsettling,
it's important we remain calm,
because a tsunami moves
fast, but fear moves faster.
This will be a challenging moment.
We believe that the damage from
the weather event will be extensive.
[SPEAKER] Also suggesting a
bunker complex in the upper Alps.
- [TIKTOK CREATOR] This is crazy, man.
- Yeah, my sister got one last week
- Garcia.
Can you believe this shit, X?
And why'd you pull Tompkins? I need her.
Give me the fastest route
to Dobbins Air Reserve Base
- from Hartsfield-Jackson.
- [GARCIA] Fastest?
- The roads are a wreck.
- It's for Teri, it's her only way out.
On it.
- [VOICEMAIL] Hi, this is Dr. Teri
- [GARCIA] Boss.
- What you got?
- Tell her to take Route 6
to Route 5 to Marietta,
stay off all freeways.
Should take 45 minutes.
- Good man.
- And send back Tompkins.
- She's coordinating the choppers.
- Yeah.
[CAL] The United States has weathered
many great challenges in the past
and has always come through stronger.
This will be no exception.
When the dust clears
from this tragic day,
we will go forward, as Americans,
as a beacon of strength
in a sometimes dark world.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
Get this shit off of me.
Alright, clear the room! Move it!
Sir, we have confirmation
of multiple interceptor
clusters laddering down
across the Russo-Chinese border.
Guys, I was an English Lit major.
Russia and China exchanged fire,
both air and ground
across multiple fronts.
Intelligence also indicates both
sides are prepping nuclear action.
This is not unexpected.
As briefed, governments will begin
securing resources for what comes next.
Tide rises, the tide falls.
Yes, sir. There have
also been explosions
at two air bases in Denmark,
seemingly from inbound
conventional missiles.
- From who?
- We don't know.
But Denmark being NATO,
if they invoke Article 5
[CURTLEIGH] We recommend
moving to DEFCON 2, sir.
speed up evac to Andrews.
[MR. MARKLEY] [ON TV] They've
been expecting seismic activity
down there for well over two years.
[DR. LOUGE] Thanks to our
continued carbon emission.
Oh, so now volcanoes are man-made too?
Rising global temperatures lessened
ice mass over the Antarctic.
We know from history,
our actions allowed the cork to pop.
So, yes, I would say we
played a fucking role.
[BOB] Alright, we can
we can keep it clean.
We don't need that kinda language.
[DR. LOUGE] Oh, we don't need
that kinda language, Bob?
- I'll wait for a real disaster
to say "fuck," or "shit," or "tits."
- You know, Mr. Markley
your oil company checks
will be meaningless
- [XAVIER] Teri.
- [TERI] Thank God, I've been trying.
- Where are you?
- [TERI] Outside the airport.
- A bunch of us are walking.
- Listen to me, listen.
Um, you need to get to
Dobbins Air Reserve Base.
- [TERI] Okay, but I don't have
- Just listen to me. Listen to me.
I sent you the map. You take
Route 6 till it meets Route 5,
and take that to Marietta,
right? No freeways.
They'll have your name at the
gate, and they'll fly you here.
You have just over an hour.
It should be enough time.
- Repeat it back to me.
Route 6 to Route 5 to
Marietta. But but Xavier
No, but no freeways.
- [TERI] I don't have a car.
- Steal one.
- [TERI] Xavier, how am I
- Ter
- [BOB] bring you some breaking news
- in Los Angeles, a record
and catastrophic
magnitude 8.9 earthquake
has hit the sprawling metropolis.
We are seeing some images of
destruction from the ground.
I'm being told the I-10
freeway has collapsed
What the fuck is going on? It's
like the world's coming apart.
- Back to the door.
- [BOB] ordered to evacuate
just hours ago, are now stranded.
Back to Garcia, thanks.
[BOB] We'll we'll
try to provide updates
- as this story develops.
- I need your help.
[BOB] Dr. Louge, this
is an unprecedented
Please. I know the
president is helping you,
and I don't care about myself.
I need you to save Edward.
My sister is dropping
him off with his meds.
- Get him to safety.
- [BOB] Is there more to come?
- [DR. LOUGE] The real issue
- [MARSHA] Promise me.
[DR. LOUGE] millions
of tons of volcanic ash,
still bursting into our stratosphere,
which will encircle the globe
It's gonna be okay.
[DR. LOUGE] Now, that means no crops
- [SOFTLY] Thank you.
[DR. LOUGE] no food,
never-ending winter.
- [BOB] What happens then?
- I don't know.
Why don't you ask a fucking dinosaur?
Are we on, Bob? Is
is it just me here?
No, we're on. We're gonna remain on,
as the decision really has been
made by the, the brave women and men
in this newsroom to continue our
broadcast for as long as we can.
Clear a path.
[BOB] Dr. Louge, you have
been researching this
- Agent Xavier Collins?
- Yes, ma'am.
Special Agent Robinson,
in charge of evac.
I'm Agent Ryan Noble. I'm new.
Agent Collins, after you've
escorted the president to PEOC,
the others will come down in
shifts. You'll await my orders
- to move to Marine One, understood?
- Agent Collins, am I boring you?
- No, ma'am.
Escort Wildcat to PEOC, shifts,
await orders. Understood.
Uh, and what about me?
- You'll stay here guarding the door.
- [XAVIER] Mr. President.
This way.
- Give me a second.
- Sir.
Sir, we need to move, now.
[XAVIER] Ryan, Rainey, perimeter.
- Mr. President, I need to get you to PEOC.
- Excuse me.
It's Jeffrey, right?
Mr. President, you know my name?
Everyone knows your name. You've
been here for nine administrations.
Can I ask what you're doing?
Making my rounds as best I can.
People been leaving
kind of a mess today.
I guess they're all distracted.
And you're not?
It looks bad, but when
you get to be my age
[CHUCKLES] you kind
of seen it all before.
Been here for 9/11, war, pandemics.
- Things always go back to normal.
- Mr. President, I must insist.
I think you should call your family.
- It's different this time.
With all respect, sir,
I've heard that before.
I'm seeing them for my
granddaughter's birthday tomorrow.
I'll talk to 'em then.
Thank you, sir.
This is not right.
This isn't right. We
gotta go back to the Oval.
- That is not the plan.
- I don't give a shit about the plan.
I want you to put me
on TV right now, live.
Non-essentials, stay here!
- Ryan, Rainey!
- Goddamn it!
Agent Janusz, you, hold your positions.
do you plan to say, sir?
I'm gonna be honest with them.
Pre-recorded speech was horseshit,
and we are not airing it!
You understand me?
People deserve to know
what's really happening.
They need a chance to say goodbye.
Quick, we gotta go!
Is the equipment still up?
Yes, but please don't do this, sir.
We need to we need
to stick to the plan.
We need to keep the
calm. Listen, sir. Cal!
Get your fucking hands off
me and put me on TV right now.
Shit! Erica, alert the networks.
Mr. President, you
do not leave that room
until I get back, is that understood?
Sir, make sure all interior side
doors to the Oval are locked.
- Weapons ready, you're cleared hot.
- Sir?
Things might escalate.
Stay calm. I'll be right back.
[PRESS SECRETARY] He's going live now.
- All of them. All of them.
- [XAVIER] Rainey!
- You Versailles?
- I am.
- Assume you are too?
- Affirmative.
Come on, baby, pick up.
[VOICEMAIL] Hi, this
is Dr. Teri Rogers
We got about five minutes before
the president starts talking.
[RAINEY] You think this is
gonna turn into a frenzy?
It's already been a frenzy. It's
about to become a fucking riot.
No, no, please. I
don't need any of that.
Or lighting, or equipment.
Just put me on air as quick as you can.
And a cup of coffee, please.
Sure could use a cup of coffee.
Roger that. He's clear to enter.
- Back to you in two.
- Commander Hunter is Versailles too.
- Who?
- Guy with the football.
- What about Garcia?
- No idea.
Let's get moving.
It has been an honor
serving you, Mr. President.
The honor is mine, John.
- Best fucking hamburgers I've ever had.
[PRODUCER] Okay, we're 30 seconds out.
[REPORTER] We are less than a minute
from the president
addressing the nation.
- We were alerted earlier
- [XAVIER] Excuse me.
- [REPORTER] About 40 minutes from now
- Is that for me?
No one gets in.
[REPORTER] Meanwhile, sources
are reporting that Marine One
and other helicopters are
hovering above the South Lawn
[REPORTER] F22 Raptors
are circling the air space
above the Capitol.
[PRODUCER] And we're live in three
My fellow Americans
I know you're aware of
the situation we now face.
And I wanna tell you the truth.
Our modeling
shows imminent worldwide
disaster, including here at home.
I'm telling you this so
that you can make decisions
based on where you
want to be right now
and who you want to be with.
This position that I have held
I didn't always want it.
Most certainly didn't always like it.
But it has
It's provided me access to
people all over this country.
And one thing has constantly
struck me as true.
That despite all the
ugliness in our world
despite our tendency
to focus on the grotesque,
and the conflict.
Despite all of that
are inherently decent.
You love your families,
your parents, your children.
[AGENT] Let's go. This way!
And I hope we can find that
decency and that love now.
And if I may be so bold.
To all of you watching,
who have meant something
to me personally
too many to name
I just want to say I love you.
God bless you and good luck.
[PRODUCER] We're out.
[ROBINSON] Here we go.
[RAINEY] On me.
[BOB] Now, what hope does
humanity have to survive?
- Excuse us.
- Wait a minute.
I'm sorry, everyone.
Mr. President, my sister
is here with Edward.
They're at the gate,
so I'm gonna go get him.
- Marsha.
- [BOB] We have to do better.
I've been with you since the beginning.
You told me everything
was gonna be okay.
I wish I could say something that
would make this better, but I can't.
I can't offer you safety.
You can stay here if you want,
but the truth is it's not gonna help.
Nothing is. Go home.
- And where are you going?
- [RAINEY] Hey, hey, back off.
- [MARSHA] How long did you know?
- People, this is the cold reality.
We need to ask for those willing
to keep the White House secure
- until we can all get out.
- Continue to evacuate everyone,
but right now, your duty is
to keep the president safe.
- Where are you?
- What about us, Todd?
- Huh? What about all of us?!
- Back off!
- Calm down.
I need you to calm down,
okay? Let's move him now!
- [ROBINSON] Come on. Come on.
- [XAVIER] Okay? Hey.
[ROBINSON] Let's go.
Down the hall! Come on!
You promised me.
The blood of my baby is
gonna be on your hands.
I couldn't do anything about
it, Marsha, understand that.
- You promised me.
- I'm really sorry.
[XAVIER] Hey. Hey. Don't!
Come on, come on.
Forget the groups. Load in Wildcat.
Inside. Come on. Come on.
Go to the next one.
- Cover them.
- Alright, let's go.
Stay where you are!
- Don't make me shoot.
- Thanks, Cal, I enjoyed that.
- Fuck you.
- It was the right thing to do.
- We're not out of this yet.
Marine One took hits, then peeled off.
- Hits from who?
- Don't know, sir.
People are surging onto the South Lawn.
There's a CAT Team waiting.
You will load into the first
gunship, then take off immediately.
I'll go back up for the
others. Do not wait for us.
Prepare for live fire. Go!
Ryan, hold this.
Mr. President, put this on.
- Yeah.
- Open the door.
[XAVIER] Move!
[AGENT] Keep them back!
Go! Go!
- The football!
- Shit.
Here you go.
[DISPATCH] has been secured.
You're cleared for takeoff.
- No.
- No, no, no, there's room.
Your orders are to stay here.
No, I'm going where you're going.
You can't.
I'm going where you're going!
- Ryan.
What the fuck?! He
wasn't gonna shoot me!
Do your fucking job, Agent!
Go! Go! Let the other choppers land!
Up! Up! Hoist up that chopper, let's go!
Freebird One, say again,
Congress, Justices, Freebird Two,
Cabinet, Joint Chiefs,
others, Freebird One.
[SOLDIER] Let's go! Let's go!
Move! Let's go!
[CAL] Agent Collins!
I have to get her somehow.
[CAL] Come on, man, your
kids are onboard. Let's go.
She's alone.
I don't know where she is.
I don't know who she's with.
It's an impossible situation.
I'm sorry.
I can't get on that plane without her.
Xavier, look at me.
Your kids need you. I need you.
Let's go.
When did you know she
wasn't gonna make it?
When you told me she
was still in Atlanta.
She was there because she
didn't know what was coming.
- Why didn't you tell me what was coming?
- I tried.
- No. You hinted!
- I did, I tried.
Right? You danced around.
There was no urgency.
We didn't know how fast
it was gonna escalate.
- Right, but I see your family is here.
- No.
I would have kept her close!
I would have prepared.
People would have prepared.
But instead, you played this game.
- I did my best.
- Your best?
- Yes, in an impossible situation.
- Oh, you think you're brave
because you told
everybody that the world
- was ending 10 minutes ago.
- There were no easy options, Xavier.
- Listen to me.
- You should have told us all
- 10 years ago.
- The world is falling apart!
- Look at what's happening.
- This is not my fault.
Look at what you let happen!
That's enough!
If you don't want a seat on that plane,
there's roughly eight billion people
on this planet who will fucking take it.
Your wife is gone, and I'm sorry,
but you need to process that.
And go be with your children,
because they just lost their mother.
Sir, we have to go.
- Are you coming or not?
- I don't know what to do.
Yeah, you do.
[ATTENDANT] Each of you have been
given a packet of information
and a wrist device that is
paired specifically to you.
We'll be taking off for
Colorado momentarily.
- Daddy.
- Daddy.
I thought you didn't make it.
[XAVIER] No, no, I'm here.
- Stand up.
- [JAMES COLLINS] Where's Mommy?
[PRESLEY] Is she okay?
[JAMES] Where's Mommy? Where's Mom?
[CAPTAIN] Ladies and
gentlemen, brace yourselves.
We're about to encounter the
high-pressure sound waves.
Alright, man, go get in the
seat. Put on your seatbelt.
- [PASSENGER] Oh, my God.
Hold on, stay right here. Hold on.
[JAMES] Daddy, I'm scared.
- [PASSENGER] Oh, my God.
[PRESLEY] Dad, what's going on?
It's okay.
- Okay. [EXHALES]
- [PRESLEY] We gonna make it?
- [XAVIER] I got you.
- [JAMES] What was that?
- [PRESLEY] What's happening?
One of the planes went down.
I'm sorry.
[CLEARING THROAT] I've been told this
might break through to a cellphone.
You can use the liaison office.
[AIDE] Sir, you're needed
upstairs. It's the Joint Chiefs.
Mr. President, Freebird Two
went down with the pressure wave.
That's the Justices, Congress, Todd.
[CAL] General, what do you have?
[CURTLEIGH] Sir, as predicted,
several nuclear devices
have just launched, one
headed towards India,
and another targeting what we
believe will be Denver, Colorado.
Are they aiming for us?
- [CURTLEIGH] We don't know.
- You don't know?
[CURTLEIGH] Our intelligence
networks are breaking down, sir.
All we know is it's headed your way.
There have also been
two nuclear detonations
around the Mongolian
border. It's starting, sir.
That's why it's the
consensus of the Joint Chiefs
that we fire our arsenal.
Christ, at who?
[CURTLEIGH] All nuclear
powers, full-scale attack.
We must prevent any attack on
the bunker location at all costs.
It's our only chance for survival.
For those of us on this call.
What about everyone else out there?
[CURTLEIGH] Sir, we're not
saying this to spare ourselves.
Our plane isn't going to
make it to the bunker.
We took severe damage
from the pressure wave.
We're putting down outside St. Louis.
[ARMY GENERAL] Mr. President,
we do not come to this lightly.
That eruption is going to destroy
supply chains and crop production.
Every nation on the planet with
a military understands this.
And they will act to protect
themselves against possible incursions,
knowing that we will do the same.
[CURTLEIGH] Mr. President,
you must launch.
Once the ash cloud covers our skies,
we cannot guarantee launch capabilities.
Enter the code, sir, and we are a go.
Good luck, gentlemen. I'm
taking a second in my office.
When the team ran our scenario
through thousands of models,
it always told us the same thing.
Yeah, what was that?
The eruption of the
Antarctic super volcano
would lead to nuclear war.
[CAL] Lovely.
You know, when I became president,
the first thing I asked about,
hand to God, was the secrets.
Aliens, who killed JFK,
Bigfoot and there was nothing.
I mean, little things,
but really nothing.
I was so disappointed. But then
I was briefed on this little guy.
The nuclear football.
The device that allows
the commander-in-chief
to unilaterally launch
America's entire nuclear arsenal.
No two-person system.
Just me and the red codes.
I enter this, and we
are off to the races.
But basically everybody
knows about the football.
What nobody, except the president
knows, is what else it can do
if I enter the blue code.
Turns out, after the Cuban Missile
Crisis, some colonel had an idea
to create a switch,
an ultimate fail-safe.
A linked array of global EMPs
in satellites, submarines,
missiles, you name it
that would fry every
electronic circuit on Earth.
Microwaves, computers.
Even its own satellites.
But it would also disable the nukes,
maybe even in midair.
It's a switch that
would shut off the world.
Unfortunately, it would also
take the planet back 500 years.
But that was better
than the alternative
because it would give people a chance.
You can't be considering this.
- [CAPTAIN] Flight deck.
- [CAL] How long till we land?
- [CAPTAIN] Twenty minutes, Mr. President.
- Thank you.
Well, that should be
more than enough time.
It takes a while to shut
down the whole world.
With any luck, we'll be
in the mountain by then.
All those people will die anyway.
It's more humane to let
it happen in a bright flash
than to let them all starve
over the course of a year.
They need a chance.
We need a chance.
The bunker relies on outside
sensors for communication,
for the safety of the city, so that
we know when it's safe out there.
We will be blind. We will be vulnerable.
Samantha, I ain't
launching the missiles.
But I am gonna do this.
[SINATRA] Stop. Stop, stop! Please.
We are humanity's last hope.
Well, maybe the thing won't work.
That'll be all.
Agent Rainey.
If she doesn't move, shoot her.
- [TERI] Hello?
- Teri, it's me.
- Oh, my God. Where are you?
Where are you?
[TERI] Couldn't make it. I'm so sorry.
I tried, baby, I I even stole a car.
It's okay.
[TERI] The kids, are they safe?
They're safe. We're safe. Uh,
they're taking us somewhere safe.
- [TERI] Where?
Somewhere somewhere in Colorado.
[TERI] Baby, listen to
me, this might cut out.
- Hm?
- Tell them it's okay to be happy, okay?
That Mommy loves them,
whether I'm there or not.
I will, baby. I will. [SNIFFLING]
[TERI] Are you still there? Xavier?
Hey, I'm here. I'm here.
[TERI] Xavier.
- Xavier, can you hear me?
- Yeah, baby.
- [TERI] I'm scared, baby.
No. No, no, no, I'm with you.
Yeah. You feel me? I'm
I'm holding you right now.
[SNIFFLING] I'm protecting you, baby.
- I got you.
- [SOBBING] Okay. Okay.
I got you. [SNIFFLING]
Teri, can you hear me?
- [TERI] I loved every minute.
- Hey, Ter?
- [TERI] Promise me something.
- I love you, baby.
- [TERI] I love you too.
- I love you more than anything
on this planet, I love you
so much, Teri. I love you.
- [TERI] Me too, baby.
- I love you.
[TERI] Be a good father.
Be a good father.
Be a good father to them.
I guess it worked.
Nuclear holocaust was at
least partially avoided.
And no missiles hit Atlanta.
You can't know that for sure.
People are rebuilding,
finding ways to communicate.
[SURVIVOR 1] for a secondary
route to Denver, Colorado.
[SURVIVOR 2] large
area outside of Atlanta.
[TERI] I'm looking for my
husband, Xavier Collins.
My children, Presley and James.
They were heading for
a complex in Colorado.
Once again, my name is
Teri Rogers-Collins.
I'm here with other survivors
searching for our loved ones.
If you know the whereabouts
of Xavier Collins,
tell him I love him.
Where is she? How do I find her?
Let me just make one quick call,
then you can shoot me
to your heart's content.
[SINATRA] You might want
to check on your daughter.
Hey, Mark.
It's Xavier. Put Presley on the line.
[MARK] She's not here.
What'd you say?
[MARK] She's not here, man.
I don't know what happened.
I just checked the back
room and she's just gone.
The DNA from Cal's murder
didn't match anyone in the bunker.
It appears our killer
came from the outside.
What did you do to my daughter?
You will release my people.
You will return my arsenal of weapons,
and you will find out who
murdered the president,
and you will return this
place to fucking normal
if you ever wanna see your
daughter or your wife again.
Maybe I am a monster.
cannot divulge specifics,
but what we can tell you
is that we are preparing
for a massive catastrophe
that could cause an
extinction-level event for humanity
in the very near, very real future.
Listen, I know this all
sounds pretty far-fetched.
But you know when it
won't seem far-fetched?
In less than a decade, when a tsunami
plunges the entire eastern seaboard
of the United States underwater.
Marsha, you wanna come in here?
Xavier's gonna take me on a little walk.
minute Versailles is called,
you record the speech,
we're escorted down,
wait for confirmation
of the safest route to Joint
Base Andrews, then we're out.
Collins, I think it's time you
put your foot down with your wife.
Trips to Atlanta are not as
risk-free as they used to be.
My wife hasn't listened
to me for 20 years, sir.
I guess we'll just have to
go pick her up from there.
Don't go.
I love you, baby.
See you in 10 days.
Your wife is alive out there, Xavier.
And if you stop all this nonsense
I can help you find her.
[ANNOUNCER] And now, Bill Roberts
reporting from the United Nations.
[BILL ROBERTS] The curtain goes up
in what is hoped to be the final act
of the nearly two-week-long drama
that is the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Today, Ambassador Adlai Stevenson
addressed the United
Nations Security Council.
[ADLAI STEVENSON] This resolution
calls as an interim measure
under Article 40 of the charter
for the immediate dismantling
and withdrawal from Cuba of all
missile and other offensive weapons.
[BILL] Leaders around the world
rejoiced as a peaceful solution
I didn't know you'd come home.
We got intelligence an hour ago.
The Soviet sub that
was loaded with nukes
was out of contact with Moscow.
The one that turned around?
Apparently, its last orders were
to launch all missiles if cornered.
The captain made the
decision not to, on his own.
It's gonna happen again,
Miriam. It's goddamn inevitable.
What if the wrong person's
at the controls next time?
What if the wrong person
decides not to turn around?
[MIRIAM] You're tired.
Come to bed.
You can't save the world tonight.
[SOFTLY] Okay. Okay.
Didn't you hear what I said?
- Your wife is alive.
- Bullshit.
I'm not playing your games.
- It's not bullshit, Agent Collins.
- Everything was destroyed.
It's a nuclear winter out there.
Which is exactly what
we thought, initially.
The expedition, the
four that didn't return.
They didn't die because
of the environment.
They died because they were bringing
a survivor back to the bunker.
Which I ordered them
not to do, by the way.
And it was gonna open
a whole can of worms,
and so I had to take care of them.
My God, could I sound any
more like a Bond villain?
I swear I'm not a monster.
Interesting how people who swear
they aren't monsters usually are.
The expedition set up
shortwave transmitters
so that we could communicate
while they were outside.
Transmitters are still active,
and I've been listening.
- My name is Cameron Middleton
of Zanesville, Ohio.
If Carla or Joseph
Middleton are listening,
please tell them I'm headed
for the Colorado Bunker Com
for safe passages to Colorado.
- Western Kansas is irradiated.
[SURVIVOR 2] Forming a
community south of Paso Robles.
If you're listening, several
members plan to set up camp there.
[SINATRA] People are alive.
And they're looking for us, and I
believe your wife is one of them.
Don't Don't you fucking dare.
She was in Atlanta, it was a
direct hit. It was unsurvivable.
The president did something
that day, Agent Collins.
- Something you don't know about.
- Not true, I was with him.
I was with him that whole
fucking horrible day.
- You don't know everything that happened.
- I was there!
I was there.
[BOB WOODRUFF] [ON TV] This is our
continuing coverage of the situation
that started in Antarctica and is
causing unprecedented destruction
and chaos around the globe.
Here's what we do know right
now. Just over three hours ago,
what scientists are calling
a massive mega-caldera,
or super volcano, erupted
under the Antarctic ice sheet,
expelling millions of tons
of ash into the atmosphere.
The force of the explosion
shattered large portions
of the ice shelf, instantly melting
trillions of gallons of water
and triggering a tsunami
that is hurdling northward
at nearly 600 miles an hour.
- Most disturbingly, some reports
indicate the wave may
be as high as 300 feet.
In an unprecedented move,
the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
has put all coastal areas of the
United States on a tsunami watch
with estimated landfall
at Key West in two hours,
and the nation's capital in five.
- [BOB] [ON TV] Adding to the chaos
and the confusion is a
stock market in freefall
Xavier, did you hear
that? D.C. in five hours.
[BOB] Nationwide cell phone
and internet outages
- Xavier.
- Hm?
- [BOB] as networks are overrun
- Are you guys here because of this?
Why are you two stationed
outside the cabinet room door?
Don't ask me, ma'am.
This is my third day here.
- Uh, is this not normal, sir?
Marsha, we're just
doing what we're told.
I have no additional information.
- [STAFFER] That's Melbourne?
- [BOB] The death toll
- is expected to be in the hundreds
- Nancy's family lives there.
- [ON PHONE] Ashbridge Preparatory.
Can you give me 20 seconds?
Hi, Denise, this is Xavier Collins
again. I'm just calling to reiterate
- [DENISE] We're a little busy, Xavier.
- No, I know. I know.
But how important it is that James
and Presley stay near Jeremy Bradford.
- [DENISE] You told me this before.
- I know. I'm sorry.
But someone will be coming to get them.
You know, actually, if you could just
give them their phones so I could talk.
- Calls keep dropping.
- [DENISE] Goodbye, Mr. Collins.
[REPORTER] [ON TV] And what
is especially alarming
- Xavier, talk to me.
- Hm.
What do you know? The cabinet gathered
like there's some
kind of plan in motion,
and I heard the word "Versailles."
Marsha, I swear I would tell you.
I mean, do I need to pick
Edward up from daycare?
- He's got health issues.
Talk to him.
The the president, I have been
with him since his Senate campaign.
- Edward can't be left alone, okay?
- I will talk to him.
I will tell you
everything that I find out.
Out of the way. VP coming through.
- Classified!
- Sorry, sir.
Mr. Vice President, I need
a moment with the president
- if you don't
- You're kidding me.
[SPEAKER] communication with our
Russia's gone dark. Completely dark.
Thank you, Henry, we know.
Why don't you have a seat?
Take a breather, and maybe a Valium.
Joint Chiefs were just
walking us through it.
- General Curtleigh.
- Yes, sir.
As the vice president noted, Russia
isn't picking up the red line.
We're still trying to confirm
if the Svoboda Group coup
d'etat was successful.
- Indications are that it was.
- CIA can confirm that.
We also have confirmations
of troop mobilization
to the Chinese border along
the Argun and Amur Rivers
and Western Mongolia.
It feels like they're setting
up for a land grab, sir.
And since we don't know all the players
except for the Svoboda Group leader
Cherkin. Unpredictable.
- Ruthless.
- Which I was about to say.
It is the recommendation
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
that we move to DEFCON 3.
This will set the Air Force
readiness envelope to 15 minutes.
Christ. Okay, anything else?
The UN Security Council
is convening in two hours.
NATO countries have been reaching out.
Two hours. We lose Florida in two hours!
I've said that before, but it
was about the electoral college.
I mean, how bad is it?
I wanna know. I mean, I know it's bad.
But honestly, is this it? Is it?
Half the world leaders we're talking to
say it's the end of the
world, the others don't.
The Tories in England say
the volcano's too far away
for them to be affected by it,
and they live on a fucking island.
It will most certainly affect them, sir.
This appears to be it, Mr. President.
It's what we've been preparing for.
[HENRY BAINES] What about Australia?
Anyone on the horn with Melbourne?
I can't get anything.
Melbourne is gone. Sorry, Henry.
Nancy's entire family.
As is Sydney. All coastal cities.
New Zealand, gone.
Argentina, apart from the
mountain regions, effectively gone.
Chile, South Africa. Need I go on?
- We need to make the call.
- Okay, where are my nerds?
Scientists, come on, step to.
You said we'd have warning!
Days or weeks, if this
was the real thing.
What the fuck happened?
Mr. President, we
thought we'd have warning,
but this happened faster
than the worst-case scenario
- in all of our modeling.
- [CAL BRADFORD] Bunch of bullshit.
- Come on.
- We calculated that there'd be 10 days
from first seismic activity to eruption,
- but we had minutes.
- We are not making the wrong call here.
Move us to DEFCON 3.
Around the horn, go or
no go for Versailles.
- [CHIEF OF STAFF] Joint Chiefs.
- [CHIEF OF STAFF] Homeland Security.
Jesus Christ, we know our fucking
titles, just give me your answers.
I'm calling Versailles.
So, right now, a a large wave
is is approaching Ind-Indonesia.
Soon, it'll head to the
southern coast of India.
So, Dr. Louge, when do
you think this will stop?
When it's done.
After rolling up to the North Pole
and echoing back down to Antarctica,
maybe a dozen more times.
Anything under 300 feet above sea level
- will be inundated.
- You're not thinking about this correctly.
- Oh, my God.
- [DR. LOUGE] [ON TV] It's not a wave.
- The Antarctic ice sheet accounts
- [CAL] Marsha.
My family's gonna be calling,
make sure you put them through.
- [MARSHA] Yes, Mr. President.
- Sir, can I have a minute?
It's a go for Versailles.
Ryan, on me.
[DR. LOUGE] So, when it's
done, that's when it will end.
of the billionaire bunker complex
- in Colorado continue to rise
- [CURATOR] Priority list only.
Are they taking down paintings?
Boss, what the hell is Versailles?
Is there anything I need to do?
[XAVIER] Your job as briefed.
I'm on Wildcat, you're on me.
- Mr. President.
- Gotta get this tie off me.
- It's too fucking cheerful.
- [VOICEMAIL] Hi, this is Dr. Teri
- You know, I once read that neckties
date back to Serbian mercenaries
in the 1600s or some shit.
[ASSISTANT] Just do your job.
Alright? See if you can find
Okay, let's go blue. It's
a little more calming.
Alright, steps, what's
next? Walk me through it.
You record the speech,
uh, we move down to PEOC.
And when it's time, board
Marine One to Joint Base Andrews.
- After that, I don't know.
- Are we going somewhere?
- Sir, if I may, I just need a word.
- Okay.
[BOB] We now take it to
our colleague Rebecca
in Jakarta right now, where the
wave is due to hit at any moment.
- Is that correct?
- That is correct, Bob.
- What you can't see is the water line,
which is just beyond the city lights,
has receded well over
three miles out to sea.
You think that's a safe
place for you to be?
We're on top of a 20-story building
on the north shore of the
island, so we should
- [BOB] Oh, my God.
- [REBECCA] Oh, wow.
- [BOB] You okay?
I don't know if you can hear that.
We just got hit with a massive
high-pressure sound wave
that has been preceding the tsunami
and wreaking havoc with air traffic
- throughout the southern hemisphere.
- It's quite painful, and
[SPEAKER] What's going on?
- [REBECCA] What is that?
Oh, my God! Get away from the edge!
- Get away from
Did we just did we just lose her?
- [CAL] My God.
- [BOB] We lost Rebecca.
Can we get back to her?
- Can we get back to her?
- What's happening?
- [PRESLEY COLLINS] Daddy, what's going on?
They're moving a few
of us to another room.
I think the president's kid.
Good. Is James with you?
- [PRESLEY] Yeah.
- Good.
He is not to leave your
sight, do you understand me?
- This is not a game.
- [PRESLEY] Okay.
You do not let go of his hand,
and you do not lose sight of
Jeremy Bradford, promise me.
[PRESLEY] I promise. Where's Mom?
- I'm working on that.
- [PRESLEY] Daddy, people are freaking out.
Mrs. Johnson fell in the stairs,
and I don't think she's okay.
Hey, listen to me. There's a plan.
You're gonna be fine, they're
gonna take you to an airport,
I'll see you there. So will Mom, okay?
- Shit.
[MARSHA] A plan?
What airport? What do you know?
- Have you talked to Cal?
- A little.
- More soon, okay? Ryan!
- Xavier.
- [MARSHA] Xavier?
- Head in the game, man.
Guard the door.
[BOB] [ON TV] The scale of
this case is much greater
[CAL] "Remain calm, 'cause
the tsunami moves fast,
but fear moves faster."
I mean, isn't this a little optimistic?
It's important to keep the calm.
This reads like we're prepping
people for a goddamn snowstorm.
- When does this go out?
- Recording won't air
until after we evacuate to Andrews.
I'll lead the press corps to
believe it's broadcasting live
- when we play it back.
- Yeah, I don't know, guys.
It's important we keep to
the plan. Keep people calm.
Lose the "strength and
resilience," repeat to the end.
- That pays off the whole structure.
- Riley, really? Today?
- Fine.
- Okay. Come on.
How fast can you turn
around the changes?
Did you see that fucking wave?
My family?
About to load up to Andrews as we speak.
Yeah. Okay.
- People!
- I'd like the room, please.
Sir, we're on a timetable.
I'll be ready to record in two.
Alright, folks, that's
a real two minutes.
"Remain calm, top priority at this time,
ensure public safety
Shoes off, please.
- Sir.
- That's the first thing I ever said to you
when we met right here in
this office, and you did it.
It was so cute. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]
It's like a reenactment of that day.
Sir, Teri is still in Atlanta.
- They had her on the first flight out
- Jesus.
but the FAA grounded
everything, which I just found out
because the cell phone
towers are overrun.
Calls are dropping, not getting through,
so I didn't know for
like the last 10 minutes.
- Xavier, calm down.
- And now, she's stuck there.
And, um, you said that you
were gonna get her a plane.
[CAL] Agent Collins, calm down.
Where are your kids?
[XAVIER] At school.
I think with your son.
Okay, then they're right
where they need to be.
They're gonna get picked up
with the other Versailles kids.
- You're gonna see 'em on the plane, okay?
- Okay.
- And Teri?
let's get this done!
Just like magic.
Talk to General Curtleigh.
He'll get her here.
[XAVIER] Thank you, sir.
Oh shit.
[CURTLEIGH] just picked
up over Chinese airspace?
Dr. Teri Rogers-Collins
- And that's smoke in the air, for sure?
- We're working on it.
- We need confirmation now.
- General Curtleigh, sir.
- A little busy.
- The president said I should talk to you.
- Make it fast.
- My wife was on a plane that was grounded.
The president said that
you could get her here,
- and I'm certainly hoping it's possible
- Facts only. Where?
[SIGHS] Atlanta airport.
- She's on the list for Versailles?
- Yes, sir.
Dobbins ARB.
- Go with him.
- Yes, sir, thank you.
She needs to get to
Dobbins Air Reserve Base.
It's 25 miles from Hartsfield-Jackson.
- She have a car?
- I don't know.
- Her name?
- Teri Rogers-Collins.
- She'll have gate clearance.
The last transport is
wheels-up, one hour 15.
- Get her there.
- Thank you, sir.
I need you push a clearance
through at Dobbins.
[PRODUCER] Settle.
[XAVIER] That's too long.
Have Tompkins cover me
at the Oval door, now.
- What do you need?
- You're on point, kid's on you.
POTUS is recording. I'm back in five.
[PRODUCER] And recording.
My fellow Americans, as
you are undoubtedly aware,
a catastrophe has befallen
the southern hemisphere.
And while the images from that
part of the world are unsettling,
it's important we remain calm,
because a tsunami moves
fast, but fear moves faster.
This will be a challenging moment.
We believe that the damage from
the weather event will be extensive.
[SPEAKER] Also suggesting a
bunker complex in the upper Alps.
- [TIKTOK CREATOR] This is crazy, man.
- Yeah, my sister got one last week
- Garcia.
Can you believe this shit, X?
And why'd you pull Tompkins? I need her.
Give me the fastest route
to Dobbins Air Reserve Base
- from Hartsfield-Jackson.
- [GARCIA] Fastest?
- The roads are a wreck.
- It's for Teri, it's her only way out.
On it.
- [VOICEMAIL] Hi, this is Dr. Teri
- [GARCIA] Boss.
- What you got?
- Tell her to take Route 6
to Route 5 to Marietta,
stay off all freeways.
Should take 45 minutes.
- Good man.
- And send back Tompkins.
- She's coordinating the choppers.
- Yeah.
[CAL] The United States has weathered
many great challenges in the past
and has always come through stronger.
This will be no exception.
When the dust clears
from this tragic day,
we will go forward, as Americans,
as a beacon of strength
in a sometimes dark world.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
Get this shit off of me.
Alright, clear the room! Move it!
Sir, we have confirmation
of multiple interceptor
clusters laddering down
across the Russo-Chinese border.
Guys, I was an English Lit major.
Russia and China exchanged fire,
both air and ground
across multiple fronts.
Intelligence also indicates both
sides are prepping nuclear action.
This is not unexpected.
As briefed, governments will begin
securing resources for what comes next.
Tide rises, the tide falls.
Yes, sir. There have
also been explosions
at two air bases in Denmark,
seemingly from inbound
conventional missiles.
- From who?
- We don't know.
But Denmark being NATO,
if they invoke Article 5
[CURTLEIGH] We recommend
moving to DEFCON 2, sir.
speed up evac to Andrews.
[MR. MARKLEY] [ON TV] They've
been expecting seismic activity
down there for well over two years.
[DR. LOUGE] Thanks to our
continued carbon emission.
Oh, so now volcanoes are man-made too?
Rising global temperatures lessened
ice mass over the Antarctic.
We know from history,
our actions allowed the cork to pop.
So, yes, I would say we
played a fucking role.
[BOB] Alright, we can
we can keep it clean.
We don't need that kinda language.
[DR. LOUGE] Oh, we don't need
that kinda language, Bob?
- I'll wait for a real disaster
to say "fuck," or "shit," or "tits."
- You know, Mr. Markley
your oil company checks
will be meaningless
- [XAVIER] Teri.
- [TERI] Thank God, I've been trying.
- Where are you?
- [TERI] Outside the airport.
- A bunch of us are walking.
- Listen to me, listen.
Um, you need to get to
Dobbins Air Reserve Base.
- [TERI] Okay, but I don't have
- Just listen to me. Listen to me.
I sent you the map. You take
Route 6 till it meets Route 5,
and take that to Marietta,
right? No freeways.
They'll have your name at the
gate, and they'll fly you here.
You have just over an hour.
It should be enough time.
- Repeat it back to me.
Route 6 to Route 5 to
Marietta. But but Xavier
No, but no freeways.
- [TERI] I don't have a car.
- Steal one.
- [TERI] Xavier, how am I
- Ter
- [BOB] bring you some breaking news
- in Los Angeles, a record
and catastrophic
magnitude 8.9 earthquake
has hit the sprawling metropolis.
We are seeing some images of
destruction from the ground.
I'm being told the I-10
freeway has collapsed
What the fuck is going on? It's
like the world's coming apart.
- Back to the door.
- [BOB] ordered to evacuate
just hours ago, are now stranded.
Back to Garcia, thanks.
[BOB] We'll we'll
try to provide updates
- as this story develops.
- I need your help.
[BOB] Dr. Louge, this
is an unprecedented
Please. I know the
president is helping you,
and I don't care about myself.
I need you to save Edward.
My sister is dropping
him off with his meds.
- Get him to safety.
- [BOB] Is there more to come?
- [DR. LOUGE] The real issue
- [MARSHA] Promise me.
[DR. LOUGE] millions
of tons of volcanic ash,
still bursting into our stratosphere,
which will encircle the globe
It's gonna be okay.
[DR. LOUGE] Now, that means no crops
- [SOFTLY] Thank you.
[DR. LOUGE] no food,
never-ending winter.
- [BOB] What happens then?
- I don't know.
Why don't you ask a fucking dinosaur?
Are we on, Bob? Is
is it just me here?
No, we're on. We're gonna remain on,
as the decision really has been
made by the, the brave women and men
in this newsroom to continue our
broadcast for as long as we can.
Clear a path.
[BOB] Dr. Louge, you have
been researching this
- Agent Xavier Collins?
- Yes, ma'am.
Special Agent Robinson,
in charge of evac.
I'm Agent Ryan Noble. I'm new.
Agent Collins, after you've
escorted the president to PEOC,
the others will come down in
shifts. You'll await my orders
- to move to Marine One, understood?
- Agent Collins, am I boring you?
- No, ma'am.
Escort Wildcat to PEOC, shifts,
await orders. Understood.
Uh, and what about me?
- You'll stay here guarding the door.
- [XAVIER] Mr. President.
This way.
- Give me a second.
- Sir.
Sir, we need to move, now.
[XAVIER] Ryan, Rainey, perimeter.
- Mr. President, I need to get you to PEOC.
- Excuse me.
It's Jeffrey, right?
Mr. President, you know my name?
Everyone knows your name. You've
been here for nine administrations.
Can I ask what you're doing?
Making my rounds as best I can.
People been leaving
kind of a mess today.
I guess they're all distracted.
And you're not?
It looks bad, but when
you get to be my age
[CHUCKLES] you kind
of seen it all before.
Been here for 9/11, war, pandemics.
- Things always go back to normal.
- Mr. President, I must insist.
I think you should call your family.
- It's different this time.
With all respect, sir,
I've heard that before.
I'm seeing them for my
granddaughter's birthday tomorrow.
I'll talk to 'em then.
Thank you, sir.
This is not right.
This isn't right. We
gotta go back to the Oval.
- That is not the plan.
- I don't give a shit about the plan.
I want you to put me
on TV right now, live.
Non-essentials, stay here!
- Ryan, Rainey!
- Goddamn it!
Agent Janusz, you, hold your positions.
do you plan to say, sir?
I'm gonna be honest with them.
Pre-recorded speech was horseshit,
and we are not airing it!
You understand me?
People deserve to know
what's really happening.
They need a chance to say goodbye.
Quick, we gotta go!
Is the equipment still up?
Yes, but please don't do this, sir.
We need to we need
to stick to the plan.
We need to keep the
calm. Listen, sir. Cal!
Get your fucking hands off
me and put me on TV right now.
Shit! Erica, alert the networks.
Mr. President, you
do not leave that room
until I get back, is that understood?
Sir, make sure all interior side
doors to the Oval are locked.
- Weapons ready, you're cleared hot.
- Sir?
Things might escalate.
Stay calm. I'll be right back.
[PRESS SECRETARY] He's going live now.
- All of them. All of them.
- [XAVIER] Rainey!
- You Versailles?
- I am.
- Assume you are too?
- Affirmative.
Come on, baby, pick up.
[VOICEMAIL] Hi, this
is Dr. Teri Rogers
We got about five minutes before
the president starts talking.
[RAINEY] You think this is
gonna turn into a frenzy?
It's already been a frenzy. It's
about to become a fucking riot.
No, no, please. I
don't need any of that.
Or lighting, or equipment.
Just put me on air as quick as you can.
And a cup of coffee, please.
Sure could use a cup of coffee.
Roger that. He's clear to enter.
- Back to you in two.
- Commander Hunter is Versailles too.
- Who?
- Guy with the football.
- What about Garcia?
- No idea.
Let's get moving.
It has been an honor
serving you, Mr. President.
The honor is mine, John.
- Best fucking hamburgers I've ever had.
[PRODUCER] Okay, we're 30 seconds out.
[REPORTER] We are less than a minute
from the president
addressing the nation.
- We were alerted earlier
- [XAVIER] Excuse me.
- [REPORTER] About 40 minutes from now
- Is that for me?
No one gets in.
[REPORTER] Meanwhile, sources
are reporting that Marine One
and other helicopters are
hovering above the South Lawn
[REPORTER] F22 Raptors
are circling the air space
above the Capitol.
[PRODUCER] And we're live in three
My fellow Americans
I know you're aware of
the situation we now face.
And I wanna tell you the truth.
Our modeling
shows imminent worldwide
disaster, including here at home.
I'm telling you this so
that you can make decisions
based on where you
want to be right now
and who you want to be with.
This position that I have held
I didn't always want it.
Most certainly didn't always like it.
But it has
It's provided me access to
people all over this country.
And one thing has constantly
struck me as true.
That despite all the
ugliness in our world
despite our tendency
to focus on the grotesque,
and the conflict.
Despite all of that
are inherently decent.
You love your families,
your parents, your children.
[AGENT] Let's go. This way!
And I hope we can find that
decency and that love now.
And if I may be so bold.
To all of you watching,
who have meant something
to me personally
too many to name
I just want to say I love you.
God bless you and good luck.
[PRODUCER] We're out.
[ROBINSON] Here we go.
[RAINEY] On me.
[BOB] Now, what hope does
humanity have to survive?
- Excuse us.
- Wait a minute.
I'm sorry, everyone.
Mr. President, my sister
is here with Edward.
They're at the gate,
so I'm gonna go get him.
- Marsha.
- [BOB] We have to do better.
I've been with you since the beginning.
You told me everything
was gonna be okay.
I wish I could say something that
would make this better, but I can't.
I can't offer you safety.
You can stay here if you want,
but the truth is it's not gonna help.
Nothing is. Go home.
- And where are you going?
- [RAINEY] Hey, hey, back off.
- [MARSHA] How long did you know?
- People, this is the cold reality.
We need to ask for those willing
to keep the White House secure
- until we can all get out.
- Continue to evacuate everyone,
but right now, your duty is
to keep the president safe.
- Where are you?
- What about us, Todd?
- Huh? What about all of us?!
- Back off!
- Calm down.
I need you to calm down,
okay? Let's move him now!
- [ROBINSON] Come on. Come on.
- [XAVIER] Okay? Hey.
[ROBINSON] Let's go.
Down the hall! Come on!
You promised me.
The blood of my baby is
gonna be on your hands.
I couldn't do anything about
it, Marsha, understand that.
- You promised me.
- I'm really sorry.
[XAVIER] Hey. Hey. Don't!
Come on, come on.
Forget the groups. Load in Wildcat.
Inside. Come on. Come on.
Go to the next one.
- Cover them.
- Alright, let's go.
Stay where you are!
- Don't make me shoot.
- Thanks, Cal, I enjoyed that.
- Fuck you.
- It was the right thing to do.
- We're not out of this yet.
Marine One took hits, then peeled off.
- Hits from who?
- Don't know, sir.
People are surging onto the South Lawn.
There's a CAT Team waiting.
You will load into the first
gunship, then take off immediately.
I'll go back up for the
others. Do not wait for us.
Prepare for live fire. Go!
Ryan, hold this.
Mr. President, put this on.
- Yeah.
- Open the door.
[XAVIER] Move!
[AGENT] Keep them back!
Go! Go!
- The football!
- Shit.
Here you go.
[DISPATCH] has been secured.
You're cleared for takeoff.
- No.
- No, no, no, there's room.
Your orders are to stay here.
No, I'm going where you're going.
You can't.
I'm going where you're going!
- Ryan.
What the fuck?! He
wasn't gonna shoot me!
Do your fucking job, Agent!
Go! Go! Let the other choppers land!
Up! Up! Hoist up that chopper, let's go!
Freebird One, say again,
Congress, Justices, Freebird Two,
Cabinet, Joint Chiefs,
others, Freebird One.
[SOLDIER] Let's go! Let's go!
Move! Let's go!
[CAL] Agent Collins!
I have to get her somehow.
[CAL] Come on, man, your
kids are onboard. Let's go.
She's alone.
I don't know where she is.
I don't know who she's with.
It's an impossible situation.
I'm sorry.
I can't get on that plane without her.
Xavier, look at me.
Your kids need you. I need you.
Let's go.
When did you know she
wasn't gonna make it?
When you told me she
was still in Atlanta.
She was there because she
didn't know what was coming.
- Why didn't you tell me what was coming?
- I tried.
- No. You hinted!
- I did, I tried.
Right? You danced around.
There was no urgency.
We didn't know how fast
it was gonna escalate.
- Right, but I see your family is here.
- No.
I would have kept her close!
I would have prepared.
People would have prepared.
But instead, you played this game.
- I did my best.
- Your best?
- Yes, in an impossible situation.
- Oh, you think you're brave
because you told
everybody that the world
- was ending 10 minutes ago.
- There were no easy options, Xavier.
- Listen to me.
- You should have told us all
- 10 years ago.
- The world is falling apart!
- Look at what's happening.
- This is not my fault.
Look at what you let happen!
That's enough!
If you don't want a seat on that plane,
there's roughly eight billion people
on this planet who will fucking take it.
Your wife is gone, and I'm sorry,
but you need to process that.
And go be with your children,
because they just lost their mother.
Sir, we have to go.
- Are you coming or not?
- I don't know what to do.
Yeah, you do.
[ATTENDANT] Each of you have been
given a packet of information
and a wrist device that is
paired specifically to you.
We'll be taking off for
Colorado momentarily.
- Daddy.
- Daddy.
I thought you didn't make it.
[XAVIER] No, no, I'm here.
- Stand up.
- [JAMES COLLINS] Where's Mommy?
[PRESLEY] Is she okay?
[JAMES] Where's Mommy? Where's Mom?
[CAPTAIN] Ladies and
gentlemen, brace yourselves.
We're about to encounter the
high-pressure sound waves.
Alright, man, go get in the
seat. Put on your seatbelt.
- [PASSENGER] Oh, my God.
Hold on, stay right here. Hold on.
[JAMES] Daddy, I'm scared.
- [PASSENGER] Oh, my God.
[PRESLEY] Dad, what's going on?
It's okay.
- Okay. [EXHALES]
- [PRESLEY] We gonna make it?
- [XAVIER] I got you.
- [JAMES] What was that?
- [PRESLEY] What's happening?
One of the planes went down.
I'm sorry.
[CLEARING THROAT] I've been told this
might break through to a cellphone.
You can use the liaison office.
[AIDE] Sir, you're needed
upstairs. It's the Joint Chiefs.
Mr. President, Freebird Two
went down with the pressure wave.
That's the Justices, Congress, Todd.
[CAL] General, what do you have?
[CURTLEIGH] Sir, as predicted,
several nuclear devices
have just launched, one
headed towards India,
and another targeting what we
believe will be Denver, Colorado.
Are they aiming for us?
- [CURTLEIGH] We don't know.
- You don't know?
[CURTLEIGH] Our intelligence
networks are breaking down, sir.
All we know is it's headed your way.
There have also been
two nuclear detonations
around the Mongolian
border. It's starting, sir.
That's why it's the
consensus of the Joint Chiefs
that we fire our arsenal.
Christ, at who?
[CURTLEIGH] All nuclear
powers, full-scale attack.
We must prevent any attack on
the bunker location at all costs.
It's our only chance for survival.
For those of us on this call.
What about everyone else out there?
[CURTLEIGH] Sir, we're not
saying this to spare ourselves.
Our plane isn't going to
make it to the bunker.
We took severe damage
from the pressure wave.
We're putting down outside St. Louis.
[ARMY GENERAL] Mr. President,
we do not come to this lightly.
That eruption is going to destroy
supply chains and crop production.
Every nation on the planet with
a military understands this.
And they will act to protect
themselves against possible incursions,
knowing that we will do the same.
[CURTLEIGH] Mr. President,
you must launch.
Once the ash cloud covers our skies,
we cannot guarantee launch capabilities.
Enter the code, sir, and we are a go.
Good luck, gentlemen. I'm
taking a second in my office.
When the team ran our scenario
through thousands of models,
it always told us the same thing.
Yeah, what was that?
The eruption of the
Antarctic super volcano
would lead to nuclear war.
[CAL] Lovely.
You know, when I became president,
the first thing I asked about,
hand to God, was the secrets.
Aliens, who killed JFK,
Bigfoot and there was nothing.
I mean, little things,
but really nothing.
I was so disappointed. But then
I was briefed on this little guy.
The nuclear football.
The device that allows
the commander-in-chief
to unilaterally launch
America's entire nuclear arsenal.
No two-person system.
Just me and the red codes.
I enter this, and we
are off to the races.
But basically everybody
knows about the football.
What nobody, except the president
knows, is what else it can do
if I enter the blue code.
Turns out, after the Cuban Missile
Crisis, some colonel had an idea
to create a switch,
an ultimate fail-safe.
A linked array of global EMPs
in satellites, submarines,
missiles, you name it
that would fry every
electronic circuit on Earth.
Microwaves, computers.
Even its own satellites.
But it would also disable the nukes,
maybe even in midair.
It's a switch that
would shut off the world.
Unfortunately, it would also
take the planet back 500 years.
But that was better
than the alternative
because it would give people a chance.
You can't be considering this.
- [CAPTAIN] Flight deck.
- [CAL] How long till we land?
- [CAPTAIN] Twenty minutes, Mr. President.
- Thank you.
Well, that should be
more than enough time.
It takes a while to shut
down the whole world.
With any luck, we'll be
in the mountain by then.
All those people will die anyway.
It's more humane to let
it happen in a bright flash
than to let them all starve
over the course of a year.
They need a chance.
We need a chance.
The bunker relies on outside
sensors for communication,
for the safety of the city, so that
we know when it's safe out there.
We will be blind. We will be vulnerable.
Samantha, I ain't
launching the missiles.
But I am gonna do this.
[SINATRA] Stop. Stop, stop! Please.
We are humanity's last hope.
Well, maybe the thing won't work.
That'll be all.
Agent Rainey.
If she doesn't move, shoot her.
- [TERI] Hello?
- Teri, it's me.
- Oh, my God. Where are you?
Where are you?
[TERI] Couldn't make it. I'm so sorry.
I tried, baby, I I even stole a car.
It's okay.
[TERI] The kids, are they safe?
They're safe. We're safe. Uh,
they're taking us somewhere safe.
- [TERI] Where?
Somewhere somewhere in Colorado.
[TERI] Baby, listen to
me, this might cut out.
- Hm?
- Tell them it's okay to be happy, okay?
That Mommy loves them,
whether I'm there or not.
I will, baby. I will. [SNIFFLING]
[TERI] Are you still there? Xavier?
Hey, I'm here. I'm here.
[TERI] Xavier.
- Xavier, can you hear me?
- Yeah, baby.
- [TERI] I'm scared, baby.
No. No, no, no, I'm with you.
Yeah. You feel me? I'm
I'm holding you right now.
[SNIFFLING] I'm protecting you, baby.
- I got you.
- [SOBBING] Okay. Okay.
I got you. [SNIFFLING]
Teri, can you hear me?
- [TERI] I loved every minute.
- Hey, Ter?
- [TERI] Promise me something.
- I love you, baby.
- [TERI] I love you too.
- I love you more than anything
on this planet, I love you
so much, Teri. I love you.
- [TERI] Me too, baby.
- I love you.
[TERI] Be a good father.
Be a good father.
Be a good father to them.
I guess it worked.
Nuclear holocaust was at
least partially avoided.
And no missiles hit Atlanta.
You can't know that for sure.
People are rebuilding,
finding ways to communicate.
[SURVIVOR 1] for a secondary
route to Denver, Colorado.
[SURVIVOR 2] large
area outside of Atlanta.
[TERI] I'm looking for my
husband, Xavier Collins.
My children, Presley and James.
They were heading for
a complex in Colorado.
Once again, my name is
Teri Rogers-Collins.
I'm here with other survivors
searching for our loved ones.
If you know the whereabouts
of Xavier Collins,
tell him I love him.
Where is she? How do I find her?
Let me just make one quick call,
then you can shoot me
to your heart's content.
[SINATRA] You might want
to check on your daughter.
Hey, Mark.
It's Xavier. Put Presley on the line.
[MARK] She's not here.
What'd you say?
[MARK] She's not here, man.
I don't know what happened.
I just checked the back
room and she's just gone.
The DNA from Cal's murder
didn't match anyone in the bunker.
It appears our killer
came from the outside.
What did you do to my daughter?
You will release my people.
You will return my arsenal of weapons,
and you will find out who
murdered the president,
and you will return this
place to fucking normal
if you ever wanna see your
daughter or your wife again.
Maybe I am a monster.