Paradise City (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

The Best Thing He Ever Created

-I'm not mad that I had
to come out here.
I'm mad that you're trying
to hold them up for money.
-I think you might just
be falling in love
with you and little
Faith Sarah Faust.
-What happens if
we keep Faith?
-I have no idea.
-If you don't mind
me saying,
it must be exciting to be
in the public eye all the time.
Do you enjoy it?
-Are you upset about the photo
of Johnny and Lily
at the Rainbow?
-I don't know
what you're talking about.
-Lily's out.
-Fucking joke.
-A million and a half.
I don't get bought out,
that's just to
tell the fans I quit.
-We need Fritz added to
Hit Parader festival.
-Look, I'm not going to force
my band to do something
they don't want to do just
because you told me to.
-I'm going to quit
this shit show right now.
-Maybe you can go work with
your little buddy Simon.
-Why, because
a bunch of teenagers
blew your miserable ass
off stage?
That's why he's my little buddy?
Fucking hater.
-You know that little blues bar
down closer to the city?
They just lost their
liquor license, so
they won't be able to survive
being 21 and up anymore.
-Let us help you keep
your place open.
-Got yourself a deal.
-Thank you so much.
-We got every demand.
-From the bridge, Johnny.
The bridge we gonna burn.
Sing it to her face.
Lily, don't you be shy.
-Can you believe
the outcome ♪
Now I'm asking you,
God, how come? ♪
-What's up, Virginia,
make some noise!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are
the Federal Empire,
and we're going to be
playing you guys a song
called "What Are We
Fighting For".
-If you know it,
sing along.
Come on, make some more noise,
let's go.

This isn't a game, yeah
When mothers are crying
Watching their children
die in vain ♪
I'm praying for peace now
I saw all the conflict
Somehow there's got
to be a change ♪
No one wins when people die
Doesn't matter which side
Love will never
make it out alive ♪
What are we fighting for?
I don't know why ♪
An eye for an eye will
leave the whole world blind ♪
What are we fighting for?
I don't know why ♪
What are we fighting for?
I don't know why ♪
Money, religion or
power all the time ♪
What are we fighting for?
I don't know why ♪
We love you, Virginia!
-Thank you.
-Of course.
Okay, I'll be right back.
Great show, thank you so much.
-Thank you.
Hey, great show, Simon.
Thank you so much.
-Yeah, of course, man.
-We're going to go down
the street, get a drink.
Do you want to join us?
-Oh, no, I've got some
stuff to finish up here.
-I'll go with ya.
-Yeah? Right on. You cool?
The gear's cool?
-Yeah, I'll be here.
-Right on. Thank you so much.
-Good show, you guys.
Later, Frankie.
-Man, you really gaining
some momentum
with these hot new acts.
-Doing my best.
-Your pops put you in
on this action?
-How do you know
who my dad is?
-Come on, man.
I did my research on you.
Plus, that last name is
a little too uncommon
for this to be a coincidence.
-I've never met him.
-Well, you seem to be doing
all right without him.
Plus, you in good company.
Jack Nicholson and LeBron James
didn't know theirs, either.
-Oh, shit.
Guess that's true.
-How did you lose your
liquor license, anyway?
Some dumb ass bartender
I hired.
Dude was taking food stamps
for booze.
That's kind of smart, actually.
-It's not easy
paying the price
for somebody else's
poor choices.
But if he didn't do
what he did,
you and I wouldn't
be here together.
-Guess that's true.
-Great job tonight, man.
-You want to see the numbers?
-They look pretty good.
See how many people we
had in here tonight?
-We're going to have
to tell the guys
where the other
million's going.
Everything cool with
the adoption
and the deal with the family?
Still don't know about where
the Lily money's going?
We're going to have to do it
after we're done tracking.
-Let's just do it now,
I don't want it to fester.
Let's get it over with.
-Okay, man, let me get
this in my head:
so you're burning
a pabo jet
to pay for baby mama
to keep this kid a secret,
and what, I'm supposed
to roll with that?
-Dylan, we have to
have Johnny's back.
He's here, he's focused.
It's about what's
best for the band.
-Best for the band?
I suppose kicking out Lily's
best for the band too, right?
-She's going to say
she quit.
-Quit? And how much
is that costing us?
More or less than this
fucking baby check?
-Same amount.
-Same amount.
You lot are fucking pathetic.
-Stop thinking about the money
for a second, all right?
Our single's killing, the
festival's selling like crazy.
We need to make this new album
the greatest thing
we've ever done.
And if that means we've got
to protect our brother
in order for that to happen,
then that's what we got to do.
-That's fine.
You can be a lap dog, Vic.
But not me.
So how about this, Johnny boy?
Lily stays in the band,
or I call Gretchen,
blow the cover off this whole
fucking charade you got going.
-Just shut the fuck up, Dylan.
None of us want to
start a new band.
-Are you threatening me?
-Aw, mate, I'm just
telling you my demands.
Just like you tell us yours.
And I want you to pay back all
the money that you are taking
out of our pockets to pay
for your bullshit.
You know what?
Claim the kid.
Deal with it.
Face the fucking music.
-Thank you, Dylan.
It's very inspiring, truly.
-Yeah? Well, good.
-Yeah, it is fucking good.
-You just don't know
when to quit, mate.
-What the fuck's
he on about?
-What do you think
he meant, man?
-Why don't you tell him
how you really feel, huh?
-Yeah, you know what?
Get the fuck out.
I got the verse, fucking
listen, you piece of shit.
-I like verses.
-Fucking great.
-So tell me how,
tell me how ♪
You're going to settle the
score when you look at it now ♪
You ain't even in
the game anymore ♪
Go and take a bow
I don't need you
around anymore ♪
Around anymore,
around anymore ♪
So that's right,
don't look back ♪
Face front,
don't look back ♪
It's not a stage
time to paint it black
Nothing last forever,
that includes me and you ♪
They say never say never
Try that,
I'll see it through ♪
[ring tone plays]
[ring tone plays]
[ring tone plays]
-Uh, Simon can't
come to the phone.
Can I take a message?
-Oh, um, sure, is this
his assistant?
-It is.
Uh, who's this?
I just saw the first two shows
we have together sold out
so I need you to send
a new deal memo
so we can cut the rest of
the promo budget, okay?
-Okay, will do, I'll send
those right out.
Uh, is there anything else?
-Yeah, can you have Simon
call me as soon as he can?
I want to bring you guys on
to do street marketing
for the Hit Parader festival.
-I'll do that.
-Okay, great. Bye.
-Glad you could make it,
fashionably late.
-Hey, Oliver.
-If Ash hasn't
already told you,
I'm the silent partner.
Definitely didn't know that.
-I'm not upset that you
held out, stood your ground.
It's been fun to watch.
-What the fuck does that mean?
-It means that everyone
has a price or a point.
A price at which
they'll give in
or a point in which the pressure
is too much to bear
not to give in.
Well, my pride is of more
value to me than money.
-Hence, the breaking point.
-Oliver, if you're trying
to threaten me
-It's not a threat.
what's that cliché line?
A promise.
No, it's neither.
So what's up?
-You tell me,
what do you want?
You want your own agency,
you want an investor?
You want all my acts
on your roster?
I know that with me,
you are the future,
not Ross.
-I thought
Ross was your boy.
-No. I'm loyal to the game,
never to people.
People will fail you, Maya.
Success doesn't lie.
Numbers, they don't talk back.
Well, I'm loyal to the people
that I love.
But Ross isn't one of them.
Elias is, though,
and I don't think he'll like it.
-You know, back when we got
into this business,
once upon a time
long ago,
we were just kids
who loved music.
We were fans.
But that innocence,
it's not coming back,
and now we're both stranded
on the same playground.
-So where does that leave us?
-It leave us with
a question.
Are you going to work with me
in rhythm or in dissonance?
-I talked to Maya.
-What? What do you mean,
you talked to Maya?
Why are you answering
the phone for me, Natalie?
-'Cause I was busy closing
the deal
for you to work
with The Relentless on
their music festival.
-Wait, what?
-Yeah, check on my notes.
I know what the hell I'm doing,
so stop giving me a hard time
and let's work together, okay?
-Holy shit.
Wait, what did you say to her?
-I told her I was
you assistant.
-My assistant?
-The one and only.
-That sounds pretty official.
-Yes, I am quite official.
You got to know everything
I do, it's for you.
-Yeah, well, this one is good.
This one is good.
-All right, thank you.
-Holy shit.
-This is not possible.
They make a seat that you
would face backwards.
Oh, there it is.
This is a kitty.
Look at the
[phone vibrates]
Oh, jeez. Is that a kitty?
Meow. Meow.
Oh, God.
Pauly? Pauly.
Hey, man, I know you're probably
buried with The Relentless stuff
but, uh, the promoter in
Virginia canceled the show on us
so we need tour support.
-Tour support?
You're headlining, right?
I cannot
write the support check
-Fucking stick!
-for a band
that's headlining.
-Yeah, we used to
sell this out.
I don't know what's going on.
-A check for tour support is
for a band that's supporting.
-Kevin, crank the engine?
[engine sputters]
-This is embarrassing, I think
we blew the engine, too.
-No, no.
-Hello, Elias, are you there?
-Look, you know what
you've become?
You've become a claw machine.
-Claw machine?
-Yeah, claw machine,
Like in the arcade,
there's a big claw,
and big box of glass
and there's all kinds
of stuffed animals.
It's okay. Ooh.
Just keep putting money in
there, all kinds of money,
and what do you get?
Yeah, right, nothing.
You hear me, Pauly?
You get nothing.
Can you say shot?
Shot. Shot.
-Yeah, yeah, hit that.
-Hey, Dom.
Tell your wife to get her
fucking credit card out.
-You're beautiful.
-Welcome to Hit Paraders
20 minutes of truth,
I'm Matt Pinfield.
For her final interview
as a member of The Relentless,
I'm sitting her with
Lily Mayflower.
Lily, by the way, those
are unbelievable bad ass boots.
-Thank you, I, uh
I actually thought I was going
to have to hustle these online
but, uh, here we are
and I still got 'em.
-So, how do you feel about
headlining the Hit Parader
festival coming up?
-Uh, I'm excited, of course.
I'm not gonna bullshit you.
It's a big show.
You know, a big crowd.
And I'm definitely nervous,
as I always am, you know,
moments before
I'm about to walk on stage
so, yeah, I'm excited.
-Well how are the guys and
how are you and Johnny doing?
-Well, uh
You know, Johnny is
He's a very special person.
And he's he's got
that magic and
not even a wizard
could take that away, so
-So, you know why I'm here,
we're here to get the official
statement on the reason
for your departure
from the band.
So why, Lily, are you leaving?
-Um I
I uh
Are you okay?
-Do you want me to cut?
-No, no.
-We can cut if you want.
-I just, uh
-Are you sure?
-Just trying to put it in the
cleanest, simplest way, um
You have to speak
to be heard.
Sometimes you have to
be silent to be appreciated.
-Can we cut please?
Cut for a moment.
-Listen, Lily,
I know this is incredibly hard.
I completely feel
for you.
You know, I remember when
Chris Cornell broke up
I was there,
and when Axl decided
he didn't want to play anymore
with Duff and Slash
from Guns n Roses,
and it was
a complete mindfuck.
It's one of the hardest things
in the world to deal with,
but I really think it's
important to let your fans know
what's going on, so we can
cut this if you want.
It's no problem but you let
me know what you want to do.
-Yeah, let's no,
let's, yeah, it's important.
Roll the cameras.
-All right, we'll finish it.
Okay, Lily, so why
are you leaving the band?
and projects,
they stay in your heart,
but, um
mostly not in your life.
You know, fuck it,
I've got more to me
than four strings and I'm gonna
make sure the world knows that.
-Yeah. Lily, I really
fucking respect you,
and I want to thank you for
doing this with me today.
And I fucking think
you're bad ass.
Thank you.
Until next time, I'm
Matt Pinfield for Hit Parader's
20 minutes of truth.
-Hey, Gretchen?
Gretchen, Gretchen!
Let's just let's
get you inside.
[shouting, screams]
-Jesus Christ.
-All of those mountains
in the back,
just huge flames.
Ever been near
a big fire?
[phone vibrates]
Oh, God.
-Don't send her any money.
Don't let her push you around.
She doesn't call the shots.
-Yeah, hey.
Money's not in the account,
we didn't get the wire.
-Right, there's no money
coming through today.
-Why not?
We had a deal.
Are you gonna try me?
Are you gonna
fucking try me?
'Cause you have no idea
who you're dealing with.
None at all.
-Don't scream at me, Lizzy.
-I haven't even
begun to scream.
You know what?
I am here on campus.
I am here, and I might
just have to
kick your little dog while
she's down.
-Did she say she's trying
to track down Gretchen?
-If you threaten me,
you'll never see any money.
Now, Vivian is sitting
right next to me.
-Threaten you?
You have no idea.
I promise you, old man.
-You're not in control, Lizzy.
-I'm not in control?
-So if you--
-You don't want to see me
out of control, motherfucker.
You do not want
to know what that is.
You think you can just
give away our little girl
and stiff me on the money,
you stupid cunt?
-Calm down.
-Fuck you!
So just come by my--
-We still have Faith.
Lizzy, we still have
your granddaughter.
Lizzy? Hello?
-Hung up on me
Call her back.
-You have reached a voicemail
that has not been set up.
-I'm going to go
to the airport.
I've are you good
with staying here?
-Yeah, yeah.
Use that for
whatever you need.
Cash, you know,
if it's an emergency.
I better keep some.
-Are you going to Hawaii?
-Um, no.
Just the opposite.
I'm going to go
to the Festival.
Enjoy the house.
-Thank you.
-It's going to be all right.
Um I'll call you.
-Who doesn't love a little
deviled eggs, right?
Are you going to be okay?
-Yeah, I'll be fine.
-So, how did you
get up here?
You really don't seem
like an L.A. woman.
I didn't grow up here
or anything.
-Oh, you're like a lucky
little lady
trapped in the city of lights.
-Lucky? This looks
lucky to you?
-The beauty and the fame.
-Yeah, it's one big
fucking party.
-Oh I just mean people
come out here
wanting all those things,
and, you know, you've got it.
-Well, I'm not most people.
-Okay, unfortunately,
I have to go east tomorrow,
but here's my card
if you need anything at all.
You call me.
-Business card?
-I have to go.
Never seen a woman so alone.
[schoolbell rings]
-Sorry I'm late, you guys.
Who put that there?
How did that get up there?
Is anyone going to take
responsibility here?
Is anyone going to speak up?
Fine, then you're all
getting detention.
-It was me.
I'm sorry.
I voted for you, Miss Ruth.
I thought it might be funny
to put it on the TV.
-It's not funny.
Go to the principal's office,
tell him what you did,
and have him decide
what to do with you.
Open up to "The Raven".
Great day for Edgar Allen Poe.
-Hey, uh, Miss Ruth?
What happened to your shirt?
[class laughing]
-Open up your books.
-Today, it was made official
that Lily Mayflower
of The Relentless
will be leaving the band
after their upcoming Hit Parader
festival in Virginia.
While Lily has said
the choice was her own
in order to pursue
a solo career,
many of her fans believe
the decision
-What do you guys
think of these?
-Dude, it looks so good.
-rehashing their romance
in a local L.A. restaurant.
So who do you have in this
battle if you were Johnny?
Bad ass bassist Lily Mayflower?
-So, who would you
rather, Simon?
-Gretchen, like, all day.
-Yeah, dude.
Lily's a specific
kind of hot.
Like I'm feeling sketchy
and dirty, let's get weird.
Gretchen is just hot.
Like Gretchen is the hottest
thing I've ever seen.
I could probably jack off
to a stock photo of Gretchen.
Well sounds like you're
speaking from experience.
-You know you guys are crazy
for letting Lily go.
-Yeah, I know.
-So Louisiana was good, huh?
-Yeah, it was all right.
Did about four songs,
got a bunch more to do.
-Well, I don't see why I can't
come with you to Virginia
to the fest.
I mean, you know they just
elected their first transwoman
into the state
government, right?
That's amazing.
-It is, babe.
And so am I.
You need to be proud of me.
Just let me go.
-I am proud of you.
I'm just
That's not your fault.
-Look, if you would
just let people in,
they'd love you
so much more.
I mean, look at this, the house,
the ritual séance,
me living with you.
-All right, look.
Let me finish this record,
get through the next few months,
things will get better.
-Did you write
that song about me?
Yeah. Yeah.
-You wanna do
I don't want to know
all you secrets ♪
Right there?
-Yeah, we can start there.
All right.
I don't wanna know all
your secrets 'cause I'll tell ♪
It's hard enough
being alone with myself ♪
I don't know
-This is Elias, it better be
good if it's on this phone.
-Hey, Elias.
It's the claw machine
calling again.
That shit was funny.
But I don't need
anything, though.
I don't know how long
I'll be holding on
Nothing matters
-I just wanted to
thank you for everything
you've done for my band.
-Yo, I'm done, dude.
-Done? Shot?
-My leg's asleep, I'm done.
-All right.
Guess I'll get Pauly.
Captain Bumout can
drive the rest of the way.
-And I'm ashamed of all the
money you lost on me,
I hope one day
I can somehow repay you.
-Don't know how long
Hey, Princess?
It's your turn to drive.
Hey, Pauly!
-What's that?
Where's Pauly?
-He left.
-I'm happy that you got The
Relentless back together, man.
I know that means a lot to you,
but, uh again,
I'm sorry that
I failed you.
-If you're satisfied
with your message, press one.
To rerecord, press 3.
-You know Maya, I wanted to
officially say
fucking thank you
for sticking through
with me on this.
I know that, like,
having me and the guys
on your roster must be
just super stressful but
-Meh, it's all a matter
of perspective, I mean
The way I see it, Johnny did not
kick you out of the band,
he emancipated you
and catapulted you right
into the spotlight
where you should have
always been.
And if you think I did a good
job for The Relentless,
wait 'til you see what I do
for you, baby girl.
-You're amazing.
He's a dick.
Okay, let's buy a drink.
-Oh my God,
they're kind of perfect.
Who are they?
-Um, I know the bass player
from some other project
I was working on, but I've
never seen this guitar player.
-Uh, this guy's taking forever.
-Come on, man, let me
get some service here.
I'd like to get a damn
drink before the show's over.
-Hi, Maya.
-What brings you to L.A.?
-Oh, just came to
get a beverage.
What brings you here?
-Oh, cut the shit, Jay.
Why are you in California?
-I'm here supporting
my daughter.
-Oh, you have a daughter.
-Maya, Maya, please.
Please, listen to me.
I know I put you
through holy hell.
I'm not talking to you
now as a promoter.
I'm talking to you as a father.
This is my little girl and
she deserves this opportunity.
Please, don't let our
situation effect this, please.
-Maya, that last riff was sick!
What is her name?
We need her.
-Val Wolf.
Her name is Val Wolf.
I don't give a damn
Just take me as I am
No, no, no
I can't do it
I don't give a damn
Just take me as I am
You know that I want to
-Yo, so, Simon,
for real, though,
why aren't we going
to play the festival?
-Uh, because The Flux
isn't thirsty?
-But dude, we'd be crazy to
not put ourselves on there.
Akkadian Records
is going to be there.
Did you at least ask Maya
if we could play second stage?
-No, when they find out
about us,
I want it to be because
of the buzz that we created
because of our music
not because I'm some promoter
that also happens
to be in a band, you know?
-Makes sense.
Our day will come.
[phone beeps]
-You've reached
Pantheon music group.
Our offices are
currently closed.
Our normal business hours
are Monday through Friday,
9:00 A.M. to 6:00
P.M. Pacific Standard Time.
If you know your
party's extension,
you may dial it
at the tone.
-You son of a bitch,
I'll take one.
Go ahead.
So how long you think
it's gonna last, man?
-Gretchen, The Relentless,
your secrets and your money.
All of it.
-I think forever
is the idea.
-Well, then, where's
the ace of spades
in your house of cards,
-What the fuck,
what do you mean?
-Come on, man, it's on the
faces of everybody in your band.
-What is?
It emanates from the top down.
And guess who's at the top?
-What if I don't want
to be at the top?
-Well, then you let go.
-You write a song about
how you really feel
being the face of this
big rock band,
everybody counting on you,
the golden boy.
Your eyes are so blinded
by the spotlights
that you can't even see
the emotion on the faces
of everyone around you
that love you, that work for
you, that play for you.
You tell them the truth and
you dedicate it to 'em.
And then you make the audience
think the lyrics are for them.
They're saying you're
the future, boss. I'd bet on it.
The more fucked up you make it,
the better it's
going to heal you.
Heal people in the crowd,
too, that's what they want.
-Why are you calling Pantheon?
-Uh, what did you
say, Sweetie?
-I saw the call logs, Mom.
Why are you calling
my dad's office?
-Nothing. It's nothing.
-Why the fuck would
you call him?
-Hey, watch your language.
You don't talk to
your mother like that.
-Answer the question, then.
-Yeah, and you have
to respect me.
-It's not a joke, Mom.
Give me the hose.
-Stop it.
-It's bad enough
I have to deal with
the stigma of being
a bastard son, okay?
Why would you call him?
-Don't call yourself a bastard.
You're an honorable son.
I called just to
make sure that he received
all the things that
I have been sending him.
-Sending him?
-Hey! No! Stop!
-What the fuck were you sending
-I wanted to make sure he
knows how brilliant you are!
I wanted to show him all
the things that you've done!
I wanted him to see
that he is missing out on the
best thing that he ever created.
Are you happy now?
-I'm not his son.
I wanna make moments
without you ♪
So many beautiful souls,
why would I choose ♪
I wanna make memories
without you ♪
So many beautiful souls,
why should I choose ♪
I'm taking my shoes off
Come on
Taking my
shoes off, come on ♪
my shoes off ♪
Come on,
taking my shoes off ♪
Come on, taking
my shoes off ♪
Come on
taking my shoes off ♪
Tuesday's baby make
me feel like a lady ♪
Satin sheets soaked poetry
Thursday's ride
makes me feel like a child ♪
Grass stain disgrace,
face crimson from smiles ♪
Your friend's friend
makes me feel like home ♪
But his girlfriend makes me
feel like rock and roll ♪
There's not a feeling
my friend that I'm feeling ♪
Of night driving with
a new heart beating ♪
I want to make
moments without you ♪
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