Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

The Boy with No Shadow and the Inquisitors

The Temple?
What's that, again?
You forgot that, too?
This is fundamental knowledge
related to nobility and Divine Arts,
so you need to remember.
The Temple is the largest international
religious group in the world.
It has the role of ascertaining
newborn children's Guardian Deities,
making them able to use Divine Arts,
and granting aristocratic status.
Come to think of it,
Lotte did say something about me becoming a
commoner if I couldn't use Divine Arts
But that's not all.
It's also the Temple that
selects each nation's ruler,
and gives them their wand and crown.
So the Temple's authority
is above that of the state?
Yes. If they felt like it,
they could probably clash with Her Majesty
the Empress, let alone a duke or archduke.
Special even within the Temple
is the Office of Inquisition.
The Office of Inquisition?
An organization that eliminates evil spirits
and heretics using Divine Arts for injustice.
The unit under direct control
of the Grand Temple
is said to be a band of ruthless elites.
That's scary.
Don't worry! Normal people will never have
any dealings with the Office of Inquisition.
I am Grand Temple Inquisitor Salomon.
And you are the boy with no shadow.
Parallel World Pharmacy
Episode 7
The Boy with No Shadow
and the Inquisitors
To be so bold as to run a
pharmacy in the middle of town
and venture outside with
the sun high in the sky
You left yourself far too open,
should I say, evil spirit
in the guise of a boy?
I am not an evil spirit.
Then what are you?
I would say I'm human.
We need no confession to find you out.
Put your hands up, and take ten steps back!
I don't want to make this situation any worse.
Good. Keep walking backwards.
The array that counters evil spirits!
Well, I'm not an evil spirit, so
Reveal your true form!
Whirling Dance of Flame!
Create nitrogen.
Fire shield!
Eliminate the oxygen, and
the fire is extinguished!
What? With no wand?
His attribute is negative fire?
In that case
Sword Dance of Ice!
He has multiple attributes?
What in the world is he?
As I told you, I'm just a person.
Forget about capturing him alive.
Obliterate him!
Yes, sir!
Heretics must die!
Attack simultaneously with full power!
Enraged Earth!
Eastern Dragon's Spiral Dance!
Slash of Wind!
Torrent of Fire!
Did we get him?
I had hoped to avoid violence, but
Divine Power accumulation!
It's huge
Here it comes!
Defensive Barri—
Commander Salomon!
Wh-What is that?
Won't you call off your attack?
I didn't come to this world to fight.
His body is glowing
I would rather use these powers
to heal than to harm.
So, won't you please withdraw?
That mark
Endless Divine Power, a shadow-less body,
and the holy mark of the Panactheos
Commander Salomon?
With these things right in front of me,
how could I have missed it?
The vessel has no shadow,
for the being itself is light.
In other words,
the individual before us is the Panactheos!
That means we raised our wands
against a Guardian Deity
No, no. I'm not a—
O Panactheos,
Uh, yes?
This must be divine punishment
for my great sin.
When I fell from my horse earlier
C-Commander Salomon!
This wound will likely result
in my death sooner or later.
Before that happens, I beg you,
allow me to atone with my life.
H-Hold on!
Please, let my life suffice to quell your
indignation at our blasphemous acts.
O Panactheos, please forgive us.
I told you. I don't wish
for anyone to be harmed!
All I ask is that you leave me
and my pharmacy alone!
There's no need for anyone to die!
His upper shin is fractured,
and blood is coming from the skin.
Taking the fall from his horse
into account an open fracture!
A white glow Recovery is possible.
Treatment: Lower leg amputation.
A red glow?
What's going on?
If I amputate, it'll cause an infection
leading to sepsis and death? Is that it?
In that case
Treatment: reduction.
So that's the solution.
But, who should perform the operation?
I'm a pharmaceutist.
Surgical procedures aren't my forte.
But can this operation be left
to one of this world's doctors?
Even in Novalout College's latest data,
surgery outcomes are practically
a matter of chance.
And the risk of infection can only be kept
low in the first six hours from injury.
His best chance is to be treated right away.
That means
All of you, please forget
everything you're about to see.
What do you
I'm providing emergency first aid.
Place the patient up here.
And send someone for a carriage!
A-At once!
Why are you not punishing our transgression?
Never mind that right now!
Don't concern yourself with
anything but your injury.
I will now treat your bone fracture.
First, I'll have you take antibiotics
to prevent infection.
Then I'll inject your back with anesthesia.
Then comes a thorough cleaning of the wound,
and then I'll cut out foreign
matter and contaminated tissue.
Finally, I'll stitch the wound
with thread and bandage it,
so as to move you elsewhere to
conduct fixation of the fracture.
May I begin?
Do as you wish, O Guardian Deity.
Spinal anesthesia.
I'm injecting bupivacaine
into your spinal cord.
Grit your teeth and bear it.
How does this feel? Is it cold? Any pain?
It's as if I'm being
touched through clothing.
And I can't feel any pain anymore
Is this one of the miraculous
feats of a Guardian Deity?
I've conducted numerous
surgeries on lab animals.
If I do nothing, he'll die for certain.
It's not about being a
pharmaceutist or a physician!
Right now, there's no one else but me!
I can't say how much the
emergency procedure will do.
But for now, your commander
is in good shape.
Please take him to the Temple.
I'll come check on him later
and take appropriate measures.
To not only spare us your punishment
but even show us such benevolence
How can we ever thank you?
Don't worry about that.
As one who pursues the path of medicine,
and as a human being,
I chose to do the most good I could.
Nothing more.
More importantly, please keep this
between yourselves.
As the Panactheos commands.
Several Months Later
The new bishop is personally
making a courtesy visit?!
My name is Salomon. A pleasure
to make your acquaintance.
Please, accept this gift
and enjoy it together.
You are too kind!
You're looking well.
Thanks to you. I humbly apologize
for the trouble I caused.
Words fail to capture the gratitude I feel.
It's fine. Really.
From an inquisitor, to bishop
of the imperial capital's diocese
I take it you've moved up?
In order to be of service to you,
I went through countless procedures
and was invested with this position.
I won't ask what that entailed
Upon taking my post, I sent a
report to the Grand Temple.
It read: "No evidence of heretics
in the Saint Fleuve Diocese."
There was never any boy
with no shadow to begin with.
I appreciate that, but
In the future, should there be any
reports of such baseless claims,
I, as bishop,
shall take care of it.
Yikes! He's frightening!
Um I have to say, your retinue.
seems a bit excessive for a courtesy visit.
Might I have a moment of your time?
Closed for Lunch
Where should I enjoy this treat?
Miss Blanche, what brings you here?
Brother promised me an
outing with him today!
What's in your hands?
This is not intended to serve as
an apology for the other day.
But I did bring a wand
worthy of your stature.
What is this?
One of the treasures kept in the Guardian
Deity Temple, the Panac-rhabdos.
In addition to the four attributes,
it is suited to combat, diagnostic,
and healing Divine Arts.
It can be freely collapsed and extended,
making it easily portable.
Why, it's beautiful
Are you sure it's okay for me
to use something so valuable?
Yes. In fact, I'm sure the wand
would appreciate it as well.
But what if it gets broken or stolen?
Try picking it up. You'll see.
All right, then.
What's happening?
That emanation of holy light!
The Panac-rhabdos has acknowledged you!
It's so pretty!
I'm spellbound just looking at it.
Wanna hold it?
Can I?
Then just for a little bit.
Wh-What just happened?
The Panac-rhabdos is not of this world.
Only Guardian Deities, who are also not
of this world, can wield such things.
Human hands cannot touch them.
Oh? So then, Farma really is the
Not you too, Elen!
Stop treating me like a god!
Would this wand happen to float?
A keen insight.
This is what the legends state:
If one provides Divine Power
at levels beyond human capability
I-It worked!
I've never heard of using
a Divine Wand to fly!
This is amazing, Farma!
You are truly worthy of possessing this wand.
Please make use of it.
Thank you, Salomon.
Thank you for seeing me today.
Don't mention it.
The Temple here will visit no harm upon you.
I cannot say the same for whoever drove
that carriage into your pharmacy, though.
Right. It still hasn't been
determined who did that.
A befitting punishment shall eventually
befall those who act against a god.
I keep telling you, I'm just a pharmaceutist.
I am aware.
Now then, please accept this as well.
What is it?
A talisman that suppresses Divine Power.
What? You mean
If you keep that on your person, you can
conceal your inconvenient disposition.
Thank you so much!
Wow! This is fantastic!
You seem far happier about
this than the wand.
Do I?
Hello, Brother!
I always longed to walk beneath the sun
in the same way they do, alongside them.
I see.
Brother! Come see! Come see!
What a big melon! I wanna eat it!
Melons aren't quite in season yet,
so I don't think it will be very sweet.
Aw Then, I want grapes
Brother, buy me some!
Of course.
Master Farma, these apples
look tasty as well.
The plums are fresh and just arrived today!
Then, in addition to the grapes and apples,
we'll take some plums.
Master Farma, are you tired?
No, no. Sorry. Where are
we going next, again?
My troubles with the Office
of Inquisition are over,
and my number of customers is only growing.
It might be time to hire some employees.
But it's hard to acquire
aristocratic pharmaceutists,
and the experienced commoner
pharmaceutists all belong to the Guild.
What do I do?
You don't sell any of the medicines from
Parallel World Pharmacy here either?
It's always so crowded there.
I'd love to come here.
Why don't you carry any of those products?
I'm afraid we just can't, ma'am.
Besides, that place is heretical.
They have all these unheard-of new
medicines, and at rock-bottom prices?
It can't get any fishier than that!
But they have a great reputation
throughout the capital.
I am aware of their medicine's
reputation for effectiveness.
Mr. Pierre! So then
Nevertheless, since a son of the Chief
Royal Pharmaceutist runs the place,
there is still the possibility that he's buying
reputation as part of some aristocratic game.
Don't be ridiculous!
Even if they are effective,
as long as the Guild refuses approval,
we can't deal in those medicines.
There are no other guilds in the capital
for a commoner pharmaceutist to join.
I can't defy the policies of the Guild.
This is exasperating.
Medicine-sellers are so
conservative and stubborn!
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Brother, all done shopping! Let's go home!
All right. Shall we all have tea together?
They're restrained by the Guild
You want to establish a separate guild?
Yes. It'd be nice if there
were a Compounders' Guild,
so the commoners could
sell the new medicines.
Do you know of any stores that would join?
I guess we'd start with ours
and Médique, for now.
Well, two stores is enough to create one,
according to the regulations.
Once we start a guild, I'm sure
other stores will want to join.
Even if it's only the outline,
I'd like to get started.
Lord Cédric, could you help me
with the paperwork?
Of course, Master Farma!
I hope it gets approved.
If we have more partners, we can
reduce the crowding at the store.
Hopefully it lessens the workload, too.
Oh, you sound pretty concerned about that.
How do I put it? I guess I don't want
to accidentally overwork myself.
Listen to you, Farma!
You sound like a 40-year-old man!
Marie! Marie, hang in there!
What do I do?
Episode 8
Influenza and the Dawn of a Pharmacy
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