Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e07 Episode Script


Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
In the afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Touching the grass under the sunlight
streaming through the leaves
I'll talk with you
See, on the lunch bench
A dream blossoms
Carry the sound of
the waves in your heart
Sink your blues
Stretch a bridge to tomorrow
Don't worry about tsunami
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The dream I nurtured
on the lunch bench
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon, born on the day of the
sunlight streaming through the leaves
Excuse me.
We received a call
from North Station
that a severely injured person
had been admitted to the hospital.
Um, she was struck on the head
and since there's a similarity
with the series of attacks
they'd like to refer to
our report just in case.
Are you awake?
You surprised us. It was so sudden.
He came.
Shonen Bat.
Can you imagine,
it's Hirukawa's daughter.
Poor girl.
What about Tsukiko Sagi?
Shonen Bat
Maybe that fainting fit
was an act too.
Section Leader Hirukawa's daughter
We already nabbed the culprit.
Are you trying to tell me
there's another wacko like Kozuka?
Or rather
Either way, with the victim having
amnesia and no witnesses
you've got nothing to work with.
Besides, it happened within
North Station's jurisdiction.
Our case is closed.
Anyway, the outer moat is filled up.
Now we deal with the inner castle.
Let's go.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm a Holy Warrior!
I have no time to
waste in a place like this!
Tell me if you found the Mi Jot tribe.
I'll go back to the
save point again, and
How did you attack Tsukiko Sagi?
The first victim.
You haven't told us about her yet.
At that time, Gohma was
The first attack was a
hoax set up by Tsukiko Sagi.
There was no street
assailant anywhere.
You just went along for the ride with
the phony street assailant
and attacked people indiscriminately
deluding yourself into thinking
you're some kind of ridiculous hero.
A game or whatever it is,
you're not a "chosen one" at all.
You can't do anything alone.
The only thing you're
capable of is being a wanna-be.
I have to save the world
You're nothing but a pathetic copycat!
I'm the Holy Warrior!
In short, you felt cornered
and wanted to escape.
How relieved you'd feel
if you could just have been
attacked by a street assailant
Who cares about that senile old man?
I'm the victim
for accidentally hitting him.
Then arrest the real suspect, quickly!
Because of this incident,
Yuichi is now being bullied in school!
Other kids are saying
that he's the suspect!
To me all of them looked somewhat
relieved after they were attacked.
I'm very sorry to have
troubled you to come here.
Is there something else?
Well, thanks to your cooperation,
Kozuka confessed.
The only ones I attacked were that
fat kid and the middle aged man!
The rest wasn't me.
It's true!
I really didn't do the other ones!
May I ask you a question?
I don't mean to offend you, but
By any chance
were you being troubled by
some personal issues
before you were attacked?
Maybe something that made
you feel emotionally cornered
Why are you asking such a thing?
It doesn't have to be directly
related to the attack.
It can be something really small.
Maybe your mom scolded you,
or you forgot to do your homework.
Trouble Trouble
Oh, you don't have to start troubling
yourself trying to remember.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Musashino South Grade School
What did you say?
I'm talking about Kozuka.
Maybe his statement that
he only attacked Ushiyama
and Section Leader Hirukawa
wasn't a total lie.
Section Leader Hirukawa aside,
the point here is Ushiyama.
He is the one case that's different.
What do you mean?
All the victims had
something in common.
They were all under situations where
they were emotionally distraught.
Her case is different, isn't it?
Sagi was under pressure
for the next design
Kawazu was in financial difficulty
Yuichi Taira was being bullied
Harumi Chono wouldn't tell me
but it seemed like she'd
been troubled about something.
But there was nothing troubling
Ushiyama in his case.
He didn't have any personal
problems when he was attacked.
What are you trying to say?
Let's say Kozuka only attacked
Hirukawa and Ushiyama.
Then who attacked the others?
I don't know how, but who in the
world could pull off such a trick
as to hand-pick targets on the
verge of nervous breakdown, huh?
Hey, look.
"An investigation must be undertaken
scientifically," remember?
What does your
detective's instinct tell you?
My detective's instinct?
It dried up long ago.
A series of street attacks
with no logical connection.
A copycat who can't distinguish
a game from reality.
I've had enough.
Hey, it's getting cold.
What's the matter?
He came.
Shonen Bat.
I was really impressed
by Shonen Bat.
He's only a kid, but he's so cool.
So I thought, if
if I'm gonna do it anyway,
then before that
And what about Kawazu?
How did you attack him?
Is it like we suspected?
Were you following Tsukiko Sagi?
Believe me, please!
I saw about the attack on
Mr. Kawazu on TV, and
How did you attack Yuichi Taira
and Harumi Chono?
I already told you so many times!
It was you!
It was all your doing!
You think you can keep
making fools of the police?!
The Ancient Master
Take me to the Ancient Master
Wait, is this everything we ordered?
I wonder?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Sautéed black swallowtails, sirs.
Now, I'll show you my miraculous
illusion. Going through a wall!
Nice and easy!
My next trick is the greatest
magic trick of the century!
Make sure you keep your eyes
wide open and observe carefully!
It's important.
Ms. Taeko Hirukawa
Ms. Taeko Hirukawa
Are you aware of anything
Ms. Taeko Hirukawa
That's been troubling
your daughter recently?
That's been troubling
your daughter recently?
Mr. Hirukawa!
Don't you see?
Mr. Hirukawa's daughter was
also being troubled by something!
She was feeling cornered!
She's also a victim
of Shonen Bat!
I checked the log on her cell phone.
The call with her father
was terminated at 4:13 pm.
That's about the same time
as when Ms. Sagi collapsed.
In other words, they both called
Shonen Bat at the same time
and he appeared to the
both of them at the same time.
He's one person, yet he's not.
He's capable of appearing
in front of any person
who's been driven into a corner and
has nowhere to go, anytime, anywhere.
He's still at large!
Shonen Bat is still out there!
Vacation Request Form
Take some time off.
Someone cornered
Someone cornered
If we can specify the person
who's cornered, we can nab him.
Yes, right now!
Please, just one more time,
trust me one last time!
Chief, if they find out,
I'll get a salary cut
I won't get away with just a salary cut.
Don't expect me to take
responsibility for this.
The Musashino South Police Station
held a press conference yesterday
regarding the suicide of the boy
who was in police custody as a
suspect in the series of street attacks.
The Police Department
made a public apology
and also announced the resignation
of the Station Commander
for not being able to fulfill
his managerial responsibility
as well as resignation of detectives
who had been in charge of the case.
With their resignations,
this case will most likely be closed by
the prosecutor's office now that
the suspect has been declared dead.
They say he went through the wall
Too bad for the Chief.
Teaming up with Maniwa
was his downfall, I'd say.
Someone cornered
Someone cornered
If we can specify the person
who's cornered, we can nab him!
Where's the cornered person?
CQ, CQ, this is
It wasn't suicide.
Kozuka was murdered.
He's one person, yet he's not.
He's capable of appearing
in front of any person
who's been driven into a corner
anytime, anywhere.
He's still at large.
Shonen Bat is still out there!
To begin with
The animal trail that goes beyond
The one who can follow it
is the Holy Warrior.
A seagull, a zebra and a winter bee
There are no shadows of them
wandering from place to place.
Sitting in a happy circle
around a brazier.
Even dead branches add
to the mountain scenery.
Why do the crows caw?
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