Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

- France is divided into two camps.
There are those who want
the freedom of Dreyfus,
and those who want
mine !
This house is impregnable.
It has walls
60 centimeters thick.
All the bays are iron shielded.
Anyone who would try to cross them
will be a dead man.
- YES !
- Anti-Semitism is a sacred cause.
We are ready to die!
We will go out free,
or we will not go out!
- I will pass your message on
to the whole of France.
I leave you.
Intriguing music
Clameurs outside
- Free Guérin!
The crowd is screaming.
- Free Guérin!
Free Guérin!
- Free Guérin!
- Death to the Jews!
- Free Guérin!
Free him!
- Free Guérin!
- Free Guérin!
- Free Guérin!
- Gentlemen,
anti-Semitism is a sacred cause.
These men will give their lives
for her.
They will come out free
or they will not come out.
- Is that all Guérin has to say?
What are its real conditions?
- Any. This man is a martyr.
he will address France through my voice.
- Did you count them?
- Pardon ?
- Did you count Guérin
and his men?
- There are about fifteen of them.
- According to our reports,
they are thirteen.
This is a bad sign.
- Did you ask for a phone?
- I meant a place
where you can phone.
Your name ?
Tragic music
- Complete Bertillonage, fingerprinting.
- Is he a colleague?
- Not.
Did you kill him?
- Yes.
Are you doing alright ?
He was a professional assassin,
you have nothing to reproach yourself with.
You will be asked for a statement.
You arrived, you saw me bending
over the body. That's all.
- Mme Berger is in
the Mother Superior's office with Matthias.
- Stay with her. I'm joining you.
Soft music
- You can't help it.
- He was going to shoot me,
I had no choice.
- The police don't have a gun.
- Personal possession.
Family remembrance.
- Cute, the translator.
Cochefert moaned.
Deaths from asphyxiation.
Bourgeois or political victims
over five years.
Chimney sweeps interviewed.
Sheets to compare with the…
- The what ?
- The type.
- The type?
- That you killed, fool!
He is related to the Sabran. Prove it !
- Well sir.
They will operate on you.
- Petit with!
- We do not pass.
- I am Maître Weidmann,
lawyer for Mme Berger.
- Let him pass.
- The child can't stay here.
His life is in danger.
- I'm taking him to the prefecture.
- Without Mrs. Berger.
She is afraid, she wants to leave.
- She abandons him?
- If she has to choose, yes.
They will be safe with me.
- Protected by whom?
- Is it better at the prefecture?
This child, will have to change him,
feed it, wash it.
Will your colleagues take care of it?
I am his lawyer.
She and the child
will be under my responsibility
at Mlle Chauvin.
- I'll leave it to you on one condition.
I want her to talk to me.
She tells me everything
on the Sabran. It's clear ?
Panting breaths
- I hate you all !
Go for it !
He yells.
A bell rings.
- All agents
in uniform or in civilian clothes are recalled.
Yes, all, without exception!
It's clear ?
The phone is ringing.
If you still bother the prefect,
count on me
to come and kick your ass.
He hangs up.
The phone is ringing.
- Line is busy.
There is a problem with the standard.
- Try again.
Ask directly for
the prefect's office.
- It's busy too.
If it's really urgent,
you should use the telegram.
The floor creaks.
- Yes ?
- Good evening madam.
Mr. the Prefect had asked me to
- To check that Madame is home?
Rest assured, Hector.
I'm not going to sleep.
I am quietly waiting for my husband at home.
I'll sort the late mail.
Do you have any news
from the Prefect?
- It's rue Chabrol.
This is critical.
She nods.
- Of course, the leagues.
Little laugh
He must be happy, right?
He is fighting for the Republic.
She is pure. She needs him.
I wonder if I want to help him.
What do you think ?
- Your husband is only doing his duty.
- He enjoys it. Me no.
The phone is ringing.
Duty calls you.
Hector is blowing.
Phone ringing
Hector walks away.
A door opens and closes.
The phone is ringing.
- If you continue,
your ass will soon feel my slipper!
Mr. Minister?
Pardon !
Sorry, sir, I thought
I know there are riots
in the capital.
I think it is rue Chabrol.
No sir. I am not sure.
I can not reach him.
- Intentional fires.
The fires are spread throughout Paris.
They mobilize half of our men.
- It seems
that telephone services
are outdated.
- There are messengers
between the police stations.
- Give them bikes.
- Chauffourées in the Sentier
and La Villette.
Incidents are provoked.
A fight, a stampede
These are coordinated actions.
- The good people join them?
- Yes, members of the leagues,
- I see 3 diversions
and 6 groups which converge on the 10th.
They come here.
Seek out their prophet.
They are going to free Guérin.
- I would like to arm our men.
- To shoot a crowd of civilians?
- The Prefect is right!
It is not our role.
The army must intervene.
- Not !
- Our men won't hold out.
- They'll hold out.
- With what ? With whom ?
The leagues weigh 30,000 men.
We will be 1 against 4.
- For those who are afraid,
there is always time to quit
or change sides.
I take care of the site's defense.
You will be more useful at the prefecture.
- Gentlemen.
You heard the préfet.
- Group 1 to 4, Gare de l'Est.
Group 5 to 8, Place de la République.
Group 9 to 12, Porte Saint-Denis.
After each fire,
I want our men to regroup.
Gather on Magenta,
and you walk on rue Chabrol.
- Good, ma'am.
The prices of meat will skyrocket.
We will be generous with everyone.
- Thank you Madam.
Calm music
- Thank you Madam.
- Thank you Madam.
- You have to rest, mom.
- How? 'Or' What ?
Is your brother resting?
How is he ?
Have you spoken to him?
- Yes, ma'am, I spoke to her.
- And?
- Omens!
They are terrible.
My speech to the Assembly
may be premature.
- When?
- Let's wait for the verdict in Rennes.
It's a matter of a week.
If Dreyfus is acquitted
- Butchers will fight
as long as we pay them.
Do you know what it costs me?
- Signs do not lie.
- She's not dead.
The prefect visited him.
- Louis !
- Are you sure?
- Louis !
How many men
are there with your brother?
He thinks.
- I had planned 14,
but the Violet were made tight.
- So 12. With Jules, that's 13.
- Oh, Lord!
"Steinheil is alive, Mom."
The prefect visited him.
- What are you complaining about?
You are not wanted.
- I dunno
what she said. This is the problem.
I took her to the slaughterhouses.
She saw me with Monsieur le Comte.
She is blowing.
- I've always protected
you because you're the youngest.
Now your family needs you.
The Prefect, do you know where to find him?
Rue de Chabrol. He will be
in the front line, as always.
Don't forget what he did to you.
And aim well.
Soft music
- Alice, she woke up.
She was scared and she woke up.
- What's happened ?
- There was a trial
at the King of Hearts.
Everyone was telling lies.
It wasn't fair.
So Alice got mad
and woke up.
The whole story from the start, it
was just a bad dream.
She nods.
- But did you like it?
- Not.
- Why ?
- If it's a dream,
there is no rabbit.
She will be bored without her bunny.
- Maybe she's relieved
it's over.
- No.
She is going to go back to sleep to go back.
- You have to sleep too.
(Good night, rabbit.)
Peaceful music
Panting breaths
She speaks in German.
- My husband's name was Matthias.
He was a foreman for the Sabran.
The count was in the cavalry.
My husband was incorporated in January 1970.
He served under his orders.
In July, war broke out.
I haven't heard from any more.
At the end of August, I received an official letter
from the French army.
Matthias was dead.
Executed for cowardice in the face of the enemy.
The officer leading the platoon
was Henri Sabran de Pontevès.
There was the debacle.
The count was captured
and the Sabran came to Paris.
I stayed in Alsace.
On December 17, Josephine was born.
I heard that the count
was released in early 71,
that he had returned to Paris.
Soft music
Henri Sabran killed my husband and my daughter.
That's all I know.
Disturbing music
- I arrive.
Intriguing music
Lyrical singing
- Come in !
You arrived here,
you can take three more steps.
Who sends you? My son ?
- Nobody sends me.
I came for Joséphine Berger.
- Ah!
The soubrette.
So you are not an assassin.
You are a policeman.
You have come to do justice.
Sorry, I am not the
one you are looking for.
You hear ?
Your colleagues are coming.
This dear Superintendent Puybaraud
comes to arrest me in person.
He is so efficient, so helpful.
"Shut her up!"
- Do you still load the buckshot?
Nine pellets? I really like.
On impact, the flesh opens,
like a flower.
Kill me or go!
I have no time to waste.
- Henri Sabran de Pontevès,
I have your name
a warrant of committal with immediate effect.
You are under arrest
for conspiracy against state security.
He blows.
- I almost waited.
Your inspector
just got out.
- In the van!
Don't push him around,
but hug him tight.
He may be threatened.
With me.
Joseph, my boy!
What got into you?
What have I done to you ?
Did I push you too far?
It's my fault.
You haven't done anything irreparable.
They're chasing you!
Give me that.
Joseph !
Think about your family
to your children!
Come before it's too late!
I'll get you out of here.
The dog growls.
Intriguing music
This man is a renegade. He's yours.
- Gentlemen,
there is an intruder on my land.
Panting breaths
Jerky breaths
A door opens.
A doorbell rings.
- She sleeps ?
- Yes.
- She is lucky.
Creaking door
She moans.
- Hush! Hush!
Have you met my father?
She is blowing.
(- He tried to kill me.)
- I did not know.
I thought he would pay you.
Usually, that's what he does.
You were lucky.
No apparent injuries
What did you tell him about me?
(- The truth.)
He didn't seem to believe me.
- Since then, he has had time to think.
(It's not your fault.)
You are not made to be a spy.
We read in you like in a book.
My father won't try anymore.
The prefect knows you now.
There are ways
more refined to silence you.
- Pay me, for example?
- I was thinking more of the prison.
She laughs.
You are not exactly
an honest, flawless woman.
(- Who is Joséphine Berger?)
Soft music
- A snitch.
Like you.
She worked for Puybaraud.
I caught her
rummaging through my father's trash.
I confronted her.
She challenged me.
She had character, my Swallow.
(- Was she killed?)
- She was less lucky than you.
She is blowing.
I have a son.
His name is Matthias.
He was born in prison.
Josephine was his mother.
I couldn't save her.
Maybe I'll save my son.
- I can help you ?
- Not anymore.
He blows.
I have to go.
- You are in retard.
She is blowing.
- Deaths by asphyxiation
classified as accident.
We are interested in the chimney sweep.
Brown, 35 years old, 1 meter 65,
suspected of murder.
He shot Cochefert.
- Is he on the run?
- No, in the morgue. I killed him.
- Do you need to identify him?
- They photograph him. I asked for
the pictures to be sent here.
Known pseudonym: Gustave Bertaud.
- Bertillonnage?
- It's in progress.
- I need a complete Bertillonage
to start.
- You didn't listen to me.
He shot down the commissioner.
The prefect wants to be identified.
You have two hours.
The prefect insisted
so that I ask you:
what is your name ?
Mixed voices
Calm music
- I saw them dragging this woman.
They called her a dirty Jew.
I tried to intervene, but
They're too many.
We can't stop all of Paris.
- The rioters are regrouping.
Behind Gare de l'Est
and in Saint-Denis.
They are approaching.
We need reinforcements.
A telephone rings.
- What can I do?
The ministry is online.
- This is Prefect Lépine.
This roundup was a trap.
The leagues were warned.
If Jules Guérin is released,
Paris is set ablaze.
I suspect the army wants to intervene.
They cannot enter Paris,
unless the prefect requests it.
Let’s not fall into this trap.
Thank you sir.
Dismal music
- Special regime. Food,
drink, play, if he asks.
- Commissioner.
- Cochefert? Seriously?
Gentlemen, follow me!
Knocking on the door
Commissioner Cochefert was struck
by a bullet from an assassin.
He is between life and death.
I am his direct supervisor.
All current cases
are under my responsibility,
while waiting for his return,
that we all hope for.
Inspector Jouin is asked
to report immediately.
To be sent to all departments.
- We're not done.
We got you out of the chimney sweeps,
but we
One does what one can.
It's him ?
Victor Siniac.
No conviction,
but questioned in 3 cases.
A senator wet in Panama,
a journalist
and a meat trader.
- A meat trader?
- Three years ago.
Involved in a case
of rotten meat trafficking.
Summoned by the judge,
the guy died the day before.
The case made noise, at the time.
The Jews were accused.
Maybe it wasn't them.
- Maybe not, no.
Name of victim?
- Charles de Crécy, an aristocrat.
He was associated with the Sabran de Pontevès.
You will say to the prefect
that we have worked well!
- I'll do it for sure.
- Inspector!
Inspector Jouin!
Inspector, stop!
Scary music
Stop it!
- He shouted: "Death to the bourgeois".
We arrested him.
He demands to speak to you.
- "Exige" ?
- Master Weidmann claims
that you are a man of confidence.
He insisted that I help you.
- I don't care about your help.
I am the Paris police prefect.
You are just an anarchist scum.
- Sixty armed,
hardened, mobile men
are worth 600 of yours.
Tonight we are allies.
Tomorrow, if you are still in office,
you will be able to round up those who remain.
Here, here and here.
Groups of four.
One who throws the bomb,
the other three who cover him.
Explosion, blows of surin
And no one anymore.
Ghosts attacking.
Wounded screaming.
And the screams,
I swear it takes courage
from a troop.
It works very well with the police.
- How long to organize yourself?
- One hour.
- Tonight…
Only this night.
disperse the civilians between here
and Magenta, for their safety.
Dark music
The horses' hooves resound.
- Oh !
- Everything is fine. You can come in.
- Where's Sebastien?
Where are his men?
- They are regrouping
around the rue Chabrol.
They will try to help the préfet.
Keep calm.
(In German)
- There are clothes for the little one
in your room.
Change it, and get your things ready.
I am Colonel
Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès.
- Jeanne, it's useless.
You won't join anyone.
- You are going home
with Matthias.
If you do what I tell you,
my father won't find you.
She is blowing.
- He's our ally.
He is ready to denounce his father,
the Guérins
and their accomplices in the army.
- Was he the one who contacted you?
He's a murder suspect.
- That is true.
Josephine died because of me.
- My little one…
- Shut up!
You won't take them.
- No. You're going to take them away,
Miss Chauvin.
At the German Embassy.
- The embassy will welcome them.
- In the middle of the night ?
- I have contacts at the embassy.
We'll open it up to you.
- The leagues are out.
There are no more police.
This is the only place
where they will be safe.
Jeanne… Jeanne!
Trust me.
- You know who this man is.
You know what he has to offer.
You agree ?
- You want to go to the embassy?
- Yes.
- This is the first time I see him.
Disturbing music
Classical music
- I'm not an anarchist.
I swear it to you
at my poor mother's grave .
I am a victim of persecution.
Puybaraud and his men
extorted false confessions from me.
My life is a nightmare.
I lost my job.
I will lose my accommodation.
Can you, in the name
of Christian charity, help
to a poor innocent?
- Dear Mr. Fleury,
I received your letter
and am convinced of your innocence.
I am willing to take your case
to my husband
and M. Puybaraud.
I will receive you at my apartments
in the prefecture.
We can discuss together
how to proceed.
Crowd clamor
- The butchers of La Villette!
We will teach them, we,
what a butcher's shop is.
Aim low! Hit the knees.
Hit the belly,
hit the parts.
We don't want to knock them out.
We want to put them down,
but aware.
We want to hear them scream
and call their mother.
And especially…
we want
their friends to hear them!
- They arrive !
They arrive !
They arrive !
- I would say this one.
Do you have a comment?
- You see ?
This is the moment that I want to reproduce.
This precise moment,
when you resent the whole earth.
When all your plans fail.
Powerless rage.
I'm not finishing a portrait of you,
because there is only this moment
that I seek.
It's more than disappointment,
it is defeat.
I see him more and more
these days.
Keep going. I'll get there soon.
Don't have enough?
You are alive.
Your daughter too.
Little laugh
Me too, so that it changes.
And that's not enough for you.
- No, that's not enough for me.
- Gentlemen, it is time.
Military music
- So, Lépine?
Who's surrounded now?
Dramatic music
Knocking on the door
- Jeanne!
Sad music
Intriguing music
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