Patria (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Pan ensangrentado

You've been getting more
letters than the football players.
Hi, Joxe Mari.
Here's a picture of me and Bittori.
She's very sick,
but she refuses to get treatment.
What's the point?
She's lost all joy anyway.
She says she's holding on
in hope that you'll come around.
It's her only wish.
So I'm begging you,
don't disappoint me and apologize.
It would hurt me if you didn't.
It's 8:00 a.m. right now,
7:00 a.m.
in the Canary Islands.
As we've been reporting,
the Civil Guard
earlier tonight dismantled
ETA's Oria Command
in an operation in San Sebastian.
Three alleged terrorists
have been arrested.
Suspects included 25-year-old
Joxe Maria Garmendia Uzkudun,
and 30-year-old
Carlos Vazquez Teixeiro,
plus a third member
was taken into custody
who has not yet been identified.
The accused were taken
to the Intxaurrondo station
in the Gipuzkoa capital
for questioning,
according to our sources
from the anti-terrorist force.
The Oria Command,
who had been under surveillance
for several weeks,
is, according to the Civil Guard,
responsible for at least
three different assassinations.
According to the Home Affairs Office,
this is a new blow to ETA
following the dismantling
of the Donosti Command
last summer
in the Morlans neighborhood,
where three terrorists died
as a result of the shootout
with the Civil Guard.
You gotta lose that as well.
'Cause we don't want any faggots here.
We'll treat you well here, hmm?
But you have to earn it first.
It's not for free.
Close it.
Have a seat.
Who else is a part of the Oria Command?
I don't know.
You don't know?
I don't know.
I'll ask again.
Who else is a part
of the Oria Command?!
I don't know!
Give me a name!
Answer me!
I think you know.
Nice friends you got there.
They said it's all your fault
you got caught.
- Traitor.
- Answer me!
They called you all sorts of things.
They sang like bastards,
specially the girl screaming.
All right.
Give me your name.
Joxe Mari Garmendia.
What about your friends?
- How old are you, huh?
- Where's the safe house?
Are you the leader of the Oria Command?
You motherfucker.
You're a fucking murderer.
You wanna run away to France, right?
You gonna collaborate, huh?
You gonna collaborate.
What's your mother's name?
We're gonna kill you!
So what's your boss' name?
Is he in France?
Answer me!
Listen to me, you son of a bitch.
Listen closely.
We've been watching your family.
You listening?
You listening?!
What's wrong?
Cat got your tongue?
Son of a bitch!
Hmm? Cat got your tongue?
You terrorist piece of shit!
All right, all right.
Calm down.
Are you ready to answer now?
You call yourselves Oria Command?
What we should do is
shoot him in the head
and throw his fucking body
Can you shut the fuck up?
Pick him up.
See, Garmendia?
My partners here wanna keep going,
but if you answer my questions,
then you'll be okay.
However, I'm gonna need facts, names.
You understand?
- Shit. What's up?
- Hey, Gorka.
- Hey, there.
- Goddammit, I'm so sorry, man.
We're here for you, okay?
You know?
If you need anything, let me know.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Same goes for your parents, okay?
Sounds good?
See you, man.
Cheer up, Gorka.
Did you come to be with your parents?
- Yeah.
- Good.
You're a good son.
Your mother seems fine.
I'm worried about your dad, though.
Poor Joxian.
May God have mercy on him.
I don't know how
he'll get over this situation.
Your mother says he's been
at the garden all day,
he didn't even eat.
I pray for all of you
and for Joxe Mari.
I pray to God asking that
they will treat him humanely.
Don't be discouraged.
Be strong.
Your parents need you.
How are things in Bilbao?
Good. Good.
Okay, then.
- See you, Gorka.
- Bye.
They've all been so strong.
I know Joxe Mari's strong too.
Hey, there.
Well, so you came.
Here I am.
I'm not going back home
till I finish this.
What do we know about Joxe Mari?
Your brother's a murderer,
that's what we know.
Isn't that enough?
Your mother's right.
I was a bad father.
I could've fixed this
with a couple of smacks
back in the day.
Don't you think? Huh?
This country fixes
too many things that way.
So we don't know anything?
Nah, we aren't gonna be able to see him
until they've finished beating him up.
Are you in ETA?
No, Dad.
I work in the radio,
I don't hurt anyone.
I wouldn't follow
in his footsteps if I were you.
Look how it turned out for him.
The years he's gonna spend in jail
So much blood on his hands.
Did you hear what they said?
I don't think
I'll ever see him free again.
It's gonna be 20, 30 years at least.
I mean, no way.
I'll be in the ground by then.
Dad, I have something I wanna tell you.
It's something personal.
I've been told that Joxe Mari
had been seen in town
the day they killed Txato.
I can't
I can't get that out of my head.
That's what they're saying,
but who knows.
- But, Dad, listen, I
- What a coincidence, huh?
Why the fuck would he be in town
the day the killing took place?
If he did it
I won't forgive him.
Dad, I'm living with a man in Bilbao.
His name's Ramon.
Well, I call him Ramuntxo.
Just you wait.
The first time I see him,
I'm gonna ask him to his face.
And he's not gonna be able to lie to me
because in his eyes,
I'll see the truth.
Get yourself a glass.
On Radio Ser, "Hour 25."
The Home Affairs Minister has confirmed
that the terrorists
that were arrested yesterday
in San Sebastian
had been active for quite some time.
And thanks to their arrest,
further suffering has been avoided.
The detainees are scheduled
to be transferred to Madrid tonight
for further questioning by authorities
before making a statement
in an appearance before the judge
of the National Court.
The socialist democracy meeting
will continue throughout
Hey, Garmendia, what do you
think of the Spanish flag, huh?
Man, don't be an asshole.
Ask something useful
for the investigation.
All right, let's see.
Garmendia, do you have a girlfriend?
Answer, asshole!
We wanna know if you have one
and if you fuck her a lot.
These guys from ETA
are all a bunch of faggots, right?
They all fuck each other.
For sure.
Oh, man.
So tell me, Mario, how did the bet go?
Uh, well, my team lost
Wake up, soldier.
Don't fall asleep, okay?
He's falling asleep on us.
Let's go.
Let's fucking go!
How was your trip?
Have you been to Madrid before?
We're here to show you around.
Will you cooperate?
Listen to me.
It's best if you don't try to resist.
I'll ask you again.
Will you cooperate or not?
Better answer my question
or you'll suffocate in there.
Do you know "Pakito"?
Was he the one that sent you to Spain?
Were you with him in France?
Okay, soldier, give me
your little hand.
Open it.
There we go.
Come on.
Close it.
Strong grip.
Grip it well.
Get your fingerprints all over,
you son of a bitch.
That's it.
Congrats, terrorist.
Now you're officially guilty
of killing our partner Manuel.
Come on, Garmendia,
now to the elevator.
You didn't get it?
Go up and down as if you
were getting fucked in the ass.
Let's go!
Go, for fuck's sake.
Faster, asshole.
This coffee is fuckin' garbage.
Shit, I like it.
- You do?
- Yeah.
It tastes like rat poison.
So you've tasted rat poison?
Give me a light.
How's your wife?
Good. Nagging
as always.
And the kids?
Lorena's growing up so quick.
She looked beautiful
last time I saw her.
Yeah, she's beautiful.
Joxe Mari Garmendia.
We'll wait outside, doctor.
Get undressed.
From the waist up.
they tortured me.
They almost killed me.
Any broken bones?
No. But
Internal bleeding?
I'm sorry.
I can only report
visible body injuries,
not subjective perspectives
or personal opinions in any way.
They've been
hitting me nonstop, goddamn it.
And they won't let me sleep.
I'd save that for the judge
if I were you.
Although it won't help you much.
Blood pressure's good.
Get dressed.
Fit as a fiddle.
Right, doctor?
Come on, champ, almost finished.
So you declare
yourself a member of ETA?
Do you declare that all the answers
you have given here have been issued
out of free will and not under
any form of coercion?
That's all.
You have to sign here.
In a few moments, you'll be
taken over to the courthouse
and the judge will rule.
Have a good day.
Baby, you look so thin.
Are they not feeding you or something?
I'm not hungry, Ma.
Did they hit you?
I was afraid they would.
I haven't stopped praying
since you were arrested.
Because suing is completely
useless, I've been told.
And then they bring you here.
Why can't you be closer to home,
since you're locked up anyway?
Why take it out on the families?
Don't you have anything to say?
We're here to cheer him up.
If you're gonna be like this,
why'd you even come?
Patxi from the Arrano
asked for a picture of you.
They're gonna hang it up
on the front of City Hall.
Real, real big.
Oh, and everyone in town
has been sending their love.
And saying that they're there
if you need anything, too.
Oh, even Juani.
She told me to send you her love.
She's hanging in there,
with what happened to Jokin and all.
But we keep each other company.
And we support each other a lot.
We were all at the protest
together when they arrested you.
I asked Saint Ignacio to protect you.
I pray a lot.
"Take care of him," I say.
"Take care of him."
Thanks, Ma.
And Father Serapio also prays a lot.
He said you have his blessing.
And my siblings, how are they?
Arantxa's hanging in there.
Ainhoa is a piece of work,
doesn't sleep well at all.
Look at her, so pretty.
Hmm. I don't know.
Her husband got fired
from the paper factory.
Something must have happened.
And I'm sure you'll agree
it's nonsense.
Firing young men
when there's so many
old men to fire first.
But, um, you know your sister,
you can't say anything.
I don't know how they're getting by.
Yeah. Hmm.
And Gorka?
Don't see him much, he's in Bilbao.
At the radio.
You know, busy.
Okay, wrap it up.
- Uh
- They just got here.
Time's up. Let's go.
We'll tell your siblings
to come visit you soon.
And we'll come too, every single month.
Agur, my love.
I told my mom a thousand times
not to buy candy for the kids.
Listen, your mother's a blessing to us.
She bought us groceries
again yesterday.
It's the second time this month.
I'll tell her not to do it again.
Okay, and then what are we gonna eat?
Guille, the shoe shop
salary isn't enough.
I don't like her meddling in our lives.
She's in our house all day.
She's there helping out all day.
Mine could do the same sometime.
You know what, you're just
being too proud right now.
What do you know about anything?
Such a fucking nag.
Don't insult me.
Come on, Arantxa, leave me alone.
- I mean it, Guille, how
- Guillermo!
Hi, Arantxa.
- Good to see you.
- How are you, huh?
I've been meaning to call you.
They're hiring at Mamut Supermarket.
Call them, maybe they'll hire you.
Thank you so much, Manolo.
You don't know how much I needed this.
I wish you the best of luck.
But hurry up.
I have to go now.
I'll see ya.
- Agur.
- Agur. Thanks again.
Let's go home.
Shit, maybe we got lucky.
Let's go.
I mean, no, no, no, no, I've
had enough adventures already.
You're damn right you have!
So what I actually
want now is a husband.
A husband and two kids.
And ideally, a boy and a girl.
And a proper wedding.
A traditional one.
Like with your daddy walking
you down the aisle and all that.
The classic stuff.
My dad's dead.
Yeah. Yeah, cancer.
I'm really sorry.
I had no idea.
No, no, it's okay.
It was a long time ago.
Seriously, it's okay.
Don't worry.
- We're so sorry.
- It's okay.
Nerea? Nerea?
Go, go ahead.
We'll take care of this.
Great. Thanks. Bye.
- Are you hungry?
- Uh, a little.
I could go for a fish omelet,
a fat steak, some peppers too.
Nah, but, seriously,
a couple pintxos, wine,
and I'm good.
We could eat now if you want.
We can go over there.
- There?
- Mm-hmm.
It's where they killed
Gregorio Ordoñez, right?
Why does that matter?
Ugh. I hated that guy.
Because of guys like him,
my brother's in jail.
I'll have to pass.
Come on.
You have a brother in jail?
In Badajoz.
For a long time.
- What for?
- What do mean "what for"?
Because of the fight.
He's in ETA.
It's getting chilly.
Well, I guess we could go
in any of these other places, right?
Look, they make some
fucking killer pintxos.
I think I'd rather go.
I'm not feeling well.
Okay, I can walk you home.
No, don't worry, it's-it's
right around the corner.
- Agur.
- Agur.
- Hello?
- Eneko?
Nerea, are you okay?
I didn't have
the nerve before, but, uh
You're gonna think
I'm a coward, but, um
I met someone else.
I'm sorry.
No. No
You have to push.
So you see,
I can't give you a hug.
Don't worry about it.
I was dying to see you, Gorka.
Well, I'm here.
Aren't you happy to see me, huh?
Of course I'm happy.
But I'd rather be seeing you
in a different way.
Me too.
You're here but deep down,
you despise me for what I did.
Why do you think that?
I can tell Mom and Dad
pushed you to come here.
I came because I wanted to.
Although I don't approve
of what brought you here.
I've never approved of it.
You're one of those
who think I deserve it, right?
I'll leave that answer to your victims.
Gorka, they haven't stopped
beating the shit out of me
since I got here.
But that didn't hurt near as
much as what you just said.
My own brother.
What the fuck?
What, so you want me to lie?
Or you want me to congratulate you?
For what?
For freeing my people.
With the blood
of others? Nice.
Crush us every day
and won't let us be free.
Didn't you do the same
to those you killed?
If it weren't for this glass,
I'd explain it to you in a way
that I'm sure you'd understand.
What, you're gonna shoot me now?
You killed people
in the name of a nation
without even asking
if that's what they wanted.
Maybe we should stop.
I don't think we're gonna agree.
You started it.
Some fight for the freedom
of the Basque Country.
Others worry about
having a comfortable life
and a fucking good time.
Some make sacrifices,
others take advantage.
I make radio shows in Basque
and write books in Basque.
That's my way of contributing
to our people's heritage
without leaving behind
a bunch of widows and orphans.
I heard you're living with a man.
You've always been
a little weird, but
I didn't think you were that weird.
Mom thinks you're ashamed of us.
Well, I'm ashamed of having
a faggot for a brother
who doesn't care that
he's sweeping the floor
with our family name.
I live with someone I love
and who loves me,
but that's like speaking
Chinese to you, huh?
What could a person
like you know about love?
Gorka! Gorka! Gorka!
Endika, cut it out.
Hello, hello!
Oh, wow, buddy, that's a fast car, huh?
Hi, sweetie.
Hey, baby.
What's that?
I wanted to say I'm sorry.
I know I made it really hard for you,
when-when I didn't have a job and
I thought I'd get you a flower.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
You know what I heard today?
Zamarreño is now a councilman
with the Conservative Party
at City Hall.
Zamarreño, the guy
who told me about the job.
- Remember?
- Of course I remember.
You're not thinking about
going into politics, right?
Me? No, no, no, no.
Never. No.
You should go get some bread.
We're having lunch with my parents,
but we need bread for dinner tonight.
And take Endika,
because he's getting on my nerves.
- Hmm-mm.
- I have a lot to iron before we leave.
Okay. Endika?
Come here, champ.
We're going to the market.
- Coming!
- Let's go.
Come on, Ainhoa.
Let's get you dressed, we're late.
Come on.
This guy's got some nerve.
Never park on the sidewalk, Endika.
He should get a ticket.
Hey, Manolo.
- What's up?
- Hey, little champ.
How's everything?
It's good.
How about you?
Good. Good.
I'm sorry, we have to get going.
Ah, no problem.
- See ya.
- Later.
Let's go.
- Good morning.
- Morning!
Endika, you're so big.
Come here, let me give you some candy
before your dad says anything.
Do you have marshmallows?
You're spoiling him.
Ainhoa! Ainhoa! Ainhoa!
What happened?
Are you okay?
Are you okay, Guille?
Ah, yeah, Angelita.
They killed him.
We're okay.
They killed him.
I can't talk right now.
The kids
They killed him!
Those fucking cowards.
Come on, Ainhoa, I'll braid your hair.
Endika, sweetheart,
bring the brush, please, honey.
Those fucking disgusting nationalists.
They killed
him! Motherfuckers!
Here's a Spanish man for you!
You can kill me when I'm buying bread!
Wait for me here.
You motherfuckers!
- Cowards!
- Guille!
Like you did with him!
- Guille, they're gonna hear you!
- Cowards!
Let them fucking hear me!
You don't live by yourself.
They fucking killed him.
I thought it was your father.
He's not back from
the bar still, I tell you.
Hey. What, the cat
got your tongue?
Okay, come on, give Grandma a kiss.
Let's see.
Oh, my. Who braided
your hair like that?
Leave your things in the bedroom.
Your husband not coming?
He wasn't feeling well.
You don't care about being this late?
Go wash your hands.
We're about to eat.
if you're all done,
you can help me clean up.
Who's dead?
A friend of Guille's.
Holy shit.
The one who helped him get a job.
What is it?
What's for dessert?
Who wants some?
- Me.
- Me.
Festina is trying to build a team
that will win the three big laps.
Its three leaders will be
Zülle, Dufaux and Virenque,
and that'll be a problem on the Tour
because the Frenchman feels
capable of winning it.
They'll have to
talk it out and figure things out.
Why didn't your father
come for lunch, hmm?
Some bad men
just killed a friend of his.
So that's why he didn't wanna come.
He's been home crying all morning.
Well, what kind of man cries that much?
What, honey?
Grandma says Dad's a crybaby.
Good afternoon.
Only 15 kilometers left
for the end of the race
What did you say to my son?
What did you say to him
about the "bad men"?
What did we say?
It was a miracle
that I didn't just lose
a son and my husband this morning.
They both walked right by the bomb
half a minute before the explosion.
We don't fight against the innocent.
So, you're fighting?
Oh, should I congratulate you
for this morning then?
Your husband's little friend was
a councilman in the opposition.
Are you going insane?
He was a good person.
- He had a family.
- He was an oppressor.
Have you forgotten
that you have a brother
rotting in a damn Spanish prison
because of "good people" like him.
Look, your son
the one you're so proud of,
is a murderer.
That's why he's in jail,
because he's a terrorist!
I'll say that again.
Because he's a terrorist!
Not because he spoke Basque,
like you told Endika.
You liar!
You're nothing but a liar!
What do you have to say about my son?
What do you have to say, huh?
He's a soldier who risked his life
for the Basque Country!
- Come on!
- What do you have to say?
Go and tell that
to your son's victims, huh?
Explain it to them.
I dare you to look them in the eyes!
Look, listen.
Those Those are
Those are your
husband's friends. Yeah?
So he can go!
Why don't you ever
call Guillermo by his name?
Does it hurt to say it?
I guess you think
he's also an oppressor.
He's not very Basque.
He was born here!
Just like me and you!
"Hernandez Carrizo."
He doesn't even know
a single word in Basque!
Ainhoa, Endika, we're leaving.
No, no, don't leave.
Forget it, Dad.
I don't know how you could
stand her all these years.
So here we
have the first of the four groups
He said just
that, "Your mother is charming."
I'm charming?
Oh, yeah, snake charming.
I almost asked if
he wears a suit and tie
even when he goes to bed.
Well, you should
start getting used to him,
'cause I plan to marry him.
We'll see.
If you manage to keep him
from being stolen.
So, you think he's handsome?
- Yeah, too handsome.
- And elegant?
To me, he's just one more on the list.
Okay, Mom.
Talk to you later.
Yeah, okay.
- Agur.
- Agur, agur.
So sorry I'm late.
You could at least try to be careful.
You don't have to rub it in my
face that you're with someone else.
Nerea, we talked about this.
And you accepted.
You didn't give me a choice.
You know I hate lying.
So if you can't handle it,
maybe it's best if we broke up.
Some people vent with other things.
I do it by having sex.
This has nothing to do with us.
Damn it, I love you.
You're my Nerea,
the only one.
The others don't mean anything to me.
What if I did the same thing?
I never said you couldn't.
I'm gonna go get a drink.
These fuckers are out here again.
Quique, be quiet.
These fucking murderers
are protesting again?
Is that better?
I still think the same thing,
even if I say it quietly.
I have a call.
- What number?
- My house.
- 9-4-3
- Okay, okay.
Not in Basque.
- Joxe Mari?
- Yeah, Mom.
It's me.
The line dropped.
- How are you?
- You know, I'm here
waiting for your call.
It took you a while.
How are you?
Okay, good.
That's good.
I'm glad. Hey!
They paid you
the most beautiful tribute
the other day.
With bertsolaris and everything.
They sang some beautiful verses.
There was txalaparta music too.
So nice.
Very moving.
And all of them
said to send you much love,
and they'll raise
as many banners as you want.
It gave me so much strength and joy,
not like that Patxo guy
who was with you.
What happened?
He's held in Caceres II, right?
He's a traitor.
He signed a letter
with the other repentants.
Him too?
They pull their pants down, honey,
just so they get some benefits.
Juani asked me,
"Hey, is Joxe Mari
gonna sign?"
I told her, "Joxe Mari signing?
Are you nuts or what?"
You should've seen my face.
I don't think she'll
ask me that again. Hmm!
By the way, did you know
that her
husband died? Josetxo.
No, I didn't know.
Terrible cancer.
Couldn't get over his son's luck.
And Dad, how's he doing?
And Gorka?
Gorka? He's
He's with
He's just with his
with his little friend.
You know.
I don't even ask anymore,
since I just seem to annoy everyone.
Even your father.
Now he's visiting
Arantxa's family in secret.
He thinks I'm stupid and don't know.
So you're not visiting Arantxa?
She's the one that left.
Slammed the door.
If she wants to see me,
she knows where to find me.
Hey, Ma, it's beeping already.
- Wha Agur.
- Mom.
Your time's up.
For fuck's sake.
According to Navarra's Delegation,
it happened around 12:25
at Santo Domingo Square.
Two people are dead.
It seems it was
two National Policewomen
who died as the result of an explosion
using a car bomb
What are you doing?
Don't change it.
and a fourth person,
who apparently worked for Telefonica
Those sons of bitches
killed two more people
just because they wore a uniform.
Shh. Guille.
The kids are trying to sleep.
So what?
What's the problem?
I can't talk in my own house or what?
Or do you actually want me to shut up
because your brother is
a murderer like these guys?
Leave my brother out of this.
You know it bothers me.
Well, I hope he rots in jail.
You take that back.
Take it back, my fucking ass.
You're gonna defend
that fucking murderer now?
Less than a week ago,
we were at the anniversary
of Zamarreño's death.
What did you go for?
Were you just pretending or what?
Guillermo, enough, please.
I never should have fucking agreed
to give my children Basque names.
I shouldn't have.
Why are you bringing this up now?
And all of that just to please
that goddamn nationalist grandmother
we don't even talk to anymore.
I'll tell you one thing, Arantxa.
Those children are Spanish
and I'm Spanish, too.
- They're gonna hear you.
- Well, let them fucking hear, then!
Can't I just fucking be
Spanish in Spain, huh?
Right now you're being a
fucking fascist piece of shit!
And a drunk too!
Yeah, that's it, leave!
You fucking leftist asshole!
You want dinner?
I guess.
If you don't mind having me.
Don't say something like that.
How could I possibly mind?
Come in.
Have a seat.
What's with the smile?
Just let him smile.
At least one person in our family can.
Yes. Yes.
It's me.
One moment, please.
I wanna talk to Amaia.
Sorry, who?
- Is she there?
- Who's calling?
Uh, Gorka, a friend of her father's.
Just a minute, please.
I'll wait.
Hi, it's Gorka.
I can't believe I finally found you.
How's California?
Look, your father had surgery,
and, uh, don't worry, he's fine,
but I wanted you to know.
Amaia, the call got cut off.
No, we didn't get
cut off. I hung up on you.
Don't call me anymore.
I don't care about that man at all.
- Who were you talking to?
- You heard me?
With your daughter.
She told me to say hi.
You're a terrible liar,
but I appreciate you trying.
Your ex messed her up,
but she'll get over it
eventually, you'll see.
Forget that and watch.
to President Zapatero
who asked to speak after the debate,
It's a historic day.
We're expanding opportunities
for happiness for our neighbors,
for all of our coworkers,
for our friends,
for our family members,
and at the same time,
we're building a country
Well, maybe once I'm feeling better
I'll surprise you
and ask you to marry me.
a decent society is one that
Well, you're gonna
have to do more than that
if you think I'm going to accept, hmm?
Really? Like what?
Just so you know,
her state might be shocking.
Please stop trying to protect me.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna
storm out of here.
It's Arantxa.
What are you gonna say?
Are you gonna ask her about Mom?
I don't know.
I just wanna see her.
We have stuff in common.
We both had a shitty life.
We'll have plenty to talk about.
Sometimes her caregiver is with her,
other times her mom.
I'm telling you in case
you don't wanna run into her.
Relax, don't strain yourself.
Xabier told me everything.
I wanted to see you.
Shitty luck, huh?
"I'm happy to see you."
Me too.
How are you?
"Not good." Of course.
What a stupid question,
I'm sorry. I suck.
Guille left you?
Don't you have two kids?
I'm sure you're
super proud of them, right?
"They're what"
"I love"
"the most in my life."
"They live with him,"
"I see them a lot."
"They turned out like me."
the years are starting to show.
I know you live back in our hometown
and you often see my mom.
"I'm so sorry"
"about her illness."
Xabier and I have been
trying to help her.
Especially him, he's a big mama's boy.
"The greatest"
"regret Bittori has"
"is dying"
"before my brother"
"asks for your forgiveness."
Well, yeah.
She lacks that comfort, yeah.
"putting pressure on
Joxe Mari."
- You write him?
- Hi, pretty girl.
You have a visitor today?
We're old friends.
Oh, great.
I was
I was about to leave.
- I loved seeing you.
- Hmm.
I'll come back another day.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hey, Mom!
- Mom!
- Hi.
- So good to see you.
How you been?
- You look strong.
- You look good.
Oh, Ainhoa, Endika.
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