Presumed Innocent (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

The Witness

[RUSTY] Ray, Ray, Ray?
You okay? Hey, hey.
- [LORRAINE] I'm his wife.
- [RUSTY] Hey,
- I'm his wife.
- somebody call an ambulance!
Did you call an ambulance?
Loss of consciousness upon arrival.
- [DOCTOR] Sensing erratic pulse.
- [PARAMEDIC] IV started in the right arm.
[DOCTOR] Okay. Let's make sure his O2 is
at eight liters.
He's gonna need a 12-lead EKG,
a full blood panel, CBC and cross.
He's going into V-tach, check his pulse.
We've lost the pulse.
- Hey, honey.
- [BARBARA] I'm home with the kids.
How is he?
He's still in surgery.
- [REPORTER ON TV] As Raymond Horgan
- Okay.
- [RUSTY] I'll keep you posted, okay?
- Okay. Okay.
- I love you.
- Yeah. Bye.
[REPORTER] after suffering
from an apparent cardiac arrest.
Definitely an
unexpected turn of events.
[SIGHS] God.
We're not hearing at all if this trial is
actually going to continue at this point.
Rae, is there any precedent at all
for this type of thing happening?
A defendant jumping in
and saving his attorney's life?
[RAE] You know,
it typically works the other way around.
But to answer your question,
there's no rule.
It's up to the judge.
And given the one we have here,
I'd say anything goes at this time.
- Okay, so if it's a mistrial,
they do it all over again?
It seems so.
[SIGHS] This is so fucked.
[ANCHOR] pandemonium there
at the courtroom.
I'm guessing it's the same
way over at the emergency room.
Hey, you want something to drink?
You want some water
or something like that?
- Yeah, thank you.
- Yeah?
I just want to say I'm so sorry.
And, uh,
if there's any way I can help
I know that rings hollow
but, um, whatever I can do
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- [LORRAINE] Thanks.
- [DOCTOR] Mrs. Horgan?
- Yeah?
- Mrs Mrs. Horgan?
- Yeah.
He's gonna be okay. Improved, even.
- Really?
- [DOCTOR] It wasn't a coronary.
- It was a bradycardia.
- [LORRAINE] Oh, my
It's an an electrical issue that
slowed his heart rate
down to a near stop.
We gave him a pacemaker.
There's no neurological damage.
- He'll walk out improved.
- Thank you, Doctor. [CHUCKLES]
S So he's gonna be okay?
- He's gonna be all right, fine.
- Yeah.
Better. He's in recovery right now.
He'll be in his room in a few hours
and you'll be able to see him then.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- [DOCTOR] Yeah. You're welcome.
- Yeah? [CHUCKLES]
[NICO] We got a problem.
Yeah, we got a problem.
[SIGHS] Uh, the jury just saw Rusty
go all hero an
We need to move for a mistrial.
- What?
- Yeah.
- We We
- We're winning.
- [CHUCKLING] I'm not so sure of that.
- A mistrial and he walks.
- No. We don't know that.
- [TOMMY] Yes, we do. Come on.
Second time through,
he's gonna know our hand.
Think about this. As-As lying,
cheating psychopaths go,
- he's a pretty charming guy, right?
- It doesn't
And he just saved a human life
in front of the jury.
It can also be argued that
the jury just saw him act impulsively,
physically in a way
that they saw him snap.
But you have to just trust the jury.
Know that they're more equipped
to visualize what happened that night
than either of us.
So, the question is, "Now what?"
[SCOFFS] You can't keep going
without your head counsel
this deep into a murder trial.
Maybe they put things on pause?
[PODCASTER 1] I'm pretty sure
that's not how it works.
From everything I'm reading
from legal experts, it
[LARYN] So what are we thinking?
Are we thinking?
Mr. Delay Guardia,
you certainly seem cognitively overdue.
Mmm. I'm just weighing
the principles of judicial economics
versus those of fairness, you know?
We recognize, as agents of the court,
that we have a duty
to ensure proceedings are free
of prejudice and undue bias.
What the fuck are you talking about?
We left law school years ago.
- What are you talking about?
- [NICO] I'm saying that
we think a mistrial is justified.
- Well, that's all you had to say.
- We oppose.
You wanna keep going?
I'm prepared to take over.
- Immediately?
- You're gonna take over?
Tomorrow. I'd like a day.
Mr. Delay Guardia?
Uh [CHUCKLES] S-S-Sorry.
Yeah. Yeah.
The prosecution stands ready to proceed.
I'd like to represent myself.
I'm sorry?
I'd like to take over as lead counsel.
My appearance is already on record
and Ms. Winslow's experience
is more limited than my own.
a person cannot stand as a witness
[RUSTY] She can serve as second chair.
and an advocate in
the same proceeding.
I will not stand as a witness.
I'll stipulate that right now.
You will be a witness.
You're gonna be
the most clever witness of all time
'cause you'll get to put your point
of view
and your demeanor to the jury
My lead counsel is incapacitated.
without facing cross-examination.
I will not offer
anything evidentiary or testimonial.
And may I remind the court
that it is my right.
Then the court will remind you,
Mr. Sabich,
if you even hint at
giving your version of events,
I will allow prosecution
to put you into that witness chair,
where you will be subject
to full cross-examination.
And should you blow a hole in your foot,
you will not be granted appeal
on Sixth Amendment grounds
of having a fool for an attorney.
You're gonna go pro per?
[LARYN] So long as he doesn't give
testimony, there's no bar to it.
I understand, Your Honor.
Bad idea.
But you're free to indulge it.
I'll instruct the jury, and we shall
resume tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
You might wanna rethink.
How-How can this be? You
promised me that you would shield him.
- We'll do our best.
- [CALDWELL] You'll do your best?
You'll do your best?
Is no one watching out for my son?
He will now be cross-examined
by the very man who murdered his mother.
- It is his right, right to represent
- He's a fucking murderer!
[ANCHOR] Even for a case involving
such twists and turns,
this is still a shocker.
And, Eleanor, this whole idea
of Rusty Sabich representing himself,
- what are your thoughts on that?
- Mom, this is nuts.
Don't underestimate your father, honey.
- Not in that room.
- Mom, come on.
Come the fuck on.
- Honey!
Stop! Stop. [GASPS, GRUNTS]
[REPORTER 1] Come on, this way!
This way, please!
All right, I'll see you in there.
Please excuse my tardiness, Your Honor.
Mr. Sabich.
Hello, Michael.
First, let me offer my deep condolences.
I cannot imagine
the pain of losing your mom.
You killed my mother.
[RUSTY] You used to go
to your mother's house a lot
and just watch?
To see her life. To see the
the life that she didn't want you
to be a part of.
Did she ever tell you why she didn't
want you to be a part of her life?
Did your father ever tell you
why she didn't want to?
Well, that must have made you
pretty angry.
Is that a fair statement?
Not enough to kill her.
- Raymond.
- I'm just watching. [CHUCKLES]
That's interesting, Michael, 'cause
in the last few weeks of her life,
you had a number of text exchanges
with your mother.
Did you write her,
"It would be easier if you were dead"?
Did you text her that?
She didn't just hurt me.
She hurt my father.
"Just really fucking mad at you.
You ruined my life."
Did you text her that?
You wished for her death.
No, I said it would be easier.
People move on from death.
Divorce is harder.
That's what I meant.
Okay. Leave it there.
Just That's good.
[RUSTY] You took this video of me
entering your mother's house
on the night that she died,
and you testified that
you had seen me go there before.
So you were aware
that your mother and I were lovers.
[RUSTY] The idea that
she didn't want you in her life,
but that she would
have affection for me,
that didn't make you hate me at all?
I hate you because you killed her.
Go easy, Rusty.
So after you took this video,
what did you do?
[MICHAEL] I left.
And how long after you saw me
enter her house did you leave?
- Pretty much right away.
- And where did you go?
I went home.
Who was at home?
My father.
Just-Just the two of you?
[RUSTY] Anybody else?
No, it was just us.
So nobody to vouch for you but him.
And nobody to vouch for him but you.
- Objection.
- Overruled.
Did you tell your father that you saw
your mother's lover
go into her house?
Please answer the question, Michael.
I don't remember if I told him anything.
So it is possible
it is possible that you told your father
that you saw your mother's lover
go into her house
the night that she was killed?
I don't remember telling him anything.
There are a number of
documents that were confiscated
by the police department
on your computer.
And it showed that you had a very keen
in your mother's past cases.
You went on some true crime websites
and you were digging for information
that wasn't available
in the mainstream media,
including Bunny Davis.
- Objection.
- Sustained. Ask questions, counsel.
He's got to be careful.
- Did you kill your mother?
- Objection!
How about your father?
Did he kill your mother?
- Wow.
- Tell me you have a good faith basis.
I have grounds to accuse
neither the witness or his father.
How could I possibly?
After the briefest and most negligent
- of investigations by the police,
they were both dismissed
by the state attorney's office
- He's out of control
- [TOMMY] Your Honor!
For the record,
did you kill your mother?
Hey! You sick fuck!
- That's enough! Enough!
- Mr. Caldwell, step back.
Are you fucking serious?
- [BAILIFF 1] Move.
- Step back, Mr. Caldwell.
You're supposed to be watching him.
[REPORTER 1] Mr. Sabich,
were you scared
when Dalton Caldwell came after you?
[REPORTER 2] Can the prosecution recover
from such a misstep?
Were the Caldwells in this together?
[REPORTER 3] Why do you think so many
loose ends weren't investigated?
[NICO] You know, Raymond used to have
this saying
when a case went south.
He'd say there's medium-rare fucked,
there's medium-plus, there's well-done.
I think we might be well-done fucked.
[TOMMY] He came off as desperate.
He's pointing the finger
at everyone but himself.
[NICO] All right. [SIGHS]
All right. All right. Shh.
So they
established that somebody
with hatred toward Carolyn Polhemus was
at the scene who may have known
details of the Bunny Davis case.
They pinged Liam Reynolds
and then the father,
who went fucking psycho.
So we we Rigo.
- We call fucking Rigo.
- Rigo?
- No, Rigo is firmly in Rusty's camp.
- Yeah.
So was Eugenia. It's all about
asking the right questions.
- Rigo hates me.
- She doesn't hate me. I can take her.
- No.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- No.
No, I'll tell you why.
'Cause if we don't,
we're well-done
beyond-a-reasonable-doubt fucked.
- [RUSTY] What is Rigo going to say?
- [EUGENIA] I don't know.
No, come on. Bullshit.
You two are friends.
- Just tell me what she's go
- No, you two are friends.
[STAMMERS] She is gonna testify to what?
Probably as to what I saw,
and what I'm fucking seeing right now.
What does that mean?
You're fucking going rogue,
like you are right here, right now.
- [RUSTY] Wh
You know I didn't want to testify,
I know that you know that.
[SIGHS] Oh, my God.
Did I get this whole thing wrong?
- Did I get
- What do
Carolyn was a drug.
You had an addiction.
Addictions destroy lives.
God. It's one thing to destroy you,
but you weren't about
to let her destroy your family.
Oh, my God.
I think she told you that night
that she was gonna keep the baby,
didn't she?
Did she tell you that she was gonna keep
the baby that night?
She was gonna keep that kid.
- Your kid.
- Get out of my car.
Get out of my car.
[NICO] Liam Reynolds was not involved
in Carolyn Polhemus's murder,
and yet the two of you went back
to prison to see Liam Reynolds.
- Is that right?
- We did.
We'll let Rusty tell us.
Even if you did have Carolyn killed,
it could work in your favor.
You'd have to have an accomplice,
means you'd have
something to trade.
Okay, so just imagine,
right now, you're serving
a life sentence for killing Bunny Davis.
But by pointing us to Carolyn,
you could possibly see
the street again, you know?
Or even if you had a hand
in the murder too.
Now that that is perversity.
So So, uh, just to be clear,
uh, you're telling me
incriminating myself
- If you had an accomplice.
- in a prosecutor's murder,
- could lead to my freedom?
- [RUSTY] Yes.
What's certain is that you are currently
serving a life sentence
without parole.
And I am offering you an
opportunity to change that.
Oh, God.
This is beautiful.
No! God Almighty.
I just I had no fucking idea.
[REYNOLDS] You're desperate.
[NICO] A reduced sentence in return
confessing to Carolyn Polhemus's murder.
I wasn't present.
I didn't know he was gonna do that.
Did you take issue
with this attempted bribe?
- Sustained.
- [NICO] I apologize.
Did you take issue with this approach?
I did. When he told me what happened,
I said
I thought he way crossed the line.
And did he respond?
he said something to the effect of
It's my life on the line.
I'll do whatever I have to.
What a hero.
When you were first assigned this case
by the defendant,
were you given any particular directives
as to the collection of evidence?
All evidence,
forensics and otherwise,
was to go straight to him and only him.
And were you given
any particular directives
as to whom the evidence
and the forensics and otherwise
should be particularly shielded from?
Mr. Molto and you.
[NICO] That's disappointing.
Your witness.
Here we go.
I was desperate to prove my innocence,
at all times,
of charges that I felt
wrongly accused of.
Is that a fair statement?
And I steadfastly
maintained my innocence
in the death of Carolyn Polhemus
at all times.
- Did I not?
- You did.
And in your experience, Detective,
is it unusual for a
prosecutor to ask you
to keep information
between the two of them?
In my experience, no, it's not.
And you're aware that I asked you
to keep the evidence
between the two of us
precisely because I did not trust
that Mr. Molto or Mr. Della Guardia
would conduct a fair investigation.
Is that also a fair statement?
Thank you.
- Hey.
How are you doing?
[PANTING] Yeah, you know
they pulled up two witnesses
to assert my
And I was a little too zealous
in my assertion of my innocence.
You know, whatever.
So what? Case is still good. We're good.
- You went back to using these?
I mean, I need to focus.
How am I supposed to do that, huh?
[SIGHS] You just should've told me,
- So good. So good. [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, yeah. Thank you.
All rise.
The court is now in session.
The honorable Judge Lyttle presiding.
Be seated.
Okay then, Mr. Molto.
Does the State have anything else?
[TOMMY] Yes, Your Honor.
The People call Rusty Sabich.
What the fuck was that?
Well, since Mr. Sabich insisted
on testifying through
Detective Rodriguez,
it's only fair that he be sworn in
and subjected to cross.
I didn't hear an objection.
I didn't feel the need to,
as the court made it very clear
if the defendant even hinted
at his version
[STAMMERS] No, I did not testify.
I cross-examined a witness
that you called.
But you went beyond the scope
of our direct.
You asserted your innocence.
[RUSTY] You called the witness
and you called the detective
to establish my guilt and my dishonesty,
and my cross went
to my truthfulness and innocence,
well within my scope of direct.
You gave your version.
I warned you, should you even introduce
even a morsel
of something that's not in evidence
You did exactly that.
All right, you got two choices.
You want a mistrial, I'll give you one.
No questions asked.
I won't force you to go on. But if
we do go on, you get in that chair.
You opened the door on this.
Take the mistrial, Rusty.
I'll testify.
- Mya. Mya, they wanted a mistrial.
- The fuck was that?
- They know they're losing.
- That's why they called me!
- Maybe, maybe.
Or maybe they wanted to get you
on the stand,
where you'll be an easy fucking target.
Fine, put me in the witness chair.
Fine. Let's have Molto's narcissism
- on full display.
- Why? [SIGHS]
And yours won't?
What is that supposed to mean?
Did you Did you do it on purpose?
Open the door.
- What do you think
- You introduced testimony.
- Did you do it on purpose?
- No
[STAMMERS] Why would I do that?
'Cause you're Rusty Sabich,
and you can do whatever you want, right?
Mya, maybe just maybe
I did it because I know
what the fuck I'm doing. [SCOFFS]
I don't think so.
I'm done.
So, Rusty Sabich is expected to
take the stand in his own defense,
which means that he'll not only be
a defendant, he'll be an advocate.
He's also gonna be a witness as well.
[RAE] He is not going to be
having a second chair,
which means
that he is going to be flying solo.
A lot resting
on his shoulders in this trial.
[ANCHOR] It feels like Sabich
has really found himself
backed into a corner.
And I don't know if anything short
of a miracle
Oh, God, Rusty.
is going to be able
to get him out of it.
In other news
[JADEN] Pills. What kind of pills?
- [KYLE] He's taking Ritalin.
- Are you serious?
Yeah, I heard Mom on the phone
with her therapist,
and I guess he's taken it
before for big trials.
Makes him sharper.
And he's taking it now
before he testifies tomorrow?
Yeah, it's fucking stupid.
Is it possible to, um,
have some of that Rusty Sabich,
um, fairy dust?
I-I don't know if it's
if it's something I can, uh, give you.
of course I wanted to talk to her,
but I swear nothing happened
I needed to see her
and tell her that it was
that it was over.
I needed her to know that
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Please tell me you didn't
spend the whole night here.
No, I came in early.
All right. You, uh You ready?
Yeah, I'm ready.
So, big day.
I was just thinking about law school
and how hard we worked.
Yeah, just give me one day, Nico.
One day,
when I can just say it was all worth it.
Today is that day, Tommy.
like Crime Junkie 101.
You don't take the stand
in your own defense.
[PODCASTER 2] Well, he didn't, right?
The prosecution called him
[HOST 1] How do you
represent yourself
without looking like
a schizophrenic?
[HOST 2] Something that could
create doubt in the minds of the jury.
Oh, fuck.
[MYA] Hey.
Hello, Mya.
Good luck today.
I just wanted to say the key
is to not let him rattle you,
which will be his intent.
To get you to flare.
You can't take the bait.
Thank you, Mya.
Am I allowed to give
more general advice?
Can I say that I'm sorry first?
Apology accepted.
Maybe you were right.
I'm always right.
Don't let him let you be an asshole.
It would not be good
for the jury to see you in that light.
[MYA] Don't cede to them on anything.
- [MYA] I'll be there, Rusty.
- Okay, someone's here.
- Um, I gotta go. Thank you, Mya.
- [MYA] Okay.
- What are you doing here?
- Doctors cleared me.
You need me.
Are you sure that it's safe
to be in the courtroom?
Really. Doctors, they say I'm good. You?
Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
- I do.
- Have a seat.
Mr. Sabich
you stated that
you maintained your innocence
at all times with Detective Rodriguez.
- Correct.
- And that was truthful?
It was.
You were truthful with her
about everything?
I did not disclose
my relationship with the victim.
Did you disclose to her
that you were present
at the victim's house on the night of?
- Eventually.
- Eventually?
So when you first assigned this case
to Detective Rodriguez
in your capacity
as Chief Deputy Prosecutor,
did you tell her that you were present
at the scene
of the crime on the night of?
I did not.
Did you tell anyone
that was connected to the case?
I did not kill her.
Are the first 48 hours the most
important in any investigation?
And would it have been helpful
for the police
and the investigatory team
to just know that you were there?
You made your point, Tommy.
I did not disclose my presence.
- Were you in love with her?
- I fell in love with her.
[TOMMY] Is it fair to say
you were obsessed with her?
I was in love with her.
As to what qualifies as obsession
Sending 30 texts or emails
on or near the day of her death.
- Would that qualify?
- I was in love with her.
On the night of her death,
you went there
hoping that she would take you back?
I did.
Did you send these texts
in the hours before her death?
[TOMMY] "This is not right.
You can't do this.
I'll not let you treat me this way.
Answer my fucking calls."
- You sent those?
- I did.
And how about this one?
"I want to spend
the rest of my life with you."
Did you send Carolyn that text?
Did you tell her you wanted to
spend the rest of your life with her?
I was in love with her.
- Were you angry with her?
- I was frustrated.
Mmm. Frustrated, like this text?
[TOMMY] "Answer my fucking calls.
Who the fuck do you think you are,
treating me this way?"
Is that frustration
or would that qualify as anger?
It would qualify as passion.
And passion can blind a person.
And I certainly lost sight of the things
that were most important in my life.
My My wife and my children.
Passion is a dangerous drug.
One that you're not immune to yourself,
So consumed with trying to take me down
that you have lost sight of the fact
that you have no real evidence.
Yes, I was in love with her.
Yes, I did not disclose my presence,
but I did not kill her.
- Did you strike her with a fire poker?
- I never hit her.
I am not a violent person.
[TOMMY] Mr. Ratzer,
could you please stand?
Have you ever encountered
this person before?
There is a context to that.
This is footage
from the adjacent house to yours.
The two of you, correct?
[TOMMY] Does that fairly
and accurately capture the context?
Your Honor, this is unfair surprise.
Offer to impeach.
The witness just testified
that he's not violent.
I'll allow it.
He came to my house uninvited.
He trespassed and he intimidated me.
So you beat him up?
I am guilty of acting
out of desperation.
It caused me to hide
my relationship with Carolyn Polhemus.
It caused me to zealously pursue
an admission from Liam Reynolds
in her death.
It caused me to lash
out at Brian Ratzer.
By the way, when he came to my house
and he violently banged on my door
when my daughter answered.
Am I volatile? Yes. Yes, I'm volatile.
A person I loved was brutally murdered.
And I have been charged with that crime.
And circumstances like that
can bring out, uh,
many things in a person,
desperation being one of them.
Uh, weakness, emotional instability.
And I apologize for all of those things.
I am guilty of all of those things.
But what I am not guilty of
is killing Carolyn Polhemus.
I did not take her life.
Yeah. What about Dr. Kumagai?
Did you ever try to strangle
our chief medical examiner?
- You want me to repeat the question?
- No, I heard the question.
It was brought to my attention
that he had concealed
evidence in another case.
Uh, I mean, or at least improperly
failed to make me aware of it.
And so things got heated
between the two of us and, um
I regretfully got phys physical.
You regretfully tried to choke him.
No, I did not choke him.
Okay, when tempers flared
- and you grabbed him by the throat
- By the lapel.
Okay, when tempers flared
and you grabbed him by the lapel,
did you decide to do that
or did you just snap?
I'm not sure what the question is.
Did you decide to do that
or did you just snap?
How about Mr. Ratzer,
when you repeatedly
punched him as we saw in the video?
Did you decide to do that
or did you just snap?
He would not leave.
What would you do? What would you do?
So you snapped.
[REPORTERS CLAMORING] Tommy, over here!
[NICO] Hey, look at me. Look at me.
That was extraordinary.
[RUSTY] This is torture.
It's fucking torture.
I just spend all my days
lying to my family.
When I'm When I'm with them,
all I wanna do is be with you.
The rest of your life, huh?
I don't remember writing that.
Just a line?
Dare I ask, what now?
- [SHUSHES] Hey.
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