Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

The Boss

We worked our way through
Bayle Castle's main quest,
overcoming many obstacles along the way.
Our ultimate goal is to steal the
boss of Play-Ing's debugger stone.
To do that, we needed to get close
to him without being noticed.
We came up with a plan to take advantage
of the main quest instancing,
Main Quest Instance
as well as a few bugs,
and managed to reach
the heart of the castle.
This will move us from the
main quest back to the open world.
I'm thinking it's time we started
looking for a way to log out.
We've all had enough fun.
We've got tons of weapons and items.
We've got invincibility mode too,
so no enemy can touch us.
That's what makes it boring.
There's no point in staying here forever.
Well, you see
We were actually having a
little chat ourselves.
Somebody had a great idea.
Oh, yeah?
What is it? Tell me.
Well, all right.
You wanna log out now, boss?
Talk about a real dipshit!
Boss, did you know we all hate
your senile old ass?
You bastard!
I think it's time for the old man to retire!
Who here is with me?
Amano-san, what's happening out there?
Th-The boss
I don't know what's going on myself!
The Boss
Totally 'grammable.
Look at his cute little eyes!
You made us work long hours for shit pay.
We never liked you in the first place!
Even in the game, you acted
like you were in charge!
We're finally settled in,
and you want to go home?
We've all decided to stay and have fun.
Majority rule, you know?
Are you sure he won't respawn?
I doubt it.
All the other debuggers who
have died just vanished.
If he's lucky, he can log out,
but we can't be sure.
That's the first time you've sounded
like a debugger in ages.
Shush, would you?
Let's go. I don't even want
to see his ugly mug.
Me, neither.
The way the game originally worked,
unlike NPCs, players could revive with magic.
But if he's just left there
and can't log out
What happens to his mind?
Let's be especially careful
to make sure we don't die, too.
Amano-san? You okay?
What do you want to do?
Go get some more vampires?
I'm tired of that.
Here's his debugger stone.
Tesla-san, hurry up and do your thing!
H-Haga-san? Wh-What are you doing?
That takes care of that.
Damn it.
Don't kick it before I can get to you.
Damn it!
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
Damn it! Damn it!
Damn it!
I thought killing him would make a difference.
Of course not.
Lu's not coming back! Nothing's changed!
I don't feel any better at all!
Amano-san, there's still the others.
We need to remove their privileges
by taking their debugger stones.
That won't change a thing—
It will.
As long as this world remains imperfect,
these awful things will keep happening.
But if we fix things, bit by bit,
the world will someday change for the better.
I feel so full all of a sudden.
M-Must be your imagination.
Anyway, let's get out of here.
We're out of potions.
I think we need to come up with a new plan.
If we run into Sakai or the others,
should I use invisibility to cloak us?
No, save your MP in case we need it.
What in the world?
We're nearing the end of
our tower balancing game.
I don't ever want to see
the boss's spire again.
Whoever knocks it over
goes reverse bungee jumping.
Take that one to the lower left next!
Sure thing.
Okay, I'll go with the one
to the bottom right!
Got it!
Man, it was me?
The debris's gonna be dangerous,
so turn invincibility mode on.
Whoa, awesome!
Rest in peace.
You're that one debugger
who actually does his job!
Hey, isn't that Amanocchi?
You're right. What the heck?
Seven debuggers
And they'll all use debug
mode without hesitation.
This is unbelievably bad!
Haga, I'll use invisibility
No! Save your magic!
That's the gate entrance.
We're making a break for it!
That gang of cheaters will kill us instantly!
What were they doing in
the castle, you think?
They legged it as soon as they saw us.
That big dude got Sumida-san.
He's the guy you were talking about?!
I say
we should probably kill them.
Get 'em!
This is for Sumidacchi!
You've got the aim assist on? Nice!
He's tough. Is he in debug mode?
Nah. Knowing him, there's no way.
So he's just tanking the damage?
Okay, time for me to pitch in for once!
Here I go!
Inferno Sphere 8!
You overdid it.
That has to have gotten them.
Wait, he can still run?
How much HP does he have?
He's tough.
Hand of the Dryad.
Take this! And this! And this!
And this! And this! Eat it!
Almost there!
Maybe they think they can survive
if they make it outside
Sucks for you!
You leveled your melee skill way too high!
Are you okay? Haga-san!
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die!
The gate Gotta reach the gate
Yeah, sorry.
Now then
Let's end this already.
While officially banned, organizations of thieves are an absolute necessity
for gathering intelligence on enemy nations. Thus, in this country,
they are tacitly allowed to exist. None can escape eyes of the thieves guild.
Those who commune with spirits and the divine. With the use of special
catalysts and rituals, they can borrow the power of such beings.
Common among races descended from the gods,
such as lord elves and dwarves.
Please don't die, Haga-san!
Who's that? An NPC?
Yeah, the big guy took her with him.
Looks like any old villager to me.
What a weirdo.
So, Haga-san from Nishima Tech
Why not stop being stubborn
and use debug mode?
It might help you escape.
You'll still have to fight
the seven of us, though.
You're just as nasty as the boss was.
Aw, thanks.
What is it, Kana-chan?
Why don't we just let Amanocchi live?
He's a former coworker.
Ah, right. You always used to push him around.
He always hated the boss, too.
He liked the boring, pain-in-the-ass work,
so maybe he'll be useful.
I'm okay with it. What about you?
Hey, Amano!
I don't know why you're with them,
but want to come back?
That's right.
If I had just stayed in the castle,
I wouldn't have had to suffer like this.
Are you sure?
I can join you again?
Just get on your knees and say
you're sorry for running away.
You did something bad, so apologize.
You used to grovel all the time, didn't you?
He's actually going to do it.
That's right. A nice, deep bow.
It's a good look for you, Amano-chan.
You don't have your debugger
stone anymore, do you?
You'll be our slave forever.
I hope you're prepared, Amano-kun.
First off, let's see if we can stand
a hundred people on Amano!
He's dead meat without invincibility mode!
I remember
I always hated you guys' sense of humor.
That's the default spirit magic spell.
The most it can do is blow us
back a few dozen meters.
What's he thinking?
And here we gave him a chance!
Kind of impressive for a low-level dweeb.
You're suspicious! Wait!
Get down here!
The guards are freaking out 'cause
they can't do their patdown.
Halt! Halt, I say!
This is pretty nice. Should we move
around like this from now on?
I've had enough. Let's kill them
as soon as we get back.
That cool?
Fine by me, I guess!
Now, how shall we make him suffer?
Did it work?
Amano-san, I'll lure them
all in front of the gate.
Blast them with Gust when you get a chance!
Push them through the gate! We'll
Loading the Interior Area
Loading the External Area
You know how this place uses the
patdown to buy time to load the map?
I get it. That means if they're blasted out
of the gate before the map loads
Yes. Their games should be frozen.
Nikola-san, grab their debugger
stones and potions.
I thought we were goners this time.
I-I'm saved.
That was close.
I just broke out in the shakes.
Hey, Haga
Do you think they're still conscious?
I don't know.
I hope they've logged out.
It's possible they'll stay here,
frozen like that forever.
Well, what are you gonna do now?
We'll go back inside.
With them and the boss gone,
we need to figure this place out.
You really do take your job seriously.
What about you, Amano-san?
I'm thinking of going back
to Lu's village, I guess.
Any plans to join us in
debugging after this?
I don't know if it's safer or more
dangerous to stick with them.
It would make me happy
if you came with us, too.
I don't know what we would've done
without you this time.
Nikola-san, let's hit the guilds in town
tomorrow to find you a new job.
A new job?!
I can't go on Huzzah!
We need new equipment, too. We'll be busy.
And tonight, we can splurge
a little and stay at an inn.
Leave the price haggling to me!
Okay, sounds like a plan.
Hey, what did you do to them?
I thought they killed you!
So you can respawn? The game allows it?
Nah, I didn't respawn.
I had a soul stone.
They protect you upon death.
Glad I kept one on me, just in case.
Did you use debugger mode to get that?
Don't get the wrong idea. I crafted it myself.
It took a ton of rare materials.
It was one of my little secrets.
A soul stone
I remember reading about them in the manual.
But when I checked in your room,
you were definitely dead!
And it took you a long time to come back.
How does that work?
You really care about the little stuff, huh?
True to the rumors.
He said one of his little secrets.
So if I kill him again
Die! Die, die, die!
Let me go, damn it!
You guys are debugging
the game as you go, right?
I'm planning on playing through myself,
so I can log out.
But I'm down my debugger stone now.
There's no point in us fighting, right?
Why don't we work together—
Hell no!
You killed Lu!
You'll pay, you piece of shit!
The village girl you crushed!
An NPC, huh?
I see.
Amano-san, without his debugger stone,
he can't do anything bad anymore.
We can just leave him.
Shut up! Shut your mouth!
Your name's Haga, right?
You're serious about playing this
damn game without debug mode?
Yes. What of it?
If our goal is the same, then join me.
At least, I'd like it if you would.
But it's not happening, huh?
I'm sorry.
If we both follow the story,
we'll see each other again.
Let's try to log out alive, shall we?
Oh, they're frozen, huh?
Look at your dumb ass now, Sakai!
So this is the real King Bayle.
Yeah, the Mad King.
Capture all the Seekers,
who are the root of these disasters!
Yes, sire!
Looks like the link with the
main quest is working fine.
Let's go.
Wow, that was scary.
Satisfied now?
You've had enough, right?
There's no reason to stick around here.
Yeah. They've started rebuilding the castle,
and the map's being restored as well.
Law and order within the game
should return to normal.
I guess it's finally over.
What a long day that was.
Right? Let's hurry up and find an inn!
One with nice, soft beds!
There's a way to bring that Lu girl back.
If you want to know it,
let's make a secret deal.
What does that bastard want?
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