Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Blast from the Past

Jaidev, got the list?
Sent it on the number you mentioned.
please tell me what's going on.
I've been offered
this by others as well.
Won't be so for long.
I just gave your wife all the dirt on
Sarvesh Pathania.
How do I believe you
I'll get immunity from
fraud cases against me?
And don't give me that crap
about an enemy's foe is a friend.
We'd rather remain enemies.
We needn't be friends, Mr Arora.
Enemies with benefits.
You mean other benefits
besides transferring
your cash into ghost accounts!
Just one.
Until I am supposedly abducted,
I need to hide somewhere
in your hotel.
- Yes, Brijesh?
- Madam,
our dear friend Pawankumar's, finger prints matched.
He can't escape now.
Okay, Brijesh, you know what to do.
Okay, madam.
- Prince!
- Mom, dad, Prince is here.
I'm fine.
Oh, son Prince.
Where had you gone.
My son. I am fine.
- Sit down.
- Careful.
You'll be fine. Careful.
Where did they take you?
Who were they?
I don't know.
They thrashed me.
Then they drugged me
and kept telling me
to confess in the court.
I'm fine.
You're bruised, son. Check his wounds.
- Are you okay, son?
- Yes.
On one hand,
you froze his crypto currency accounts
and on the other, he whisked the same
amount from your home.
But he made a mistake in the bargain.
That's where I doubt.
He made a mistake?
It's not the first time.
His earlier mistake got him arrested.
Madam, the bank has filed a case.
There's some credit card fraud worth
Take a look.
Our team chanced upon an
unusual thing during investigation.
Credit card defaulters
across the country cleared
their debts suddenly.
Debts worth millions got
cleared across places at one go.
Isn't it too much of a coincidence?
So we interrogated
and got to know someone
made them an offer.
In lieu of clearing their debts,
he wanted their credit cards.
But you know what's
weird about all of this?
Each of them gave a
different description of him.
One said he's 20, another said he's 60.
He used the defaulters' credit cards
to make legitimate investments
and put the cards on defaulters list.
But his bad lack, despite the IP scramble.
he left his digital footprint behind.
We started watching him after our first
After the Ahmedabad con.
Upon checking the CCTV footage and
a classic black to white scheme
those credit cards led me to Prince.
After the Ahmedabad con,
2+2=4 was a no brainer.
There was something
fishy about this guy.
We activated our network of informers
and then we matched Prince's timelime
with the conman's
and it was a perfect match.
He was busted.
Doesn't it all seem too convenient?
What do you mean?
That man has been taking
the system for a ride.
Why would he make the silly mistake
of leaving his address behind?
It was like an open invitation
to blow off his cover.
You underestimated him.
you're overestimating him.
And he's underestimating
the crime branch.
The credit card theory
wasn't sufficient in court.
We need something solid
to stand strong in court.
And now we have that.
- Hello?
- Madam,
Pawankumar is back.
You can see
Indistinct chatter
Indistinct chatter
Pawankumar, who abducted you?
How did you get injured?
Tell us, Pawankumar.
Don't keep mum.
Are you being set up?
The people and media are with you.
Is Sarvesh Pathania behind this?
- Tell us.
- I have nothing to say.
- Please leave me alone.
- Who are you shielding?
Please leave us alone.
Pawankumar, tell us.
We're with you.
Pawankumar, you must speak.
Pawankumar, the media's with you.
Stop, don't go.
Answer us, Pawankumar.
Pawankumar Bawaria,
accused of man fraud cases
was abducted some days ago.
He returned home injured yesterday.
The police hasn't yet declared
who abducted him.
Pawankumar is under trial
for many fraud cases in Delhi court.
Let's know what the people think about
What do you think?
Is Pawan Bawaria truly guilty?
No way. Pawan Bawaria is innocent.
He has been set up.
What about the police and authorities?
The police are puppets
of the influential.
Pawan's family insists he's innocent
but the crime branch
has a different take on it.
It's for the people to decide if he's a
conman or a common man.
this will all end soon.
It's true.
I'm pregnant.
That's great news.
I'm not sharing my joy with you.
You have to decide.
Are you really innocent?
No trace of abductors due
to inefficiency of the cops.
here cool down with hot black coffee.
Police are ignoring the common man and
Madam, ignore these bytes.
Posing as a victim,
he's gaining public sympathy
to get the judge to sympathise with him.
The court relies on facts not emotions.
Exactly, madam.
I have a fact to share.
10 years ago, Pawan and
his family had to flee overnight
from Ranikhet and settle in Nainital.
What could be the reason?
- Flee from?
- Ranikhet.
It's near Nainital.
Do you like hill stations?
Yes, why?
Pack your bags.
Thank you for the coffee, Brijeshji.
No problem, ma'am.
Investigation comes under police duty.
What's the point of bringing
me along?
Have some patience, Ritu.
I'm good at investigating
and you are at manipulating.
We'll need those skills on this trip.
Let's see.
Yes, ma'am.
His father was sacked
and he dropped out of school due
to financial constraints.
They sold everything
and left 10 years ago.
Why the sudden move?
No idea. Dad called
them a family of cheats.
The boy used to visit a library nearby.
Any idea about places he frequented?
He must've mentioned something.
No, he didn't.
But he was often spotted at one place.
Yes, he worked here.
He was here for almost a year.
What exactly did he do?
Nothing much.
Data entry and repairing work.
He was great with computers though.
Is that all you have?
Thank you.
What the fuck.
Are you making a biopic on Pawan?
This trip was a waste of time.
Have some patience, Ritu.
The trip is not over yet.
We will get what
we want before tomorrow's hearing.
Defence lawyer?
- Your honour, we're also waiting
- Your honour, I guess
Pawankumar Bawaria's lawyer
got abducted today!
Mr Bawaria, this isn't the only case
I'm hearing today.
Don't you know how
burdened Indian courts are?
I'll set another date.
Your honour,
I can't afford any more delays.
I have no money.
My family's honour and
my career are at stake here.
Do you have a substitute?
Yes, your honour.
Advocate's Act section 32, the court
allows a person to defend himself
even if he's not a lawyer.
It's a fundamental right.
Mr Bawaria, hope you understand
what that request means.
I don't know about mistakes made
but I want to prove my innocence.
Your take?
No objection, your honour.
All right.
Mr Pawankumar Bawaria,
your motion is granted.
Thank you, your honour.
The defence was to present
Preeti in court today.
Is she here?
Do you have any other evidence?
We have evidence, your honour.
Mr Pawankumar Bawaria's
finger prints from his latest con.
Posing as Satish Chaudhary, Pawankumar
pilfered 100 million from Arjun Chautala
but you see smartness and
overconfidence go hand in hand.
Here's the finger print report.
Mr Bawaria?
Your honour, I have one question.
Where did you get these finger prints?
Put curtain to your theatrical,
Pawan Bawaria.
For the record, your honour,
Shaurya Chautala,
the investigating officer of this case,
collected these finger
prints from her house.
The CCTV footage is on this pen drive.
Play it.
Your honour, they're bent
on proving that I'm a cunning conman.
If I were really that cunning,
would I make such a mistake?
I mean, who is that man?
That video is fake and
making up stuff is easy for them.
You're questioning the authenticity of
police investigation.
I'm doing that since day one
ever since I got arrested.
Mr Bawaria,
the court allowed you to defend yourself
not demean public authorities.
- Sorry, your honour.
- It's okay, your honour.
I have a solution to his baseless
We have the CCTV footage
but finger prints evidence can be
questioned in court.
What if instead of highlights
we show a live telecast?
Let's do this, your honour.
Let's match Satish
Chaudhry's prints with
Pawankumar's right here in the court.
I'm ready, sir.
We need your permission, your honour.
Hope that will get us some closure.
Permission granted.
Please call the lab in charge.
Your honour
Sir, I'm ready.
Go on.
Right hand fingers
both thumbs.
You may go.
Sir, these prints belong
to different people.
They don't match.
What? How can that be?
Not matching.
What is he saying?
Your honour,
can we please shut this case
Ms Ritu, there's no match.
Do you have any other evidence?
Yes, your honour.
Nothing can destroy
iron but its own rust.
Your honour, every criminal has a set
So does Mr Pawankumar Bawaria.
A food inspector had harassed his
Then came the Ahmedabad scam.
The victim was a woman, the food
inspector's wife!
When Inspector Shaurya
Chautala blocked all his money,
Mr Pawankumar Bawaria
posed as Satish Chaudhry at her house
and pilfered the amount from her father.
The pattern is very obvious,
your honour.
Attack where it hurts the most.
You're his childhood friend.
You should've learnt
by now that he's lying to you.
I don't believe it.
He's lying.
We're still where we were, Ritu.
You haven't proven anything.
Ajay Chauhan, Kirtan Gada,
Satish Chaudhry or Manjeet Walia.
You couldn't prove
those were my aliases.
As for pattern, tell us
what was my motive against Sarvesh
Your honour, I didn't have a motive
but Inspector Shaurya Chautala did.
I exposed the Manesar Land scam.
Shaurya's father was
involved in that scam.
Mr Arjun Chautala.
Inspector Shaurya is getting back at me.
There was motive, your honour.
Pawan's motive was revenge
against Sarvesh Pathania.
I will help you.
But I have two conditions.
Tell me.
If Prince is innocent,
you won't trouble him.
So the other condition is the real one.
If Prince isn't innocent,
you'll get me,
my unborn child and family a safe exit.
Remember Ashfaq?
Yes, Ashfaq?
- Done?
- Not yet.
The police will come here sniffing.
This is all stolen stuff.
5 minutes.
How will you crack it in 5 minutes when
you've been trying for 2 days?
Billions of signals pass in a second.
5 minutes is a long enough time.
Right, Rizwan?
- No.
- You have 1.5 minutes to go.
Prince, hit center.
You still have 10 seconds left.
It's rightly said
Ashfaq can unlock doors
that even god can't open!
Here's your payment.
Have you cracked the
phone I asked you to?
Yes, I did it yesterday.
What are you doing?
This is an ATM scanner.
When people put in their ATM card,
their details will get copied here
Crack this and sell it credit card
You'll earn 10 times more!
You'll end up losing what
little we have if you do that!
If you're smart, focus on the
right path instead of taking short cuts.
Stop this paltry theft.
What's going on here?
- Sir
- Where's your boss?
The cops are here.
Stay put and don't worry.
I'll be back.
Don't leave from here.
- What's going on?
- Nothing.
- Where's your boss.
- He's inside.
- Was it one of them?
- No.
Nobody will be spared.
We have information.
Nice. Here you are.
- Yes, sir?
- What's happening here?
Sir, it's a cyber cafe.
One of you minions carried out
an ATM scam.
25,000 were stolen.
I know it was one of them.
Tell me who.
Sir, they're kids.
- They
- Kids!
- Look there.
- Banwre.
Banwre, check the place.
Check everything.
- What's that?
- Sir
- Sir, be careful.
- What's this?
- That's expensive stuff, sir.
- Expensive eh!
What all are you hiding here?
- What's this?
- Those are cables.
- I see.
- It's just a cupboard.
We turned it into a door.
There was no space.
I see, this is what you're up to.
This is your empire.
No, sir, it's part of the workshop.
This is where you con people.
Sir, those machines are expensive
so they're kept here.
That boy was right here.
- Right here.
- Sir.
Sir, I did it.
You did? I knew it.
You'll get jailed for sure.
Take him away.
Stealing laptops.
Stealing from ATMs.
- It was credit card theft, sir.
- Credit card!
Your honour, Sarvesh Pathania is
the reason Pawankumar became a conman.
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